I am amazed by one trait of the people – Blame everything else, and never find blame inside you.
One saying goes – You wont grow up until you learn to take responsibility for your deeds.
I watched a lot of screenshots above, whinning about lose streak and blaming teammates. I payed attention to their build bellow – and i see P/P thief, with full signet utility and simmilar “pro-builds” qq about MAtchmaking.
You complain about higher division players playing agains you? Did it cross your mind that you belong to amber or emerald right now, until good players reach V and VI. And even later, your skills are just not ready yet for Ruby or Diamond, so it is reason why you cannot achieve 50 or more percent win rate, and get stomped by good players. Its harsh truth, but you are not that good, and not entitled to be rubz, diamond, legend, and to constantly rise in divisions.
IF you are staling it means that you are right where you need to be. If you keep losing it means it is too high division for you. If you are on a win streak it means you need to climb higher until you match people with simmilar skill.
Last season i climbed to mid Diamond, solo q. I kept winning one, lose one. All games were close. People with simmilar skill. SO i didnt push it to Legendary, i wasnt entitled to it. I just enjoyed games i had, wich were engaging. I improved my skills, playing vs LEgends and ESL players sometimes, and beeing stomped.
This season i easily climbed to mid III in just few hours, winning 80 percent of games. And currently i am stalling. Why? Cause i currentlz belong there.
Anomaly – I have seen you play. You are a good player. I was matched with you on several games early on. We won a few. We also lost a few to opposing teams that had better compositional player structure (in 1 instance someone on other team "rerolled after seeing our team’s composition – great). You got lucky, and kept moving up (I presume). I am on a downward death spiral. Yet we won a few games together. That means, at least at some point – you and I and our teammates were “skilled.” However, I have now lost 65 games in a row. I don’t think I am at the bottom because all of a sudden, I lost all my skill that I had when I played with you. I got tot the bottom because of bad luck and the new calcs for mmr/pip placement. So yah, I am not sure how to reconcile all of this “skilled v. unskilled” players and their appropriate “placement,” but I don’t see how starting me out at the bottom next season will help me claw my way to the top again through a morass of noobs, newbies and afkers/dcers/“I threw a skill, we lost mid, I quit” players.
For season 3 I would propose that sesson 2 legends and diamonds start first. Four days later the season opens for S2 ruby and sapphire. Four more days and it opens for all the rest including those who didn’t participate S2.
Or they could just start them at a higher division and out of the pip range of newer/not as skilled players.
This is nice constructive advice. I agree with you. However, how do you get in a team with “good players,” especially if your MMR is now abysmal, even if you’re a great player (and yes, I am living proof that can happen).
Also, with all due respect, why has anet developed a system where I must abandon solo q after 12 yrs of playing it. If I wanted a team q only, I would play lol, or wow or raid. I really enjoyed random solo q, but now anet has made it so that “solo players” either need to quit (either pvp or gw2), get relegated to some pit where they can never claw their way to the top, because, honestly, literally, I am being paired now with people who ask how you cap, or where do you go on this map, etc. (obviously brand new to pvp), or “join a team” that “rerolls” or “carries me” or gimmicky “meta builds/meta play styles” every one to death, and then pronounces themselves the “uber players.”
I don’t mind to be a downer or a complainer, but there is something seriously wrong when you hit hotjoin, expecting a random group, and the opposition is a team on ts, w/ gimmicky builds, “rerolling” after they scope out the opposition, and other bs. I don’t know what this “new” pvp system is, but as an old school player, it feels very punishing, gimmicky, off-balanced, and not reflective of who the good players vs. bad players really are. Just sayin.
Let’s put all the selfish, I’m winning/I’m losing aside…
The current PvP tournament is very very hard on low MMR players; people in small groups and those with a high MMR are winning well over 50% of their games, meaning they are NOT being matched against people of their skill… So who is giving these players their winning streaks and the easy ride to higher divisions? The low MMR people / people who are new to the game.
There is a very sharp line here, if you get your MMR high enough you will walk through the divisions…
What Anet has done here which is classic, is that they have made this game HELL for people new to PvP or people who have a low MMR, (either through bad luck with AFKers or average/low skill).
What will happen next? Well all the new people are not going to touch PvP, why would they??? WvW has already been demolished by a short sighted strategy and now it looks like PvP is going the same way…
There is little point suggesting that maybe people should average out to win 50% of matches so that everyone enjoys PvP, Anet are not going to change anything until the next season. The forum on this will remain polarized with people losing every game complaining and people winning every game with 10+ win streaks saying that PvP is finally fixed… The balance implemented on the tournament is exactly unbalanced.
So what can you do?
If you are losing every match but you don’t usually: Get in a team with good players and play until your MMR is higher and then go back to solo q
If you are losing every match but you normally lose more than 50% of matches: Practice with friends to improve
If you are winning every match: Team up in small groups with friends who are good but are having a tough time… and don’t be bad winners, you will put off the next generation of PvP players from playing again
I got rank 12 by doing pvp in RA – solo que – totally random – the hard way. NO ts.
I’ve read all the posts here. I am having issues with what is said, and the new system. Last season, all people did was deliberately throw matches, deliberately losing, so they could lower mmr, only to then pair with their guildies or friends, and then blast thru poor teams and soar to the top in a winning blitz. I was a recipient of the endless games of afkers and endless dcer’s and endless stand outside the cap zone, barely throw a skill every 1 min, etc. etc. It got really infuriating. People were so INCREDIBLY toxic. I reported obvious people endlessly, and in most instances kindly, until they started gross abuse, then I was rude back.
I saw no change in the system. Nice, constructive people encouraged me to hang on to Seas. 2. I have always solo qued. People hate me, cuz I call them out for their obvious match manipulation, and you would too if u were a good player, solo queing 100% of the time, and being forced to be a recipient of match manipulation and abuse ENDLESSLY.
So I made it to ruby thru sheer determination, and was 2 pips away from diamond, on the last 2 days of the season, when the near the end of the season, ppl starting throwing ALOT of matches again to try to tier up/level up just before the end. I went down to the last tier of ruby. I hung in there, my mmr was about 49%.
So I start new, solo q again. KK I get it, Im going against diamonds w/ their diamond friends in pairs, etc., and Im w/ some stray noobs, some good, some avg. some w/e. However, the same thing starts happening. I start experiencing people throwing matches/loses, cuz they haven’t read patch notes and don’t know it wont work this time around (I say hallelulah, rt? – about the patch rt?). I tell them not to do it, that it isn’t smart = they tell me to – well, u know. More toxic. More LOL/Lord of the Flies abuse. I shut up and play and play and play. I played primarily meta guardian and meta reaper.
I was rank 12 pvp in Gw 1 earned the hard way in random arena solo que, and max title on all other pvp arenas offered in gw1. I have played gw1 and 2 since beta both. People know me, people hate me. But I am silent except when people espouse religion, politics, or they match manipulate, hack or otherwise abuse the system.
I love to play GW. I play it constantly. I am an avid pvper and wvw and pveer. I am a good player. I love the game, and just wish people would play it fair, as it was intended. You know – actually play, not manipulate/hack/afk/ etc (which in my old school book is the equivalent of cheating – tho I know people like to split hairs about this topic).
Anyways, my point is this. I am now caught in a death spiral. I have lost 65 games in a row basically (an occasional win here and there). I am kind when I play. I offered advice on smart strategy (they never take it – they do what they want) and I am at the absolute BOTTOM of the barrel of players. I feel caught in the Twilight zone and know of NO WAY OUT/UP! I do not join teams. I solo que. I hate ts.
Is there any NON TOXIC advice people can offer (Ive heard every piece of toxic filth a person can hear on gw and in real life – so save it for someone else if ur just gonna post a nasty reply) to help me up into the higher ranks where the people are better.
Oh, also, I am consistently the highest scorer in the game (yes, I know high score does not necessarily mean squat in pvp), but I think it is illustrative of the fact that I am doing more of the right things/playing better than my teammates.Can anyone offer suggestions, because I don’t think Im a bad or mediocre or even an average player, yet I just can get out of the dregs. Literally, in some games, I am the only one playing. Cant win a game by yourself. What to do?
Please be nice. Please tell me if theres something Im doing wrong. And if all you have to say, even in a nice way, is that I am a sucky player, please just don’t say it. I don’t want to be told to go to pve to practice one more time (and no, I don’t think when people say that it is true, I think they are just trolling/mad/mean) so save your breath and time and mine cuz its just gonna roll off a duck’s back.
I am actually looking for constructive advice. Is there a way to solve this as a solo qu’er or am I relegated to the land of the bottom feeders forever?
how exactly did you get rank 12 in GW1 if you hate ts? just iway’d the entire way?
I’ve read all the posts here. I am having issues with what is said, and the new system. Last season, all people did was deliberately throw matches, deliberately losing, so they could lower mmr, only to then pair with their guildies or friends, and then blast thru poor teams and soar to the top in a winning blitz. I was a recipient of the endless games of afkers and endless dcer’s and endless stand outside the cap zone, barely throw a skill every 1 min, etc. etc. It got really infuriating. People were so INCREDIBLY toxic. I reported obvious people endlessly, and in most instances kindly, until they started gross abuse, then I was rude back.
I saw no change in the system. Nice, constructive people encouraged me to hang on to Seas. 2. I have always solo qued. People hate me, cuz I call them out for their obvious match manipulation, and you would too if u were a good player, solo queing 100% of the time, and being forced to be a recipient of match manipulation and abuse ENDLESSLY.
So I made it to ruby thru sheer determination, and was 2 pips away from diamond, on the last 2 days of the season, when the near the end of the season, ppl starting throwing ALOT of matches again to try to tier up/level up just before the end. I went down to the last tier of ruby. I hung in there, my mmr was about 49%.
So I start new, solo q again. KK I get it, Im going against diamonds w/ their diamond friends in pairs, etc., and Im w/ some stray noobs, some good, some avg. some w/e. However, the same thing starts happening. I start experiencing people throwing matches/loses, cuz they haven’t read patch notes and don’t know it wont work this time around (I say hallelulah, rt? – about the patch rt?). I tell them not to do it, that it isn’t smart = they tell me to – well, u know. More toxic. More LOL/Lord of the Flies abuse. I shut up and play and play and play. I played primarily meta guardian and meta reaper.
I was rank 12 pvp in Gw 1 earned the hard way in random arena solo que, and max title on all other pvp arenas offered in gw1. I have played gw1 and 2 since beta both. People know me, people hate me. But I am silent except when people espouse religion, politics, or they match manipulate, hack or otherwise abuse the system.
I love to play GW. I play it constantly. I am an avid pvper and wvw and pveer. I am a good player. I love the game, and just wish people would play it fair, as it was intended. You know – actually play, not manipulate/hack/afk/ etc (which in my old school book is the equivalent of cheating – tho I know people like to split hairs about this topic).
Anyways, my point is this. I am now caught in a death spiral. I have lost 65 games in a row basically (an occasional win here and there). I am kind when I play. I offered advice on smart strategy (they never take it – they do what they want) and I am at the absolute BOTTOM of the barrel of players. I feel caught in the Twilight zone and know of NO WAY OUT/UP! I do not join teams. I solo que. I hate ts.
Is there any NON TOXIC advice people can offer (Ive heard every piece of toxic filth a person can hear on gw and in real life – so save it for someone else if ur just gonna post a nasty reply) to help me up into the higher ranks where the people are better.
Oh, also, I am consistently the highest scorer in the game (yes, I know high score does not necessarily mean squat in pvp), but I think it is illustrative of the fact that I am doing more of the right things/playing better than my teammates.
Can anyone offer suggestions, because I don’t think Im a bad or mediocre or even an average player, yet I just can get out of the dregs. Literally, in some games, I am the only one playing. Cant win a game by yourself. What to do?
Please be nice. Please tell me if theres something Im doing wrong. And if all you have to say, even in a nice way, is that I am a sucky player, please just don’t say it. I don’t want to be told to go to pve to practice one more time (and no, I don’t think when people say that it is true, I think they are just trolling/mad/mean) so save your breath and time and mine cuz its just gonna roll off a duck’s back.
I am actually looking for constructive advice. Is there a way to solve this as a solo qu’er or am I relegated to the land of the bottom feeders forever?
As a necro who never gets invited to anything, this sounds like a great suggestion. I paid the same amount for this game as warriors, and this would help balance the game and allow me to play all content meaningfully like others. Also, really, who wants a world populated with nothing but wrs, guards and mesmers – this type of cookie cutter speed run is what eventually killed off gw and other games – cuz too many ppl were left out and there was nothing to play and players got resentful. This seems like a good solution and it forces players to add balance to their parties. Good suggestion!
Necromancer are not really desirable in PvE/PvP/WvW...
in Necromancer
Posted by: Eater of Peeps.9062
OH I guess I just suck – you’ve all convinced me that Im the prob and necro is WONDERFUL. I guess when the next person kicks me or blasts me in wvw Ill just send them here. Ill spend another 500 g on another set of ascended armor and retool my build for the 40th time and see if I can achieve the awesomeness that you all describe. I must just be incredibly DUMB after 9 years playing pvp/wvw with advanced titles . I must not know wtf I’m doing or talking about. Sorry everyone. Ill just do a reset. Anet must have thought this out carefully, and obviously all of you have figured something else I didn’t.
Necromancer are not really desirable in PvE/PvP/WvW...
in Necromancer
Posted by: Eater of Peeps.9062
First, the complaints about armor, were incidental to the condition dmg mechanics and that armor is not synergized w/ traits, skills and weapons for necros. I think the pt about the armor further was that if the damage/skills are weak, at least buff the armor or synergize it. Also, I see ppl posting about specific builds they like. All I can say is the same Ive said above = I don’t think Im playing wrong since Ive been playing gw for years, I also think that enemies strip all of our main dmg (which is condition dmg primarily), are alerted to our presence wherever we go, and our marks and wells are something that only a moron would stand in, so they are of limited benefit. Once I am snagged I am dead = I’ve got nothing to defend with or escape with. Further, I am sick and tired of running in havoc grps in wvw capturing supply camps, mercs, sentries and once in awhile a building or two getting bags here or there while wrs or thiefs or eles or mesmers or guards get gob and gobs of bags and brag about it endlessly. Really, that;s your response? BE happy with running in havoc grps in wvw cuz we’re so viable in that limited use setting? Oh boy.
And most importantly, ppl responded that necros are not viable/wanted in zergs or pve for the following reasons, etc. (and then different reasons are posted). I’m sorry, but if anet created classes that are not wanted in the bulk of the play of all facets of this game, then that is a serious problem they should immediately address, cuz I am losing interest after years as a faithful and enthusiastic player. It should not be imbalanced period. There should not be overpowered or more desirable or more useful or more balanced classes. That sucks as concept and sucks in practice. Necro is designed for attrition? That pretty much says it all. Wtf. Y is that? It’s really offensive and makes me dislike the game even more.
Finally, moving these threads to the necromancer forum dooms the discussion, just as it does the necro class. NO ONE will read these posts cuz no one cares cuz NO ONE plays necro much anymore, and if they do, they get to feel nice and unwanted by other players and abandoned by anet. Yay, go necro.
Necromancer are not really desirable in PvE/PvP/WvW...
in Necromancer
Posted by: Eater of Peeps.9062
I agree completely. My main is necro, and I an demoralized as a player. I feel like my class is useless. I throw stupid marks on a wall in wvw which immediately alerts the enemies cuz the marks cause crossed swords. When I throw stupid marks on players, they run out of them or remove the conditions. I have tried no less than 13 full builds with different exotic armor combos – all have proven weak and ineffective. I added power to my build, but really, what weapon am I going to use in a zerg that causes power damage – an axe or daggers which hit one or two targets. I thought necro was designed to do mass damage, yet I do very little. I am very tired of hearing people brag about loot bags – I tag tons of people in battles, but almost always die and can’t get my bags or don’t earn them in the first place.
I have had many other players look at my build and my weapons and armor combos – everyone who has seen them says they should do well. I am not a bad player either, having played both gw 1 and 2 since their inceptions and earned high ranking pvp titles in gw 1. The most frustrating thing about being a necro for me is that in a 1 v 1 situation (except in pvp with my ax build) in wvw, I cannot survive a single attack from any level 80 class. I must play in a havoc group or zerg – when I am alone (like running to a zerg when I die) I get easily picked off by any single player, never mind by a havoc group. I have no escape moves, I have no way to survive if I am snagged. I am really tired of throwing circles or doing limited damage with a staff/horn/focus/wand combo or doing limited damage 1 v 1 w/ an axe or daggers.
Necros need buffing big time. No one plays us. No one wants us. No one wants us to use our marks – they alert enemies and interfere w/ healing water marks etc. really frustrating. I guess I will just stand around and be a diversion and get no loot and die and repair and die and repair and die and repair. I’m switching to thief or to gw’s heavily favored class – the berserker hammer warrior. I feel like wvw for necros is turning into Hall of Heroes in gw1 – if you don’t have the cookie cutter class and build you’re not wanted. Thanks a lot anet.