Showing Posts For MrLee.6892:

Sea Shepherd in Tarnished Coast

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society was last seen in Tarnished Coast trying to save the whales!!

Please help us get these poor creatures who lost their way get back into the ocean!


Dead Whales in Lion's Arch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


On my server we are trying to save em! :P


How much money did you spend on BL keys...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


About $50. Kinda muffed that I didn’t even get a simple shoulder skin…. Next time I won’t be doing that again!

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I gave up, ill try again next year!

I have rheumatoid arthritis so it’s a little more difficult for me BUT I still had a blast wasting hours in there and many kitten words trying!! Nice to see something hard in a game for once!

An unforgettable event alright.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Ya the cut-scene didn’t work for me either, never saw the mad king come out. Oh well kitten happens!

Here is the non-buggy version if you missed it.

Insane zoom out(please be a bug)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I hope it IS NOT a bug also!!

Now if we could get POV slider and first person mode!

Dont need FOV slider, can already ZOOM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Dont feed the trolls. And if it isn’t a troll… then wow just wow!

What screen res do you use btw?

Lets talk about that GW2 Article on Gamespy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I would really like to start seeing more GM’s in game. When Warcraft started I remember the GM’s in game when they would find a bot or “hacker” they would sometimes park them outside of a major city and transform them into some kind of “fuzzy animal” that couldn’t move. This way we knew that they atleast had GM’s in game watching and we knew they where there!

I am not saying AN has to do this type of thing, but to see a an actual AN employee in game would be a good feeling. (Or even when you report an issue you get to talk to a LIVE person)

Also IMO the Ranger nerf to Crossfire was because of the bots. The way that was handled by AN was bad. They said it was an due to an animation glitch which if you have played a Ranger you have never saw it. Also it was a DPS decrease by at least 7% with a Shortbow, something that was left out of the patch notes.
Thats not how you fix a boting problem and not fair to the REAL people who love to play the Ranger profession. (ArenaNet has denied this btw, so I am just assuming)

(And yes I am “assuming” cause I am sure i’ll get a PM for “assuming”. But this whole thread is “assuming”.)

better colour + overall graphic - FXAA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I was afraid to try this at first, but I took the dive anyways and the results are F’N AWESOME!!


I now use it in other games I play! Dead Space 1 looks way better now imo! :P

Anet are so lazy...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Good find Sherlock you solved the mystery!!!

And look at it this way, instead of making new armor for the mad king, they used that time to work on something better or fixing bugs!

Hell this Halloween event is HUGE compared to other MMOs!

Glass is 1/2 full!

Helsa in LA?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Same problem here, network error

Costume brawl is waste of an update!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


You guys realize that there are 3 more acts that are going to unlock right?

Whats with people being impatient and expecting everything on day 1?

WAIT AND SEE what happens!

F1 Attack my Target whistle is gone?

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I am not sure if it is just me or not, but I usually have my pet on passive, especially if I am in a dungeon.

But when I use F1 key (& rebound to my mouse) I don’t hear the whistle my Asura would do every time I would tell my pet to attack a target!

Has anyone else noticed this? Or is it still working and it’s just me?

EDIT Nevermind it seems a lot of my sounds are missing for some reason.
Must be on my end!

(Mod close/delete thread please)

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Thank you for FINALLY giving us some info!!! :P

Can’t wait to see what these changes are!!

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Snipps, Eicherjw it’s sure easy to throw out the word “entitlement” isn’t it?

200 chests and NOTHING is pretty silly. That has nothing to do with enititlement.
There needs to be a better chance to get an item when using that many keys.

It dosen’t have to be something big or epic, it cold be a lesser item. But to get nothing? That’s dumb.

People would spend more money if they found out you get get the “smaller” halloween even items just by using a few keys.

People have been getting squat using 200 or more keys, and the will put off a lot of players, which in turn will be less money for ArenaNet.

Heck look at LotRO F2P model. As for event items, they got it right! You get fun items/costumes to play with AND there are the “epic” ones that you can get also.

They need to make more ways to obtain these items, and not just thru the chests. Like completing all the events, puzzles, games, ect.

(edited by MrLee.6892)

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


So much unwarranted entitlement. Grow up guys. I thought the OP was going to talk about something like the event not being fun, or costume brawl. But obviously his fun is dictated by whether or not he can get weapon skins. Which is ridiculous.

Just because you aren’t disappointed by Anet obvious like of grinding now, doesn’t mean the rest of aren’t. Some of use find it fun using/collecting the skins, though not at the high amount of work that they require, unlike how it was with GW1.

Exactly. While I never played GW1, I’ve heard a lot of praise, and it kind of sets the bar for what should happen. I don’t feel entitled to an awesome holiday event, I feel disappointed and let down because the majority of what I find fun feels out of my reach.

I think this sentiment is the real problem. Instead of playing the content and enjoying what they added (which even 1/4th of the way through, is awesome) you are not having “fun” because you cannot get the rarest items in the event? If that is your idea of fun then you are going to have a bad time in life. Do you get mad when other people win the lottery? Do you not find work “fun” if you don’t get a promotion every week?

Its this sense of entitlement that is really disgusting, play the game for fun. Gaming should be for the journey and not for the destination, remember its all just pixels anyway.

Ok stop with this “entitlement” talk already. (Thanks to Mass Effect 3 for that!) :P

I do agree there should be a “rare” chance to get items. But you should be able to get these items by completing events, puzzles, ect by the end of the event.

I do not enjoy playing the lottery, so I do not enjoy it in any game I am playing.
Opened 50 chests and not one cool holiday item… come on really? Heck I would be happy if I got a basic looking pumpkin head hat or pet!!
If I am paying real life money they should throw us SOMETHING. Even if its a small item!
If people where getting some kind of item after opening 20 or so chests don’t you think that people would buy more keys? Instead we see talk about people opening 200+ and still getting nothing. I know I won’t be buying any more keys just because of that, and because of that AN is making less money.

They should make it so you have other ways to obtain items, that aren’t ridiculously expensive.

But because of this “flaw” dosen’t mean I am not having fun! This is a really cool event, and so far I AM having a blast!! Love the changes to LA and around the world!

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


This post is all in good fun, if you took it differently then that’s your problem! :P

I like to think of this event like this…

If you are the 99% we get Horns.

If you are the 1% we get the cool skins/toys/everything!!

So if you are rich in game and in real life, you pretty much get to have it all! If you’re broke in game and in real life….

Where's the events with bosses and stuff

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


If you want to know check out:

Halloween Patch and Necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Hey be thankful! We Rangers got NOTHING!.

A potential reason for the silence?

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Bots should be in no way taken into consideration when balancing a class. I am not saying they are taking them into consideration, but I have read a lot of posts about people assuming they don’t want to buff the “bots”.

I really don’t want to believe this at first, but after these past few weeks I am starting to believe it. I feel it IS due to the bots and AN is afraid to do any kind of “buffing” to the Ranger because of bots.

Thats why they want to change the other skills instead of Crossfire, they just don’t know how to do so! And that’s why are are not getting any kind of information from them.

I wish GW2 was like....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Why do we need damage “kitten” meters? Never understood that….

Pact Requestioner Hargrove

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Agree I am NOT doing Story mode Arah again. I was so disappointed with the whole dungeon and ESPECIALLY the Zhaitan fight!! I was really looking forward to fighting him and then we get that……. poop!

Ranger Class - We would like to get an update pls

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


And remember keep this thread CLEAN!

AN Shut down the thread about the SB/Crossfire nerf when it got out of hand, so PLEASE keep this clean and on topic!!

Ranger Class - We would like to get an update pls

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


ANY kind of update if Ranger fix is coming WOULD BE nice at least!!


So Halloween Long/Shortbow skin? Really?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Like Cherrysoul said,

Or 6 silver but it’s only for 4 hours. I heard there is a permanent one also form crafting!

Black Lion Chest Update

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Why would you open up chests BEFORE the Halloween update?
If you watched the AN Website and the video you will notice that Lions Arch is all Halloween theme. Wouldn’t this be a clue?

sorry but being impatient isn’t AN’s fault.

Will Halloween chest items be unlocked with normal keys?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The Black Lion Chest is getting a spooky upgrade for Halloween. Between October 23 and November 5 each Black Lion Chest you open has a chance to give you one of six exclusive Halloween-themed weapon skins!

So don’t open chests on the 22nd, wait until the 23rd!

did the day/night cycle change? is it universal or local?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Agree ASB. I play most at night and would hate to see GW2 in night time most of the time. I like the cycles, but I do wish they sync’d up better between zones.

Losing Interest :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


385 Hours over 55 days, still loving it still having a blast! (Even without raids!) :P

Now only if ArenaNet would tell the truth to the Crossfire nerf, and put it back!! :P

My carrot was Raids, well now my carrot has changed, now it’s a number of things that I like to do! I used to raid 8-12 hours a week. Not really a loss.
I can make up those hours in dungeons, WvWvW, crafting, alts, exploring, getting mats for my legendary and still hanging with friends!

Log-in attempts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I also got an email from ArenaNet saying that someone tried to log in my account. I have never had an of my MMO accounts hacked.

I am glad that I got an email from ArenaNet letting me know that someone did try get into my account!

BUT when I try to change my password on my account setup screen, nothing happens!! How am I supposed to change my password?

And here is the info about the “person” who tried to log into my account:

9:41 am (Central Time)
A log-in attempt from the following location is currently awaiting your authorization.

City: Beijing
Region: 22
Country: CN

Ranger SB Nerf Thread should NOT be closed

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Just because some people are off track with the thread doesn’t mean that the thread should be closed! There is a lot of good feedback in that thread that will now be buried! And the only thread that has had an ArenaNet response.

This is more and more like something ArenaNet just wants to bury and have it go away.

I am sorry, but this is VERY bad way to do things ArenaNet.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892



Update – October 15th 2012
We’ve updated the game for routine maintenance only. No content changes were include

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Once I am done collecting my last dungeon piece for my Ranger, he is getting parked. I started playing a Warrior and it’s just crazy to see the dps difference!!!

This is very bad form ArenaNet. I can’t believe you can’t just come out and say it.

We where nerfed because of all the Ranger Bots out there, but you guys don’t have the "rocks’ to admit it.

Thanks for crapping on the normal (non-botting) players….again.


._. Good lord... (bot pics)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


And this is why Rangers got the Crossfire nerf…. even tho ArenaNet won’t admit it.


Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


ArenaNet nerfed us to try and deal with the bots. In the end it’s the honest people like all of us who get the shaft, and ArenaNet could care less.

Ranger Bots = Ranger Nerf

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


One more! :P

And doing my part to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month!


Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


This is my Asura! I am about 1/2 way done getting the look I want.

And the 2nd picture is my Asura star-struck because he just met ArenaNet Developer Barril! :P


Bots have ruined the Ranger profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The title is misleading. It should read perception of the Ranger class not the class itself as it got tainted. A fair share of bots I have reported were Guardians.

In the last patch ArenaNet nerfed Rangers. In the patch notes it said “Crossfire: Increased casting time by 40 milliseconds. This was done to fix some glitches in the animation that caused problems with this skill.”

And this so called “Animation Glitch” (that no player seems to have had troubles with) was a 7% DPS decrease with the shortbow.

So was this nerf to help hinder all the Ranger Bots out there? And in the long run it’s actually hurting the Ranger profession and again we normal players are suffering for it because ArenaNet can’t deal with all the bots?

Why are you asking this question? It would be pretty absurd and illogical if they did especially since they actually are dealing with the bots.

Sorry but 3,000 bots is barley a start.

Not having GM’s in game is hurting.

Bots have ruined the Ranger profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


In the last patch ArenaNet nerfed Rangers. In the patch notes it said “Crossfire: Increased casting time by 40 milliseconds. This was done to fix some glitches in the animation that caused problems with this skill.”

And this so called “Animation Glitch” (that no player seems to have had troubles with) was a 7% DPS decrease with the shortbow.

So was this nerf to help hinder all the Ranger Bots out there? And in the long run it’s actually hurting the Ranger profession and again we normal players are suffering for it because ArenaNet can’t deal with all the bots?

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


You know it’s not the nerf that bugs me. I don’t pvp but I do notice the damage reduction when I am in dungeons.

The thing that really bugs the kitten out of me is how they covered it up by not being truthful.

The patch notes say “Crossfire: Increased casting time by 40 milliseconds. This was done to fix some glitches in the animation that caused problems with this skill.”

There is not a animation bug with Crossfire. Don’t lie just because you want to nerf something.

Its a total disrespect to your players. Next time in the patch notes under the Ranger section just write “whatever we felt like, and because we wan’t to” , because that’s what you pretty much did here.

[Discussion] On Back Item/Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


heh ya the guild one is not worth my 5g thats for sure! :P

The personal story line one works just fine for me!

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Playing my Ranger just SUCKS now.

Why is it so hard to get back to us on this?

[Item] Are you sure you want to buy this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


YEP! I finally did it today! Out of all the mmo’s I have played, I finally bought something with my tokens on accident! lol

Just a small request, when you are buying something from the dungeon armor/weapon vendors, can we get a “are you sure you want to buy this?” dialog box pop up?
(Or make them account bound instead of soulbound so I could have used it on another character! :P)

I went to preview an item and it instead bought that item. And the item I bought was a light armor head peice and I am a Ranger! ;(

Just a suggestion for people who like to make ooppsies!! :P

(BTW has anyone ever gotten a refund?)

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: MrLee.6892


How many days without a response and now this thread is moved to the Ranger forums?

This is getting stupid ArenaNet! How long are we going to have to wait for you guys to give us an HONEST answer? A week? a month? come on, treat your players better than this!

I'm curious what everyone thinks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892



Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Some players have run into “diminishing returns” thresholds we put into the game to provide a safety net against unanticipated economy-breaking issues. We do have these thresholds in place, but it’s not our intention that normal players should ever run into them.

This statement really bugs me for some reason. What is a “normal” player?

I am disabled, and can pretty much play all day long. But because I am not at “normal” player I get punished for playing too much?


You know you play too much Guild Wars 2.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


When I am raiding in another MMO (or playing another MMO) and keep double tapping to dodge! And then realize that I just sit there and spam my 1 or 2 key to dps….. BORING! lol

Diminishing Returns: The Elephant in the Room

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Look, for a Legendary, you need:
1,000,000 Karma
350 Skill points
500 Badges of Honor
500 Globs of Ectoplasm
250 Mystic Coins
250 Vicious Fangs, Vicious Claws, Vials of Powerful Blood, Elaborate Totems, Armored Scales, Ancient Bones, Piles of Crystalline Dust, and Powerful Venom Sacs.
This will allow you to create the Gift of Fortune and Gift of Mastery… and doesn’t include the precursor weapon and the Legendary’s gift. The precursor weapon costs at the minimum 50 gold, while the Legendary’s gift costs 500 dungeon tokens along with 250x of an item specific to the Legendary.
Also, it would cost me 252,000 karma for a full set of exotic Karma armor, or 1,380 tokens for a dungeon set, or 1,889 badges for a WvW set, or 30 ectos+various other materials for a crafted set.

O M G.
That seems like a really absurd of stuff to make ONE legendary!!! And with how the DR system is…. ya thats dumb!

The DR system is pretty much the only thing I really hate about Guild Wars 2. I hope they get rid of the system or not make it so darn strict!!

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


  • Is the company aware that DR is malfunctioning to the point that players are reporting reduced rewards before they can finish a single DE chain?

They are no longer malfunctioning, a simple search in the patch notes and in the dungeon forums would tell you this.

“We have identified an issue with the DR system that is causing the bug of rewards being incorrectly diminished. We’re actively working on the situation in anticipation for Monday’s scheduled patch.”

The other answers you are looking for have been posted on these forums about one hundred times. Again, a simple forums search would show you that.

There is no need for yet another post about the DR system. Use one of the threads that have already been made!

And thats just the tip of the iceberg.

Is DR fixed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I used to get 15 or 6 tokens per run now I am getting the full 60!! So in that regards yes they fixed it! You can get the full 180 tokens now if you do all 3 paths. (or 60 per path).

But if something isn’t working correctly for you then ArenaNet needs to know about it.

And ya the system is stupid and you are right about the gem shop. But hey, I am still having fun!

(edited by MrLee.6892)