Showing Posts For MagicSlurpees.4851:

Solo Arah p2 Brie

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


I see, didn’t know she only spawned three.
Anyone do it on mes? Seems tricky due to low DPS, but then you are invincible (and can use your phants on those mobs) so maybe.

I imagine if you wanted to be quick about it on warr then you could just aggro the first additional spawn into the bubble and ignore them while you finish her off, since the time it takes her to spawn more would probably be enough to get the rest of her HP down.

Just wanted to note that since it was said “more interesting for groups”, gotta disagree, in a group setting you should be able to burn her faster than the mobs can kill the terminal.

(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)

Solo Arah p2 Brie

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Still doable? Haven’t tried yet really, but I wouldn’t doubt it being possible. Any classes it’s not possible/is possible with?

Warrior Solo Arah p3 Corrosive Light

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Hmm, Idk, what I did was use one shout before my heal, healed at ~700 hp to full, and one shout after, leaving me at 700 hp at the end when I put it in. I was in full zerk and I ended with one last tic of life left, just as you did.

Also Clerics is around 1k healing power? That should only give around 2k more health (1k per shout) which is less than one tick, but if you were at around 2k extra health then it would put you around 4k which could absorb one more.

Either way, I don’t think it actually helps at all if you do end up using one shout before heal and one shout after. As you will take the same amount of hits from the orb either way. I could be wrong though.

Warrior Solo Arah p3 Corrosive Light

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


I see, very nice. I figured someone from rT or DnT would do it :P.
Don’t really know why he bothered with the Clerics Gear though, not really neccessary, more bag space filled with junk -.-.

Warrior Solo Arah p3 Corrosive Light

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Just wondering if people know that you can solo Arah p3 Corrosive light on warrs if you swap traits. Personally was thinking of recently starting to solo Arah 3 as I already solo Arah 2 and worked at this for a while, finally made myself swap traits for it and I pulled it off w/ 0/0/30/30/0 for Shout Heals and Defiant Stance duration. Promptly swapped right on back to 30/25/0/0/15 :P.

That said, I did only pull it off last second, I was still in full zerk, having more vitality makes the light hit harder so that’s no good, more Healing Power probly wouldn’t help. Thus, it’s kind of annoying, but not too difficult a run, I think I got it 3rd try after respeccing.

Anyone else know you could solo this part with warr?

Contested Dungeons - why?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


You enjoy sitting in traffic when going to the grocery store?

Glad to hear. Please come to TC and keep CoF open for us at all times. We would really appreciate it.

Also, your analogy doesn’t make sense. First, as said above, you like traffic? Second, you CAN teleport in this game. In fact, you can teleport straight to the entrance, so I guess I am not seeing your point.


Did fractals change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


You can get the daily once per tier per account. You can no longer get a daily of the same tier on multiple characters.

My assumption:
You were PR 30 (or less) when you did level 31, earning you the Level 30 daily, Level 30 daily is the same as Level 22 daily as level 21-30 is the same tier. Thus when you did 22 you didn’t get a daily as you already got it when you did 31 at PR 30-.

Alphard assistance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


So although untraited wardens do block the daggerstorms, you firstly need to set up 3 wardens to outlast the daggerstorm, and if any of them die it’s a party wipe. Also sometimes I found that they just don’t spin in the center on Alphard after she summons her illusions, in which case I’m dead next time she Daggerstorms. I personally prefer to stand behind the boxes so that during daggerstorm I only get hit if I forget to shatter, and even then I only get hit once and that doesn’t usually down me (huge mesmer HP pool from Inspiration).
Another big benefit of traited wardens is the 50k damage they cause when they reflect her scorp wires, which speeds the kill along.

Which would you prefer in your dungeon team?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


so the boost isnt from the base damage but is cumulative?

so es1 is the correct?

es 1. (100+10%)10% =121
es 2. 100
10% +10% from base damage =120

There’s no adding involved, it’s all multiplicative.

Base * 110% * 110% = Base * 121%

Alphard assistance

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


So what I do if I want to cheese the fight and I have a mesmer with us is stay behind the box that disappears second to last until she comes to us, then dodge out and get two traited wardens on her using the new OP heal sig so that they go back to back. (The rightmost box if you’re looking from the entrance is the one I go to). When the Wardens are down I pop a feedback or my focus 4 reflect right on the boss, I’ve found that my all these reflects have never failed me. While the boss is being reflected we can range DPS her. Every once in a while she Daggerstorms in the middle and we go behind the box and rinse and repeat. When she hits her 25% clone spawning, we get a guard, engi, thief, another mesmer, or ele with focus to block or reflect the projectiles of the clones until she goes to Daggerstorm again, when she does daggerstorm we just go behind the box and that pulls all the clones that will bother you together and you cleave them down.

Essentially you just get the mes to do all the work. Get her on you to the box, dodge out, get two wardens, feedback/focus 4 when they’re down, pop wall when clones spawn, hide behind box when she daggerstorms, repeat. If you want a really easy time, you can get two guards to chain stability so that if a pull gets through then you don’t get pulled anyway, but I can usually see her pull-in attack and pop my mantra of concentration just in case.
As a zerk mes I can do enough damage just from my wardens reflecting to kill about 80-90% of her life before our box is down, if anyone else is DPSing or if I use some range DPS then we could definitely take her down without a problem before our box is down.

Overall, very easy to cheese the fight without exploiting, definitely slower than before but whatever.

The Ele Meta (Dungeon Speed Clears)

in Elementalist

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


@Impact: I’m learning so many maths from you, it’s great! For serious though, it’s very interesting.

The build has 30 in Air (as it would need 25 for vuln, and the extra 5 points are better put in air for the crit than anything else… I think), so you have Bolt to the Heart, of course, Arcane Lightning, and then one more slot, since no other major really makes sense Anie slotted in Air Training so that one could swap to air while LHing to have water up after might stacking rotation, if that makes sense.

So you’re not losing out on either Arcane Lightning nor Bolt to the Heart with having Air Training. Another bonus to this is that you don’t have to be in Water attunement for max dps, you simply have to be in air, or fire if traited with Fire VI (Internal Fire).
On the other hand, you’d be more reliant on staying above 90% health, and you wouldn’t have Soothing Mist most of the time as you wouldn’t often be in Water Attunement. But if you are always above 90% health and you and your party don’t need that extra heal then it theoretically could be better, I think.


This guide is oriented towards players who do PvE content in zerk groups, and would like to maximize their group’s damage, which is the best way in which they can help their group. The term “zerk groups” includes both organized guild runs and pugs who ping zerk gear – yes, you CAN pug with these builds!

I think for most fights in organized groups keeping above 90% for an entire fight isn’t too hard for most dungeons I would be running an ele in.
100% fury uptime is pretty easy with warrs, rangers, thieves, etc. Since the builds assume at least one warr for disc/str banner that’s part of the fury right there, or even all of it if you prestack fury with disc banner and kill bosses really quickly. Cough FGS *Cough

(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)

PVE Ele - switch or not?

in Elementalist

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


I’d say it depends on your playstyle. I like to start on hard mode and learn through a few deaths as that’s more efficient for me. I would certainly instantly swap to Zerk Gear w/ ruby orbs and swap to scholar runes when you get the money. If you like to ease into it by steadily getting harder, I’d buy a set of Zerk and put one piece on everytime you feel comfortable and like you’re not dying excessively. (Expect to die a lot in PuGs regardless of gear though simply because they do silly stuff to get groupmates killed.)

The pros to Zerk gear is that you do more damage and thus help your team more. The cons is that it’s easier to die, so until you learn the build and the dungeons you will die more, the opposite can be said about Valk gear.

(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)

The Ele Meta (Dungeon Speed Clears)

in Elementalist

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


@Impact: I think you have me for some person who’s very knowledgable with the game, I was just giving a simple example to illustrate my point, I could have said if you have 2000 cookies, or whatever and I figured my message would have gotten across. Thank you for answering my question though, very concise, I liked it. I do have another question though, what’s “CAPITAL_PI” in your non-crit_damage calculation? Also, if we assume that considering weapon strength/armor/skill coefficients are all the same regardless of build, we can look solely for Effective power when theorycrafting right?

@Anierna: For any builds using Arcane Lightning, why not assume full uptime on the 10% Crit Dmg? It should be possible if you rotate Brilliance and Wave. Also, for build G, would it not produce more damage to use the 10% scholar buff in water and swap to air attune for the 10% damage rather than water? This should provide 121% damage instead of 120%, damage change is marginal but there.

Anyways, love the guide, and love the numbers even more. Thanks for answering my inquiries.

Trying to reflect Lupi's Frenzied Barrage

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


So for Lupi, I find my biggest trouble in Phase 3 is that he very rarely uses his Frenzied Barrage for me to reflect, most of the time he does use it my Feedback is even off CD from the last time, I’d prefer to be getting more Warden reflects in that time, he also uses a fair number of Necrotic Traps (read bubbles) even though I don’t move much, if at all, except when dodging.

Any tricks to getting him to use his Frenzied Barrages? I feel like he doesn’t do them when he can Life Drink or Life Drain instead, and if he manages to use a bubble then one of those two will be off cooldown so he goes and does those two instead. So I guess a better question is if there are any good ways to avoid him bubbling? When I’m on my warr I just keep him on the wall and he doesn’t use either Barrage or bubble as long as I’m close enough, though I can incite a Barrage if I move just a little bit off of him, but close enough that he can’t bubble, but this tactic would be hard as I can’t really rely on wardens to attack at all when he’s on the wall since their buggy “buff” (read nerf).

First time Dungeon Running

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Are you looking to ever do fast dungeon clears or do you just plan on running very casual?

(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)

Dredge and Cliffside feel like Punishment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Considering he said S/F guard, probably very good use of dodges, Shelter when no dodges up, Focus 5 if neither, Aegis if all that’s down, I think S/F guard is one of the better classes to melee the archdiviner. Of course you also have full vigor, it’s pretty hard to get used to his quick attacks but they’re pretty similar to lupi kicks, just maybe half the windup time or so. However, having Aegis for the “Oh kitten” moment when you mess up, is really nice.

I believe the wall works for phase 2 (50% or less) pull that he does before he gets reflect buff and does his Nova (shiny agony attack). Unfortunately S/F is kinda bad when he gets the buff since the projectiles at the end of the chain will reflect I believe.

Another thing to note is that you pretty much always want Aegis when you hit the seal in phase 2 in case he Novas while you’re stunned. This makes you avoid the damage, and take no Agony as well in case you have low AR.

I don’t actually go in on Guard that much, so I don’t know for sure about the wall or S/F chains, but if the “Cultist Missile Reflection” is like Belka’s reflect in Arah 2 then they should reflect back at you so you have to swap weaps when he uses it or just back out for 3 or so seconds until it wears off. Wall should work but they might be unblockable unlike the first Archdiviner, if so, dodge, stability, break stun, or cast an aegis after the pull to avoid getting hit hard by Nova.

I think the most annoying part is when he puts you in a cage as it’s pretty frustrating when he does it over and over, but you can know when he does it since he points at you. I don’t think you can dodge it.

It’s possible to melee with other classes of course, just has less margin of error since no Aegis.

The Ele Meta (Dungeon Speed Clears)

in Elementalist

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


So why is that multiplicative is neccessarily better than linear? If, say, you have 2000 power, a 10% increase would be similar to increasing power by 200, 200 power would also do the same effect. If you have 2000 power, a 10% increase, and another 10% increase, you get 2410 power, starting at 2200 power then a 10% would still be 2410 power.

Mind Google Docs’ing your spreadsheet and linking it in forums/pm?

Edit: I do understand though that 200 power at 2200 power isn’t the same as it is at 200 power, but that doesn’t make having extra crit/power a bad thing if you get enough extra of it.

(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)

The Ele Meta (Dungeon Speed Clears)

in Elementalist

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Can I see the calculations for this? I would think that the Precision and Crit Damage from 30 Air could make 30/30/0/10/0 more personal DPS than say 30/10/10/20/0 simply because of your already very high power and thus good synergy with the 200 precision and the 30% Crit Damage (10 from perma Arcane Lightning, 20 from traits), even if you already assume 25 stacks of external vuln.

Also wouldn’t Build G go over 100% crit chance assuming Disc Banner, Fire Sig, LH Buff, and Curry Butternut?

(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)

Arah P2 Alphard :^3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Question, what build were you running, food were you using, and did you have perception sigils stacks?

That aside, I think you can use the pulling technique the other guys on the forum who duoed him used… Might actually go faster than prepatch.

10/30/0/20/10, which considering the tactic seems smartest, as full 3 illusions, though those dueling points don’t seem too useful except their passive 15% CChance + 30% CDmg, I did have one mantra up though. Full zerk, ascended rings and back, all other exotics. Ruby Orbs, will probably up to Scholar’s soon as I’m starting to mess with mes more. For some reason I was running Battle/Accuracy instead of Force/Acc, so that’s a 5% loss, or 10% if that was Undead Slaying. 10% Undead, Candied Dragon Roll, haven’t bothered getting the gold to get most of my chars with Soup. 0 Stacks.

Overall I think I could have gotten 30, maybe 50% more damage tops, in peak conditions. Considering their unloads got fully reflected by the feedback and that only left then about at 70% or so, I don’t think you could kill them all without reflecting a second unload, which I think could happen if they used it very soon after feedback and focused you when mimicing, but I seem to notice them go after my wardens instead.

I think you should give it a shot yourself though, I’m massively bad at playing mes so you might have more luck than I did.

What pulling technique? Did they just bring them out to a box or something?

(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)

Arah P2 Alphard :^3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


When I was soloing on mesmer feedback did work reliably for me. I melee’d her in the middle and didn’t have any issues from her when I put up my wardens.
My issues came from the illusions, as I can’t kill them with only feedback and mimic, and when they target the wardens that aren’t whirling my wardens start dying, which means I’m generally unprotected.
If I gave it a few more attempts, I could probably pull this off by attacking her until every 25 then just kite all the illusions to the boxes then recast my wardens and damage til the next 25, rinse and repeat. But I don’t know if there would be enough boxes for the third illusion phase as by that time all of the boxes may have been destroyed.

As for meleeing as warr, I could probably pull it off if the boxes respawned as intended, but they don’t, so once all the boxes are down I die pretty easily, still might be able to do it by using the spot on the left immediately after entering her stage after all the normal boxes get destroyed. Of course you can still make it an afk fight by ranging or the like but that’s pretty boring and takes forever.

Arah P2 Alphard :^3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Anyone mind posting a solo video on Alphard with a warr, and another w/ mes? I can do it, but it takes a fair bit of effort and I don’t often pull it off first try anymore. Show me your strategies.

Ok so I am not able to post a video right now, university is quite time consuming, but I had a couple of minutes to check out alphard. Here it comes, for mesmer soloers, as well as teams running with mesmers.


Hah, I never thought of using the block on wardens, very nice thinking. I’ll try this later when I get time.

Still want a warr video because I’m way better at Lupi solo on warr than I am mes.

Arah P2 Alphard :^3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Anyone mind posting a solo video on Alphard with a warr, and another w/ mes? I can do it, but it takes a fair bit of effort and I don’t often pull it off first try anymore. Show me your strategies.

For the pros: Lupi Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Very nice, there were things I hadn’t thought of, Far-Reaching Manipulations is an obvious one that passed my mind. I also tried getting duelists and swordsmen up behind him, I hadn’t thought to just put Duelist’s super far away. Lupi and the rest of the run shouldn’t be too difficult.

For the pros: Lupi Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Well, I managed to pull it off (he did his barrage on me unexpectedly at the end and I won with vengeance, but meh), now I just need to practice enough to get it down pat. I think I’ll probably keep using the energy sigil for a while even though I sacrifice 10% axe/impale damage. The next challenge is no EP, which I don’t think will be too hard since I only use it in transitions pretty much.
Any tips for guard or mesmer?

Somewhat unrelated but would be nice to know, is there anyway to take out the berserker abomination on p2 with mes without taking days to do it? On that note, Brie is probably pretty similar, any tips for her on mes?

For the pros: Lupi Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Another thing would be to use more defensive utilities until you improve, and then switch them out for offensive utilities one by one. It’ll take longer finish each phase, but if you’re taking signet of stamina even if you make mistakes your endurance will refill very quickly. In phase 3 I recommend playing it safe by doing eviscerates after double dodging his life-steal to get your endurance back.

I use Energy Sigil on OH sword so my endurance is never totally out except when I do really bad on phase 3, I’ll try the eviscerates as I do start running out of dodges in that phases, GS 3 and Sword 5 help keep me at 1 endurance at least pretty easily. I use Heal Sig instead of Surge for added DPS via Deep Strikes and to outlive the 3 bleeds if I really mess up and fail to dodge Lupi Swipe in phase 2, so it cuts into my DPS a lot if I pop my Burst skills, so I would rather avoid them.

I also want to avoid dipping into energy sig or doly sig or balanced stance, they hurt my DPS a lot which just prolongs the fight so I have a higher chance to mess up. Endure Pain is enough for me to go through transitions pretty well which is why I bother with it.

Still wondering about sigil stacking for him, I’d assume Blood Lust for warr and perception for mes/guard, not sure about ele, the other 4 classes I don’t really care too much about. Thief is the only other one I envision I’ll do a solo lupi with.

(edited by MagicSlurpees.4851)

For the pros: Lupi Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


I see, I don’t feel like I suck as much now. Any tips by the way? Especially for Guard Solos, I blow hard at that.
On my Warr I can reliably get phase one down really easily, and phase two isn’t necessarily hard but I kitten it up quite a bit. Phase three is pretty easy for the most part if I can survive the transition, I’ve gotten through most of it on most of my tries that made it that far.
Currently using Assassin’s gear to 100% crit and Disc/FGJ/Endure Pain, I’ll get rid of assassin’s weapons and swap EP for Fury Sig when I can pull it off more times than not. I don’t have sigil stacks because I’m going to down with my current skill so not really any point, but when I can, which classes should have perception or blood lust?

For the pros: Lupi Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


How long did it take most of you really good pros to be able to solo Lupi on a regular basis? I’ve practiced maybe 10-20 hours or so, and gotten close a good number of times (like 5% left on warr), but I still haven’t pulled it off (I suck). Tried so far on ele, warr, and guard. Probably will try mes next.
Anyway, did it take many attempts? How long do you think you guys practiced until you had it down pat?

Magic Find Ascended Rings

in Suggestions

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


I’d like if we could buy the old Magic Find Ascended Rings via laurels and the BUY-4373. This would solely be for collection purposes, since you can choose which stats you want with your laurels or pristine relics, they’re almost the same value as any other ring.

They are more valuable if they were obtainable from the chest, so I can understand not being able to get it from the chest, but for the people who want it in the collection like me, it’s currently unobtainable in any method.

The only benefit these rings have over the others in their purchasable forms is that you can swap the stat set from before the infusion recipe and after. Thus you can make it go from a soldier’s ring to a berserker’s ring, for example. To offset this, you could price the rings at 20 pristines instead of 10. While the value may not be quite the price of 2 other rings, the only real reason these should be buyable is for collectors, and having the option for us is nice, there’s not really any reason not to.

Take note, I’m not saying these rings should have the old magic find stat, I think it was wise to take that out. I also think that they should not come from the daily chest, as they are significantly more valuable as a drop.

Anyone else agree with me? Anyone disagree? Doubt we’ll get an Anet response, but if they have any reason not to introduce this, could we hear it?

Blue Rush Bliss recruiting Dung/Fract Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Although our HQ is Tarnished Coast, we accept players from all worlds as we’re mainly a dungeon guild focused on making a community of great dungeoneers.

We are knowledgeable about all dungeons and are in high fractal levels, if you’re looking for a group of players to help you learn the strategies through dungeons, we will to be a great community to do so and welcome you with open arms.

We also plan to have guild missions in the future, but getting to that point takes time. We expect to be started on some missions in the next few weeks.

We are open to all players who can listen to instruction and follow advice regardless of if you’re a veteran or a first timer.

SAB Trib Mode No Death Speed Clear Records

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Wow, great runs. Just wondering two things.
Did you pull these off with few attempts or were they something you had to try a bunch of times?
Why not use the shortcut worm in W1Z2? Saves time even if you take it safe I’d think.

I’ve died many times. Without exaggerating, it’s safe to say i’ve spent 30 hours in SAB TM. I’ve only ever died in the worm. If it’s possible to do it, then I’ll try it out.

Hmm, not quite what I meant, but probably answer is the same. I was asking did you take many attempts when you started going at it again for 0 death clears. I’ve probably spent 20-30 hours in TM as well but I can’t pull off a 0 death clear as well as you hands down.

On the note of the worm, it is entirely possible to do it, I’ve cleared W1 many times and I almost always use the worm. The only time I did not was when I wanted the shops and beedog.
There are also a few other spots in Z2 I thought you could improve on, but it’s just too hard to explain, want to party with me and I could show you a few?

SAB Trib Mode No Death Speed Clear Records

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Wow, great runs. Just wondering two things.
Did you pull these off with few attempts or were they something you had to try a bunch of times?
Why not use the shortcut worm in W1Z2? Saves time even if you take it safe I’d think.

Tribulation Mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


50 to 100 lives for the first 3 zones. I’d like to see someone only blow 100 lives on W2Z3 their first time through… Of course, after the first time, you can get it with far below 50.
Either way, if you’re going to be spending bauble bubbles then yeah more than enough. On the note though, are those left over from last time or did you honestly have that many extra baubles to spend on them?

With the current checkpoint bug, you need hundreds of lives for world 2. That was the point I was trying to make.

Regardless of the bug you need hundreds of lives. Though on the note of the checkpoint bug, as long as you skip the last checkpoint cloud you can get the boss checkpoint and revive there if you mess up. They really should fix it though, would be a pain in the kitten to do deal with that the first time through. Fortunately I finished world 2 trib the night before it became stupid easy.

Mini-PvP events

in Suggestions

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


This has probably been suggested before, I’m just posting it because I haven’t found a post on it and just want to put this in for good measure.

The mini-pvp events you guys have, like crab toss, dragon ball, and sanctum sprint, should all have a roster system so that you can join as a group. Something like the tPvP system. There are a bunch of people I would love to play with again, but I know I won’t because the chance to get into the same game is too slim.

I can understand this could make it imbalanced by people purposely working together to make it hard for others, but not being able to play against your friends competitively really sucks. (Especially for the racing this time around, sucks not being able to show someone up.)

Looking for high fractals guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Still out here looking for a good NA Fractal group.

Looking for high fractals guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851



I’m currently looking for a fractal guild because I’m starting to PuG more and more as most of my friends aren’t even on 30+. I usually have one or two people and then have to PuG the last 2 or 3 slots.
Thus, I am here looking for a guild that does fractals 38+, and preferably will do 50+ with me (once I get there). I’m just looking for a guild that I can pop into, and expect that 2 or 3 members will be down to do whatever level I feel like doing.

I would say I definitely have some things I need to work on in fractals, such as dodging Mossman’s agony axe or some of the more advanced techniques, but for the most part I would say I can do most of the fractals no problem, even though I usually am 10 or 15 below AR cap for whatever level I’m doing. (I could have 40 AR now, but I choose not to, for the extra challenge.)

I’m a player who always strives to improve and I’m always open to listen to new tactics, and I know where my chat window is, and how to read it, even in battle.

I’m currently at level 39 with my Elementalist and Warrior, and 22 with my Mesmer.

If you are inviting people from your world only, take note I am on TC and plan to stay here. My preferred voice chat client is Mumble, but I’m willing to use others like Vent or TS if I’m doing high fractals.

Feel free to mail or whisper me if you want to do some fractals or give your pitch.

Why isn't SAB 'Nintendo Hard'

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Also if you look at the map you can see hints of an underwater world and possibly a lava world. Which, as I’m sure you’ll know, is where any old school game really hit you.

Even relatively recent games actually. Just say the words “Water Temple” to anyone who’s played Ocarina of Time and watch the nervous twitching start.

Hard???? Nice joke there buddy, almost got me. But yeah, Lava temples in platformers = no good.

Anyways, OT, Mario first worlds were almost always easy, I remember schooling W1/2 within the first 30 mins of playing but try to get past W6, and all hell breaks loose. Still not sure if I’ve ever beat SMB3 w/o using whistles. Hated W7 w/ a passion.

I will enjoy me some hard modes when it comes out within (hopefully) a few months.

Gaming references found in the SAB.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


The introductionary lunch with the princess could be a hint to the Snes game Super Mario RPG (which was an awesome game in itself).

OMG, wow.. how didn’t I notice this? It appears in other Mario’s too.
Mario 64…
“Dear Mario, plox come to teh castle cuz I baked a caek for you…” much? cept no castle and it’s a picnic, so.. still probably SM RPG.

Iconic/Characteristic Tunes

in Audio

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Agreed 100%.
The music in this game could definitely use some work. I only listen to it about 10% of the time (only when my music is paused when I forget to play it again after coming back from AFK), but I still really dislike it.
I can definitely say that whenever I hear music that I was playing while playing a game I always look back and think “Dang, I wanna play that game again.” Though in my case it never happens w/ their in-game music but rather music I happened to listen to a lot.
If I play MGMT, I immediately want to go play some Diablo 2, or Offspring will be WoW (heh, my noob days), Blind Guardian will definitely be my GW2 tracks way down the line, etc.
But yeah, music definitely needs some work, gunna be making my own playlists for the most common ones, probably taking most of it from other games I think will fit too. ANet needs some work on their music settings for sure.

Any site/place to view original playlists?

in Audio

Posted by: MagicSlurpees.4851


Okay, I’ll admit I could do some more searching, because I’ve only spent about 30 minutes in total from time to time searching, but still, surprised it isn’t on Wiki or something… Going on now.

I’m looking for a site/place to view all the original playlists that play in-game. That is, ambient/battle/city/crafting/etc. All the stuff you can customize. Trying to find this has been fruitless. Maybe I just suck at Googling/forum searching, but yeah. Anyone who does have this would be a lifesaver.

Please respond with helpful posts or at least interesting posts such as directions/links/point the way/etc. as opposed to “Why would you…?” or something silly like that. Thank you.