Showing Posts For Fivona.5061:

Party Leader Feature Like Raids...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Can squads enter dungeons, story instances, etc.. since the commander tag/squad rework? I thought this had been disallowed. If so, tagging up is not a solution.

Tag not working in 5-man content.

Party Leader Feature Like Raids...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


In raids commander can lead group… Remove member, Place marks etc.
We need (imo) this in 5-man groups aswell.

Creating party easily with requirements, without asking vote kick.
This will help to deal with careless people who can’t read or don’t care.

Also marks can be very useful for coordination. Make things easier.

But “Commander Tag” won’t be needed for Pary Leader. (named it like this)
So anyone can do it without paying gold.

On side topic.

Block list can be worked for LFG.
When you create party. People within your block list can’t join your party or don’t even see it.

Want to hear your thoughts. Also need some “DEV” attention here.

World Linking 4/28/2017 EU discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Anet should stop playing with world linking.
Just merge them permanently and adjust matchups like that.

I got bored with queues so i switched lower wvw pop server.
Now my world linked with one of the highest. So i am waiting again.

Result=Wasted gems and great frustration.

Let players decide where to play.

(edited by Fivona.5061)

Magic Gathering Tools

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Yes it is good idea.
I have some more. Any of them will do.

-Stacking thing mentioned at first post.
-Make infinite one with huge karma cost.
-Allow us to merge infinite tools from gems with unbound one somehow with lesser cost
-Sell infinite unbound tools with gems.

Side idea.

Make tools stackable and accountwide. Like wardrobe or bank metarial stack.

Elonian elite specialization ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Nice ideas for specializations.

But i think “Elite specialization” is bad design.

Make all specializations equal and don’t change class(profession) name with specialization.
Maybe add 1 more specialization slot for next expansion.
Or expand each specialization with 1 more tier.

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Anet did you visit Bitter Frost lately ?

Issue with lag?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Got lag problem too. Sometimes random DC.
Tracert etc. shows problem in game servers.

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


reporting a specific individual

The farming has definitely affected the price on specific items

One person isn’t having an impact on the TP by farming. What’s likely to occur is, an items price on the TP reaches a high enough ROI, and it is farmed by many. Collectively this has occurred after vast complaints on the forums like with vials of blood, linen, leather, platinum doubloons, Charged Lodestones, Essence of Light, etc. Once the demand is fulfilled and/or diminishes, price drops reducing the ROI. It’s a simple feedback loop that self repairs the market. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with farming. If it’s botted in some fashion, then yes that’s an issue. Though no one should be reporting anyone for simply killing the same mobs or gathering the same items. Farming is a form of game play and it’s good for the market.

You heard “THE AFK FARMER”. Now moving on next….

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Cheating, Abusing Game Mechanics, Hacking, Botting “Allowed” in Guild Wars 2.

No, it’s not, so please stop saying otherwise.

Yes it is.
Proof ?
Bitter Frost Frontier since release.

So, if you really believe that, make your choice: either stop complaining and get on the AFK farming train, or go to another game before this one is ruined because you won’t have the same income as the people who do it.

It’s not exactly rocket surgery: if anet really, really do permit this, then your complaining here isn’t going to change their minds, right? It’s not like they are unaware of the situation…

I will complain and salt until this is fixed. Problem ?

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Cheating, Abusing Game Mechanics, Hacking, Botting “Allowed” in Guild Wars 2.

No, it’s not, so please stop saying otherwise.

Yes it is.
Proof ?
Bitter Frost Frontier since release.

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Cheating, Abusing Game Mechanics, Hacking, Botting “Allowed” in Guild Wars 2.

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Opened ticket about this. GM clearly stated this is aganist rules.

Also said…

“Please note, we get hundreds of reports a day and we have to investigate all of them. By the time we get to an “AFK” farmer they may no longer be doing so."

So… Proper fix needed on spawn spots or loot tables to make this unappealing.

Their impact to game eco maybe tiny, but still i hate people abusing game so i will report and laugh(evil) when they lose their farming spots.

(I doubt it will happen, toxic people always wins.)

Stop with PvP ascended items, please!

in PvP

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Bad is bad everywhere. So can’t stop bads.
Got used to them after breaking five keyboards.

Is 1440P Playable?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fivona.5061


I am playing 1440p with max settings. No problems so far.
For crowded places i am setting “Character Model Limit” and “Character Model Quality” to lowest. With that i am getting +40 Fps everywhere. (With max fps gets down to 10fps)
For empty places usally 144 fps. (=Monitor fps)


CPU = 5930k (4000 clocked = Air Cool = 60 C Max)
GPU = 1080 FTW (Stock Clock = 68-70 C Max)
RAM = 32 gb – 3000 mhz
SSD = Sam 950 m2
Board = Sabertooth x99
Case = Mid Tower – Extra fans filled – All fans under %50

Armor Repair feels pointless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


I expect you’re right about it being essentially meaningless now. However to change it would require remaking all the armor in the game so it doesn’t take damage or break, as well as removing the repair stations, taking out repair canisters from the gemstore and from the log in rewards and black lion chests. That’s a fair amount of work and taking the cost of repair out of game is probably the best ANet can do without spending a lot of time in it.

My thoughts exactly.
Maybe removed soon.

Karma to Gold FAST in 2017?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Afk farmers at bitter frost frontier will love this thread.

Pick the most useless skill/trait

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Soo… almost everthing useless ?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


1. Lag
2. Lag
3. Lag
4. Lag
5. Lag

Bad lag these past couple of days.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Really kittened of this, lag spikes every 3 min, /RAGE ON

Please fix this broken game server EU

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Toooooooooooooooooooo much lag spikes, lately, unplayable, not just me, my group , guild everyone says same, FIX NEEDED.

What is this another DDOS attack ?

New, Instantly attacked and reported.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


I don’t give a fk to that people, zero care.

Not even reading chat after some point, or block them all.

Just doing my thing and move along. I suggest same to you.

If you can’t do this, mmo games will make you sad or angry always.

Farm toxicity and fix suggestion!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


I am farming this event yes, but not calling people wanna finish it “put names” .

It should be fixed imo, but i will use it until thn. It is not really exploit, just design failure. (If you find bug and used it get massive profit, thats exploit)

All of this toxicity around there , because of fail game design, i hope anet will improve it at gw3. (or whatever next)

Triple Trouble need nerf or better scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


I guess only people reads title and answers, because they are spilling unrelated bllkitten only.

Triple Trouble need nerf or better scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Most of you missing my point, i don’t want encounter nerf to make it boring.

Scaling nerf means , random people with no experience and leechers will effect your group less.

I suggest first learn meaning of scaling and how it works, before whining and trolling. (Gief free items)

Challenging game encounter doesn’t mean you must deal with random people. Thats not GAME challenge.

They can make harder and harder if they only put that event in instance (like dungeon). I wil be happy.

So i can make my own group (guild-friends etc) and deal with it.

Challenging event in “low lvl-open world” with absurd scaling, thanks no.

(edited by Fivona.5061)

I'm not having fun with this class.

in Ranger

Posted by: Fivona.5061


So don’t play ranger…….

The Joke Class

in Ranger

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Please be so kind and learn to play.

if you think the LB changes aren't OP

in Ranger

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Learn 2 dodge, like you have to dodge every other burst class that people QQ about.

Warrior QQ
Thief QQ
Mesmer QQ
Ele QQ
Necro QQ
Engi QQ
Guardian QQ

and now, finally, rangers have QQ too. Looks balanced to me.

Rapid fire needs adjustment

in Ranger

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Reading all of your previous posts, you clearly have much to learn.

PvE Ranger: So How Are They Now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Ranger is great in PVE, you can adapt in everything.

Full zerker ranged and melee dps.
Full support.
Support pets, dps pets, tank pets.
Tanky Melee dps-support meta.

Anyone calls ranger “scrub” class, They are ignorant or never met decent ranger.

Rangers still hated, even though...

in Ranger

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Ranger is great in pve and pvp after last pack,

Anyone still think it is bad, should go and hide under rock.

Because they are stupid and ignorant.

New SILVER Fed Salvage-O-Matic

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fivona.5061


This is forgetten ? Really Anet cares about forums ?

So about those bots and hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Hackers.. Bots… The Nightmare comes again …. -.-

Triple Trouble need nerf or better scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Only few people think this is problem ? Want to hear more.

What Next?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Start another mmo, come back again for gw3

Triple Trouble need nerf or better scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Necroing this for discussion.

I think its overkill for a world boss (random-pug-starter-new-afk-leechers-whatever)
If you organise group, random people came in and scales up, making it harder.
Even you done it, rewards not that worthy, (Do achiev and forget)

What i suggest ? Nerf scaling, make it doable if enough players doing what is needed.

(edited by Fivona.5061)

Has Anet acknowledged problems with GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Don’t like zerkers or trash skipping? Make your own group and write down your requirements. Like-minded players will join you and zerkers will avoid you.

If you join a group with requirements you don’t fulfill, you can’t complain when you get kicked.

I am not saying there isn’t a problem with the content, but ppl complain about zerking like they are being forced to be one, when the that is completely false. No one is forcing you to be a zerker and join them.

If you really believe what you said,

You are new to mmo games.
You always playing with your friends and never pug.

If game allows easier, everyone forced to do that.
If you gonna form your own group aganist this, probably you will find none.

ex for gw2 :
LFM Dungeon – Zerg or GTFO
Non-zerker guy here = kick – insult – call names
You are wasting my 20 second – F…………………………..

%90 of community behave like this or accepting this.

and no i don’t have friends to play with me all time.

Hard Content please.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


“Butterflies and Unicorns.”

We got it, you can stop saying it now.

“Butterflies and Unicorns.”

Has Anet acknowledged problems with GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Gonna speak for only dungeons..

- Increase mob overall damage slightly and other tweaks. (Think again before going full zerk gear)
- Remove in-boss-fight reviving. (High cooldown skills only able to revive)
- Increase downed penalty in boss fights. ( ex: if you down again in 60 sec , you will be defeated)
- Remove trash mob skipping. (They will follow you wherever you go)
- Add gating system. You can’t advance further in dungeon before you kill certain mobs.
- Reduce amount of trash mob in dungeons.
- Make some of the boss abilities un-dodgeable.
- Make trash killing rewarding. (More loot chance – compared open world monsters)
- Increase daily dungeon complete reward.

Go full zerk – rush – rush – rush, = farm- farm – farm -farm – grind – grind.

I hate this, very poor design for dungeons.

Gw2 needs challenging instanced content,
Raids and roles.

9th Profession Theme ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Golemancer. (Something like aethertech at AION with gw2 theme)

Two fighting style,
-In golem.
-Wielding ranged weapon and golem as pet.

will never find its way into the game, because golemancers are a racial profession of Asuras. Forget them.

Asuras can teach other races :O

9th Profession Theme ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Golemancer. (Something like aethertech at AION with gw2 theme)

Two fighting style,
-In golem.
-Wielding ranged weapon and golem as pet.

Are you excited for the Feature Pack?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fivona.5061


When it gonna be live ? we are in 9

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fivona.5061


We want

Half-fed salvage-o-matic…

..and no its NOT funny!

Minion AI Issues

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fivona.5061


Same problem, very annoying…

New SILVER Fed Salvage-O-Matic

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fivona.5061


I got it.. hoping for price adjust devs.

Cost per use should be same or lower thn master salvage kit.