Showing Posts For MarkPhilips.5169:

Tournament of Glory - DPS

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Double camera is really good for conquest mode.

TeamMMR, Access to ToG/ToL through Ladder

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


what i wonder is, i never played pvp games with leagues before but.. right now how you get your ranks on the leaderboards is not that great. would this change? because if it doesn’t it would just encourage “foul play” for the rewards.

Individual mmr for team is not so great because when the algorithm matches 2 teams it basically compares mmr between 10 people and it’s very complicated.

With an unique mmr for team, you need to compare only 2 values, so basically it’s easier and the result are better matches.

Tiny population is another problem but with a different structure, better rewards, a real progression, for sure many other people play spvp, and more teams you have, better matches you have.

In addition, decay should work differently and teams should play a specific minimum number of weekly matches to avoid 10 wins situation + afk until the end of the season.

Team should be incentivated to play, not to go afk when they reach a good position

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

TeamMMR, Access to ToG/ToL through Ladder

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Basically what title says:

League system (ex. bronze , silver, gold , platinum , diamond etc.) and not a single mmr for every person but an unique mmr for the entire team.

Seasons like WWW, for example 1 month (4 weeks), scheduled for example 1 month (or more) before major tournament starts. At the end of the season, we have rewards about our position (on depends in which league we are and final position) and teams in Platinum and Diamond (it depends how many teams there are) can access to the major tournaments (ToG/ToL) with for example, Diamond teams like top seeds.

In this way we have:

1. Great motivation to make a team
2. Progression, we have different league based on our mmr and great motivation to do better.
3. Exclusive Reward associated to our mmr
4. A daily motivation to play Ranked match

What do you think?

I think it would be amazing.

Ele strongest prof in the game Spvp

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.

The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.

4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.

Not really.. It’s fine. you’re telling me you can’t cleanse one condition?

12s of burning every 5s from only 1 skill is fine?

Are you joking?

Might stacking only amplifies the problem, burning is always the first damage in the list when you fight an Ele D/d because there is simple too much burning in his rotation.

It’s the main reason because Ele D/D celestial is op on node.

Ele strongest prof in the game Spvp

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I’d start to nerf drake’s breath, too much burning for 5 sec cd skill.

The entire fire attunement has a lot of burning but #2 is the main problem.

4 stacks of 3s burning is ridiculous, 4 stacks of 1s would be more balanced.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

rules for following tournaments?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The reason I am not playing with a team anymore for nearly a year, is because we can TPvP but not play the tournies like TOG, ESL etc. We should create more opportunities to play (and gamemodes, but that’s coming I heard) to create the enthusiasm that we had in GW1 PvP. It had two essential things; different modes and different play times (pointing out to GvG) so a team can choose on what days they regularly play.

The reason you had more opportunities to play in GW1 was because the tournaments were not open enrolment: your guild could only get an invitation by getting to the top of the ladder. Therefore, every single GvG you played mattered because it got you points and helped you improve your rating. It mattered whether you played on a Monday or a Thursday or a Sunday, and it mattered whether you played at 4am or in prime time.

In GW2, otoh, only the Thursday tournaments, and the qualifiers for WTS feel like they “matter”. You could be slumming it on the 50% of the leaderboards by tanking your rank, and you’ll still go to Beijing if you play well at the qualifiers. So the way you play day in day out doesn’t feel like it matters, it just feels like practice. And there’s only so much practice you can do without an immediate sense of reward and achievement before burning out. Sure, you can climb up the leaderboard, but, unlike GW1, the leaderboard doesn’t matter for tournament purposes, so people who aspire to tournament-level competition don’t feel like they’re rewarded. And if they have to play several lengthy rounds of qualifiers, and they get knocked out because one of their members couldn’t make one day of qualifiers, or any other reason, I think that’s so disheartening it would make a lot of people quit, as happened with CM.

If guild-based rankings/leaderboards were introduced, and the format for big tournaments was changed from open enrolment to invitation according to ladder rank, I think it would do a lot to build up people’s incentives to play more on a daily basis. It would help prevent burnout and make daily matches matter more to people.

This is a good point, leaderboard is really useless you can be #1 or #1000, there are no rewards at all.

I’d really appreciate a different leaderboard, like league divisions, where only who reaches the top of the first division (es. diamond in a defined time window = seasons) can be invited in final tournaments.

It would be a very big incentive on daily base.

rules for following tournaments?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Also you should work on the community instead of pushing tournaments. I tried to find new players to replace underage / non european players for 2 month, but with the current size of PvP community it is almost impossible to find players of equal skill level.

sry for double post, but i suddenly couldn´t find the old one anymore and this is an important topic for me

Absolutely this.

Skyhammer Changes Where Announced!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


- Removal of glass panels at A/C and skyhammer
- Fixing the skyhammer portal entry bug
- Skyhammer damage DODGEABLE

Turrets decap engi

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


In general, i’d use for IA builds 2 approaches

1. Remove them from spvp, toxic builds.
2. Convert them in support builds like banner war (so basically they are usefull only in pve). No damage or CC.

Prince Vindagor fan club

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


date / wins / loses / ratio / rating
2014-09-17 / 98 /91 /52% /999

189 solo Q games in a row in 1 day… really ? I just saw this on :

It must be a bug right ?

2014-07-29 294 275 52% 971

Can’t be true


Any word on fixing 4v5?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


A queue confirmation (basically like WWW) it would be great to prevent no show at beginning but not during the game.

So, besides this queue confirmation (or ready button, it has the same logic) we need a system to prevent 4vs5 during the match.

I like the frozen system, basically if your team is outnumbered, the other team gets a member “frozen” in the base when someone get killed, until the match comes to be with equal number. There is a frozen rotation, so basically when a guy is frozen in base and another teammate get killed, the dead guy takes his place and game continues with equal number (in case of 4vs5 we have a 4vs4).

There could be other system like a fast queue replacement, pause game or different tick time for nodes if outnumbered, but i prefer this sytem, i think it’s simpler.

Frozen system could be used for afk people too, besides disconnections.

Please advertise the tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


We simply need a yellow message like a new patch and an option to disable it if people is not interested to pvp.

Unbeatable Comp

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Party composition is important but many times players forget there are players better than others.

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Ticket #935865


Engineer is highly comical

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Strong profession (with a turret engi brainless build) but not op, it’s weak at condition damage.

Leaderboards: "Four Most Frequent Teammates"

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Team ratings are absolutely more accurate than individual ratings. Seems like the best implementation of your suggestion would be actual teams with ratings.

Team mmr for team queue would be really better, yes.

For solo queue is different but i think more stats in general, could help to identify player value. Not only on the leaderboard but at the end of the match too (basically a recap about what combat logs says with sum and other stuff about decap/cap,ress,kills/deaths etc. with every stats can help to identify a good performance in gw2 conquest).

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Account registration and mail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I get always this message so i don’t think i have other options.

I insert email and serial code and i leave blank the field for character name because i don’t have any characater.


Account registration and mail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


you need to sort it out you self man,
I had a gw1 account I played for 4 years, then I switched emails and now Im all tangled up in which email and which password is the correct one to access my gw1 account.

I’m lost in the souce, 4 years of effort gone because I forgot to write down my ID and Pass before I change my email.

Sorry but it’s a different case.

I know my password but simply it doesn’t work. Maybe because i didn’t activate my account because i didn’t receive any email i dunno, but registration process was ok.

And i can’t use the reset password because i don’t have any character on my new account so i can’t use the automatic process and i need to contact CS.

Has Something Changed...

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I suggest to post here

And i agree, this fact (trial account and new player in ranked match ) is a strong contraddiction with the new npe system.

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


anet put a lot of level barrier for new players in the last patch but trial account and new players can instantly go in ranked match in soloqueue/teamqueue.

And it’ sa major problem because is not fun for them because they don’t know what to do and it’s not fun for their team mates.

It’s necessary a little level barrier for ranked matches, it’s a contraddiction with the new npe system.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Standardized Models in TPvP (Picture Inside)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Little bump for these 3 improvements:

-adding this option to soloqueue
-more models
-adding this option to spectator mode

Playing this game ( spvp) with this option change a lot (it’s better).

Account registration and mail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This is my first account of course, for the new account i can’t login in the forum too, because the password is not recognized.

And yes, i used a different email to Contact cs.

Btw do other people have problem with account and anet email?

Account registration and mail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I bought another account with a mail but i can’t receive email from anet (email account works correctly )

I tried to log in but it doesn’t work,i tried to recover my password but i didn’t receive any email and now if i try to recover my password, a form appears and invite my to contact the support.

I opened a ticket #935865

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I was thinking how a guild hall could be very attractive for spvp players.

It would be amazing if for examples, spvp upgrades were linked to leaderboard or special spvp achivements to give a very good progression reward to spvp players.

I dunno if anyone posted some advices in this direction.


in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Speaking about elementalist, zoose, phantaram and danshee i think they got the light armor version for second and first place at gamescom.

Probably a full set.

Btw it’s for sure on of these guys

Engineer magnet bug makes it unplayable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


A lot of teleport/projectiles skills have many issues with this lag.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


According to Colin Johanson, Guild Wars 2 Game Director, Super Adventure Box will be back in the future. We don’t have a timeframe for the return of the SAB, but we will be bringing back this popular content.

I know you would like more details, more info, a date, etc., but that’s not available right now. I hope the above comment reassures you, though, because at the core, the important answer is that yes, SAB will be back in the future.

Great news, thx

It was a really good content.

CDI- Guilds- Guild Halls

in CDI

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Can somebody explain the proposals for non-instanced Guild Halls to me? The entire point of the system is to provide an area specifically for your guild removed from the rest of the world. Non-instanced Guild Halls already exist; going somewhere on the map and telling your guild to meet you there. Guild Halls don’t need to exist on the map, and they don’t need to allow random players to stumble upon them. They need to be built specifically to the exclusion of non-guild members.

There are some good ideas in here, but honestly, the Guild Hall system from GW1 is all the game needs, with some GW2 polish. In that respect, I can’t fathom why anyone would want to take up actual space on the map for Guild Halls, let alone have them be accessible to non-members of the guild, with the exception of guesting.

Proposal Overview

Guild Halls, as seen in Guild Wars© .

Goal of Proposal

Give Guilds a private, isolated area for Guild Members to meet, spar, host GvG, Roleplay, and organize.

Proposal Functionality

Open the guild panel and click the “Guild Hall” button to be taken to the private map somewhere in the Mists or the Battle Isles and meet with other members of your guild.

Guild Halls are purchased with a Celestial Sigil, which can be earned in PvP, as a drop from a Champion Bags or World Chest, from the Fractals end reward, or from gaining ranks in WvW. Unused sigils can be sold on the trading post, or consumed to grant Guild Influence.

To Purchase a Guild Hall, speak to the Guild Registrar to preview one of the various halls. Once a desired hall has been selected, trade in the Celestial Sigil to purchase that hall for your guild. Only Guild Leaders may do this. Once purchased, a guild hall may be further upgraded for a gold cost with an armor repairer, crafting stations, a merchant and BLTC representative, and more.

Guild Halls will be about the size of a medium instance. Think Hero’s Canton or Salma district, perhaps slightly larger. Guild Halls include:

Heath of the Ages (Krytan-themed guild hall)
Heritage Courtyard (Divinity’s Reach-themed hall)
Genius’ Laboratory (Rata Sum-themed hall)
Bloodstone’s Call (Maguuma-themed hall)
Dreamer’s Sanctum (Grove-themed hall)
Unseen Ones’ Lair (Tarnished Coast-themed hall)
Swashbuckler’s Outpost (Lion’s Arch-themed hall)
Destiny’s Stand (Airship/Breachmaker-themed hall)
Spirit’s Retreat (Snow/Lodge-themed hall)
Freezing Tundra (Icebrood-themed hall)
Fallen Kingdom (Ascalonian-themed hall)
Legion Forgeworks (Black Citadel-themed hall)

And possibly more.

Associated Risks

People are too happy that GW1 halls are back, and they spontaneously combust.

+1. GW1 Guild Hall is all that we need for a Guild Hall. Instance GH, discount merchant, place to do have a scrimmage, etc….

+1 for me too

Prevent TeamQ invites from Blocked people?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


My spvp release


1)No spirit and skyhammer in soloqueue
2)Queue pop like www queue to avoid 4vs5 at beginning and frozen system to avoid imbalanced numbers during the match
3)hot join converted in unranked soloqueue with spectator mode
4) exclusive rewards for teamqueue and soloqueue


1) less damage from air/fire sigils
2) less high might stack
3) better animations on critical skills (cc/high damage)

It would be enough for now

Prevent TeamQ invites from Blocked people?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Sorry for the trolls. :\

This shouldn’t be an issue after the next SPvP release.

Next Spvp release?

Could We have a dedicated patch for spvp players?

I could cry for something like that lol

Ok, i’m dreaming

Please let everyone spectate top team queue

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


So you are actually not allowed to cast if teams forbid it? Is this part of the rules of being a shoutcaster. I am shocked at that to be honest

i can understand it. In League of legends, teams scrim to test Builds and Strategies, but in GW2, we have not enough teams to have a lot of scrims, so you try things in TeamQ. So its possible that we reveal some special tactics. So teams can block us from casting yes.

But is it an official rule?

Because i think it’s a very weird in a public session, teams can decide to be not streamed.

Team queue is not custom arena.

If it were an official rule, i think anet should change it.


in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It would be interesting to get a statistic about how many matches in skyhammer are 4vs5 because people don’t want to play this map.

Thief/Mesmer comp so OP

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


At least you need to be a very good mesmer to survive in a teamfight with very good positioning and sense of tactic/kiting. You need to have very good mechanics in the game.

Besides the mesmer great damage from distance, i think thief/mesmers are super strong if well played because they can force you to play outnumbered the entire game or lose the point easily.

Mesmer has a great mobility, if you well manage illusionary leap and portal, you can force people to be outnumbered.

Please let everyone spectate top team queue

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Television decides the rules, team needs to adapt.

This is how it works.

I agree with Henry.

[Request] New game modes CDI

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Yeah, but basically with PVE and WWW old CDI we saw some new stuff in the game, with the old spvp CDI…we are still waiting for new game modes, seasons and leagues.

So it’s ok a constructive topic but if nothing happens….people lose hopes and new CDI are totally pointless.

Please let everyone spectate top team queue

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


No delay, it’s like spectating in custom arena.

Please let everyone spectate top team queue

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Without putting a delay, i don’t think is possible.

Btw it is really better to watch the game in spectator mode instead of twitch.

+1 anyway.

give hot join more reward.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Hot join doesn’t need better rewards, hot join needs a better structure , like converted in unranked queue with no autobalance but better system to fix 4vs5 (or similar) matches (like ready@queue pop and frozen system)

Soloqueue and Teamqueue needs better rewards, exclusive rewards for ranked matches (seasons and in general exclusive tracks).

How about all modes get equal base rewards, and you get LB rewards (scaled widely) for competitive rank? Win/win then.

I think the actual reward track system is good and i dunno if scale system would be applicable to it.

Now you can exp everything in Hotjoin, yes there is a cap but at the end, without queue time, it’s faster than soloqueue and teamqueue.

For this reason i think soloqueue and teamqueue needs better rewards.

There is a good topic about extra rewards besides skins, i think there are good examples, exclusive tracks would be a really good incentive for a daily soloqueue and teamqueue.

And Seasons of course, for extra rewards linked to position in ladders.

give hot join more reward.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Hot join doesn’t need better rewards, hot join needs a better structure , like converted in unranked queue with no autobalance but better system to fix 4vs5 (or similar) matches (like ready@queue pop and frozen system)

Soloqueue and Teamqueue needs better rewards, exclusive rewards for ranked matches (seasons and in general exclusive tracks).

Celestial comp

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Condi damage is highest because it only comes from a few sources. Power damage is spread across every different attack you have.

Many times, when you die, the sum of physical attacks (if u’re good to dodge) is less than burning and bleeding (and torment too), this means if you are good to dodge but you don’t have a lot of condi removals, condi pressure at the end kills you.

And Burning from ele d/d celestial with high might stack is VERY significant, same for warrior. A DD ele every 10s can apply burning to you, same warrior with combustive shot (only every 7.5s).

With 15 might stacks (35*15= 525 + power and condi damage), you go over 1k in condi damage with the celestial amulet, for this reason celestial class with high might stack are really strong now.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Celestial comp

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Thots on meta changes if blast finishers in fire fields only gave 1-2 might stacks instead of 3?

I think main problem is condi damage from might stack, not power damage.

Basically every time you die from a high might stack profession, condi damage (burning, bleeding etc.) is always the first.

Celestial comp

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Or another way could be change how might works, like same power but half condi damage or something like that.

Celestial comp

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


S/D thieves can go into Crit Strikes instead of Acrobatics and do a ton of damage.

This is because air/fire sigils damage.

Another stuff to nerf, it’s too high.

Time to nerf celestial

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Celestial is fine, self high might stack is the problem.

Ele and war can reach easily 20+ stack might! engi celestial, without a fire field, only 10 more or less.

Nerfing sigil of battle could help, but imho finding a way to buff less might by on their own would be better.

PvP bag reward track

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


  • Color track – rewards dyes
  • Remodel Track – rewards trans charges and hair kits / character kits on completion
  • Wealth track – rewards fixed price items to boost gold gain by a little bit (each reward gives like…5 items worth 10s each type of thing?)
  • Resource Track – As the track progresses, gives t1-6 materials and rewards rares at “check points”
  • Storage (Spring Cleaning) track – Rewards bags, black lion salvage kits, etc.
  • WvW track – rewards siege, silver, badges of honor (i cant imagine it being better farm that EotM though…)
  • Fractal track – various materials, fractal relics, and skin choice on complete
  • SAB track – (reactivate the bauble merchant) rewards baubles, miniature crafting items, weapon crafting items/pieces (these things are WAY too expensive on the TP, there needs to be a way to get these weapon skins)
  • <Insert Season> track – rewards similar items granted from event farming during Mad King, Wintersday, Jubilee, Dragon Bash, etc.

+1 with something exclusive for soloqueue and teamqueue track.

IMO, engineers are OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The only engi build that needs to be downed down is the turret engi because is a toxic build for the game (spvp side)

PvP bag reward track

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This is a cool idea. I will pitch it to the team. What other things would you see going on this track? They all have a theme leading up to the end goal.

Dedicated tracks for soloqueue and teamqueue with exclsuive pvp rewards at the end.

X queue needs to be incentivated.

[Suggestion] How to fix 4v5

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Ready button can be implented directly in the queue like the www queue

This solves beginning phase

During the game, a very good system is the “frozen system”

In this topic we discussed the details

SoloQ & TeamQ is dead 23 hours of the day.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I find duo queue in teamqueue incredibly more fun than soloqueue.

No skyhammer and spirit
Rare 4vs5
You play with a friend
Better rewards

Of course you can met premade but at this point, with a useless leaderboard and a bad matchmaking, i think there are more advantages.

CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL

in CDI

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Guild calendar
Multi messages
Multi guild chat