Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Hello BG and TC. I’m hoping our match up thread is as fun this next week as this one seems to have been. Some of you sound worried though…speaking of alliances and what not. You may be over estimating the Kaineng. We can’t have that…
You have no need to worry, we’re only here for the Dolyak Parade. We’ve spent weeks to get here just to meet TC and party with their Yaks
The culmination of a “long” journey. We can rest now, for there will be Dolyaks!
I’ll believe you when War Machine (including Jang) show up to the Dolyak parade, remain entirely passive, and join in on our fun.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
No one is making snarky guild tags because you guys didn’t lose. You were able to keep up with both us and BG (not necessarily in points but you understand what I mean).
You’re dropping a tier because Kaineng scored another big win. That’s out of your control, and while it may not be the outcome you wanted there’s no reason to be upset about it. You’re in the same position we were in six weeks ago.
You entered the tier not because you won, but because another server (SBI) lost. You’re now dropping a tier not because you lost, but because another server (Kaineng) won. Just roll with it and continue to improve and you’ll find yourselves where you belong soon enough.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Yeah, that’s my mistake, sorry. Somehow I missed these guys when bankers were changed from being always available at safe points to being part of the upgrade path at keeps, which is why they are only in a couple of the maps.
Since the bankers are only supposed to be available at keeps after an upgrade, we’ll be removing them from the safe areas in a future build.
Umm… How is getting rid of the bank making it so a player never has to leave WvW per your quote from 27 days ago:
“As far as being able to play just in WvW and never have to leave if they don’t want to, that most definitely is our goal, and I think we’ve done a fairly good job at that so far.”
Please just put banks on all BLs. I shouldn’t have to log out and then get back in queue to use the bank. Removing them is in direct opposition to your alleged goal.
Because banks aren’t being removed and you can still access your bank via crafting stations in your home borderland?
If you’re in ANOTHER borderlands and you need to go to a bank you CAN’T if you don’t have your keep properly upgraded. Which means you would have to go to another map to get to a bank and then possibly queue to get back.
Dude nothing, they’re not being removed. You can still access a bank if you control a keep with an upgrade (as is clearly stated to be the intent, and is something you clearly understand).
If you don’t control a keep with an upgrade, then work on controlling a keep with an upgrade. If that isn’t an option, then it’s likely you don’t have the numbers to be competitive on that map at that point of time, and you should consider switching anyway.
If it’s really a huge deal to you, and if you really only ever WvW, then keep your character at Ebonhawke and log out while in WvW rather than using the LA portal.
This is not a big deal, dude.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Which wouldn’t be a problem if, elsewhere, there were locations that provided well designed, close knit facilities for players to use. There’s Lions Arch, if you enjoy the 15 minute load in, culling lag for npc’s, landscape render, and 30 minutes of running across the main marketplace to get to all your bits and pieces. Same goes for any major city. WvW is just designed better. Everything is within a reasonable distance of each other. More convenient. More time to get back to playing. Hmm, idea: Bank Wars 2?
Go to Ebonhawke.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Yeah, that’s my mistake, sorry. Somehow I missed these guys when bankers were changed from being always available at safe points to being part of the upgrade path at keeps, which is why they are only in a couple of the maps.
Since the bankers are only supposed to be available at keeps after an upgrade, we’ll be removing them from the safe areas in a future build.
Umm… How is getting rid of the bank making it so a player never has to leave WvW per your quote from 27 days ago:
“As far as being able to play just in WvW and never have to leave if they don’t want to, that most definitely is our goal, and I think we’ve done a fairly good job at that so far.”
Please just put banks on all BLs. I shouldn’t have to log out and then get back in queue to use the bank. Removing them is in direct opposition to your alleged goal.
Because banks aren’t being removed and you can still access your bank via crafting stations in your home borderland?
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Sexy Charrgineer score update with Charr Death Star looming in the background.
Ugh, Ruin beat me to it, oh well. Double score update ftw?
“[4:47 PM] You receive 1 Leather Vest.”
Obviously not.
Hmm? Not what?
You’re obviously not wearing a leather vest. If I were to take your character’s situation literally, then the game chat should have read out: “[4:47 PM] You lack 1 Leather Vest.”
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
I had great fun taking parts of TC and running over who ever i could with RK tonight.
Also score update
Hey that’s a really sweet looking character! What armor combination are you wearing? I have a norn friend that might be interested in looking as burly as you do.
Well it is all Transmuted to hell.
Helm is “Mind of Koda” from Honur of the waves.
Shoulders are “Commando’s Pauldrons”
Chest is" Guild Heavy Armour" (Guild skin for Armour that puts your emblem on there)
Gloves are the “Carrion Draconic Gauntlet’”s
The Pants are “Commando’s Chausses”
And the Shoes that you cant see are the “Heavy Rubicon Boots.”The Dyes i use is Abyss Black, Illumination (Yellow), Ancient Silver and the red i have in a few places is Ruby.
There you go.
He had been having trouble getting a look for himself that he liked (I was running around Field of Ruins searching heart merchants for boots the other day), so hopefully this will help him get things figured out.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
I had great fun taking parts of TC and running over who ever i could with RK tonight.
Also score update
Hey that’s a really sweet looking character! What armor combination are you wearing? I have a norn friend that might be interested in looking as burly as you do.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
The power of superior arrow carts on a choke point!
Oh Pot. I see the Tarnished Coast tag, as much as you wanted to block out the name .. lol .. you killed all the women on TC .. now who are you going to flirt with? Tsk, tsk.
The Tarnished Coast men…
This is in fact the logical course of action.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
The power of superior arrow carts on a choke point!
You’re manning siege! Why aren’t you naked?
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Sexy Charrgineer score update with Charr Death Star looming in the background.
Ugh, Ruin beat me to it, oh well. Double score update ftw?
“[4:47 PM] You receive 1 Leather Vest.”
Obviously not.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Today’s my birthday, and the best present I could ask for is ArenaNet releasing the new rating math. It’s because I love you guys.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Way to not get 7 points guys, slackers. How are we supposed to enjoy an additional 3% gathering bonus now?
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Please no more vertical progression. That’s all I ask.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
I would want to have the situation brought to light and resolved publicly to discourage anyone else who might consider attempting such actions again.
I would not recommend doing that. You’re just going to get yourself in trouble — they give infractions for name shaming. Most of the time name shaming is a simple misunderstanding, but the side effect is that peoples’ reputations get ruined. In other words, most of the time the targets don’t deserve it.
I’m not defending anyone or taking sides or speculating on what’s happened. I’m merely pointing out that the policy is there to protect innocents, not exploiters, and that if you truly feel that someone is making use of exploits you need to use the proper channels to report them.
There’s very little that we as players can do beyond reporting it to ArenaNet. Stirring up trouble in score topics is senseless — what are random players going to do? You need to contact the guild leader so they can work with you to figure out what happened, and you need to report your evidence to ArenaNet so they can handle it.
Hi everyone,
We’ve noticed a lot of overly aggressive and rude/disrespectful behavior in the WvW sub forums. That’s why we decided to post this reminder in order to clarify our community standards.
First of all, as the Code of Conduct says:
“Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members or in character assassination. Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice.”
Also, if you witness suspected behavior in game that could be violations of the in-game Rules of Conduct, please do not post these reports on the forum, as we’ll have to remove them. Any in-game misbehavior should be reported via the in-game report tool or through the ticketing system to our Customer Support Team with all required details such as screenshots, videos etc… Both methods will help.
Secondly, regarding exploits: posting exploits on the forum is not permitted as the forum moderation team does not investigate those issues. That’s why exploits have to be sent to the following address: or to our Customer Support Team as explained above. Reports of exploits sent by either of these two methods reach the correct people who can then investigate.
And finally, one of the most important points, which is also available for every sub forum: be polite and respectful towards each other. These forums are meant to be constructive, and while we understand that a bit of zeal can sometimes be necessary in the spirit of competition, please keep in mind that all inflammatory, rude, and disrespectful posts will be removed. So let’s reserve the energy to fight on the in-game battlefields and not on our forums.
With these simple rules in mind, we would like to offer you a friendly place where all exchanges can be done in a respectful way and according to the sportsmanship needed for those intensive battles that are going on in WvW.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
If you guys need mithril and elder wood logs… you could just ask me. I’m forced to craft my mithril ingots into stuff just to save space.
Disturbance….somewhere…..there is a disturbance…I feel it…
I’m in the same situation. I have 250 mithril ingots and 250 mithril ore stocked up because I salvage yellows so often. If I wasn’t crafting myself weapons I’d probably not be salvaging as often as I do and probably wouldn’t be sitting on as much mithril as I am. It’s at the point where I don’t even bother with mithril nodes.
I guess the lesson here is that salvaging is awesome and I love this month’s monthly.
Edit: actually I take that back, I forgot I spent my ore crafting random level 80 rare armor pieces to salvage (delicious ectos).
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
Anyways, score update please
? I like to keep track of the scores throughout the day to see how our crew is doing in each timezone.
i think you mean nudity/gary busey update.
I hope that these two ideas never combine.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
just one quick question… sor owned 500+ppt most of the time when they were in t2. BG has not yet achieved that this week. is that mean sor is now much more stronger than bg?
It means that BG isn’t sitting on top of a tiny server’s land.
just one quick question… sor owned 500+ppt most of the time when they were in t2. BG has not yet achieved that this week. is that mean sor is now much more stronger than bg?
That was a 1v1, so you really can’t draw much based purely on ppt.
He mean 1v1 because everyone from SBI just went to SoR, leaving SBI a dead server on the match. But I won’t say SoR is weak… It’s holding very well against the old T1 servers, maybe even better than we did.
understand that. but I just have a feeling we are not as strong as before. Maybe it is just my timezone. We used to hold 400+ even 600ppt against sor and tc during oceanic. we could hardly get 400 now despite we had some great guilds joining us. Just my feeling, I have not yet observed much improvement from guilds after going to T1. We are supposed to learn from T1, they have great tactics and strategy that we could implement. I notice some guilds are doing open field fight i am glad to see that as we really need this at the moment. but other than that i feel like i am running as a mediocre zerg tho i am in a wvw guild myself.
Both TC and FA have grown in size, so BG isn’t having as easy of a match-up as when it was BG/SoR/IoJ or BG/SoR/TC. BG isn’t weaker, the opponents are just stronger. That’s literally all it is.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
total lack of substance or content
I’ll save everyone some time and summarize this for you guys.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Say it with me everyone: queue. You’re saying que, which is a totally different language (it’s Spanish). One more time now: queue.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
This update brought to you by … the yellow bikini:
(If you look closely I’m actively making the “A” letter in the YMCA song, my friend to the bottom right already got the “C” …)
9/10 — first time participants are always welcome. Good selection of background and tasteful accentuation of one’s own features. The choice of scoreboard placement makes it easy for viewers to clearly interpret the score as it stands, and does not detract from the overall presentation. The addition of a map is an often overlooked feature that rounds everything out nicely.
One point was subtracted because the veteran guard in the background is highlighted, which distracts the eye. NPCs should blend into the background in future images, as they are ultimately part of the backdrop, not the ‘main course’.
The lack of proper siege feng shui would have lost you another point if not for the presence of the asura Eek Kee. His name — clearly an onomatopoeia expressing shock and embarrassment — pairs well with his actions, as he rapidly averts his eyes away from your bare form.
You just want to see me naked. That screenshot is from last night, I don’t think anyone wants a 12+ hour old score update. 1/10 try harder next time.
I don’t believe you understand what the phrase, “next time,” actually means. You will not go very far, young one.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
am i doing it right?
You have misplaced your score update. 5/10 for meeting half of the requirements. Actually, 6/10 because I appreciate your efforts. You will go far, grasshopper.
Enjoying the welcome to Tier 2 from Blackgate and TC, especially enjoying the bags.
More blood* for the blood* god!
You’re not naked.
There’s no score update.
1/10 try harder next time.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Scores Update… And NO! No nuding… Screw you!
1/10 them’s the rules
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
It’s nice to see FA ready to dish out good fights. To TC, we’re coming back with fireworks, and Fiesty Brat score boards. See you all after reset.
Can we make it a thing next week where every tower and keep siege requires someone with fireworks?
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
4. Will TC run a dolyak parade, tea party, or some similar RP event for FA to try and ruin?
1. It was a picnic, not a tea party, come on now
2. I wouldn’t call standing around pressing buttons on fireworks while people danced around/costume brawled/chatted a form of roleplaying
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
TC exploiting the invulnerable spots. This guy would hang around lowlands kill people and then run back to the spot when he got in any danger. I made sure to emote at him a lot since they like it so much.
That is clearly a woman.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Kaineng vs FA vs JQ for a classical GW:Factions battle royale (the Dragon empire – Kaineng – vs the tree huggers – FA – and turtle lovers – JQ). Ok not really, I don’t really care who FA faces, as long as its relatively fun.
15 weeks against Eredon Terrace it is!
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
We need to stop denying the truth about our Chitterogg ERP club.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
This is a little late, but those were some fun duels we had on TC BL – We had the entire [Choo] Zerg watch our duel between a warrior (Sorry forgot your name – he’s a classy one. The one with an Afro, and you dueled with a greatsword, axe and hammer.) and it was actually well organised until KH started attacking our tower :P
Great fun – I was the mesmer you killed (the sylvari one, not the one that pulled you off the cliff). The Hundred blades destroyed 10k of my hp despite your being blinded and I blinking out of it halfway >.< Had I know 100blades wasn’t affected by blind I would have lasted longer :P
Very good fight between my guild leaders as well – it was very close at times.
Is this the droid you are looking for?
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Sharks in Bay would use their electroreceptors better. Hidden players (such as via stealth) would attract the shark’s attention. Players wouldn’t be directly revealed, but the sharks would betray their location by doubling back and sniffing around their hiding spots. Any player paying attention has a much easier time chasing them out.
Additionally, hiring additional guards would add in more sharks. Strengthening guards would cause the sharks to actually attack hidden players instead of just sniffing for them. Hiding players would have to choose different hiding spots — swimming forever wouldn’t work anymore.
Some advantages of this:
- Bay becomes easier to defend and harder to hide in
- Players no longer consider Bay harder to hold or more trouble than it’s worth
Add a chest to each server’s spawn area that would allow players to collect any missed loot, up to 100 items, similarly to the interface presented at the end of GW1 missions. Any uncollected loot would be lost forever once the player left the borderland.
This sucks for players that disconnect, but it’s what already happens when they disconnect surrounded by loot bags. There’s no “nice” solution to the DC problem.
Some advantages of this:
- Players will no longer feel super depressed when they die surrounded by bags
- Players can focus on what’s important (sieging/defending objectives) rather than looking for bags
Go through and hammer out terrain exploits.
Some advantages of this:
- No more terrain exploits.
Make it so that players attempting to enter enemy spawns are repelled (similarly to how the sylvari personal story chapter “Snuffing Out Embers”) rather than just instantly killed. Super guards instantly killing players doesn’t always work.
Some advantages of this:
- Eliminates an anomaly
- Saves players a lot of grief and confusion
- Allows invaders and defenders peace of mind to build golem armies without scouts jumping in on them
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Jumping puzzles get canned. Instead of jumping puzzles for the borderlands, turn that area into another contestable point of interest — a hidden asura lab. It would be captured by breaking down doors and killing the npc’s inside of it like towers, but it would award no ppt for controlling it. Instead, control of this room would reward its owners with an asura portal connecting to their spawn, and with a radar station allowing players to see any group of 10 or more enemies not located in a keep, tower or spawn via the world map.
Some advantages of this:
- makes it easier for invaders to reach the northern part of the map
- makes it easier for defenders to see massive zergs so they might defend more easily
- emphasizes the importance and quality of smaller groups on the map
- adds asuran flair to a predominantly human, norn and charr themed map
Replace the center shrine with a sylvari tree, and the quaggan power nodes with small quaggan villages. The center tree would have four sylvari living at it. Three of the sylvari tend to the tree and want the quaggan to share fish and food with them so that they don’t have to leave. A fourth sylvari — a shaman — oversees the tree’s growth and cannot be disturbed.
Players can gain favor with the quaggan villages by bringing them pearls, killing krait, and reviving defeated sylvari guards just as it currently works. Once the quaggan are happy, they’ll help your server out by sharing food with one of the sylvari. If an opposing server wipes out the quaggan village, then the sylvari will no longer get fed and will be unable to assist players.
When players have favor with one of the sylvari tenders, that tender will supply their server with magical seeds. Magical seeds function similarly to the ones in GW1’s version of the Maguuma Jungle. Players can use the seeds at specific locations to build shortcuts and to access otherwise unavailable locations. Using a seed would create a vine bridge (again like GW1) that would last a short while (around 15 seconds) before withering. Friendly players could reinvigorate the vine bridges by interacting with them (allowing the controlling server to access them again), while enemy servers could damage the bridges to destroy them.
Occasionally krait would attack the center tree and try to disrupt the shaman’s work (similar to the current krait attacks). Players would earn his favor by defending him. If the sylvari shaman died, the tree would wither until he returned. While withered, the lake water would become murky and hard to see in, and krait would begin slaving quaggans (slowly losing favor with any allied quaggan if not maintained with pearls/krait kills). However, while the tree is healthy the water would be clear and krait attacks more infrequent.
If the sylvari shaman was sucessfully defended, then the server responsible would benefit from mercenary troops. These would be plant creatures grown from the tree by the shaman, and they would take the function of the current quaggan troops.
Some advantages of this:
- Players can create shortcuts, such as up the large northern cliff or across the water in outer Bay
- Siege can be better placed by accessing different areas, allowing for more aggressive/defense siege
- Temporary walls can be built in choke points, such as the tunnel at the southeast tower
- Some sylvari culture and flair is added to the map without really changing things too much
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
It’s fine, no need to fight guys. Everyone will be initiated under the employ of joy one day (most likely by stumbling across it and joining in). If people don’t want to have picnics or parades then let them choose not to.
Can’t force people to shoot fireworks, only offer them the chance. They’ll come around.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
(edited by Kerithlan.1659)
so when’s the parade going on again? or any more picnics?
Sent you a guild invite to Team Dolyak [DOLY].
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
I love you.(period) Do you love me?(question my heart) Please please!(exclamation point) I wanna hold you (in parenthesis)
Why do I know that? Is that ee cummings??
Dan Baird. cummings was a good guess though.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Score anyone? Pretty please?
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
… it would also lessen the power of night capping which warps the true nature of the server ladder
I don’t see how a battle that lasts for 168 hours with participants from 24+ time zones cares about day or night. I’d get into the philosophy of ‘what is night?’ in such a conflict but it’d be pretty pointless.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Are you really, really attempting to sell me that having a picnic with the enemy is sound tactics? This is why we cant have victories, or at least more SOR dunking.
And I feel I understand the server quite well. If you wish to RP, RP your hearts out. this is WvW. There is a time for picnics, and there is a time to resist.
You really do not understand Tarnished Coast at all.
I never said that having a picnic was tactical (even in the slightest). I said it was an effective way to end spawn camping and have fun — two things that needed to happen. Capturing camps wasn’t working, we needed to have fun; ergo, picnic.
We can’t have victories because we’re not sitting fat and sassy at the top of Tier 3 and one of our opponents is currently sitting fat and sassy at the top of Tier 2, not because of picnics. Give me a break. I’ll see you for the Dolyak parade on Thursday — bring some fireworks and tonics.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Sounds like the start of a joke…
“A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…”
The elementalist turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the warrior die?”
Should be ‘’Did you see something’’ You know, cause of the culling and all that
Culling only affects large groups, it wouldn’t bother a small group of three.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
2-Outmanned buff should have priority in Dev teams schedule to reward people playing outmanned and it has to have different levels. Harder you are outmanned better the buff gets.
You can’t put offensive or defensive buffs in the outmanned buff. That would just result in a group of self-proclaimed “elite” WvWers getting on a map and yelling at everyone else, “Get off the map, you’re ruining our outmanned buff, and the buff is more helpful to us than you.” Even if the buff scaled for something else, you’d get farmers of whatever it buffed who’d want to be the only ones on the map so they could optimize their farming.
The solution is to keep the outmanned buff exactly as it is, but implement variable siege caps that take population into account.
Let’s say that the default siege caps are 100 rams and 100 everything else. As long as servers are fighting at equal strength, they will have access to the full cap. This means that if no server on the map is outmanned, all three servers have access to 100 rams and 100 everything else.
Now let’s say that one server is outnumbered 2 to 1 versus another server. Beginning at 15% and adding 5% per additional outnumbering factor the larger server enjoys (ex: 3 to 1, 4 to 1, etc), the larger server is unable to place that amount of additional siege, up to a maximum of 40% (or a factor of 6 to 1). This is a handicap on the larger server rather than a buff to the smaller server. It doesn’t prevent the larger server from playing, but rather slows down the rate at which they can steamroll as they will have to be more careful when placing siege.
Let’s say that we have three fictional servers: Cavalon, Sanctum Cay, and Istan. They’re in a match-up together, and the three servers are currently engaged against each other on the Eternal Battlegrounds. Cavalon is Red, Sanctum Cay is Blue, and Istan is Green.
Now let’s add some data to each server:
- Istan currently has 125 players on the map.
- Sanctum Cay currently has 25 players on the map.
- Cavalon currently has 65 players on the map.
Since Istan outnumbers Sanctum Cay 5 to 1, Istan has the amount of siege they can place reduced by 35%. Since Istan outnumbers Cavalon 2 to 1, the amount of siege Istan can place is reduced by 5% (to hit the 40% cap).
Since Sanctum Cay is outnumbered by both Istan and Cavalon by a factor of at least 2 to 1, they may place the maximum amount of siege available. Additionally, Sanctum Cay enjoys the Outmanned buff for extra karma, experience and coin.
Since Cavalon is outnumbered by Istan, they have no limitations to the amount of siege they can place. However, since Cavalon outnumbers Sanctum Cay by a factor of 3 to 1, the amount of siege Cavalon may place is reduced by 20% (15% + 5%).
Using our original model of 100 rams and 100 everything else, this means:
- Istan may place 60 rams and 60 everything else
- Sanctum Cay may place 100 rams and 100 everything else
- Cavalon may place 80 rams and 80 everything else
While Istan enjoys a larger population, the population handicap makes it easier for Cavalon and Sanctum Cay to fortify and fight back. Istan is no longer able to comfortably steamroll and hold large swathes of the map for extended periods of time. Istan is still able to make use of superior numbers and whatever coordination and communication they have in place to hold Stonemist Castle and so on, but find themselves spread more thinly when it comes to managing offense and defense.
That’s really the problem here. Larger servers are able to both attack and defend more efficiently, which leaves smaller servers with very little room to breathe. The other benefit of this model is that as long as the three servers are equal in force (let’s say Istan is fielding 100, Sanctum Cay is fielding 95 and Cavalon is fielding 90) the three servers can fight as though they’re at an equal level.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Besides, complaining about TC holding a picnic is to lack a basic understanding of the server.
I could kiss you for this! Thanks!!!
I accept your gracious offer.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Sounds like the start of a joke…
“A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…”
The elementalist turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the warrior die?”
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
I remember waking up to a sea of Green one morning and telling myself “Surely, TC will be resisting with every fiber of it’s soul” and instead, a TEA PARTY on a friggen bridge. That is when I knew, right then and there, I could not count on the Fiber of TC to resist. I put away my Support spec gear, and donned the mask of Glass Cannon, shaking my head as I watch the rest of my brethren in TC try to push their way out of spawn. I hope, in my wanderings, those SOR I dunked on happened to be server transfer traitors.
Weak willed TC Brethren: You do not fight when you are only winning. That does not matter. This is WvW. You fight to fight, to bring death to the SOR. The only thing I am glad for, is that the Internet Gods have blessed us with a great abundance of SOR bodies to choose from! I’ve gained more honor badges fighting now then ever. Is our keep taken? ROAM! poke supply camps. poke sentry’s. Poke wandering SOR scum scurrying back to their “Glorious” horde. Camp vistas and POI. Give them NOTHING. But most of all, fill your hearts with hate. Hate your enemy, and you will continue to fight them, no matter the outcome. Loathe your enemy, because you know in your heart that they are filled with server transfers who jumped ship.
I’ll have you know that we tried grabbing some people to take camps and get rolling before settling in with our fireworks and fancy cakes. It was more fun and more productive to have a picnic — it broke up the spawn camping at the very least.
Besides, complaining about TC holding a picnic is to lack a basic understanding of the server.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Akamon! Congratulations on your new baby!
Getting any sleep? hehe.
You must be over the moon
:DDD thanks so much!! super ecstatic here. thinking of starting a character based off of him and show him 18 years down the road lol
“this is what i thought of you son”. will let you folk know if little Zac ever graces the battlground or borderlands ; ))
what is sleep? ha, kidding aside, he’s quite well-behaved. only thing, he seems to have inherited his Dad’s night-owl-ness
Not sure how I’d feel about that if I was you, as people would be killing my kid. A digital proxy sure, but I mean, that seems a little bit like something I’d not want to happen.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Lower tiers want this. Like it was mentioned earlier. It’s very difficult with the current ratings to move up a tier.
All Anet needs to do is manually boost all the tier 8 server’s ratings to ~1000, then there is no more tier 8 pitfall. They can go up a tier if the win, or stay where they are if they lose. Problem solved.
Don’t need to kitten up the other 7 tiers when it’s as simple as changing 3 numbers.
The problem is that this would inject an additional ~900 rating into NA and an additional ~750 rating into EU. That might not be important to some people but it’s a nightmare long-term.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Your server (TC) is likely to lose by quite a bit to BG or SOS
It’s funny because I think JaredKincade would have a lot of trouble losing by quite a bit to BG when he is a member of BG’s populace. He’s not on TC.
Maybe you shouldn’t take pot shots.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Just let it play out. It will be great to face some new opponents. With the current ratings the matchups are nearly the same every week.
If you are from a top server, your “new” opponents would be run over by you. Unless you really enjoy lop sided fights I don’t see how that’s great for you.
If you are from a low server, your “new” opponents would run you over. Unless you really enjoy getting tortured, I don’t see how that’s great for you.
Lose-lose if you ask me.
Sure, if you’re only looking at the next one or two matches.
In the current environment it’s going to take at least a month for T3 through T8 to settle down. The current environment also makes it statistically improbable for certain servers to move up into positions they belong in, exacerbating the problem.
I will gladly exchange two weeks of bad/awkward match-ups for long-term fun for everyone, and you should too. It’s about every server everywhere getting better and getting into a better place, not just your server.
Win-win if you ask me.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
I say this as an ele, who has to sit baby sitting walls and trebs far too often. Please please please Anet nerf swirling winds. It is boring as kitten to sit and hit 4 every 30 seconds for 30+ minutes. I think all my elementalist friends out there would agree we would rather be fighting.
Get all of those thieves ganking upleveled players to do it with Smoke Screen. Everyone complains about thief having no role in group play — there it is folks, help the team.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Here’s what’s going to happen to the smaller servers everyone is worried about:
Week 1: have a good match, gain 30-50 points, end up in T2-T3 the next week
Week 2: have a bad match, lose 50-100 points, end up in T6-T8 the next week
Week 3: have a good matchIf everyone is at 1500 points to start, then losing 100+ points in a single match-up (as we’ve seen happen multiple times the past few weeks already) is going to stabilize things rapidly. We’re talking one, maybe two poor matches.
This isn’t the end of the world. Don’t sensationalize it. I’m fine with this decision.
one scenario though you might wanna think about, say BG dominates T2 this week and you guys fall from t2 to say t4, being that SoR is untested in T1 we lose and fall to T4. Not to sell you guys short but looking at the match up right now SoR will demolish you guys again forcing you to stay in t4 or fall even further down the tiers, that would force you guys to start from the beginning. Def. not something I personally wanna see happen which is why this idea could backfire very very badly for anet.
But with the current shifts in rating it is clear that the smaller servers are much smaller than the bigger ones, to the extent that even servers like Maguuma that aren’t even that big are able to devour rating and skip tiers.
If we end up in T6 then T6 has a bad match and we go to T3-T4 the next week. It is not a big deal.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Here’s what’s going to happen to the smaller servers everyone is worried about:
Week 1: have a good match, gain 30-50 points, end up in T2-T3 the next week
Week 2: have a bad match, lose 50-100 points, end up in T6-T8 the next week
Week 3: have a good match
If everyone is at 1500 points to start, then losing 100+ points in a single match-up (as we’ve seen happen multiple times the past few weeks already) is going to stabilize things rapidly. We’re talking one, maybe two poor matches.
This isn’t the end of the world. Don’t sensationalize it. I’m fine with this decision.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast