Showing Posts For Midnight Gypsy.9360:

Why do I only make humans?

in Human

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

I play all humans as well, I found 3 faces that I can make work for me and about 4 or 5 different hair styles. I think the Largos might be fun to play, I hope they are a playable race later on and if not we see more of them.

“Oh, and my characters look identical, to the point where some of them look like clones.” this for me too, but not exactly identical.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

I want two little Quaggan shoes that run when i run.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

Well they put the broom mount in the gem store not too long ago. So it looks like we will be getting mounts somewhat. It’s ok to have mounts just for looks. I find people are standing in the way of the NPC all the time already and you can click on talk when you get close enough to them, so it’s really a non issue.

I want something epic

in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

I believe there is for human males.