Nuclear fallout survivor enjoying the radiation after taking some medicines
I likey. Got very “Escape from Thunderdome” feel to it.
Charr as a whole acknowlege powerful beings that others consider gods. They imply a required characteristic for them to consider any being a god. meaning, they have a specific definition for what a god is and it is shown in their rejection of everyone elses definition.
it really is an apples and oranges situation here but more than that, it is circular reasoning. By their definition a god that is not worthy of worship due to that gods ability to die is not a god. Their definition of what a god is is completly dependant on whether they deem it worthy of worship (Whether or not it’s omnipotent). This implys a couple things;
1- They believe in the possibilty of a God (omnipotent).
2- They weigh known gods in a subconsious effort to find a real one (because they leave the possibility open).
3- They are less cerebraly atheist and more emotionally atheist as a reaction to the percieved betrayal of the titan.
so while they are atheist for all intents and purposes, they have theistic tendancies and are really just wounded theists at heart.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
Great post Urrelles. Charr have a diffrent qualifyer for what a god needs to be. They in fact require it to be a God (Omnipotent) rather than a god (Limited) that the humans worship.
So, while it may sound like the same idea, it really isn’t when charr and humans mighht have a theological discussion. Apples and oranges.
“The Legions are against religion, not magic.”
This. Shaman are untrusted. Not magic users.
My necro is synergetics because it deals with the “interconectivity” of all things. So interconnectivity between life and death works for me.
Though, dynamics could also be a good fit since it deals with the expendibility of thoings (Like bodies).
Statics could also work since you find new ways to use old things (Like bodies).
So, up to you
Im considering making a tiny little heavily armored asuran and i’m leaning towrd warrior just because i like the rifle option as well as the two handed sword.
They seem very cut throat and practical in an individualistic society but I wouldn’t describe them as hyper-violent. Hyper violent seems to indicate that they would be at each other throats in most disagreements but they work pretty well together and with their allies. Even while disagreeing with them.
then you add how pleasent they are to each other as they discuss their violent inclinations towards their enemies and they seem less “Hyper-violent” and more practical.
One on one i’d say the Norn has the advantage. Both grow up in a warrior society but Norn grow up in an individualistic warrior society. Charr are more militant like the romans so their training would depend more on group cohesion than the Norn.
i think a good analogy would be a badger and a bear. Norn are the hulking bear that clearly hold the strength advantage but badgers are so very vicious and also tough in their own right. In a fight a Norn might be able to beat a Charr but it probably wouldn’t be worth it to try.
“a norn who achieves respect from their peers through deeds that might be considered “underhanded” by human standards has still accomplished what the norn value most, and is seen as equal to a norn who has performed more “respectable” acts. "
from GW wiki
you can takeake maximum head size and width ^^ mine looks like a beast made outta muscles with a bold head and beard…. looks very very bad*ss
This. I took biggest and widest head on the thinest body and made a very good looking long haired war paint wearing Native American. The proportions look human but he is still huge next to the other races.