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Upcoming PvP Changes Discussion on Ready Up at 12PM PST

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Q: Courtyard will be always available only for the custom arena or it will be put in “practice” or other mode?

I couldn’t watch the stream but i read the dulfy notes and i see this:

“During tournament seasons, only “tournament” maps are available but in offseasons all maps, including Courtyard will be available (Courtyard was available previously only in custom arenas)”

So, i presume, it means Courtyard will be available for practice and unranked mode too and for rated match in off season.

This is interesting because it means we will have a Deathmatch 5vs5 and not conquest, for every mode, and it’s a new scenario and new tactics.

Of course, Courtyard needs to be chosen but there will be a chance for a Deathmatch and not conquest.

Am I right?

Upcoming PvP Changes Discussion on Ready Up at 12PM PST

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Q: Courtyard will be always available only for the custom arena or it will be put in “practice” or other mode?

RIP - Dishonor will catch everyone

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I just wanted to pop here and add that if dishonor for dc becomes a problem like many fear, we can simply reduce or disable that dishonor penalty until the feature gets patched.

This is something new the servers are able to do now… yay! :P

I think both of penalty points on leaderboard and dishonor are very annoying for a short DC.

RIP - Dishonor will catch everyone

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Many times are a server issues, not players issue.

I don’t see why a player needs to be punished if many times the main problem is the server and not the connection.

Courtyard in new patch

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


For curiosity, Courtyard will be always available only for the custom arena or it will be put in “practice” or other mode?

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Solo q getting glorious Heros armor

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This leaderboard is an old system, the new leaderboard will work in a very different way, it won’t be easy to climb because you will need to play a lot to accumulate enough points to be in the top tier, winning few matches and be at the top it will be impossible with new leaderboards.

Consider this a little gift for 20 players with the actual system, it’s not a real measure if they are good players or not, everyone knows the actual leaderboard is pretty bad.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

DC: No compensation for the 4 men-team?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I don’t think forcing another player that didn’t disconnect to be frozen is fair at all. 4v5’s aren’t either, but people’s team compositions work certain ways. If your bunker dies at mid due to spike and is frozen in queue because of a disconnect, your team’s whole battle plan may have to change, especially if the classes are glassy or too evasive to hold a point. 4v5’s surely suck but pulling another person out of the match is punishing them for another person’s internet issues. I know we want to do this fairly but I don’t think that’s the way. Maybe if it was voluntary, but each player’s build isn’t equal, nor is any person’s mechanical skill. I hope we just have changes to the ladder and rewards to deal with 4v5 scenarios without it being so vulnerable that some guy can take a dive so his teammates can keep their ladder positions in a game they know they’ll lose.

There is a rotation for the frozen guy, this means when another guy dies, he takes his place “frozen” and the other guy is free to play. You can do this rotation when people die or after X min if people is not in combat for example. Basically noone stays in the base forever. And you can’t schedule who is the guy that start to stay at beginning in the base frozen, it’s random, so i don’t see big chance to exploit this system.

Of course you need to consider that a 4vs5 is an emergency situation, it’s not a standard game. It’s a lttile sacrifice for a better match.

Other system, like add a pause to the game, forces 9 people to wait X min. the DCed guy, so i don’t think exist a perfect system, there is always a trade off.

Go with the Flow

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


@Evan, do you guys have plans to use the map selection feature to get some hard numbers on what maps players like and dislike for the first time? It’d be really cool if you guys could rank maps by how often they got voted for at the end of seasons.

Map selection will absolutely give us delicious metrics.

What if map voting is 50%-50% (Red team votes A map, Blue team votes B map)? Which map is chosen ( A or B )?

There is always a chance in map voting, votes change only the %.
This means in a 50-50 situation, 2 maps have the same chance to be chosen.

System has the last word, players change the chances.

Another example in 3 maps, forest, skyhammer and spirit, with 80%-10-10 there will be always a 10% chance to play in skyhammer or spirit.

Personally, i like this system.

DC: No compensation for the 4 men-team?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Couldn’t it just allow someone already in que to join by giving someone qued up a message to join in a on ongoing match?

The system will do that if someone declines or fails to confirm for the match.

I don’t think we want to do that for mid-match DCs. It would means pulling a player into a match in progress, which can be disorienting. There is also a good chance they’d be put on the losing team as the other team has had an advantage while this is happening. This just wouldn’t be fair to that player. Sure we could ask, but what if no one says yes?

Also, what do we do with the player that DC’d? Do they get dishonor? Do we give them a grace period?

What about the other players? Do we keep them idle until a replacement is found? How long do we wait? What happens after that?

There are other options as well. We could just cancel the match and no one gets ladder credit.

It might be doable, but we’d need a good user experience for all involved.

I agree with you, i think putting a new player in a match in progress is a bad idea for many reasons.

If someone has a DC during the game i think he needs a grace period (like 2 min) where you can try to reconnect without penalty. If he can’t reconnect, he has the penalty (dishonor + loss).

To handle a 4vs5 during the game i think a good system it would be “freeze” a player who is not in combat in the other team (or a dead player, frozen in the base, marking a frozen rotation) and mantain the match in equal number until the disconnected player can come back in the game. Other games use this system and work pretty well, so i think it would be a great system for GW2.

With this patch i think we’ll see a lot of less AFK at beginning but there will be always disconnected people during the game and a 4vs5 for some minutes. Besides that, the new dishonor system + automatic loss for DC doesn’t incentivate people to reconnect, so this is an area that needs some changes (first of all i’ll add a grace time window + the frozen system in the future).

If putting the game on “pause” it’s to hard to do, probably a “frozen” system it would be more easier .

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Still No New Gamemodes?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


New game mode there will be for sure, but a new spvp structure is more important now.

If you insert a new gamemode in a bad structure the final result could be very bad.

Do you honestly expect them to make a succesfull gamemode and pvp structure? After all these years of GW2 development they didnt show any potentioal in terms of pvp development.

They are super arrogant and prefer to reinvent the wheel over using stuff that has proven to be succesfull in other games.

Its just not going to happen….unless they start to see the light and hire ppl that have a solid background in pvp development.

The new patch has a new spvp structure, many ideas are from the community, on paper it’s really interesting, we’ll see.

Still No New Gamemodes?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


New game mode there will be for sure, but a new spvp structure is more important now.

If you insert a new gamemode in a bad structure the final result could be very bad.

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


K, understand.

We need to see how it works the entire new structure, there are a lot of changes.

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


So you say, ( and Anet ) , the chance that someone will go AFK while in the queue is higher if he is actually playing the game in another part than standing in the mists while doing nothing ????

No, staying in the HotM is to prevent players from getting dishonor for failing to respond to a match confirmation because they’re loading another map. It also takes care of people who forgot they queued and went on to do something else in-game because it will remove you from the queue as soon as you leave.

Probably stupid question but can i do Hotjoin or private custom arena or i have only to stay in the hotm running around?

RIP - Dishonor will catch everyone

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I agree with 2min. grace.

Remove Skyhammer from rated arena

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Mhh with the introduction of a voting system skyhammer shouldnt happen unless someone votes for it…

And in addition, skyhammer and spirit won’t able to be selected during the seasons.

I think anet will use only foefire, nifhelm, temple and khylo during the seasons (devs said no casual maps during the seasons).

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Short version

Swap profs before match starts (2 min.) = good
Swap profs during the match = bad
Punish leavers who leave the match = good
1 sec. Dc (and people can come back fast) = -3 ladder points + dishonor buff always = very bad

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

RIP - Dishonor will catch everyone

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


And you need to reconsider another thing, if i get a DC for 1 sec. what’s the point to reconnect if i have the max loss + dishonor?

I simply leave the match without come back, instead trying to reconnect and try to win the game or try have a close game.

Of course if players play alone.

Yeah if you play alone, you will simply don’t reconnect and do something else in the meantime – and if you play as a team your teammates are kittened because they have to wait for another game with you cuz of dishonor….


RIP - Dishonor will catch everyone

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


And you need to reconsider another thing, if i get a DC for 1 sec. what’s the point to reconnect if i have the max loss + dishonor?

I simply leave the match without come back, instead trying to reconnect and try to win the game or try have a close game.

Of course if players play alone.

If people play together probably they will try to reconnect but u have always an heavy penalty and if you win the game you are not really happy but mad.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

RIP - Dishonor will catch everyone

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’m not really worried about dishonor i think is worst -3 points in ladder if you get 1 sec. DC.

With new score, an average win is +1 so if you win 3 matches (40 min of play) and you get 1 sec of DC you lose everything.

I hope you can give us a some amount of time to reconnect fast. I find this penalty too heavy with the new score system.

Team Q + Solo Q = Ranked Q Worries

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think we need to forget the soloqueue concept.

If many duo people will join the new rated match, many solo player will be matched with double duo for example 2-2-1 or maybe 3-1-1

I only hope the new mathmaking will give VERY HIGH priority to party composition, because for a good match, the same party composition needs to be on both of sides.

3-1-1 is different from 2-2-1 is different from 4-1

On paper, the new system is great because you promote more party size for queue but population number and mmr effectiveness are important factors.

I hope more players would be interested to pvp in this patch, maybe we see the true results after months, probably at beginning there will be some problems.

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’m thinking about my feelings if i play 40 min. in PVP (3 matches) i get 3 wins and +3 ladder points in total and after that i lose everything for 1 sec. of disconnection.

No really, it can’t be true.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


There are a lot of topics about gw2 servers problem, i know a lot of people with super mega connections that have only, sometimes, problems with gw2, and it’s not predictable.

Dishonorable + -3 ladder points is really too much for a 1 sec. ld.

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


what if the new system only slap offenders with dishonor, only if they came back with a different profession?

While I can’t any we’ll make any changes, I can say the new systems give us way more flexibility to try more things. So feel free to bring up discussions about these issues throughout the season.

I only hope you can reconsider the problem with small disconnections before season starts or we’ll have dishonorable everywhere and mega complaints topic.

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I hope it’s not in this way because it’s very very heavy.

You queued as a warrior, we found a match for a warrior, using your warrior MMR. It wouldn’t be fair to others if we let bypass matchmaking rules, and it opens the door for exploits.

If the full loss for small disconnects becomes an issue, feel free to bring it up again and we can talk about less severe deterrents. As John mentioned, this is an experiment and we’ll be looking at the data and community reaction.

Ok, i can understand it, but in matchmaking have you considered party composition? Because before, speaking about soloqueue, people swapped a lot for example if they have a bad party comp, like 2-3 same profs in the same team or not bunker or other cases.

In team queue instead, speaking about full premade, it’s a big handicap if a team can’t switch a profession if they meet some specific setup.

And about small disconnections, pls, don’t to this, or super quality connection would be the higher parameter in ladder, more than player skill. The actual system doesn’t punish if you can come back before the game ends, i think it’s really better, considering new score system too.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


What I mean is, I enter the match on my garbage Thief. We are waiting for the match to begin. I then swap to my really good Ranger. How is that handled?

You’ll receive dishonor if you leave a match and take a full loss on the leaderboard.’s not pretty clear, Justin:

2 scenarios:

1) I join the match with x prof, ex. thief. 2 min countdown starts and i decide to swap character, for example warrior. I got the dishonorable buff + max loss?

2) I have a ld during the match. I return before the game ends. I got the dishonorable buff + max loss?

I hope it’s not in this way because it would be very very heavy.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Unranked queue and spectator mode?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Oh, bad news

I hope you can implement it in this new mode.

Finding the Perfect Match

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Justin, can you answer pls ?

And what about the leaderboard decay?

Any change on that?

we temporarily lose ladder points when we don’t play and we’ll re-get the same amount when we play 1 game? Or do you have changed something?

Unranked queue and spectator mode?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Spectator mode is available for unranked queue?

I think it would be great for the entire pvp community and to push people in rated matches.

Finding the Perfect Match

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


And what about the leaderboard decay?

Any change on that?

we temporarily lose ladder points when we don’t play and we’ll re-get the same amount when we play 1 game? Or do you have changed something?

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Finding the Perfect Match

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I read the new matchmaking rules but i have some questions:

Basically, your ladder positions would be the sum of every points (-3 – +3) you can gain in a match?

Team MMR would be the simply average about every single MMR player or other formula?

It’s an interesting new system, i think people who play a lot (if they’re decent/good) will have some advantages in this system at the higher tier.

And another thing…in the new leaderboard, can you show us our positions AND our total ladder points?

New Leaderboard Match-Making System

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I read the new matchmaking rules but i have some questions:

Basically, your ladder positions would be the sum of every points (-3 – +3) you can gain in a match?

Team MMR would be the simply average about every single MMR player or other formula?

It’s an interesting new system, i think people who play a lot (if they’re decent/good) will have some advantages in this system at the higher tier.

And another thing…in the new leaderboard, can you show us our positions AND our total ladder points?


in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


“Another feature we’ll try during our test season is map rotation for Ranked Arena. During the test season, and during future league seasons, Ranked Arena will have a limited set of maps available for more serious competition. During the periods between seasons, the ladder will be reset and all maps will be available for an unofficial and more casual ranked experience.”

I think this means no skyhammer and spirit during the seasons.

And we have map selection too.

What about the leaderboard decay?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


So basically you will reset these ladder points between seasons, and you’ll keep our mmr, right?

I need to understand how are linked ladder points with mmr, i hope new blog will be more clear about this point.

In general i hope the decay will work differently.

What about the leaderboard decay?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This is really important, i hope Justin will able to give us some new news about how it will works decay and if something will change in this area.

It’s very very important for new competitive good seasons.

Ready Up teaser

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Is that a soda can on the bottom left of the picture?

I cannot quite tell what kind of beverage that is, can someone inform me? This is really intrigueing

Don’t worry. I’ve cracked the code!

We have a winner here

Ready Up - Nov 14 - Abjured & TCG AMA

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


How do you think Anet should modify spvp to be more “spectators friendly”?

PvP Unique Rewards (Keeping Casuals Invested)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


There are certainly people who only want to play PvP competitively, and never care about PvE rewards. We are still working on systems that make those players feel rewarded, but right now all of our prestige rewards come from LAN tournaments. Reward tracks are geared more towards the larger audience.

I really like the idea of NPCs walking around to show off the armor. I certainly noticed that in Silverwastes.

Speaking about spvp rewards, i think this game now miss only league&seasons and rewards associated.

We have money for major Tournaments and exclusive armor/finishers, and casual pvp players have a lot of tracks to exp everywhere.

You added new region track (i hope to see the new silverwastes region track soon with something exclusive like maguma track) and glorious armor track more halloween track with a different final reward like we suggested in another topic.

So according with the last step for 2014 pvp roadmap, we need league and seasons and rewards associated.

With league and seasons + reward and a very usefull fix for imbalanced game i think the entire spvp structure would have a very big boost.

hotjoin is terrible

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This is a my old post about spvp structure, first part about hot join.

bringing back 8vs8 is not the right solution, autobalance + swap team to force autobalance are the main reasons because hot join sux now.

First of all we need a system (like frozen system) to mantain numbers stable for the entire game (5vs5).

After that anet could simply add a soloqueue unranked version for “play now” and other servers free (outside from the unranked matches) for a very fast game.

But autobalance for hotjoin (clearly it’s a bad system) and a fix for umbalanced matches are really important and need priority.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Messages in game during the match.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I don’t like this, not only does it completely give away the fact that you’re decapping a point, it also tells the other team exactly who’s doing it. The semi-useless messages seem fine to me, or could even be taken out entirely.

These messages are only an example of course, the point is to use live messages during the match for a better understanding what’s happening in the game, specators side.

Messages in game during the match.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Instead of the semi-useless message “X is on rampage” I’d like to see more usefull messages for players and spectators during the match. Basically a more powerfull announcer

Like for example:

“X saved the node from decap”
“X decapped the node X”
“Wonderfull ress by…”


We talked about more stats recap after the game, i think connect some of the stats with live messages during the game would be very usefull for spectator and players too.

What do you think?

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Lightning Whip & Stow Weapon

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Mesmer GS1 Autoattack has a similar problem, full damage at half cast with 1 + stow weapon. It’s like perma quickness on autoattack.

Need a fix.

[PvP] Engie - Rifle #4 new animation ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Imho every strong immobilize or knock back (necro fear anyone? ) should have a readable animation like pin down/air blast/point black shot. And not instant stuff.

CDI-Guilds- Raiding

in CDI

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


1) challenge
2) multi group based
3) high reward

Replica Job o Tron backpack

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Same here, fix this pls.

Nerf Autoattacks. SAY NO TO RNG !

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I completely agree.

Steal is too strong (needs adjustments)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I agree, to many effects for an instant/Short CD.

Why can't every class be more like warrior

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I agree with OP.

Too much instant damage/CC .

IMO shatter mesmers need a nerf

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think the only thing to change on the build is the velocity of auto attack maybe on greatsword wich allow a high frequency of air/fire sigil proc.


Air +fire sigils + gs autoattack interrupt

Ele strongest prof in the game Spvp

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.

The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.

4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.

Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?

12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?

Are you joking?

Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.

It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.

Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.

It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.

Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.

Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.

Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.

Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.

If you switch every 15s on fire (medium average) you have always a 100% uptime burning. Yes you can remove it of course, but many classes don’t have a 15s CD condition cleanse and elementalist can cover burning with other condis like Chilled, poison (from doom sigil), weakness, bleeding, immobilize.

You’ve got to be kidding me. What you’re explicitly asking is that elementalists not be able to do any damage to you at all.

Elementalists access to weakness, immob and chill all last 5 seconds or less. Bleed lasts 8 seconds. Meanwhile necromancers, thieves and mesmer cover conditions last 10-15+ seconds.

You’re blanket statement of “many classes don’t have a condition cleanse every 15s” is a complete lie to give yourself confirmation bias, which also serves to prove that you just want to faceroll.

“you always have 100% uptime on burning” Really? Can you stop straight up lying?!?

(prove my point more by mentioning sigils )

Dude it’s math sorry, try to count how many burning sec. you can put on fire attunement every min. 10s and stop to refuse the reality

I’m not really interested to speak with people who wants to defend the undefendable.

Look this topic

Written by a very experienced elementalist

He spoke about drake’s breath (main source of burning) and Lightning Whip nerf(main source of sustain).

If you’re blind and you don’t want accept the reality is not a my problem.

Have fun.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Ele strongest prof in the game Spvp

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.

The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.

4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.

Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?

12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?

Are you joking?

Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.

It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.

Stop pretending like what you what you’re saying actually makes sense.

It takes anywhere from the MINIMUM of 10s to 18s or so for me to switch back into fire attunement after I’m done with it.

Yes, the skill has a 5 second cool-down.
No, it is not used like you think it is.

Drakes breath does not get used every 5 seconds, but rather every 15 seconds or so.

Stop thinking of attunements like they’re engineer kits. That’s ridiculous.

Not to mention the ele only gets 12s of burning on you if he hits with ALL FOUR HITS.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t use Drake’s breath every 5s, it’s a channeld skill that puts 12s of burning on you with 5s CD, and ele d/d has burning speed and ring of fire (more fire aura with combo finisher) and when you fight on node is a problem always.

If you switch every 15s on fire (medium average) you have always a 100% uptime burning. Yes you can remove it of course, but many classes don’t have a 15s CD condition cleanse and elementalist can cover burning with other condis like Chilled, poison (from doom sigil), weakness, bleeding, immobilize.

And there is too much sustain for his damage, so basically when ele reaches high might stacks, there is too much damage from condis (burning) and too much sustain.

After 1 min of fight, if ele d/d is good and it doesn’t make big mistakes, he wins against every classes.

In few words:

- too much burning damage
- too much sustain.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)