Showing Posts For MrFluffy.9307:

9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


sheesh SBI didn’t think you’d be so foul-mouthed T.T

And no sorry SBI you’re winning this due to sheer numbers, not because of you uber leet zerg management. Reset night was the highlight of the matchup, after that your zergs skill level dropped immensely and has yet to pick up even once throughout the week :/

Also I love how you are calling us all hypocrites even though you yourselves were the ones constantly screaming at us that we were just winning our last matchups due to coverage and now that your winning it’s “zerg management” what a load of BS


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

Who will be the top of the Silver League NA?

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I’m actually kinda psyched for this because it looks like IoJ will get some good matchups. Also the tier’s below are pretty even in terms of population/coverage so I’m sure they’ll have fun too. Gold league is just going to be BG, JQ, and SoR bullying everyone else though


Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307





9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


the roamers in this matchup are all running FoTM builds…I’m getting tired of fighting the same builds over and over again


9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


SBI and IOJ too coward to fight each other, instead let fight both on NSP borderlands where they are 3x less than us…


this is just what it’s like in the upper rankings man, IoJ and SBI both have the numbers to attack more then one map (although for IoJ we can only do this during NA prime it seems). I assure you IoJ sees SBI as the main threat in this matchup not NSP


[SE] Side Effect looking to transfer

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I think SBI is a better choice for [SE] than IoJ. You clearly want to not feel like NA prime is not riding on your shoulders, and that’s probably what you will find on IoJ. Based on score history, HoD and SF commonly out tick IoJ during NA Prime, which means only bad things for IoJ when they face more competent servers. I’m just feeling like you’d be moving from one place with insufficient NA coverage, to another, only the second option can PvDoor bad servers during oceanic prime? If you’re about the PPT maybe you should choose IoJ, if you’re about the bags and working with skilled guilds when you are online you should choose SBI.

I think IoJ is a better choice for SE than SBI.


Omega siege rushes. Ruining wvw

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Picture this:

One guy, one world, one server..

In a world where golems rush. There is but one man willing to risk it all to defend his great server. MrFluffy in “the man who single-handedly defended his keep”

I would go see it.

fact… not our fault if you are dumb enough to put all your forces in one HUGE zerg to overpower everyone on the field and then still expect to defend your keeps. Lets face it, we all would LOVE an easy button, until then we can all cry about it on this forums.

“Does who can’t.. Cry”

but of course, defending while outmanned is an over powered concept and a small group should never be able to defend against a large zerg. /sarcasm off


Omega siege rushes. Ruining wvw

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


picture this, your enemy brings 50 people and 20 omega golems to your keep, you have one scout inside. No matter how much he shoots the cannons or fires the mortars he can’t destroy all the omega’s if any at all due to the golem’s chaining the 3 skill. The gates while taking a mere 5-10 seconds to take down become practically useless.

So far we have 50 people, 20 omega golems for the offense, and 1-2 defenders. At the start of the assault you see the scouts screaming in all caps on /team /map chat or in teamspeak that everyone needs to get to the keep. However no matter how fast your zerg runs they simply can’t make it to the lord’s room in time to be able to defend or even set up defensive siege, even if the siege is already built for such instances there won’t be anyone besides the scout(s) who can man it. Given the time it took the ones on the offensive to break in and kill the keep lord (estimating it takes about 1-2 minutes) the defense is at an extreme disadvantage for 2 reasons.

1) the offense is neatly balled up and probably has siege and plenty of players casting AoE on the circle instantly melting anyone who jumps in to try and contest it.

2) Given the amount of time the defense has to get inside and defend is minimal so there is no time to stack up execute a flank or any other defensive strategy leaving the defense with only one option; to stream into the lord’s room a few at a time getting instantly melted by the 50 man zerg as well as not even being able to contest the circle sometimes because of the omegas huge AoE knockback (2 skill).

EDIT: I realize this may not apply to all servers but to the low ranking servers like mine it is a very cheap tactic, not saying my server doesn’t do it but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the concept of ninja’ing keeps via omega golem rushes is broke. Sorry for being a noob and not having 2 30+ man zergs patrol both sides of the map every hour of the day like you t3+ servers T.T


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

[SE] Side Effect looking to transfer

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


All of you suggesting SoS, While you do fit most of the bill. He did state that they wanted to play casually and not become a main source of players for the server.

I just want to clear something up, SoS’s NA coverage is in no way shape or form low or bad. our NA coverage is pretty strong (much stronger then Ioj’s and Darkhaven’s) it’s just that relative to our oceanic,Eu and SEA coverage we should have a much stronger NA coverage.

IoJ’s NA is much larger than SoS’s actually. IoJ has CORE, HARD, TEST among others which all field 15+.

is dis guy srs?


kick party member in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


lol you got me :P


[SE] Side Effect looking to transfer

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


IoJ is a “high” population server so we’ve definitely got some growing room


8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


guess this means I’ll have to read other matchup threads for entertainment :c


8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


had some fun fights today in ET BL, ty for dueling me DR engi (forget the tag LEXS I think?) sorry I had to go though because my brother is sick and I get to tend to his every wish for the rest of the weekend T.T


WvW Best build

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


whatever floats your boat really. WvW needs mesmer’s mainly for veil, feedback, portal, and timewarp. But a build involving sword/focus might be worth checking into.


Small tactics WvW Guild looking for new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


<3 RUN. We were literally just talking about how you guys defended our hills as long as you did last matchup, also we could definitely use a guild that defends what they capture! If you guys came over that’d be awesome


WvW Guild Looking For A New Home

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


IoJ fits the criteria nicely, we have a server wide TS3 that is open for any member of the server, and drama isn’t really an issue on our server. I’ll send you an in game mail when I get home (typing from my phone lol) and if you’re interested I can set you up with a meeting with some of IoJ’s WvW community leaders.


Question about Stealth

in Thief

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307





Kid Inkk's Guild Recuitment ! [SW] SFR!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307




New WvW Weapons aren't Mystic Forge-able

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


just happened to me too, Anet please fix this :c


8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


was fun roaming around in IoJ BL today, especially that RH pair (guardian and ele I think?) you guys were tough.


8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


stoned mist #LuvMyJantards



8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


ugh stupid PvE patches :/


8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I love how DR acts like they don’t run back to cannon range in open field fights.

There isn’t anyone manning either of those cannons. I know thinking is hard for you, but I didn’t know you were blind as well.


please tell me in what part of that sentence did I say those cannons were manned?

also isn’t the fact that they’re manning siege while sitting comfortably inside that group of lvl 82 guards pathetic enough?

You’re calling your own servers tactics pathetic? Nice one. Stinks to have it turned around on you right?

I’d have to disagree though, the only thing that is pathetic is the fact five of you couldn’t kill three, and the way you play Mesmer, and thief and warrior. Did I miss another one of your classes? Try harder please.

the point I’m trying to bring up is that DR is not some “uber leet never lose 1v1 type server” there have been plenty of times I’ve beaten DR groups 2-3x the size of mine and I’m sure my groups aren’t the only ones that have done it. You just need to take a deep breath and admit that your server isn’t perfect so stop treating it like it is.

also the only duels I recall losing this morning were against that condition ranger and the d/p thief both of which are my warriors weakness.


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I love how DR acts like they don’t run back to cannon range in open field fights.

There isn’t anyone manning either of those cannons. I know thinking is hard for you, but I didn’t know you were blind as well.


please tell me in what part of that sentence did I say those cannons were manned?

also isn’t the fact that they’re manning siege while sitting comfortably inside that group of lvl 82 guards pathetic enough?

these kinds of responses are why we laugh at you


8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I love how DR acts like they don’t run back to cannon range in open field fights.

There isn’t anyone manning either of those cannons. I know thinking is hard for you, but I didn’t know you were blind as well.


please tell me in what part of that sentence did I say those cannons were manned?

also isn’t the fact that they’re manning siege while sitting comfortably inside that group of lvl 82 guards pathetic enough?


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I love how DR acts like they don’t run back to cannon range in open field fights.



8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


If you want to win match ups you’re going to have to practice more then just AOE’ing choke points.

Personally, I play for kills not play to win. I could care less about the PPT or winning, and a lot of DR feels the same way.

I play to win because winning is fun. Coming across random fun duels is just the bonus of playing WvW.

Also it sounds like you’ve been fighting one many upscaled zergs. You should try facing one of our actual guild groups before forming opinions about the rest of our server.

EDIT: to be honest if your looking for good fights I highly recommend going to a high tier server where you are a lot more likely to run into GvG battles, I can’t forget the intensity of those high tier matches when IoJ was t2-t1 where tactics were everything albeit the score was decided by coverage but the fights were still amazing. At the low rankings we’re at your not really going to find the challenging battles your looking for nearly as often as you’d like.


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


IoJ has the smallest population out the the 3 servers in this match up. Our superior tactics and capitalizing on our opponents weak points is whats keeping us in 1st!

I stayed up the other night to witness your oceanic takeover of our BL. That was the night you weren’t able to take any of our keeps because lo and behold, someone was awake to build an arrow cart to stave off the orange-sword popping zerg. So you decided to go hit FC instead. Since when does “superior tactics” involve happening to live on the other side of the planet?

I say “superior tactics” jokingly because I know it kittens off DR No I don’t think taking your whole map when you seem to have less players is that much of an accomplishment but I do think planning massive golem rushes on a server’s weak point is something you guys should try more often.

Also what night would you happen to be talking about? We attacked FC every night…


8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


D’awww all you DR guys with your cute IOJ tags. ^^ I just want to hug your anger out of you.

Which one do you like the best? My personal favorite is

Wait Go Back To Cannon Range [IOJ]

Mm I think I’m going to have to go wth

Noobz Manning Siege [IoJ]


Main Hand Ballista offhand AC [IoJ]

I understand the use of siege comes from lower tier tactics but when you already outnumber us in fights 2:1 at least have the honor to fight it out instead of building siege.

I think it was TEST guild? Last night they had about 6-10 in our SW camp and they built about 5 ballistas and two arrow carts. Great sieging positions but honestly we were quite confused. You were holding a camp against a whole four DR, and remained there for an hour. How is that fun? We didn’t even have anyone on the map and you still refused to come fight without siege, and you didn’t take anything worth actual points.

You guys realize there is a respawn button? If you get out there and fight you will get better and won’t get embarrassingly crushed open field without siege. Just a tip. Siege only carries you so far. If you want to get better you’ve got to practice without it, and in a higher tier matchup like this you should take advantage of your superior numbers and do it now.

You know, I don’t know why I would expect anything else from you guys.

IoJ has the smallest population out the the 3 servers in this match up. Our superior tactics and capitalizing on our opponents weak points is whats keeping us in 1st!

Population does not translate directly to WvW coverage. Which is the only thing you have over us. Superior tactics? Hah what are you smoking? If running around with a ballista blueprint in your hands is superior tactics then okay, keep thinking that.

I have seen IoJ use superior tactics once, on reset night there was a group of about 20 CORE and 20 or so HARD working very well together. They had obviously great communication, they were just a bit slow to react and it seemed like their leader was confused about how to approach certain situations. Pretty good job though in organizing that. Those groups are going to be very lethal if they keep it up

personally I never use open field siege because I think it becomes an easy target, but it seems to work for other commanders so w/e. Also by superior tactics I’m referring to the fact that IoJ has been playing to its strengths, as in the PvD you guys cry so much about lol. Also DR actually has pretty good coverage as they’re one of the few lower tier servers with really good EU coverage, DH also happens to have a really strong western-coast crew. Both are things IoJ is lacking but I’ve yet to see DH or DR make use of it.

If you want to win match ups you’re going to have to practice more then just AOE’ing choke points.


8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


D’awww all you DR guys with your cute IOJ tags. ^^ I just want to hug your anger out of you.

Which one do you like the best? My personal favorite is

Wait Go Back To Cannon Range [IOJ]

Mm I think I’m going to have to go with

Noobz Manning Siege [IoJ]


Main Hand Ballista offhand AC [IoJ]

I understand the use of siege comes from lower tier tactics but when you already outnumber us in fights 2:1 at least have the honor to fight it out instead of building siege.

I think it was TEST guild? Last night they had about 6-10 in our SW camp and they built about 5 ballistas and two arrow carts. Great sieging positions but honestly we were quite confused. You were holding a camp against a whole four DR, and remained there for an hour. How is that fun? We didn’t even have anyone on the map and you still refused to come fight without siege, and you didn’t take anything worth actual points.

You guys realize there is a respawn button? If you get out there and fight you will get better and won’t get embarrassingly crushed open field without siege. Just a tip. Siege only carries you so far. If you want to get better you’ve got to practice without it, and in a higher tier matchup like this you should take advantage of your superior numbers and do it now.

You know, I don’t know why I would expect anything else from you guys.

IoJ has the smallest population out the the 3 servers in this match up. Our superior tactics and capitalizing on our opponents weak points is whats keeping us in 1st!


8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


T1 tactics, ye?



Guilds please recruit on a different subforum

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Until mods come here and remove posts anything you say is pointless. You are not going to change any ones mind. Make any argument you want but with out a Mod enforcing the bold quote in your first post we can safely assume that it is not a issue.

And it just want to make sure you know You’re not going to change peoples mind give up your pointless argument.

Not trying to change peoples minds, just reminding people that there is a specific sub-forum for guild recruitment.


Guilds please recruit on a different subforum

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


but they don’t…? Please read the bold quote in my first post

You keep saying that, yet they allow all of those posts you’re referring to to remain

Seems you would have no proof to back up your assertion other than an archaic post that is by no means enforced.

again I wouldn’t assume ArenaNet’s abstinence in the matter particularly means that they’re OK with having misplaced topics in the sub-forum.


8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


So, that [CORE][HARD] IoJ zerg was brutal at DH bay, they melted the DH zerg. That was… interesting, thank god for the outmanned buff.

all I see is IoJ skillfully outplaying DR in those photos.


Guilds please recruit on a different subforum

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


but they don’t…? Please read the bold quote in my first post

EDIT: Chris has the right idea, if you include your guild pitch in the server’s recruitment topic then it’ll be a great way of explaining to any potential members what WvW is like and who makes up the community of said server.


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

FC looking to transfer

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


come to IoJ! We always welcome newcomers with open arms and cookies


Guilds please recruit on a different subforum

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


My point was what exactly do you think this World Recruitment sub forum is for? I really don’t see how it wasn’t intended for the WvW guilds of servers to be able to find and recruit players.

What would go here instead? Just general threads like the “[Server] NEEDS YOU” posts?

in a nutshell, yes!


Guilds please recruit on a different subforum

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I can’t help from feeling some negative energy here… I didn’t make this thread to offend anyone I just felt like alot of guilds are confused as to where they should place their topic.

please refer to the bold quote in my first post


Guilds please recruit on a different subforum

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


@ Achilles
The point is the thread is cluttered with too many guilds asking for people when it was meant to be filled with topics of servers inviting people to join their server.

unfortunately ArenaNet mods got their hands full with other things and things like topics being misplaced are almost guaranteed to be overlooked unless flagged. Also I wouldn’t assume Anet’s abstinence necessarily means that they approve of guilds recruitment topics on this thread.


Low Pop Servers vs High Pop Servers

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Come to JQ where all your problems are solved in under 3 seconds.

That’s right, Jade Quarry needs people more than Ferguson’s Crossing. I mean, how long can Jade Quarry stand having the 3rd highest population? Let no Guild Wars 2 player rest until that’s fixed.


tired of T1 recruitment posts, they have enough people already T_T


Guilds please recruit on a different subforum

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


read the bold quote please he explicitly tells people to post guild recruitment topics on a different thread.


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

Guilds please recruit on a different subforum

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


“Hello and welcome to the World Recruitment subforum for the World vs World section of the forums. This subforum is here for all threads related to recruitment to your world (for guild recruitment, please refer to the Guild Recruitment subforum). When creating a thread in this subforum, please include all relevant information about your world and its needs on the battlefield.
Additionally, as always, please keep posts civil and respectful. If anybody is being disrespectful, rude or otherwise in violation of the forum code of conduct, please report their posts and the moderation team will take care of them. Thanks!” – Mark Katzbach

I’ve noticed a lot of guilds are confused and have been posting their recruitment messages on the wrong thread so I’d like to re-direct them to move their topic to this one


7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


to the guys from SE saying they’re not exploiting, we believe you! Like we’ve said in previous post the guild we see overly abusing this is Abys, I’ve yet to see someone from SE use the exploit but if they ever do and I catch it I’ll let ya know lol.


7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


DH I think you need to realize you easily have 3x the numbers IoJ or FC has. This match up wouldn’t be fun unless it was done this way. I mean even with the group effort DH still has numbers to attack and defend all fronts and then some so I don’t see why so many from your side are complaining.


Isle of Janthir Guild: Pew Pew Kittens [PPK]

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Pew Pew Kittens is a pure WvW guild, we are just starting out and are looking for new members with similar interest. The guild was born yesterday and currently have around 10+ members, we are looking to add to that number and if you are interested send me an in game mail or whisper. Some info about the guild

- We do guild WvW daily
- have a TS3 channel
- have 2 commanders in the guild currently


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Lol again we faced higher tier severs they never cried zoom hack just quit it already.

just because other servers didn’t cry foul doesn’t mean it’s not true. These claims aren’t baseless as you’ve seen there are plenty of screenshots showing DH commanders using the zoom exploit. You can deny it all you want but with so much evidence out there we can and will continue to label you Zoomhaven

EDIT: Oh yeah and here’s a fun little conversation I had with ol’ edgy from Abys a while back, apparently siege should not be allowed in keeps because “small groups should not be capable to defend against zergs”



(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


well the week is over and although IoJ didn’t win I can say I was at least content with the fights put by both servers in the open field. Also by now I think IoJ has proven that we can beat DR if we want to a few times by now so there’s that lolol.

Anyways enjoy reset, I know I’d love another nab at NSP but this time hopefully without their kitten-sucking counterpart HoD.


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Oohhh so DR is in last place! Thank you wish i couldnt see the scoreboard for some reason!

19. IOJ 149503 +1.473
16. GOM 171385 -9.966
20. DR 145207 +8.536

Yep, last place. To a server 1.3 tiers above us and a server with Oceanic coverage that completely owns us. And yet we are gaining rating, almost as much as you are losing. So, against 2 servers you should be dominating, you are losing rating points. And both of us are gaining. I agree, we are in last place. We suck. We just don’t suck nearly as much as you do.

I’d just like to point out that IoJ hasn’t really been able to take advantage of oceanic coverage with it being summer and lots of college/highschoolers are able to stay up all night lol. Basically IoJ hasn’t been able to PvDoor since classes got out haha.


7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Again this is the reason our server has issues with alot of your members, you can’t admit to wiping even numbers so instead you result to saying “you outmanned us 3:1” it’s just not true.

At the same time this is the issue we have with your server. You can’t admit to losing a fight when you greatly outnumber us. You guys say it’s even EVERY single time. When you lose, it’s always “okay good fight you outplayed with EVEN numbers.”

Having exactly even numbers in fights is a whole different ball game. The chances of us having EXACTLY EVEN numbers is very improbable anyway. Someone is going to outnumber the other person in every fight.

the thing is I see lots of DR always saying “you greatly outnumber us” while posting screenshots without the outnumbered buff. I do understand you can still be outnumbered without the buff but I’m not buying this 3:1 BS without it. And yes it’s true that it’s nearly impossible to have an equal number fight but either way give or take 5 people it’s not going to make much of a difference which is why I’m calling it even numbers.

Believe it or not your server is very bad at estimating zerg size hence the reason we have to call you guys out on it so often Not an insult just a fact. Anyways, there were TONS of great fights tonight and for that I thank you. Hopefully we can do this again tomorrow in let’s say…GoM’s BL??


7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


But according to you we had even numbers and you wiped us, so can we interest you in an even number gvg? no? didnt think so.

I was responding to this silly
