Showing Posts For MrLee.6892:

Apathetic and unfriendly players on Cursed Shore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


So what happens when the person is broke ? perma Death ?
And the coast of rezing if anything is about the same as killing a mob and selling the vendor trash on it

I have seen people ask in chat before if someone could send them a silver because they couldn’t res. Hell I have sent 10 silver to a new player because they didn’t manage their money better and died being broke.

It’s called communication, people need to do it more. You will be surprised when people are actually nice and help out! :P

Plus my server is Tarnished Coast, it has a GREAT community!

Apathetic and unfriendly players on Cursed Shore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I was right next to a waypoint

THIS. You where right next to a waypoint, no reason why you couldn’t have res’d yourself.

Also remember that people like to go afk at waypoints, and sometimes mobs attack way points. So if a person keeps getting res’d at a way point then keep getting killed, they will have a hefty repair bill to pay.

I’m sorry expecting someone to res you when you are AT the waypoint? Sigh…..

Another CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Thought I read a dev post that the whole strategy to the room was to NOT kite and to kill the mobs? Thats why the added more time to it?

Am I wrong?

Another CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Robert Hrouda have you killed those mobs spawns in that room successively in a well organized pug (without voice communication)?

Just curious if you guys play with other players in game instead of in house at ArenaNet.

Those packs are simply WAAAYYYY too overpowered.

And like a poster said in this thread " If these events/dungeons weren’t so buggy/hard we wouldn’t need exploits to do them".

Then I thought about running dungeons in other MMO’s like LotRO, SWTOR, Rift, and WoW. I never ONCE thought of doing an exploit or been in a group that kept doing exploits just to get past something.

I think that is very odd that all of a sudden people have to do it in this game. It is not working ArenaNet!!

Crafting Meant for Leveling or Profit?

in Crafting

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I’ve made roughly 260g from crafting over the past 4 days.
Profits are there. You just have to find them, and creative ways to cut costs.

Same here, not that much but around 50g so far.

A chuckled a little when I see posts saying “Crafting doesn’t make any profit”.

Any new content coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


“Most” players have not hit 80 yet…..

I don’t quite understand your post. Do you think they are never going to release new content? Are you expecting them to answer you before anyone else?

Patience, hard it is.

(edited by MrLee.6892)

The Bugfest known as TA

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


And the OP didn’t ask to be ridiculed either….

Just sayin….

Why ruin your game Anet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The DR system is nothing but a headache. When people who talk about Guild Wars 2 talk about the DR system have NOTHING good to say about it.

We honest people are all getting punished from it because of bots and exploiters.

Reminds me of a DRM.

AND they said they have found the problem and have a patch for it, BUT they are waiting till late Monday to fix it. They should either take it out till it’s fixed OR send out the kitten patch!

I really thought ArenaNet would listen to it’s players, but yet again another company that really doesn’t care about the community.

For people who have not been receiving their 60 tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I am only getting 15 tokens for the first path then 6 for the last 2…..
I know they won’t reimburse me.

Just wish they wouldn’t wait till late Monday to fix it when they should fix it asap!

i wonder is there cone by Raids realy hoping for it

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I am fine with 5 mans. Its only 3 less people than what I am used to.

The Bugfest known as TA

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


1. Your doing it wrong.

2.Your doing it wrong. Your not supposed to attack the mobs from outside. Get inside the bubble.

3.Your doing it wrong.

4.Your still doing it wrong.

5.Its not a bug fest other than sometimes certain class cant hit the flowers.

Why even type this if it doesn’t help the person at all?

The whole “You’re doing it wrong” is no help at all.

Next time maybe try and explain what they are doing.

And it’s YOU’RE not Your

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Ran AC Explorable last night, never ran any of the paths before.

I got 15 tokens, then 6 and 6. Everyone else got their full amounts

Its like that in any dungeon I goto. I only get 15 then 6 after that if its in the same dungeon.

Am I going to get a refund for all the tokens I never got?

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I remember back in the vanilla WoW days where each server would have a GM or 2 always active and when you reported a bot they where banned within 5-10mins.

And sometimes to make fun of them they would park them outside of Ironforge or Org and turn them into critters so we all knew they where bots. LOL

But now instead game companies have silly systems like Diminishing Returns where it hurts the normal player and doesn’t stop the bots……. Ya I like the old days better!

I am sick of these Bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I remember back in the vanilla WoW days where each server would have a GM or 2 always active and when you reported a bot they where banned within 5-10mins.

And sometimes to make fun of them they would park them outside of Ironforge or Org and turn them into critters so we all knew they where bots. LOL

But now instead game companies have silly systems like Diminishing Returns where it hurts the normal player and doesn’t stop the bots……. Ya I like the old days better!

Can we get a group finder?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


there is a /lfg option which will put you into a looking for party portion under your contacts section…hit y, 2nd option down

But it doesn’t say if you want story or exploration. I actually can’t believe they put it in game….. or didn’t release the game with some kind of updated system.

This game has auto ques for sPVP and WvWvW but nothing for Dungeons?
And there are MANY improvements in GW2 vs other MMO’s, again I don’t understand the reasoning for not having a LFG tool.

Delaying Patches Till Monday: A Faulty System

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Agree 100%.

Stupid system is stupid. 15 letters stuff

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


What the crazy are you on? I do not know if joking or just _________.

Diminishing Returns was implemented a lot earlier than the 25th…

I take it you think it was implemented on the 25th, because you’re reading the patch notes that came out on the 25th. Which means that you either just hit 80 or did not do any explorable dungeons for the past two weeks.

Before the 25th we would all get a set amount of tokens, 20. Each path.

Now we should be getting 20 for completion of each path and an additional 40 for each day we do it. Total of 60 for each path we take.

I was getting the 20 tokens per run BEFORE the 25th. After the 25th I am getting 15 (and 6).

Again all I am wondering is, if people who did the speed run BEFORE the 25th patch are they being punished for it now by receiving less tokens?

I may be way off base here, but it’s just something I was wondering about.

  • And for the Devs who see this, I just ran CoF Mag. Haven’t ran it since before the 25th patch. It took us 1 hour. I got 6 tokens.

And why is it if you type who and read in a sentence it gets the kitten filter??? LOL!!

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I understand there is a bug, yes I have read the devs comments in my own thread I started. But like I asked I am wondering if the people who are only getting 15 badges if they where doing the speed runs before 1.4 or not???

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Ok so 3 days I didn’t run ANY dungeons, tonight I ran TA a totally new path that I never did before, forward and forward I think it was. The run took us 1 hour 30mins, and at the end I got a whole 15 badges. The rest of the group got 60!!!!!

I started thinking I wonder if I am being “punished” for doing some speed runs before the CoF buff (1.4?)? I speed ran CoF a few times (not knowing that some of the things we where doing where exploits at the time).
And the only dungeon piece I have is the chestpeice. Not like I have a full set of anything!

So now am I being punished for speed running before patch 1.4?

Who else out there is only getting 15 badges per run and also did the speed run CoF clears?

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


GW2 have gave me over 200hours of playtime, something many other games can’t do for $60. And I have only 1 level 80. So I know I can EASILY get another 200 hours out of it. (lol no endgame….. riiiiiight)

It’s in my top 5 that’s for sure. GOTY? close!!

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I REALLY Want to run dungeons in this game, but with how things are I just won’t do it anymore. Too many bugged events, the DR system not working correctly (I get 15 tokens in my first run of the day) and numerous other things.

I hate to admit this but SWTOR’s new operation came out today and I got together with 7 other guildmates and we had a BLAST learning the new instance!
Something I was really hoping to do in Guild Wars 2, but it just isn’t there!
I would be fine with 5 players instead of 8 but it’s so hard to get people online for a dungeon or a pug that knows what they are doing!

I am being optimistic tho and hope they get this sorted out soon, where the dungeons will be fun again, and still offer a challenge.
And its only been a month since release, so I will give them another month. :P

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Remember everyone, please keep this civil and don’t start with the name calling. We need to be heard in a proper manner. And there are a lot of GREAT posts from the community on how we feel about this! Thank you!

I appreciate Robert Hrouda and Jon Peters for taking the time to explain the system a little more and to let us know that things are still not working as they should be. Most of the MMO’s i have played I would have never got a response like this.

And as Robert Hrounda said:

The system is currently bugged, and is treating people unfairly. We’re actively working on it.

So till they DO fix it, I will be optimistic to see what happens and hope they keep listening to us and compromising to what we the players want and what ArenaNet wants.

But until then I will not be going into any dungeons until this is all ironed out. They are not worth my time and my silver and can be very frustrating due to the bugs and the diminished return system not working correctly.
(Since the patch this week, I have only ran TA and got 15 badges in an 1 hour run, that was pretty disappointing.)

2 sides of a coin

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Since your we are not being punished for running dungeons efficiently once we get to know the mechanics and get less tokens for doing so, I know I will NOT be running any more dungeons.

And I hope the rest of the community also boycotts dungeons also. These changes to the reward system are a joke.

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Wow that is just silly to have it that way then!!

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Am I reading this right?

All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. This means that if you are speed clearing and then play some new chain for the first time it may not reward the full 60 tokens. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high.

So if your guild who runs dungeons all the time, takes time to learn them and becomes very efficient at running them at a fast time because they all know the mechanics of the dungeons, we get rewarded less for it?
How does this make any sense?

Isn’t the whole point to get GOOD at dungeons so you can run them faster?

What do you want us to do? Purposely wipe or take our sweet time going thru them?
I am really confused here and this kind of system does not make any sense!

If I am wrong, please tell me!

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I did TA today, first time since the patch and got 15 tokens. I took us 1 hour to run in a PUG.

ArenaNet you system is broken.

Also just because I go into a dungeon with my guild and we are efficient on clearing the dungeon, we get punished for it? We get less tokens for going faster than normal?

Give me a break, what crap is this?
I have NEVER heard of this kind of BS before!

Where is the Role Play at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Not sure I’ve seen a single player RP. Honestly, RP is a dying thing in the MMORPG. Almost worth removing the RP in the name. TBH, I haven’t seen people truly RP since Everquest… and even then it was an RP server and was a rare event.

Are you on Tarnished Coast, because there are tons of people doing it.

I don’t RP myself, but I do occasionally watch them. Sometimes it’s like watching a movie, pretty funny at times!

Where is the Role Play at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


ack double post!

Where is the Role Play at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


NA Tarnished Coast is the unofficial RP server with a good population!

(edited by MrLee.6892)

I got my $60 out of GW2 and then some!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Im being forced to sit outside of the game because melchor’s leap is bugged as hell.
But good for you, glad you’re enjoying it

What do you mean? Why not goto another zone? Or visit another server? There are options.

I am confused! I neven had problem in Melchor’s Leap.

I got my $60 out of GW2 and then some!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


For just paying $60 and no monthly fees, I got my moneys worth. Plus I am not even close to being “finished” with the game yet.

Compared to other games that I have paid $60 for and only got 10-20 hours of playtime out of it. Ya Guild Wars 2 beat the hell outta those.

Oh and, still having fun at 80!

Dungeon Finder Sorely Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Robert Hrouda
The main problem I see with our LFG system is that it is tucked away inside your contact menu (which to me is incredibly weird, but I’m a content designer, not a UI designer.. so I’m sure there is some reason for it being hidden in there), which means not everyone is using it, since not everyone knows about it.
Spread the word!

You’re kidding right? The main problem you see is that the LFG system is tucked away in the UI?

I am sorry but have you even used it?

All it does is make your name shown to all people who look at the LFG section. It does not say which dungeon or if its story or exploration.
With everything this game gets right it just blows my mind that there isn’t a simple thing like a better LFG function.

If you truly say you are listening to the players, then we want a better system.

I would LOVE a LFD finder even. I could be out doing DE’s, exploration, Renown Heart quests, WvWvW, ect but instead I have to just sit in Lions Arch or where the zone the dungeon is and spam /M for LFG or LFM.
This is NOT fun, this is a waste of time!

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


We play this game too. We know that the dungeon rewards aren’t where they need to be, and we’re going to work on it until we are happy with how it feels. Monday’s patch will be the start of our efforts to correct the problem.

What boggles me is that it seems you guys never tested the Diminishing Returns patch and dungeon buffs patch before it went out, now we are stuck with it till you guys fix it.

More testing needs to be done, and if it does not work it needs to get rolled back.

I think its pretty sad that ArenaNet left it “as is” till the fix comes out.
Getting 6 silver for a exploration dungeon run is stupid.

Client crash in wvw. Been in queue 2+ hours. Unacceptable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The game shouldn’t kick your character instantly if you lose connection. It should be a time frame (like 5mins) before it kicks you from WvWvW.

I know it’s frustrating because I will get the sound bug and have to restart my game. And this only happens in WvWvW.

State of the game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I’ve been trying to get into the higher level explorable dungeons all night, and cant get a darn group. Nobody wants to run them!

It really sucks cause I LOVE running with new people and getting to know them! And at the same time kicking but and exploring a new dungeon!

What is the funniest pet name you have used or seen?

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


How is it possible to change a name of pets? Every time I change my pets (not switch active pet), their names reset.

Open up your pet menu “K” and and there is a little icon above the main pet picture that looks like a pen and quill, click on that to rename your pet.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I don’t think you’ve ever played WoW.

I’m certain you have never seriously raided, and before you claim you have, link an armory profile. As it is right now, you fundamentally misunderstand how raiding works in WoW, so I won’t waste another moment of my time talking about it with you until you prove otherwise.

Stopped playing shortly after Cata.

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Are you a robot?

All of that stuff you listed is boring.

If I wanted to “read”, I wouldn’t be playing a video game, I’d go to the library.

My personal story is already done, my crafting is maxed (Hunts/JC) and I have to tell you, the end game is non-existent. It’s the most boring MMO I’ve ever played, and I played many-a-boring-MMO’s.

I like you, and agree that most the crap on that list is more artificial lengthening: such as “Buy a box from the gem store and host a party in Lion’s Arch!”

Yes, lets waste more REAL money on a game so we can be entertained for five minutes. Great idea! Such a marvelous thing to do at level 80!

Truth be told, the end-game is all grind. Don’t let the fanboys fool you. You either grind rank in sPVP, badges in WvWvW, or tokens in dungeons.

Unlike most MMO’s, the content itself does not reward you; instead, grinding it mercilessly for turn-ins does. Pick your poison, hombre.

You can use gold and turn it into gems. Don’t have to use real money. :P

All MMO’s are a grind, except I don’t have to buy anything to do and see all the content with GW2.

I payed $60 for GW2 which gave me over 150 hours of play time. Thats a hell of a lot more time than most $60 games that I have bought. And I have only 1 character and a tons more to do yet.

Plus most of these posts sound like you want raids, I understand that. But GW2 does not have raids and won’t ever have raids. We have known this long before launch and this is nothing new….

It all comes down to, if you are having fun or not. And if you are not, then move on!

Dungeon Finder Sorely Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I know a MMO that got destroyed by LFG. SWTOR. One of the reasons it tanked so fast was the lack of LFG tool that kept server populations isolated from each other and forced players to spam general chat looking for groups. GW2 was supposed to be all about ‘no bs, no time sinks, just log and play’ and, for the most part, it is, except for this.

It’s easy now that the game is fresh and servers are full. Give it a few months, when the hype settles, and try to do a dungeon off the server peak hours, then tell me how bad a LFG tool really is for an online game.

Oh boy… Swtor. So many other problems with that game, it’s hard to chose one dissect. At endgame, the dungeons were pretty well all there was to do. Also there was no real “world” in swtor.. it was fragmented by design, unless you consider the lobby space station a world (I don’t), so looking for a group was a nightmare.

It’s not hard at all to find groups on my server in GW2, and I imagine when more people hit level cap it will be about the same, as people shift more focus onto dungeons.

There may be a ton of things wrong with SWTOR but when the LFG tool was released I was able to run many dungeons instead of sitting in the main hub spamming LFG.

Sitting in Lions Arch or wherever the dungeon entrance is located just to LFG is silly and a waste of time when there are better ways to do it.

Also for those players that can only play a certain amount of time per day, this HELPS then get into groups much faster.

I don’t understand why people would be against this…. (server only)

Video: Is this intended content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The end zones so far are way over populated with risen. They respawn quickly, stun/slow that beat crap outta you and repop fast. These end zones are not fun.

I am not sure if ArenaNet thought that as more people hit 80 there would be more people out there to help or what. But people don’t want to stay out there since there are so many mobs!. (IMO).

There are tons of other things to do at 80 tho…..

From a post I saw earlier today on the forums:

80 Things to Do At Level 80
Complete your personal story
Defeat Zhaitan
Unlock all available skills for your profession / race
Raise your crafting disciplines to skill level 400
Earn enough gold to purchase a racial armor set
Earn enough karma to purchase an exotic armor set
Play through all dungeons in story mode
Complete all dungeons in explorable mode
Complete all 33 possible explorable mode dungeon paths
Earn enough dungeon tokens to purchase a set of armor
Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the game
Start a petition to make the Undead Orrian Chicken a new necro minion
Earn enough karma to purchase a racial weapon
Craft an exotic weapon for your character
Craft an exotic armor set for your character
Purchase a Dragon’s Deep weapon
Earn all possible PvE titles
Experiment with new builds for your profession
Discover all possible recipes for your crafting disciplines
Master all crafting disciplines
Experiment with the Mystic Forge
Create a Mystic weapon in the Mystic Forge
Craft a legendary weapon in the Mystic Forge
Explore all areas in the game
Find and use a vial of black dye
Find a vial of black dye and give it to a friend
Create or purchase a full set of 20 slot bags
Give Logan a wedgie
Participate in the Norn Keg Brawl
Unlock all Keg Brawl achievements
Create a new character to experience a different profession / race
Participate in structured PvP
Raise your sPvP rank
Achieve the rank of Ascendant in sPvP
Complete your favorite sPvP cosmetic armor set
Collect new cosmetic weapon skins for sPvP
Unlock all possible cosmetic weapon and armor skins in sPvP
Earn all sPvP titles
Find and complete all 31 jumping puzzles
Complete the current Monthly achievements
Help your guild earn influence to unlock additional perks
Outrun a centaur
Charm all possible pets as a Ranger
Create an all-ranger guild called Team Rocket, lose constantly in sPvP
Collect all 101 types of cooking materials
Fill every collection slot in the bank with at least one item
Participate in World versus World
Help your world win in WvW
Defeat enough enemy players in WvW to complete the medal
Complete the awesome Yakslapper achievement in WvW
Complete all WvW achievements
Build and use all siege weapon types in WvW
Earn all possible WvW Titles
Play the organ in Caledon forest, and party with the Quaggan
Earn enough gold to purchase a Commander Tome
Visit the monument to Killeen and pay your respects
Defeat the Shatterer
Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
Add new friends to your friend’s list
Organize an in-game event for your guild
Complete every map in the game
Participate in meta events
Discover and participate in new dynamic events
Collect stacks of butter and butter prank your friends
Learn the ins and outs of the Trading Post
Get rich selling Globs of Ectoplasm
Buy a Box o’ Fun and throw a party in Lion’s Arch
Complete an armor set for your character’s Order
Read all of the books in Divinity’s Reach
Read the story of how Ebonhawke was founded
Complete all possible weapon achievements for your character
Defeat the Champion of Grenth and purchase the exotic armor set
Write about your level 80 experience, have it published on GW2Hub
Purchase a set of armor from the guild armorsmith
Purchase a set of weapons from the guild weaponsmith
Complete all Slayer achievements
Complete the Lifetime Survivor achievement
Go skydiving in Arah after defeating Zhaitan
Have fun!

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


80 Things to Do At Level 80
Complete your personal story
Defeat Zhaitan
Unlock all available skills for your profession / race
Raise your crafting disciplines to skill level 400
Earn enough gold to purchase a racial armor set
Earn enough karma to purchase an exotic armor set
Play through all dungeons in story mode
Complete all dungeons in explorable mode
Complete all 33 possible explorable mode dungeon paths
Earn enough dungeon tokens to purchase a set of armor
Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the game
Start a petition to make the Undead Orrian Chicken a new necro minion
Earn enough karma to purchase a racial weapon
Craft an exotic weapon for your character
Craft an exotic armor set for your character
Purchase a Dragon’s Deep weapon
Earn all possible PvE titles
Experiment with new builds for your profession
Discover all possible recipes for your crafting disciplines
Master all crafting disciplines
Experiment with the Mystic Forge
Create a Mystic weapon in the Mystic Forge
Craft a legendary weapon in the Mystic Forge
Explore all areas in the game
Find and use a vial of black dye
Find a vial of black dye and give it to a friend
Create or purchase a full set of 20 slot bags
Give Logan a wedgie
Participate in the Norn Keg Brawl
Unlock all Keg Brawl achievements
Create a new character to experience a different profession / race
Participate in structured PvP
Raise your sPvP rank
Achieve the rank of Ascendant in sPvP
Complete your favorite sPvP cosmetic armor set
Collect new cosmetic weapon skins for sPvP
Unlock all possible cosmetic weapon and armor skins in sPvP
Earn all sPvP titles
Find and complete all 31 jumping puzzles
Complete the current Monthly achievements
Help your guild earn influence to unlock additional perks
Outrun a centaur
Charm all possible pets as a Ranger
Create an all-ranger guild called Team Rocket, lose constantly in sPvP
Collect all 101 types of cooking materials
Fill every collection slot in the bank with at least one item
Participate in World versus World
Help your world win in WvW
Defeat enough enemy players in WvW to complete the medal
Complete the awesome Yakslapper achievement in WvW
Complete all WvW achievements
Build and use all siege weapon types in WvW
Earn all possible WvW Titles
Play the organ in Caledon forest, and party with the Quaggan
Earn enough gold to purchase a Commander Tome
Visit the monument to Killeen and pay your respects
Defeat the Shatterer
Defeat the Claw of Jormag
Defeat Tequatl the Sunless
Add new friends to your friend’s list
Organize an in-game event for your guild
Complete every map in the game
Participate in meta events
Discover and participate in new dynamic events
Collect stacks of butter and butter prank your friends
Learn the ins and outs of the Trading Post
Get rich selling Globs of Ectoplasm
Buy a Box o’ Fun and throw a party in Lion’s Arch
Complete an armor set for your character’s Order
Read all of the books in Divinity’s Reach
Read the story of how Ebonhawke was founded
Complete all possible weapon achievements for your character
Defeat the Champion of Grenth and purchase the exotic armor set
Write about your level 80 experience, have it published on GW2Hub
Purchase a set of armor from the guild armorsmith
Purchase a set of weapons from the guild weaponsmith
Complete all Slayer achievements
Complete the Lifetime Survivor achievement
Go skydiving in Arah after defeating Zhaitan
Have fun!

And this isn’t even all of them!!!

There is PLENTY to do at 80.

Cant monetize youtube vids gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Watch this from WoodenPotatoes.

Thread he’s talking about:

“The statement, for example, that no monetized videos for Gw2 can get on youtube is both misleading and factually incorrect.”

Are Loading Times Getting Longer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Only one that seems to get longer is Lions Arch, which I understand with all the people going there. No problems with any other places.

Hell compared to SWTOR, these loading times are 100x faster!! Heh
SWTOR’s loading times are really BAD!

GW2 dropped Aug. 28. So...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


AND… they’re STILL working on playing internet security police. See today’s post by Mike O’Brien on account security: Almost a full month later, instead of fixing all of the rampant bugs, this is still the focus. What’s up with that?

Actually they have been fixing quite a few bugs.
Just look at the Game Status update page, not to mention they don’t list ALL the bugs they do fix… so we only see some of them.

They are doing a good job so far compared to other MMOs at release and a month later.

Account security is a big deal to some, they bought the game and can’t even log on! Thats gotta suck!

[Tarnished Coast] Static Dungeon Group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


If you are still looking for more, I can do Wed night 5-9.

Not 100% sure on Friday and Saturday nights tho.

Sorrow's Embrace...and the other dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Sorrow’s Embrace is level 60. A level 60+ party wearing blues should be able to complete SE but since it’s over-tuned at some points this makes it very difficult.

Party composition shouldn’t matter, as stated by ArenaNet. Story Mode or Exploration Mode. The whole point of no holy trinity is to take any group make up you want.

Its just sad how hard Story Modes are due to over-tuning and bugs.

I know I don’t even care to to dungeons anymore, which suck because i love doing them!! And after the last 2 nights it seems others don’t want to do them also, it’s getting harder and harder to get a group for them.

State of the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


This is not WoW, and the only reason WoW will keep you entertained even when you get bored of Blizzard’s dumbed down raids is because it has idiotic content like trains and paper zeppelins. That’s all there is to it, even if you don’t realize it.

HOW DARE YOU put down the trains and paper zeppelins!! You sir are just a party pooper!
BTW there are items like this in Guild Wars 2. “idiotic content”. Shouldn’t be calling people idiots for having fun with in-game items just because YOU don’t like them.

could you be more considerate to those who have jobs and friends and a social life, and are actually enjoying playing GW2

And on the other hand it would be nice for people to be more considerate who CAN’T work! Myself for an example with a spine disease and numerous other things wrong with my body. So I can play Guild Wars 2 ALL DAY LONG, but let me tell ya I would rather be working. I get tired of being called a leech or a lazy welfare person. You don’t know me, and just because I am 80 already doesn’t mean that I am bored.
And I am still having a blast at 80 and have tons of things to do yet.

quick-to-join PvP

sPVP is instant, WvWvW takes HOURS to join.

Some of these complaints on the forums are VERY valid and they need to be heard. And some are not. When you get this many people playing an MMO there are going to be whiners and complainers that don’t make sense….

Kinda like this thread.

Having difficulty making money with 120% magic find...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


You are supposed to by Gems from the store and turn them into gold.

Thats what ArenaNet has planned all along.
Thats how they make money with no monthly fee.

And that is what i as very afraid of……

The Game Has Content...That You Can't Do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


But why should we normal players be punished for this? What is the reasoning for it? To stop the “bots”? Thats just a BS excuse imo!!

If people want to farm/grind or whatever then let them!!!! So stupid to put a cap on these things.

Punished for being in a PUG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


1) I LOVE to run dungeons. I also like doing many other things in this game and I know there is a lot of other content for me to do. But I do not have any problems with that content. The only problem I have is trying to run dungeons as a pug, and I think you misunderstood my post completely.
This has NOTHING to do with being bored or having lack of content.

2). I also see many people saying how hard some of the dungeons are. Hell even some of the Story dungeons where you are supposed to be able to clear with a pug should be easy enough, but some are not. Like I said I LOVE a challenge, but some of these dungeons are just ridiculous.

After all shouldn’t this game be for EVERYONE? Not just a small minority (dare I say elitist)? I thought that is what was supposed to make Guild Wars 2 great! You know the “play your way” type of deal? If a group of random players wanted to do a Hard Mode dungeon then let them! But not with such a severe penalty and next to nothing reward!