Showing Posts For MarkPhilips.5169:

Poll: Should Skyhammer be Removed?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yes thx, only for hot join.

PvP players = Second-class citizens.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


You do know we have multiple teams working on all aspects of the game concurrently, right? You can’t compare the output of one team to the sum of all output from every other team.

I mean, I’m good but I’m not that good.

Sure, it would be nice if we had more bodies working on PvP. That wouldn’t really get things to you faster, but could increase the number of things we’re getting to you.

But for this reason, how spvp can really grow if there are so few people working on it?

I think you, Josh, John etc. try to do the best you can for this game but it’s clear that this is a pve game with some pvp aspects because your teams are totally unbalanced
towards living stories and other pve aspects.

Without more spvp resources, this game always will have a lack of people for spvp.

You guys need to convince Colin that spvp can be the real key to stretch gw2 life

Agony changes

in Fractured

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yeah, i’ve only a doubt about how upgrade process works in new infusion slot for rings and back. I mean if i’ve a ring with +4 AR put in new slot and i want to upgrade it to +5, do i need to create parallely a +5AR and replace it or i can upgrade directly from +4 to +5?

Because replacement + loss old AR isn’t a good design imho.

PvP players = Second-class citizens.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


if they gave people reason to do pvp they could have made money from it too


A very good pvp can generate a lot of money.

A bad pvp not.

Sure it’s more difficult create a very good pvp than a very good pve, but there is a reason because more popoular twitch games are pvp games

How much gold?

in Fractured

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I agree, if gold reward scaled with difficulty, it would be very cool

How much gold?

in Fractured

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Dungeons give other drops besides daily reward but 3g is the best reward for arah p1/p2 and it takes really less then 45min-1hr and half to complete it.

Frostgorge champion raid is 7.5g/hr and it’s totally brainless

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

How much gold?

in Fractured

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’m very happy you add gold in the final chest but how much gold?

I hope at least 5 gold for an entire fractal run that usually takes 45min-1hr and 30, average time.

Btw have u nerfed the amazing mobs amount in the dredge fractals? I hope so


Immobilize stacking

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


We’ll be reducing the maximum amount immobilize stacks in the near future.

Old version was better.

Tutorials - Summary on Page 2

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


About builds, i think this game needs desperately a template pannel to save own builds and select meta builds for every classes (updated by anet every time there is a big change).

The End of Transmutations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’d like to see a way to transform my transumation stones in Transmutation crystals.
I’ve a lot of it by daily achivements and completetion maps and are pretty useless.

Justin O'Dell for President

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yeah, I agree, justin is very good, he has the right approach.

I think Josh is good too, it’s a good thing now That His role is about spvp.

Basically spvp resources needed more resources, i hope this can Contribute to improve this part of GW2.

Spvp has a good potential but needs a lot of work to improve it. I think NOW is moving in the right direction. Better late than never.

Don’t let us down guys

Sensotix Goes Solo Q (HD) Gameplays

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


GJ Sensotix, i want to give you some suggestions to improve your recording:

1_ Would be cool add players number involved in every teamfight on minimap. This is very helpful to follow better, like spectators, the game. It means for example in this video (at the beginning): (red color)4vs3(blue color) at mid (little advantage for reds), (red color)1vs1(blue color) at mine. After few seconds, (red color)4vs4(blue color) on mid (blue ranger came after) and when blue necro was stomped, (red color)4vs3(blue color) at mid etc. Maybe you can add this counter very close to node on minimap.

Btw in general i think this would be very good if anet could insert it in spectator mode directly (like dynamic counter for teamfights).

2) Add little arrows in minimap when a guy disengages to show where he wants to go. In general i think dynamic counter is more important but this could be very helpfull too.

3) More slow motions. It’s very very usefull in big teamfights to understand what happened. You used it well to show guardian kb on ress spirits (very unlucky) and the final 100b on svanir after kd.

4) More character’s PoV. It’s linked to previous improvement, i mean, a lot of times big fights are very confusing and it’s not easy to watch from panoramic view. So i think a good balance from slow motions and PoV can be very helpful.

I know it’s not easy to switch on right camera during the fights when you are watching a game, but you need only more practice.

You did a gj anyway

And good match!

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

MM and Going Forward.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Showing your ladder positions insted of pvp rank is a really good idea.

And i agree, rename “rank” in something else like level, spvp level or other stuff.

the word “rank” needs to be used only for leaderboard position imho

Enemy Players on Minimap, thoughts and gripe

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think it’s a bug.

But for soloqueue i dunno if would be a bad idea.

It’s very bad for team queue instead.

Poll: Team size for "Play Now"?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


5vs5 forever

Stop Zerg!

Matchmaking Changes + MMR/Leaderboard Reset

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It’s a good step in the right direction, i hope seasons pvp will come quickly after this improvement.

But i agree with Henry&Mr.Big, decay is the key, if we’ll find another guy who reaches #1 with 14-0 and after that, he goes afk for months or weeks, this leaderboard will be always a joke.

Sensotix Goes Solo Q (HD) Gameplays

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I really like Your idea about commentary + slow motion for top100 teamqueue matches and other stuff for soloqueue. I think teamqueue, especially in high Tier, is more interesting in a tactical prospective.

I've lost the will to play :(

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



I think there’s some confusion here – the PvP Team is an entirely separate entity from the Skills and Balance Team.

The PvP Team’s main focus is improving the infrastructure of PvP – meaning features, rewards, etc.

The teams do often consult each other on various ideas, but they have separate projects.

It’s clear Josh, so my question is:

have you any plan to improve the balance team?

I think you are doing a good job with this new way to communicate with us, patch preview and discussing in specific forum thread main problems about gw2.

But pvp needs more rapid fix, i mean, players are really fast to find new cheese/garbage builds and stay 3-4 months in the situation “join horror festival or sux” it’s not really fun.

I really think this needs to have an high priority for you.

I can understand complex change like new modes, reward system need more time but balance changes need to be faster imho.

Solo Q and team Q problems

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think a good solution is 2vs2 and 3vs3 arena DM.

If u’are 4, is not hard to find another guy and go for team queue.

Collaborative Development Topic- Game Modes

in CDI

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I really think 2vs2 and 3vs3 need to be a pure DM mode, no other elements or secondary objectives.

BTW i’d start to add new options in custom arena like disable capture points and select a portion of a map. It’s the perfect place to “beta test” this mode, if people appreciate this, you can add a mmr/leaderboard and make it like official game mode.

When you introduced something in this game like leaderboard, mmr, custom arena, spectator mode etc. you said “hey guys don’t worry, it’s not definitive, we can improve this in the future” but look that, these implementations are now in the same release status.

So another important step you need to improve is to implement stuff that works correctly and only after move on, when you are sure everything work fine.

Poll: Would you wait for a better match?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


10-15 min is fine for me if i can do a “good” match without afk/leavers, score closed etc.

I think is very important people play this game because if people are afk because decay don’t punish them, it’s very hard to improve matchmaking.

Dec 10th balance preview.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


A trait like Diamond Skin is poorly designed… A cooler trait idea might be an Earth GM trait that reads

Immune to burning while attuned to fire
Immune to blind while attuned to air
Immune to chill while attuned to water
Immune to bleed while attuned to earth

This would promote active play: say you’re been chased by a shortbow 1 spamming spirit ranger? switch to earth and negate a huge chunk of his damage. It also would promote active play by opponents and it would be definitely worthy of a GM trait

This is a really good suggestion.

Opinion on ~3v3?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Arena is definitely something that gets brought up quite often in the office. I watched the FML 2v2 Tournament this weekend and it was a heck of a lot of fun. Some of the most exciting fights in conquest is when you’re doing small skirmishes on side points and the tournament on Saturday emulated those situations extremely well.

The good news is that players can create psuedo-2v2/3v3 Custom Arenas already, and there’s already a few rooms setup like that. I’d like to see more 2v2 type tournaments with prizes pop up in the future, and I’ve had a few people approach me saying they’d be interesting in organizing something like that.

I think a good step to start is to improve options in custom arena.

.Like disable capture points
.Use portions of the map (example center of foefire)

and other stuff

I think DM 2vs2 and 3vs2 is really good in this game.

Is the new reward system being worked on?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Concurrent to rolling out the MMR fixes, please do a reset of the soloQ leaderboards.

This would require resetting everyone’s MMR, which is something we could do, but I’m not sure is something we’d want to do.

Also consider starting new people at a lower MMR

This is something we’ve been talking about for multiple reasons. I don’t recall if its something we’re doing soon though.

Oh, and fix decay so that 11-0 people don’t stay up top forever.

The decay seems fine to me, the problem is that they’ re taking advantage of the decay reset by playing every so often. Sit tight for news about how we will make this problem go away.

Justin, do you have any plan to introduce Seasons in Spvp like in WWW? We talked a lot about this in the reward thread and i think it’s an amazing way to introduce unique rewards linked to ladder positions and reset mmr for example every 2 months when new season starts.

But really you need to find a solution for 11-0 + afk situations.

Bonus pool like in starcraft?

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Dec 10th balance preview.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It seems to be a good patch, but i don’t like trait/skill with long immunity and/or not ICD /(like diamond skin now or automated response).

Basically it’s a bad design.

2 Lines below WWW score (every map)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It seems to be linked to “interface size” option. If it’s large or larger i ‘ve these 2 lines, if i use normal size i don’t see these lines. Usually i use 1920*1200 ris. and it happens only in WWW.

It’s very weird, something has changed in the last patch?

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

2 Lines below WWW score (every map)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It seems to be linked to “interface size” option. If it’s large or larger i ‘ve these 2 lines, if i use normal size i don’t see these lines. Usually i use 1920*1200 ris. and it happens only in WWW.

It’s very weird, something has changed in the last patch?

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

2 Lines below WWW score (every map)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I noticed 2 lines below www score in every map. I’ve this graphic bug only in WWW, others pve maps are fine. Probably it’s a new graphic issue, i didn’t have this before.

Anyone has the same problem?

I post a screen where u can see this problem.


2 Lines below WWW score (every map)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Little bump.


2 Lines below WWW score (every map)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I noticed 2 lines below www score in every map. I’ve this graphic bug only in WWW, others pve maps are fine.

Anyone has the same problem?

I post a screen where u can see this problem.


Collaborative Development Topic- Game Modes

in CDI

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The current thinking is that a tournament could be decided by something like (using your examples):

1st game: Capture the Flag (not saying we’d do that, but it’s an example).
2nd game: One of the Conquest maps.
3rd game: King of the Hill (not saying we’d do that, but …you know the drill).

That way there’s variety, which means teams need to be strong in multiple game types.

@SinDen: Yep, we have a lot of cool features that are being worked on right now for PvP. A lot of them are really big, and take a lot of time to develop. That’s just how things are unfortunately when it comes to those new systems. I do think that new game types, in addition to the new features, would be good though, and that’s what we’re aiming at!

John, a mix mode is not a solution if every mode has many problems.

Main focus needs to be a game mode enjoyable to watch and to play. It means no massive fight (4vs4, 5vs5) in a small place, to not split the actions in many points at the same time so people can follow easy the game and player know what their team mates are doing every time.

When people organized a 3vs3 deathmatch tournament, it worked very well because there wasn’t fight on a small point and with 6 people on fight there wasn’t a big confusion and it was easy to understand what happened.

People (spectators) and players need to understand everything in game, if there is confusion, actions splitted, it’s a fail mode.

Kessex Hills completion map no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Thx for answer.

Uhm….I don’t remember if i had 100% completation map before, is there any way to check this?

Kessex Hills completion map no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I got 100% kessex hills completion map but i didn’t receive the chest.

Is there any bug with new patch?

Collaborative Development Topic- Game Modes

in CDI

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


We need a game mode easy to understand, for players and for spectators.

1_ Avoid 5vs5 in a small place. Too much IA, too many effects, if 4 or 5 players fight in the same time in the same little place. it’s very difficult to understand what they do, for spectators and for players too. Max 3vs3 in a small place, 5vs5 (or 4vs4) in the same place only if this space is LARGE.

2_ Don’t split the action at the same time. For a spectator it’s hard to follow a game mode where the actions is splitted at the same time, so it’s better a game mode where important actions are sequential and not at the same time. It’s easier for player follow their teammates and it’s easier for spectators.

3_ no too much pve in pvp. we are talking about pvp mode, so main focus need to be fight between players, not against mobs, walls or something like that. Ok a little pve for secondary objectives, but main focus need to be team fight.

I like very much the idea for 2vs2 and 3vs3 Death match.

MOBA game mode can have a potential, but we need always to consider points 1-3.

Continuous global tournament

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


In this forum we have mentioned many times seasons, leagues, daily / weekly / monthly automatic tournaments etc..

For now we got nothing

Hopefully in the future anet will implement all of these features.

Dec 10th baboon preview

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


A lot of good ideas here.


Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Hey, thanks for the response. In the attachment, I did 60% of the Team/Solo queue value for hotjoins. Not sure if they could separate it between 5v5 or 8v8, but I def. think it should reward less for hotjoin than for tourney.

I agree on the seasons. They’ve set that precedent with WvW, so hope to see that in sPvP too.

I’d like something like that:

In general use glory points to buy different rewards from merchant and no skins linked to rank level.

10-8vs10-8 hot join: play like u want, don’t care if u lose or win, it’s the first spvp step so basically take it very easy. Try stuff, builds, weapon etc. everything u want. Reward: rank and glory points (like now)

5vs5 hot join: first step to understand conquest mechanics. If u win u get more reward. It’s not a rated match so take it easy and use it to understand conquest mechanics, roles, good builds, positions, movements, every conquest mechanics. There is no MMR here so it’s possible match is unbalanced but this is not really important here. Rewards: medal system with exp/karma/money + glory e rank points. If u win the match, u get better rewards.

Fix leaderboard + implement seasons

Tpvp soloqueue: same like 5vs5 hot join with higher exp/karma/money values/ + rank/glory points. If u win the match u get a better position leaderboard and better rewards. Based on your position at the end of the season, u get unique rewards (title, skins, gift of legendary weapons etc.) that u can use in pve/www too.

Tpvp team queue: same like soloqueue but with different unique rewards.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Improve sPvP rewards:
Make sPvP matches an event system (Sample attached). Reward players with XP for killing players and decapping, capping nodes. Not a lot, similar to the XP gained for npc kills in PvE.

Maybe give some TP sell-able items as part of the reward chests for winning in solo/team queue as well.

I said this in my old reply, i think this is the best and easy way to add exp/karma/money to spvp and to not interrupt progress from pve/www.

I’d create different values between tpvp and hotjoin, so people are stimulated to go in rated matches because they can get more rewards.

but for hot join, i’d add this concept only to 5vs5 match, so people are forced to understand real conquest mechanics to win a match to get more rewards. This could be a real first step for people who want to approach spvp and team queue and soloqueue could get great benefit from that.

A progression reward system instead needs 2 main components: Seasons and good leaderboard.

Anet i think can improve their reward system in different steps, first step they can add a general improvement reward (exp/karma/money by medals system) and when they fix (i hope soon) leaderboard and implement seasons, create a progression reward system.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Sensotix Goes Solo Q (HD) Gameplays

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Good videos.

GJ Man

double daily crash bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


My client freezes only when i go on daily pve achievement tab. The other tabs work well

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’d like to not see any RNG reward system implemented and to not be too elitist with “legendary” reward. I think a Top200 is enough to be legendary, it’s always a better position than 99% of gw2 pvp population, otherwise the risk is create a reward only for very few people. Another way could be create different level league (diamond, gold etc.) and associated rewards but i think this could be a future step when population will be higher than now.

But in general i agree the key for skill/position rewards are seasons + good leaderboard.

As i said in my previous reply, anet can do a lot of stuff in this area, improving a reward system for every players and at the same time focusing on rewards based on skill level and progression.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Easy way to win more.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Really good video.

Now we need a game with a good balance and a good mmr/leaderaboard.

Discussion : What Rewards you want for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Hey, some ideas here:

General improvements

Glory system: i think actutal armors/weapons in pvp should not be linked to rank tier but people should be able to buy them from merchant with glory points.

A bridge between PVE/SPVP/WWW: basically people who play PVE/WWW don’t want to approach to spvp because they don’t want to lose their specific look of their characters. Would be a great option to “copy” character look from pve/www to spvp. And with a “medal event system” (See below) like in PVE/WWW people don’t interrupt their progress (in money/exp/karma etc.). This is very important imho.

Make a pvp match an event (exp/silver/karma/glory): an average pvp match is 10 min so i think would be great to see at the end of the match gold/silver/bronze medals like in PVE and in WWW (but with glory) If you lose (“fail the event”) the match, you gain exp/silver/karma but with less rewards (same of pve/www). With this system people are stimulated to win the match too because they know they can gain more rewards. You can use this system in hot join (only for 5vs5 match) and in tpvp, but in tpvp you need to gain more exp/silver/karma/glory points.

Progression improvements (only for tpvp):

Seasons /leaderboards Unique rewards (skins/title) progression system : Would be great a progression system like the achievements system reward we have. Unique skins should be account bound with withdraw, so you can use everywhere these skins (same achievements reward system). These skins need to look really epic (and not like ascended armor/weapons skins). These skins need to be linked to leadearboards in a window time (Season): at the end of the season, you’ll get the rewards based on your leaderaboard position.

Unique PvP Legendary weapons: I’d like the idea to make a pvp legendary weapon with 3 gifts + a precursor like in pve, but of course the recipe for gifts and precursor is only linked to spvp. These legendary weapons need to be new skins, and of course when you get 1, you can use it in pve and in www too (account bound reward with withdraw). Would be great a system where there is a mix of grind/skill actions, but at least 1 component (gift) must be skill based (for example position in leadearboard at the end of the season, tournaments wins etc.). NO RNG to make a pvp legendary weapons.



- people are stimulated to win the match because they get more rewards
- this system is alt-friendly (rewards account bound with skins multi use)
- You don’t interrupt your progress from pve/www (u continue to gain money/exp/karma etc in pvp).
- people is interested to play tpvp because they can get more rewards and unique rewards
- people is interested to improve their gameplay and team gameplay to win more.
- you gain rewards in a not rated match too (but less then rated match)


- For every rewards linked to leaderaboards, we need of course a good leaderboard with a decay very good (to avoid 12-0 winstreak + afk until the end of the season), good mmr, and less 4vs5 match.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Why are there no restrictions to enter tPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I really like the idea about seasons and diamond/gold ecc. league it sounds like a progression system and an incentive to do better.

So c’mon…we have this for www and not for spvp lol.

Btw tickets system was the worst designed pvp system ever.

Listening to nobody actually (title change)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Dunno, i read now the news about the new WWW Map (The Edge of the Mists) and i really like anet wants to invite some guilds (there is a survey for this) and test the map before to release it live.

So why Anet can’t do the same stuff with new game modes/balance patch for spvp?

I think would be a great way to avoid a lot of mistakes.

Listening to nobody actually (title change)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think Balance really is a very difficult beast.

So i think everyone can talk about suggestions to every aspect of the game but i really think balance is a different beast and no everyone can give good suggestions if they don’t have the right experience, expecially in tournament pvp.

So my point is:

better tools to communicate with anet for experience people or a different way to underline their replies in a forum discussion or more events like sotg with top players/experience players.

Of course, the very important key is how many resources anet wants to spend in pvp.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Listening to nobody actually (title change)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


when is pvp good or bad? all that changed was the meta. pvp is in the same state like before. if u find that meta good or bad or boring or something else is personal opinion i think.

Numbers are the solution.

How people left this pvp? How viewers has this game on streaming channel? How much interest is there about gw2 pvp in numbers? How many people approach pvp and after left?

I agree many things are personal opinion but if u want to make a very good pvp game u need to aim to big numbers, in player base and in viewers.

For now, they failed, so yes, this pvp is bad, speaking about numbers.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Listening to nobody actually (title change)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yeah, the key is opinion from experience players need to be more in evidence.

Every people can talk about everything but look to the process:

Report system/forum feedbak —-> anet read all and anet decides what it’s good for the game and what it’s not good for the game

But you know what?

They did a bad job with this process because what we have now is a bad pvp.

So it’s ok listening everyone but i think anet should look with more attention feedback from experience people.

Anet could implement a lot of different tools to facilitate this way.

Anet experience is not enough to give to this game a decent balance.

Listening to nobody actually (title change)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I agree with Sensotix, it’s the main problem because now we have a bad balance.

In a few days probably we’ll have a new official thread dedicated to balance, the problem will be the direction of this thread.

I think if too many people with little pvp experience talk about changes and balance, this game never will have a good balance.

Dunno, probably anet should introduce some like “experience status” on forum, with a different color (like red color for devs) based on hours played on tournament pvp or something like that, in this way reply from experience people would be more in evidence.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


1. Ascended gear and Alt Friendliness
2. Precursor Crafting & RNG
3. Collaborative/tactic/skilled open world event.


4. Fractal revamp with high level rewards