Showing Posts For MrFluffy.9307:

Servers with less zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


you should definitely consider the bronze league servers, queues are non-existent down there and their average zergs consist of no more then 25 people.

The higher in rankings you go the higher the population is.


Eastern timezone commander looking at servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


any league, ive commanded all teirs, yes I use teamspeak its a must, and server I like a server that works together or at least on its way to working together, where IF there is a wipe they just regroup and say hey whatever lets go get them this time, or if we win they don’t just start talking trash, im here for fun, I care less if we win the fight or lose it, as long as its a good fight then im happy.
and if any wish to talk to me directly im usually in game online, I have no life lol

I’ll send you a mail

IoJ is always looking for more commanders who love to have fun! Just last night I was commanding the crazies in EB and someone got this great idea…why don’t we all role-play as the transformers!!? So we built lots of golems to try and take red’s keep, we wiped after we got the first gate down but the moments leading up to it were hilarious :P

10 minutes after the wipe I found out the map got queued, IoJ is the kind of server that win or lose we will still play because we have fun doing what we do lol


9/27 IoJ/BP/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307



we need it for role-playing purposes


9/27 IoJ/BP/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Long time no see to CD. IoJ hasn’t fought you in forever.

we haven’t fought CD since old t2-t3 days I think o_o


Season 1 is 3 leagues instead of 2

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Blow for Dough

Three week epic tank-a-thon between SoS, DB and Mag to determine which server has to suffer in the Gold League.

SBI might actually take the #6 spot just in time for leagues.


9/27 IoJ/BP/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Guys (IoJ) you wanna know whats awkward?

Since theres 3 leagues, we will be matching up against servers like maguuma, sbi, dragonbrad for silver league.

Welp. Really gotta get our kitten together



Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Hahah sad thing is this guy probably xferred off as well I haven’t seen his name in any match up threads. Anyways nice necro of the thread. is still up, registration is closed as they are revamping most of the website.

Edit: yep I check he’s on FA now :p

^ forums are still up but the website is getting reworked


Can we get a promise?

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Those are legitimate issues. They should be complained of.

I think his issue is that the reason those things are an issue is because the people who transferred caused it.


9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


You got a five minute fight of me giving up fighting a tank ele, and then a fear bomb necro beating me a glass thief. Congrats.

its the best we have….i love power necro but theres a reason im condition… (welll celestial)

No I’m saying there is no chance of a glass thief beating a fear bomb necro unless the necro really sucks.

use your stun break on the first long fear they put on you -> dodge the signet -> cleanse -> 2 shot the necro

that’s how I beat em atleast lol, what traits you using Stew?

Really now Azalily? If I recall, the last time you dueled me I won the majority of the times =p

next time I won’t let you fill up your life force before the fight :P


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


You got a five minute fight of me giving up fighting a tank ele, and then a fear bomb necro beating me a glass thief. Congrats.

its the best we have….i love power necro but theres a reason im condition… (welll celestial)

No I’m saying there is no chance of a glass thief beating a fear bomb necro unless the necro really sucks.

use your stun break on the first long fear they put on you -> dodge the signet -> cleanse -> 2 shot the necro

that’s how I beat em atleast lol, what traits you using Stew?

I’m trying s/d so my burst isn’t as great as it could be.
My traits are:
10, 30, 0, 15, 15

even with sword 2, shadow return, and lyssa you lack the cond cleanse to beat that build. I’d switch to a 0/30/10/15/15, mug is great but not nearly as good as the IV trait in SA.


9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


You got a five minute fight of me giving up fighting a tank ele, and then a fear bomb necro beating me a glass thief. Congrats.

its the best we have….i love power necro but theres a reason im condition… (welll celestial)

No I’m saying there is no chance of a glass thief beating a fear bomb necro unless the necro really sucks.

use your stun break on the first long fear they put on you → dodge the signet → cleanse → 2 shot the necro

that’s how I beat em atleast lol, what traits you using Stew?


9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


guys I mean really :/ you ganked me in a 1v5 and this is what you do…

enjoy getting your kitten handed to you when you start trolling the the t1 servers during leagues



9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


The only encounter I’ve had so far with that Bags guild is seeing a few of them (along with members of Rise, Hmmm and DUI) among the 20 or so SBI players spawn-camping about half a dozen IOJ players in the NSP BL tonight. They spent almost half an hour trying to lure the IOJ players out of range of the legendary guards so they could zerg them.

I’m sure they’re pretty talented duelists using the most up-to-date solo roaming builds since most of them were quite difficult to bring down, but it didn’t really leave a great impression of any of the guilds involved to see them invest so much time and effort into trying to flank outnumbered opponents just outside their spawn point.

This is because we hate you. Ioj is the premier open field siege building group of baddies and frankly it disgusts many of us. Then you get a couple transfers trying to act like they are something special. Aaaand obviously they aren’t. Individual/small group skill is nothing Ioj has ever had and will never acquire..



awww aren’t you just the sweetest!


Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Here’s the previous thread made by the same guy on the same topic.

10 defenders could beat his 30 man when the gate was at 10%. He also claims to be sitting under AC fire for 10 seconds. Yeah, the arrow carts are definitely the problem

Sorry, I need to correct that spelling mistake.

Some of the arrow carts were placed outside countering range as well as a suspicious zoom hack/multi-monitor setup, which of course seem to be highly endorsed by your “well placed arrow carts” idea. You have to forgive me for finding the combination hacks/exploits with 5+ super arrow carts to be ridiculous (sarcasm). Just to throw out this question, has your server never used the super cart + zoom exploits?

Also, “Great tactics” doesn’t seem to work too well when servers are left with 2 towers and 1 keep, since they are mostly sticking to 2 areas to defend. It was a pretty decent surprise attack because we got the reinforced gate to 10% before they got onto the arrow carts. I’ll remember to tell the commander to bring 10 golems instead to waste the gate, instead of using super rams. At that stage it’s pointless to bring out surprise attacks but just overwhelm the areas with force.

Admittedly, the 10+ defenders fighting off the 50 zerg scenario were ready on a specific garrison’s gate and crushed the siege quickly so we had to fall back (all their towers were turned into paper, so they started defending garrison by hiding like turtles). So long as there are 5+ super carts and ready players, it’s actually capable of breaking anything except a full golem rush.

And the quality of T1 servers are without any question better than IOJ. Mainly because they are experienced in fighting zergs all the time. So it’s pretty funny how you insinuate like your server is good…

So running PVT and spamming 1 equals skill?


PewPewKittens [PPK] needs zergbusters for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


With a name like Pew Pew Kittens this guild could not get anymore epic…wait… if you join it could be epic +1

that’s right! make our guild more epic people of guild wars!


9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Also, IoJ people, do you remember when we had, what was it, a 2-3 week long matchup (IoJ/DH), and we had like 42 pages? LOL, the good ol’ days.

ohhh the glory days…


9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


bah, it seemed like tonight every time my group found a decent fight a sea of red would show up


It's not about the bloodlust.....

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


So, the forums have been on fire with the bloodlust debate for several weeks now, and I see some folks saying “why get so worked up about a +50/150 stat buff? It’s not much different to food buffs”.

There’s some truth in that argument; I don’t like the buff, and can think of a dozen ways it could’ve been done better, but it’s not as game-breaking as some are making out.

But the reason the underlying discontent has boiled over into outright hostility isn’t just the buff. It’s just the straw that broke the camel’s back, it’s just another thing on a long list of mad decisions, and people have finally given up on waiting patiently and hoping it’ll get better eventually.

Now bare with me here…..

You’ve sat at your desk at work, at 9 in the morning, falling asleep. You could really use a coffee to freshen yourself up, give you some focus and help you work smoothly. Then the office admin person wanders past and offers to get you a drink. You gladly accept and ask for a coffee. Ten minutes later, they come back with a tea.

You don’t mention it, because they went to the effort and probably just forgot, and anyway tea is better than nothing. But the next day, when they offer again, you make sure to put special emphasis on the word “coffee”. But again they come back with tea.

The next day, you spell it out for them “coffee not tea please”, and they come back with a hot chocolate. NOT what you need to stay awake!

The next day, you say wearily “coffee, nothing else, just coffee please”. And they come back with a friggin margarita. You actually quite like margaritas, and in other circumstances it’d be pretty funny and you’d appreciate it. But not at 9 in the morning. And given their behaviour up to now, you start to wonder whether they’re purposefully trying to wind you up. If they’d got you coffee every day and then brought the margarita out of the blue, that’d be pretty funny. But they haven’t.

And if you try to go and make your own coffee, half the office starts screaming at you, and the admin-person refuses to ever speak to you again.

Bloodlust is ANet bringing us a margarita when we need a coffee. On it’s own, we wouldn’t be too bothered, it’d actually be kinda awesome. But given everything that’s come up to now, instead of going “lol what? oh, you so whacky” we’re going “oh for kitten sake, why are you doing this??”

Changes/Fixes that’ve been repeatedly asked for since last year (Coffee):

Proper Commander/Party/Guild UI and functionality. Not being able to kick offline party members.

Bug fixes for all the glitchy towers (hai Hugh “Too Vague” Norfolk)

Something to address the huge imbalances in server populations, nightcapping etc. Maybe something along the lines of cheaper transfers to lower ranked servers, adjusting PPT by population, or making the out-manned buff useful, etc.

An end to Musical Keeps and server-blobs doing laps of the map PvDing down T1 structures and not even trying to defend or fight the other server.

Skill lag.

Completely non-sensical queue system.

Fix for broken waypoint-contesting mechanics.

Changes that have come out of nowhere and don’t really help (Hot Chocolate):


WXP Ranks.

AC Buff.

Seige Masteries.

Random matchups.

Free transfers to medium-pop servers, even if they’re T1.



The thing is, the people who’ve been playing WvW every day for the last year and who are still sticking with it, have been doing so on the hope and assumption that, while WvW might not be perfect yet and still need some work, at least if we have some patience, keep supporting the game and wait long enough it’ll eventually get there.

There was a brief period back in the spring when it looked like we were finally being vindicated in that hope. With the culling fix, the fix for seige despawn timers, and EU reset being moved to a reasonable hour, there was hope that our patience was bearing fruit.

But since then it’s been all down-hill. You can say “these things take time”, and we understand that that’s true. However, they take a hell of alot longer if the developers are working on pointless stuff in the mean-time, instead of the stuff they should be working on. And they take forever if the developers have no interest in ever getting there.

Bloodlust and leagues have just spelled this out in giant neon flashing letters, which is why they’re attracting all the flak. But don’t let that fool you, the anger is way deeper than a +50 stat buff.



[SIC] is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


When are these?

I’ll send you an in-game mail listing the location and time we have these


9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Hmm. I wonder what happened here.

3+ arrow carts on a chokepoint


PewPewKittens [PPK] needs zergbusters for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


The [BUNS] support [PPK] and their superiority over [PK]

The Fluff is thankful for your support of our guild


[SIC] is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I’ll ask them at the next commander meeting, my guess is that it shouldn’t be too long but I’ll try and get an estimate for you


9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I’m impressed at how everyone seem to be so rational about the match up. No complaining, name calling oe chest thumping :O

Its nice to see friendly post on a thread stand out more for once

There’s no one to complain since an IOJ stompfest was inevitable.

You DDLG guys definetly have a thing for IoJ.

Shoo, go back to your own match up thread.

Simply making a comment. The IOJ forum warriors are appeased because they get an easy win, and the other servers know that fighting back is useless so why even bother.

Makes for what you call a “good matchup”.

Well unlike DDLG other people and guilds actually respect each other, no one else tea bags enemies after GvG nor do they chest thump and call people bad after it, only in DDLG we trust to destroy a friendly match up in game and over the forums win or lose, most of those “forum warriors” you are talking about are usually just defending from DDLG comments about DDLG killed an uplevel or 4 organised people killed 2 randoms which in turn according to DDLG makes that guild and server “bad”.

DDLG is the only guild that is disrespectful enough to 5v1 an uplevel and emote them, if it was a newish player then they might have been discouraged to play this game any further seeing the online community of this game can be so childish based off the actions of 1 guild, also reading the YB/SBI/BP and SBI/IOJ/NSP match up, DDLG is the only guild I have ever seen been told by their own server mates to quit the bull or to have had comments about being “bad apples” to another server.

Also reading the week you guys left DR, seems most of the DR server were glad to see you guys leave.

I’m not sure who DDLG guild leader is, but I am going to take a guess that he didn’t want to create one of the most hated guilds and disrespectful guilds across the lower tiers which is where his guild mates have put him.

I’d just like to say that DDLG is aware of our poor reputation and that we’re working on improving it. In our defense, there are really only a handful of members that are actively trolling, especially in GvGs, and it’s a bit unfair that their actions have to reflect on the entire guild when I’ve personally experienced the same grievances that you’re complaining about from the hands of numerous guilds, especially ones on IoJ.

That being said, I only came in here and made the comment that I did because of all of the complaints from numerous IoJ players last matchup- Natronix included- and now that you’re actually winning your matchup, everything is fine and dandy. If you guys perceived my post as trolling, then I apologize; that was not my intent.

“no one was complaining” LOL

I was complaining since day 1 of this matchup because I knew how unfair it was. This shouldn’t have happened and it’s Anet’s fault for having such a defective matchup system.


Anyone else looking forward to leagues?

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Not at all. It just seems to be the same things as WXP; something that keep players occupied, without really providing any valuable content to the game. WvW is so imbalanced, I don’t see how this could succeed in any way. I’m looking more forward to the new capture points.

that’s my biggest thing I’m looking forward too ^^ as a roamer it’s going to be awesome being able to find small-scale fights so easily


PewPewKittens [PPK] needs zergbusters for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Guild is now about 90 members strong with an average of 10-20 people online at any given moment


9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


snip-long winded QQ.

Omg man dat WvW… So srs… Nobody can haz fun mkay? No horseplay guyz pls ppl get dem hurt feelz u know..

Seriously dude calm down.. First of all, 99% of the emote spam going on during your match was from ME all the /cheer/cry spam etc.. And it had NOTHING to do with you at all.

Also, I was the one who threw siege down on top of you after one of your rounds.. That had nothing to do with anything just to do it..

Try not to be so sensitive, everyone is just being silly having a good time..

Oh and DDLG good 1v1 with me during a break between your rounds… Too bad I forgot my foods..

I saw you emote spamming, but it wasn’t just you. I can’t say for certain who threw down the blueprints, but it was more than one time.

And yes, it is a game where you get to be silly and have a good time. At the same time, though, someone has spent hours motivating, training, and teaching people to do something as a group. Losing isn’t fun, and it is childish to add numerous insults after injury. That’s what gets people kittened off.

I’m pretty sure we can keep the forum warriors on lockdown, not many people even look at the forums anyways. DDLG has a thing with IoJ and pretty sure it is match-ups like this when the trolls come out to play, too bad they only do it on forums…

You’d be surprised how many lurkers there are reading this thing. And it sure doesn’t appear that you have any sort of lock down on your guild. Either that or your entire guild is full of trolls and you can only keep 95% of them from being kittens both in-game and on the forums. Either way, you are giving yourself a bad reputation.

I can say for certain almost all of what you are talking about was done by 1 to 2 people in the guild.

and yet in this thread alone I can count more then 1-2 forum trolls. To be honest I don’t find anything wrong with trolling but know some bounds man…I mean seriously starting drama in games is just ridiculous and nobody wants to deal with it.

Also when a guild has leaders that are doing the trolling then what do you expect those ranked under them to do? Don’t encourage it, lead by example and maybe one day you too can have friends

idk I still find forum trolling hilarious and anyone insulted by it needs to take a break from the computer.

There’s a difference between harmless trolling and making direct insults to people. This may be a game but there are real people who play these. And if it’s so “fun” insulting us every chance you get then I think you are the one who needs to take a break from the computer and learn some etiquette.

No insults from ddlg thus far have been directed at people. Just them in game. Even then stop taking these things so seriously.

except your guild posts videos saying how bad we are. But I guess those aren’t insults…


[SIC] is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


We are ruling out any ‘very high’ pop servers. We are ruling out any gold league servers.

So far our interests seem to fit with:


This does not mean we are not looking at other options. We make our vote.Monday. thanks for the interest so far guys. If u think we would fit with byour server send me a pm on here. Ill get back to u.

With BP and SBI in gold league, and IoJ headed for it with their recent massive influx, there is only one server left on your list fitting the profile. Hint hint…

nah IoJ won’t hit gold league


Backstab needs a nerf...

in Thief

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


notice how he’s absolutely naked in the photo…


PewPewKittens [PPK] needs zergbusters for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I figured I may as well add the guilds events we do weekly:

6pm-8pm server time is guild borderland raiding time (daily event)

Friday from reset-next morning is guild raiding event (our guild has oceanics so we play from NA-OCX time)

Sunday’s at 5pm server time we do sPvP to develop builds for our small man roaming groups.


9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


snip-long winded QQ.

Omg man dat WvW… So srs… Nobody can haz fun mkay? No horseplay guyz pls ppl get dem hurt feelz u know..

Seriously dude calm down.. First of all, 99% of the emote spam going on during your match was from ME all the /cheer/cry spam etc.. And it had NOTHING to do with you at all.

Also, I was the one who threw siege down on top of you after one of your rounds.. That had nothing to do with anything just to do it..

Try not to be so sensitive, everyone is just being silly having a good time..

Oh and DDLG good 1v1 with me during a break between your rounds… Too bad I forgot my foods..

I saw you emote spamming, but it wasn’t just you. I can’t say for certain who threw down the blueprints, but it was more than one time.

And yes, it is a game where you get to be silly and have a good time. At the same time, though, someone has spent hours motivating, training, and teaching people to do something as a group. Losing isn’t fun, and it is childish to add numerous insults after injury. That’s what gets people kittened off.

I’m pretty sure we can keep the forum warriors on lockdown, not many people even look at the forums anyways. DDLG has a thing with IoJ and pretty sure it is match-ups like this when the trolls come out to play, too bad they only do it on forums…

You’d be surprised how many lurkers there are reading this thing. And it sure doesn’t appear that you have any sort of lock down on your guild. Either that or your entire guild is full of trolls and you can only keep 95% of them from being kittens both in-game and on the forums. Either way, you are giving yourself a bad reputation.

I can say for certain almost all of what you are talking about was done by 1 to 2 people in the guild.

and yet in this thread alone I can count more then 1-2 forum trolls. To be honest I don’t find anything wrong with trolling but know some bounds man…I mean seriously starting drama in games is just ridiculous and nobody wants to deal with it.

Also when a guild has leaders that are doing the trolling then what do you expect those ranked under them to do? Don’t encourage it, lead by example and maybe one day you too can have friends

idk I still find forum trolling hilarious and anyone insulted by it needs to take a break from the computer.

There’s a difference between harmless trolling and making direct insults to people. This may be a game but there are real people who play these. And if it’s so “fun” insulting us every chance you get then I think you are the one who needs to take a break from the computer and learn some etiquette.


Duo Roaming with a Thief

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I’d say bunker d/d ele. Provides enough support through protection/healing to make sure the thief can keep his burst going and is bunker enough to tank 1vX (because trust me as the thief you won’t be getting targeted nearly as much as the guy who can’t stealth lol)


Anyone else looking forward to leagues?

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I don’t know maybe I’m just glad Anet is finally changing something up in WvW, it shows that they are atleast paying SOME attention to our little corner of the world

but yeah if you’re looking forward to leagues please let us know what they are!

Personally I’m looking forward to facing servers like KG and YB, also the WvW rankings resetting is going to be very nice


PewPewKittens [PPK] needs zergbusters for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


+1 for PPK, yay for Isle of janthians

lol thanks Nacho

The AR + PPK alliance worked wonderfully tonight and I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow

Looking foward to it!

Now if its during the day, you guys wont have to hear my annoying frogs (coquis) on ts! Youll get a barking tiny poodle instead…. lol

haha awesome!


9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Fightclub in Eredon Terrace Borderlands tonight behind the windmill at 6:00pm server time!

Rules are simple:

- /bow before each fight
- no finishing
- no stacks (bloodlust, corruption, etc.)

see you all there


9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307



today is friday the 13th O_O


PewPewKittens [PPK] needs zergbusters for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


+1 for PPK, yay for Isle of janthians

lol thanks Nacho

The AR + PPK alliance worked wonderfully tonight and I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow


[CNB]kaineng WvW guild LF a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Come to IoJ! We would love having you

IoJ can offer:

- public teamspeak 3
- lot’s of guilds to coordinate with (we’ve been getting quite a few transfers lately biggest one is SE who can queue a map by themselves on reset)
- oceanic coverage
- we do have guilds that do GvG
- the population of our server is “High” meaning we’ve got PLENTY of room to expand!

IoJ has been my home server ever since I started playing which was 10~ months ago and I’ve been in love with it ever since


9/13 - CD/DH/NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I saw the title for this matchup and thought no way this could happen, but holy kitten Anet pitting a rank 10 server against rank 16 and 17 server is just ridiculous


9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


sorry ET and HoD looks like you got the short end of the stick this week :/

on the bright side we’ll have time for lots of fight clubs


Dear low (wvw) pop servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I thought this guy was referring to a 2v1 type scenario (EX: x server and y server vs z server) I didn’t realize he was asking people to transfer to his :/


Stealth abilities pros&cons in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


stealth is a strong thief mechanic, it’s to balance our class. You see ele’s get tons of boons like permanent regen, lots of healing skills, and a handful of cond cleansers. Anet has given the squishy classes mechanics like these to help balance their class because thief’s unlike warrior have about 12k health when built for max damage. A warrior could literally one shot a thief with axe f1 if the warrior was running the same build. To sum it up all classes have atleast one good defensive mechanic, and since thief’s are kinda forced into traiting for glass cannon our defensive mechanic is stealth. Listed defense mechanic’s below:

thief – stealth
mesmer – illusions/stealth
guardians – heavy armor/boons
warriors – heavy armor/high health/optional but a healing signet
necros – high health/deathshroud
rangers – really high regen
eles – lots of heals/boons



9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


snip-long winded QQ.

Omg man dat WvW… So srs… Nobody can haz fun mkay? No horseplay guyz pls ppl get dem hurt feelz u know..

Seriously dude calm down.. First of all, 99% of the emote spam going on during your match was from ME all the /cheer/cry spam etc.. And it had NOTHING to do with you at all.

Also, I was the one who threw siege down on top of you after one of your rounds.. That had nothing to do with anything just to do it..

Try not to be so sensitive, everyone is just being silly having a good time..

Oh and DDLG good 1v1 with me during a break between your rounds… Too bad I forgot my foods..

I saw you emote spamming, but it wasn’t just you. I can’t say for certain who threw down the blueprints, but it was more than one time.

And yes, it is a game where you get to be silly and have a good time. At the same time, though, someone has spent hours motivating, training, and teaching people to do something as a group. Losing isn’t fun, and it is childish to add numerous insults after injury. That’s what gets people kittened off.

I’m pretty sure we can keep the forum warriors on lockdown, not many people even look at the forums anyways. DDLG has a thing with IoJ and pretty sure it is match-ups like this when the trolls come out to play, too bad they only do it on forums…

You’d be surprised how many lurkers there are reading this thing. And it sure doesn’t appear that you have any sort of lock down on your guild. Either that or your entire guild is full of trolls and you can only keep 95% of them from being kittens both in-game and on the forums. Either way, you are giving yourself a bad reputation.

I can say for certain almost all of what you are talking about was done by 1 to 2 people in the guild.

and yet in this thread alone I can count more then 1-2 forum trolls. To be honest I don’t find anything wrong with trolling but know some bounds man…I mean seriously starting drama in games is just ridiculous and nobody wants to deal with it.

Also when a guild has leaders that are doing the trolling then what do you expect those ranked under them to do? Don’t encourage it, lead by example and maybe one day you too can have friends


3 friends looking for a better Gank scene

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


pretty much all gold league will be zerg zerg zerg. SBI will be moving up to gold league so that leaves Kaineg and Yak’s Bend. We do have zergs in EB quite often (I mean what server doesn’t lol) but the borderlands are pretty empty unless it’s getting attacked, so whenever I roam I usually go to one of those. Also attacks on enemy borderlands happen alot less often in silver league then in gold as we don’t have nearly as many guilds as them.

IoJ isn’t as zergy as the servers that rank below us say, we beat them due to our coverage not because we outzerged them during NA prime. We’ve also got quite a few roaming guilds on IoJ like MoW, DIA, PPK (mine ^^), Pro, EM, XIII, and a few others that I can’t seem to remember off the top of my head.

I’ll send you an in-game mail when I get home and if you want we can even talk about it over voice comms


Dear low (wvw) pop servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


I was just thinking how awesome it’d be if you lower ranking servers pulled something like this off lol! I also think the gold rankings should pull something like this if they even want to think of beating the likes of JQ, SoR, and BG.

It’d make matchups far more interesting for everyone


9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


had lots of fun at the fight club tonight ty to all who came out!


PewPewKittens [PPK] needs zergbusters for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


reserved for videos of PPK


Ranger pets vs WvW zergs.

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


tbh I wish they’d just make it so we can’t tab target pets. Get’s kitten annoying sometimes cycling through 5 pets to get to the person you actually want to hit.


April Rhain[AR] is looking for WvWers for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


fun group of guys, should definitely join em!

<3 Nacho and Karn


PewPewKittens [PPK] needs zergbusters for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Hi I’m mrfluffy, my IGN is Saint Azalily. I’m the leader of pew pew kittens and I’m looking for more members that enjoy winning but also like a laid back environment. There are no requirements to join however if you wish to roam with our small-scale squad it is asked that you have teamspeak downloaded. A mic isn’t necessary but you do need to be able to hear what we say. The guild is medium sized sitting at just under 100 members although during NA primetime you will see 20-25 people online and during oceanic and EU times you will see around 10-15 people online.

To sum up some of our main selling points we have:

- a TS3
- many active members and leaders
- me
- a guild website
- a cool guild name..I mean come on??

if you want more info on the guild or want an invite or even if you want help transferring send me a whisper and we’ll gladly help raise some money for it (although we are all poor WvW players so it may take some time :P)


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

9/6 NSP / IoJ / SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Seems you may be….

I am absolutely fuming with anger.

In all seriousness if anyone actually gets angry over a video game you should find something else to do with your time.

Tots! <3

1v1 me brah
