Showing Posts For MarkPhilips.5169:

Balance is really good right now

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Top builds are better balanced now, but there is too a massive aoe damage on point that is not good for the game.

Engi hgh are the first in top list in this sense.

May PvP Survey (including esports, QQ & more)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Very Good Job, +1

Korean Teams

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Koreans are OP, pls nerf them.

Issues [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Good priority list, +1

Legendary Weapons in Spvp

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Rewards should be based on elo.

For example, id give legendaries to the top 3 players only. If they lose the top 3 position they also lose the weapon.

I like the idea about legendary weapons based on Elo but NOT with this ladder, where people don’t play for weeks and don’t lose points and stay easily in top100, premade And soloqueue in the same ladder etc.

Before anet needs to fix the ladder.

Any plans to fix the leaderboards?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


+1, you need to fix this

10 game a week minimum to be ranked

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


+1, this ladder has no sense in this format.

Why these leaderboards need to be reset.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


They need to put invisible ranking and/or decrease points if people don’t do tournaments for a week or more. It’s embarassing to see people in top 50/100 with only 1 or 2 matches played in a week.

Community Hub for tPvPers?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yeah absolutly, this game needs better tool to improve connections between people. I don’t know if it’s better to create ingame tools or create a dedicated website for tpvp (a spot where to find tpvp updated builds, video tutorial, streamers link, forum, general chat, single player profile, infos about your pvp status like etc) but we need absolutly social tools to create new party or looking for good players easily.

Maybe I can write something up if they provide an API to the leaderboards! I can possibly create a website to list the current ‘speculated’ best builds and probably and upvote and downvote option. I’ll look into it sometime later this week.

Builds for tpvp are an usefull starting base but there are already websites like are doing a very great job in sharing this info with very good videos.

First of all, i think people need a social hub (in game or website) where they can know each other and looking for people to play, to full a roster or a tpvp party etc.

Basically the idea would be have a website where people can log in and have their tpvp profile with very good infos like and other stuff (Country, when they play, if they have a party or not, main profession, number of tournaments played, languages spoken etc).

After that we need a tool to filter this infos, so people can find people who speak their main language and they play at their same hours, they have similar experience in tournament (tournament played), they have similar “skill” (ladder position, winn/loss ratio etc.)

Those tools would help to grow pvp community

Community Hub for tPvPers?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yeah absolutly, this game needs better tool to improve connections between people. I don’t know if it’s better to create ingame tools or create a dedicated website for tpvp (a spot where to find tpvp updated builds, video tutorial, streamers link, forum, general chat, single player profile, infos about your pvp status like etc) but we need absolutly social tools to create new party or looking for good players easily.

Thanks Blu/Suggestion for Anet

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Nice job Blu, +1

People should lose rank for inactivity

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yes, probably “invisible” mode for inactivity is a good way to solve this.

People should lose rank for inactivity

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Absolutly, i agree with Lord, inactivity needs to downgrade the elo rating or better, people need to be “invisible” in ladder if they don’t play for a long time (elo rating stays the same but they don’t appear in ladder).

But i think this step needs to be linked with soloqueue and premade queue separated.

A lot of strong people have a second account because they don’t want to lose positions in ladder when they play in soloqueue or in pug, this issue freeze a lot of people in top 50-100, they don’t move in ladder simply because they don’t use their account or they play few matches.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

State of the Game Post-Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


With new signet of Might, can I hit through invulnerability?

Probably only blocks, i think to hit through inv. would be so much.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think #1 needs an higher priority, rotate camera and lose target is a big issue.

Spvp Deathmatch new mode

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


3) Objective based games tend to be both more total noob friendly AND more esport observer friendly as players/watchers can go/look at where the action will likely be.

Deathmatch without other objectives lacks things like a reason to engage, a way to break stalemates, and a tie breaker. It also creates much wider blowouts when someone on your team doesn’t know what they are doing (does this ever happen to you that you get a clueless teammate? Heh)

Hopefully that clears up some of our reasoning for future discussions.


I think this is the real problem, your vision is wrong.

Your conquest mode is not a noob friendly game, is not easy to understand for a noob and is not fun to watch on streming (for a noob) because people don’t understand what happen.

It’s a fact, people without a team have a lot of problems to understand this game, there is no video tutorial or similar to help people to make a balance party (1-2 bunkers, 2-3 burst, 0/1 condition) or teach them how moving between points, the importance to fight on points or to decap points and many other stuff.

This game has few viewers on twitch, a lot of single player games has more viewers than GW2.

So you need to begin to ask why people don’t watch GW2 and why people don’t understand what happen

You are failing a lot under this aspect, you need to improve the communication system that you have.

Leaderboard filtered by Country

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Is it possible to insert an option in the leaderboard to filter results by Country?

I think I would be a very nice option to know new people in your country who is good in tpvp and could help a lot to create new party.

Of course, it would work better with solo/duo queue and premade team queue separated with separated leaderboards

Guild Wars 2 -- Current PvP After 8 Months

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Conquest means tactics and coordination in movements, Downed state means to cooperate to make damage and stomp people.

But a lot fo people don’t like conquest and don’t like downed state. Basically they want a brain dead flat game where who has more skill/elite not in CD wins the game.

DM is a good and popular mode but you need to consider the game and the dinamic, probably DM in GW2 (devs have tested this mode) would be not fun like conquest

Duels should be the only Ranking Factor

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This is a team game, not street fighter.

Leaderboards... for real this time

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think in this version PvP leaderbords are almost useless, but finally we have it and it’s a first step.

Split the queue and create a solo queue/duo leaderbords and team premade leaderbords, add the option to sort results for Country, Classes, other stats etc. you can do A LOT of this things in this way.

But FIRST, you need to split the queue and create separated leaderbords for solo queue/duo and team premade.

ANet, take a serious look at rangers please.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


BM ranger is a strong build but Ele bunker is better and a guardian too. Ele has better mobility, best downed #2 in game, 2 cantrip safe stomp, good sustained damage (Aoe too), and he shares a lot of boons in teamfight, guardian is the best holder in the game (less damage but more chance to hold well a point and stomp/ress enemies). Probably BM ranger has the best mix between survivability and damage, for this reason is a great duelist.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Tournament Rank Restriction

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Maybe tournament played would be a better parameter to see the real experience in tournament.

Everyone has this stat, so i think is not hard to do a filter with “tournament played”

I think is a better stat than rank because atm people can reach an high rank in hot join without playing a single tournament match.

Ideas to improve the map and UI

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


We could have generic emotes: “Deffend close point!” “Enemy incoming middle!”
and map specific emotes: “Enemy trebuchet shooting!” “Attack enemy guild lord!”

In smite it’s really useful and helps soloqueuers fight premades.


I don’t like when people disappear from group and from map, a team mate needs to know always where are his allies and how is his life.

In my opinion Matchmaking Tournaments is a FAIL

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


anet needs to improve their mmr formula

1) win/lost ratio not should be the only paramater. Experience is very important too, so rank should be filtered like 1-29 and 30-more or something like that. People rank 40+ can’t play with rank1 people, is not fun for all

2) premade vs pug is a nosense design, they need to fix this as soon as possible. They need to split solo/duo queue from premade queue.

8-Team Tournaments Disabled

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I created a topic about the conversion of 3 round tournament in 1 round tournament and you deleted the 3 round format.

yeah, well done, if a format doesn’t work it’s useless, i agree with that


Why don’t give the access only to premade team in 1 tournament and only the access for solo queue/duo in the other tournament?

3-4 people what they do? Easy, they complete party in the Mists (better tools “looking for group” to make a party would be appreciate) and go for premade queue.

You solve A LOT of issues doing this.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Convert 3-round in 1-round tournament

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This is a constructive topic, I believe strongly that make such a system is better than what we have now.

Convert 3-round in 1-round tournament

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


So, it’s clear that this 3 round-tournament system doesn’t currently work

Why don’t convert it in 1-round tournament with a different map?

Why don’t give the access only to premade team in 1 tournament and only the access for solo queue/duo in the other tournament?

3-4 people what they do? Easy, they complete party in the Mists (better tools “looking for group” to make a party would be appreciate) and go for premade queue.

You solve A LOT of issues doing this.

We had paid system with 3 round tournament and it had a lot of problem, you converted it in 1 round system and magically matches started soon.

So why we get a system that doesn’t work?

Pvp gear with elo rank

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yeah, absolutly.

I believe elite armor/weapon skins, special pvp backpack, special new animations or finisher moves, special new titles etc. are a great reward for the top elo ladder.

Anet can create a lot of this stuff for the top X players in general ladder, for top X players in engi/mesmer/guardian etc profession ladder or another special ladder (what about a cool medikit backpack l4d style if u are the top 10 in the combat medic ladder? ), if you win a special tournament (for example weekly/monthly tournament etc), if you get special skilled pvp achievements in game etc.

I think anet should reward skill in game, so special “visible” stuff for Top X players is the way (a great way)

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Tournament rank requirement

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think actual MMR has a lot of problems, i think it needs to solve those issues:

1) Separate premede queue from PUG queue (solo/duo or other). I prefer solo/duo queue or another fixed composition because for example there is a lot of difference if a pug is composed by 1-1-1-1-1 people and the other team has 4 people from the same team/guild (with voice communication) and another random guy. SAME composition in queue is required for a good competitive match.

2) Win/lose ratio can’t be the only parameter for making a party. Experience is a another parameter, so it’s not possible to see rank 1 people in a team with 40+ rank people. Rank should be filtered in MMR.

3) Solve the 3-4vs5 people issue. Match shouldn’t start if there are not 5vs5 people, system has to give a chance to replace people before the match starts.

4) MMR for 3-round tournament has a lot of problems, this format doesn’t work so you need to converte in 1vs1 formula. We have two separated rating for those two formats, so convert a format in a solo/duo queue and the other for team premade queue.

If you solve those 4 points, the game will grow up a lot.

Plans to promote 8 team tournaments?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The only sense to have 3-round format is because anet doesn’t have a random (or vote) map generator but now this format doesn’t work, too many problem to solve (low population, disconnection & leavers issues etc.)

So they need to convert this format in 1vs1 format and split pug/solo queue from team premade queue.

3-round system is good for a weekly/montly tournament with a ladder system for best teams o best players.

GW2 pvp survey. Thanks for your time.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Done, Good Job.

In my opinion, these features should be included in the March Patch

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This game needs a lot of this stuff

Improvement list. sPvP tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


1) Ladder system

2) Convert 3 round tournament in 1-round tournament. Introduce random map or chance to vote any map. Solo/duo queue in a tournament 1vs1. Premade queue in another tournament 1vs1. Solo/duo rating and team premade rating separated. Better in-game tools to make a party.

3) Solve 3-4vs5 people problem. Add a chance to replace a team mate before the match starts.

4) Re-work hot-joins. Eliminate 8vs8. Less reward compared to tournament format (but in general, rewards have to be better).

Hot-join needs to be the first step for a new player in pvp, they needs to be a place in which people can do practice without big efforts, hot-joins need to introduce new players to conquest mode. After that, player needs to go with solo/duo mode (better rewards), he understands how play a tournament and a conquest mode correctly with good people like him (mmr balances this), he meets other good people like him (mmr balances this) and after that they can try to make a party for a premade based tournament (super rewards). It would be fun a daily/weekly/monthly tournament between best teams in team rating.

I think this would be a great flow for a player who doesn’t have a party and he is new in gw2 pvp.

[SOTG] Questions Poll

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Nice idea.

My points:

1. competitive scene: ladder, better pvp reward, qualifying tournament, observer mode

2. pvp structure: rework hot join, solo/duo queue 1vs1, team premade queue 1vs1, weekly/montly tournament, better ingame tools to make/look for a party

3. balancing: soften burst damage (expecially d/d haste thief) / bunker resistence