Showing Posts For MrLee.6892:

new LFG coming soonISH

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


About kitten time!!!

bazaar kites and the JPs

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: MrLee.6892


It’s just bad development when they just keep putting in jumping puzzles for content. Nothing original when it’s been done for the 100th time.
And not everyone likes to platform.

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Atteneded/noloot/no mail

Hope we don’t see these type of buggy and timed events again.
Total waste of time. Lesson learned.

Has your favorite profession changed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


My favorite was the Ranger. But un-needed changes where made and we where lied to about those changes and now I haven’t touched my Ranger in over a month.

At first I waited to see if they where going to help the Ranger class out by utilizing Rangers other short bow skills, like they said they where going to do but it never happened.

I have played the other classes Warrior and Elem are fun, but never as much fun as my Ranger was.

Anet's survey wanted more comments...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I filled out my survey also today and even though I did put a lot of my comments in the “other” sections I did wish it had an additional comments at the end of the survey. Most surveys do ask for your personal thoughts…..

So I will post them here in hopes that ArenaNet does read this.

Since release I have been playing Guild Wars 2 everyday. Even thru the Ranger nerfs and poor updates ( but that’s another post! :P )

I was REALLY looking forward to this one time event. Since I am disabled and I can be on during the day I was able to see the start of the event. My heart goes out to those who work or have other obligations and couldn’t log on. I don’t think that is how events should work in ANY game. All should be able to participate and not have to goto YouTube to see what happened!

When the event started it was so laggy that I couldn’t tell what was going on! I could only cast my auto-shot and my FPS went to crap. I have a decent machine (i7/5870) and never have had a problem in game yet. After a few mins I finally got loot to turn into the NPC so I could try and get some type of credit for the event. I think after the first part of the event was done I turned in only 2 items.

Then it went to the in-game movie with the Giant Karka destroys the lighthouse, which was a slideshow, When the slideshow was over I then immediately got disconnected. I logged back on and found myself in the overflow and the event was over.

We then saw that the new FoTM dungeon was open so I got a group of guildies together and tried to enter the dungeon but we couldn’t zone in. After several attempts to try to zone in, trying everything we could think of to get in, we gave up.

I then went to lions arch and talked to one on the new event NPCs and they talked about going to Kessex Hills . After killing the sea witch then heading to the NPC in Viathan Lake I saw several players waiting by the NPC and the chest underwater. Only to find out that the NPC was bugged!!

People where typing about it in General chat and also mentioning that the other Event NPCs in the other zones where also bugged.

At this point I was VERY frustrated. I lost all interest and just didn’t care anymore, which was a first for me in Guild Wars 2. Since the event started I haven’t logged back into Guild Wars 2 till today. I haven’t been to the new zone or the new dungeon. I lost all interest. How can an event that is so buggy even hit the live servers is beyond me. Why are there no test severs for stuff like this? I understand not wanting to give away the whole event on the test server, but certain parts of the event could be tested. It’s obvious that the internal testing does NOT have enough people to test events like this!

After the Halloween event, which I did enjoy very much, it was really disappointing to see what happened to The Lost Shores event, the ONE time event.

I care about Guild Wars 2, I really did enjoy playing! That’s why I am taking my time and telling you all how I personally feel and what my experience was (I would have put these comments in the survey if it had a spot). I hope something like this to never happen again and we don’t see these “one time” events ever again. Let EVERYONE experience it!

  • And just watched the GameBreaker video that there where rewards, more parts of the event, mechanics of the event that I had no clue about because the lag was so kitten bad….

(edited by MrLee.6892)

I feel there is "RNG" for essence and I disagree with it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Gotta admit I am really getting tired of the long grind this game has.
I really like Guild Wars 2 and I don’t mind grinding, but this amount of grind sucks IMO!

I was really looking forward to all the new things and new items you can get but the more I keep reading and seeing the more I really have no interest to log on!

And don’t take this as a “I want my items and I want them now”. But with my playtime I don’t want something to take almost 6 months to a 1 year to get! How is this fun?

What Happened To???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


There are the type of groups out there that I call “Hard core dungeon runners”. These are the groups that really enjoy running dungeons, make sure they have the best gear and skill combo’s. They want to be efficient at running dungeons and get the loot the fastest way possible. And there is nothing wrong with that what so ever.

Just like there are casual dungeon runner groups out there also. More relaxed, wanting to learn the dungeon and gear isn’t an issue.
That is the type of group I think you would be more interested in. Just like I would be some days or when I start learning a new dungeon.

Some tips that I do when I try running dungeons.

Join a guild, run with friends. Always the best scenario imo!
If invited to a dungeon and I have not done that dungeon before, let the group know that. Either they will help you and let you know what to look out for, or they won’t. If they are the ladder then I will look for a new group.

Start your own group. When advertising in channel, say something like “LFG 1st time dungeon; need more ect ect” There are many people out there like you and I.

Hope that helps!

And remember just because someone plays the game differently, doesn’t mean they are doing it wrong! It’s just a different play style! And again nothing wrong with that!

The Lost Shores Update - in beta still?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The problem is that (IMO mods) ArenaNet only does in-house testing which is not anywhere near enough people to test something like this.

Guild Wars 2 NEEDS a test server. If they would just have opened up testing for certain parts of the event (Like the start) and asked people to log on and help test it, they would have had a ton of people helping out! This would also helped them with how the servers handled it.

When the event started the lag was so horrible you couldn’t do anything but spam you main attack. Then when the lighthouse was destroyed we all got disconnected from the server. I then went to Kessex Hills and the NPC was bugged, and heard that the other NPC’s where bugged also!

That just is not acceptable in this day and age! New content no matter how big or small should be tested!! This looks very bad when trying to get friends to play on a free weekend. And sucks for us people who have bought the game and was waiting for this event only to find out we couldn’t play it normally!

I really hope someday that they do indeed get a test server going!

Are the free trial invites all gone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


PM me his email address and I will send him one, I got one left.

We need a test server!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrLee.6892


And the events in the other zones are also bugged. They just sit there!

So frustrating!

We need a test server!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrLee.6892


And after the crab took out the lighthouse, server crash!

An idea for future events such as this

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I have a suggestion also.

Don’t bother and spend time fixing severely underpowered classes (IE ranger) rather than feeding them BS on their forum.

QFT! I know how you feel as a Ranger!

An idea for future events such as this

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Or have a test server and let people know what time you are going to start the event. I think you will be surprised on how many people would help out with this!

We need a test server!

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I was really looking forward to the Lost Island event but the lag is so horrible that you pretty much can’t do anything.

Which leads me to the question of, why is there no outside testing going on?
With a test server you have a much greater chance to have people log on and try the event and to push the servers. I see this on other MMO’s so when the event is launched there are less problems like this to happen.

Can we PLEASE get a test server for stuff like this?

The one time event, and how i'm not gonna be in it

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Dont worry you aren’t missing much. The lag is so bad it’s pretty much unplayable.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I am very excited for this patch! ArenaNet along with some of the playerbase understand that things need to change for the better!

ArenaNet has indeed listen to the players and is giving us a new goal to work for! Along with new content!
MMO’s are always changing and adding in new things! After all how much fun would it be if they just released it then never did anything new with it. It would get very stale very fast. (Like it has in Guild Wars 2 hence the additions and changes!)
And GW2 would turn into a single player game with more live people in it.

For those people who understand and are just as excited as I am, hope to see you in game! For those others who are in unhappy, I am sorry that you are leaving or going back to GW1.

Hey MrLee, I completely understand your enthusiasm and share it in regards to the addition of new content! I don’t think anyone in this thread would say they don’t want a new dungeon or new lands to explore – that is not what the crux of the issue is here.

The issue is that this company has lied to us about adding in vertical progression in the form of a gear treadmill and that is wrong. Are you so oblivious to the fact that you love this game that you are OK with being lied to? Maybe you are. I love this game as well, I love the community and I want what’s best for it. Being mislead and misinformed by the company is not my idea of fair business practice and that is why myself and many others are upset.

So before anyone goes off spouting that you are happy – take a second and please understand that you are happy that you were lied to! They decided to change the core mechanics and philosophy of the game you originally purchased (3 months ago mind you). Get informed and understand why a good majority of the people in this thread are upset.

I understand that we were lied too. Is there anything I can do about it? Yes and no.

In the October 7th patch notes the Rangers (my toon) got a nerf. In the patch notes it said “Increased casting time by 40 milliseconds. This was done to fix some glitches in the animation that caused problems with this skill.”
What it turned out to be was a 10% damage nerf with the shortbow.
The patch notes never said anything about a DPS reduction, just that this was done due to a animation glitch. IMO AN was not very honest about this and thus a lot of Rangers felt lied too. After that happened we didn’t hear anything from AN for weeks.

I felt lied to also back when this happened. But what could I do about it? Along with many other people I posted how unhappy we where with this change. (And with the new Ranger Patch coming out today, I am again disappointed).

For me to rant and rave and show how upset I was would do no good. I adapted and I accepted the change in hopes that someday it would be corrected or other skills would be boosted.

When I see how mad people get in these forums over and over I don’t understand it. Sure you are unhappy about it, but they haven’t even played the content yet. Who knows they might even like it!
People say how much of a grind it is, but when looking at the whole picture everything in this game is a big grind.
I have also noticed that a lot of people are unhappy about Guild Wars 2 endgame, and I understand why they made the change. Do i agree with it? No, but I understand why they did it.

When it all comes down to it am I still having fun while playing Guild Wars 2? If I am still having fun then they will continue to get my business. If not then I will move on and play something else. But I am not going to give a knee jerk reaction for something I haven’t even tried to do yet or heard/seen more of.
People are WAY out of control on this. Something from minor things to picking on someones exclamation points in a post to out right saying how much they hate someone or the game. You always have that choice to say something then learn to accept or don’t.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I am very excited for this patch! ArenaNet along with some of the playerbase understand that things need to change for the better!

ArenaNet has indeed listen to the players and is giving us a new goal to work for! Along with new content!
MMO’s are always changing and adding in new things! After all how much fun would it be if they just released it then never did anything new with it. It would get very stale very fast. (Like it has in Guild Wars 2 hence the additions and changes!)
And GW2 would turn into a single player game with more live people in it.

For those people who understand and are just as excited as I am, hope to see you in game! For those others who are in unhappy, I am sorry that you are leaving or going back to GW1.

Massively-spoiler free info GW2's Lost Shores

in Community Creations

Posted by: MrLee.6892


For those who have not seen this article yet!

One more day!!!! ArenaNet thanks for all the new stuff you have done in these last 3 months!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Personally what hurts the most is that people who actually support this wow-ification of GW2 probably have no idea what their initial anti-grind philosophy prior to launch was. This wouldn’t spark such debate, tons of hate posts here and hate comments on youtube and other sites if this is what we were expecting from the start.

If people knew that this game was going to introduce this right from the start, without any promise of eliminating grind and promising horizontal progression, then we wouldn’t be in this mess. They are for some reason going against their own promises and I see this as a concern myself. I put a lot of hopes in this game, personally. Never before a game of this genre came out with such promising set up. Manifesto trailer summed it pretty well, and hyped people for something NEW and fresh.

Now all you can see on the comments below the trailer are hate, hate and more hate. Is this really what we expected? No…

I must say I did put a lot of hopes in this game. I paid more then average player did for the CE, fully supporting them. I paid even more then the average CE customer because of all the taxes and shipping. I went with “wow, this game is promising. Anet cares about their players, and actually makes a game that will be like a holy grail for those who waited for a MMO without grind, player segregation and elitism community”.

Now it’s all shattered – they promised more of these gear treadmills in the future.

Why is this a problem? Because if they can introduce this in 1 dungeon, they can pretty much introduce it for more content, something more people will want to play. It wont be long before you log in, out-geared by hardcore players and get picked on because you “don’t have the best gear, go away noob”. Been there already. It’s frustrating and extremely anti-social.

I must say – if GW2 fails on this level, if it doesn’t deliver it’s promise then NO future MMO ever will. Especially because it was supposed to be the game that changes and innovates this genre.

Let me guess you have only played WoW and that is why you feel this way.

There are many other MMO’s who use gear progression and these “bad things” that you and others think that will happen, don’t actually do happen. You had this problem because WoW had a player base of 10million people. If you get that many people playing a game there are going to be A LOT of bad/rude people. But if you take a game like Rift or LotRO that have a tighter and stronger community, people don’t act like they do in WoW. Even WITH gear progression.

When LotRO announced it was going F2P all people would talk about is how it was going to bring in nothing but “WoW” people. And again people in LotRO would compare them all to WoW. Well F2P happened and LotRO’s community didn’t change. It was still a very good community and it still is today.
Rift and SWTOR known “WoW Clone’s” introduced a LFG system. Everyone was "Look what LFG system did to WoW, it destroyed the community!!!!
That also never happened.

You people sit there and spout off how much this will destroy Guild Wars 2 or how the community will act like elitist jerks. But you really don’t have a clue! Maybe try waiting and see what happens first for you start making accusations?
try learning some patience and just wait and see what happens!
I bet it won’t be anywhere near how bad you make it sound out to be!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

So their wallets are going to open back up, just because of gear progression. And if they like it more will come.

That sounds awesome, so your friends who obviously raced through content got bored and decided they did not want to support the existing community or ANET any longer and jumped ship are coming back.

So how long will they stay this time a month or two then leave again.

Just the sort of community this game needs.

Hope ANET enjoys its new influx of temporary players as existing ones exit through the door.

Not a very viable business plan for Anet to attract fickle customers like that.

Raced thru the content? The game is almost 3 months old! 2 months is MORE than enough time to get to 80. Just because you are a casual player doesn’t mean everyone else is.
GW2 does not have a subscription so they can stop or play anytime they want, thats the point of a Buy2Play game.

The most major complaint about Guild Wars 2 is no endgame content. ArenaNet is adding something to help that. And again just because your are so casual and want nothing to do with it doesn’t give you the right to take it away from people who do!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I really liked GW1 especially because of the fast leveling (24 hours of play if you knew the quests), hard capped gear, very nice armor and weapon skins, the tactical teamplay, skill variety and so on…

I was really disappointed by GW2 because it took all things from GW1 and tossed ‘em away. However, it was the best MMO there is, it did things differently. That was why I continued playing, even though I hate leveling. I’d rather be 80 from the start, get my max statted equipment and then get out into the world and have fun! I clinched to the hope that someday I would be level 80 and have my max statted equipment to start having fun and practise my own skill.

This new announcement is a slap in the face with a spiked mace. I don’t want to lose Guild Wars as a possibility to feel a bit like in the good old times and to spend time with friends online. But if all our nightmares come true, there’s only one way to go, not to play anymore.

Ok so it sounds like you are not even level 80 yet correct? This change is even better for someone like you! Because you are not 80 you didn’t craft any exotic gear. So with this patch you won’t have to waste mats or time creating exotic gear because there will be Ascended and Legendary gear instead! (We do not know if any of the new 200 crafting patterns are for Ascended gear or not, so we will have to wait and see).

But once you hit 80 then get your Ascended gear (Or Legendary) then thats it!
Thats all there will be for the gear progression ranks.
The gear progression will be: Rare, Excotic, Ascended and Legendary.
As Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director said “We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.”

So there is no reason you can’t have the same fun as you have been doing.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


So there is fancy new armor with “better” stats where I can’t use my Runes that I typically used over stats anyway?

I have to grind this armor in the dungeon where the armor is needed and will be there anyway?

I’m failing to see what all the fuss is about.

You and me both!

What it “seems” like it is, is the people who have played GW1 and are now playing GW2 really don’t like the idea of change. They want GW2 to be the exact same thing as GW1. But ArenaNet has listened to the community and is putting this change for the better of the game and the players.

I can’t wait till Friday! Lost Island is going to be a blast!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Well I’m stopping buying gems with money.
Other option for protests could be:
- Not giving the RAF codes;
- Mass logging at pre-determined hours in a major town (like Divinity’s Reach) shouting something like “new gear tiers? no thank you!”.

There are the good ways to show your displeasure about game changes, and then we have this guy.

Mass logging at pre-determined hours just to be a heckler is harassment and against the EULA. (And VERY immature).

Just because you are not getting your way shouldn’t mean you give other people a hard time just because they enjoy it.
What are you 8?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


FACT: It’s a gear treadmill as it requires new gear with new upgrades
FACT: They stated they will add new infusions, which will require a new grind
FACT: Gear treadmill = Gear treadmill. Doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal.
FACT: They said they would not put in a gear treadmill
FACT: They stated they wanted everyone to be able to do all content, which is impossible when you add gated content

FACT: If you don’t like it you can go play Guild Wars 1

How about..
FACT: If you don’t like games without vertical gear progression, you shouldn’t have bought game clearly advertised as not having one and yourself go play something else?
You’d have much more to choose from anyway, since every MMO out there has it.

Instead, everyone who dislikes gear treadmill now ends up in a game with one anyway.

To have a gear treadmill there must be several sets of gear every few months.. There is ONLY going to be ascended rank gear, not multiple sets.! If you would have read what Chris Whiteside said you woudn’t be over-reacting like you are now.

Just stop and learn the facts first before you start typing.

Also if you don’t want to play a game that never changes and always stays the same, then go back to Guild Wars 1.
And wither you like it or not, people have asked for this change. So there are quite a few people happy for it. It’s coming and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

Chris Whiteside.6102:
I’d like to respond to concerns players have raised about ascended items. Please keep in mind that we’re releasing this as one portion of a massive November update that introduces and improves many aspects of challenge, progression, and rewards. With this and upcoming updates, we view ourselves as introducing large amounts of content with supporting systems and features, akin to an expansion pack, building on Guild Wars 2 through a series of live releases. So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content.
Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.
Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward. We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features. As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say.
Finally we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming content, and we will ensure we share our thoughts with you on the experiences we share in the Lost Shores.
Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director

And tell me why should we believe them after they already lied to us?

And there is no way of spinning this to be anything than what it is, an outright lie to the playerbase.

You didn’t get lied too just stop it.

ArenaNet is a business, then made a decision that they think bests suits them for the game. company and the players.
Ya we get it, you don’t agree with their decision so your going to shout, yell, stomp your feet until you get “heard”.
Pretty much the same thing as my 10 year old daughter would do.

No, we also have wallets.
And them can remain closed.

And word of mouth can be negative instead of positive

NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

So their wallets are going to open back up, just because of gear progression. And if they like it more will come.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


And wither you like it or not, people have asked for this change. So there are quite a few people happy for it. It’s coming and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

And now people are asking to change this change. We are asking them not to do it, that’s what we are doing about it. You think people can ask for it but we cannot ask not to have it???

I am officially asking, do away with ascended armour (or at least reduce it stats in line with exotics). Reasons why I do not want it can be found in other posts both by myself, and others.

Hey thats fine! I am not disagreeing with you there atl all. But 1/2 of these people are acting like self-entitled spooiled brats about it.

What you posted was the adult way to let the know that you are not pleased with these changes. My hats off to you sir!

But for this patch, the Lost Islands, they won’t be changing anything and they will stick to their guns like they always have done. Ascended gear isn’t going away. But next time maybe they will have a very minor change in stats?? Who knows!

But they are not going to cancel it or change it. That much money spent on development isn’t something they can just stop.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


FACT: It’s a gear treadmill as it requires new gear with new upgrades
FACT: They stated they will add new infusions, which will require a new grind
FACT: Gear treadmill = Gear treadmill. Doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal.
FACT: They said they would not put in a gear treadmill
FACT: They stated they wanted everyone to be able to do all content, which is impossible when you add gated content

FACT: If you don’t like it you can go play Guild Wars 1

How about..
FACT: If you don’t like games without vertical gear progression, you shouldn’t have bought game clearly advertised as not having one and yourself go play something else?
You’d have much more to choose from anyway, since every MMO out there has it.

Instead, everyone who dislikes gear treadmill now ends up in a game with one anyway.

To have a gear treadmill there must be several sets of gear every few months.. There is ONLY going to be ascended rank gear, not multiple sets.! If you would have read what Chris Whiteside said you woudn’t be over-reacting like you are now.

Just stop and learn the facts first before you start typing.

Also if you don’t want to play a game that never changes and always stays the same, then go back to Guild Wars 1.
And wither you like it or not, people have asked for this change. So there are quite a few people happy for it. It’s coming and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

Chris Whiteside.6102:
I’d like to respond to concerns players have raised about ascended items. Please keep in mind that we’re releasing this as one portion of a massive November update that introduces and improves many aspects of challenge, progression, and rewards. With this and upcoming updates, we view ourselves as introducing large amounts of content with supporting systems and features, akin to an expansion pack, building on Guild Wars 2 through a series of live releases. So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content.
Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.
Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward. We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features. As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say.
Finally we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming content, and we will ensure we share our thoughts with you on the experiences we share in the Lost Shores.
Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director

And tell me why should we believe them after they already lied to us?

And there is no way of spinning this to be anything than what it is, an outright lie to the playerbase.

You didn’t get lied too just stop it.

ArenaNet is a business, then made a decision that they think bests suits them for the game. company and the players.
Ya we get it, you don’t agree with their decision so your going to shout, yell, stomp your feet until you get “heard”.
Pretty much the same thing as my 10 year old daughter would do.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


ok,now this is freaking me out, ok, we make an update and we add new gear, im like..ok
but hey, lets add new conditions(agony) and im like….WTF??!!! that is a core problem you should have thought of that sooner.
and the thing is, i just finished farming my CM armor, which took me a lot of time neeedless to say, and now i realise it has been all for nothing because even if the stats are great and assuming ascended is not all that op over exotic, ima die to agony condition because normal exotic gear cannot mitigate it. kitten!!!!
anet, you have screwed it all

You really need to read the blog post on the front page…..
It’s not all dungeons it’s one dungeon that will have agony to start with.

And it’s posts like this why people over-react to something that isn’t 1/2 as bad as you make it sound. Sorry to pick on you here but there have been so many DOOM posts about this it’s just silly!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


There sacrificing there original guild wars fan base for profit to cater to the ex wow type players who want this crap and have been whining about end game for weeks, they know its a market of millions and now they have gone against there entire design philosophy, there promises and there own reputation just for players that want a little more power and a gear treadmill like other mmo’s…..these players that will jump ship to the next game the second they finish rushing through content to whine again how there is nothing to do and no end game……

Anet are making the biggest mistake they could possibly make and its going to cost them alot, sure they may make some profit out of this bringing in more traditional mmo type players, but those players will leave in a few weeks when they complete Ascended armor and all the other players they lied to and kitten** over with this will be gone or have a very bitter taste in there mouth, spending alot less in the gem store.

This is what they should have done and this is what they would have done if it wasn’t for the whining content rushing I want world of warcraft 2 cry babies…..

“just bring ascended down to exotics, in stats, and have infussion be a gem, rune and sigil. Then we can equip it on our exotic, and people who want the new look of ascended can still aim for that gear.
That adds new gear for people, without it being a gear treadmill. So basically staying true to what GW2 should be like. It is a pity we have to now grind to get the next level of armour. I feel like my hard work to get exotics was for nothing.
Please Anet, remove the stats from your ascended gear and let is upgrade exotics with infussion.”

Anet lied, they have gone against there own design philosophy, players took that information and invested into backpacks and exotic sets of armor and weapons and jewelery which could add up to an invested 10,000’s of gold wasted by hundreds of thousands of players….because they were lied to by arena net.

Then now it will cause gated content aswell. Another lie.

This is against everything they told us and exotics will become worthless.

Players have every right to be upset, players who want a little more power and gear grinding world of war craft 2 style are ruining the game for others because there whining for weeks now about no end game and nothing to do….

These players that will jump ship to another game anytime…

There sacrificing there true fan base to make a quick buck with traditional mmo players who dont even like the guild wars 2 design philosophy in the first place. This is going to cost them big time in the long run.

I know quite a few friends who have played Guild Wars 1 and are quite happy with this change. After all this is Guild Wars 2 not GW1. If they want that type of gameplay all they would do is go back go GW1.

You opinion is they are making the biggest mistake, our opinion is that they are making a great decision, going forward and changing with the times. They are adapting maybe you should too.

So before you go rudely opening your mouth and thinking it’s just “ex-wow players”, well it’s not.

Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t give you the right to be a jerk and put people down.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


FACT: It’s a gear treadmill as it requires new gear with new upgrades
FACT: They stated they will add new infusions, which will require a new grind
FACT: Gear treadmill = Gear treadmill. Doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal.
FACT: They said they would not put in a gear treadmill
FACT: They stated they wanted everyone to be able to do all content, which is impossible when you add gated content

FACT: If you don’t like it you can go play Guild Wars 1

How about..
FACT: If you don’t like games without vertical gear progression, you shouldn’t have bought game clearly advertised as not having one and yourself go play something else?
You’d have much more to choose from anyway, since every MMO out there has it.

Instead, everyone who dislikes gear treadmill now ends up in a game with one anyway.

To have a gear treadmill there must be several sets of gear every few months.. There is ONLY going to be ascended rank gear, not multiple sets.! If you would have read what Chris Whiteside said you woudn’t be over-reacting like you are now.

Just stop and learn the facts first before you start typing.

Also if you don’t want to play a game that never changes and always stays the same, then go back to Guild Wars 1.
And wither you like it or not, people have asked for this change. So there are quite a few people happy for it. It’s coming and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

Chris Whiteside.6102:
I’d like to respond to concerns players have raised about ascended items. Please keep in mind that we’re releasing this as one portion of a massive November update that introduces and improves many aspects of challenge, progression, and rewards. With this and upcoming updates, we view ourselves as introducing large amounts of content with supporting systems and features, akin to an expansion pack, building on Guild Wars 2 through a series of live releases. So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content.
Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.
Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward. We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features. As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say.
Finally we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming content, and we will ensure we share our thoughts with you on the experiences we share in the Lost Shores.
Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Most players want some form of progression, what Anet has done is add in a specific type of high end gear built around allowing for horizontal progression. A player gets ascended gear and works on getting the infusions to be able to handle the new content. The infusions(that only ascended gear can use) allows players to deal with “Agony”, a new DoT that is specific for the new content(

Hopefully 3 months from now we will have more new content and maybe a DoT called “Despair” where you will have to work on getting your ascended gear infused again to be able to delve deeper into the next new content….This is not hard logic to follow…and this system isnt a run of the mill system that anyone would expect for vertical progression…it is too unique, and it leans completely in the direction of what someone would expect out of a system built for horizontal progression.

Doomsayers can take their chances and assume that the A-net team is lying and that this system looks nothing like what would be expected out of a horizontal progression system…however, when what I have stated above ends up being the case, I hope you doomsayers ask yourselves if it was worth coming on the forums, making yourself look silly and being butthurt about an assumption?

no…no it please calm down…

You can hope all you want but you know as much as anyone else so please don’t act as though your completely baseless assumptions are any less likely than other peoples assumptions.

Like I said, be butthurt look silly, I actually sat down and said “Why would they make a system like this?…it is a weird way of getting to some form of vertical progression, but it actually makes sense for horizontal progression, and why would they blatantly lie about this being a form of new horizontal progression?”

The difference between you and I is I am erring on the side of logic and trusting their word, where you are assuming the worst and not even considering why this new system would be put in place.

No what you are is hoping that it won’t be as bad as all that. They haven’t given you a binding legal document vowing to not do vertical progression. You are just coming to that conclusion on your own and calling anyone who doesn’t agree with your “logic” butthurt apparently.

Gut instinct =/= logic. Logic is based on facts and established precedent. The precedent is that they are giving in to people who minmaxed and then complained about the lack of content and the fact is that they added in a whole new level of gear to combat the stagnation. If they truly cared about pure horizontal progression this could have easily been done by either creating an infusion system similar to GW1 as these sound so alike I can only assume that the Mursaat will be returning in some form. Or, they could have given us a new item slot that we could use to interchange an ever growing pool of infusions.

FACT: They have stated they are not going to do vertical progression
FACT: This new “need specific infusion to counter agony in new content” is a weird way to go about a form of vertical progression.
FACT: “Assuming” the worst in any situation and being butthurt over it is silly.
FACT: Get butthurt when you have the facts…

FACT: It’s a gear treadmill as it requires new gear with new upgrades
FACT: They stated they will add new infusions, which will require a new grind
FACT: Gear treadmill = Gear treadmill. Doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal.
FACT: They said they would not put in a gear treadmill
FACT: They stated they wanted everyone to be able to do all content, which is impossible when you add gated content

FACT: If you don’t like it you can go play Guild Wars 1

Way to show immaturity. Should I tell you to go play a gear grinder now? Or you think you can add something more adult to the conversation.

You don’t have to tell him to play a gear grinder. He’s clearly already playing Guild Wars 2.

An MMO that has a grind!!?!? Who would have thought of such things!
At least I don’t have to sit for hours in Orr anymore and grind.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Most players want some form of progression, what Anet has done is add in a specific type of high end gear built around allowing for horizontal progression. A player gets ascended gear and works on getting the infusions to be able to handle the new content. The infusions(that only ascended gear can use) allows players to deal with “Agony”, a new DoT that is specific for the new content(

Hopefully 3 months from now we will have more new content and maybe a DoT called “Despair” where you will have to work on getting your ascended gear infused again to be able to delve deeper into the next new content….This is not hard logic to follow…and this system isnt a run of the mill system that anyone would expect for vertical progression…it is too unique, and it leans completely in the direction of what someone would expect out of a system built for horizontal progression.

Doomsayers can take their chances and assume that the A-net team is lying and that this system looks nothing like what would be expected out of a horizontal progression system…however, when what I have stated above ends up being the case, I hope you doomsayers ask yourselves if it was worth coming on the forums, making yourself look silly and being butthurt about an assumption?

no…no it please calm down…

You can hope all you want but you know as much as anyone else so please don’t act as though your completely baseless assumptions are any less likely than other peoples assumptions.

Like I said, be butthurt look silly, I actually sat down and said “Why would they make a system like this?…it is a weird way of getting to some form of vertical progression, but it actually makes sense for horizontal progression, and why would they blatantly lie about this being a form of new horizontal progression?”

The difference between you and I is I am erring on the side of logic and trusting their word, where you are assuming the worst and not even considering why this new system would be put in place.

No what you are is hoping that it won’t be as bad as all that. They haven’t given you a binding legal document vowing to not do vertical progression. You are just coming to that conclusion on your own and calling anyone who doesn’t agree with your “logic” butthurt apparently.

Gut instinct =/= logic. Logic is based on facts and established precedent. The precedent is that they are giving in to people who minmaxed and then complained about the lack of content and the fact is that they added in a whole new level of gear to combat the stagnation. If they truly cared about pure horizontal progression this could have easily been done by either creating an infusion system similar to GW1 as these sound so alike I can only assume that the Mursaat will be returning in some form. Or, they could have given us a new item slot that we could use to interchange an ever growing pool of infusions.

FACT: They have stated they are not going to do vertical progression
FACT: This new “need specific infusion to counter agony in new content” is a weird way to go about a form of vertical progression.
FACT: “Assuming” the worst in any situation and being butthurt over it is silly.
FACT: Get butthurt when you have the facts…

FACT: It’s a gear treadmill as it requires new gear with new upgrades
FACT: They stated they will add new infusions, which will require a new grind
FACT: Gear treadmill = Gear treadmill. Doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal.
FACT: They said they would not put in a gear treadmill
FACT: They stated they wanted everyone to be able to do all content, which is impossible when you add gated content

FACT: If you don’t like it you can go play Guild Wars 1

Way to show immaturity. Should I tell you to go play a gear grinder now? Or you think you can add something more adult to the conversation.

lol says the hypocrite.

How about this for immaturity. Na na a boo boo, we are getting a gear progression and there isn’t a darn thing you can do about it. So put your big boy pants on and deal with it or move on!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


There is a little problem, that we dont know how infusion work, the wiki said that the infusion provide an inherent agony resistance, but we dont know if the bonus provided BY the infusion is dungeon related only, because if it influence all the world content we have:

And who’s fault is that? AN refuse to communicate or even give us patch notes for months then at the last moment, spring game-changing news on us.

You would have to be crazy NOT to expect people to be upset.

The game has only been out for months.
The told us about Lost Island Nov 1st and new stuff was coming.
A couple of weeks later we find out more info about the Lost Island patch.

How is this months?

Overreach much budday?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Most players want some form of progression, what Anet has done is add in a specific type of high end gear built around allowing for horizontal progression. A player gets ascended gear and works on getting the infusions to be able to handle the new content. The infusions(that only ascended gear can use) allows players to deal with “Agony”, a new DoT that is specific for the new content(

Hopefully 3 months from now we will have more new content and maybe a DoT called “Despair” where you will have to work on getting your ascended gear infused again to be able to delve deeper into the next new content….This is not hard logic to follow…and this system isnt a run of the mill system that anyone would expect for vertical progression…it is too unique, and it leans completely in the direction of what someone would expect out of a system built for horizontal progression.

Doomsayers can take their chances and assume that the A-net team is lying and that this system looks nothing like what would be expected out of a horizontal progression system…however, when what I have stated above ends up being the case, I hope you doomsayers ask yourselves if it was worth coming on the forums, making yourself look silly and being butthurt about an assumption?

no…no it please calm down…

You can hope all you want but you know as much as anyone else so please don’t act as though your completely baseless assumptions are any less likely than other peoples assumptions.

Like I said, be butthurt look silly, I actually sat down and said “Why would they make a system like this?…it is a weird way of getting to some form of vertical progression, but it actually makes sense for horizontal progression, and why would they blatantly lie about this being a form of new horizontal progression?”

The difference between you and I is I am erring on the side of logic and trusting their word, where you are assuming the worst and not even considering why this new system would be put in place.

No what you are is hoping that it won’t be as bad as all that. They haven’t given you a binding legal document vowing to not do vertical progression. You are just coming to that conclusion on your own and calling anyone who doesn’t agree with your “logic” butthurt apparently.

Gut instinct =/= logic. Logic is based on facts and established precedent. The precedent is that they are giving in to people who minmaxed and then complained about the lack of content and the fact is that they added in a whole new level of gear to combat the stagnation. If they truly cared about pure horizontal progression this could have easily been done by either creating an infusion system similar to GW1 as these sound so alike I can only assume that the Mursaat will be returning in some form. Or, they could have given us a new item slot that we could use to interchange an ever growing pool of infusions.

FACT: They have stated they are not going to do vertical progression
FACT: This new “need specific infusion to counter agony in new content” is a weird way to go about a form of vertical progression.
FACT: “Assuming” the worst in any situation and being butthurt over it is silly.
FACT: Get butthurt when you have the facts…

FACT: It’s a gear treadmill as it requires new gear with new upgrades
FACT: They stated they will add new infusions, which will require a new grind
FACT: Gear treadmill = Gear treadmill. Doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal.
FACT: They said they would not put in a gear treadmill
FACT: They stated they wanted everyone to be able to do all content, which is impossible when you add gated content

FACT: If you don’t like it you can go play Guild Wars 1

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Man I’m pretty sure you’re all a bunch of whiny kittenes.

Anet is doing everything they can to make the game fun and you’re all making assumptions and having negative attitudes towards everything they do.

QFT so many people are over-reacting.

So glad it’s not like this in game!

Though if these “people” where in game playing then they wouldn’t be here in the forums complaining. It seems like they are not happy with the game anyways.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


It’s not about a few extra stats.

It’s about a beginning gear treadmill, exotics being useless and Anet focussing on adding stuff that:
1) Goes against their own design philosophies (manifesto, multiple blog posts)
2) Nobody asked for
3) A significant amount of players dislike to such an extent that they would leave the game for it

People ask for bug fixes, cosmetics, PvP formats and RNG removed, but get a gear treadmill. Something is wrong.

Ahhh see your #2 is wrong! We did ask for it!

And #3 could also be wrong, but without any kind of definite data, we wouldn’t know the answer to it.

Who is we? You mean the 4000 or so newish posters who are here saying we don’t want it? Or the same 50 or so people who have sat on the forums trying to turn GW2 into WoW?

I get it, you’re always right nobody else is.
Not to mention people have been asking for a type of gear progression from the start.
Otherwise why do you think AN is implementing it… figure it out genius.
But you are obviously too blind to see it, and only want to see what you want to see.
I get it, you’re always right nobody else is.

If you are going to act like that, then i’m done.
Go back to Guild Wars 1 you spoiled brat

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


It’s not about a few extra stats.

It’s about a beginning gear treadmill, exotics being useless and Anet focussing on adding stuff that:
1) Goes against their own design philosophies (manifesto, multiple blog posts)
2) Nobody asked for
3) A significant amount of players dislike to such an extent that they would leave the game for it

People ask for bug fixes, cosmetics, PvP formats and RNG removed, but get a gear treadmill. Something is wrong.

Ahhh see your #2 is wrong! We did ask for it!

And #3 could also be wrong, but without any kind of definite data, we wouldn’t know the answer to it.

Review from a Guild Wars OG vet.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Hey I like Lore and exploration also! :P

And it’s Buy2Play mate.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I do not like ascended gear because I do not want to have to farm new WvW gear every balance update AND tier update.

Let WvW use pvp gear or put a fork in ascended gear… or both…

I just don’t get comments like this.

What I see is: I get to level 80, get all the gear I wanted then sit and pvp/WvWvW or run dungeons for the rest of the games lifespan and have no new goals to strive for.

How is that fun?
I really don’t get it!!!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Only ppl that didin’t play GW1 will rage,nuff said

Its the people who did play Guild Wars 1 that are raging and saying “leave my precious Guild Wars 2 just like Guild Wars 1” Don’t ever change a thing darn you!!

Those are the people who are raging.

You know they could go back to Guild Wars 1 if they don’t like it!
At least they have that option!!


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The thank you threads are being merged into the Thoughts on Ascended Gear thread.

Which makes NO Sense!!! What are you doing ArenaNet?

Also Thank you! I can’t wait for some gear progression also!
Now if we could get 8 or 10 player raids then I would be very happy!
My friends and I have a BLAST raiding!! Good times!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Although I can not stand the rabid fans who twisted and hyped every thing to a unreal level all the while bash other games and people who didn’t agree, I feel sorry for them. They were lied to.

They put there neck out there everyday defending things like the lack if progression and the Halloween event, only to have the rug pulled out from under them.

I for one support the change, but I’m not blind to the pain and embarrassment hardened supporters are feeling.

I hope you guys pull through. We might not always agree, but we are the community, not the devs, publisher, or shareholders. I support you guys.


If you wanted gear progression why did you buy GW2? There are a million other MMOS you could have played, why did you ruin this one for us?

You seem to say this a lot Levetty.
But in reality its you who would have runined GW2. Someone who wants the exact same thing as Guild Wars 1 and have no change or progression and only play “dress up my character” that is just beyond dumb.

Learn 2 accept change. If you don’t like it Go Play Guild Wars ONE! At least you have that option still!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I am very excited for this. I think it is a step in the right direction. No matter how pretty the game is or how cool some of the armor looks, there will always be some form of progression in an mmo. It is the nature of the beast. I think they are taking great strides in trying to make this game appeal to a wide range of tastes as to make the game have a better player retention rate. More people playing is a good thing.
I look at it like this.
1. If you like open world pve…you’ve got it.
2. If you like regular dungeon running…you’ve got it.
3. If you like spvp… you’ve got it.
4. If you like wvw…you’ve got it.
5. And now, if your into getting new things for more power, you’ve got that too.
None of it is required, yet all paths are available for every play style.
In the end in almost every mmo, the acquisition of new stuff is the driving force behind it all. If some people need a carrot on a stick to keep them going, so be it. Eventually, (I’m crossing my fingers here) They may introduce raids!!! GASP!!! Oh the horror! People just need to relax and see where this new stuff takes us. I seriously doubt it’ll be as bad as people think. Besides, even if it did become a wow clone in the future, I’d rather play this than have to pay a monthly sub to do the same thing. People just need to chill out.

Seriously why did you buy GW2 in the first place? Aren’t the millions of other MMOs enough for you? Why does GW2 have to be exactly the same?

The same question can be said for those who believes endgame gear progression is bad thing and believe Gw2 should not include it. Why should GW2 be exactly like GW1?
Now I’m not saying needing to get a certain stat to be able to do dungeon isn’t ridiculous – that’s completely dumb.

But if its just a better tier of gear with non of the infusion stuff I’m all for it. Guild Wars 2 is not meant to be guild war 1 as it is nothing like guild wars 1 from the get go. If I want a game where I’m only ever gonna grind for skin I’ll go play GW1.

Excatly! If people thought that Guild Wars 2 was going to stay the same as Guild Wars 1 then they are in for many more surprises!

Also compared to other MMO’s Guild Wars 2 has many things they don’t have.

Combat is different
Graphics are different
Questing is different
Dynamic Events is different
Personal Story line is different than most MMO’s (minus SWTOR).
WvWvW is different
Quickbars are different
Being in multiple guilds is different
Dungeons are slightly different
Crafting is slightly different

Its a BUY2PLAY game (which was a huge bonus for me)

Those are just some of the reasons why I bought Guild Wars 2.

You could say if you don’t like the gear progression can just go back and play Guild Wars 1! Be thankful it’s still up and running!
People who did not like SWTOR and wanted to go back to SWG didn’t have that choice!

So in short, GW2 is now just another WoW clone and if you don’t like go play a 7 year old game.

Well enjoy the mess they are creating with this while it lasts. The people who like it will eventually just all head back to WoW just like they have done with every other WoW clone and you will end up with just half a server left.

Adding a gear treadmill doesn’t make it a WoWClone. Just stop…..

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


If they plan on release content they way they have been, that will keep me busy just fine. After lost islands is another December event. Then after that I am sure another content patch, ect ect.

Also I don’t have to pay a sub fee so I can play something else for a few weeks then come back!

Then why not just add the contents without the gear treadmill? That doesn’t address what I just said.

The new gear with better stats if too help get farther in the new challenging dungeon right? And maybe all future dungeon content?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I am very excited for this. I think it is a step in the right direction. No matter how pretty the game is or how cool some of the armor looks, there will always be some form of progression in an mmo. It is the nature of the beast. I think they are taking great strides in trying to make this game appeal to a wide range of tastes as to make the game have a better player retention rate. More people playing is a good thing.
I look at it like this.
1. If you like open world pve…you’ve got it.
2. If you like regular dungeon running…you’ve got it.
3. If you like spvp… you’ve got it.
4. If you like wvw…you’ve got it.
5. And now, if your into getting new things for more power, you’ve got that too.
None of it is required, yet all paths are available for every play style.
In the end in almost every mmo, the acquisition of new stuff is the driving force behind it all. If some people need a carrot on a stick to keep them going, so be it. Eventually, (I’m crossing my fingers here) They may introduce raids!!! GASP!!! Oh the horror! People just need to relax and see where this new stuff takes us. I seriously doubt it’ll be as bad as people think. Besides, even if it did become a wow clone in the future, I’d rather play this than have to pay a monthly sub to do the same thing. People just need to chill out.

Seriously why did you buy GW2 in the first place? Aren’t the millions of other MMOs enough for you? Why does GW2 have to be exactly the same?

The same question can be said for those who believes endgame gear progression is bad thing and believe Gw2 should not include it. Why should GW2 be exactly like GW1?
Now I’m not saying needing to get a certain stat to be able to do dungeon isn’t ridiculous – that’s completely dumb.

But if its just a better tier of gear with non of the infusion stuff I’m all for it. Guild Wars 2 is not meant to be guild war 1 as it is nothing like guild wars 1 from the get go. If I want a game where I’m only ever gonna grind for skin I’ll go play GW1.

Excatly! If people thought that Guild Wars 2 was going to stay the same as Guild Wars 1 then they are in for many more surprises!

Also compared to other MMO’s Guild Wars 2 has many things they don’t have.

Combat is different
Graphics are different
Questing is different
Dynamic Events is different
Personal Story line is different than most MMO’s (minus SWTOR).
WvWvW is different
Quickbars are different
Being in multiple guilds is different
Dungeons are slightly different
Crafting is slightly different

Its a BUY2PLAY game (which was a huge bonus for me)

Those are just some of the reasons why I bought Guild Wars 2.

You could say if you don’t like the gear progression can just go back and play Guild Wars 1! Be thankful it’s still up and running!
People who did not like SWTOR and wanted to go back to SWG didn’t have that choice!

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I know I am! And so are my friends who have gotten very board with Guild Wars 2 over the past few weeks!

For us our endgame has turned into nothing but Farming Orr for our legendary’s but now we have something new to work forward to AND a new area/dungeon to explore!

I have seen a lot of the knee jerk reactions posts of how much people can’t stand change so this thread is for people who are truly happy with the upcoming content and changes!

Thank You ArenaNet!!

So what do you do after you get the Ascended gear? Most hardcore players would have done it in a few weeks time (or even days) like they did to legendaries. Perhaps it takes 1-2 months for regular players. What’s next? Get bored again, quit the game, and wait for the next gear? Rinse and repeat.

The added dungeon is nice but Anet is so desperate to maintain the longevity of the game, they have to incorporate gear treadmill into it. This is a lazy attempt by the developers where they are incapable to add contents with high re-playability value …. you know the actual contents that are engaging, interesting and challenging where people would do it without being swayed with rewards at the end. Think of why people play FPS, RTS, etc over and over again with the same maps yet they play these games for years.

If they plan on release content they way they have been, that will keep me busy just fine. After lost islands is another December event. Then after that I am sure another content patch, ect ect.

Also I don’t have to pay a sub fee so I can play something else for a few weeks then come back!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I know I am! And so are my friends who have gotten very board with Guild Wars 2 over the past few weeks!

For us our endgame has turned into nothing but Farming Orr for our legendary’s but now we have something new to work forward to AND a new area/dungeon to explore!

I have seen a lot of the knee jerk reactions posts of how much people can’t stand change so this thread is for people who are truly happy with the upcoming content and changes!

Thank You ArenaNet!!

You should learn to read better. People’s issue is not with change, it’s with the disturbance of the tiers. I’m sure no one is complaining about new content, it’s the fact that the new content has a built-in geargrind treadmill.

I guess you didn’t read my title of my post…. It has more to do than just content and Lost Island!

Who else is excited for Ascended Gear and LI?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


You know that you now have to run dungeons to complete the monthly achievement now right?

It wasn’t a big deal before but now it is?

I am confused!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I know I am! And so are my friends who have gotten very board with Guild Wars 2 over the past few weeks!

For us our endgame has turned into nothing but Farming Orr for our legendary’s but now we have something new to work forward to AND a new area/dungeon to explore!

I have seen a lot of the knee jerk reactions posts of how much people can’t stand change so this thread is for people who are truly happy with the upcoming content and changes!

Thank You ArenaNet!!

Understanding "Gear Progression"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


lol I voted 5 times already.

Ya that poll should be a fair assement of what people want! LOL!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Don’t make me laugh. What have they done listening to us? Nothing. All the changes they have made was their own plan. But I wish, they were listening to players.

You could try looking at the other side of the coin with that comment.

People who have posted on the forums about being bored and tired of farming in Orr want more to do. Some people do want the gear treadmill.

So you could say that Yes they have indeed listened to us and they are giving us what we asked for.