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5000 Achievement Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IamALie.8190


You’re an achiever, you achieve things! Congrats!

Hesitant to help due to dodge daily.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Wait, people get mad about this? it isn’t a tough daily :/ Though I suppose that is subjective.

Both today and a few days ago I didn’t realize someone was trying they dodge daily and ran it and ‘helped’ them. I then backed off when I realized they weren’t attacking at all, and said sorry. Both times I got a response like “^^ np” or “all good”

Earlier today I needed to finish my dodges as well, so I found some harpies in Queensdale and started dodging around. One guy came up, realized it and joined in XD Then another guy comes in and kills them all. No big deal, me and the other dude just kept dodging until they were dead, and ran off to find more enemies. All of this was done without a word from all 3 of us.

I didn’t know people would get so worked up about this stuff o.o However, to answer your question..yes I am a bit more hesitant to help people now on first glance.

reward for world completion?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


If you haven’t yet, there are also 2 new waypoints in Orr. I believe those count towards World Completion for those that haven’t done so before the patch. So if you’ve finished Orr before the patch, then you may have to return to get those 2 waypoints.

Lifetime survivor achivement

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Who said it was only doable from crafting? You can do an Orr run and just farm/do events and get it. You can do a karma train in wvw as well. both of these were mentioned above.

Did I messed up? Urgent help please!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: IamALie.8190


No one knows if it’ll reach 7s soon or not, I doubt it considering the supply. Also, you’ve been suggested to just hold onto it unless you absolutely need your money back and are willing to settle for that loss of 25g should you sell then and reinvest in something else.

I’ll say what they both said, if you don’t need your money back right away then let it sit and the price may go up a few months or so later. Otherwise, take the loss and sell it back. Honestly, I wouldn’t panic and I’d just hold it. And this is coming from someone who isn’t rich and considers 25g a lot >.> Though not hard to build up with a nice session of farming.

GW2 survey

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Took some time to fill out some of it because i couldn’t bother to study for exams. Back to the books for me. Good luck to you!

Plinx Waypoint (Cursed Shore)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


I believe the chain starts somewhere around the SP Northwest of Caer Shadowfain. Can’t recall how to start it or anything though.

Okay, just give it to me straight.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


IMO you should go warrior, right now Ele can’t really be built in multiple ways. All current builds that allow us to survive revolve around 0/x/x/30/30 for attunement recharge and the fact that the Water trait line is the only really good one. If you want diversity in styles of play, Ele probably isn’t the best choice. We have good survivability, but our power isn’t there either since we have to sacrifice it just to survive. I only say Warrior because I somewhat know what an Ele is limited to and have no knowledge of Warrior.

That being said, I love playing my Ele regardless because attunement dancing and controlling the battle is very engaging to me.

Do you use dual screen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Stream Starcraft 2. That is the only thing you should be doing on it.

This guy knows what’s up, now if only I had a second monitor.

your reason for rolling an Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Decided to start one of my previously created characters after my Mesmer. I chose my Ele over my Thief because it looked like lots of fun. Let’s see:

Attunement Dancing
‘Difficult’ to play
D/D looked like fun
Was said to be weak at the time

I originally wanted to play Glass Cannon, but then after dying so many times early game I decided I wanted to spec for survivability XD Turns out awhile later everyone would be crying D/D Ele OP Bring on the nerfs! >:) I love a good challenge, and I’d love to see how many people stop playing ele because of it.

Monthly Bugged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IamALie.8190


NPC’s count? I had no idea :O Not a big deal to me since I enjoy WvW. But you learn something new everyday.

Monthly Bugged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Laurels for monthly starts next month. says so in the patch notes as well.

Please could you confirm that the monthly element of the monthly willl be removed as it has nothing to do with PVE

As much as I’d like to confirm that, I can’t Though I do love WvW, I don’t think it fits into PvE monthly either. It’s kind of a mix between PvE and PvP, I don’t know where it’d belong.

Monthly Bugged?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Laurels for monthly starts next month. says so in the patch notes as well.

Dodging Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


While fighting a Pirate thief I dodged the attack where they spin around and throw out loads of daggers and got around 6 ‘evade’ text displays. It seems like they all counted because I was on around 75% and that one dodge was enough to complete my daily.

This is what I do against Bandits in Queensdale. Specifically during that ranch event in Queensdale. Otherwise I just dodge into large mobs of enemies and get quite a few evades to register.

How to do the new 'daily dodger'?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


If it helps, I got most of my dodges in Queensdale around Vale Waypoint. Specifically, I waited for bandits to use their spinning move and dodged through it. It seemed to register as evade, though I don’t know if all those evades count as one or several.

Need help going for my legendary

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


My advice for what to do first is the Mystic Clovers. Because the recipe gives only a 1/3 chance at them, you won’t know exactly how many ectos and shards you need. Also, they can give lodestones, t6 mats, and other stuff like etcos as well on failed attempts. This way you will not necessarily have to buy all your lodestones.

Do exotic items drop from mobs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


As said before, you can get exotics from mobs. Pretty much anywhere as well if you’re lucky enough. I’ve only gotten them from Cursed Shore and my very first in Fractals Scale 3 I believe with no Magic Find at all. Imagine my surprise :P But yes, I’ve seen people get it from even Queensdale champions such as the boar or troll.

Fastest way of getting 1g?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


If you can speed run dunegons, AC all paths makes for easy coin.

new and clueless

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Outmanned is gotten in WvW. however, I believe it currently doesn’t give what it claims according to the wiki. But now that they have ice cream for that extra 5%, you can get 7875 as mentioned above instead of the 7650 from that 70% boost.

Where did you level from 50-60

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Bloodtide Coast to Sparkfly Fens. I believe those levels were near 50-60s There tend to be more people in those areas as far as I know.

Need help with Guild Invites

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Check your guild tab, it will be at the bottom left I believe as well as that initial popup.

farming mats for legendary - order?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


I’m going for the clovers first simply because they’re annoying. It also works out nicely that they can give you T6 mats, lodestones, and more ectos as well. I find its a good place to start. When you’re out of ectos, go farm some bit and come back. At least that’s my top priority when it comes to legendaries.

Request for Toy Frames as a Reward

in Wintersday

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Hey guys. Here is a kewl tidbit I just learned a few mins ago. You can trade 250 Ugly Hats, Sweater, or Socks for any of the 5 toy frames.

This is true, you got your wish OP

1c undercutting is destroying competition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Yes what you say is true, however, there is a little problem. If everyone is undercutting (because you are not the only one to undercut afterall), it then becomes very difficult for someone to sell their item. Their item will not show as the next lowest price since someone will undercut again. Of course this doesn’t happen with every item, but it happens quite often.

Anyhow, I’m actually finding this thread quite interesting. I really shouldn’t be here, got exams and all so I’ll not reply to any response. Sorry for that, I must continue my studies.

1c undercutting is destroying competition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: IamALie.8190


The harm is that the person you undercut will have a hard time selling his item despite putting it up first because people are constantly undercutting him/her. Definitely not a win for that person, as there are now many sellers selling under that person’s price (even if its only 1c or even 10c lower).

Need help figuring out rune stacking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Unless you want that chance for a parrot, yeah XD If you’re doing for just MF, go for Traveler or Noble as your 6th piece. Whichever is cheaper at this point, I believe it is the Noble rune.

Need help figuring out rune stacking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


No, it means you get each bonus once. The guy was asking if you get the highest value or the cumulative sum of them.

Elementalist Roles in Dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Wait, this guy asked you to use one element? So you had 2 elementalists (you said 2 including you, so I’m assuming you were one of the 2. though it sounds like you might’ve meant 2 + you) that basically had to use 1/4 of their movepool? o.o Sounds like a huge crutch to your team XD may I ask how this dungeon run went?

Need help checking my math

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


At 100 attempts, your calculation looks correct seeing as you get one exotic back if not the one you want. So assuming all the exotics you get back are of little value (the price you set at 2g), it should be that 602g. The price is outrageous, but obviously you could get lucky as Ayrilana mentioned. This is definitely a huge gamble.

Need help figuring out rune stacking

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


You’re correct in thinking that you’d need 2 of the same rune of the 2nd effect. So if you wanted all 6 bonuses, you need a set of 6 of those runes.

Glowy Weapons (?)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Something like this one?

Here’s a list of a bunch of recipes, stuff like Whisperblade and Ilya might be what you’re looking for.

Magic Find [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Fair enough I think. This is one of the best (if not the best) suggestion I’ve seen regarding MF and dungeons. ^^ Rest of them just complain like I thought you were. :P Well I don’t want to take away from this suggestion, best of luck and hope this goes through.

Magic Find [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Ah, then my bad. I was under the impression that you disliked it when people use it in your dungeon parties. Thought you were one of those people that had many requirements to a dungeon party since I’ve seen SO MANY in game. I only made those suggestions under this premise, of course I don’t do them either. I don’t mind MF at all.

And what? Account doesn’t seem like he’s a troll.. It’s just a discussion

Magic Find [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


If you look at the name of the armor linked and compared it to what they’re currently wearing, you should be able to tell the difference unless they have the exact same skins on their armor.

So now whenever I start a party I should ask 4 people to link me every piece of their armour, preview every single one of them, compare it to the armour they’re wearing, and then monitor them through the entire dungeon to make sure they don’t change any of it?


Besides, guess what, a lot of people (me included) use exactly the same skins for their MF and combat sets. Actually not exactly, because my combat armour is purple and my magic find armour is green, but that’s just so I can distinguish them easily; the links look exactly the same when previewed.

I just don’t think that his is a huge deal as you seem to be making it..

Where did I say it was a huge deal?

No, you don’t have to do any of this. I’m just saying that if you’re going to be so anal about MF, then you may as well go the extra mile.

And is that so? I don’t know, I purposely made my MF set have a different skin just so I could distinguish between them.

Also, I did not say you said it was a huge deal. Just that you seem to making a huge deal of it.

Keep in mind I’m actually in favor of your suggestion, you just sounded a bit too irritated about this that I wanted to give a few solutions to help you out in the meantime. I honestly do think this is a good idea, but it has never bothered me one bit if someone had MF or not.

Magic Find [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


If you look at the name of the armor linked and compared it to what they’re currently wearing, you should be able to tell the difference unless they have the exact same skins on their armor. Even if they change mid dungeon, you can still kick them. However, do you really believe people will go that far just to deceive the group that that they’re not using MF? If you really suspect they are using it and lying about their armor, just don’t keep them in the party.

In all honesty, I wouldn’t mind it being averaged out. I definitely prefer this over an inspect feature that will no doubt make it harder to find groups for many people. This is a much better suggestion than ‘Remove MF’ I just don’t think that his is a huge deal as you seem to be making it..

Magic Find [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Ask them to link their armor, if not then don’t give the benefit of the doubt and kick? Why would anyone have a reason to hide their armor other than lying?

Magic Find [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Why not just ask people to not use MF before entering? If they refuse, kick them. It isn’t hard to ask. I know plenty of people that don’t care if a party member is using MF or not. Don’t like MF? Tell/ask to change sets. For the people that don’t care, then it doesn’t matter if the contribution is greater or not since they have allowed MF to be used.

If someone asked me to not use it, I’d switch to my alternate set. Generally, I ask if they care, but maybe its just me.

Make more than 2 votes for kick please

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


Some kitten ele who doesn’t even know he can conjure melee weapons lol’s at me because i tell them to tank a bit so i can land my main dmg output and be done with this rubbish team, i tell him to shut up and get kicked by him and his kitten clannie.

Did you actually tell them the team was terrible? I mean, if you’re going to mouth off at them (even if they were jerks), then you should have seen a kick coming. However, if you asked nicely I’m sure they would’ve been more lenient.

I’ve never had issues with getting kicked since I generally enjoy talking to people I team with and they’re mostly all nice. I do agree that it should require more though, because I know there are jerks out there who will abuse this.

Armors of different orders on one char?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IamALie.8190


I suspect they used transmutation stones to move the skin over from an alternate character of a different order. That’s the only method I can think of…not sure if it works though.

Glob of Ectoplasm Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


So unless I find proof, that’s how you’re going to believe loot works? And that’s how MF functions? I’m sorry, but I highly doubt that there would be a stat on equipment that hinders other players’ performances. However, I won’t be finding proof for you. If you want to believe that is how it works, go ahead. I will believe that it does not, unless you of course find proof for me :P

I was under the impression that loot drops was based on contribution, and MF takes effect on kill and RNG will determine first if you will be getting exotic, rare, masterwork, fine, then common material. For example: lets say you just killed something and it drops some loot, upon picking up that loot RNG will give a chance at exotics, and if it fails, it will go to rares down to common if you aren’t blessed by the RNG goddess.

I’m not trying to attack you or anything, but it all really sounds like some sort of paranoid way of thinking. Your scenario is just as baseless as mine if you want to put it that way, and thus the burden of proof falls on you as well. If you are right though, I will accept that and will support the removal of MF if it hinders other players.

EDIT: We’re going a bit off topic :| To be on topic, I’d love for things to require less ectos or increased chances at them, but what would be the cost? Seems it would be too easy for everyone to get what they want with much much less effort.

(edited by IamALie.8190)

Glob of Ectoplasm Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


MF has nothing to do with other players’ loot drops, it only enhances the chances that a loot drop for the specific player will be of better quality.

Daily: Kill Variety

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


In certain maps, it is definitely a lot harder and maybe impossible to get 15 variety kills (Orr maps come to mind). However, plenty of maps have more than enough. All the beginning areas is possible to finish this part of the achievement. I always just go to Queensdale to do it as I’m familiar with that area, but places like Kessex Hills and Gendarran Hills are just a viable. In fact, I’ve done this plenty of times just exploring new maps such as Diessa Plateau and both Norn and Charr areas of different levels as well when trying for map completion.

It is a bit more frustrating than the others, but I can do the daily in about an hour or less given my pacing.

Daily Activity

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


PST (-8 UTC) daily resets at 4pm. I believe they are around CST (-6 UTC) or EST (-5 UTC) since they said that it restarts around dinner time and the topic creator said 6pm American server. I believe Daylight Savings also messed with it, as it used to be 5pm PST as far as I know.

Pants, pls

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


For human female light armor, what about AC and the crafted exotic? They’re quite modest in terms of looks, and I’ll admit i didn’t like them much to begin with, but they’ve grown on me somewhat. More options would be nice though, I support this for sure.

More things for not combat people to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


I’ve no idea how a farm/housing would work, but I’m certain I would get into it if it was released. Sounds Harvest Moon-esque to me, and I like that :P I’m all for this, fishing as well which I’ve seen many people mention around here.

Looking for group!

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


I know it isn’t in game feature, but

And also it is to my knowledge that asking in Lion’s Arch for groups is more effective than in Fireheart Rise. I see all the time in map chat of Lion’s Arch people looking for groups.

drop rate key

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


It already is equal…isn’t that just luck? I have a friend with insane luck, he’s even gotten a precursor as a drop. Am I jealous? Of course, but I’m happy for him as well. Have I ever gotten an exotic drop? nope, not at all and I’m quite enjoying the game. I don’t understand this problem, everyone has the same chances. Some just have good luck on their side.

Guildbound Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


I think this would be a neat idea. Of course gotta work out all the little complications, but it would certainly be interesting.

What about removing Magic Find?

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


I was under the assumption that MF gear included runes, and that people didn’t want you if you are using MF runes as well instead of ones that’ll benefit your ‘useful’ stats. Of course, I don’t care either way. I’ve never grouped up (both PUGs and preset) with people that made any sort of deal about having MF.

Merge Guilds?

in Suggestions

Posted by: IamALie.8190


@ Nox Wanted to argue that nobody would merge with guild if it`s bad, but then realized that you can create a new guild and merge with it, true that, but I guess there are always workarounds like allow guild to merge if they`ve earned x amount of influence, if then existed for x days and so on.

Oh that is a really good point. Then I don’t know how that would be prevented from getting double or even triple the influence. :/

I’d really love for a way to at least change tags to match XD