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Proud Resident of Mercenary Server Sanctum of Rall | 6 Year Extra-Life Charity Event Participant
We’re on Sanctum of Rall which was named after a Tuatha Member Roger “Oldroar” Rall who passed away while waiting for this game to go live.
I find the best way is by humiliating them in a quick flashfire approach. Discouraging your foe is the quickest way to end a fight. However getting your people to play along is a tough one.
We’ve a lot of times let them break the door rush in with balista’s and arrow cards waiting inside. to the flanks. Then have 3 drop from the oil and close the door behind them. Usually the fight is over in a few seconds and unless they are filled with youth who you can repeatedly kill over and over and over, they wont be back. The flashfire approach saves you a lot of time in the long run and demoralizes their troops while invigorating your own.
Sorry to burst your bubble Adaneshade . Passes cookies does that help
In all seriousness I’ve seen quite a few old school DAOC groups giving GW2 a rebirth. I wouldn’t be surprised if you find some old friends out there. It’s always good to run across people you met so long ago. That’s why we all MMO isn’t it. For the community and comradery. We still have a young lady that played with us in DAOC that was in her 70’s back in 2003 and shes still gaming with us today. There’s kids playing with us that I remember when they were born
. What we strive to create is long lasting friendships that bleed over from game to game and sometimes even into the otherworld they call real life
. If it wasn’t for the community aspect of MMO’s I wouldn’t play them at all.
Nope. We are from Nimue originally
Tuatha Social Gaming Community
A Collaboration of Like Minded Guilds, Clans, and Families to create a fun & friendly gaming experience while keeping the uniqueness of each individual group intact. Meet people, make friends, develop new relationships, and have a blast doing it.
The Tuatha Social Gaming Community is designed to expand the social gaming experience beyond the limits of modern day MMO’s. While some games can limit players to 10 guild alliances, the Tuatha is designed to expand past these barriers allowing for more cooperation, a larger player base to network with, and the resources to enjoy the games we play to their fullest ability.
The overall goal of the Tuatha is to help establish new friendships, relationships, and create unity among those that participate in the community. Through our regular weekly in-game events to our out-of-game nationwide Meet-and-Greet tour. Players who embrace the Tuatha will find a more social side of the games we play while meeting new people and having a great time doing so.
From our first venture in Warhammer Online we have been bound by a simple code of conduct; Blades out, Not In. Which means that at no time should a member ever attack another within the Tuatha (No Infighting). This is our only rule and allows us to continue to grow without restrictions or weak points.
Who’s Involved
The Tuatha has been an extended community for many for almost 5 years. It allows guilds both large and small to broaden their player pool and see all that the game has to offer. The guilds, clanns, and communities listed below have participated in our Tuatha Social Gaming Community and still play an active part in the games they chose to play. In it’s history the Tuatha has been home to 93 guilds and spans 3 games.
Current Guild Wars 2 Participants:
Bellum Aeternus
Captain Jacks
Dexteram Family
Dragons of Eternity
Harbingers of Light
Heavens Royal Knights
Knights of Steele
Obsidian Guard
Penumbra Effect
Tuatha Features & Benefits
A Family Based Community – The focus of the Tuatha is to create a unified front for all guilds, large and small, to collaborate, share, and experience all that the game has to offer.
A Casual Friendly Environment – We allow players and guilds to play as often as they like, participate as much as they like, and vacation as much as they like. We are a no strings attached community.
A Resource – The Tuatha provides players with a chance to gain experience and learn from others in a friendly environment.
What We Are Not:
An In Game Alliance – There is no need to break existing alliances or friendships. We operate entirely out of game and in game via as separate chat channel viewable by Tuatha Members only.
A Dictator – We do not tell members or guilds how to play, when to play, or how much to play. Each house is under their own control. The only rule we share is “Blades Out, Not In”
An Elitist Group – The Tuatha is not just for the elite gamer, we welcome members of all skill levels.
Who Are We Looking For?
Interested in Joining or want to know more?
Play how you want, when you want, as long as you want.
This is not a guild recruitment. This is a declaration of our policy and our stance on cheating. This has nothing to do with guild recruitment.
Yes pretty please with sugar on top. If Guild Sizes are an issue in the stability of the game then give us the ability to removed “Dead Accounts” and trim some of the fat.
I know we have a few mesmers who enjoy the game of hide and seek and I can tell you first hand that they are pretty good at playing the game that way. Bypassing the wall when a Mesmer is inside is the same as Rezing people in that we used in DAOC and in WAR. It’s nearly the same mechanic. You need to check the keep better. 1 Person could check the whole thing IF the person hiding wasn’t moving. A lot of times you can “Follow” the guy searching for you and stay out of his sight while remaining close to them. There are also little caves to the West of the West Castle underwater that provide excellent hiding spots.
Hide & Seek is not an exploit. It’s a lack of security on the defending side. I mean would you lock a thief in a bank and complain you got robbed unfairly? When you secure a building you go floor to floor checking for hostiles. The same is true in WvW. If you don’t have a team working together to clear the castle of all hostiles chances are you will have 1 or 2 that stay behind to get their unit through outer defenses. It’s a breach in security that was left open by the defense.
NOW If one of our members was seen getting to an area that you can’t possibly get too and found a way to warp inside the castle from the outside then yes I’d be most interested to know who has done this. But knowing my Mesmers, they were inside all along. They’ve waited inside for hours for the right opportunity to strike.
Bottom Line: Clear The Objective of All Hostiles before you leave. There’s no patch, no prevention, no safeguard for lazy.
I do however hope that ArenaNet gives some official word on whether the hiding inside technique is legit or an exploit in their eyes. If it’s deemed exploit then we wont be doing it. As a show of good faith I’ll have my crew cease and desist the use of mesmer portalling until such official word has been given.
lol we posted at the same time. You know what they say about great minds
It would be really nice to have these aliases added for / commands. Would simplify guild management quite a bit.
/ginvite <ArenaNet ID>
Invites User to Currently Represented Guild
Example: /ginvite User.1234
/gpromote <ArenaNet ID>
Promotes User 1 Rank
Example: /gpromote User.1234
/gdemote <ArenaNet ID>
Demotes User 1 Rank
Example: /gdemote User.1234
/gmodify <ArenaNet ID> <Rank Name>
Moves User to Rank Name
Example: /gmodify User.1234 Officer
/gkick <ArenaNet ID>
Kicks a User From The Guild
Example: /gkick Troll.6666
/gmotd <Message>
Sets the Guild’s MOTD
Example: /gmotd Slash Commands would make life so much easier!
Allowing us to use slash commands allows us to better implement tools to help guilds run their organization. Right now finding a person to promote in a list of hundreds takes quite a bit of time. Time better spent leading fun activities for people.
With these simple slash commands I could macro my promotions list to my G11 keyboard, invite all the new people, promote those needing promotions, and kick anyone who’s blacklisted all in a matter of minutes. This would save me a ton of time and ensure that my time is spent playing the game instead of managing a roster.
It would be great to have some official server forums for members of a realm to coordinate and discuss server activities. Right now we have to announce them in front of everyone which tends to flow too fast for most people to see the post let alone interact with it. Would be really nice to have dedicated server forums.
Added the contact info for reporting exploits to ArenaNet. Sooner we report them the sooner they can get fixed.
I would also like to suggest that after you send me an email, also report them to ArenaNet at: along with how they managed to pull off the exploit. Any help we can give ArenaNet to plug these holes will go a long way to making WvW a more enjoyable experience for all.
I personally have and would report a Gaiscioch I saw cheating or maliciously exploiting the game mechanic. I have no issues getting them banned from a game because of it. It’s highly disrespectful and will not be tolerated.
(edited by Foghladha.2506)
Greetings WvW Junkies,
I know lately some tempers have been flared, accusations made, and I see our name coming up quite a bit. I want to encourage anyone who see’s a Gaiscioch [GSCH] member being rude in chat, cheating, exploiting, or otherwise being a jackwaggon to send me a screenshot directly to: I will be more than happy to introduce them to the door. As expected when the family elders sign on people behave differently when we are not. I am more than willing to take this on head up if someone gives me the direction to such needle in this very large haystack.
I would like to share with you the credo that ALL members of the Gaiscioch are bound too.
Our House Rules:
Blades Out, Not In
An ancient Celtic family rule which states that one member of the family shall not turn their blade on their family. Hate and Rage are to be pointed outwardly at the foes invading our lands. Love and Companionship are to be pointed inward at the family. Attacking a member of the family can result in dismissal and will be dealt with swiftly by each family leader.
Our Credo
I will honor the community by acting in a manner that speaks of our kindness, I will refrain from activities that would dishonor the community, and I will honor the requests of the community elders. I will fight my opponents with honor, giving them a fair fight. I will not spawn camp, grief, cheat, or harass my opponents. I will encourage them to fight and win my battles with the highest of honors.
I will respect those around me both within the community and outside, I will act in a manner which speaks of our benevolence and kindness, and I will not disrespect the community by engaging in spiteful comments or actions even when provoked.
I will hold our community’s integrity close to heart and I realize that my actions directly affect that of the whole community. I will say what I do, and do what I say. I will not fall back on promises or make false claims.
I will meet others with open arms and welcome those who cross our path. I will act in a welcoming way and ensure that those who participate in our events feel welcome whether they are part of the community or not.
Our Etiquette Guideline:
Think We Not Me (Push Vs Pull)
When asking for help from the Community try to avoid wording your request as such that you are asking someone to do the work for you. A statement such as “Can someone help me with this quest?” is a request, it pushes your objective on others, however a by rewording your statement to “I am organizing a group for this quest, If you are interested let me know.” you create an invitation, which pulls members of similar interest to you. Both mean the exact same thing however one expresses that you are looking out for your community and not just for yourself. This in turn will encourage shared adventures. After all, a community is not about you or I, it’s about us.
Play How You Want, When You Want, As Long As You Want
Our community is a casual gaming community and with this we do not tell people how to play, when to play, or how long to play. Our members are free to come and go as they please without the fear of exile or grudges being bore. They can play as much or as little as they like.
Conversation & Raidcall
The synergy of a community can turn ugly at any moment. Conversation within the community needs to have clear boundaries to prevent bad blood and hostile attitudes from forming. We ask that all members keep the RaidCall and community chat child safe at all times. We have a lot of families that game together and we do not wish to cause heartache.
In addition please refrain from discussing religion, politics, and other heated debate prone topics. We do not need unnecessary divides within the community. Trolling is strictly forbidden and falls under the “Blades Out, Not In” Rule and will result in removal from the community.
Using Community Efforts For Self Profit
Please do not use the Marketplace, or Family Vault to profitize your gaming experience. We do not seek profits from within the family and at no time should you claim the work of others to turn a profit. This is also considered part of the “Blades Out, Not In”
If you feel a member of our family does not uphold these items please by all means send me an email and I will deal with them swiftly. The Gaiscioch was founded around server community building and any act against our goal is a banishable offense. As with any game launch we see an initial flood of new people and it takes a few months to figure out which ones fly and which ones sink. I thank you for your understanding.
Benjamin Foghladha
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.