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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Absolutely disgusted by this. I bought the game because I was fed up of gear treadmills and after 7 years of GW1 not having one and the developers saying they wouldn’t put in one you would think there wouldn’t be one.

But nope, they didn’t have the balls to stick through with it for longer then 3 months and are having to go the WoW clone way. I don’t know why so many developers decide to do WoW clones when every single one has failed.

Absolutely disgusted by this. What about all the Karma I spent on exotics? What about all the time and money spent maxing crafting disciplines to get other exotics? Worthless now as we have to go into dungeons to get ever increasing stats. I’d care more but it looks like I am stopping playing with the next patch.

GW1 for 7 years, can’t even get GW2 to 7 months.

Combat is different than WoW.
Questing is different than WoW.
Dynamic Events is different than WoW.
WvWvW is different than WoW.
Quickbars are different than WoW.
Being in multiple guilds is different than WoW.
Dungeons are slightly different than WoW.
Crafting is different than WoW.
There are no raids in Guild Wars 2

I could go on if I took the time, but I am sure you get my point that Guild Wars 2 is nothing like a WoW Clone.

Just because they add one thing that ALL other mmo’s have dosen’t make it World of Warcraft. Stop using that term WoW Clone because you are using it incorrectly.

Also there are several WoW Clones that are doing just fine.
Rift is a good example. Also Lord of the Rings Online, D&D isn’t doing too bad. Heck even Star Wars: The Old Republic will be getting a player boost here because of goint F2P. (SWTOR is a wildcard though).

So before you spout off something that is untrue, please learn the facts.

*Edit, and don’t forget how actaully lucky you are that you have the choice to go back and play Guild Wars 1 because the servers are still open. And then you wouldn’t have to deal with any type of gear progression.

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Future Legendary items vs Ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Legendary items will be on par with ascended items, power wise. And as for Agony cleansing ability, that’s another story.

Ya very curious to see what it takes to make Infusions from the Mystic Forge!

Exciting days are coming!

Future Legendary items vs Ascended gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I think you quit reading a little too soon.
In the 2nd to last paragraph she also said:

“You’ll also see more Legendary items in the future and an update to our existing Legendary weapons.”
“will be upgraded to be on par with Ascended weapons”
“All Legendary items going forward will be of Ascended power”

So to answer your question, the current legendary gear will be updated.

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Things we still haven't gotten.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I’m missing only

  • Reasonable and non-hysterical community.

But i’m afraid this is only thing Anet can’t provide.

Yep im missing that also.

*And a LFG system like illgot mentioned above me

Gear progression isn’t that bad and some people make it sound like its the end of the world.
And I think it’s especially funny that probably over 3/4 of these people run dungeons already!!!

Here is a GREAT post from showatt!!
Understanding “Gear Progression”

Understanding "Gear Progression"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I keep seeing this “Guild Wars 1 has this, Guild Wars 1 has that ect ect”.

This is NOT Guild Wars 1 people! This is Guild Wars 2! Change is going to happen, even if you like it or not! More people play Guild Wars 2 than Guild Wars 1, so ArenaNet is doing their best giving something for everyone to do! From the casuals to the gear progression players.

For the people who do not like gear progression, consider yourselves VERY lucky! You still have that choice to go back to Guild Wars 1 and not have to deal gear progression!

Forget Ascended Gear!Where the Ranger Patch notes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I think I just really miss crossfire before the nerf!

But I adapted!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I couldn’t vote simply because…. I don’t know how these Ascended stuff and Infusion work yet. I don’t want to assume if I haven’t played them first.

GAMERS play the game then review. RAGE QUITTING just because of speculations is totally meaningless. Lol.

I’m going to try the new thing first then see how it affects the gameplay and what people are ASSUMING here are true.

Then I’m going to vote after that, OKAY?

But haven’t you heard? Knee jerk reactions are the in thing now!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


And just when the elections and polling was over, they come back again!!

For the love of human kind please stop!!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Sorry hate to tell you this but you won’t get a very accurate poll like this.

One reason being only 1-5% of people who play games also visit the forums. You’re missing out on 95% of the player population.

Another reason, people who are for this change are in game and farming Orr! So they also won’t come to the forums!

And these polls are very easily manipulated.

But hey, ill vote anyways!

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Biggest backstab in MMO history, well done ANET!

I would give that one to Crytpic the makers of Star Trek Online.
They really backstabbed the player base over there!

And LOL@backstab nerf comment! :P

Forget Ascended Gear!Where the Ranger Patch notes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


It’s been hard to stick with my Ranger after the SB Crossfire netf, but I stayed with him!!

I think I am more excited to see the Ranger Patch notes than I am for Lost Island! :P

Forget Ascended Gear!Where the Ranger Patch notes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


How about now? :P

P.S. Linsey Murdock I am very excited also!!

Understanding "Gear Progression"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


What a great, well thought out post! Thank you!

Also to add, they have also said that there will be 200 new recipes coming out for crafting. We do not know if this will include ascended gear or not. But if it does, then thats another way to obtain it and not have to do dungeons.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


They are adding 200 crafting recipes btw….

The more you know…………

From the blog post:

Players will be able to acquire Ascended Rings in the Fractals of the Mists dungeon, and Ascended items worn on the back can be acquired through special Mystic Forge recipes.

There is no indication that Ascended items will be available through crafting, other than back items through the Mystic Forge.

Annnndd they also haven’t said what the recipes are, so it COULD go either way.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I’m playing 90% of the time WvsWvsW and 10% spvp in Guild Wars 2. If the new gear is better then the exotics gear and i will be forced to go zo dungeons to stay competive in wvswvsw i will just quit this game. This is so unbelievable stupid. Make it buyable with karma/badges/gold or not usable in wvswvsw or you will loose many pvp players.

They are adding 200 crafting recipes also… who says you just have to run dungeons?

See this type of knee jerk reaction is why we have a 50 page thread…..

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


They are adding 200 crafting recipes btw….

The more you know…………

Forget Ascended Gear!Where the Ranger Patch notes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Hehheh I kid I kid!

But no really give us our KITTEN patch notes!!!

Oh and can’t wait till Lost Island!!! It’s going to be a blast!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


People are really so paranoid here. 56 pages.
Don’t worry too much. -_-

- PLEASE Read This -

They still live by their philosophy. Why can’t you guys see that?
More importantly, what are you guys afraid of?

GW2: Ascended gears are just another tier. It’s not a requirement to have it to experience any future new content X/Y/Z. You can have fun with all in-game content and dungeons with any tier equipments. You don’t need to grind to experience content X/Y/Z.

Traditional MMO: Better gears are needed to experience new contents, story in PVE and raids. Those gears are a mandatory requirement to reap the fun of the the new content X/Y/Z. Players are forced to grind just to experience newer content.

They are so different.
Yet, it ponders me why can’t people see it.

You dont get it do you, current ascendent gear will last for how long ? 3 months? year?

Then they introduce even more poverful ascendent gear so its start again. THis is not their philosophy..

Guild Wars philosophy = you obtained best gear (aka exotic) and there will never ever better gear. stat wise. Even after 7years the armor you equiped at release, was the best.

Every player was equal, WvW vs PvE players, those who dont likes dungeons had the same gear in wvw like those who runs dungeon only.
After this update, those who run dungeons and have ascendent gear, they will have advantage over those who dont, in wvw .. .DO YOU GET IT?

I don’t think that you get it… That is boring to most people hence the change.

This is Guild Wars 2 not Guild Wars 1. Things change. Either you adapt or you quit. (Or go back to Guild Wars 1.)
Sorry to see ya go, but don’t let the door hit ya in the buttocks!

Yet according to a poll only 20% actually like this change. 80% dislike it and over 50% will leave over it. How is this the change needed when they will lose half there player base to a change like this?

What poll? Please link.

If it’s a poll from the Guild Wars 2 forums, then it’s not a very accurate poll since only 5-10% of the player base doesn’t even visit the forums.

Man this feels like the elections again!
Fox has a poll showing Mitt in the lead, but then you change it to NBC and it shows Obama in the lead!


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


People are really so paranoid here. 56 pages.
Don’t worry too much. -_-

- PLEASE Read This -

They still live by their philosophy. Why can’t you guys see that?
More importantly, what are you guys afraid of?

GW2: Ascended gears are just another tier. It’s not a requirement to have it to experience any future new content X/Y/Z. You can have fun with all in-game content and dungeons with any tier equipments. You don’t need to grind to experience content X/Y/Z.

Traditional MMO: Better gears are needed to experience new contents, story in PVE and raids. Those gears are a mandatory requirement to reap the fun of the the new content X/Y/Z. Players are forced to grind just to experience newer content.

They are so different.
Yet, it ponders me why can’t people see it.

You dont get it do you, current ascendent gear will last for how long ? 3 months? year?

Then they introduce even more poverful ascendent gear so its start again. THis is not their philosophy..

Guild Wars philosophy = you obtained best gear (aka exotic) and there will never ever better gear. stat wise. Even after 7years the armor you equiped at release, was the best.

Every player was equal, WvW vs PvE players, those who dont likes dungeons had the same gear in wvw like those who runs dungeon only.
After this update, those who run dungeons and have ascendent gear, they will have advantage over those who dont, in wvw .. .DO YOU GET IT?

I don’t think that you get it… That is boring to most people hence the change.

This is Guild Wars 2 not Guild Wars 1. Things change. Either you adapt or you quit. (Or go back to Guild Wars 1.)
Sorry to see ya go, but don’t let the door hit ya in the buttocks!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I don’t see how anyone can hate them when we don’t even know exactly how it’s going to work.

Drama queens.

P.S. No where did Anet ever say exotics would be the final tier of armor. People just assumed that. The only clarification they need to address if they will be making more tiers of higher powered armor in the future.

This image shows us everything we need to know to be concerned.

And it’s not about whether or not this is the “last” tier of items. It’s about the three months we’ve been playing, assembling our exotic armor sets to personal preference, only to have it thrust on us that all of it is going to become obsolete. This never happened in Guild Wars 1. That’s why we’re upset. If you put down Guild Wars after Prophecies and came back years later for Nightfall or EotN, your character would not have become less powerful than everyone else’s in that time.

Not sure if you know this or not, but this is Guild Wars 2 NOT Guild Wars 1.
I’m pretty sure Guild Wars 1 is still up and running, and if you people who are not happy with having no gear progression why not just go play that instead?

Just wondering….

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Heck yes I am excited!!! Can’t wait for Lost Shores and the Ascended gear!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Reality is the majority of MMO players want a gear treadmill.

So explain to us why all WoW clones have failed, with the latest being The Old Republic. It’s easy to say “the majority of MMO players want feature X, which is just like WoW”, ignoring how WoW clones are dying all around.

Rift is doing just fine….

You mean the game that just (abruptly) shutdown half of it’s remaining servers due to “awesome new server tech” and has to constantly give people reasons (look at all this cool stuff we will give you!!) to prepay months (if not years) worth of subscriptions to meet revenue goals? yeah, doing fine indeed.

There are major companies looking at what Trion has done for their servers and they want to do the same to theirs.

Here is CNN for example.

But I am sure you will still see this as “Rift Fails Hard”.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Rift is doing just fine….

SWTOR certainly isn’t.

I reactivated the other day to have a quick look at how it had progressed and there is a tiny list of servers after many server merges.

Whether it’s still profitable is another story of course. Less players means smaller costs for servers, bandwidth, customer support, etc.

I didn’t say anythiing about SWTOR though… *but they are going F2P this Thursday so they will be getting a population boom and it might even save it!

Rift still is doing quite well. Heck so is Lord of the Rings Online because of their successful F2P model.

So there are “WoW Clones” out there and doing well.
Just sayin!

That really depends on what you mean by “doing well”.

Everybody knows that Rift is just a place for people who have grown to despise Blizzard, but still love WoW. It has no unique identity.

All F2P games will retain some kind of player base.

Doing well is when a game can still release good or even big content patches. (Like Rift and LOTRO have done).

If you take a game like Star Trek Online for example, that is F2P and hasn’t released any major content in over a year, that would be a failing MMO.
Also City of Heroes who just shut down. Those are examples of not doing well.

Again there are WoW Clones that are doing fine, even if some of you don’t want to admit it. (Not sure why though….)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Sad to say but I’m with everyone else in that I would likely leave the game for good if they start releasing better stat gear.

I like the idea of being able to hit max stat, take a break for a while, and then come back and not have to replace all of my gear because now I’m geared like a loser. I quit WoW because of that nonsense. Nothing like spending months to get a set of armor only to be considered POS three months later. What the heck is the point!

Sounds like this new ascended set is yet another “tier” of armor. Boo I say. Boo!

Of course I will wait to see what it ACTUALLY is before making hasty decisions.

What!? You’re going to wait and see what happens before you make a decision?!?!?
This is unheard of!!


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Rift is doing just fine….

SWTOR certainly isn’t.

I reactivated the other day to have a quick look at how it had progressed and there is a tiny list of servers after many server merges.

Whether it’s still profitable is another story of course. Less players means smaller costs for servers, bandwidth, customer support, etc.

I didn’t say anythiing about SWTOR though… *but they are going F2P this Thursday so they will be getting a population boom and it might even save it!

Rift still is doing quite well. Heck so is Lord of the Rings Online because of their successful F2P model.

So there are “WoW Clones” out there and doing well.
Just sayin!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Reality is the majority of MMO players want a gear treadmill.

So explain to us why all WoW clones have failed, with the latest being The Old Republic. It’s easy to say “the majority of MMO players want feature X, which is just like WoW”, ignoring how WoW clones are dying all around.

Rift is doing just fine….

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


1st time….Paid advantages…this was side-stepped by calling them “conveniences”. The level of advantage is/was irrelevant. It’s the fact that they said there wouldn’t be any, but in time they were added.

Convinience items != power.

Is there anything in the cash shop that would effect the result of a duel between 2 otherwise equally geared, specced & skilled level 80’s?

I was tring to figure that out also…..

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


If you don’t consider going from basic to fine, fine to masterwork, masterwork to rare, rare to exotic a gear grind…then going from exotic to ascended shouldn’t be a gear grind either.

How about those who shelled cash via the BLTC to get the exotics, believing that they will be the best armor?

Ya that bugs me.

Hey look I am rich in Real Life so I can get the best stuff in the video game! Na na a bo bo stick yer head in doo doo!

Now I have a chance to get better armor/weapons or whatever in a dungeon and not pay a single dime for it and people freak out!!
Shouldn’t they be upset about all the real life rich people with legendary’s!?!??!?!



Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Did you read the post that they will be coming out with a blog post about it today.
And no it’s not the “ONLY” thing you can do, you can be patient and wait and see what is going to happen. THEN make your decision.

Jumping the gun on something we all know very little about is silly.

Blogpost is out and has close to zero information. Thanks for nothing, Anet. Still, points to an interview with an official who said they introduced teirs so players have someting to work for (I’m paraphrasing). You can keep your head firmly in the sand. I’m just sad they killed the single most appealing aspect of the game. I’ll still play until another game tries to truly ditch teired gear and then hope they will stick to it. But I’m not investing another Euro in this one.

Sigh. It was a fun half year while it lasted.

Stop having your knee jerk reactions to something that could be nothing.

And like poster Lord said… (Not THE Lord!) :P

In gw1 “infused armor” was specifically to address fighting mursaat. The same could be true here, where getting your armor infused (making it ascended) only specifically helps you against a certain type of enemy or in a certain location (i.e. the new dungeon).
//food for thought before you people all lose your minds

Stop telling people to stop reacting. after playing a few MMO’s in my day it has been my experience if players don’t stop a bad mechanic from entering the game it takes ages to get it out after its implemented. It is much better to over react and let the devs know what you think of the idea before they implement a potentially bad one. Worst case you are wrong about the feature and it works best case you stop a crappy idea from ruining the game.

Sorry when the above posters says “I Canceled my credit card and this is stupid QQ”, I am going to call it like it is. A bad and knee jerk reaction.
ESPECIALLY when all the facts aren’t in yet and ArenaNet has shown nothing for someone to act that way.

How to preview any item in the Trade Post.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Helpful thread. Kudos. Wouldn’t it be better to put it in the Player Helping Player forum though?

Hey why didn’t I think of that! DOH!

(Mods if you would please! :P )

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


If you don’t consider going from basic to fine, fine to masterwork, masterwork to rare, rare to exotic a gear grind…then going from exotic to ascended shouldn’t be a gear grind either.

Hey now! I thought exotic was a small gear grind!

Farming Orr isn’t any fun and it sure in kitten felt like a grind to get those mats!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


So I know that we are still waiting for the official details regarding this new items / gear.

However, maybe just maybe this ascension (as long as it is not for a specific fight) can be added to your existing gear.

So you can get the gear already ascended or you can ascend your current gear.

Gear upgrade if you will.

Don’t know if this is the case but something to think about.


Very good point!

But the knee jerk reaction people won’t like it anyways! :P

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Did you read the post that they will be coming out with a blog post about it today.
And no it’s not the “ONLY” thing you can do, you can be patient and wait and see what is going to happen. THEN make your decision.

Jumping the gun on something we all know very little about is silly.

Blogpost is out and has close to zero information. Thanks for nothing, Anet. Still, points to an interview with an official who said they introduced teirs so players have someting to work for (I’m paraphrasing). You can keep your head firmly in the sand. I’m just sad they killed the single most appealing aspect of the game. I’ll still play until another game tries to truly ditch teired gear and then hope they will stick to it. But I’m not investing another Euro in this one.

Sigh. It was a fun half year while it lasted.

Link me the Blog post please.
Because I can’t seem to find it.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Did you read the post that they will be coming out with a blog post about it today.
And no it’s not the “ONLY” thing you can do, you can be patient and wait and see what is going to happen. THEN make your decision.

Jumping the gun on something we all know very little about is silly.

Blogpost is out and has close to zero information. Thanks for nothing, Anet. Still, points to an interview with an official who said they introduced teirs so players have someting to work for (I’m paraphrasing). You can keep your head firmly in the sand. I’m just sad they killed the single most appealing aspect of the game. I’ll still play until another game tries to truly ditch teired gear and then hope they will stick to it. But I’m not investing another Euro in this one.

Sigh. It was a fun half year while it lasted.

Stop having your knee jerk reactions to something that could be nothing.

And like poster Lord said… (Not THE Lord!) :P

In gw1 “infused armor” was specifically to address fighting mursaat. The same could be true here, where getting your armor infused (making it ascended) only specifically helps you against a certain type of enemy or in a certain location (i.e. the new dungeon).
//food for thought before you people all lose your minds

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The elitism of your ascend gear is not good enough you have rank 3 you need rank 4 to join our pug.

Anet is going to segregate the comunity in the haves and have nots with this move. The same problem existed in GW1 if you didn’t have high enough PvP rank you would have difficulty getting into groups.

Any content that isn’t accessible to all due to not having proper gear is bad.

And how would people know that you are not wearing Ascended gear? With transmutation stones and people can’t inspect you, they wouldn’t.

Nice job jumping to conclusions though! Try harder!

Feel free to keep your head firmly stuck in the sand. People will know fast enough when you drop like a fly.

IF ArenaNet does come out with better gear you really think the starts are going to make that big of a difference? No… just no.

NO mmo has made that big of a leap in stats between sets.

You guys are being so far fetched is just ridiculous!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892



…Credit Card information deleted.

LOL you don’t even know the facts yet. kitten

Ist’s the only thing I can do that NCsoft might be even remotely interested in. The only way to voice my Opinion. I’ll encourage players I know (friends & guild) to do the same if they also feel that they don’t want or like the introduction of a gear treadmill.

Did you read the post that they will be coming out with a blog post about it today?
And no it’s not the “ONLY” thing you can do, you can be patient and wait and see what is going to happen. THEN make your decision.

Jumping the gun on something we all know very little about is silly.

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I’m just gonna say it.

The whole no gear progression thing worked for GW1. It was a small game with a low level cap…very VERY pvp based.

That will not fly here. GW2 is already losing numbers; and will continue to. There is nothing to do at level 80! Playing dress up only goes so far.

A gear treadmill would be where you are constantly powering up your gear (look at traditional MMOs). If Anet employs this every 3-6 months…How in the heck is that a treadmill (upgrading your armor every 3-6 months…or what ever is NOT a treadmill..geez)? For an actual gamer, that’s still slow as kitten. All the while, you’re still stuck at level 80.

This game will continue to lose more players if there’s isn’t anything to do on the PVE side of things. Right now, the end game is playing dress up…and I’m already done with that.

New skins? What if I don’t like them? Stuck waiting for the next batch.

For an actual gamer like me. I play lots of other games. Devoting months of play time to keep up with a gear curb is a nightmare for me. It becomes a job. During gw1 there were years of time I didn’t spend playing, but I could always pick the game back up and be with the best of the best. I didn’t have to grind badge gear so I can be told I needed t10 to do a t9 raid.

This is what I don’t get.

You run your dungeons, you get the gear. You would have anyway to gasp get the new skins! Which you guys where OK with anyway.

So we are OK with a meaningless skin grinds. But if they add stats to it, which are all static btw, once and awhile…shame on them!

People are comparing this to raids and whatnot. Most likely, this will take a little long that your usual exotic, with dungeon runs. You’re done in a week. Yay! Even the most hardcore of hardcore’s weren’t even fully geared in traditional MMO’s after few months in.

The difference? One is super casual. The other is a time investment/treadmill…feels like you’re going nowhere. Hence the reason the word was used. How treadmill is even used in GW2 is beyond me.

I kinda have a feeling this gear will be stupid easy to get…and everyone here will look like dummies for making a big deal over nothing. 6 months from now? Another upgrade? Good! I’m sick of feeling like I’m going nowhere in these games (meaning having nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs/chat to my guild). Grind for a week…get that set. /cheer

I remember reading threads that if they were to have gear progression, make it easy at least. Gear is stupid easy to get in this game. This new kitten? Probably the same.

Dyn, MrLee, You’re only seeing one side of it, it’s not so much as the grind as having to grind. The player who grinds for skins does it because they want to and not because they need to. Gear progression in most mmo’s is required to complete continuing harder content, hence the vicious cycle. Most players were under the impression the greedy gear grind was not the GW2 model so it’s obvious why most are upset to see this change. I mean no different then the hardcore wowtards being peeved if gear reached it’s finite cap in wow.

See I really don’t see it like that. I see it as something new to do.
I mean we are all here to play a game right? If they do introduce a more powerful gear then I am sure they will make more than one way to get it. Dungeons or Crafting, who knows!

I see it as adding content for people who WANT the gear chase. People don’t like that, fine. Then they don’t have to do it! Just like if they don’t want to do something now, they have that choice. Because if they do introduce stronger gear in the game, IMO it isn’t going to be that much of a boost, if at all.

But we won’t know until ArenaNet puts up their blog post or whenever they feel like doing it.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The elitism of your ascend gear is not good enough you have rank 3 you need rank 4 to join our pug.

Anet is going to segregate the comunity in the haves and have nots with this move. The same problem existed in GW1 if you didn’t have high enough PvP rank you would have difficulty getting into groups.

Any content that isn’t accessible to all due to not having proper gear is bad.

And how would people know that you are not wearing Ascended gear? With transmutation stones and people can’t inspect you, they wouldn’t.

Nice job jumping to conclusions though! Try harder!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892



…Credit Card information deleted.

LOL you don’t even know the facts yet. kitten

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


You guys who support or want stat increases in GW….um….
Go back to Wow..or basically any other MMO out there.
What are you doing trying to bring that nonsense to GW?

A game where everyone can take part in all things without having to spend hours grinding for gear. Competition is cosmetic.

So are you saying to get that to get Cultural Armor Tier 3, there is no grind involved? I don’t know about you but to get 30 gold some ONE peice isn’t easy for some folks. For them to get that much gold they would have to grind Orr/Dungeons/Crafting or AH right?

Or maybe you want to get a Legendary? We all know how much GRINDING that takes! An absurd amount!! Which is fine, because its a Legendary.

You’re grinding and you don’t even want to admit it!

Sorry but some of us are tired of playing dress-up and would like something new to “grind” for.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Just because YOU don’t like something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. What about all the players who DO want it? Don’t you think they should have something they want also?

Maybe YOU shouldn’t play MMO’s?

Grinding is assuming you are no better than a horse chasing a carrot dangling from a stick in front of its face. Doing content you do not enjoy and in which you do not have fun just because it gives a shiny reward in the end is the same as lowering yourself to the level of a mindless animal.

I don’t know why so many players, who love traditional MMOs, fall for it. GW2 was being different in that it was dealing with their players as human beings. It appears players don’t want to be treated as human beings and instead see themselves more as mindless animals, but I’m still surprised that ArenaNet changed its mind so soon.

Grinding is bad. It’s bad design, and the fact it sells – or used to sell, considering how almost all recent MMOs have failed – doesn’t change how it’s bad design.

heh I had to LOL on this one!

So what are the point of Dungeons then? I take it you don’t like to run dungeons?
Thats all they are is a grind! A grind to get the gear you want. All of you complaining and who run dungeons are already doing the gear grind but you don’t even want to admit it. Just in this case you are grinding for looks and not stats.

If you don’t like dungeons then what do you do? Level alts? (Grinding levels?)
You like to craft? (Gotta grind for mats).

Next time you call people mindless animals maybe you should take a look in the mirror.

It comes down to the incentive to grind. As it is now, people grind dungeons for different cosmetic looks. They could just as easily get the same quality gear through various other avenues. They grind dungeons because they WANT to, not because they are FORCED to like other MMO’s.

If you want to get any of the “good” looking end level gear then you will have to grind for it. Which in turn FORCES you to Grind because you want that item.

Guild Wars 2 is still a grind just like every MMO on the market. All they did differently is how you do the grind (DE’s/Renowns/ect). They just put a new spin on it and changed it up a little. But it’s still a grind. You are complaining about there being a new grind but everytime you log into GW2 you grind even if you don’t want to admit it.
You don’t like something and it’s DOOM DOOM DOOM……

If it smells like poo, tastes like chicken but still comes from an animals butt… it’s still poo!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


They give you something to work towards and you all take a temper tantrum. Nice to see the kinda people i’m playing along with.
What if this was in at launch would any of you complained that there was an extra tier of gear? NO!!!!!!

Actually we would because we don’t like vertical gear progression. Go back to Warcraft if that’s what you want.

Grow up and stop using the “Go back to Warcraft” crap. EVERY MMO uses vertical gear progression. At least I can’t think of one who doesn’t besides Guild Wars 2.

Just because YOU don’t like something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. What about all the players who DO want it? Don’t you think they should have something they want also?

Maybe YOU shouldn’t play MMO’s?

Just because you like something doesn’t mean it should exist in every game. What about all the players that don’t like it. Are you that selfish that you must have the same thing in every game you play.

No I am perfectly fine with having both. I understand that people on both sides need something to do. From the gear grinders to people like yourself.

If a new gear comes out that gives better stats than exotic, then we have something new to work for. That equals something more to do in game. If you don’t want to do it, then you don’t have to. But for those of us who enjoy it, then why not?

We don’t even know what the stats are going to be like, so why freak out about it?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Just because YOU don’t like something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. What about all the players who DO want it? Don’t you think they should have something they want also?

Maybe YOU shouldn’t play MMO’s?

Grinding is assuming you are no better than a horse chasing a carrot dangling from a stick in front of its face. Doing content you do not enjoy and in which you do not have fun just because it gives a shiny reward in the end is the same as lowering yourself to the level of a mindless animal.

I don’t know why so many players, who love traditional MMOs, fall for it. GW2 was being different in that it was dealing with their players as human beings. It appears players don’t want to be treated as human beings and instead see themselves more as mindless animals, but I’m still surprised that ArenaNet changed its mind so soon.

Grinding is bad. It’s bad design, and the fact it sells – or used to sell, considering how almost all recent MMOs have failed – doesn’t change how it’s bad design.

heh I had to LOL on this one!

So what are the point of Dungeons then? I take it you don’t like to run dungeons?
Thats all they are is a grind! A grind to get the gear you want. All of you complaining and who run dungeons are already doing the gear grind but you don’t even want to admit it. Just in this case you are grinding for looks and not stats.

If you don’t like dungeons then what do you do? Level alts? (Grinding levels?)
You like to craft? (Gotta grind for mats).

Next time you call people mindless animals maybe you should take a look in the mirror.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Also, the ‘gear grind’ is not due to ANET adding one new set of armor.

It comes from the elitist in the game, who will say “You can’t join because you don’t have the latest and greatest”

You know what you can do, if you don’t have the latest and greatest? Find someone who isn’t an elitist kitten.

The COMMUNITY is what makes or breaks a game. Act like a self-entitled, elitist community, and you will reap what you sow.

Let’s remember why we started playing, we like PLAYING GAMES.

I personally have never even had this happen on my server. Nobody can really see what I am wearing. (Can’t inspect me!) And i’ve done explorable dungeons in blues! Not one person acted this way.

I swear just because another MMO has this happen, people think it happens every where!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Yes another person who gets it! GW2 is supposed to evolve!! Even though some people think this is ok.

This is an MMO! Things change good or bad. You have to accept it or leave. (And if you leave there isn’t one MMO out there that will have gear stay the same thru out it’s lifetime).

Why does the game have to evolve towards vertical progression when the game’s horizontal progression is the very thing that made it evolve past every other MMO on the market?

I swear the people defending this decision are probably the same crowd that cried on the WoW forums for change then jumped shipped to GW2 and are now crying for this game to become WoW. Stop ruining games with your flakiness.

Stop wanting the game to stay the same and never change. Go back to single player games if you don’t like it.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Ever since I read this in the morning, I havent logged in. I just found it difficult to log in knowing that any gear I obtain on my main might be replaced in a few days.

Going to log in now, on my alts I’d imagine, but I haven’t had the urge to log in and obtain some dungeon gear today just because of this.

You play an MMO. MMO’s are about progression and additions. Stuff will change. If you haven’t figured this out by now, then I don’t think MMO’s are the type of game for you.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


So they added armor that is slightly better than exotic, who cares?! It gives us something else to do other than grind Orr for legendarys, thank you ArenaNet for making this change I think it gives many people another reason for wanting to do this dungeon, making armor look “cool” is just not cutting it anymore, what if you don’t necessarily love the look of the armor, your just not going to do the dungeon? That does not make sense, there needs to be another incentive for doing high level end content.
Quit crying and enjoy this amazing game called Guild Wars 2

I agree. But people would rather do nothing/be stuck with 1000hp/100stats (made up get the idea) for all eternity…just because it was like that in GW1.

GW2 is a totally different beast. It’s an actual MMO. Count how many MMO’s stuck to their original vision from launch? I’ve played 11 in my lifetime…none stuck to their guns. Some tried to, but failed. But these games evolve over time. It’s just how it is.

We wanted GW2 to be an MMO. We get all the pros, and the cons along with it. Enjoy the ride…or don’t.

Yes another person who gets it! GW2 is supposed to evolve!! Even though some people think this is ok.

This is an MMO! Things change good or bad. You have to accept it or leave. (And if you leave there isn’t one MMO out there that will have gear stay the same thru out it’s lifetime).

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


So they added armor that is slightly better than exotic, who cares?! It gives us something else to do other than grind Orr for legendarys, thank you ArenaNet for making this change I think it gives many people another reason for wanting to do this dungeon, making armor look “cool” is just not cutting it anymore, what if you don’t necessarily love the look of the armor, your just not going to do the dungeon? That does not make sense, there needs to be another incentive for doing high level end content.
Quit crying and enjoy this amazing game called Guild Wars 2

QFT!! I am actually WANTING a gear grind again because level 80 is so kitten boring! So what is this new armor has a few stats better than exotic! Then we all have something to do again!

MMO’s are always changing! They are not supposed to stay the same over the next 5 years. If they introduce something new, then we are supposed to go work for it! Did you all expect to stay in the same gear thru out GW2 life span?!?!?

Cosmetic grind is not the answer for some of us, we want the gear grind! If Lost Shores is going to have stuff like this, then we will get the best of both worlds.
ArenaNet is catering to EVERYONE not just one specific player base!

And kitten, there is not enough info out there that is a 100% sure of what will happen. Maybe the stats on Legendary gear will now match the Ascended gear! WHO KNOWS? Just wait and find out!

How to preview any item in the Trade Post.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The TP UI is nothing but a web browser built into the game.

It would take a lot of time and resources to let us preview items in game.

How to preview any item in the Trade Post.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I see this question asked a lot so for those of you who don’t know how to do this here it is again!


1. Look for the item in gw2spidy or Guildhead
2. Get the item ID from the URL, for example:
3. And paste the ID (19697) here:
4. Paste the resulting code in the chat box, left click preview.

ArenaNet we should really have a sticky for this imo!