Showing Posts For MarkPhilips.5169: lag?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Looks like an issue with Tier 3 providers, as usual. You can speak to your provider, and ask them to speak to their Tier 3 provider…that’s about all you can do.

Good luck.

Thx for answer, but what I should say to my provider? Change the routing? Doing something else?

I mean, how could they change this gap lag between these 2 nodes?

Thx lag?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


There is something weird between this ip and Germans ip, and my lag connection goes from 35 ms to 80+ between these 2 nodes.

Honestly I don’t remember if was always present on my tracert, anyone has more infos about it?

BTW Complete tracert

Host	                                                   %	Sent	Recv	Best	    Avrg	Wrst	Last	             2	1439	1421	5	      6	   38	            6     0	1509	1509	33	      34	   54	          34     0	1509	1509	33	      34	   58	          34	                                     0	1509	1509	33	      38	 194	          34	             1	1459	1446	71	      84	 336	          81	             2	1419	1396	78	      86	 433	          83

Bloodstone Visage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Fix please and thank you.


Play in EU with US LAG

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Well yes, with WTFast i can bypass the [] but is not a really optimal solution to use a VPN sw (I used it a lot in the past and i got some DCed during play session).

I’ll try to contact my ISP, in these days there are some issues in my area for internet, I’ve already another ticket opened with them.

Play in EU with US LAG

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Since today, I have a really weird high ping on GW2, I play in EU but I’ve the feeling to play with US latency.

My ping is generally pretty good (40+) but I’ve now 140 Average.

I did a tracert to

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Richiesta scaduta.
3 30 ms 6 ms 6 ms
4 10 ms 7 ms 11 ms 172.17.50.kitten
18 ms 15 ms 15 ms
6 * 16 ms 31 ms []
7 16 ms 14 ms 14 ms []
8 122 ms 122 ms 122 ms []
9 132 ms 132 ms 134 ms []
10 133 ms 132 ms 133 ms []
11 132 ms 132 ms 138 ms
12 132 ms 284 ms 132 ms []
13 183 ms * 134 ms []
14 131 ms 131 ms 131 ms []

I’ve a big problem on 8 , 122 ms [], I reach this node 7 with very good ping (14 ms) but on this node there is a big issue.

NCsoft has some issue?

Or it’s my ISP?

Never had this issue before.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


- Around 58% w/l to reach Legendary (179 games played)
- Matchmaker is worst than s2, you have queue time longer and the game quality is not better. Better players stacked together against worst players
- Legendary (and divisions in general) means nothing.
- No reason to continue to play in Legendary Division. No rewards associated.
- No interesting rewards if you have already finished the wings. Nothing to buy with tickets.

What you need to do

- Ranked queue with solo,duo queue and full team only. Full team only against Full team

- Remove pips system and make moving up/down between divisions based on MMR. Decay if you don’t play (fixed not temporary). Show MMR at the end and how many points you gain/lose.

- Not save points. Ok Tiers for rewards. Tiers based ofc on MMR and not on pips/grinding.

- More rewards. More stuff to buy with tickets (example G. Hero Armor pieces). Multiplier to exp reward tracks based on current division.

This system is already 10000x better than what we have now.

New Game mode with next XPAC

Arena pvp 2vs2.

Same structure described before.

Final Result and Comment

The game is like 10000x better. In this way the majority of player base will be happy, great chance to attract new players, more twitch viewers (with arena 2vs2). A larger competitive base. Better reputation for the game (pvp side).

Btw if you are not confident about this approach, give us a system like this in beta with a final poll, I believe 100% the majoirty of player base will be happy.

agree 100%


What keeps you from watching pvp on twitch?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


1- Too much confusion
2- Too much cam switch

2vs2 is perfect instead, many other twitch 2vs2 event was really more enjoyable to watch

[Request] Please lower LI for Legendary Armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


To be honest I’m not really sure if I want a full legendary set or maybe just some pieces spread between light/medium/heavy set.

It really depends on skin and final effect, ok switching stats is cool but without switching runes I dunno if this feature is worth 600gold + or – just for one piece.

So 25 LI each is different from 150 LI once.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Feedback: White Mantle Portal Device

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Today, I got one for free from Xera’ s chest.

I agree the price is too high to buy one.

Suggestion: Buffing Revenant for Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Or maybe the key it would be just buff the Facet of Nature.

It works really different from PVE and PVP, basically in PvP you shatter it many times, in PVE is just the opposite.

So adding additional effects to Facet of Nature (like yes a damage modifier) could be a solution without having too much impact in other areas.

In general I find the Revenant pretty useful in team, a lot of free boons, great survivability ,average power damage and really useful for CC situations.

Thinking to other legends, i think the Ventari Heal should work in a different way, it should be more fast to use and less tricky, the utilities are really good instead.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

[EU] LF guild with Lost Precipice GH

in Looking for...

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I have the same need

I can give a donation ofc

WTB Ranked Qs

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


What about Ranked do you enjoy more than Unranked during off-season?

Is it that you prefer climbing a ladder all the time? Or are there other particular reasons.

Main reasons are different community (unranked and ranked have different kind of players) and no standard model in unranked (stop Asura srsly).

I remember you (anet) said something to improve the off season experience but for this post season is the same like post season 1. I dunno, you could insert a temporary arena 2vs2 mode or something similar for off season, so people have fun to have good practice or something like that.

You should do something for this 1 month, is not a good thing for you if people (pvp competitive players) leave the game because they have no fun to play or stream unranked.

Post S1 there was the map issue too, at least you reworked skyhammer and spirit and now are interesting maps but it would be interesting test them in a ranked environment with people who care about play well or winning.

Basically is a huge waste of time.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

FEEDBACK: Skyhammer/Spirit Watch/LotF

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The new cannon is similar to Stillness Like concept but with a decap shot + damage instead of a triple cap.

It’s an interesting mechanic because it can give you the chance to slow down a difficult game without gaining points just for capping a buff like temple.

So in skyhammer winning fights will be always important.

FEEDBACK: Skyhammer/Spirit Watch/LotF

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Are really good changes, for me I’d avoid at all jump pad in Sky hammer, But in general I like the new design.

I like the idea to lock the skills when you carry the orb but it seems you are really forced to drop the orb almost immediatly if someone attacks you, I don’t find the new skills really useful.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Skyhammer changes incoming :(

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Well maybe it’s interesting, we’ll see, but pls do something with matchmaking and not disable ranked for 1 month.

FPS drops since Update (3/8/16)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Same problem, I can fix this temporarily with a simple ALT + tab but I’ve always the same issue everytime there is a map loading in the game.

FPS issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I have the same issue. I start the map with like 45 fps and with a simple Alt+tab i can restored my fps to 90+ (depends on people).

Never had this issue before the SAB festival patch.

I have this issue with 64 client or 32, it’s the same.

Nvidia GPU me too.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Super Mace Bug

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Flail for all weapon color variants, please!


Super Adventure Box makes me sad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


SAB has basically everything, is fun and brillant, has general and skill level rewards, good achievements, and different difficulty levels.

If people prefer SAB instead of playing other sides of the game is because SAB is simply better.

Anet should not remove SAB and should improve the general game that has many faults in basically every areas.

it’s a no sense to remove from the game something is really good

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

No new SAB worlds.. Ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


SAB deserves to have world 3 and world 4.

At least World 3 for the next April.

It’s a fact SAB is one of the most popular and liked content in Gw2.

Balance would be better with build templates

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It can be better because you can balance an entire game around it.

So you basically want templates to turn PvP builds into MOBA characters where they have fixed abilities and you have to choose from a list of pre-defined builds.

The game works already in this way

There are builds better than others in Spvp. There are builds tested from high level tier players that work for sure.

Playing a no tested random build in a ranked environment is only a issues for you, for your teammates and a great advantage for your enemies. It’s ok testing builds in unranked games, hot join games, etc. but honestly ranked should be always for the best possible competitive environment.

The fact people can run “wrong” builds is a balance issue. Making more control about meta builds and about which build a player can use is only a great advantage for the entire game. Easier to balance the single build and easier to balance a game for the matchmaking. And it’s easier for a player to understand well how to play the build and what’s the right role.

So yes, I think working on a little variables array can create great advantages for balance.

This game started with an incredible amount of variables, when Anet reworked the entire spec system with less variables (with 3 lines and 9 Major traits) was in this direction, trying to semplify the game.

But at the same time they basically lost an entire 3 years balance patch with a total new system + hot, and now it requires new work to find a good balance between meta builds.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Balance would be better with build templates

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


How would this help in the current environment? There’s basically 7 meta builds across 6 professions (revenant can be power or condi). They’re just so much better than everything else.

It can be better because you can balance an entire game around it.

You tag every meta build for every profession and in every game, matchmaking starts to consider meta builds on both of sides, balancing teams with the right mix sustain/dps.

So it’s not only a division + mmr but your meta build role has a weight in the matchmaking system.

It’s enough easy to identify a meta build, you can let the players to change sigils and maybe 1 trait and 1 utility.

Basically If Your build has the 99% stuff to be classified like a meta build, the system can read it like meta build and gives to to you some weight in the macthmaking system.

Or you can do it more social oriented like a simple meta build list in the build template system, you select it for Your profession and voilá, equip ed and rdy to use. Basically a metabattle ingame version.

What does Rotate even mean?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Rotation Means Map awareness and movement. Being at the right place at the right time It Also has to do with knowing your build and the builds of the people you are with. There are 3 points on a map, make sure you are at one where you can do something useful

2 Main things to remember though

1. Never stand on a point where nothing is happening. Always Keep moving. Check the mini map, see where the fights are, help the one you can get to or “rotate” / move to one of their points and decap it. Never “Bunker Home” the Entire fight. if they never come home then your team outnumbered everywhere else

2. Never “rotate” Into a fight you’ve already lost, unless you are the God of PvP. One of the most common mistakes people make is running back to a teamfight alone, and getting killed alone. Charging back in to die doesnt help anyone and will NOT help you win.

Mini Map awareness is HUGE, you can see icons, colours, classes and downed people. Know where to be to maximize the effect of your class and build. For instance i play Bunker Druid. I make sure I rotate to team fights that need help. I dont run into fights with more then 1 downed or where we are heavily outnumbered. General rule is 3v1’s or 4v2’s. I dont rotate to far alone. Leave that to thieves/ mesmers.

Know what you can take, what you can win a 1v1 against. if you cant win dont even try just back off and help elsewhere. Bunker Druid has Low DPS so if i go through a full rotation of my skills and they are not dead then i leave. I could probably kill them but it will take too long, I could be helping out more somewhere else.

Know where home is, far, and mid, know the best routes to take to get to them

Never run into an outnumbered fight solo.


Srsly these few hints, If well done, could improve the quality of the every game like 1000%

Anet should introduce a reminder like this during the 2 min countdown at beginning.

Every kitten time

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Legend Queue Times

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


What would make legendary players happy to keep playing the game? Is it just quicker queue times? What if you could do other things while waiting? What if there was something other than leagues all together like unranked arena that legendary players could go to until more players make it to legendary?

First of all thx for answer.

Main goal for the legendary division should be offer the best quality/balanced game.
I mean, when people hit legendary division, the general feeling should be “finally I’m legendary and I can have really good games, with very good people and balanced games”

But it doesn’t happen

This is because the matchamking faults in Legendary are really evident:

1) Balancing professions on both sides. This needs to be the main goal. Because in high tier a sustained team vs a no sustained win always win, so 2 thieves + 1 war against ele scrapper druid can’t win. And people don’t always want to reroll or they don’t have the same skill on every builds. There should be a system to consider a meta build for each profession in the matchmaking. And balancing around it.

2) Premade vs soloer. If you put a duo queue of legendary pro league player + another pro player against full simple “legendary” soloers, the game will result unbalanced. This can be worst if there is another profession unbalance (read point 1). It’s always a premade vs soloer issue but in legendary the gap is higher.

The good news is if you can fix it, you can fix the game at every level and the matchmaking would be really really better for everyone.

For now it’s simple not fun to play legendary in solo. And this is a shame because the entire progression is to reach the legendary division.

Lock Professions When Queing

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Not possible without a perfect (or almost) matchmaking.

It would be only worst.

They could add the no more than 2 same classes rule to avoid 3+ same profs stacking (very popular when there is the op class of the meta).

And a special mention for double thieves.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Hey all,

We’ve been discussing potential improvements to existing PvP maps, and we wanted to get your thoughts on some ways that Skyhammer could be updated to be a less of a frustrating gameplay experience.

So, what would you change? What would you keep the same?

Hugh, don’t let me wrong but I honestly think this is a waste of time and resources.

Improving bad maps doesn’t solve other critical issues pvp has (mainly matchmaking, balance and teaching to players how to play correctly)

A bad casual map will stay a bad casual map, if you want another competitive map just design it from new.

BTW just 3 hints because skyhammer is bad

1) oneshot mechanic
2) jumping pads
3) bad teleport spots.

Little suggestion for hammer

It would be cool something for a come back mechanic. Maybe just make the room bigger (with no one shot mechanics) and not always active and let only 1vs1 inside. Like who wins the duel get the hammer and if you kill people with the hammer you gain a score bonus. Just an idea on the fly.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Legend Queue Times

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I wanted to ask exactly this question some days ago, if the pip range matchmaking works for legendary prestige.

Well, this is a bad idea, Every legendary player should be matched with other legendary player, without considering prestige or not.

It’s already a player niche, there are no enough players to considere prestige in matchmaking

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Datamined new sigils...

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Considering the amount of reflections/cc we already have in the game i hope this is only for pve.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


1. Considering meta builds (and role) in matchmaking. This is super important to have a balanced game. It’s not possible anymore to see Scrapper Druid Elelmentalist and Double Necros against a Mesmer 2 Thieves Warrior + 1 random class. MMR and leagues are important to try to have a decent game but it’s not enough. Meta builds have a huge impact on the game and the a no balanced roster against a balanced roster with similar level skill has no chance.
2. Protect the solo experience. This is linked to point 1. Matchmaking is too much random for soloer. Sometimes you can have a good composition sometimes a terrible composition and you’ll lose the game. Best thing ofc is working on a better matchmaking but in the meantime (if it’s not possibile to build the right system quickly) something needs to be done in this scenario. Suggestion: soloer can’t lose pip if they have an unbalanced game from a roster size pov like 11111 vs 14. System can easily detect now this thing.
3. Build template system This is linked to point 1 and can help to use builds like parameter in the matchmaking system. This is really important for PVE and WWW. This is a super QA tool.
4. Off Season. This needs to have a sense. Use it like initial placement for the next season or some other use. Pls don’t deactivate ranked for 1 month. Give it a sense.
5. Rewards. More variety in rewards, add something new for every Season (ex. Glorious hero armor pieces, old armors like tribal set, special key to buy with pvp tickets to open special chests only from pvp reward tracks without green/blue stuff and Tomes).

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Mesmer needs a massive nerf.

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


MoA and Double MoA are the main issues

Little suggestion for fix: You can jump when you’re MoA

This could have more impact on your jumple puzzle skill and could help you surviving when you’re moa.

Unhappy/Confused about Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


This matchmaking is really better than the old one, at least, from my experience.

Is there a Daily reset for Win Streak?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


You right, drunken on friday has some issues :P

Ty, delete this topic without any problem.

What happened to the PvP Leaderboard?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Basically the old leaderboard was replaced from the legendary prestige leaderboard (ingame).

Honestly not many people really care about legendary prestige (I mean X2, X3 etc.),the main goal for everyone is try to reach the legendary division, just that.

And there is no much sense to show the positions in the legendary division with the actual mmr system.

Dunno if the matchmaking will try to prioritize legendary prestige players (x2 x3 etc.) or there is no more pips difference when you hit legendary division for the system. But in general considering only very few people will hit more prestige in legendary division, I don’t think it will be a real difference.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Search and Rescue is Absolutely Absurd

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Just put a target on the Druid, kill him and win.

Easiest way.

Upcoming Changes for PvP League Season 2

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Good changes but

1) full premade vs soloers is not fixed (Soloqueue QQ )

2) I hope you can play like legendary player and queue doesn’t take an infinite time.

Top3 Changes for the Next PvP Season

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


1. Soloqueue
2. 1vs1 and 2vs2 training area (not instanced like many pve adventures) in the hotm
3. Less correlation between divisions and time queue (more weight for mmr)

2 legendary take 2amber is right playing?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


The system now is forcing players to play with players with similar divisions. Ofc system uses MMR too but it seems has a different weight for the matchmaking and the queue time.

It would be good if divisions = skill but it’s not true. MMR and roster size should be the main parameters. Divisions are an indicator of pvp dedication and progression, it doesn’t really reflect how good you’re in the pvp.

You shouldn’t be penalized because you hit diamonds/legendary division before the other players, I can understand a long queue if there are no players with a similar MMR and roster size around you but divisions in general, should be less correlated to time queue.

2 legendary take 2amber is right playing?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


There is a too heavy correlation between divisions and time queue. Time queue should be more correlated to MMR.

If I play with Diamonds/Legendary players i know for sure they’re dedicated pvp players who invested a lot of time in pvp and won a lot of games, but not necessarily every diamond/legendary player is better than ruby/sapphire players, speaking about game skill/knowledge. For many reasons players could start the league after or having a different play daily time, so they’re in the lower divisions but can be always really good at the game.

Like Legendary player I tried twice to go in soloqueue and I got twice 1 hour+ queue (queue didn’t pop)

I Left the queue and I did a screenshot, but honestly if you reach now the diamond/legendary division you basically can’t play solo or with other diamond/legendary friends, queue simple doesn’t start.

It’s sad I know, but it’s a system fault, not a players fault.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Primordial Legend Achievement bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It should be Tier5 when you hit legendary division but i’m only tier 2 (like other legendary guys).

I attach a screen.



Soloq and Team q (duo,trio and full premade)

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think it would be amazing


Balance Patch Notes confirmed

in Thief

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Reading these notes + HoT other spec I’m honestly depressed.

Rip thief, really.

PvP Stats and GW2 Efficiency

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Wow, really good.

I find especially useful for ranked and unranked games a better separation in the latest matches

It would be really interesting tracking roster compositions for every game (which profession people used, especially for ranked/unranked) and the stats pvp team lately added in the game (like total damage done etc.) that we can hardly analyze at the end of the match.

Other super useful thing it would be the roster size for ranked and unranked games, example grp of 3 people + 2 soloers for every team, etc.

I think with the pvp leagues incoming the entire section could be really interesting and useful to monitor progressions.

Good job

New endpoints: pvp and char specializations

in API Development

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Wow, really good.

I find especially useful for ranked and unranked games a better separation in the latest matches

It would be really interesting tracking roster compositions for every game (which profession people used, especially for ranked/unranked) and the stats pvp team lately added in the game (like total damage done etc.) that we can hardly analyze at the end of the match.

Other super useful thing it would be the roster size for ranked and unranked games, example grp of 3 people + 2 soloers for every team.

I think with the pvp leagues incoming the entire section could be really interesting and useful to monitor progressions.

Good job

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

so how do you kill ele ?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


So, I can’t go into much detail on things quite yet, but I just wanted to reassure you folks that we’re actively discussing a number of issues that are affecting balance in PvP – including, but not limited to elementalist sustain/damage. Per the usual, we’ll be talking to you folks about the changes once we’ve finalized them.

Sorry I haven’t been that active on the forums lately – we’ve been pretty busy around the office.

“Thanks, Grouch. You’re the worst!”

Edit: Also, just because this is an elementalist thread doesn’t mean we’re only looking at elementalist, and it also doesn’t mean we’re only looking at doing nerfs.

Thanks, Grouch. You’re the worst!

3 Stacks burning cap

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


With more than 3 burning stacks you have spike damage, not condi damage. This breaks the intial design for conditions. Not other condis in the game can reach the burning damage with only 3+ stacks (luckily)

With 3 burning stacks a condi build can deal more than 850 damage, is more than the old value (with the old unique stack) with 1000 condi damage.

If you want to do more damage in 1-2 sec with a single spell, use a power build, not burning build.


[PvP]Davedevil. Behold the new meta

in Thief

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I think hard to catch and agility signet will restore always 2 bars.

3 bars it would be too much honestly.

Staff should compete with shortbow?

in Thief

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Looking Vault (staff skill five) I think if it worked on vertical axes like e teleport leap, it could be really interesting like mobility skill. It has a GTAoE and honestly it would be amazing, visually speaking, acrobatic moves on vertical axis.

Karl said it will cost 5 ini cuz there is no evade (atm is 6) i think to promote a better gameplay then just spam 5 it could be a bit reworked with lower damage and lower Casting time + teleport/leap in vertical axis and maybe buff in damage some other skills.

Actually there is no way for staff to compete with other melee set, probably an alternative (who works in different ways but always have a mobility skill) to shortbow would sound really more interesting.

My 2 cents ofc.

I agree. Vault on vertical axis, with lower casting time (and maybe lower damage with more damage on other skills to compensate) would be amazing. A real Ninja.

I don’t see really reasons to keep staff instead of d/x or s/x and we are always stuck on shortbow in the other weapon set.

I think it would be really amazing combinations with Staff instead of Shortbow, but we need a strong mobility skill.

Make it real Karl

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Should every class have a 'diamond skin'?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Diamond Skin is a terribly designed trait, it is a fine example of the sort of thing a game should not have.

Hugh reaction and Gun Flame!

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169




Petition to seperate ranked to Solo and Team

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Team leaderboard will reward teams for their effort. Not only with the leaderboard prestige (because it will be an ELO leaderboard + decay) but with exclusive rewards at the end of the season. And the final leaderboard positions will mean the access to major tournaments.

The issue is if teams got wins because they chain stomped soloer team. It’s not fun at all for both of sides and it will make team leadeboard a joke.

So Full premade should face only other full premade, NEVER other roster compositions.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)