Showing Posts For Lulleh.6714:
> 3. December 2016
- Updated Fields of Ruin, Gendarran Fields and Harathi Hinterlands.
- Fields of Ruin: Added a Waypoint directly in the start, added more spacers in the start, added a reminder for an easy to miss POI, added a missing Glide-start at Sentinel’s Perch, extended the path at Grimm Hills to include the POI (stupid me), minor polish.
- Gendarran Fields: Made the path shorter for the first quest, added some quest-related comments, edited a comment (correction), added a reminder for an easy to miss POI, changed the whole path in the North-West corner of the map (A to A is now gone), minor polish.
- Harathi Hinterlands: Removed duplicate white backgrounds for the A near the start, edited a comment and path slightly for the first Quest, edited the comments at Wildspine Hills, added reminders for easy to miss POIs and a Waypoint, minor polish.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 1. December 2016
- Updated Kessex Hills, Snowden Drifts and Lornar’s Pass.
- Kessex Hills: Minor polish.
- Snowden: Changed the path after Jormabakke Stead to remove 1 loading screen(Waypoint), moved the end of the path in relation to the path change, changed a comment, minor polish.
- Lornar’s Pass: Added a comment at Skritt Hill and Frostgate Falls, updated the path at Frostgate Falls (go to Cave first and squash eggs, then kill Dredge), minor polish.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 30. November 2016
- Updated Brisban Wildlands.
- Brisban Wildlands: Made the path much more clear at The Shattered Henge & Toxal Bog (also changed some comments in the same area), minor polish.
- Diessa Plateu: Added a Waypoint use after the first HP, changed the path at Gram Hills when going from the Waypoint to the HP (added a Glide spot & changed the spacer), updated the Quest path / comments at Charradis Estate, minor polish.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 29. November 2016
- Updated Queensdale, Caledon Forest and Metrica Province.
- Queensdale: Added reminders for easy to miss POIs.
- Caledon Forest: Added a small Waypoint path in the start (just after completing the first Quest).
- Metrica Province: Minor polish.
- Added a banner/header for the page \o/ (thanks DoeD for making it).
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 26. November 2016
- Updated Fields of Ruin.
- Fields of Ruin: Fixed a typo (Pieces of Charr Scrap Metal).
Super weird. I was there, I didn’t even get to click it =/
> 25. November 2016
- Updated Divinity’s Reach, Wayfarer Foothills, Caledon Forest, Fields of Ruin, Lornar’s Pass, Gendarran Fields and Frostgorge Sound (Thanks to Medevac for giving me all these tips!).
- Divinity’s Reach: Changed the route (and added spacers) after Plaza of Balthazar (instead of running along Balthazar High Road you’ll now Waypoint to Palace Waypoint).
- Wayfarer Foothills: Changed the path at the Icesteppes.
- Caledon Forest: Changed the path (and changed some spacers / glidepoints) from Brigid’s Overlook Waypoint (through Ventry Bay) and over to Sperrins Waypoint, Town of Cathal Waypoint now goes to Mabon Waypoint, minor polish.
- Fields of Ruin: Changed the path after the first Quest (you now take the POI), the path is now tied together at Grimm Hills and “A” is moved to replace “B”, the end is now at Thunderbreak Hills.
- Lornar’s Pass: Changed the path after Lake of Lamentation to continue over the bridge to the Durmand Priory, the “B” endpoint is now moved.
- Gendarran Fields: Changed the path north of Brigantine Isles (1 less loading screen), changed the start to avoid another loading screen.
- Frostgorge Sound: Updated the northen part of the map to fit with the new update “A Crack in the Ice”.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 19. November 2016
- Updated Wayfarer Foothills.
- Wayfarer Foothills: Added reminders for easy to miss POIs, removed the “(bananas)” in a comment, updated the Quest path at Crossroads Haven.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 18. November 2016
- Updated Lion’s Arch, Black Citadel, Rata Sum and Wayfarer Foothills.
- Lion’s Arch: Added reminders for easy to miss POIs, minor polish.
- Black Citadel: Minor polish.
- Rata Sum: Minor polish.
- Wayfarer Foothills: Minor path improvement; added a glide point at Hunter’s Lake (towards The Frozen Maw), minor polish.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 17. November 2016
- Updated Timberline Falls.
- Timberline Falls: Added a shortcut at The Great Oouo, it’s a bit tricky but sure saves time (thanks Ideka.7946 for finding it and providing a tutorial video). [VIDEO]
> 13. November 2016
- Updated Brisban Wildlands.
- Brisban Wildlands: Removed a unnecessary spacer, minor route adjustment at Nemeton Grove; changed a comment in the same area to make it into the cave without the need of a dodge-jump (thanks Ideka.7946). [PICTURE]
> 12. November 2016
- Updated Lornar’s Pass.
- Lornar’s Pass: Minor route adjustment at Lake of Lamentation; changed a comment in the same area (thanks Ideka).
> 11. November 2016
- Updated Harathi Hinterlands.
- Harathi Hinterlands: Changed the completion of the Quest at Wildspine Hills (thanks Felix for letting me know!). [PICTURE]
> 4. November 2016
- Oopsy got a new website and the guide is now moved there!
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
Big update incoming! All maps are now updated.
> 3. November 2016
- Updated Sparkfly Fen, Mount Maelstrom, Frostgorge Sound, Fireheart Rise, Straits of Devastation, Malchor’s Leap, Cursed Shore and Southsun Cove.
- Sparkfly Fen: Changed the color of the path at Fort Cadence (to fit the Quest better), changed a comment, added reminders for easy to miss POIs, removed a Glide spot and changed the Quest path south of Orvar’s Den and marked the Hunters needed for the Quest, marked all chests at Forvar’s Waypoints, minor polish.
- Mount Maelstrom: Edited some comments, highlighted some NPCs of importance along the path, changed path slightly, added reminders for easy to miss POIs, added a small shortcut at the Stychs base, moved the Watermark slightly, added a Glide-start, minor path change, changed the Freeze Gun rotation to correctly show as 1,1,1,2,3(3 <— 3 again if target doesn’t die), changed font size from 10 to 11 (same as other maps).
- Frostgorge Sound: Edited some comments, minor path change, removed the correct answers on the Koda NPCs (Balance) – it seems to be random, minor polish.
- Fireheart Rise: Minor path change, added some comments/reminders (for easy to miss POIs + more), added a small shortcut.
- Straits of Devastation: Minor path change, added 2 splitters in Fort Trinity, added reminders for easy to miss POIs & HPs.
- Malchor’s Leap: Added some useful comments/reminders (for easy to miss POIs + more), minor change to the path.
- Cursed Shore: Edited a comment, changed the route just after Compass Plaza (and added comments).
- Southsun Cove: Added a comment, minor polish.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 31. October 2016
- Updated Iron Marches.
- Iron Marches: Added reminders for easy to miss POIs, added some useful comments to Quests and locations, minor polish.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 30. October 2016
- Updated Timberline Falls.
- Timberline Falls: Added some useful comments, added reminders for easy to miss POIs/Vistas, minor polish.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 27. October 2016
- Updated Dredgehaunt Cliffs.
- Dreadgehaunt Cliffs: Removed an incorrectly placed Gliding start-line, added comments (reminders) to some POIs.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 26. October 2016
- Updated Bloodtide Coast:
- Added comments (reminders) to some POIs.
- Added a Gliding spot and changed the path slightly at Bloody Bill’s Base.
- Added a comment to complete the Quest east of Sorrowful Sound and changed the path slightly (Quest objects are marked too).
- Rearranged the 1st Launch Pad path & removed the 2nd and 3rd (swimming was faster after all).
- Added and removed Gliding paths and changed the general path around Laughing Gull Island (it’s less confusing now).
- Removed “C” (pushing all Waypoints forward so old D is now C etc).
- “B” now directly goes to to the Pirate Costume Quest (without using the Launch Pad (I also added a Spacer)).
- Added a huge shortcut between Challdar’s Nest -> Gleaner’s Archway (Bogside Camp Waypoint) and Added a Video for it (it’s a bit tricky). Sorry about the sound by the way, it’s just some OBS settings I’ve tried (going back to previous settings).
- Minor polish here and there.
- Updated Blazeridge Steppes:
- Added reminders for easy to miss POIs and Vistas.
- Added/edited some comments around Ferrusatos Village.
- Added some weapon-swap comments.
- Corrected the comment for the skritt Event.
- Big changes to the last 70% of the map (new glide spot, faster access to the Vista).
- Improved the comment at Degun Shun.
- Improved the Stealth path at Tawny Ridge and added a comment
- Minor polish here and there.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
- Blade Shards
- Mystic Forge Stones
- (Lesser) Vision Crystals
- Shimmering / Tenebrous Crystals
- Baubles
- Chak Eggs
- Mystic Crystals
- Philosopher’s Stones
- Reclaimed Metal Plates
> 24. October 2016
- Updated Harathi Hinterlands and Bloodtide Coast.
- Harathi Hinterlands: Changed a comment in the beginning, added reminders for easy to miss POIs & Vistas, corrected the direction of teleport “A”, edited some comments to be more accurate, added some comments (tips) for some Quests, changed some stuff at Seraph’s Landing (added 2 comments, removed Gliding points, improved the path), minor polish.
- Bloodtide Coast: Changed the order of Waypoint destinations before “A” to make it easier to follow, also replaced the Spacers (they look nicer now).
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
Thanks a lot for the input. I’m running through as we speak and I’ve also included that sneaky POI in the latest update.
> 21. October 2016
- Updated Diessa Plateau, Kessex Hills, Snowden Drifts, Lornar’s Pass and Straits of Devastation.
- Diessa Plateau: Minor polish.
- Kessex Hills: Now using the Kessex Haven Waypoint after the POI north of Vithan’s Arm, minor polish.
- Snowden Drifts: Added some height to the map to avoid clipping of Molengrad (in the south), minor polish.
- Lornar’s Pass: Added comments at Nentor Valley & Icedevil’s Needle, removed a comment and made the path clearer north of Mistriven Gorge, minor polish, made the WP trail shorter at the end of “A”.
- Fields of Ruin: Added/updated some spacers, added a alternative route(& comment) to get into Hunter’s Gorge if the door is closed, minor polish.
- Gendarran Fields: Changed a comment, changed the approach (slightly) to the Pirate Ship HP, added some comments to a easily missed Waypoint and POI, added a gliding spot after the last HP.
- Straits of Devastation: Added a few comments for some “obscure” POIs (thanks Donari for pointing it out).
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 13. October 2016
- Updated Metrica Province.
- Metrica Province: Changed the Path in the beginning of the map, added the use of another Waypoint (Cuatl Morass -> Michoan Marsh), embedded the Vista into the Quest at Inquest Outer Complex (making it a lot smoother), minor polish, changed a comment.
- Brisban Wildlands: Minor polish at the first Waypoint in Skrittburgh.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 12. October 2016
- Updated Queensdale and Caledon Forest.
- Queensdale: Added alternative path at Windloss Delves, in case the event is up (causing a cave-in, blocking the normal Path).
- Caledon Forest: Changed the Quest Path for 3 quests. The one at TA, the Skritt one and the one around the Island (Fishing nets etc).
> 11. October 2016
- Updated Lion’s Arch, Hoelbrak, Divinity’s Reach, Black Citadel, The Grove, Rata Sum, Wayfarer Foothills, Plains of Ashford, Queensdale and Diessa Plateau.
- Lion’s Arch: Added Launch Pads & 2 Gliding spots, minor Path changes.
- Hoelbrak: Added a comment, minor polishing.
- Divinity’s Reach: Added a comment, changed the Path slightly minor polish.
- Black Citadel: Changed the Path on 2 places (around 3rd & 6th WP), Path now end in Imperator’s Core.
- The Grove: Changed the Path slightly, removed a comment, added a POI.
- Rata Sum: Changed the Path (thanks Mini Balli) (at E -> J).
- Wayfarer Foothills: Added details to complete the last Heart (Jotun Trading), removed a comment.
- Plains of Ashford: Minor polish.
- Queensdale: Changed path slightly (included Windloss Delves to the Quest), minor polish.
- Diessa Plateau: Minor polish.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
I have this too, or should I say had. Repairing the client did get rid of this window. How ever upon logging back I was unable to queue. Pressing either ranked or unranked did absolutely nothing. Reinstalling the whole thing as we speak.
To confirm, is everyone running into this issue is not getting into a match at all and just getting stuck after the map selection is finished? Is there anything unusual happening between accepting the match ready and the end of map selection? Any details could be helpful for investigation.
That’s right. Queued up, the first window popped (Accept, Decline, Dismiss). I accepted and it was time to select map. I think it was 8 votes on Coliseum so it won (can’t remember if anyone voted for anything else tho, if that matters). After the map won, the window didn’t go away. The game didn’t pop either. I tried to restart the game (and the PC lol), I logged alts, went into Fractal Lobby (and Fractal 100), WvW and Guild Hall. The window kept being there. As I said, a repair fixed half the problem but I still couldn’t queue after so I’m just going to reinstall.
> 2. October 2016
Updated the Table of Contents.
- Added Launch Pads (thanks to RandomDragon for pointing it out).
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
Just a little mini update, it’s come to my attention that Xik of Dark Ronins may not be the one who created the old maps but instead mrnice or Rill Soji. I don’t know which of these made it as mrnice wrote he made them but Rills post is 14 days newer, so I’ll just go ahead and credit them both.
> 18. September 2016
- Updated the Class Specific Optimization section with more Weapons, Swiftness & Movement skills/traits (thanks Skyland!).
Now we just need a Endless Revive Orb !
brilliant. love these. seriously good work
Thanks! I’m glad you like them!
> 7. September 2016
- Updated Snowden Drifts (thanks to Lizakowa for the tip). The Renown Heart in the left side border can now be completed a lot quicker.
- Added some more specific info on “About Face” for Thief & Mesmer.
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
> 3. September 2016
- Updated the following maps; Lion’s Arch, Hoelbrak, Divinity’s Reach, Black Citadel, and Rata Sum.
- Added some Spacers to make it more clear.
- Tried to clean up some of the mess in Black Citadel (and make it more comperhensive).
- Changed upload/host-site from [] to [].
- Added further optimization per Class (thanks to Heapheaus.5238).
- Added Useful Tips section (thanks to Heapheaus.5238).
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
A guildie started using your maps and reports that two instanced pois in Black Citadel are not shown. I have not personally checked this.
Did he/she say which? Feel free to ask and either reply here or send an in-game mail.
oh, I’m happy to hear that! I just updated Mount Maelstrom by the way. Someone pointed out a Quest that were “skippable” by buying the stuff for it, one I missed!
This is very nice, and I’m sure many players will benefit from the time and effort you’ve put into building such a comprehensive guide. Well done, Lulleh! I’m going to sticky this so more will see it.
Thank you so much! \o/
Amazing work Lulle \o/ I wanted to vote for sticky’ness, and I think I reported your post instead, haha!
LOL, such good friend!
This definitely needs to be stickied… maybe in Players Helping Players?
I was thinking about posting it there but I figured more people come to this section. A sticky would be nice indeed!
That looks awesome! I’m tempted to make a new alt just to try this out.
So am I lol, even though I just did it on 2 but it’d indeed be interesting to do it all in 1 go!
I’m glad you guys like it!
Hello hello,
Just dropping this off here. A project I’ve spent over 250 hours with for the past month.
Near pixelperfect World Completion routes. The few exceptions of where it’s not exactly on point is where I had to draw a bit further away to avoid clutter.
First I needed to get the maps. This is a lot more tedious than one may think since caves are not showing. To get that I had to manually walk into each cave and [screenshot, paste, cut, repeat] (I also had to make sure no vendors or my own character arrow was showing).
Once the maps were done it was time to make the actual routes. I started by Comparing the old maps (Dark Ronins) and and then made my own route using those two as a template. Now it was time for the actual playing, where I did run the actual path as I filled it in using Photoshop on a second monitor (having the decided path on a third). Once that was done I logged another character and tested my route (quality control) to check if there was anything that were missed / overlooked.
If everything was alright it was time for the final polishing. I were working on multiple layers, to highlight if a path crosses with another one, this let me show which one is after (highest) or it could also be based on altitude (gliding above a running path). Also the first dot in a Waypoint path is on a layer above the default one. This is also where Spacers and Gliding Start indicators are added and finally the Oopsy Watermark!
Because no one else did this. There are older maps posted (which also gave me the idea). Not only are they outdated but also not optimized like mine. Then there’s, a mess unlike any other. Neither do these two guides abuse Waypoints/Launch Pads or highlight Gliding paths.
- The whole project has taken somewhere between 250-300 hours to complete.
- I started this around July 16th.
- The character(s) I used to make (and test) this were Engineers.
Don’t hesitate to contact me in-game for questions and/or please do let me know if Anet makes changes that affect this guide. I will keep it updated as long as I play GW2. If you feel like supporting me, I only accept in-game gold.
Hope you’ll enjoyed it!
(edited by Lulleh.6714)
It kicked me out right when I chose “Spit” on some gravestone in Frostgorge Sound. Thought it was my fault :P
This literally made me laugh out loud!
I always worried about spitting on those gravestones.
Thank you ANet for addressing this so quickly.
Lol, and I were playing God with some huge stonehead in Southwest Fireheart Rise. Coincidence?
Just heard on teamspeak:
“I just read someone doing the math, and GW2 have only had 99,997 % downtime since start”
No name mentioned! ;D downtime or uptime, such little difference!
LOL no you didn’t!
Not too good of a design, letting some people finish and others not depending on RNG. Esp when it comes to that one item. One way of doing it if they wanted it to take a while could be to make you need 1 or 3 items. You can get one item per week and you WILL get 1 item from either of the chests (33% higher chance per chest opened) so either you’re lucky and open 1 or you need to go “find” all 3.
I see that the Item Links and Guilds has been fixed, thanks a lot for that Anet!
Why is there always this one guy who wants stuff refunded when something changes in an MMO? Seriously, things change, the alternative would be to let it stay as it was.
What’s the point in being so narrowminded. See the options of repair instead of just giving up (the alternative would be to let it stay as it was).
Look, to put things for comparison. Let’s talk HoT legendaries. I guess we can agree it’s easier to do now, meaning in theory it would’ve been better to wait until now to make them. BUT, that’s not the same thing is it? (answering the “when something changes in an MMO” part) We talk about a person here (and probably many, many more) who spent hardcash to support the company to upgrade their guild halls, and then comes the nerf. We’re not talking about 20% less but 90%!! It’s almost humiliating. Not saying the nerf was not good, it was as the devs said, the whole idea for the guild hall was probably very nice in theory but when it actually came it perhaps wasn’t so good. The problem here is the way it’s made. 90%, bam! nothing more. Doing any kind of compensation for this is very simple, just something. It would show a lot.
Also, as a side note to people who find this hilarious etc, what do you loose from them compensating for this? Nothing. So why cry? ^^ Try to see this from the point of view of those who didn’t want to wait one year based on a rumor to get awesome Guild Halls.
I think there should be some kind of compensation for this. I mean, by the same logic as “suit yourself”, the same then applies to leveling? I mean, leveling was boosted by x% since the path so it wouldn’t have been worth to spend all that time leveling until now… maybe a bit vague but you get the idea. This is not a market change or anything but a hard change in a system that apparently the devs was unhappy with.
Yes, there was rumors like a year ago but people cannot be expected to wait with scribing and making beautiful guild halls based on rumors. There was a notice like a month ago but that’s not really the problem here.
How to fix this? I don’t know but the easiest thing from a developing pov is to either give 50% of the mats used back, OR give double the decorations built pre-patch to all guilds. This way, the guilds that spent a lot get a lot back and those who didn’t spent much gets less, fair and square. More suggestions are welcome too of course. I think this would be a nice thing to be brought to attention, besides this the patch was amazing!
I’m happy to see the decision from Anet, feels like it’s moving in the right direction.
(I personally didn’t abuse this being scared they would take actions.)
I think this request makes sense. Saying that we all knew the price nerf was coming it could be in 1 month, or 1 year from the first announcement. Meaning you’d either wait and have an empty guildhall until it’s fixed or not. Sounds totally reasonable (both fairness and code wise (I guess)) to either give everyone double up of the currently owned decorations or give people back half the mats spent. Either way those who spent a lot gets a lot back as well.
Thanks for the reply Vicki! The naming of Bank tabs would be awesome, if possible (coding wise). While we’re at it, a search bar for the Meterial Storage would be amazing… =]
Oh, and it’s 5 months now actually! \o/
Just an idea that popped! =]
Add individual achievements per legendary weapon (Continuation)
Give each of the Legendary Weapons their own achievement.
Current State
Preferred State
As an achievement enthusiast I was actually disappointed to see there’s no achievement per legendary ( “only” for having up to 5). Planning to get them all, it would be nice to get an achievement for every unique legendary I soulbind. =]
I think that’s it for now, I’ll be replying to this post if I come up with something else. Thanks for your time (those who read this).
So, I just thought to add this to my idea regarding adding these achievements. There could be an additional achievement, as a meta requiring both the Soulbind x Legendary & it’s precursor collection.
Reward for the Meta
Apart from the achievement points (duh), perhaps a title tied to each meta for every individual legendary would be cool. I’m sure there’s some cool titles tied to this to be added. Also, taking this further there could be a big meta obtained for crafting(precursors)+soulbinding all legendaries. Maybe too hardcore, I don’t know but it just hit me as I’m writing this. =] Also, titles might be a bit too much but figured I’ll just add it and the devs could do what they see fit. This whole thing might seem kinda “endgame” or “hard” but comparing it to some other achievements I suppose it’s not too bad after all. (Kill 250k players in WvW, 1k Giants etc.)
So for example. If I buy Twilight off the TP but never crafted Dusk, I don’t get the meta achievement but Soulbind Twilight.
How ever, if I craft Dusk, I get the meta requiring both the collection to be completed for the precursor and Soulbinding the Legendary.
I mean, legendaries are kind of (part of) the endgame in Guild Wars 2 so this would be similar to the GWAMM / HoM stuff in GW1. In the end of the day, I suppose all players are some kind of hoarders / collectiors to a degree and this would put some more flavor on it! =]
(edited by Lulleh.6714)