Characters- Levicus (Ele); Levicus Gear (Eng);
Levicus Shield (War)
Thanks man! I tried some crazy interactive website for these but I don’t think it has been updated in awhile.
I’ll give yours a try later today. Hopefully, it will work
Have you tried the tpvp/spvp section? Also the ele section should help you as well.
D/P thieves are pretty common roamers. Also, finding a guild of like minded individuals would help. Like the above post stated, WvW forums is your best bet as well as LF Guilds section (or
There is a story. If you don’t know it then look up woodenpotatoes on YouTube. He breaks down this recent LS pretty well and ties the story with the novels that have been released.
Thanks ANet! I too love the kite!
Evon because he is going to make BLT keys cheaper and I can finally get rid of my chests.
Looking for Team of any composition.
I am only rank 20, so I most likely will looking for those around my rank.
Semi-casual PvP with only Tues/Sats/Sun available for playing and practice.
I’m experienced with my Warrior and Elementalist, but am willing to give another class a try if need be.
Send me an in-game mail if any of you are interested.
Thank you.
Adnul still retains his buff the following match if you were to lose to him the match prior. Can someone confirm?
Some players (including myself) are experiencing major lag and constant disconnects on the SoR borderland.
I am unsure if any other border maps are experiencing this
Also add in the fact that there was a 5v1 for a few rounds before I took this picture. I was the one against the 5.
This is what happens with people going for the achievement and a broken game.
1. A thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill.
2. The process or fact of achieving something.
I already +1 this, but I thought I’d quote it too just in case some of you missed it. It’s possibly the best argument to the OP
agreed with op. Great Job Anet. Keep up the great work
There’s a 1/3 chance that the Hologram Projector will not do anything for me on Blackgate. It won’t spawn Aetherblade minions or allow me to use my interact function.
The maps I have tried so far are the ones in Metrica Province, Hrathi Hinterlands and Caledon Forest
To the OP. I suggest rolling a Thief and trying him out for yourself before you make ask for the nerf bat.
Below are a few additions/modifications I believe will help improve the game.
Equipment Boxes
Issue: In the current inventory system, if I wanted to switch a set + weapons I have to double click every armor/weapon in the inventory. If I am swapping in two weapons to replace a double-handed weapon then I would have to reorganize my inventory.
Solution: An equipment box that goes inside my inventory for each equipment set that I pre-designed (once I have obtained the gear) that will auto-swap everything for you once you double click it.
Issues with this idea: The fact that your company may lose some income from bag slot and bank slot purchases.
Resolution to the issue: Put it in the BLT, that way people that wish to purchase it with cash may do so. While others that wish to change Gold to Gems to purchase it can do so as well. OR Make it craft able, but on a high-end scale like the special exotic items you can only get via the Mystic Toilet. That way the player community can dictate the actual value of the equipment box.
Issue: GvG in its current state is a hindrance to the servers involved. For example, last night one of the guilds on my server had a GvG vs a JQ guild on SoRBL. SoR decided to go full force on our Tier 3 Keep, and we had a difficult time sending the necessary numbers to repel the attack due to the fact that the map was queued. It was queued because 30 members of the map population on our server was in the middle of their GvG match.
Solution: Allow a players a quicker access into the EB jumping puzzle instead of having players forced to go through EB, so that way the GvG would hopefully get moved their. (Not my idea, but I overheard it on TS3 and thought I should share it)
Issues with this idea: The only issue I can see that would arise from this suggestion are two things. One, your design of the jumping puzzle’s server capacity does not allow more then 40 players per server on the map. Two, griefers.
Resolution to the issue: One, if EB jumping puzzle’s server capacity can not fill at least 40 players per map then this solution will not fix the problem and another solution would have to be devised. Two, if griefers are trying to ruin the match the GvG community will probably come up with a way to reduce this issue.
WvW Scouting
Issue: I get bored sitting in a tower for two to three hours being the scout for my guild/server. I understand the vital importance of this position, but WvW is still a game and it would be nice to have some sort of entertainment.
Solution: The Asuran Chess game (or something similar) from the Asuran starting area.
Issues with this idea: Currently the Asuran Chess game is pretty simple, but I feel it is better then none. Another issue is how to introduce this to the public.
Resolution to the issue: Add it to the BLT or make it craft able.
In Conclusion
I know some may think these ideas are inconsequential to the many greater issues at hand (i.e. bugs, dungeons, personal story, etc.). But I am hoping these three suggestions would not be as difficult to add into the game as opposed to reworking the dungeons or personal story lines. I hope you take my ideas in consideration.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
+1 to this thread. Great job ANET! MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE
I do this on my staff ele’s easy. Pop Elite Golem, and have it pull all aggro and drop all aoe on top of mob. Done in less than a minute..
I wear all PVT/Valkyrie gear w/boon runes by the way.
Honestly, if you are a thief with zerker gear then you’re best bet to ball up the group (line of sight them after you tag them) and use a shortbow + anything else with lots of aoe
I would love this, and to quote from another like thread at link:
To prevent full inventory issues, have the bags themselves appear in your inventory as stackable items to 250. Then you can open them at your leisure later. The chests as well, they could be handled the same way. Imagine the fun opening your inventory and there’s a stack of a couple chests waiting for you…
Also, to you WvWers! Keep this thread alive if you want ANet to do anything about our loot bag issues!
Pro tip: Bet on Mortt.
If you go on Dulfy, according to her statistically analysis, the return is 41s to every 50s bet average.
This achievement just got completed and I received the Coffer.
What was I doing?
Running around in LA (overflow)
What do I do?
Leave it alone and don’t exchange it until the fireworks show?
Some guilds pan both Pacific and Eastern times. Anyways, what world are you on right now?
Hey guys, I’m not sure why these two websites aren’t already on here but this might help you all in finding the Guild that is most compatible to YOU.
If there are more, please add on to this thread as I will try to update as regularly as possible.
Central Guild database for (not all) Guild Wars 2.
GvG Guilds
Also, there are websites for many servers out there (sorry possibly not all). If you search for it, I am sure you will find something though.
There are two armor vendors when you hit 80. One sell level 70, the other sells a variety of 80. They are in all WvW maps at the spawn area. Look harder and you’ll find it
I don’t agree with the reset everyday, mainly because of the hard work people put into upgrading their keeps/towers to higher Tier levels.
My example is, imagine the keep you have been battling to maintain and get to Tier 3 (full upgraded for you non-WvW), only to log in the next day and its completely paper again (no upgrades) is frustrating. During the week, if that was to happen then its understandable, but to lose it because of reset sucks. On the flip side, taking down an enemy Tier 3 keep a few days later feels great for the players involved because its extremely hard to do.
Nvm. Trait III works now
Trait III and Trait VIII (Arcane Power and Blasting Staff) in the Arcane tree doesn’t seem to be working.
I also heard from my guild mate that the staff recharge trait doesn’t work either. I haven’t tested this so I don’t know for sure.
This is a new experience for me, and I’ve been playing this game since release. The only thing different is the fact that I just switched to U-Verse earlier today, while before I have always been Comcast.
Should that make a difference?
Add another 3 times in the last 10 minutes to that last post
Unlike my fellow guild mates who are having full out crashes, I am getting disconnected constantly. 4 times in the last 10 minutes (pretty much since the moment I logged on)
If you need any more information, please let me know.
Not necessarily, you should still be able to level at your own range.
My suggestion: 0/0/10/10/0 (the last two points could start going into Fire)
The traits would be Earth’s Embrace (Trait III) in Earth Tree and Soothing Disruption (Trait III) in Water Tree.
Run with at least one cantrip (preferablly Armor of Earth) and purchase Sigil of Bloodlust (for your level) from the Black Lion Merchant. One last thing is to make sure your are correctly geared at your level. As in, full level 30 gear until about level 35 or 40 then full upgrade again.
Hopefully this helps.
(edited by Markadis.9012)
As an Engineer, you have quite a few tools that can be handy vs thieves. Unfortunately based on what you’ve listed in what you’re using for skills, you’re not using any of them. I’d say you’re going to struggle a bit with thieves. Or at least I should say I would struggle with them with your build. I’ve run P/P build a long time with my engie. Thieves can be beat consistently with it if you change your build a little bit.
I’d replace Elixir U with Toolkit. Toolkit is a must for me in any build I use for my Engineer in WvW. When I first started playing the Engineer I thought it was a pointless kit. Now I can’t go without it. The block from Toolkit is amazing and using it at the right time vs a thief is a game changer. Pretty much every ability in the Toolkit is useful in WvW and when fighting a theif. I’d also look at mixing some toughness gear in too helps reduce the burst damage of a thief.
But as far as how you beat a thief with your build? Timing. It really is about timing. Think in 4 second intervals. Now different thief builds will require things to time, but with your build you need to stack on as many conditions you can in those 4 seconds they are out.
Static Shot, Blowtorch, and Poison Volley. Try to make poison volley your last attack before they go into stealth because it will still track them and hit them even if they are stealthed as long as you get the attack off before they stealth.
If you can get poison, confusion, burn and bleed(all possible from pistols) on him before he stealths, he’s going to struggle because he won’t be able to clear all of those conditions. When he stealths, you can heal up, or drop potions on you for the might stacks. But aware of the timing. After they stealth, they will attack in 3 to 4 seconds unless they used Refuge. Drop a glue shot right before they’re about to pop out and dodge. Stack on the conditions.
The biggest challenge you’re going to have with your build is dealing with their Shadow Refuge. That ability can allow them to reset the fight if you dont counter it well. And unfortunately your build doesn’t have great tools for it.
Your only option with your current build is blowtorch. And if that’s on cooldown then you’re pretty much stuck twiddling your thumbs knowing they are going to reset.
This is probably your best advice I heard so far. As a Condi build, you really don’t need Power as well. I would suggest, Rabid and Apothecary gear with the Toolkit. You will be Boss.
Umm… found this on the ground outside Levvii encampment.
The fact commanders often ask you to get on a voice-system (outside of gw2) is directly related to the fact they get ‘muted’ on the teamchannel. I agree it’s kinda annoying at first to tell who is commanding and who is just talking in teamchat. Also the colors of map and teamchat are so similar, that often when fighting I don’t see the difference.
According to the wiki, commanders also should be able to edit maps. Draw on them for orders to go to or where to place what siege. But I’ve not seen that part working.
There’s an in-game voice-system? Anyways, server wide Team-speak is for the server. Its a way for the Commanders to instantly communicate to each other across ALL WvW maps. Its also an easy access for the rest of the player base to join their server in the fights. Whether you run with the zerg, scout or any other duties you are performing.
Also, this patch has supposedly fixed the the Squad leader’s ability to ping the map and write on it.
I still can’t find where to turn in the Audio logs…
My server is Blackgate.
Snow and dead covered drops
No dirt covered items
thanks man. Everyone else I asked only seem to know of the one guy I spoke of.
Thanks again for the help
Where do we turn in these things? I got a few left, but can’t find the guy that normally is sitting just outside Hoelbrick.
Pretty good. To bad the build your using is getting the nerf bat.
Is it? Where did they mention that?
i dont recall but i think it was ons ome twitch channel
I watched the SotG. They mentioned nothing for nerfs on Toolkit, Utility Goggles, Static Discharge, Net Shot, or Supply Crate.
People are definitely overreacting before patch notes are even out.
well they did say grenades were a bit too strong and that usually means incoming nerf at this point
But not this point. The only thing getting nerfed for Engineers is HGH builds, and a buff to Turret builds.
Got a problem with my 8-bit bird?
Shown Gear:
-Cultural Chest (Tier 3)
-Crucible of Eternity Pants
-WvW Shoes / Gloves (for now)
-Wraith Mask
-Super Staff
-Mad Memoirs: Complete Edition
-Royal Blue
-Antique Bronze
Nvm… I went around back…
Got to the next boss in World 1, and there was no rainbow for me to climb to kill him. Is this suppose to happen?
Hey guys!
Great job! I love the game! Been playing since Pre-release day, and I still haven’t been able to put the game down.
I especially enjoy the recent updates to the culling. It is incredible how epic the battles can become, or terrifying when you see a giant force headed your way and you are all alone. Wxp is also a good update, not as epic as culling, but still good. I get the feeling of accomplishment for every Wxp level I gain, and I think that is what you guys were aiming for. I am sure both of these things will see much more improvement in the coming months.
Anyways, I do have a couple question. What are your thoughts on the current state of WvW? There are many threads in the WvW forums talking about zerging. What are your thoughts on it and its effect on the WvW community?
I’ve tried searching for a previous response via search button, but I didn’t come up with anything the Mods might have stated in the past. So I am hoping this thread might catch their attention.
Anyways, whether you guys answer or not, thanks for the doing what you guys do. Keep it up.
Its not only about the gear, but about the knowledge of your class / play style. You can level in WvW, but the unfortunate truth is that you won’t learn your class as well as someone who spends the time outside WvW for two reasons.
1. You are getting owned by zergs, higher levels, or just plain more numbers.
2. You aren’t being progressively challenged like you would be in a PvE environment.
Just my two cents. You can still level WvW if you want.
Anyways, back to the main topic:
WvW can be end-game, but only if you are a serious WvW type of pvper. So I would suggest getting into a serious WvW guild to help facilitate the feeling.
For example, I am in one of those types of guild. On average my guild has 60 members online during peak hours daily, and 30 off peak hours (PST). Over half of those members logged on is always in WvW fighting the good fight for our server. That is why WvW is end-game for me, because I have people to do it with.
Hope this helps to clarify anything for you.
Same here. I just recently sent in a bug report via in game.
My game crashed right after we killed the final boss to CoE path 1’s boss (Alpha). When I reloaded the game, and jumped back into the dungeon I did not receive final dungeon reward (tokens, xp, etc.)
Resolution to fix any FUTURE problems:
Have the REWARDS mailed to me or put it in a box like all the other bosses.
I am pretty angry because that was suppose to be my last time running that dungeon, but because of this stupid bug it looks like I am going to have to run it again. I know I know.. its only 30 minutes of my entire life. Still, its 30 minutes (actually it was 50 minutes because my group had some newbies) wasted that could be avoided in the future.
(edited by Markadis.9012)
Here is a minor list of simple improvements some aspects of the game.
-(1)Story PvE: Not sure why something as simple as this was overlooked but the music at certain points in the story doesn’t key in well with the mood of what is going on. (Epic crescendo music for intense fights, and slow music for conversational points) What I tried, and worked for me, was to key in my own music at certain points of the story.
Arah StoryFor example, the dungeon Arah in story mode definitely was a bit lackluster. Once my group and I boarded the Airship I played a different background music, something with a little bit more umph.
Then after the dungeon, I played something a bit more upbeat to match the mood.
-(2)Forums: A thumbs up/thumbs down for a post, with the post that got the most thumbs up being highlighted just below the Opening Posts’ thread.
-(3)WvW: A telescope at key points in the game for scouts to use. Something that will double your vision in a certain direction, but the drawback is that the telescope can not move from its spot. It can only swivel in 180 or 360 degrees. Maybe it can be a claimed area as well with a Veteran NPC guarding it, (like a Sentry) but for less points when claimed.
Check the TP for pact, and choose the skin worth the most gold, then sell it. Should net you a few gold towards a useful exotic.
Good idea, I’ll definitely do this here.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.