On server TC 50 man zergs kill champs in a never ending cycle bc the first one they kill is spawning by the time the 5th is killed. As a character lvling in the zone I can’t get more than a few hits in before the champ is down with the majority being 80s. That means I can’t get more than bronze on any of the champions. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad if there was a 20-30 min spawn time for champs instead of 10-15 mins.
perhaps all of this will come along if and when we fight the DSD.
Interesting idea. This and dyes that give armor effects, more than just changing the color.
If so I want all my gold back that I spent per Character for dyes. I assume it wont happen.
on number 2 it hasn’t been 4 months from the time the 4 they started doing 2 updates a month, so they haven’t have 4 months to work on it. Colin also said it would be October before we see the effect of the LS teams having more time to work on content.
this one too.
I would like to know how to play the song @ 4:35
(edited by Midnight Gypsy.9360)
also +1
I think the living story or some partial aspect of it should ALWAYS include campaigns of each order, not pact, to reclaim access to some region above or below ground.
For instance the Vigil could often have a war front pushing us into the northern edges of the map 1/2 a region at a time with like a constant meta-event going.
Priory could be digging into all the tunnels looking for evidence of Primordus and uncovering stuff about the dwarves and dredge.
Order of Whispers, geeze who knows. could be doing crystal desert recon or politics, maybe trying to setup exotic trade routes on unseen continents. Lots of possibilities
I agree I have the same idea :P
I don’t think orders should be (just) locked in stories that can’t fail, it feels very limited to me being locked into the story. It would be nice if the orders had dynamic events in the world as well. Anyone can take part in the DE, however, those who do not belong to the order would get credit as if it was a normal DE. Those that belong to that order with the DE would get credit with the order like as I said before new weapon, armor skins and so on.
Whispers could have a lot of spying, assassin DEs.
Priory could have a lot of DEs searching for lost knowledge.
Vigil would be a lot of fighting DE’s.
Example, a Whispers scout needs to be protected as he locates a lieutenant and kills him, paving the way for the Vigil to attack the camp, while the priory are off looking for knowledge about this enemy. All DEs can fail for the time being, anyone can join in all 3 no matter what order they belong to. Some of them might work together like that or apart from each other.
The living story would be a good place for them to work protecting Tyria.
PS I thought it might be good for lvl 80s but if it’s open to everyone and in the living story it should be really open to everyone bc you get buffed up in LS.
(edited by Midnight Gypsy.9360)
Yeah, it would be nice if we could do events for the order we’re in outside of the personal story. make them for lvl 80s who have completed the personal story I don’t know. It would be good to feel more involved with your order. Maybe we could have more order armor and weapons skins that we can unlock, food buffs as well. That would be a good place to create some more endgame.
(edited by Midnight Gypsy.9360)
5 pages of debate for and against the Largos can be found here.
Yeah, I’d seriously doubt any of the minor races being playable. They are even in your personal story as a weak race you have to help somehow as the big hero, who returns later and assists a bit: here.
I can’t really see any other big races being candidates for playable as either the Tengu (which I personally think are a bit dull), Kodan and Largos. And of course the option of introducing new races. Centaurs, harpies, etc, will never ever happen since Anet has stated their status as a “dark” race, alas.
You are correct in your opinion of playable races. The Largos are a new race, they could also fill that void. I think we’ll see those 3 become playable before Anet creates another new (Unheard of) race when the Largos already have that covered.
Colin Johanson said “no promises of which (playable) race to do first, but it’s something we’re looking at”.
I vote Largos.
Fall of Abaddon is what I want to see.
Colin Johanson said “no promises of which (playable) race to do first, but it’s something we’re looking at”.
I vote Largos.
(edited by Midnight Gypsy.9360)
The Cascade Woodlands to the north (North East of DR) should have some nice forests. If they ever add it in the game.
Meep won my first two times and 2nd 2 more times and 3 rd twice.
Green bag being 3rd place Kal.
no, the math is off. This link says the green bag gives 5 s but that is wrong, it’s 20s.
I had about 57 s when I went to the Moa race and left with 2 g. you will make money even if you don’t get first place. I got 1st place 2 times. 3rd 2 times and 2nd twice. it’s easy to walk away with gaining a little bit of money.
When Largos become playable, how will they handle the Dragon wings?
I don’t know if the dragon wings work underwater, but I suspect the largos would keep their wings folded on land bc they’re made for swimming. The models we have now are just place holders and need to be adjusted in order to be playable.
Every time I read one of these posts I think of this article I read regarding ArenaNet’s policies. If you have a few minutes, read it.
I had to laugh while reading this, I’d say most of us are glad to see him go. Is that really want we want? YES.
I found some more Largos concept art with different mask and armor styles. We can also see the concept of how the wings would fold.
(edited by Midnight Gypsy.9360)
I also think the Tengu and Largos would be good to add together. One being a well known race from GW1 and the other being new that we can learn bits and pieces of their lore by playing one.
I think the debt aspect of the largos culture will make a good foundation for an alliance with the other 5 races. The main reason the other 5 races banned together was to defeat the dragons, if they help defeat the DSD the Largos will owe a huge debt and they would need to repay it (most likely by helping to defeat the other dragons) It makes me think DSD wont be last. If it was how would the Largos repay their debt? Anyway the debt aspect would give the largos the same basic reason to ally with the other races (defeating dragons).
Yep they’re more like the Norn in that sense. They don’t assassinate, they hunt great prizes. That one Largos may either be a rogue/member of the evil house like other races have an evil group, or it’s even possible that as the Largos are unfamiliarized with land dwellers he attacked thinking they were worthy opponents (in the sense they were unknown creatures). Let’s remember that Asura first killed and experimented with Sylvari the first time they met (though I think that was an Inquest so all theories about that rogue Largos might be possible at the same time).
About the masks, I think breathing masks are poorly implemented and might even end up being scrapped. I still have my level 1 breathing mask (there aren’t even exotic masks outside PvP, just 3 possible masterwork Lvl 80 in the Cursed Shore), and you can swim after unequiping it (not hidding, removing it from your equipment) and you still can breathe underwater. It’s very possible that in the future they aren’t even considered equipment and are just cosmetic options that you can toggle so I wouldn’t give too much importance to the breathing masks here (maybe even some asura could invent an injection that let all players produce oxygen in blood so they don’t need aquabreathers anymore).
As I recall Sayeh al’Rajihd said that her race knows a lot about other races, while other races don’t know much about her race. So that unseen hunter not knowing much about the Sylvari is not very likely to me. It seems like they are a very knowledgeable people.
Another interesting thing came to my mind…
I was doing an event in Brisban Wildlands with my friend…and there was this event with “The Hunter”…a Largos hunting down the Sylvari patrol…he was killing them.
So we wondered why did he kill them? An entertainment? Or possibility of ‘’evil faction’’ of Largos?Largos are a race of assassins. Assassination is a way of life for them, not a job so him killing a group of Sylvari just for the satisfaction of hunting prey isn’t very evil to them. Also, it says they take very great pride in efficient kills and the better killer they are the higher their social status within their culture is.
I heard the Largos ignore the Quaggan, bc they aren’t much of a challenge. That means the Largos don’t just kill things, they hunt down challenges to improve their own skill. This might also mean the Largos view the Quaggan as a minor race. They do have some kind of a code, that we don’t know much about, not much different than the Norn I guess.
Another interesting thing came to my mind…
I was doing an event in Brisban Wildlands with my friend…and there was this event with “The Hunter”…a Largos hunting down the Sylvari patrol…he was killing them.
So we wondered why did he kill them? An entertainment? Or possibility of ‘’evil faction’’ of Largos?Funny thing about that guy is he’s the only largos we see in-game that we fight to the death. The others are either friendly, or they bow out before you can kill them. Also, other largos are either named or have ‘largos’ in their title. This guy just had the name Unseen Hunter. Wouldn’t surprise me if he was from a rogue house or something, basically the Svanir of the largos. Maybe they’d be obsessed with tradition and want to remain hidden, while the other houses recognize the need to join the fight.
Interesting that he attacks a Sylvari scouting party, not really the high prized kill that most of them find honor in. Kinda hints at an axe to grind with the Largos (rogue groups) and Sylvari and he’s the only Largos to attack a playable race. If the houses of the Largos join the alliance with the other 5 races, it could turn the rouge groups against the other houses of the Largos.
Maybe as some customization for Largos we could pick a house that we belong to(that joined the alliance) and pick a house that we feel is the greatest threat(rouge houses).
They did exactly that, but only got arguments in return. People only took it seriously when they got banned for 72 hours. I have read posts on the thread “Account Issues” of how people ignored the warning when they weren’t banned. So yes they already used this idea and it failed in their opinion.
I doubt largos will become playable anytime soon. I like them as a race, and would be cool playing with one, but there are some disadvantages I see to them becoming a playable race.
One big defining role of the Largos as a race is how mysterious they are. One big factor about it is the fact that we don’t know how they look like behind the mask (the model looks like a sort of blue skinned elfish humanoid, but that might be just a placeholder) because they never show themselves without it to outsiders, so adjustements would be needed with the many versions of open face head armor in the game.
Their starting areas and probably most of their areas would be underwater, which I’d really like. Thing is, underwater combat in most professions is severely lacking when compared to regular combat, it would need a massive overhaul if underwater areas are added to the game.
Another defining factor of the largos as a race is their ability to stealth. Thing is, most professions have a defining factor to them (rangers-pets, mesmers-illusions and so on) and stealth is the thief’s defining factor. If they allow other professions to stealth would first cheapen the thief as a profesion (IMHO) and could make others OP.
I don’t think they will playable anytime soon as well. Mesmers do use stealth, they can stealth a whole group of people and it can be a defining factor for a Mesmer as well, although it is more so for a thief. About the overhaul for underwater it’s not for the Largos, it’s for DSD. If we are to fight him, it will need to be overhauled.
Tengu, Largos and Kodan are the most likely. The reasons for Largos can be read here. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Largos-MUST-be-a-new-race/page/5#post2005105
Exotic has a lesser effect whereas legendary has the best, or something like that.
I saw something like this in here before, I agree great Idea would love to see it happen!
I say that we need “winged back packs”, there u go, no need for a new race
Nah, I want the race Although I could use a winged back pack, give us both Anet ^^
All about Largos..(most of it)
This is the Q and A at PAX East 2013.
This is a few months old (March), did the Training Guild Missions come out after March? I assume there will be more, but the TGM might have been what they were talking about.
“Team members are working on some of the things that would be in an expansion if one did come out. Odds are that players won’t see any new professions or continents in the game without an expansion, but new skills, new traits, and new maps are all fair game for adding in the game’s regular updates.”
Anet’s official comment to new playable races is “No comment” asked by a few people in WBEs, so far no changes in that has been seen.
I do think there will be new races at some point, I see enough support for new races to make it worth while.
The Largos have been talked about everything from their masks to their wings, and needing to be near water. All of it is right there in this thread.
I think Largos just wear the masks to look cool. It’s a fantasy RPG game, and we don’t need air breathers. (Actually, we don’t. You could remove your mask underwater!)
ANET probably wanted to design a bunch of different underwater helmets, but didn’t have time to make them widely available. So they they just threw them on a future underwater race in the meantime.
The underwater content was one of the main reasons why the game got held up, I think the largos were made to be a future playable race to highlight the underwater world they want to make. So the Largos were made close to the end of development is my guess.
Nice, early patch, though I wonder if we’ll see another at the end of the month (if we don’t that’s fine)
We most likely will, especially after Colins comment yesterday about information about the FIRST patch will be available soon (and now it is^^)
I don’t think we will see another one (at least for the Living Story) until June.
He talks about going from may into June with a new story, telling us June is the next story update.
Colins may mean the first patch in a series, like the last series was 4 months long.
I think 4 months is a bit too long to keep the same story going.
Largos, Tengu and Kodan have the best chance. All have been talk about for and against for months, I have not seen anyone bring up anything new about them.
As with all mount threads, a moderator will join in and shut it down refering you to the other topics discusissng this. You really gained nothing by posting this, as I have gained nothing by reading/replying to it… what a sad world of gamers nowadays…
so why did you reply?
It’s likely DSD will bring a zone or zones like that.
we can use weapons in our left hand in the game anyway, it’s a mace. A mace can be used in the off hand on warriors as we speak.