Well, there is the fact that gem-store stuff is limited time only pretty often, so working towards it via gold-to-gem conversation isnt an option for most people..
Answer: NPC Dialog Achievements. Talk to every NPC in Tyria. Yes, I collect people.
I would rather have classic quests than npc dialogue achievements. Shouldnt be that hard, just connect it with the events..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
You dont have to recreate them if they are already in your wardrobe. If you made them before the wardrobe, then you probably had a different reason to do so.. This update doesnt invalidate that reason..
Ascended drops are overrated anyway.. 99% of time you cant do anything with it because it doesnt have the stats you need or you already have a piece with the stats you want.. You cant sell it or recycle it and it takes space in your bank tab..
For the record— I’m rank 378 and got 3 ascended things out of it.
I’m more happy about exotics..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
Sounds like fun. But i do hope those collections wont end up being hidden gem-store advertisment.
The wow engine got an update with every expansion..
This engine is still using Direct x 9, that alone is enough to not make it the “best”..
Great, now if only more Minis would drop in the open world.. “collecting” them has bitter taste to it if you have to buy 90% with gems..
You people are missing the point. The loot system is a positive thing. Now they just have to fix the cloth quantity problem. It’s a bad joke that light classes have to pay so much more for their ascended armor.
No, that is just annoying if you have to buy the lockpick first. Why make it so complicated with farming events for tokens and then searching for chests when you can just make the events rewarding?
Because exploration needs to be rewarded in a game with a world that screams “explore me!!” to you. Why should people who explore a zone for an hour get so much worse rewards than people who run around with a champion train for an hour?
But you have to farm tokens first. Best way to do it in maps with champ trains will be to run around with the champ train, which defeats the purpose.
I haven’t seen that many champtrains on maps with dungeons lately. I might be wrong though. Anyway, events scale so they are solo about equally long as in a zerg. You get the token for event-completion, just like the geodes… so a zerg won’t help much.
And don’t make the mistake to decrease the reward when more players are there… GW2’s design philosophy is: you shouldn’t be afraid of seeing other players. It’s a social game after all.
A zerg will earn you a champion loot box and tokens, so it is still more “rewarding” for people who follow the zerg. You dont necessarily get more tokens, but more other loot..
You dont have to decrease the reward for more players, but if you want roaming to be as rewarding, you need to at least equalize it.
What is wrong with gold? If the way you accumulate gold gets properly balanced, there should be no issues. Local currencies are just a cheap solution for that. If i like a map more than other maps, why should i be penalized by accumulating a useless (once i have all the zone specific items and more keys than needed) currency? That’s a big issue with dungeons imo.
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
You can do that without tokens though, you can just award events much better the first time you do them, if you add that lockpick in the loottables you can even have that closed chest mechanic.
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
No, that is just annoying if you have to buy the lockpick first. Why make it so complicated with farming events for tokens and then searching for chests when you can just make the events rewarding?
Because exploration needs to be rewarded in a game with a world that screams “explore me!!” to you. Why should people who explore a zone for an hour get so much worse rewards than people who run around with a champion train for an hour?
But you have to farm tokens first. Best way to do it in maps with champ trains will be to run around with the champ train, which defeats the purpose.
No, that is just annoying if you have to buy the lockpick first. Why make it so complicated with farming events for tokens and then searching for chests when you can just make the events rewarding?
Anthony, can you tell me why karma seems much less important now that it has been at release?
We have added a few karma sinks along the way but typically new content comes with a new currency, eg. candy corn or geodes. I haven’t personally implemented all of this content or currency but if I had to guess I would say that this pattern exists because we actually want to give you specific rewards for specific content.
I really dont like all these new currencies, there got to be other ways to make specific rewards for specific content. At least, add these “currencies” to the wallet instead of flooding our inventories, please.
You dont have to use your tickets right away, you just have to fetch them. If your server wins every Match up and you consult that npc every week, you will walk away with 800 tickets..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way. The achievements arent too time consuming, it’s just that the rewards are lackluster. I’m all for “Lifelong Monthly 300€ Gaming stipend sponsored by Anet” as something appropriate..
Cant you just transfer kicked people into their own privat instance, wich is a copy of the one you where in?
That way, even if you are kicked, you dont lose your progress and can find a new party..
i guess this can be abused by path sellers, but thats a shifty business to begin with..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
This is long overdue.
No, we want management to overthink their policy. The are not forbidden to speak of it by the laws of nature or something…
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
In that Kid scenario you just say “no we dont” and if you get the money after all you can make it a birthday suprise or something.
But if so say “I’m not going to make any promises.” the kid will annoy you all year long until it is so annoyed itself that it just gives up on you. It is not going to ask you anything again, and instead goes on to annoy the grandparents.
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
Does that really make a difference? Are MMOs harder to code then ORPGs? Sure.. there may be more complicated netcode, but other than that you just have to follow a different design philosopy..? A kill 10 monster quest is still a kill 10 monster quest and a 500m² map is still a 500m² map..?
and im pretty sure they dont have to do the complicated stuff from scratch everytime..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
They could easily step out of that corner by awarding one unique achievement point for every ingame event. That way, people would actually try to experience every event which i am sure takes lots of time..
I like the changes, good work anet!
The thing is, they put the whole game out in, what 5-6 years? With 25 Zones and Dungeons and the need to do everthing, from gameplay to graphics and who knows what else..
And now they need a year for a single zone?
Well, maybe they are already working on gw3 or something..
Wow, this.. is really underwhelming.. I would say shockingly so, but then, it’s not really a shock..
Well, if we get a feature pack every few months now, with wvw additions, i guess it’s alright..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
Colored tags arent even a WvW Update… They were most likely made by a pve dev team for pve commanders.. would explain the price..
Maybe we get some new Wall Upgrades to go along with it..
The thing is, they have not been following through on any of it. There were supposed to be more WXP masteries, but we did not have a new one in long time. there were supposed to be more changes and experiments in EotM, but we have seen nothing. There was supposed to be a CDI and i dont have to tell you how that went..
And they didnt even take the time to tell us “Yeah.. about that, we wont be doing it because reasons”, they just kinda up and vanished..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
Blizzard changes their plans all the time, and they still manage to put information out.
As a matter of fact, you can still do weaponsmithing after changing, if you change back to it. You habe to talk to the guy at the specific crafting station and pay a fee, but otherwise there is no restriction and your progress does not get lost.
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
You can change your professions whenever you want, so having only 2 in there is pointless..
Because they are in 2 different regions and 2 achievements per region arent enough to warrant a tab of their own i guess..
I think the whole china expansion was a mistake. Anet obviously learnt all the wrong things from them..
Seeing as the game is still on direct x 9, most likely they not only ca(n) u(s)e [why does this get censored?] gw assets, i think they are already using them in some form. I do not think they will implement any maps 1:1 though, because a lot of time has passed in the gw storyline, and people would complain.
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
If you read it takes time that and if they did add in a new map it would spread ppl out a great deal more
They would have to implement map rotation, obviously.
Everytime they refer to me as “boss” i feel like a gangsta/crime lord and think they make fun of me :-(
Green is the favorite.. so you will actually have to win some Match-Ups to get the color.
I support this! I have no problem with RNG, but only if i can actually sell what i dont need..
I would rather go past 100% World completition, and get an additional Gift of Exploration at 150%. Well.. first we need to get more new maps of course…
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
You dont need as much sigil/runes/gear? What kind of WvW are you playing? That stuff is even more important in WvW than PvE. I call bullkitten on the notion that PvE players invest more $ into gems, especially since PvE players make more gold and can simply convert.. WvW players want to look good too, only, they have to actually buy skins if the dont want to play PvE..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
Sure.. but following a meaningful story also takes a lot of time for developers to do, and i want more than 30 mins of gameplay out of each patch, so “cheap” achievements are the way to go. If they make me revisit regions i havent visited outside of mega bosses since world completion i’m all in favor of this..
They should make Gem Shop outfits only time exclusive and add them to the loot tables after half a year.. That way, they still get their gem $ and everyone else gets something out of it too..
Sure, but as others have said before it makes it so that casual players don’t get left behind those that have loads more time.
It’s exactly the opposite. People with less time, can not do the stuff they want to do, at the occasion that they actually have the time to do it. It hits people who can not log in everyday harder than people who can..
(edited by GreenAlien.5623)
I like rng more actually, at least, when you can sell the stuff you get.. Farming for tokens is.. well.. farming and tedious. I would rather just play what is fun and hope for a good random drop..
I have not gotten a charged crystal from my personal node since the megaserver patch … I also assume they were removed from it..
In the german forum they said they are looking into it
I think china is actually the reason for the missing exp. Wouldn’t want everyone getting to 80 too fast, never playing most of the game and then starting to complain about endgame content….
I would rather have less differences than more..