Fort Aspenwood
Fort Aspenwood
OP is kitten. If everyone would follow you at Steam Ogre, FE pre would fail. So this is really selfish to expect that people will do as you say to please your schedule.
150+ players watch 5 people do the FE pre’s. PLEASE.
This is a different topic.
SO should be done after FE to let the chance for everyone to get it.
If lazy people make you sick, don’t do World Boss. If you hate waiting on a timer, don’t do World Boss. Simple solution.
there’s nothing wrong with lazy people. But the argument that "FE pre’s will fail because OP starts steam ogre during that time, is complete and utter bullkitten
Have you tried it? How can you say that if everyone goes for SO, they will be back in time before the golem gets overwhelmed?
And it’s you that brought the topic of lazy people, so why are you denying it now?
Fort Aspenwood
OP is kitten. If everyone would follow you at Steam Ogre, FE pre would fail. So this is really selfish to expect that people will do as you say to please your schedule.
150+ players watch 5 people do the FE pre’s. PLEASE.
This is a different topic.
SO should be done after FE to let the chance for everyone to get it.
If lazy people make you sick, don’t do World Boss. If you hate waiting on a timer, don’t do World Boss. Simple solution.
Fort Aspenwood
OP is kitten. If everyone would follow you at Steam Ogre, FE pre would fail. So this is really selfish to expect that people will do as you say to please your schedule.
Fort Aspenwood
OP knows about the RNG involved in mystic toilet → proceed to try his luck → complains about result
Fort Aspenwood
Could we take the opportunity to take out Courtyard from the unranked map pool as well?
Fort Aspenwood
SoS and roaming in the same sentence? Never seen that before!
Fort Aspenwood
AngryJoe Interview - HoT Questions for Devs?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lytalm.5673
Will we get a complete rehaul of the current dungeons, as there is suppose to be improved AI, change to stability, a new CC…
Fort Aspenwood
Seriously, why do people complain about stacking? Stacking promote team play. Isn’t this good for the community? If I have to be far away from my teammates, do I play as a group or am I alone in a fight with multiple other people who do their thing without interacting with each other?
As a guardian, I like the fact that if I can predict an attack from a boss, I can aegis my allies to negate that damage. I find it fun that I have to hold my light field so we can stack might and that when I see a fire field I have to think of blasting it to get to most damage.
Fort Aspenwood
Forget new professions, I want new skills for existing class!
Why bring another profession when you could simply add more skills to existing professions. What I’d find cool is that you can swap your weapon skills. You could only change your skill with a similar skill. Ex : Change auto attack #1 with a auto attack #2. For guardian, that could be that for GS, instead of having a 3 chain attack, you get a 1 attack that does something specific.
Fort Aspenwood
Thanks Gaile for the heads up, but that’s really not answering our concern : Why did you removed the custom amount of gems you want to buy/sell? You could have kept it there along with the new way to exchange currency.
Jeez, you keep saying “new player experience” along your latest change, but why won’t you make it so benefit BOTH type of players?
Are those changes meant to bring more cash into your pocket? Are you afraid of saying it? If it’s the case and you don’t have the guts to properly say it, it’s because you know it’s wrong, so don’t do it. So if you believe in it for a different matter, explain the thought process of it. Right now, the explanation (new players were confused) you told us for getting rid of the old system for that “simplified” version of the currency exchange tab isn’t enough for many of us.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
This is outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous
Like seriously? How could you do that Anet. What is wrong, are we turning into a “pay a lot or don’t get anything” game? I gotta admit, the interface is cool. The old currency exchange page was a mess. But why change the way it works, not only the way it’s presented?
And to those who say to get over it, take out your white knight armor and see the reality in face : The new system is bad and they need to change it. There is NO advantage in having a set amount of gems or gold you can exchange. NONE.
Fort Aspenwood
Guardian is the go to in my opinion. Once again, I main guardian since day -579 ^ _ ^
Fort Aspenwood
Coming from FA player, I want to say good game to SoS, TC, JQ and Mag. I hope for Mag that they drop down and have equal fight with other servers.
Time for my little rant :
Altho I “kinda” enjoyed the outnumbered fights (god knows there were a lot of those against SoS, TC and JQ) vs pug commander or organized guilds, it always made me sigh when we were having a good fight and then suddenly a bigger group showed up and assjammed us. I know I know, loot bags. But still, it killed it a bit for me and proved once again that numbers rule it all.
Also, coverage wars.
Fort Aspenwood
Something I already stated somewhere else :
Simple solutions how the system should be (or with minor tweek) :
- There is a group leader and he can’t be kicked
- The group leader can give leadership to someone else
- Group leader can leave the instance and it won’t close.
- If he leaves the group, the leadership will go the 2nd guy who entered the group. The instance won’t close in the process.
- Every one can invite, not only the leader.
Now, for the vote system, when the leader create the group he could chose between different kick option and IT WOULD HAVE TO BE CLEAR IN THE LFG TOOL (so a revamp of the lfg tool please?) :
- 2 vote kick (default option, as it is now. Rember leader can’t be kick)
- No vote kick
- Leader only can kick
So when you would join a party, you would know what you get yourself into and agree to what it can exposes you to. Altho this wouldn’t excuse jerks that kick people to steal instances, grief some one, or to kick some one to let a guildy join the group.
Other random additions that could be added but I’m not necessarily fond of :
- Leader can set if other people can invite or not
- There is a message to know who invited another person
- Have other group member and the guy who got kicked know who voted for it.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
Wow, this kinda went a bit bigger then intended ^^’
What I see from those post is that both system is valid for certains players. Thus, instead of imposing a system, we should have the option how we prioritize item slots when crafting ; so drop down list that let you select :
Slot priority 1 :
Slot priority 2 :
Slot priority 3 :
For myself, I would set this with :
Slot priority 1 : Inventory
Slot priority 2 : Material tab
Slot priority 3 : Bank tab
for another person, he could set it like that :
Slot priority 1 : Bank tab
Slot priority 2 : Inventory
Slot priority 3 : Material tab
You could find that when you open up any crafting station and would appear somewhere under a “gear” icon
Fort Aspenwood
How I want difficult content :
You need to know what is happening -> Avoid X thing or you die. Guy is immune to X type of damage for a short time. You need to move around to attack different things.
There is a variety of play during the fight -> Don’t just stand there and unleash your DPS. Different phase / damage : Lupicus best example, but less OP…
You need to prepare your group before going in -> I know we need to able to play with every class, but I think we need to have a sense of party composition : not everyone needs to be DPS, some one need to be more tanky to be able to go to this place and hold this while we clear this ; lots of conditions in this area, so some one need to spec for condi cleansing…
Difficult =/= long and tedious content : I want lots of fights or thinking with rather short phase (don’t make me repeat the same boss skill rotation 10x before we can get to the next phase)
I think the last LS with the dragon fight was a good step forward (all those dialogues kinda killed it tough) but I feel like we still aren’t there yet. I’d like more interaction with the boss, not only : Survive when he does damage, DPS him when he’s weak. What I’d feel like challenging would be to have him throw / use things to disrupt his attacks, having a certain position to deal extra damage or do something specific during the surviving phase so he is weaker than usual. Lots of small things that could benefit active plays and movement instead of this boring stacking meta (no talking about this fight in particular but the general PvE experience).
All and all, I feel like the last LS boss fight was a huge improvement in combat fight. Let’s see if they can keep improving on that and reflect this on other gameplay area, not only special boss fight.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
Necroposting at it’s best! x_x
Fort Aspenwood
I guess i can see that. I always just used a guild bank so I’ve never ran into that issue.
Using a guild bank is a solution to that, but not everyone has the luxury (even if it’s not that hard) to get personnal guild bank or don’t want everytime to : withdraw from bank, switch to personnal guild, run to guild bank, store it, switch back to normal guild.
Fort Aspenwood
But why? That’s what I’m not understanding. I can’t see any reason why you would need to separate out materials.
I’ve given examples in my OP but I’ll try to rephrase them.
Well, first, when you want to save for a specific craft (legendary). I have my 250 stack of ecto in my bank tab, I need to wait for other material before I can craft the Gift of Fortune. In the meanwhile, I craft timegated things that require ecto : It eats ecto in my stack that I saved in my bank tab so I have to constantly restack it with the material in my Material tab.
Other situation : I have a lot of a certain material (let’s say elder wood plank), like 2k of it. It takes 8 slot in my bank tab. I have around 100 plank in my material tab. I craft a Glob of Elder Spirit Residue everyday but it will use one of the 8 fully stacked elder wood plank before the 100 plank I have in my material tab. So if I don’t restack it, at some point my material tab is full and I have to transfer it to my bank tab manually before I can deposit the other plank that I’ll craft.
I’m sorry if it’s not clear enough, I’m not native english.
Fort Aspenwood
It does inventory first, bank, and then collection currently. I don’t see any real need to change it.
Would be nice to have the choice how you prioritize the storage slot and I would say a lot of people are annoyed about the current way it works.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
I’ve wanted both(not at the same time of course) at one point or another.
Maybe we could choose where we want to prioritize the material when crafting?
Crafting should prioritize your inventory first, then the materials tab, and lastly the bank tab.
Definitely a QoL improvement.
Yeah, that’s what I meant, Inventory -> Mat tab -> Bank tab. I omited to mention it as it is already the first place where it takes material, we should leave it that way.
Fort Aspenwood
Hi, I would like to suggest some QoL change for when you craft ; Right now, when you craft, it uses the material that you have in your bank storage first, then in your material storage. I don’t know why it is this way, as it would be 100000x more convenient that it use what you have in your material storage in priority.
It’s really annoying when you try to gather material for specific craft in your bank tab and you have to refill it every once in a while because the other crafts you make use it…
Also, when you have a ton of a certain material (looking at you mithril ingot and elder wood plank…) which you gather and use them frequently, you always need to take a stack from you material storage to fill the slot in your bank that your craft have use.
Maybe this has already been proposed but I was too lazy to look in the old forum post (thanks search engine! and yeah, I don’t like to search through google) and I think it’s a good reminder. So thank you for your support and let’s hope this could be change in the near future!
Edit : TL;DR : Change the way you use material when you craft from : Inventory → Bank tab → Material tab to Inventory → Material tab → Bank tab or have an option to choose how you want to prioritize the different storage slots.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
I really like the part where the guy of defend pug totally ignore the fact that some of them are really bad and hurt guild raid most of the time.
Fort Aspenwood
Yup, again, I’m not sure behind the logic of this system. I’d like to know more about the reasoning that led to such thing, because I don’t consider the things Jessica said to be problematic in any way.
Fort Aspenwood
I’m in a big fight in the middle of EBG, I stomp some one, I don’t get any experience or loot, I don’t think the system works as intended…
Fort Aspenwood
Next time pls change it to: complete 5 daily wvw achivements
No, it’s suppose to be a weekly achievement, not daily. We already have a daily.
Fort Aspenwood
Anet, just ban those guys from WvW, end of story.
Fort Aspenwood
I’d prefer if we had specific legendary for PvE (actual one), WvW and PvP. Everyone would be happy.
Fort Aspenwood
The problem with giving some sort of scoring bonus to lower populations is that some groups could harass people of their own world to stay away from WvW so they can enter in smaller groups and rack more points.
Who told about giving scoring bonus to lower population? I said there should be some points giving toward killing player, so small groups that can smash through zerg but can’t capture keep still earn reward for their server. If high population are good and can kill the small skill blob, then they would get reward as well.
Fort Aspenwood
Yup, I’d hope some point system on attack or defend and something on player kill.
The system favor big population servers with different time zone population. Yet it won’t give much to skillfull group smashing through zerg group.
Fort Aspenwood
For my small experience on WvW, I recently join a WvW guild in Fort Aspenwood and I can tell you that the whole core of this server is small guild tactic squad doing things in every map. We don’t “zerg up” unless we really need to. So I don’t see the problem.
You want a giant blob that just jump on to claim everything map by map? There is plenty of server to do so, just move to a different one.
Fort Aspenwood
What I just posted on another thread :
How the system should be (or with minor tweek) :
- There is a group leader and he can’t be kicked
- The group leader can give leadership to someone else
- Group leader can leave the instance and it won’t close.
- If he leaves the group, the leadership will go the 2nd guy who entered the group. The instance won’t close in the process.
Now, for the vote system, when the leader create the group he could chose between different kick option and IT WOULD HAVE TO BE CLEAR IN THE LFG TOOL (so a revamp of the lfg tool please?) :
- 2 vote kick (default option, as it is now. Remember leader can’t be kick)
- No vote kick
- Leader only can kick
Fort Aspenwood
How the system should be (or with minor tweek) :
- There is a group leader and he can’t be kicked
- The group leader can give leadership to someone else
- Group leader can leave the instance and it won’t close.
- If he leaves the group, the leadership will go the 2nd guy who entered the group. The instance won’t close in the process.
Now, for the vote system, when the leader create the group he could chose between different kick option and IT WOULD HAVE TO BE CLEAR IN THE LFG TOOL (so a revamp of the lfg tool please?) :
- 2 vote kick (default option, as it is now. Remember leader can’t be kick)
- No vote kick
- Leader only can kick
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
Really? That’s all? 1 achievement per week? It takes less than an hour with any group to complete it… That is REALLY, but REALLY disappointing.
Way to go so the PvE queen get happy about their AP and GTFO of WvW as soon as possible.
So I’m not sure if it’s a genius move or not…
Still, I was hoping for something more juicy, but, oh well, keep at it team shrug.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
My conclusion is that Spirit Weapons are still highly clunky and very stressful to use in any part of the game. This patch barely scratched that what is inherently wrong with Spirit Weapons.
Exactly my tought, I tried it yesterday in dungeon and that wasn’t a good time. I tried it also in PvE and didn’t really like it either, may try it again. In the end, it will take more work on SW so it’s good and worth using.
Fort Aspenwood
I’d like if blasting a light field would give aoe of the aura, it would prove a bit better. Yet, I don’t feel I’ll use actively light aura very much on purpose.
Fort Aspenwood
I tried a 6/2/0/0/6 yesterday and ran AC p3 with 2 of my guildies… In the end, the duoed the dungeon x )
Fort Aspenwood
That’s cool to know, I also am working toward Mawdrey (slowly, slowly) and I love it. For the first weeks, I sold all my 1 day mats (because the price was ridiculous!) and now I’m saving it up since the price is stable. Only 10 days to go to have that little dust eating monster!
One thing that I also like is doing run for foxfire cluster. It’s always a trill if you get lucky (4 cluster in 6 trees yesterday!) or if you will go empty handed… I know some people don’t like RNG, what I appreciat about this update is that all the components are tradable, so if you don’t want to test your luck, just hop on the TP!
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
I was an active participant in that CDI, Mr. Peters, and this system doesn’t resemble anything that was suggested there. It obviously draws on some of the ideas, but if you really think this is more user-friendly than your old system was, I’d like to suggest you roll a new character and actually unlock a build this way.
The most offensive trait unlocks are map completions, dungeons that are more than 10 levels higher than the trait tier, and traits tied to bugged events.
If you’re not happy how unlocking traits works, BUY THEM.
Fort Aspenwood
No worries, we don’t rely on screenshots. We have a trump card: game logs, and they cannot be altered or fudged for personal reasons by someone trying to grief another player.
I’m wondering Gaile, what does the game logs consist? Replayable footage of an instance? Message, combat log? Other information on written form? I’m just curious : 3
Fort Aspenwood
So for the first technical challenge, how could we get this to work when the camera doesn’t know what ‘ground’ is.
Not a programmer or anything but I’ll give it a shot : Right now, when you try to look up, the first action is a rotation of the camera, after that, when the camera “touch” the “ground”, you continue to do a small tilt but there is also a x movement toward your character. I would say that when this happen, the camera can say “I’m on the ground”.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Lytalm.5673)
I’m sure a lot of people really likes the change for character experience (including me), yet, there is always people to shout “ME ME ME I WANT FEATURE FOR ME ME ME ONLY, NO ONE ELSE GETS FEATURE BUT ONLY WHAT I WANT TO PLAY”. Get a grip and wait for the end of the feature patch before squeeking geez.
Thanks Stéphane for the clarifications.
Fort Aspenwood
I’m not sure that we need to start that anti-stacking debate again… Else I’m fine with what is listed.
Fort Aspenwood
I thought it was every two weeks, wouldn’t that make it next week?
I would guess it’s because they are ready to talk about it and they want to have it out some time before the patch actually hit live state.
Fort Aspenwood
Can’t wait to see what you have for guardians!
Fort Aspenwood
I don’t mind farming (in fact I do it quite often and I have my favorite spots in Orr), but that event was really toxic. I tried few runs of it and never bothered returning. You should not be obligated to fail something specificly to please a farming group. This change is welcomed from my point of view.
Fort Aspenwood
Ok so, for the sake of RNG, I might as well put my name in it the barrel!
Fort Aspenwood
My guardian has been bugging me for an elite spirit weapon skill since i started playing him.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
Fort Aspenwood
Nice job Godzzila for trolling so much people for 6 pages
Fort Aspenwood