Showing Posts For Gotejjeken.1267:


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Simple issue, simple solution.

Add SB to the weapons affected by eagle eye.

As long as it is 1200 unit range base.

Suggestion: Minor Shortbow Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Yes, pets need FAR more access to shadow steps and teleports. If it can’t hit at least make it unpredictable. The old Jaguar used to be perfect for this (the catsassin)…but then anet you know, did anet stuff.

WvW Roaming Vid #3

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Nice. The lack of CC against you is astounding.

I’m still debating myself between traveler runes and the trapper runes.

Ranger better in HoT?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I just want a specialization with a hammer. Maybe next year…

Deselecting Target Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Is anyone else experiencing this? I used to be able to deselect a target by using ESC, however now when I hit ESC the menu comes up and the target remains selected. Any idea how to fix this or another way to deselect a target?


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


In regards to GS, if they kite you always have swoop as a gap closer. If that fails you have counter attack (works great against LB rangers), and it also works if they stealth (backstab).

For me, SB suffers in these areas. If a thief stealths or LB ranger starts a RF chain, I am forced to switch off to one of the swords for the evades. Since I’m condition heavy that sword is going to be OH sword, and then we have the whole issue of using hornet sting / monarch leap to go in the correct direction in a high pressure situation.


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Even if the SB autos scale equally to GS autos, it doesn’t matter if they pop reflection or stealth. In that case only the GS can still be effective.

Which is why I am so torn on SB vs. GS right now. SB is great high pressure and allows kiting, however it is just countered too hard by stealth…and stealth is EVERYWHERE right now. Thieves can stealth (obviously), trap rangers stealth, mesmer’s stealth…


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


SB mathematically scales a bit better with power on the autos than GS. It in no way out damages it in cleave situations or if you factor in Maul.


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Not to derail the topic but being a new ranger it was my assumption that short bows are for conditions or bleeds, and to spin them up rather quickly. Compared to long bows that have range and do more damage.

Mind you I was not playing the ranger when SBs had more range. I was on my Guardian at the time so ignorance is bliss And has I have stated a few times, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing when I equip a short bow –

At one point I think Anet agreed, SB was supposed to be a condition / soft CC weapon.

Then people complained about the rate of fire, so ‘animation fix’. Then people complained about longbow being terrible (oh the irony with today’s topics), so they nerfed the range. With those nerfs the shortbow became a ‘skirmishing weapon’. They then left it to rot as its HoT time and staff, etc. etc.


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


If we are talking about flanking, then we should be talking about extra damage if you hit from the back. You know, like backstab.

It’s really threads like this why nothing will ever change. We have some people talking about WvW, some PvP, some PvE, some say the bow is fine, some want it changed…

So Anet, taking the path of no resistance, will leave it.

For now, I think I’m taking GS over SB, even for a hybrid build. They have very similar functions save for the #2 skill, and GS #3 blows SB #3 out of the water.


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Unless you spec quickness..but that is pretty far into the BM line.

In any case, I agree with less reliance on the auto. It is so easy to counter that it is unreal.

Which is why I keep going back to AOE, as I feel that is the only way to add synergy to the weapon, allow for group situations, and combat stealth mechanics. That is, it is a skirmishing weapon that totally falls apart when the target goes invisible as it is single target LOS. Against thieves this is especially bad as even if they are visible they can just start spinning and you eat your own arrows.

Also the SB is terrible for chasedown an flanking anyway when we could just use either sword to perform that function much, much better. Which is ironic as a melee weapon gives more mobility then a ‘skirmishing’ one.


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Even as a hybrid weapon, I feel the SB doesn’t really have a role. Like MH axe for instance has a role as a utility weapon. You have a shotgun bleed, a chill, and whatever might stacking you can get out of the AA. This lets you set up combos with other weapons.

SB on the other hand is supposed to be ranged pressure, however its only 900 range. IF you are at 900 range, the #2 skill is useless, because for that you have to be pretty point blank. So if you are point blank, you use the #3 skill to get out of range, however the #4 skill is a cripple so you need to be in range to take advantage of it…

The only thing that makes any sense is the #5 skill. It’s an interrupt. Yay.

I REALLY want some kind of buff to make the SB usable. It was my first ascended weapon, and I have a sigil of torment on it, which could be really useful if it had any followup whatsoever.

So I go back to the AOE thing and wish that maul was a blast finisher. This would at least allow field setup and blast…some kind of synergy between a pure melee weapon and a ranged weapon that is only effective if you are 3 feet from melee range.


in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


They won’t do it, or you could maintain at least 12+ stacks of bleed constantly.

SB needs range increase, direct damage increase, and some way to get you in/out of dodge (the #3 skill doesn’t cut it).

The problem with it right now is it is a skirmishing weapon that can’t skirmish very well. Smart people know to pop reflect, retaliation, or stealth and you are SOL. If you DO manage to hurt them they run and you simply cannot chase them. They will pop block or something and there goes the crippling and daze shot.

AOE might be nice since it seems all the other bows have it.

Class balance and Rapid Fire

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I still cannot believe these threads. We never had these prior to the animation change for RF…it has ALWAYS worked the same way. It just has a chance to actually hit something now if you trait right for it.

Where were you people in 2012 demanding RF and LB nerfs? LOL.

Some ranger changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I’d rather 1-2s of chill on crippling shot…crippled and skill cooldown increase. Also the range put back to 1200 and a slight increase to base damage. I’m okay with poison volley and concussion shot as they have pretty specific purposes.

Mostly because we can get torment in a variety of ways that is not reliant on our pet at all (sigil, krait runes, etc.).

Thoughts on Entangle

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


If only there weren’t half a million ways to get out of it…

realistic ranger adjustments

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


All they need to do is buff SB. Then our ranged options would be balanced at least.

Rapid Fire

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


It’s like one of these topics pops up every two or three days. In almost every one the OP makes their post and then never is heard from again.

Trapper or Survival WvW

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Don’t pick one…go hybrid.

Knight or Berserk armor for WvW?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


On a good day I have 28k HP (with guard buff). I like vitality. Hybrid the rest to get ~1850 power and ~1700 condi damage. Those are without the guard killer as I am not high enough for that one yet.

Sword autoattack solution

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


@Gotejjeken: What makes you think this?

(1) Jump on an Engineer
(2) Equip Elixir Gun
(3) Use #4 (Acid Bomb)
(4) Swap out the Elixir Gun at any time during that 550 range leap

You’ll find that you are able to interrupt it at any distance of the leap.

If it is possible for that ability, I don’t see why it would be impossible for our shorter 300 and 430 range leaps.

Additionally, the “chasedown functionality” comes from it simply performing these leaps directly at your target (or direction you’re facing if you have no target). Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see why that would need to lock people out of dodge rolls in order to “preserve the chasedown functionality”.

You can’t say because X works, Y should too….that is not how Anet’s programming works. Otherwise we would be able to perma stow our pets, because other classes can ‘stow’ theirs (clones, minions, etc.)

Also you are talking about canceling a single leap, this would be canceling a chained leap. Something tells me these two are not equivalent.

As I said, I wouldn’t care either way if we could cancel out with a dodge or if they leave it as-is. I don’t spam the skill, and I have never had an issue of moving out of the way of something when I need to.

Sword autoattack solution

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I don’t think I would mind being able to cancel the chain, however I think it could be hard to program around. I am not sure if there are specific cancel windows built in now, or if certain skills are cancellable by happenstance.

In this case, there would need to be a very small window of time in which to be able to cancel the attack, as after that window you would need to be locked in to preserve the chasedown functionality.

Solution to now OP arrow carts

in WvW

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Wait, wasn’t there a glitch a long time ago with FOV that allowed this? I seem to remember something like this getting patched…had to do with resolution or something?

Ranger Torch 5 skill (Bonfire)

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Just want to confirm what Hepatolith said with another screenshot.

So yeah, definitely avoiding WvW for now.


Instant "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


They have to be able to see who has legit HoM points. The only way you should be able to get them is in GW1, and I seriously hope they have a column in a DB somewhere that tracks that.

Though a True God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals would be funny….

Ranger Torch 5 skill (Bonfire)

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Here are my tests (using bonfire), top one is against a target golem, and bottom against an NPC in WvW.

It seems the damage descends to a certain point then jumps back up to where it should be. Definitely bugged though.

EDIT: Flame trap is also bugged, torch is fine. Must be a fire field bug?


(edited by Gotejjeken.1267)

Character Talking Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Oh good, so I’m not crazy. I’m running around WvW and hear ‘Stand your…Retreat!’

Sword autoattack solution

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


When in the world would you ever be able to ‘maximize DPS’ anyway? I guess maybe in PvE if the target isn’t moving at all…but you will never get more than 2-3 hits off at a time in PvP.

Also for the millionth time, if you remove the leaps, you are removing the chasedown potential. That is just not acceptable to me.

Ranger Stability Change Update Notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


We are assuming RAO itself won’t be a buff. That is, why the RAO buff is active get the benefits. That would be silly though because then boon stripping would still own it like it does now…

MS/GS Outnumbered vid

in Warrior

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Why does it not surprise me that a majority of the outnumbered fights were against power rangers?

Things that could use some change on rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


What we really need are less selfish changes so we can play a bigger part in group scenarios. Change the shouts so they offer group support like stability, protection, etc.
Make empathic bond cleanse (not transfer to your pet) 3 conditions from allies in X radius. Give maul a blast finisher.

I think we are all hoping staff addresses the support issues.

Also to the TC, I’m not sure that LB really outshines all of the other ranger weapons. IMO, it’s kind of low tier. Sure, you can do damage with it…but you better hope you finish the job the first time, if not…you have no escape mechanism.

I know the secret about "Ranger OP" QQers

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Not to be condescending…but what did you expect from EOTM? Most people are there to k-train, not to 1v1 you.

As for regular BL, I’m not sure the T1 correlates to skill. I for one would not want to be on T1, as to me it is just a lot of bandwagoners that want to ‘win’. You can find skilled roamers in any tier.

Finally, ranger is still the most underpowered and broken class in the game. To prove it, name a class that does not have a build better than any ranger build. By ‘better’ I mean one that will not objectively win in a situation with two equal opponents and where the ranger slips even slightly in focus.

What kind of stats do ranger use

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Berserker dual bear with LB and GS in WvW is the best build ever!

Can Someone Teach me how to Sword?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Guys…great sword is 2H. Which means you can’t run it in a condition setup (as you lose torch, dagger, etc.). Unless you do something weird like GS and A/T…but that doesn’t sound optimal in the least.

RAO as Survival Skill?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


This would be an absolutely terrible change. 10 stacks of stability isn’t enough to cover the entire 30 seconds of stability we have now, and the more important aspect is your might change: As of now, I can easily stack 25 might on my raven, pair it with Sic’ Em and SotW for a massive f2 burst paired with quickness from a fresh pet swap. It’s meant as a Beastmastery skill; survival has its own elite. All you’re doing now is needlessly nerfing an already underused skill as compared to Entangle. You don’t use it to empower yourself. People need to stop using this mindset and building or Theorycrafting their Rangers while completely circumventing the pet mechanic. It’s integral to the class.

You really think Anet is giving us more than 10 stacks of stability once the change hits? You have a lot more faith than I.

Look, from my perspective, our Elites are broken and trashy. You only use Entangle for the condition remove (no one stays in it, ever), and you only use RAO for the stability (as with 99% of your pets, you aren’t building any might).

Also, BM builds are useless as it is. No one uses them as there is no reason to when you can roll power or condi + survival and actually do somewhat well.

Finally about the red glow…how would removing it make it OP? What our class has a ‘avoid me’ signal like that?

RAO as Survival Skill?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


So I was thinking…if the following were done to RAO I think it would be great:

1. 10 stacks of might (for player and pet)
2. 10 stacks of stability (for player and pet)
3. No red glow
4. Make it a survival skill (to work with SoTF)

Can keep the fury and swiftness duration as is I guess. Also, the stacks of might and stability would be instant upon skill cast and not dependent on attacking as they are now.

Any thoughts?

About Stealth and Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Stealthing the pet would be awesome, but I have a feeling that’s not happening. It’s Anet logic, they gave stealth to ONE pet (glassy pet and on a cooldown), so now NO other pet should have that ability.

I mean seriously, if you used trapper runes and then Jaguar F2 you’d create stealthception and all the servers would crash.

Is it just me or Ranger rekin pvp

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


It’s the low skill floor red herring. If you are inexperienced you will get destroyed by a ranger. If you are experienced you will destroy 99% of rangers.

Ways to raise ranger skill cap

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Certainly not by using trapper rune haha

That being said, i think all ranger weapon have a low skill ceiling. Except LB and sword. The rest involve standing there taking dmg (axe) or have extremely unreliable attack (gs).

What about SB?

Licking my wounds

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Anyone remember when we could be nigh invincible underwater because of this?

Ways to raise ranger skill cap

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I’m a bit confused by the title, because mostly the change ain’t raising the skill cap. But, if you want a meaningfull change in the same line as yours, here I go :

- Give us the possibility to disable some of our pet’s skills.

Just that would be an enormous improvement.

Oh that would be awesome. No more birds wasting 4 seconds to fly in a circle when I already have plenty of swiftness…

Ways to raise ranger skill cap

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


I think we need more access to counter-cc, like stability or aegis. Speaking of WvW here, it is incredibly annoying how any hammer wielding warrior can just waltz by, mash a few buttons, and completely destroy you.

The deck is super stacked against us. ANet knows this, which is why they are giving us a staff. Putting us in the support role cements we cannot survive on our own.

Condi-Trap PvP Build Video w/Gameplay

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Wow, I can’t believe that you manage to survive with axe+torch/SB and no panic utility (LR, SoS). On a trap build, i need sword+dagger to compensate for the missing utilities myself, and that’s in wvw with the stealth from the Trapper runes.

In WvW I run axe/torch/LB believe it or not with 3 traps + trapper runes. Most cases I’ll get away and make them chase me half way across the map. I think SB would be better and probably the sigils I use (incapacitation I don’t think is working much with my low crit).

Nice vid, ty for sharing.

I have to see this. LB + A/T is one of the lowest mobility setups you can have, and you don’t use SoH. I cannot fathom how you outrun a thief or warrior

The sword problem, how can it be fixed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Spoken like a true PvP guy who doesn’t have mobs’ attacks hitting him for 7k+ damage.

The sword needs to work so dodge and serpent strike/stalker strike can be activated mid animation.

pve is only 1/3 of the game.. sword works fine in 2/3. There is no need to change sword. PvE is so easy, you can use any weapon and do fine.

sword doesn’t work in WVW either, so that’s 2/3rds of the game the weapon in broken in. And since we’re talking about sPVP, that’s really only 1/10th of the game anyway, and a decent proportion of us don’t think it works well there either.

It’s the only weapon in the entire game where you lose control of your character for ~40% of the time while executing the #1 chain.

You lose control of your character whether you turn auto-attack off or not. It’s not arguable, it’s clearly broken.

The only reason sword sees any use at all in PVP is the evades, and some people have been willing to work around the brokenness. By not attacking. That’s not a solution.

Everyone stands to benefit from sword #1 not causing loss of character control during auto-attack, it’s just that some are afraid of change.

Do you know why you are locked in to the chain?

Look, I kill many, many people in WvW with the sword just fine. The ONLY issue I have is the startup delay on hornet sting. Reduce that and there is nothing wrong with the weapon IMO.

Why do I see so many rangers?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Whenever I’m in WVW, I see TONS for rangers (algong with warriors), but I just wanted to know what’s so special about this class? I heard that their damage output is meh, so I just wanted to know.

Rangers have been the most played class in gw2 since release

wrong. official Anet metrics say warrior is the most created (thus used) and ranger is a close second.

Not sure that most created correlates with most used. Like I can create 4 warriors and 1 ranger on my account and only play my ranger.

I don’t doubt Ranger is most used since launch…there was a reason we were reported on sight for a while as botbows ran rampant.

The sword problem, how can it be fixed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Why do people use the term root here? You aren’t rooted. Use it against someone running away from you and you will lock on to them. If you were rooted, you’d stay in place. Like..immobilize roots you. Like…trees have roots. You know, things that do not allow you to move at all.

What is being termed root here is actually a zero distance leap. You are locking on to your target, however if they are not moving then you will be locked in place.

This is precisely why the weapon cannot just be changed. You lose a LOT of chase down potential if you remove those chain skills.

The sword problem, how can it be fixed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Turn off auto-attack (CTRL + Mouse 2 IIRC).

Rampage as One and the Stability Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Pros and cons – It won’t be as good in big team fights but perheps better in small scales and 1v1. No more S/D thief taking your 20 sec stability in 1 hit(it will be like with might, they take 1stack for each steal). + Ipredict Boon strip will be a much bigger thing after patch(and it will work like steal i tihnk, one stack at atime). Regarding Entangle, the new boon “resistance” counter this ulty completely, you can just walk out of it. So…. we’ll c.

You know what…I never thought about that. Basically someone can just pop resistance and Entangle doesn’t work AT ALL, as it is a pure condition based attack. Though when resistance ends, I wonder if they they will still be rooted for a short time (as it doesn’t remove conditions only delays them)?

Adjustment to Pet Respawn Time

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Just make loud whistle default behavior.

Longbow Rangers are Broken

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Longbow Rangers are broken. Please balance the class. Thanks.

I didn’t know a weapon = class. I mean if we are balancing, give me torment or chill on my shortbow so I can show you a really OP ranger spec.

As long as we are on LB though, since when did people stop knowing how to LOS or dodge? The channel is NOT A BURST. You can negate a good portion of it by not standing still. You can also nuke the ranger with retaliation. Or confusion. So OP.