Showing Posts For Kraljevo.2801:

Line of warding question

in Guardian

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


It is possible. Line of warding and Ring of warding can be placed everywhere except underwater. =)

Mai Trin & Captain Horrik destroyer of pugs.

in Fractured

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Just had that one, and it was horrible.

My whole team except me wiped around 6-7 times because of the cannons. Jeez, most of the time you can even run around the circles and not press the dodge button once. ITS SO SIMPLE.

Never pugging again

How to WVW as a guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


You Sir won the internet!

The Great MMO Migration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Bunch of narrow-minded people here, huh…

It’s certainly not the best marketing, but it’s original. :-)

Some people really need to complain about everything.


Ruins of Surmia/Dzagonur [DE]/Arborstone [FR]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


SWAT is really good! nice fights today

Kind regards from RoS

Which elite skill, Rampage or Charzooka?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Charrzooka is a fun skill but Rampager is a lot more useful, especially in large-scale WvW battles. If your warrior friends have enough warbanners or signet of rage, you can slot rampager in and get:

- decent knockback skills
- a charge, as far as i know
- you double your base power and toughness + you get triple Vitality!
- very important, long-duration stability!

AND ITS A LOT OF FUN in a zerg vs zerg fight

In PVE both skills actually suck, because bosses have the “defiant buff” and the dmg from the charrzooka is rather low.

Your luckiest moment in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


I threw plenty of rare greatswords (about 1000) into the mystic toilet and got Dusk and Dawn during the course of the day. You don’t believe me how thrilled I was!

Blessed Guardian 3.0

in Guardian

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


this build is much better than your previous one.

remember that boon duration is capped at 100%. I’d remove those 6% if I were you.

Ruins of Surmia/Drakkar Lake/Fissure of Woe

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Where are you? We wait on the red borderlands! Help me with my second legendary and give me your loot bags!

I’d show up but I am banned for foul language, LOL.

Should Healing Breeze be buffed?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


40s recharge for a healing slot is rather discouraging.

I agree, a shorter cooldown wouldn’t hurt.

Ruins of Surmia/Drakkar Lake/Fissure of Woe

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


The problem with your strategies Drakkar is that you take away all the fun of the opposing servers.
It’s good that you found something that works for you but I hope we never ever have to fight against you ever again. Not because I don’t like losing, hell I like losing more then stomping the opposing servers, but it’s because I like to fight.
In 2 weeks time with a lot more time played then I should have done I didn’t get more then 30 minutes of good fights against Drakkar. (massive props to the champion guildless thief with those new green daggers for the duels)
I mean I don’t condone what has been said on the forum in these past 2 weeks but they do give you an indication of how frustrated people are, fighting you.
I think RoS did a great job this matchup in holding the lead for so long against the odds that pretty much destroyed us last week, but it wasn’t enough.
Deserved victory for Drakkar but still a bit soured by the lack of enjoyment in these last 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, this is true. We had a cool and big fight at reset on RoS borderlands, but that’s about it.

I had a lot more fun fighting against Ring Of Fire and Dzagonur, to be honest. Not because you are facerolling our keeps and towers right now I don’t care about that. Its because you focus too much on siege and less on good fights.
Also, you really lack in good and fair roamers.

I mean, come on. 8 AC’s for a wildcreek paper tower? for realz? that was a facepalm moment in its best form.

I am looking forward to fighting Dzagonur again!

Kind Regards from a dissapointed Surmian.

Blessed Guardian Build 2.0

in Guardian

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


I like it when people try different things, I really do. However, this build is not very good.

- Spirit weapons are not useful anymore after the nerf, and there are way better ways to cure conditions. (e.g. Purging flames)
- 2.6k armor? Sure, everyone has different preferences but IMHO you should aim for at least 3k armor. It will make a huge difference, paired with strength in numbers. Why am I saying this? If 2 or 3 DECENT people focus you, you will die quite fast with 2.6k armor. Your high healing power won’t compensate the burst dmg you get.
- Signet of mercy can be useful in certain situations, but as you say, you are a support guardian. I recommend you to change the signet with a consecration or another shout.
- Additionally, your power is soooo low. I know that you focus on supporting your allies and heal them. However, with 2k attack you are not going to hit like a wet noodle, you are going to hit for even worse than that.

With a full clerics gear, boon duration runes and 30 in virtues you are going to have about 1650 healing power with the sigil of life, 2900-3000 power (with sharpening stones), 3k armor and 75% boon duration, and 15k health which is absolutely enough for WvW.

All guardians that say 15k health (16.5k health with the wvw bonus + 2.5k health with the guard leech so thats 19k!) is too low should learn to play. It’s all about the positioning. If you get focused, pop a wall of reflection or sanctuary and heal yourself up. Of course that depends on the situation

If your build works for you, Adam, then go for it, although I recommend you to swap to clerics gear or mix n match with soldiers for more hp, whatever.

my 2 cents.

(edited by Kraljevo.2801)

WvW Trinkets

in Guardian

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


What I usually do when i run into this problem is looking at my stats:

IMO, a zerg guardian should have at least:

- 3-3.2k armor
- 16-18k health (more is not needed, because you mitigate a lot of dmg)
- 3-3.2k power
- about 7-10% crit chance in order to regularly get vigor

The rest is really up to you. IMO, celestial gear is only good if you have a full set, because then you have a really balanced guardian which can be used for nearly everything in this game. (20k health, 3k armor, 2600 power, 45% crit chance, 90% crit damage, 450 condition damage, 650 healing power and so on..)

So no, I don’t think celestial is the way to go.

I recommend this build website.
You can experiment with your stats and see what you need and what not.

my 2 cents

Healway Guardian more damage?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


I happend to be stuck with my Guardian.

I’m not just able to go away from 30 in Virtues. All that cleansing, more boons and boon duration has become like crack to me.

Ontop of that I’m in full cleric armor with soldier accessories.

I just can’t go away from it.


I am also running a 0/0/10/30/30 build with full clerics and boon duration runes. It’s soo good and much better than this crappy AH-Build.

New GvG Arena images (Obsidian Sanctum JP)

in WvW

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


I am looking forward to it! This is an update which the game needs.