Showing Posts For MarkPhilips.5169:

Burning is friggin ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’m not saying is a bad idea

We see what Anet will do.

Burning is friggin ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Honestly it’s a little waste of time try to answer to people who wants to defend burning and builds at every cost. So

Anet topic: —> Things we know

1) Conditions seem a bit strong
4) There are some overpowered builds

They’re working on it and i think they need to find the best compromise for every game mode (pve/www/spvp) so it’s not super easy to fix.

We need to wait.

Burning is friggin ridiculous

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Base damage is really too high and 3 burning stacks on a single skill is like spike damage, not condi damage.

Professions like Ele D/D , guardian and condi engi (with flamethrower + ip + pistol oh) can stack a ridiculous quantity of burning too fast. I think every burning skill in their case shouldn’t apply more than 1 stack.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Someone Explain This Q time

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It’s not ok doing nothing for 20min.

Queuing in hotm honestly is a true pain.

Legendary Farmer or Legendary player?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


As I stated in my previous post. You should be rewarded less for facing people with lower leagues and punished more if you actually lose against someone who is in a lower league. This way those farmers will be punished for spamming games as you cannot really consistently win games unless you are skilled. Vice versa as well.

I think the odds / final score matrix will determine how many pips you gain/lose and odds will calculated with the actual parameters in the matchmaking formula more or less.

So divisions will be basically a progression status similar to “you have X points in the old leaderboard”. If you are in the higher divisions it’s like you have more points in the old leaderboard.

In the old machmaking formula your position in the leaderboard didn’t count for odds calculation so i think it will be the same with divisions.

Basically Divisions will be a different old leaderboard visualization.

This is a speculation of course based on what we read on blogs but in this design i don’t find a strong correlation between your skill level (ranking) and the division level.

For Teamleaderboard is different because there will be an ELO system with decay and we’ll have an unique MMR for the entire Team Guild. This simply means the best Guilds will cover the higher spots.

I don’t think it will be the same with PVP leagues.

I agree.

I hope a dev can give us some extra details but i think this will be the scenario.

revs so far in spvp

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I also think there is an energy cost issue for the Revenant.


in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I was sure they were working on it after 2 test seasons pvp.

We’ll wait for the mondey blog but i hope also 2 other issues will be fixed with HoT

1) Queue time only in the Mist
2) Not grind Leaderboard/League.

Shadow Refuge bug

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Pretty annoying, i hope anet can fix this soon.

Fractal 100 and AR

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


They talked about consumables too.

Maybe you can get extra agony from food.

Elixir X > Warriors' Rampage

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


You forgot Warrior Rampage does more damage with a full adrenaline bar (30% more)

And there are situations where Tornado is really useless so it’s better to believe in a not RNG skill.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

So mesmer/ele nerfs today?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


They nerfed Mesmer damage, Anet removed one bounce from Mirror Blade.

PSA: 2 Factor security rewards a new mini

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Amazing pet

It doesn’t work with BobbleHead, pls fix it

The fate of the Leaderboard [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It’s frozen right now, there is no season.

And no active leaderboard.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I really like the idea of free swap sigils.

Like you can unlock sigils buying or dropping them, and you have a menu in your legendary where you can select every sigils you’ve unlocked everytime (like stats now).

It sounds really legendary.

Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Considering we’ll have 4 queues with stronghold (2 unranked/2 ranked) i’d put a little limitation for unranked for 1-2 players only (solo/duo queue), keeping free ranked queues (every combination).

Thank you Arena Net for the PU BUFFS

in Mesmer

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Everything is fine with PU

“it’s soon over”

Wait, you took a stream from the captain of one of the 2 finalist teams for the PvP World Tournament as your evidence that PU is a problem? You took the stream of one of the best PvP mesmers in the world as your evidence that run of the mill PU is broken?

Are you high?

You right, it requires too much skill stay in hide for 6s and press 2+3+f1 (doing 15k+ in 1 sec)

And I play Mesmer lol

PU is totally broken.

Suggestion: Trickster baseline

in Thief

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I agree with trickster baseline + ricochet

More build diverisity

Who actually enjoys this meta?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The previous meta before June 23rd 2015 was far more balanced. Right now D/D Cele Ele and Mantra Mesmer are pushing too many archetypes out of viable build structure.


I really miss the old meta.

Revenant Changes

in Revenant

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think you should lower the hammer skills casting time

It’s ok a low swing time but Casting time are really too high.

0.5 on taunt is a nice reduction but the entire weapon set is really too low.

Stronghold Change List 7/10

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Other thing, pls fix the terrain, there are too many “no sense” no valid path (like many times in front of you at the same level)

Stronghold Change List 7/10

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I see always the majority of the action between 2 lanes, champions spawn and keeps. The fact now enemies can drop supplies inside the keep, it gives to team the chance to counter attack without take supplies in the middle camp.

It’s a good move for defense because it promotes defense better but there is always a problem with the middle center supplies.

I think middle camp should be different i dunno how but in this state is not really good like fight/stop enemies in other places.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It’s hard to describe it.

On one side, it’s incredible. Mallyx can deny pretty much any stomp, and rezz and instantly cut the melee pressure. Great Dwarf Elite is amazing teamfight buff, Ventari has fun playstyle with that Tablet.

On the other side, it wants to exist as profession with clear tells, clear counterplay and skillshots in a land of instant damage, instant CC, broken bursts and often little counterplay.

I’m having tons and tons of fun with it. I believe that especially Mallyx and Ventari take way more than any current profession when you want to play good. Throw Mesmer, Thief, Ele, Engi, Necro whatever you got. It beats them.

It’s not only watching your foe, but also your Energy, maintaining condititions, watching Tablet placement and setting up damage sequences at the same time while having long cast times that have to be covered by pre-casted stability, LoS and no “oh kitten” button at all.

You kitten up your energy management, you’re dead.

The profession isn’t complete and feels incredibly weak compared to other stuff out here, is even more vulnerable to focus fire than Necromancer, but…

When you actually do stuff right, it’s astonishing satisfaction.

Playing revevant i have the feeeling is not the revenant to be bad but other professions to be OP.

Basically revenant misses what other profs have and transform them in op stuff.

I win elites, stealth, instant burst damage/interrupt, invulnerability, 1200k teleport, amazing damage from distance etc.

Let's talk about Runes of Vampirism

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


in other news: this rune set is required to prevent “stealth 1shot” specifically on glass/low armor classes, it has the added bonus of being able to be used as a means of sustain, free stomp/res (if no cc). I like the idea of the rune and I like the many uses that proc has, I can’t really offer any solutions to the issues surrounding it though. I know from personal experience it has allowed me to turn the tables innumerable times.


Changes to stronghold; seperate Q's announced

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It’s an honest attempt to link some pvp aspect to the new expansion, it sounds a little like a p2w but honestly it makes sense after all.

Stronghold is a new game mode pushed with HoT and is free for all, a little pay component is not so bad imho.

In general the champion idea works really well for shaking meta (moba docet) anet decided to implement it in a npc/passive format and it’s interesting.

I hope they fixed other stronghold aspects like archers, player damage on guards and channeling.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

CA spectator mode and f2 thief

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


i can’t see the stolen item on f2 slot when a thief plays in arena.

Can you fix this pls?


Eles and mesmers are too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


In general, every class in zerk does too much damage but thief/mesmer (now with insane damage and interrupt) and guardian have better mechanics to survive in a teamfight and do damage at the same time.

Elementalist has amazing traits and probably is the best class with celestial amulet right now.

Burning is over the top.

Wurm Ascending Armor Mystic Forge Recipe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’ve some trouble to convert ascended stats with Wurmslayer’s Wristguards, basically i can’t put in Mystic Forge so recipe doesn’t work

I had no problem with Wurm Shoulders.

List of OP traits/skills

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


There is strong stuff but burning and mesmer are really too strong right now.

Damage is way to high

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


They buffed celestial - lol gg

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Honestly i think celestial would be always really strong but we need to see how it will work on each class with the new trait system.

We need to consider the general balance puzzle not only a single piece.

They buffed celestial - lol gg

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Don’t forget you miss stuff like condi duration and boon duration from the old trait Lines.

1000 old stats is not really true, it depended on build.

PvP Amulets from preview client

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


They changed berserk and valkyrie switched from toughness to vitality losing healing pow?

They changed the pvp amulets to have the same stat combo as the pve amulets, berserker and valkyrie have the same stat combo in pve and pvp now.

The old berserker pvp amulet is now marauder amulet, the old valkyrie is now crusader amulet.

I watched the album, thx

PvP Amulets from preview client

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Crusader replaced the old valkyrie pvp amulet

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Whats OP

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


For now, thief.

No contest.

Loss of build variety with patch

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think, you will get with the new trait systems, more variety with the same amulet.

I mean, for example for mesmer more chance to customize a zerk Shatter build with different Lines.

So basically you’re losing stats line but you have access to more traits.

After that we need to see the general balance cuz some professions have more advantages with zerk amulet and other prof are forced to Be tanky to survive.

Request: Queue from guild halls

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Anet could add 15-30s to queue pop up and remove 15-30s from match beginnning.

Meanwhile, in engi land...

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Lock on and speedy kit are on the same master trait so it’s a good trade off.

No one would get speedy kit with 10s speed. Now with 20s is always a very good option.

Nerfing vigor value by half a bit extreme?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It’s a good thing in general but i agree power creep and stealth needs to be under control or it will be really difficult to survive if you don’t have stealth/disengage/inv. etc.

Weakness will become a totally counter to Vigor.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Medkit details

in Engineer

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Kit is good but Bendage Self with 1sec. casting time hardly compete with healing turret.

Who won the balance changes?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’m ready to bet for a huge QQ about Mesmer Shatter and Thief d/p

Stay ready

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I just bought the ultimate version, already got 4k gems + new items stuff, title and new char slot on my account.

You only need to use the new hot serial code and upgrade your account.

Very simple.

Amulets/Gear changes by 30%

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Attribute Point Changes

• Attribute points on equipment have been increased by ~30%
• The attribute difference between exotic and ascended gear has been changed from 5% to 10%
• Base attributes at level 80 now scale to 1000 instead of 926
• Each profession’s attributes will be updated to have half of their functionality be part of a specialization and half of their functionality will be a baseline for that profession. (see individual profession notes)

This will change a lot in the balance.

We’ll never see pure zerk builds with + vitality or + toughness from defensive trait lines or for example an engi build with +300 power from the first trait line.

Really curious about Celestial amulet.

How's matchmaking right now

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


How is this not a matchmaking issue, i play dota for 2 years, and worst i got was 3,2 vs 2,2,1, and i can count in 1 hand how many times it happened.

If gw2 pvp had the same population (in Numbers) of dota2 you would get a similar experience.

Matchmaking can improve but can’t make miracles.

Not so many people to match perfectly skill and roster size

That’s all.

Patch added queue preferences (update: gone)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This is a work in progress and the UI for it made it out on accident today. We have corrected that.

Since we spilled the beans on it, I’m happy to let you know that this feature has come about from the feedback we have received from our community during our Stronghold Betas. We hope to be showing it for real in the next test we do for Stronghold.


Wait, no more hot join? (no more practice button?)

Or you moved it on servers tab?

BTW i like this.


(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Stronghold : losing hype at an alarming rate

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Everything revolves around balancing archers, player damage on guards and channeling. Balancing these aspects, pvp side of this game mode will be really more relevant than now.

Stronghold : losing hype at an alarming rate

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It’s a good game mode, they need only to balance stuff (basically players damage on guards, archers effectiveness and channeling) to focus more on PvP instead of pve.

Stronghold PvP Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I agree with op.

Gamemode has great potential but you need to balance better players damage on guards, archers effectiveness and channeling.

MMR based Leaderboards. Now.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The majority of the community hates this ‘’grindy feeling’’ and you want to contunue with it ?
(fine by me … i simply i want master Helseth to play seriously this games again…..)

We don’t want the leaderboard to be a grind either. We’ve changed the system over the course of testing to remove elements of grind.

Are you referring to changes after the first week?

Because it’s true you gave more weight to loss BUT games played are always a huge component.

Basically if a player plays 5 games daily and he is super strong he can’t compete with a bad player Who plays 30/40 games daily (it’s always a team game)

And this is linked to the fact that soloer/duo compete for the same leaderboard with 4+ full premade.

I hope you can solve these issues.

What would it take for gw2 to go esports?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Grouch and I were asked to talk about GW2’s competitive program at a local conference and if your interested you can watch here:


Interesting video thx for sharing.

[Suggestion]Mini Map Layers + Mastery Icons

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I had some navitagion issue too.