We all know why, PVP, PVP, or what i like to call, stand in circle and defend rinse and repeat.
for me dolyak signet seems bugged when active no stability, might be my internet speed tho, guys my internet speed is 4.5mbs download/and upload is 0.85 good or bad for this type of game, sorry to highjack.
lol because you would be a target for jdge, in wvw lol. i must say for the guilds spunk, baleout, and frosted sugar virgins, amazing gvg guys heart stopping stuff.
Today i look at the Gvg between PunK & Hail and what the hell do the lions Guild from Fsp?
Sorry i dont understand your english, thanks, Hail.
anet whats spvp in esports fact, they will never and i hope they never get there, the devs had good vision for this game but now its grind and pay 2 win, they completely gone 180 on there vision, someone else is calling the shorts, that someone else is called greed imo.
Thx Hail for the nice GvG and i want to apologise for some fellows Fsp ppl.
Far Shiverpeaks just became Far Dramapeaks this evening.
Hi mate your welcome, far shiver is drama town lol, you guys run gvg again let me know, amazing fights thanks guys.
lol ok, thats why u guys hunt me down and own me, i am a member of lion lol.
hi why are some guilds form grandra throwing siege on players when u die, can you please stop. guilds TDA, JDGE, why guys?.
everything is kittening bugged
If you think warrior is fine then you are ignorant.
warrior is ok for now but we need a longer cd on 100b tho still op.
p.s dont tell the devs rush is broken they might fix it.
i av been here for a year now still no change makes me angry now, and i dont think straight when i angry ahahaha.
anyone see the thief soloing hills lord and npcs, no class should not be able to do that in any game.
It’s just like the players that can solo a dungeon run. Any class can do it, but you have to be a VERY good player and you REALLY have to know the mechanics of the fights you’re partaking in. If you watch the video of the thief soloing the lord you’ll notice a couple of things. 1) he isn’t running one of the “OP” builds that has everybody upset. 2) He has to disengage a couple of times and he knows when he needs to dodge. 3) the tower has no one in it and its not upgraded. He is definitely a good player and someone who has spent the time to learn the mechanics of the tower lords. He also timed his attack when there were no other players to come and kill him. It seems like this scenario is very situational and i would even say that the same player could solo the lord under the same circumstances with any other class he is very comfortable with.
thanks really didnt know that, ill say again thiefs need removing from game asap, nob class no skill fact, o no.
no love for my pic guys or is the warrior commun that boring?.
It’s overused.
show me where its over used ?.
some people are also playing the market seen the prices on the food, the food should come ,with, no warrior should not be found with out lemongrass or ur miss will leave u lol.
no love for my pic guys or is the warrior commun that boring?.
its been a year for me and still we bugged to hell are class design does nott work in the games meta, we will not get any help, i have lost faith in anyone from anet, but i still like the game but i want to be a warrior again ahahahah.
(edited by Juular.4729)
Even if you go full toughness and vitality you still dont resist anything because in this game armor dosent matter that much, with all this “no trinity system” they nerfed armor so every class could be a sort of tank right, so classes like warrior that uses HEAVY ARMOR, dont mitigate a lot of damage from having that armor, because if that were true then every one that uses light armor or medium armor could not tank aswell as a heavy armor user, so they screwed some of the warrior sustain with those kind of wrong aproachs, this is why thieves and other light armor classes are OP, because its like the game its balanced around them.
Second we dont have any sort of anything to simple not recieve damage, some classes dont even need to go full armor/vit and yet they can evade or negate tons of damage, for example the most OP class, the thief, can just enter stealth at will heal conditions, heal hp and go back to fight, they have teleports and evades in weapons, they can spam blind wich in this patch were stealth buffed.
Mesmers have clones, stealth too, they have acces to protection/aegis/regen, they have teleports, they have moa, yesterday tried a necro bunker and i was amazed i have acces to protection too, and a lot of boons… i dont know a lot about necros but they recieved an ubber buff, in short, other classes have ways to not recieve damage at all, and warriors have… 4 seconds of endure pain????’ its like an insult.
Every class can kite a warrior and they will do, every class can outdamage a warrior before he even lands the first hit, and they will kill you no matter what you do, and now that conditions are just OP, we are in a worst position you can have like 10 conditions put on you in 1 second, yeah good luck landing those burst damage to remove the awesome quantity of 3 conditions if you land the burst, you still need to worry about other 7 contidions you have…
Warriors are terrible designed, from weapons to utilities and traits, and this conflict its from the “no trinity” system, and you can judge that because all of the classes can be hybrids, but a warrior CANT.
WARRIOR IS A CLASS DESIGNED FOR A TRINITY SYSTEM IN A NON TRINITY SYSTEM, that is why they shine pve but suck in pvp, that is why no one wants them in team fights, that is why guardians for example are in a better position, because they at nature are a class thakittens hybrid in every game, warrior its not, its either damage or tank but no healer, but we talked already about the armor so warrior cant be a tank because armor its not important in the game to tank, so we have a class thakittens handicapped.
This is the source of all of the class problems, devs are trying to fix symtoms, not the source of the problem, until that day, warrior will remain in the bottom.
why cant u work for anet, dam good logic their mate.
plain and simple we dont mate, anet hates warrior fact, u people see the lazyness in the programming the auto attack on sword, and the so call burt 3 skill lol. av said from day one warriors need a redesign imo.
anyone see the thief soloing hills lord and npcs, no class should not be able to do that in any game.
just got owned by blinds, i lasted 2 secs lol.
how do u know?, but i av asked the question in the human race part, thanks.
hi does different races have different sized hit box, or is it to do with class. thanks.
hi how big is warriors hit box?, for me it seems massive, i am standing out side a aoe red ring and i am still getting hit, when my toon body clearly out side but my hit box is still in it, anyone else notices this to thanks. p.s i am the smaller male human warrior.
Great build, not to far off from my own. Unless your dead set on Embrace the Pain I’d suggest either 10 in Tactics for Leg Specialist or another 10 in Strength for Slashing Power. Also I’d prefer Cavalier trinkets over sentinel due to the large damage increase versus the minimal survivability increase.
Thanks, I’m starting to think about Ascended trinkets, have enough laurels for most of them – is 5x Cavalier the way to go for these?
I would not consider anything but power/pre/crit damage on ascended
Its easier to maintain multiple sets of armour to get various degrees of tankiness and still be able to go full out damage when you want.
if you mix both zerker and cavalier trinkets, not armor , great damage output and defence, cant remember the name of the chap who posted on here but traits 0/10/20/20/20, real cool build he posted youtube vids of his build to lazy to find it.
100% agree enmity. The things said to make warrior great again on this forum is good but imo miss the mark,
my idea is far more advanced, i.e adrenaline fuels offensive power but why not attacks as well, same i know as theifs, fuse weapon skills and movement skills together, i really would love it, better faster game play, more action faster based combat, or its just wish full thinking.
(edited by Juular.4729)
hi i dont mean to be rude, but so what ur from teir 1?, teir 1 is no skill what so ever, go tank and press 1 in the blob train, i hate teir 1, oh one more thing get ur head out of ur back side.
but i like your spvp build, been trying it out, good but no damage, thiefs just own everything and all there is range, some fun tho. what build do i need to face a 60+ blob in wvw thx my guild are about 20+ in wvw. thanks.
Actually in T8, thanks. Doing organized 5v5 and 5v10+.
I apologize, when someone says top teir i automatic think teir 1,
the spvp build is very good, but out side the hammer and gs, u working on anything besides those’s to?. peace.
all warrior weapons with all race’s are the same range, but what happens is u get attacked they evade ur attacks and kit u to death.
p.s i am in a sad mood, and no i am not getting owned lol.
I keep logging onto my guardian. I do this, because people just can’t stop talking about how great they are.
I then log into WvW and get stomped.
I don’t get it….
On my warrior, I get Healing Signet, Adrenal Health, Regen Banners, some regen food, and I can charge into battle, and feel like a god among men.
100blades is no joke in zerg pvp, and I can down people three at a time when they try to rez someone. I can’t be kited with my longbow, and the #3 blast is devastation from above.
On my guardian, I’m late to the show most of the time, because they are so godawful slow. If I don’t get ganked by a thief on my way to the battlefront, the first person with burst, that targets me, has about a 70% chance of sending me back to the waypoint.
What good is 30% damage reduced from protection (for only a few seconds) when you have no health to begin with? …and where is their amazing healing?
I honestly don’t get it, and I will continue to happily log onto my banner warrior.
I just rolled a Warrior after playing my Guardian for a week in WvW (lvl 80, all PvE…….I also have an 80 Thief that I did 70 levels with in WvW, 80 Ranger that I did 40 levels with in WvW, and an 80 Engi, all PvE). The Warrior, even at level 8, is a beast in WvW. In zergwars, with zero toughness (hey, I’ve got the starter armor!), I can roll into the enemy zerg at the front lines, 100 Blades their front/mid lines, roll through to the squishies (mainly to roll clear of their AOE) and start whittling them down before I have to roll back out. Sends them running for the hills. I tag lots of enemies and do surprisingly good damage.
I don’t have that sort of offensive power on my Guardian (mix of Clerics/Soldiers with Zerker weapons and all ruby jewels to get my crit chance to 50% and crit damage over 70% unbuffed). Note my Guardian is AH build, so he’s really made for survival, but with meh damage output, surviving doesn’t mean much when my team is getting roflstomped in the open field. Where my Guardian shines is in the utility that he brings to the fight. I typically run with GS/Staff, and Line of Warding is godly. Being able to stop an entire zerg from getting through a doorway, even for a few seconds, can turn the tide of the battle. Combine it with Wall of Reflection and for 5 seconds the enemy is stymied. There’s nothing like that on the Warrior (other than their bodies being a meat shield and swinging away with Hammer 4).
So…..I hear you about the Guardian getting stomped in WvW. Mine isn’t a front line pusher (he’s not built for it, and it’s not my preferred play style for him), and if I try to be I just get smashed. If you want a front line beast, IMO it’s Warrior FTW. I’m having a total blast on my little Warrior, that’s for sure. I have 20 badges in the first hour of WvW with him (brought him into WvW at lvl 5, he’s lvl 8 now).
Oh….and sumpin is wrong with your Guardian if you’re getting hit with 9k+ backstabs. I’ve never been crit for more than maybe 6k on mine, then I turn on the Thief and WW them into the dirt. When I roll “offensively”, I go GS/Hammer, and Banishing a Thief out of Shadow Refuge followed by Ring of Warding and just pummeling them with my big Hammer is endless fun. I can almost hear them squeak as they try to run, only to find they can’t escape. :-)
really please what build is ur warrior?. sounds amazing.
never new lord had a muppet that speaks for him, is there no end to ur lordness?.
p.s my head hurts all the time lol i am stupid lalal.
(edited by Juular.4729)
i love and hate wvw because its got so much going for it but they just miss the mark everytime, the tactics in wvw or so boreing anyone with a brain can do it, blob up and run forward press 1, really insane play style, but i my self still do it for what and why i still dont know.
hi i dont mean to be rude, but so what ur from teir 1?, teir 1 is no skill what so ever, go tank and press 1 in the blob train, i hate teir 1, oh one more thing get ur head out of ur back side.
but i like your spvp build, been trying it out, good but no damage, thiefs just own everything and all there is range, some fun tho. what build do i need to face a 60+ blob in wvw thx my guild are about 20+ in wvw. thanks.
(edited by Juular.4729)
realy ill give it a go thanks , and good fun on the warrior twitchpod cast just now cool like .
hi in wvw, pvdooring with longbow attack 3 no damage, anyone else found this thanks, also does everyone else get the building siege bug, when u just stay stuck and need to swap weapons or movement skill to get free.
your not mate, warriors are the most useless class in 1v1 uplvls and nobs are easy pickings, but when u meet other class on the same lvl they just wipe the floor with us. 1v1 is not for the heavyarmored classes. a rangers pet is more tough than us.
this video shows the end of all warrior builds, if dont run this build your not a warrior.
GUYS its a joke lol.
(edited by Juular.4729)
Hammer on guardian is an impressive weapon (I used it on my guardian and love it).
Though I don’t think comparing weapons between 2 classes has much point.Instead your post should focus on where you see flaws in the warrior and how they use the hammer, and then post suggestions for improvement.
You’ll see people have already done this and it has come across as more constructive.
we have been suggesting improvements from day one, its now a year later and i am not happy lol.
mesmer traits prec and crit damage in one lol come on please.
we need a complete redesign sorry to say. i dont feel like a warrior thats saying somthing,
my mains are guardian and warrior, jumped on a mesmer in pvp so i could check them out so op, i killed loads and i was a noob at mesmer. so i jumped on a thief lol shadow return lol , all top classes are great and well designed good job with them but when it comes down to warrior well its just plain crap, i av complained on this forum from day one about warrior, still devs think its ok, you know why they dont fix warrior so we buy gear to try and come up on par with the other class but we fail.
who runs guardian and feels that your weapon skills and utiliys are smooth and faster i do?.
It’s worrying when threads of relevance, especially threads that are critical, are deleted. We all chose to play this game for fun, enjoyment and entertainment. If game imbalances are spoiling any aspect of these then surely the proper recourse is to inform the game’s developers as to why. Would they prefer we just left the game to play something else? I don’t get it. We complain and moan because there’s a lot wrong with the class. Because we care. Because we want things to get better. Because we want to keep playing this game.
Forums are and always have been where players come to voice concerns and complaints, and to call for changes. Those who are happy with their class and with the game aren’t on the forums – they’re playing the game. If the Warrior forum is full of complaints, whines, rants, etc., it’s because there are so many issues that players aren’t happy with. Other class forums aren’t as “toxic” because their classes aren’t in such a bad shape. I’d have thought this much was obvious.
ArenaNet can either listen to it’s players and make the game better for them, or those players can just leave. It’s not complicated.
totally argee, sometimes i myself go off on one, i still think theres hope for the game, dieing hope mind you.
hi could you stop coning people and have 6 transmutation stones please, stop money grabing thanks, best fan.
(edited by Juular.4729)
all posts by me have been removed i av had a telling off from the mod lol,
ill say in again lazy devs, prove me wrong lol, anet dont like the truth lol.
(edited by Juular.4729)
I don’t know how much time you spend in other class threads, but the Warrior threads are absolutely toxic. There is very little new discussion and our threads consist of little more than complaints or new player questions. I understand the warrior is in a bad spot against other classes played by competent players, but how much bickering do we really need?
Almost a year after release, the warrior hasn’t seen many changes to what really neuters the class. We have some shortcomings to which there are no easy answers, but it is sad to come on these forums and see nothing but whining and poorly thought out or overly complex suggestions.
However, I’ll also say it’s equally painful to listen to any devs other than Jonathan Sharp talk, and I’m afraid the warrior is probably pretty close to what it always will be. I think at this point, we can expect band-aids but no major overhaul. After all, it isn’t the entire warrior community that is dissatisfied, and there are seven other classes from which to choose. This isn’t an excuse for what we are, but it’s a reason.
Honestly, between significant bug fixes and generating new content to keep a portion of the audience fixed, warrior balance falls pretty low on the totem-pole… especially because there are instances where we wreck everything and others where we may as well make a sandwich and respawn. We truely are on the razor’s edge between worthless and game breaking.
the hate in the warriors camp is prob why they dont help us, dogged march and boon hate go swim anet.
go on everyother professions forum and see how much they hate their players professions and then look at the warriors, somthing is realy wrong for us to be upset i am, i wish no hard feelings to anyone.
daecollo has a right, we all do, but this is anet, when they have a sotg on cam again different people please, and the bias dribble they have for questions for them, unbiased people needed to question them, and for god sake devs look more pro, you look lazy has hell, you guys do realy cross over as igorant.
devs employe daecollo please and i mean it no joking.