That [WäR] guild from Maguuma is really annoying…
Newer saw this tag on our server.
Are you sure they’re not from SBI or CD? Might be a solo guild.
This makes me miss Sweet Baby Bruce
Where did he go? I could never stop laughing when he’d command.
I think I saw him two weeks ago. Or it was Captain Germany? Can’t remember.
Ill pay you to take him to Mag
People on Mag trained to ignore bad commanders, but we can enjoy hilarious ones just fine.
If you are good at it then no one will make fun of you.
Just don’t be this guy.
I like this guy, can we have him on Mag please?
And the gears! Ah, all those kills in yak form just by using gears…
Necro. Finally we’re the best at something.
OMG did you guys really ballista them at a GVG??!!! /facepalm that’s rude,,, and actually kinda funny, I’m sorry I missed this one.
Yeah, though we failed the whole surprise…
Oh well, have a video of this disaster:
Mag Vs Awe, sorta fight club, the greatest moment:
Good job, magzerma, rushing with 200 people on a single keep and selling your loot meanwhile. So dishonorable.
All caps is how all Mag commanders roll.
They don’t speak lowercase.
I love this wonderful time before resets…
Yay! Finally some good news. So happy about that, even though I don’t have a thief.
Going out on a limb here, are you the Necro in [HELL] that kept fighting a thief destroying siege at the south gate/walls? If so, that was me and I wanted to say it was a fun stalemate!
Yep. Was trying to get our people to actually start hunting you down, but it was too late before all the siege was gone. Oh, but I got some asura thief =P
Didn’t the Halloween scythe skin have the same problem?
Necro’s skills just make Scythe Staff a Double Scythe, which is awesome.
TC Borderlands, east keep, summarizing the battle
That was fun. We should do this more.
In fact, you get way better loot from player kills than the PVE stuff. I get exotics off players, and vendor trash/siege off of npcs, grub, etc.
GRUB has a chance of precursor. Just like EB jumping puzzle and yaks.
Players – not. Maybe Dev does, but he’s on our server.
The mystery of disappearing TC’s zergs finally solved: Dragontimer
Axes –
And nobody cares about daggers, honestly.
It’s not about traits, we need DS always available for stability, so using it for blocking stuff during 3rd phase is out of question.
I’m still thinking about the build/gear, but as for skills/weapons:
Staff – 4% (?) life force from auto-attack, 3% from marks with a trait.
Sigil of Energy (50% of endurance on swap)
Axe – 2nd skill gives 9% life force.
Sigil of Intelligence (100% crit chance on swap)
Warhorn – (for Locust Swarm)
Sigil of Energy
Signet of the Locust.
Spectral Walk – we need a stun break in case of knockback.
Well of Suffering – mostly for first phase, but we also can use it before Lupi’s shadowstep.
Mango Pie for first phase.
Pizza for rest of the battle.
Powerful Potion of Undead Slaying (+10% damage vs undead; -10% damage from undead)
Most damage will be from bleeds (2nd staff skills), + some from 2nd axe. I don’t want to use scepter because of evade issue (dunno if it still has it) + it’s just slow.
Path 4 is at least 50 min long with a good group, so expect it be an hour and a half at least with new to the path people. Manage your time right.
Well of Suffering – for insects. We’re the singe class without aoe on our auto-attack, or how that thing called…
As for Spectral Armor – yeah, with 90 seconds cd it’s kinda useless.
Before saying stuff…. maybe someone should actually try it first?
Someone tried it:
Power build, failed miserable.
Casual players don’t farm CoF 1, only hardcore ones do.
And this actually puts casual or new players in disadvantage, since the economy not really casual-friendly thanks to those 10 gold in a hour farming thing
You can’t make that much just by playing (enjoying) the game, even with recent drops changes. You can’t make that much in WvW, orr, or any other game activities.
Spending your time with exploring and doing actual events is less rewarding than sitting in one singe dungeon, and I seriously doubt that the devs are happy about that. Regardless of what I say, CoF 1 will get buffed. I only hope that will be sooner.
Forget about dodge roll trait – I don’t know much about warriors, but I’m sure they have a ton of survivability skills or ways to escape even without that trait.
The main problem, as you said, is time.
Warrior – less than 20 minutes.
Guardian – 30-40 minutes.
I assume for mesmer and ele it will take less then one hour.
But for necro it’s 2 hours at least, with good (for us) dps or conditions, which will be impossible with going to full healing power / toughness – the only way to survive the fight I can think of. So, how much? 3 hours? 4 hours? And how anet can even pretend that it’s balanced?
Robert Hrouda (Content Designer) once commented a warrior’s solo video:
It is indeed pretty amazing. To be honest though, this can probably be done with enough practice with any class. Smart use of evasion, blocking, and only dodge rolling when you should. He saves his dodge roll for the appropriate times, weapon swaps to let his endurance refill… It is honestly just really solid gameplay regardless of class.
I’m actually trying to figure a way to do this using my ranger with shortbow and sword/dagger.
So, let’s think how exactly it’s possible for a necro? We have less escaping abilities than any other class, no leaps or any other fast movies, we’re the singe class without any block whatsoever, so how?
Firstly, endurance. Being the single class without access to Vigor we can’t speed up its regeneration. Superior Sigil of Energy? You can’t stack them, so it’s only one extra evade every 10 seconds.
As for blocking, the only way I can think about is Superior Rune of Vampirism – You become mist when you fall below 10% health. (Cooldown: 60s)
60 seconds…
On a positive note, we do have 3 seconds for stability every 10 seconds – Foot in the Grave
And this makes us going to full Soul Reaping tree without exception – since it’s the only way to get out from Lupi’s bubble (?). But even so we still have to pray to mighty random – so far as I know, he can do that move 5 times in a row if he feels like it.
As for the build itself, I’m not sure. Glass cannon? We don’t have good, quick dps and going to melee will be a suicide – no block, yay. The only way I can see the fight for necro is conditions and running away for 2, maybe 3 hours.
Anyway, any ideas, or Robert Hrouda as usual just talking bs and it’s impossible for our class?
Try to suggest to kill everything and you’ll just get kicked.
Just a suggestion: let’s represent when actually lfg / available for running, so there’s no need to whisper 20 people or something.
Better orr than all those zerger warriors in CoF 1. At least, there will be events done.
Several days ago I somehow managed to find people for CoF 3 (our first run), and it was awesome. I won’t say it was hard, but the boss fight suggests using some skills, rather than 100-blades-mashing inside a time warp. I honestly prefer to run this path over cof 1, but it takes hours to find people under a bazillion “$$cof1farmzergwarriorsonlymesmerdpsmoneyspeedrun$$”
Skills should be rewarded. Desire of exploration should be rewarded. Not mindless, repetitive farming. It’s a fantasy game, not Farming Simulator 2013.
Profession: Guardian
Traited: AH
Experience: Paths 1, 2, 3 and 4
Time: daily runs between 3~9AM, if I have time. More during weekends.
Other: Skipping if it’s a pain to kill, definitely skipping if it’s suicide otherwise (spiders). Don’t mind to help people with their first runs.
(edited by Halo.8976)
It’s way too easy right now. People can run it in 10-15 minutes and it’s unbelievable boring. Even walking around orr is more challenging than this. CoF 1 almost killed all other dungeon activities. It’s like fractals, only worse – at least fractals are somehow competitive and more classes/builds have a chance to run it.
During “Rescue the engineer” stage people can just hide inside the cave, which makes mobs deaggro, please fix that. It would be awesome if “Gate Controller” stage mobs hit harder, or final boss had more toughness and one-shot moves, like those silver mobs in Arah (give condition builds a chance!). Right now CoF 1 is a joke that encourages mindless type of game-play with high reward. Please Anet, stop that.
You can send all your loot to me, I’ll dispose from it for you.
Working as intended
- © Anet’s anti-culling technology.
How is a full bunker even fun at all?
Do people really fear dying THAT much?
Says 80 lvl thief.
We use existing mechanics like player kills and event completions to award world XP, but it is an entirely new system with new pieces of data associated to it so unfortunately there’s no way to award retroactive progress.
Typical bs answer from anet.
Why not just re-calculate world xp using existing date with new formula? It’s date, for yak’s sake, not a toilet paper you can use just once.
Oh well, just another example how devs favor pve-players over pvp, nothing new about that.
It would be awesome to make him stop using his magic find gear, but Bony loves his loot…
Got to love this commander.
He dies for his tower.
They killed Bony!
Being useless and gorgeous. Sometimes you can go to enemy’s spawn and run around for couple of minutes before they start killing you.
Ram Artist.
Placing rams anywhere besides gates. Spelling with rams, farming with rams, building shrines for rams…
If you have 100 gold to spare, you can buy yourself a commander icon, which gives you the power to lead zergs from cliffs. Kinda awesome, but works only two-three times.
Is Silent Byakuya instead of Bakyuya. xD
Okie, I always get your name wrong. Sorry! I need to go back to my Bleach Manga more often!
He died.
Night friends.
Here’s a nice memory. Holding the bridge against Mags.
Just of curiosity: how many golems were thrown on our keep? People say 7 omega and one alpha, but I was on the burning oil and don’t really know…
There’s nothing I can say that will change any minds—but I did say that the staff had an extremely low drop rate, and we did just boost the odds of rare items appearing at the end of large events. Congrats to those who got one!
Nice boost, but won’t I get a legendary by any chance from 16lvl event?
Anyway, another f-up from anet, nothing new there. With the game based on RNG it was just a matter of time and some bug fixing.
Well, either EB or DC have people on their borderlands during NA morning time. But DC has better reaction time, about 30 seconds better.
Yeah, I tested.
Nah, it’s fine. Free karma is always good =)
Exactly how long ago did that happen? Depending on the time you attacked you probably caught us on one of our ‘deadzones’ when barely anybody is online.
Around 5~6AM EST.
You had people busy zerging EB at that time.