Showing Posts For Kerithlan.1659:

Leaving Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Sorrow’s Furnace T8 – A server that was an inch from being in T5 at one point but Borlis Pass drained them dry, then people left. A great server with good community and numbers but not zergy.

Just a slight warning about Sorrow’s Furnace, they consider themselves the unofficial Latino server. If you cannot tolerate people speaking in other languages (namely Spanish), then stay away. It will save both you and them a lot of drama and rage.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I like how TC has given a superior attitude to servers they have beat in the past, but now that they get it….not so fun.

SoR gamed the system, it has nothing to do with winning or losing.

T1 servers want SoR in T1, SoR should be in T1 and some on SoR gamed the system.

You wouldn’t be faring any better if BG was in T2 this week anyways. I don’t get why you folks keep railing on this. Without that third competitive server (sorry SBI), you were going to get beat this week if it was SoR or BG. Drop the act already on this.

Please note the part where I said, it has nothing to do with winning or losing.

Drop the act where you pretend that gaming the system shouldn’t make a server gain justified hate.

We didn’t ‘game the system’ to stay in T2. We logged out for a bit for the people who wanted to come to our server instead of yours could get in.

Yeah this is totally hitting the nail on the head. You guys totally didn’t post about how you were playing on alts, running dungeons and farming badges instead of taking objectives. You totally didn’t post about how you were doing mass jumping puzzle chains for entire guilds and all of their alts just to store up siege for when you get to T1. (Edit: and you totally didn’t drop from +103 rating before posting this crap to ending the week with +78 and falling behind BG by 10. Totally did not happen at all.)

We totally care about people transferring to your server instead of ours, and this totally is about jealousy. You nailed it square on the head. Masterstroke.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Kerithlan.1659)

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Yup, we should all get banned for training our new members and getting to know the new guys in SoR, getting ready for T1, although having any T1 server in our place wouldn’t change a thing. Totally.

If you’re planning to quote me on that, we ‘trained’ our newer members by telling them via voice comm about what tactics we use, which guilds excel at which stuff… etc.

Why did this require your major guilds to play vacation day and intentionally throw last week’s match? That’s the problem. All of this rating gaming is dishonest, and it’s even more dishonest to deny it. A trial by fire in T1 would have helped you way more than whatever it is you’re doing this week if training was your goal.

Also from last week:

For the record, I would pick BG keeping us at 45 PPT for 2 weeks and learn something rather than an inflated server with an even more inflated ego that refuses to bring the hurt out of cowardice.

For the record, we’re ticking at +545 right now and have control of your entire BL. That’s with about 25% of our active population in WvW. Most of our regulars are doing fractals/dungeons or leveling alts.

Two days ago you were ticking at +405 against the same force, what happened?

I’ll tell you what’s happening, you guys are quitting. A lot of the SoR commanders are patronizing you because we want a decent fight to help workout our inter guild coordination. Unfortunately outside of PiNK and AL, you’re all quitting.

You don’t want to be patronized, get back in WvW and give us a decent fight.

First of all, welcome to SoR to the new guild arrivals. We are hoping to see the remaining Oceanic and Asian transfers here shortly.

I am going to post this information, because I am honestly not all that impressed with the performance I have seen from the influx of transfers (it’s my opinion, take it for what it is). This is what I feel should be the focus of SoR over the coming two weeks. I also believe that all guilds serious about being contenders in WvW should direct their focus toward these ideas.

1st. Use this time before the next reset to acquire the needed gear that will make your forces the most effective i.e. level 80 exotics, ascended gear, and so forth.

2nd. Use this time to create strategies for team composition, set and learn individual and group roles in team composition, and balance team composition to make you the most effective fighting force you can be.

3rd. Establish rules of engagement for fighting e.g. not over extending and executing orders quickly.

4th. Have fun training.

The following two weeklong battles should be dedicated to completing the previously mentioned tasks. At this point in time, we are not ready to contend with Tier 1. Once we feel that these tasks have sufficiently been implemented and executed, our forces will amass and take us directly to Tier 1.

Good luck, Good fights, and have fun

You laid out your game plan pretty clearly. Even if you aren’t posting about it often, it’s fairly obvious that it is what it is. There’s two reasons why you’ve chosen the actions that you have, and they’re incredibly transparent.

1. You are afraid of how well you’ll do in T1, and so you are delaying it at the expense of your opponents.
2. You were afraid of your new transfers getting cold feet while free transfers were still open, and so you’ve held yourselves back for a week just in case things go sour.

I understand both of those fears and I don’t have a problem with either. What I have a problem with is the dishonesty and patronization, the fact that many of your bigger guilds are jeering and taunting at us, and the fact that you’ve tried to turn it around and pin it on us and denied that you’ve done anything at all.

I get it, both sides are at fault here and I get it, both sides need to chill out. The issue is not and never will be being outnumbered, it is not and never will be scoreboard posturing, and it is not and never will be losing a match by such a large margin.

The problem is when you guys have the gall to toy with us and tell us first that you’re not, then that it’s for our own good, and finally that we’re not doing our part to train your troops, in that order.

And at the FA guy: we made efforts to push out of the tier as soon as we could. We didn’t delay ourselves for a couple of weeks. We also didn’t have direct control over it like SoR does, and we only did move up when IoJ began to fall apart. Despite being bigger we actually had a match-up where FA would beat us in ppt and was able to hold their own territory most of the time. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Kaineng shouldn't skip T3...

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


FA going to T2 is the more likely scenario as long as FA remains ahead of Mag and DB and increases the gap.

I agree — FA needs to focus on stopping DB’s night presence, as that seems to be your biggest obstacle right now.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


That chat log. Is that really how you guys feel about us SoR?

No, some of our more casual players and some of our transfers haven’t gotten into the swing of how we do things yet.

Most of us are upset that you gamed the system last week, but at this point it’s more a matter of not wanting to deal with how tedious playing against you has become than it is any sort of malice.

It’s a different story with a second server our size or larger in the mix as it gives us more options, but when it’s basically two servers with comparatively no presence — and the bigger server mocking us on the forum — then it just isn’t fun.

Look, understand that I don’t mind losing when we’re outnumbered. That isn’t the problem, and you’ll note that the majority of folks on TC didn’t complain against BG. The problem is the attitude we’re being given by an ungracious winner. You’re training on us? You’re begging us to come out so we can train your recruits? Do you not see how that is insulting? People bragging about a scoreboard is fine because at least that’s something we all expect to see and something we know is going to happen. This nonsense SoR has been posting isn’t fine.

If you guys were being cool about it then we’d probably have no problem. It really boils down to that. You should be ashamed of yourselves for treating us this way. It has nothing to do with it being a game and everything to do with being decent people. You were decent people until you were in power — what happened to you guys?

It’s just too much effort to care too much about anything this week when we have to deal with this sort of nonsense. We’re still going to play but don’t expect us to put up with your crap.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Kaineng shouldn't skip T3...

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Kaineng might even catch 3rd place in T1 by the end of the week.
Kaineng real power is just preparing for this.
Server has the potential of a nuclear bomb in wvw.

Yeah absolutely zero chance of that. I somehow doubt Kaineng is going to pull 300 rating out of their kitten

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I’m not saying that it was most likely that TC would have beaten SoR if there were no transfers, but I do think there was a decent enough chance that we could have won to make things very interesting and entertaining. Now it is neither.

I don’t think that we would have won, but I believe SBI and TC were neck and neck in power. The three of us could have worked some unbelievable magic if given the chance. SoR may have been bigger, but not by such a factor as to invalidate either opponent as now.

There’s no love for art in this game. Tier 2 could have been art.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


We want a strong third server in T2 after most of SBI jumped to SoR and ruined the tier.

Lot’s of that going around these days.

Stay strong YB and CD, better days are definitely ahead of us at this point.b

I think that SBI vs YB vs CD is going to be one of the best match-ups and one of the most balanced tiers for a long time to come. To say you have better days ahead of you is a huge understatement imo.

Not only that, all three servers are very classy people, so there’s that to boot. I hope I’m not wrong.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


From some SBI, probably because some SBI went there. While alot of people recognized why there was an exodus, most feel abandoned. Having those people plus other servers migrations hit where it hurts. I guess from TC standpoint its more frustrating to watch SBI guys hop over to the already larger server in a recently comparable server strength. If HoD would have all quit, then everyone hopped over to SBI or JQ, either side that didnt get the remnants would have resulted in the same kind of feeling. Luckily, that didnt happenand allowed us to beat JQ and BG for a couple of weeks.

Things I keep seeing is not fun, this is so skewed, crap like that. We, all three servers know what happened. Make fun where you can. You cant stop people from doing what they do. You have a couple of days left to transfer if rating and tier is that important. For us, and my guild, it is a player killer mentality from Dread Lord days to perma delete matches in the death chamber in NWN. Fight for the fight, and embrace the opportunity to have a target rich enviroment. We all win and lose fight, move up and down in tiers. Enjoy it, end of story.

You and your guild are all invited to our next picnic.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


TC is really looking forward to you guys, please don’t game the system and give T3 a poor match-up. That helps no one.

To be fair, the reason I -WANT- to fight Maguuma/DB rather than skipping them entirely is I DO think it’s a good match-up. And I think they’d agree. The problem is, right now we’re facing 2 much weakened servers who have extreme coverage weaknesses. I think Kaineng NEEDS the fight with Maguuma/DB in order to realize “These are the littlest giants.” and change up our tactics to something more appropriate to our new Tier.

I’m not going to tell you how to play, just going to say that it’s likely you’re on par with us in terms of size. We want a strong third server in T2 after most of SBI jumped to SoR and ruined the tier.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Trying to keep us at just low enough points to stay in T3 instead of T2…Don’t wanna completely miss the chance to fight Maguuma and DB. XD

Please come and fight us in Tier 2. We would rather face you guys than Fort Aspenwood. Part of that is because you are a new opponent, and part of that is we don’t like Fort Aspenwood.

TC is really looking forward to you guys, please don’t game the system and give T3 a poor match-up. That helps no one.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I’ve had enemies dance on my body, laugh at my body, and STEAL MY FIREWORKS THEN EXPLODE THEM ON TOP OF ME

That is low!

That’s it! We’re raiding Fort Aspenwood and claiming all of their territory!

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Altie, you just need to do what TC’s night crew is doing. Be silly. Be more silly.

We had a picnic this morning, with fireworks, costume brawl and choir bells. We had pirate peg duels on top of a bridge, and we sat around a campfire. Our enemies joined us too.

You’ll suddenly feel much better about what’s going on, especially when people run past and double-back to make sure they saw what they think they saw.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Is it possible......

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


The answer is yes, and if things keep up this way they will.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


We’re honestly more likely to get Kaineng if things keep up this way, unless Fort Aspenwood stops sleeping to fight off Dragonbrand.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Leaving Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Wait people thought Maguuma was going to win or do well in T3?

Do they even know what server they’re talking about?

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


To the people that joined us for our picnic in EB: thank you. Many /waves and /cheers were handed out.

To everyone else: seriously what else are you going to do this week? PICNIC.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


SoR pistol thief that I just /dance’d at while being attacked:

Too bad you had 3-4 buddies run along, I could have shrugged you off all day! I know I’m not going to kill you with a scepter, so why not do a jig for you while you exert yourself? Next time we’ll try it without your friends and see how well we do, or how long it takes you to get bored. (To note, I was originally going to run into the camp but stopped when I saw green dots on the mini map in there.)

If you meant no disrespect then it’s my mistake. I will go delete my previous posts now.

High fives all around for self-moderation, guys. This is the proper way to handle disagreements.

TC is on the verge of giving up it seems. (shrugs) have fun in T1 SoR.

You’re drunk babe, go to bed.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Golem in a Box. Intended for WvW use?

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Why didn’t you reflect? The little golems are projectiles.
Oh… and: Shaking head at the removal of fun items from WvW.
Why can’t you just ‘tone them down a bit’?

Nothing is preventing them from creating WvW-only consumables, which honestly is better and the route I believe they’re going.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Golem in a Box. Intended for WvW use?

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


But yeah… you could have kept these in WvW and made them even weaker or not do any damage to siege or structures? I really like these to put on golems so they can defend themselves / be a tank.

1. Yes, removing the only downside to having super powerful, mobile siege (it having poor defense) is such a positive addition to the game. It makes things so interesting.

2. An all or nothing policy regarding consumables needs to be taken — I agree that the “nothing” policy is healthier long-term (and probably makes it a lot easier for them to add wacky things to PvE without wasting other players’ gold).

But you’re right, this is such a bad change.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Tell me about Blackgate server

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Strongest knit community of players you will find anywhere.

Said every server and every guild, ever.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Queue times in T1, T2, T3 servers

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


GMT +8 not -8. We’re talking 16 hours ahead of server time, not server time (so not Pacific).

Unless you mean literally in the pacific, in which case never mind.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Golem in a Box. Intended for WvW use?

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


They will not be usable in WvW after the next patch.

Thank you for not changing the mechanics of the item, as these are still hilarious and great fun to show new players.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Im still in fine o_o what happened?

In my case, my client completely crashed my computer (that’s normal, as this is a terrible computer and zerg wars with more than 150ish players sort of does that to terrible computers). Afterwards, I’m getting connection errors when trying to connect to the game (“Connection failure check your router” generic message).

If Doomdesire was also in TCBL then we might have the same issue (some error with the borderland), otherwise we’re both just having a bad time with technology.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Did GW2 break for everyone else?


Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


TC bl secured, and Garrison WP is on the way.

Five minutes later, Commander Gamerazer and his doppleganger cleared both north towers and took back Garrison.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


FEAR loves dancing in posion…POSION RAVE PARTY GOGO!!!!!

Imageshack is soooo five years ago.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Leaving Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Also it’s reset night everyone is logged on ATM it calms down during the week

Been few weeks of too many people, even during the weeks. Far to many transfers, just looking for a new server where there are less giant zerg vs giant zerg. I miss smaller fights where a zerg was 15-20 people and smaller groups were more common.

Take a look into Anvil Rock or Henge of Denravi, both should have what you’re looking for. They’re both strong servers without having huge or bloated populations, and both are in competitive/balanced tiers at the moment. Ferguson’s Crossing is another option if you’re willing to try T8.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

1 week predictions

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Fort Aspenwood vs Maguuma vs Dragonbrand will, they’re all vocal on these forums.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Or… you could spend the last few hours of this match targeting SBI and help propel a new opponent (Maguuma) into the T2 match for this coming week. Currently, the points are very close. Just something to think about ;D

No thanks, I’d rather see the transfer servers slap it out.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


So Sanctum of Rall, since you guys want to spend a few weeks messing around in T2 anyway, I have a great idea.

Next week let’s try to get both TC and SoR to leave SBIBL completely alone, and get them to stay in the tier for one week longer.

If we do this, then we are likely to see Maguuma vs Fort Aspenwood vs Kaineng next week. I don’t know about you, but that’s an explosive match-up that I really want to see.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Looking for a New Server!

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Thanks (almost) everyone for the kind words. We have decided on Henge of Denravi and will be transferring there in the near future. I really appreciate the time everyone took to give me their perspective on things. The thoughts and opinions posted in this thread were quite helpful!

Catch you all on the flip side….

Glad to hear it — have fun down there!

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Just wondering something about NA server

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Oh one more question can player from EU server speak with player on NA server ? (and vice versa)

There’s nothing preventing you from speaking with any player on any server. The only limitation that I know of is that you can only WvW on the same team as others from your home server.

Guesting will add one other limitation when it launches: players on NA servers won’t be able to guest to EU servers; and players on EU servers won’t be able to guest to NA servers.

If you just want to talk to people then you’re fine. If you want to play with them then you need to think more carefully before doing a region swap.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Party members buff priority

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I agree. Buffs should go to group first. Having my group fall behind because some random run along gets the swiftness instead takes the p….

However, I think that you should do the following. Basic boons go to group first. Swiftness should just go to more than 5 and also always go to your group at least. And perhaps also always go to Dolyaks as well! :P

That creates a new problem though — what if you’re in a group of 5 and a swiftness, protection or aegis buff you intended for an ally ends up on the yak instead?

The problem is the 5 cap limit, not prioritization of that cap. 5 just isn’t reasonable for the type of environment we’re in.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Party members buff priority

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I normally would agree, but escorting yaks is already a major pain with the current AoE caps, especially when skirmishes break out.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Server Q's and transfer decision.

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


That used to be Maguuma, but they just got overstacked on transfers recently and can’t really do it as well anymore. Plus they don’t want people transferring there anyway.

Every server in every tier zergs, you won’t get away from it. However, there’s people on every server that get their kicks from roaming. TC is no exception, and we have a very solid group of roamers in our community. I’d visit our community site and ask around if you’d like to know more or meet up with any of them, as even our big guilds have roamers in them.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Server Q's and transfer decision.

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Tarnished Coast only hits 3+ queues on reset night. Otherwise, and for most of the week, we have few queues.

We only really have queues on our home borderland or the Eternal Battleground outside of reset night, and when we do it’s almost always during NA prime time (2:00 pm to 11:00 pm server time). They never last more than 10-15 minutes.

Remember that Tarnished Coast is a large, robust and varied server community. We have strong PvE, strong WvW, and a whole lot of RP. If you’re looking for a server to transfer to with multiple options for when you’re done with WvW, check us out.

This website has a lot of information regarding our roleplay community, events, etc, while this website is our server community website and covers a lot of our WvW needs.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

I feel like there is no idea what the players really want in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


All they care about is PvE, dungeons and dragons, nothing else really.

I care a lot about Dungeons & Dragons as well, but what does it have to do with GW2?

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Transfers-Server limit increased for TC?

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Current world populations:

High: Borlis Pass, Sorrow’s Furnace, Ferguson’s Crossing, Isle of Janthir, Henge of Denravi, Devona’s Rest, Eredon Terrace, Kaineng.

Very High: Every other server

If your server (or the server that you want to transfer to) is not listed as High right now, then it’s Very High and available for transfer.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

January WvW culling & loading changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Is it possible to temporarily increase server caps until the 28th? There are a lot of people moving around right now and it’s getting very difficult to get everyone where they want to be before they’re no longer able to move.

I understand that you guys want populations to disperse more, but the reality is that we (and other servers) have several guilds and groups of friends split between different servers right now, and it’s nearly impossible for them to join their friends.

Most players would rather play with their friends than not, and for a lot of them transferring isn’t an option because free transfers are going to close before they can choose a smaller server.

I don’t know if it was me that prompted the server cap increase, but I cannot thank you guys enough either way. You’ve just made many of your players incredibly happy.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

January WvW culling & loading changes

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Is it possible to temporarily increase server caps until the 28th? There are a lot of people moving around right now and it’s getting very difficult to get everyone where they want to be before they’re no longer able to move.

I understand that you guys want populations to disperse more, but the reality is that we (and other servers) have several guilds and groups of friends split between different servers right now, and it’s nearly impossible for them to join their friends.

Most players would rather play with their friends than not, and for a lot of them transferring isn’t an option because free transfers are going to close before they can choose a smaller server.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Looking for a New Server!

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Crystal Desert

Woah wait, I thought that was CD’s server site? Do you guys have two, or am I just lost?

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Educate me on the fun factor of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


No thanks, you’ve already decided that you don’t like it, so posting this ultimately has no purpose. If you don’t like it that’s cool, but I do. It boils down to that.

I don’t have to justify to you what I like and don’t like, nor do I have to convince you to like what I do or don’t. No need to start topics for the sake of arguing with people — after all, that’s what you’re here for, right? From the tone of your opening post, you’re most certainly not here to learn.

Have fun out there.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Looking for a New Server!

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Only in terms of getting people who want to transfer here in. It’s one of the major reasons we’ve hit roadblocks while recruiting for WvW.

Anyway feel free to pop in at any time once guesting is available, you’ll probably like what you find. If not, then it is what it is. Send me a message if you need help contacting people on HoD, otherwise best of luck getting everything sorted out.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Looking for a New Server!

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


We’re one of the most populated and active servers in the game. It’s 3:30am server time right now and I’m watching two sylvari, a human and an asura roleplaying in the Brisban Wildlands of all places. They’re likely European or Australian but without asking them I really have no idea. (Edit: Oh I see, it’s two Wardens, a Seraph and a Peacemaker.)

It’s very hard not to find people here.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Kerithlan.1659)

Inviting Enemies to your Group

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I join parties with the enemy if I want to congratulate them or whatever. It’s usually like: invite → “hey nice fight/defense/counter-siege/whatever” → exit party.

It’s harmless when used for stuff like that, but it kind of defeats the point of not letting other servers trash talk you — not that I’ve had that happen yet.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Looking for a New Server!

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Feel free to guest over at any time, especially if you like roleplaying!

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Looking for a New Server!

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I hope you guys find what it is you’re looking for! I don’t have many contacts or resources at my disposal, but if you need additional help feel free to get in touch. HoD is a solid choice if you go with them — be sure to get in contact with some of their guilds/players before making the switch!

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Looking for a New Server!

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


You have until the 27th really to make a decision, so you have about 4 days. My best advice is to get into the match-up topics and start contacting people on each server.

If you ask them not to sugar coat it and to give you the raw skinny on the server and what it’s like, you’ll get a better idea more quickly. You can also check out the community websites:

Isle of Janthir
Yak’s Bend
Henge of Denravi

I don’t know of a website for Ferguson’s Crossing, but that may be just that: I simply don’t know of it if it exists. I’d definitely recommend asking in the match-up topic.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Is there more people on Kaineng or Maguuma?

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


My personal prediction is that Maguuma and Fort Aspenwood hold each other in T3 for one week, while Kaineng moves into T3. I think that two reset nights from now T3 is going to wake up to Fort Aspenwood vs Maguuma vs Kaineng, and whoever comes out on top of that will move into T2 and take SBI’s slot. I think SBI drops in two weeks, not next week. Feb 1st is going to be the day we start to solidify the tiers imo.

As to who is bigger or who is going to win, I don’t really think it matters. They’re going to be kicking the snot out of each other for a while.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast