Showing Posts For Murderin.8269:

How many really care about personal story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Guild Wars stories are almost universally corny and lame. They feel like a story line in an anime for 12 year old kids.

How many really care about personal story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


I have never cared for the story, especially the fact that it takes up part of my UI space permanently.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


I cant help but wonder why you balance classes in SPVP and completely ignore class balance in WVW. Many skills are completely useless in WVW but they have been improved to a useful point in SPVP.

Half the class changes in the last 6 months only benefited people that do SPVP.

WVW is PVP too. And some people prefer it over the completely separate joke that is SPVP.

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


still no clue why my account name is censored when someone quotes me, QQ



Weird. I have no idea why that would be filtered.

(edited by Murderin.8269)

Abyss Dye

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


How many have people had over the course of their gameplay?

I have just scored for my 5th.

Lets see what the results are

I got one back when it was worth 5g. Haven’t seen another since

I got 2 celestials in the last 2 weeks though

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Score update


3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Well having a massive population advantage wasn’t enough, so they’ve recruited a few more below average zerg guilds to help boost their quantity over quality advantage

Population advantage? I wouldn’t say that. Kaineng seems to have a ton of fair weather players that only show up when you are dominating.

Most of our point gain this week has been due to two commanders (Odinzu and Nightlight) doing serious overtime and keeping pressure on Kaineng and FA so they don’t overrun the rest of the maps.

Please throttle the new mini pet sounds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Go to options, sounds, set effects volume to zero. Problem solved.

Then i can’t hear the rest of the game, which isn’t so repetitive and annoying.

Problem not solved.

Please throttle the new mini pet sounds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Murderin.8269


5 people running around with these in WvW makes it repeat the same sound over and over.

Its like 5 people running around with the legendary pistol.

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


i think it’s just bay keeps in general

Sounds right. I’ve crashed twice since the 26th and both times were at the bay keep.

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Kaineng lagged the server so hard that they need to apply a new build.

The Gear in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Yea, im still a long way from actually getting any of that gear, ( i think ). I was just curious as to what i was in for once i hit 80. Because to me, making my character look cool is my favorite part of any mmo. Or any game where you level up and get new gear at that matter.

The game has pretty good armor variety. Most of it is pretty easy to obtain too. Besides the T3 cultural armor, that is pretty expensive.

You can preview items in game and even preview different dye combos from the trading post. Some items aren’t available on it, but you can visit the vendor that sells that item to preview it and experiment with dye types to see what you like most.

You can also go to the heart of the mist pvp area and try on gear at the PvP locker.

The Gear in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Try mixing armor sets, you can get some pretty unique looks.

My warrior has 3 different sets mixed up.


(edited by Murderin.8269)

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


What do the most successful fantasy MMOs have in common? They had elves! People love elves. Remember EQ? And then WoW.

GW2 would have been better off not trying to be so original, and just stick with the races that people know and love. I’d guess that 80% of players dislike the Charr and Asura races. The Sylvari are not much better, although I suppose they are the closest you can get to an elf.

Elves are scrawny. And the males almost always look feminine in every game.

I’m glad they didn’t put them in GW2.

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Special thanks to AVTR for the 21 confusion stacks.

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


you mean when your zerg gets rolled like usual when numbers are even right

good job on not sending like 2 people to stop fully upgraded dolyaks so the wall could fully repair while you sat outside bay’s wall waiting on trebs for 15 minutes though. and losing everything else on the map to like 5 people. pure genius maneuvers.

Not sure where you learned that 2 to 1 is even, but you should contact your elementary school and complain.

Although i agree, we took way too long. Not sure what our commander was doing.

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Its all fun and games until Kaineng lags out the server with their population capping zergs.

Is Guild Wars 2 Doing Well?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


A game without a subscription will never die.

This is a false statement . it depends on the quality of the game and the financial soundness of the company . Many free games have gone poof over the years

I figured that was obvious. Anyway neither of those apply to GW2 in the first place.

Unless there are serious developmental mistakes this game will be active until Guild Wars 3.

(edited by Murderin.8269)

Is Guild Wars 2 Doing Well?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


A game without a subscription will never die. If players get bored they can take a break and come back whenever.

It is doing pretty well. I would guess the game has at least 1 million active players. Others come and go.

Based on info around the net it is probably the second or third most populated MMO on the market right now. Depending on how much Aion has dropped in the last year.

A developer should always be hiring and looking for new talent. The skills required to create a game like this aren’t very common. They are quickly snatched up by the many different companies.

Plus there are so many suckers spending a ton of money on the gem store, they have probably made more from that than actual game sales.

(edited by Murderin.8269)

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Treb everything


(edited by Murderin.8269)

3/29 Kain-TC-FA Week 4

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


To the Kaineng group that just charged us in open field with 5 omega golems: You guys are heroes.

Thanks for the laugh.

Guild Wars 2: Best Aprils Fools for an MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


It wasn’t actually in game, but the WoW forums had a hilarious april fools joke that changed the wording on everyones post to something dramatic and RPish.

Confirmed: Racial change and Story replay!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Saw that one coming a mile away

Anet doesn’t add good things to their game. They just buff banners.

Survey: Guild Wars 2, the revolutionary MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


It would probably be my favorite MMO if it wasn’t for the downed system and the massive skill queue causing skills to be cast 2 seconds after you stop pressing the keybind.

Rangers are OP

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


The replies to this thread are funnier than the OP.

Favorite thing to do in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Log out and play something good

You got me!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


If you change your computers date to the 1st you can hear it

No easter event =(??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Its a religious holiday. Keep that crap out of the game.

Tactics against the zerg wiping ele bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


I see more zergs wiped by mass warrior hammer stun and aoe daze than anything else.

Nothing more fun than not being able to play for 10 seconds.

More small party roaming at lower tiers?

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


T2 is where you want to be. In our experience it is the perfect medium between high action, good competition, yet the zergs aren’t as stupid big as they are in T1. TC is fun to fight against. FA tends to zerg a bit more from memory, but that is forgivable (<3 Bit). Kaineng offers some meta competition. You get the best of everything there. Of course, you never know who is going to be in T2 for how long.

Don’t go to T2.

I transferred there from T1 and the zergs are nearly as large. Especially Kaineng during certain times of the day.

WvW player and their nameplate

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


In T1 zerg vs zerg fights i just ran around spamming skills at everything.

If anyone knows what the hell is going on during a 200 man fight then they are the greatest players in the game.

Most of the time i killed 50 mesmer illusions or some pet, there is just nothing but names. You can barely see players. Not to mention the skill lag.

Large group play needs serious improvements.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Walked into 1 tower, + Overlook getting double teamed down by KN and FA. Was a blast pushing that back into Lowlands 3rd with everyone. 1/2 map went to bed just before WM showed.

GG all around. Glad FA is playing EB at night this late into the week.

As soon as you left we instantly got the outmanned buff and lost nearly everything on EB.

Where is waypoint 19 ???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


It is south of the most southwestern waypoint you have. It isn’t marked for some reason.

WWW server and map limits, Queue

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


1. How many players can participate at www from one server ?
2. What’s player limit per map, if is any?
3. Can players from one server outnumber others for exapmle 100/10/20 on one map, so players from other servers can’t join map because they have queue ?

From playing on T1, i would guess that the limit is somewhere between 100-150 players per server.

3-22 | Kain - FA - TC | [week 3]

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Contrary to popular belief, there is little point engaging in a fight unless you know you stand a chance of winning, or it serves an actual purpose.

If either are in question, whether via disproportionate numbers, or a guild zerg vs a zerg of random folks, or a fight that takes place in an area of no immediate strategic value, then fighting is pointless and a waste of time.

The smarter course of action is to get whatever numbers you have into whatever tower the enemy zerg is near and prepare to defend it as best you are able.

And if you’re on the offensive, there’s little shame in fleeing when (as is quite often the case once we move into the oceanic/SEA period) your disparate group of 20 is approached by a stronger, more numerous, more organised KN force.

All 3 servers in this match will ‘run away’ from fights at times because it’s the most strategic and logical thing to do. Each server will get squished when caught out by much larger numbers or superior organisation. Each server will have groups that scatter simply because they see another group rushing towards them (this happens when encounters take place between large groups which aren’t controlled or led by 50% or more players from one guild).

If you play in EB on TC when I’m around in the AM, you’ll see me telling people to flee and sit in and around towers because I’m not going to sit and wait for KN to roll over me when I don’t have the numbers. Common sense.. Understanding when to fight and when to use what you have to defend as best you can is a distinction a lot of folks struggle with.

~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB (and staying up too late)

Its a sad day for PvP when people would rather capture empty towers and raise a meaningless score than kill other players.

The meta game is wrong in WvW.

Either way, people ran away less on my previous server. It takes a good commander to give people the courage to charge in with them instead of run the other way. TC seems to be lacking players like that so far. But i have only been here for a short time. I’m sure there are better ones.

The fights aren’t that uneven until people start waypointing out or running away before combat even starts.

(edited by Murderin.8269)

PvE Leaderboards - Latecomers have no chance.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Personally, I rerally hate the whole leader board thing. This was supposed to be a friendly cooperative, game. Will it now turn into a stupid competition over points?

I think I will ignore the boards completely and try to tolerate the braggarts.

I wouldn’t worry about leaderboards so much. There is nothing impressive about playing a game more than someone else.

Anyone that brags about that is just sad.

PvE Leaderboards - Latecomers have no chance.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


You should see the guys that exploited the repeatable achievement points to get 20k+

The put a cap on those with this patch, as I understand it.

Yep, went from 25k down to 6k. Wish I would have been doing to dailies now.

Oh they actually removed the points from you? That is pretty lame.

PvE Leaderboards - Latecomers have no chance.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


You should see the guys that exploited the repeatable achievement points to get 20k+

The put a cap on those with this patch, as I understand it.

Not sure how that helps, they already did it and now people can’t do it to catch up.

Burning stack bug ? ? ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Murderin.8269


No idea. I wish I knew more. However, this is going to be low priority if it is indeed a bug, and I wouldnt expect a fix anytime soon.

Why do I think that? Well, no one runs burning builds. There isnt really a demand, besides yourself, as you see from the replies. Especially on warrior.

If anything, people would run bleed builds.

It should be fixed indeed, but I dont think it will be soon, even if a mod confirms this is a bug.

Speak for yourself I dont use any runes just a 25/25/0 /10/10 and the LB comes out everytime theres a zerg on zerg fight. its the most powerful way we can contribute

I think a hammer contributes way more than weak longbow damage.

Small group vs large group. Help!

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


The downed system is counter productive to skilled play. It is very noob friendly.

Make sure you have a couple hammer warriors and at least one guardian in your group. A condition spreading necro that can remove enemy boons is always great to have too. An ele for combo fields. And a mesmer for strategic portals.

Other than that you can just take whatever

(edited by Murderin.8269)

PvE Leaderboards - Latecomers have no chance.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


You should see the guys that exploited the repeatable achievement points to get 20k+

Can we get WvW points for complting WvW JP's?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Murderin.8269


No. You should get a deserter title that can’t be removed for an entire day as soon as you enter the JP.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


i5-2500k, 8GB RAM, 660Ti lags like hell couldnt use most of my skill, i couldnt even finish ppl on ground i had to autoattack them to death….Seriously this game needs to use DX11 theres no way ppl are gonna OC their CPUs on 4,5 GHz just to dont get lag in GW2…

Your PC specs have nothing to do with skill lag.

Were you surprised quickness was nerfed?

in Warrior

Posted by: Murderin.8269



I could kill people in 2 seconds or less without even using greatsword. The skill needed to be changed.

Now i can’t kill those annoying perma stealth thieves as often.

Skill Lag in WvW: Game Breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Skill lag is 100% real.

How else could i survive in the middle of 50 enemy players in Tier 1 WvW, while taking almost no damage.

No one can hit me, and i can’t hit them.

3/22 JQ-BG-SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Someone on JQ or SOR contact me in EB. I want to test the new XP system.

You get a free kill.

Didn’t think it would be so hard to find someone to kill me.

3/22 JQ-BG-SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Someone on JQ or SOR contact me in EB. I want to test the new XP system.

You get a free kill.

3/22 JQ-BG-SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Epic battles at SMC the last few hours.

WvW Abilities: I am confused!

in WvW

Posted by: Murderin.8269


Anet skill tooltip example.

Swing weapon
15 second cooldown
Swings a weapon

April Patch - Dubbed the "sPvP patch"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Murderin.8269


I have done like 2 spvp matches since launch. Hope it gets some nice changes.

Some things that would make me play it:

Ability to play with my GF without being switched to opposite teams.

Experience gain for characters below 80.

More stat customization or the ability to use your PVE set.

It really needs to be tied into the rest of the game somehow. That is the main reason i don’t play it. It is just too separate.