Showing Posts For MarkPhilips.5169:

Not a fan of Revenant...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I join the folk, it’s ok we miss 3 trees and many weapons but the profession appears really slow.

It’s not only a matter of animations but basically every skill hasn’t a short cast time.

But i don’t really think is revenant issue but more a general feeling we had using the old classes with a TON of instant skills/short CD.

In general i think the other classes have a too cheesy design, it’s not really The Revenant to be slow, in an absolute sense.

For Example if i think to Thief, it’s like day and night.

But in general i found the design really interesting, there are different legends with a specific role, condis management and tanky situation, many skills are not brainless, there are thresholds where skills are more effective, so you can’t spam skill without any sense if you want to have a good gameplay.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

The fate of the Leaderboard [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


In theory, there should be a lb reset for off-season.

But i hope they’re working on the final league lb system and they’ll implement directly the new system.

The actual lb in off season is really useless.

2nd Season Feedback: The Good, The Bad etc.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


About my arguments, I wanted to be focused on Season Arguments, on what especially influenced ranked matches but I Agree there is more stuff to talk about.
I also played different games in unranked and ranked with other accounts (low rank and with only few games in ranked/unranked) and I found a really difference situation with more low mmr players in my team and against (with my main account I get matched basically always against high mmr players so this issue isn’t really strong).Most of all the general feeling is like hot join (or worst), where people zerg without any clue or people literally explode in a teamfight, creating rally bot situations or quickly, outnumbered fights for the entire match.
So I think many players need more clues and more practice zone to improve their skill level in teamfight, movements, coordination etc.

In this forum we had many suggestions to improve this aspect, for example:

- Stats and score improvements: this is an important part, score player system we have now it doesn’t help to understand your performance in the game, and sadly, many times can be a wrong way to read your performance or your team performance. This is because the actual system fits well for a deathmatch game but not for conquest/stronghold match, so a rework is really necessary. Basically we need more useful stats at the end of the match to understand better personal/team performance in a conquest/stronghold scenario.

- Kill spam chat and mini map improvement: add for example a dynamic counter to count how many people are involved in a fight and rework the kill spam chat above the mini map with more useful infos (like timer, only deaths and respawn, better UI)

- 1v1 and 2vs2 zone: This could be perfect to introduce a practice zone in HotM while in queue, so people can improve their skill in a 1vs1 situation or in a small teamfight. Custom Arena are decent for this but you can’t join CA while in queue and in general there is an autoclick war to try to join quickly the spot in a 1vs1 or 2vs2 CA (for this reason a queue system it would be necessary). In general I think HoTM should be a map where people can really improve conquest and stronghold aspects (now it’s really bad for this).

- Tips in game: a simple option (you can disable it) where you can find common tips&suggestions ingame to avoid common mistakes (very useful for new players): like be careful to enemy thief when you try to kill a beast on forest and don’t kill beast at beginning, don’t cap a node with 2+ people, don’t let your teammates outnumbered etc.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

2nd Season Feedback: The Good, The Bad etc.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This is great feedback. Thank you.

I can’t speak to any direct action items, but your concerns seem to line up with all the other feedback we’ve seen.

I’ll be forwarding this thread to the right people.

Thx Evan, i’m glad this topic can be useful

How would you rank the spvp maps

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


1. Temple
2. Khylo
3. Spirit
4. Foefire
5. Forest
6. Skyhammer
7. Courtyard

Honestly i think Spirit has a great team Team Play potential and it’s very understimated.

From my experience in ranked (during the Season) Foefire wins a lot of times, followed by forest. Khylo & Temple are secondary options (sadly)

The fate of the Leaderboard [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


There will be a break and an off season.

I hope next Season won’t be a test but a true League Season with different divisions and cool rewards.

2nd Season Feedback: The Good, The Bad etc.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



The good: there is a break between Seasons, where people can go ranked without any stress to gain/lose leaderboard points and can use this break to improve.

The bad: ranked queue and unranked queue are basically the same in Off Season and it’s a waste of resources, because community tend to split in unranked and ranked without any real motivation. This leaderboard in off seasons is basically useless, it doesn’t help you to understand your improvements because is only grind based so the entire ranked queue is basically the same like unranked queue

Suggestion: Anet needs to differentiate better unranked and ranked queue in off season. With 2 ranked queue (1 for full team and 1 other for 1-4 compositions) and urnaked for 1-5 compositions, they could introduce the solo queue instead of 1-4 compositions and keep 1-5 composition only for unranked. Basically unranked 1-5, ranked, solo queue and full team. It’s only an example of course, but in general we need a better motivation to join ranked in off season.


The future of pvp scene is really interesting, a total profession rework is coming + elite specs with HoT, a new game mode (stronghold), a new leaderboard design (devs said many time this is not the final version) and the guild leaderboard.

Stronghold will be really important, so its placement in the queues is crucial. The majority of the people don’t want Stronghold in the same Conquest queue because are really different gamemodes, require different builds and different strategy. I Agree with this, it would be a huge mistake putting Stronghold with Conquest but at the same time Anet needs to be careful to not split too much the community (we need to consider that this new game mode will attract A LOT of new/old players)

With the new professions change there will be A LOT of fix to do to create a decent balance so I hope these fix will be fast (max 1-2 months and faster for totally broken stuff) and not 6 months long, it would be really bad for the game

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

2nd Season Feedback: The Good, The Bad etc.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Heart of the Mist

The good: there is less chance to have a 4vs5 at beginning

The bad: This is one of the main issues of this season, probably the worst. To be stuck in the Mist during a queue time (usually 6 min+) is a terrible experience, the map is basically useless, there is nothing interesting to do or you can’t join hot join, custom arenas or other game maps. People tend to go afk during the queue time for this reason, so when you have a queue pop, can happen very often people don’t accept. For Streamers too, it’s really bad, because basically for the majority of streaming you see people stuck on the Mist doing nothing.

Suggestions: There are a lot of alternatives, you can improve HoTM with 1vs1/2vs2 Challenges for fun with a ticket system like pavillon, adding JP with check points or other interesting stuff. You can let people join from other maps, there is always a queue acceptation, you can add more time to queue acceptation (like 30 secs.) and reduce time from 2 min waiting. I think it’s really important Anet can do something in
this area with high priority.


The good: a little better than the last season, Anet enlarged the rewards until top500 and they introduced a progression system on mini Llama.

The bad: In general, rewards are poors. There is always a Glorious Hero’s armor for top 25 and mini llama for top500. Progression system on mini llama is interesting but you need a crazy amount of llamas (27+) to get the final version and the effort to get a mini llama for 2 months season and only for few hours in a organized tournament like ESL or other stuff is not balanced.

Suggestion: It’s the same of the previous feedback, a WWW reward system with tickets at the end of the season and a merchant where you can chose from a good amount of rewards with different ticket price. With a League system you can differentiate the ticket amount for each leagues or adding exclusive rewards for each league. In general, we need more exclusive pvp rewards.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

2nd Season Feedback: The Good, The Bad etc.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



The good: better than the last season, I can say the majority of matches was decent but there are many exceptions. There is now a little time window where you can switch professions before the match starts, without losing automatically the match.

The bad: Many matches are imbalanced. Mainly because many times there are different roster size composition, like a premade 3+ on one side and all soloers on the other side or worst, a full premade, against all soloers/duo. It happened many time, I could predict the final match result better than odds system, only reading name players on both of sides and professions composition. Many times I scored points when I had odds not in my favour or I lost points in very equilibrated matches on paper, so I think there is some issue in team compositions and odds calculation.

Suggestion: As you see, queues, leaderboard and matchmaking are linked issues, I’d prefere 2 rated queues, in this way full team can play in their own queue and matchmaking will be helped. I’d really like a better team composition based on amulet like minimum 2 “bunker/support” amulets and the remain dps/pure condis, avoiding class stacks.


The good: in theory, we have (on paper) a system who punishes rage quitter and
people who leave the game. For my experience, I had really really rare 4vs5 in this Season.

The bad: this system is bugged and not active.

Suggestion: Introduce this system.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

2nd Season Feedback: The Good, The Bad etc.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Ranked Queue

The good: With only 1 queue, there is more people who join the same queue and it’s easier for matchmaking create good games (in theory)

The bad: At the same time there are solo player/duo player…full team who join the same queue, with different roster size, different skill level, different class stacking so it’s hard for the matchmaking to create balanced matches. Besides that, People with different behaviour, I mean people who normally join ranked queue with different rosters size (soloers, duo, who goes always in 3+) compete for the same leaderboard and final placement. There is no real place for a full team to have real practice because majority of times they’ll meet pug compositions and it won’t be fun for them and for the pug guys.

Suggestion: Guild leaderboard is coming so I think the best option is to create 2 (rated) queues, 1 only for full teams with Guild (=team) leaderboard and another for 1-4 roster size composition for a more “casual” experience. In this way people who hasn’t a full team can really enjoy gw2 pvp and new full teams can born.


The good: Leaderboard has improved from the last leaderboard and from initial week, now you lose points many times if you don’t win so it’s a bit better than before.

The bad: it’s not enough because games played daily are always a huge variable, so it’s impossible to reach higher spots on the leaderboard if you don’t play 30/40games daily in average. Besides that, Like I said before, different roster size compete for the same leaderboard, so you have soloers who competes with half premade or full premade team and indeed if you go on 3 guys+ your win/rate is better than go solo. (basically always). 56/60 days are really too much for a single Season, probably 1 month is really better with more seasons during the year and not long off season breaks.

Suggestion: it’s not easy because it’s all linked to have only 1 ranked queue. So when you have different roster size to compete with the same leaderboard it’s really hard to find a good system. With the old mmr system + permanent decay you have people who go in 3+ with a big advantage and soloer punished, for this reason this game needs separate rated queues and a skill MMR based Leaderboard. If Anet wants to keep this system, they should introduce a CAP for total games during the Season or the competion is not fair. The introduction of leagues is really important too, in this way you can split people based on their MMR in different leagues (platinum, gold etc.) and you can have a promote system at the end of the Season and special rewards linked to every league.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

2nd Season Feedback: The Good, The Bad etc.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



after the first Test Season Feedback I released, I want to give again my feedback about this test season. Season is over and I want to say I really enjoyed this second test season, of course there are A LOT of improvements Anet can do (and we’ll talk about this), but In general I really liked this season. Some data, I played 267 games, the big majority in solo/duo. Ended in top500 with 146 pts. 154 wins, 113 Losses and Win rate of 57.68%.

A little summary of my arguments:

Ranked queue
Heart of the Mist

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

The fate of the Leaderboard [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Season is over, no ladder Test Season advice anymore on right corner.

Rampage and Lich Form

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Stability is fine, only damage (especially for lich autoattack) is a little too much imho.

Power Creep

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Instagib danger is real.

Dragonhunter Ion cannon Confirmed (Video)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


“Shadow Refuge, I’m safe!!”

Maybe not

Turret Engi Patch - How are we faring?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Honestly, I prefer A LOT a pvp meta without IA elements.

This fix has really improved the fun experience for me in rated matches.

NeXT time i hope we don’t need to wait 6 months.

Show MMR indicators in your team

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think it would be useful to show at the end of the match the average mmr for each team + odds + how many points you won/lost in lb.

At the beginning it would be toxic, cuz team with lower mmr could be discouraged or single low mmr could be blamed.

Lag when pressing "B"

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


A potentially important point that might have been missed: it freezes upon opening each time, but there is no freezing when closing it or clicking the left/right arrows.


HOTM Restyling

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



PvP extra activities, while in queue, would be amazing.

Chronomancer sounds amazing!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The design is pretty amazing, probably these elite specs (in general) will be super strong initially and a fast balance will be necessary but i really appreciate the attempt to create innovative skill no brainless with great team sinergy.

Amulets and Runes

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I was thinking if they’re considering to buff stats on runes and not only on amulets

Meta team comp after trait revamp?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


My odds:

1. Thief, Mesmer, Guardian, best zerk profs
2. Warrior, Ranger, Engi (engi will change a lot, it’s hard to say)
3. Ele, necro.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yes but u know, they are devs, they can modify no sense stuff

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


To clarify this, from stream is like 4s MoA AoE duration every 30s.

Basically it’s like a 4s Daze AoE (but u can press moa skills ).

Notice that you can use dodges and number 5 and duration would be basically expired.

It’s not clear if this MoA AoE can remove transformations.

Its very unlikely that it wont destroy nekro minions or cancel elite transformations. So just another “I win” skill for engis.

We don’t know this, probably it will transform for 4s and after that Lich, Rampage etc. will continue.

Transformations overwrite each other, so there is no reason why it wont be the case here.

The reason is because a skill with 30cd can’t overwrite an elite with 180cd for the entire duration.

Warrior's Healing Signet Hasn't Changed

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I agree, we need to wait the entire stats spread across every build/amulet to understand better.

For example healing power from celestial and Defense line had a great impact, after the change, everything will be different.

So yes, numbers will change.

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


To clarify this, from stream is like 4s MoA AoE duration every 30s.

Basically it’s like a 4s Daze AoE (but u can press moa skills ).

Notice that you can use dodges and number 5 and duration would be basically expired.

It’s not clear if this MoA AoE can remove transformations.

Its very unlikely that it wont destroy nekro minions or cancel elite transformations. So just another “I win” skill for engis.

We don’t know this, probably it will transform for 4s and after that Lich, Rampage etc. will continue.

Engi MOA ?!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


To clarify this, from stream is like 4s MoA AoE duration every 30s.

Basically it’s like a 4s Daze AoE (but u can press moa skills ).

Notice that you can use dodges and number 5 and duration would be basically expired.

It’s not clear if this MoA AoE can remove transformations.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

New Thief Deadly arts and Acrobatics OP

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Swindler’s equilibrium + improvisation can be over the top for a s/d thief.

In general I agree there are really huge traits for thief.

PS They buffed vigor? I see 120% end regen now instead of old 100%

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

[Grenade Kit/Mortar] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Mortar idea is cool but i want to see skills in action. Range is strong and is good for an elite kit

Grenade is a huge nerf, from 1500 to 900 without poison field.

And probably now is balanced, there is more risk to use them with less range, more radius and more quickly. And the poison Field was really huge.

Honestly i think on engi They did a really interesting work, They changed A LoT, engi will be really different.

Probably engi will be the most different class after the update.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

[Ranger Spirits] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


We had spirit ranger meta and it was really really bad.

Tanky build with great damage = bad.

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



- Anet changed A LOT OF STUFF. Honestly didn’t expect that. And basically we need to know everything about specializations. But how we know actual builds now is over. Everything will change.

- Condis will change. Poison and burning will stack (lol) and probably other stuff.

- there are A LOT of strong minor traits (basically old Major traits converted in minor traits)

- Many traits focus on replacing stats. I think the new amulet boost won’t cover all the stats we have now on our character from attributes line. So power creep needs to be evaluated. But i think it will be huge.

- Thief Mesmer and Guardian seem to be really strong. Thief most of all

- Engi is totally different. It’s a work in progress, a lot of stuff needs to be decided.

- Ranger has interesting builds

- Condi War seems really strong Necro dunno.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Every prof will change a lot, balance this stuff at beginning will require a lot of work.

Thief seems a nucler weapon, Guardian medi line is amazing.

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’m really worried about 6 6 6 builds for everyone. How do you think to balance traits to avoid putting in the game the most power creep ever?

How condi and boon duration will be handled ed with the new system?

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Specializations. Concerns about less variety.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


….I’m genuinely confused O_O.

If somebody can clarify thing for me, it’d be great

Right now, as long as you have traits points you can go to an trait line.
Think 6/4/2/2/0


You can only have 3 active traits lines at any time BUT you can go all the way to master (6/6/6 no more 6/6/2/0/0 builds). No more traits points. The other change is that traits are locked in tiers, example

1. Soothing Ice: Gain regeneration and Frost Aura when you are struck by a critical hit.

2. Piercing Shards: While attuned to water, your spells deal more damage to vulnerable foes. Vulnerability lasts longer.

3. Stop, Drop, and Roll: Dodge rolling removes burning and chilled.

So, you can only select one of the three options. Once you select it, you cannot select the other 2 options ever. This will reduce build diversity technically, but it will allow the game to be hopefully easily balance.

The second change your stats will come mainly from gear, traits are no longer bound to stats. So if you wanted to you could play an Zerker elementalist, that has traits from water, earth and Arcane. Or Arcane, Fire, Air. Or Fire, water, earth etc.

If you still don’t get it, just watch READY UP tomorrow.

elemental shielding, rock solid, diamond skin/stone heart or even the glyph grandmaster
armor of earth switched for glyph of elemental power

welcome to the (possible) new meta

It will come down to stone-heart ele vs. fresh-air d/d ele vs. tempest (specialization) ele. All keeping water/arcana most likely.

I think tempest is a skill type. Like tornado.

Ok thanks, but…amulet is the only gear allowed in PvP, each trait line currently has 2 stats associated to them, at this point I really wonder where these stats will come from now.

In a 40/30/30 amulet like soldier for exmaple i think anet will add something like +320 pts to primary stat and 240 pts to secondary stats.

Something like that.

Specializations. Concerns about less variety.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


maybe all amulets if they dont add +300 stats to them

I dunno for celestial, but the other amulets will receive a stats boost for sure.

With a +800 stats for example a soldier amulet will be something like that

1212 power
910 tough
910 vit

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Specializations. Concerns about less variety.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Like now, basically every prof has a 6 6 6 op build, for this reason it really depends on how anet will move/rework traits with the new system.

Less variety but big power yes.

Specializations. Concerns about less variety.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The stat removals alone will actually be a potential increase to diversity.

That said, smaller amount of traits total is very good for the game. The game had a lot of false choices (traps) and then a lot of mandatory traits (arcana, cleansing ire). These tracks help determine use-metrics a bit better because it’s streamlined, which COULD help build diversity in the long run if they are proactive, but most importantly, it will be much easier to balance the game.

I’ll gladly take a little less pseudo choice for a better way to balance.

I agree, initially balancing will rewquire more work but at the end will be easier to balance the entire spvp scene.

Honestly 6 6 6 scares me a little, there a lot of super power combination now for many classes, i think anet will do an intensive traits movement/rework at the beginning.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Specializations. Concerns about less variety.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It depends on celestial will receive a higher boost stats.

But for sure celestial amulet will work differently on some classes, for exmaple an engi celestial won’t have a 300 power + and a celestial warrior won’t receive a 200+ toughness and 300+ vitality bonus.

At the same time every profession will have a 6 6 6 build so it’s really hard to imagine how it will be the balance post HoT with specializations and traits spread in different ways.

But i think in spvp we’ll see less hybrid builds.

For example a Berserker class will be a pure berserker class, without using more toughness points from some build for some prof.

Specializations and the Future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I only hope in fast balance patch because this system will be completely new and i think it will be a pain in the kitten , initially, trying to balance it.

But in general, it sounds good.

Specializations and the Future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Separation between traits and attributes is really huge imho, it means we will have less hybrid class, speaking about stats, and the celestial amulet will be not influenced by build pts, like for example a celestial engi who takes 300 power pts more in build 6 0 0 4 4.

And every profession will have a 6 6 6 build, with old traits and new traits spread in different ways.

Basically everything will change.

27 LLamas to get the Lavish Llama

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Both the Academy Gaming weekly and the AspectGG Pugquests allow you to sign up as free agents and compete without a team. Two of the three weekly 5v5 events allow you to sign up without a team. Only the ESL Go4GW2 cups require a team, and they’re supposed to be more competitive anyway.

Can you link me how to register like free agent in Academy Gaming weekly?

I tried to find some infos for free agent in their web site but i found nothing :\ (only infos for team).

Maybe it’s my fault.

And AspectGG for now it’s only NA :\

Off Season: Unranked vs Ranked Arena

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I understand your proposal but maybe 3 queues are too much for gw spvp population atm

Considering Stronghold in the future (and it deserves his own queue) splitting too much the community now could generate more disadvantages than advantages.

I ’d prefer to think about only 2 queues atm

Btw i take your choice for 5_ option

Off Season: Unranked vs Ranked Arena

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



We are almost at half of Second Test Season (1 month left more or less) and i’d like to see your opinions about the next Off Season.

Off Season should be used to improve like a player/team to show your progress in the next Offical pvp Season.

Point is, a Leaderboard in off season is not really usefull, there are no rewards linked to it, and this creates a low appeal in ranked matches and there is no really difference in off season between unranked and ranked arena.

There is basically the same structure and it’s not really good for matchmaking and queue time because population tends to split in 2 queues basically very very similar.

I’d like to see a difference in off season, like a cyclical patch to use for off season.

Which options do you guys would appreciate?

1_ unranked: soloqueue ranked: duo-trio-full team
2_ unranked: duo-trio-full team ranked: soloqueue
3_ unranked: soloqueue ranked: soloqueue
4_ same like now
5_ other

Let me know.

27 LLamas to get the Lavish Llama

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The mini might be unlocked when you use it in the forge like skins are which means you would maybe lose any you already dropped in your wardrobe BUT if you just save the rest of them you can unlock them when you create the next level.

Sadly no, when you craft one new version of the mini llama, you unlock only the new mini pet in your inventory but if you want to unlock the skin you need to store it on your wardrobe (consequently you’ll lose it and you won’t able to use it in the mystic forge.)

In this video, he crafts the fancy version but he doesn’t unlock the skin, he only receives the new version.

Of course i’m not really 100% sure about it, i dunno if there are other examples about mini pet progression in the mystic forge.

Tossing minis in the forge does NOT unlock them in your wardrobe.

Thx, this means you need 40 mini llamas to unlock every version.

You can directly go for mini Lavish (27 mini llamas) but it won’t unlock previous versions.

Sigil of Air is broken :(((((((

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Old suggestion but always valid: no proc on autoattack

27 LLamas to get the Lavish Llama

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The mini might be unlocked when you use it in the forge like skins are which means you would maybe lose any you already dropped in your wardrobe BUT if you just save the rest of them you can unlock them when you create the next level.

Sadly no, when you craft one new version of the mini llama, you unlock only the new mini pet in your inventory but if you want to unlock the skin you need to store it on your wardrobe (consequently you’ll lose it and you won’t able to use it in the mystic forge.)

In this video, he crafts the fancy version but he doesn’t unlock the skin, he only receives the new version.

Of course i’m not really 100% sure about it, i dunno if there are other examples about mini pet progression in the mystic forge.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

27 LLamas to get the Lavish Llama

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The problem in this progression is there is no way to get a Mini LLama when you’ve unlocked it on the wardrobe.

This means you need 27 mini llamas to get a Mini Lavish Llama only if you go directly to it, you put in the bank 27 mini llamas and you don’t unlock mid step versions (normal,fancy,elegant) during the way (probably you’ll get all versions at the end when you’ll unlock the final version).

But if you want to unlock all mid step versions during the way, the total to get a mini llama Lavish is 40 llamas.

normal —> 1 (unlocked)
fancy --> 3 (unlocked)
elegant —> 9 (unlocked)
Lavish--> 27 (unlocked)

Total 40

Anet should give us a chance to get “phishically” the unlocked version to use it in the mystic forge.

Basically is how if you’re building a legendary weapon, you decide to unlock the precursor skin and the precursor disappears and you can’t use it on the forge for build the legendary and you need to get another one.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

27 LLamas to get the Lavish Llama

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


But is there a way to use the unlocked version in the wardrobe in the forge?

Otherwise you’ll need more llamas

Allow turrets/objects to take burn damage?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


While I don’t think the OP’s suggestion is exactly the change we’re going to go with, I thought I’d drop by and let you all know that the effectiveness of turret engineer is something we’re looking into very closely right now. Once our plans are a bit more concrete I’ll give an update.

Have a good weekend,


Nice to know


in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Maybe Anet could add more damage from archers to guards/npc and less damage from players to guards/npc

I agree Lord shound’t attack if he receives stealth. Reveal is too fast on him.