Showing Posts For Natronix.9827:

8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


And so the forum warring starts so earlie in the match up lol.

Commander Nachonix

8/2 DH/DR/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Well this should be fun… I think XD

Commander Nachonix

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


NSP, i miss you.

<insert “Baby come back” song here>

I’m not even sure thats the correct tittle. And yes im too lazy to look it up and attach.

Rob you need to forum war more.



Will be stepping into WvW for the first time this week tomorrow. Been stuck in PvE and as such, havent been on the forums ;/
Actually did a dungeon run with an AR dude lel. He didn’t know what IoJ meant though sadly so I assume he wasn’t one of your WvW stock.

Hope we get matched up again soon! I’ve just gotta do a bit of karma farming till then c:

If you truly know what’s happening in WvW as a whole, then I’m very sure you would/should know what is happening to AR right now. Why did you think AR is currently in last place right now and still dropping in rating within merely three weeks after surviving for so long in tier 5 with BP/Ebay? Simply AR WvW is dead. There are not many remaining within AR WvW that played before three weeks ago. Everyone left, I can confidently say that more than three hundred people (ALS+Crit = 100 people) + (My guild and another one I know ~ 100 people) + (Other WvW lovers) who WvW a lot, had left AR last three weeks. AR is in such a sorry state even roaming guilds are transferring…

So who’s left on AR?
- PVE/PVP (map completers (which is pretty much impossible given situation now))
- People saving up for transfers
- Randoms/New players

That guy didn’t know IOJ? Of course then he doesn’t know WvW, or played in the past 3 weeks (since we were matched up with IoJ).

So where’s AR WvWers now? Around 100 in DB, 100 in BP, and some other scattered across servers

Dude hahaha…

We werent talking about the server, we were talking about my guild ( AR = April Rhain) from Ioj.

Thanks for the history lesson bout AR thought I guess.

Commander Nachonix

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


For the last time, Ioj is not allied with FC. We’re just hitting the strongest server more like we always do. Our oceanics are doing a great job getting PPT for us while our NA struggles to hold on to our areas. I pretty much play with both, I’ve noticed FC really struggles to get any numbers around oceanic time which is sad :/

Commander Nachonix

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Think he deleted his post… awkward.

Commander Nachonix

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


DH I think you need to realize you easily have 3x the numbers IoJ or FC has. This match up wouldn’t be fun unless it was done this way. I mean even with the group effort DH still has numbers to attack and defend all fronts and then some so I don’t see why so many from your side are complaining.

Because this is not the first time IOJ has done this… I mean we know where we can get easy PPT during NA prime time keep that in mind look at your map.

and it wont be the last.

Ioj knows DH is stronger and we are not affraid to admit it, we will need all the help we can. We learned it the hard way when we were put up with you guys for months every single week. ( Dh, Ioj, Sf) but it doesnt mean we’ll back away from the hard fight and play for second place

It all 3 servers were about the same population we woudnt have to double team or focus on you guys all the time. But thats not the case…

Commander Nachonix

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yeah I honestly thought DH would preffer getting double teamed so it actually makes this week challenging, i am not involved with any alliance but i know im going for the big dog and i do hope FC does the same for the majority of the time.

Even with the double teaming DH is still winning so go figure lol

Commander Nachonix

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Just got back from Dominican Republic, ready to play again! Rawr.

Wonder hows the match up looking

Commander Nachonix

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


NSP, i miss you.

<insert “Baby come back” song here>

I’m not even sure thats the correct tittle. And yes im too lazy to look it up and attach.

Rob you need to forum war more.



Will be stepping into WvW for the first time this week tomorrow. Been stuck in PvE and as such, havent been on the forums ;/
Actually did a dungeon run with an AR dude lel. He didn’t know what IoJ meant though sadly so I assume he wasn’t one of your WvW stock.

Hope we get matched up again soon! I’ve just gotta do a bit of karma farming till then c:

Lel my guild is like, 80% Pvers and new players. Im currently trying to remake it and improve it by doing some pug training, better communication etc.

Kinda embarrasing he didnt know what Ioj ment lmfao. Can you remember his name so I can make fun of him? c:

I hope NSP is having fun on this match up, they’ll certainly do better with you participating bird.

Who’s this forum warr talking smack bout the less populated server in this match up? Lol.

Commander Nachonix

Low Pop Servers vs High Pop Servers

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Anet can’t control a servers WVW so easily. I believe ET and AR are facing the same problem as FC. Maybe ask for a lockdown match up for a few weeks? Recruit more ppl? Slowly buildan active WVW guild in the server? ( for commanders) Motivate ppl every day by being optimistic on every situation?

The list goes on . Cant remember any more ideas that could help you guys.

Best of luck to FC

Commander Nachonix

7/26 : BP / Kain/ NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


NSP, i miss you.

<insert “Baby come back” song here>

I’m not even sure thats the correct tittle. And yes im too lazy to look it up and attach.

Rob you need to forum war more.



Commander Nachonix

7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Hello DH! I’d just like to congratulate you guys on your previous match ups against tougher servers, heard you guys did pretty kittening well

Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Wow! GoM needs to wall hack Klovan even though they are winning and got 3 trebs hitting it from SM. Just WOW! I hope ANET check our report on that mesmer.

And yeah it is a Zombieland guild member. Tsk! Tsk! Shame on you!

I didnt want to say anything so it woudn’t cause drama so late in this match up and get us all ticked off at each other, but yes this is not the first time they did. When i was commanding a mesmer i believe from Zombie land or with [Obon] tags glitched into klovan and portaled ppl in… They had plenty of mesmers in that group so dont know who was the one doing it, I do know that mostly had [Wvw] tags.

Please note that I am not trying to insult or be disrespectful to GOM as a server since I have plenty of respect for you guys, this was just a specific groupd exploiting a paper tower… Either way, it should not be done.

Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


o_o gets my special chair and some popcorn with soda

Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


GOM sucks, IoJ hitting us all week also cause no one can’t fight vs biggg zergs, players can just hit one spell to kill us, because of zergs and we provide them more than 90 badges for one kill, they get their gear and we need to farm gold to get ours……….

Please create a kicking out system that will balance the WvW days and nights.

hahahahahahah. Oh god, this post made my day

Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Good and fun fights so far in this match up. Been trying to hit GOM but jeez you guys have lots of people around, makes it more interesting for us regardless.

Really would like if DR’s elites would hit GOM more since they’re obviously the bigger threat, making the match up more fun for all. But I guess you guys did said you were going to hit us right off the bat so I’m not surprised at all. Like seriously GOM had your whole EB corner and DDLG decides to attempt a golem rush at our hills? Which was a decent push btw, good job. But was expected since I’ve had scouts checking on DR’s moves, maybe next time try not to put so much red around the map before going for a keep.

Kudos to Logain and [CORE] btw, IoJ is improving lots thanks to you guys and your hard work and especially the patience with our pugs :P. As much as I would like to join, I got my own guild I’m working on improving to help out IoJ as much as I can, getting more PvErs to participate more.

On another note, I’ve noticed there’s more rangers around lately in WvW after the patch, I thought they would been weaker after it ( at least mines was, they messed up my bow’s skills abit and i end up looking for another build in spvp, and it actually worked ). I use to make fun of rangers using melee weps, I mean, come on its in the name, range-r xD and now im using a sword/warhorn which i actually like.

Btw IoJ, I’ll be on vacations for a few days and wont be able to be around during the end of this match up Should be back on monday/tuesday again… Can’t wait to see who we match up against next.


Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yay posts talking about a whole server over some individual fights!

Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Good fights today GoM. Being constantly outnumbered definetly makes me grow as a commander, had lots of fun today.

Nice ninjaing on our undefended and unscouted bay DR. Saw GoM on your eb keep inner gate, decided to hit GoMs side plus SM while they were on you.

You’re welcome.

PS: WTB more active commanders. 6 hours or more is enough for a day.

Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Too much forum warring, get back to playing.

I was going to reply to some statements DR made but then i realise most are just wanna be trolls, so i just wont bother.

Having funs overall, can’t say this is my favorite match up but as always we’ll do our best.

Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Lols i love it.

DR always makes the match up thread so much fun to read. :P

Commander Nachonix

7/19/13- DR/IoJ/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I wonder if IoJ will focus on GoM ( proven to be the bigger server) or DR due to our lovely friendship.

Have a fun week everyone :P

Commander Nachonix

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


And [AR] KARN, [AR]! Lol or is it just me and you that roam? :c

Commander Nachonix

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Hmm I like roaming on my ranger from time to time, and I’m sure IoJ has plenty of those around messing in BLs. Although as a commander I do pride myself on how I teach the ioj pugs better tactics and its not simply zerg-push-ram.

When I’m tagged I make sure its not just zerg blobbing around, Im very creative on the open field fights zerg vs zerg and show new players all the options you have to counter any enemies defense.

Just because this is a low tier match up does not mean wvw shoud stop being a massive pvp content here. I love the equal 30vs30 fights and the 3 way server fights, gets my heart racing due to all the adrenaline for me

I’m not saying thats a bad idea, there will be roamers and hopefully fight clubs.

But in my case during last weeks match up that we lost ( HoD/IoJ/NsP) i promised my server i would be a lot more active. The best fight was a 3 way for SM which Ioj won while everyone had even numbers, this was just before reset and i guess it explains the amount of numbers ioj hadblast night, they were pumped up O_O lols.

Anyways, im talking too much. XD

Cheers, have a fun week everyobody!

Commander Nachonix

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


So yea IoJ, the ONLY reason you got Jerrifer’s back was you glitched in. Congrats.

oh come on guys… its too earlie for this lol

Commander Nachonix

7/12 GoM/AR/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


YAY GOM!!! I’ve been wanting to face you guys for awhile

Because GoM was my first server, all the way back when i was a newbie and left to IoJ because of my gf’s orders. Rofl

Looking forward to this fight, have fun everybody!

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827



The SM 3 way just before reset!!! I feel sorry to anyone that missed it, it was pretty long, it took me time to plan everything out since IoJ’s first push failed due to HoDs siege in lords room. Good defense! I somehow kept the morale going for all our server, after we struggled just to get in through north we decided to make a hole in SM for ourselves since NSP was pushing hard from north breached wall.

Once IoJ got inner and outer gate down, we waited patienly for the plan to work out. Killing anything on sight with the zerg stacked, till that little asura mesmer manage to make his way to SM 3rd floor and slowly porting EVERYONE to 3rd floor. Props to Airlam!

Once my team got to 3rd floor we went down to 2nd floor to siege it up, and bomb anything on lords room. After any enemy on sight from both servers that were fighting each other ruthlessly, we got the lords down. And held our ground in the ring like a true champ

THIS, is what IOJ was made of. THIS is what we are capable of doing when everyone is working together. following every move.

I was originally looking for HODs zerg, i wanted some open field fights. After wiping you guys are your attempt to take out EB keep, we capped your BL with little resistance ( twice, the bl cap) and as i thought, you were all fighting in EB for SM.

Thanks for the great fight, hope to fight you guys soon.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yeah i bet. Its probably the time and place i am fighting on what gave me that impression of hod.

Back to being serious.

Again, sorry for all the ranting, including to the people trash talking me. I bet i have yet to even encounter you guys on the battlefield. Guess its just the time i play i only find pugs which make it unchallenging and boring.

Thanks for the close match up. I can promise you all IoJ can do much better performance than we did during this match. Hope to see you guys soon


I’m a commander RAWR! I KILLZ EVERYONE! Nobody from HoD can beat IoJ. Look at my intense chest thumping and battle cries. IM A REAL MANLY MAN! This game isn’t even challenging for me cuz I dominate so hard. Oh whats that? Proof some HoD beat the kitten out of IoJ? Im going to ignore what you are saying cuz I’m a commander and IM SO AWESOME it doesn’t matter!

You are so classy it’s overwhelming.

If there was more time in this match up I’d be happy to oblige you with KoM/Paxa/GT (Less than 20 total people) against your “pitbull” zerg of nearly any size and see if you still kitten talk. Lucky for you there is not enough time in this matchup to organize that group.

Here we go again… no.. I wont get lured by some troll. Lol

I did never say Ioj was immortal when im offline or on. I did not say i could “killz everyone in hod” rofl. I am merely dissapointed by the people Ive encountered during the time im on from hod. An ofc, angered by the forum trolls i stood down to their level for a few posts. Keep talking all you want how your team would own mines when neither of us have even clashed once most likely.

Honestly posts like this dont even deserve a reply. I would be giving props to you guys if i saw you guys outplay my tactics when Im actually online. I’m not trying to brag my apologies if it sounds like that but I have plenty of experience commanding and each week ioj sharpens their response time and offense strategies.

Like I said it has not been our best week, I would like to have another go with hod.

Oh and congrats NSP on the win. You guys clearly deserved it

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yeah i bet. Its probably the time and place i am fighting on what gave me that impression of hod.

Back to being serious.

Again, sorry for all the ranting, including to the people trash talking me. I bet i have yet to even encounter you guys on the battlefield. Guess its just the time i play i only find pugs which make it unchallenging and boring.

Thanks for the close match up. I can promise you all IoJ can do much better performance than we did during this match. Hope to see you guys soon


Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Lol ark. I’m sorry for my previous posts, i was wondering if hod had any nice guys here. I usually keep it clean for aslong as my patience lets me. :P

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


" But don’t feel bad, in open field fights, few do it better than HoD. "

… ha. Hahahhahah.
WHERE HAS THE DECENT IN OPEN FIELD FIGHT TEAM of HOD been this whole match up? As i previously posted every time ive command and clashed with hod ioj has wiped them on open field. I would love to see a good team of you guys with atleast equal or less numbers take my zerg down. That would instantly gain my respect for HOD.

But yeah
So far, nada.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


By nice things I meant respect.

You guys keep on with thay disrecpectful attitude/insults etc.

Im not even on so wasnt the one taking eb or whatever is going on.

I was not the one exploiting/glitching/blahblah ur bay, dont know why the random accusation. Ive NEVER heard of hackers in ioj till this match up, so thats a surprise to me.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


i don’t have pictures.

but how about a video?

meet KoMPAXA. it was a fun night, especially when we ran in to GT, and wiped our feet on IoJ’s faces a few times together.

-> video courtesy of a guildie – that is not me.

So what we learn here is a group of people on voice comms who are coordinating targets can beat a pug group of comparable size. Amazing, never before have I seen the like. takes notes

The second video is of 8 HoD hitting 25+ IoJ, mostly composed of the HARD guild at their own camp and killing them. Of course, I understand that you would prefer to ignore that as it is embarrassing to you.

Go see. HARD or anyone that was actually actually there gives a kitten. Not me.

Sadly i dont roll with a organized wvw guild.
I turn IoJs pugs into pitbulls. :P

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I guess it’s official, IoJ is hacking fighting for second place. Good luck with your next match up you crazy kids.

And IoJ, I hope you guys get Zoomhaven, who will teach you a thing or two about what you can REALLY hit* with an arrow cart.

This is why you can’t have nice things.

@yanoch I lol’d.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Rematch please. Huehuehue.

So angreh that i cannot be on right now and for a few hours. Meh.

One of these days imma transfer to nsp for a week to roll with smitry n bird and company. Would be so fun.

Commander Nachonix

GoM's match-ups have been unsatisfactory

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


My first server was GoM. I was a newbie back then, lvling to 40 ish my first week just by wvw on my little ranger( Who is now my commander toon) Then my gf wanted to transfer to IoJ because of some friends we had there. Ever since, i wanted to see IoJ vs GoM for a long time

If this were to happen maybe hopefully in this weeks reset ill make sure I’ll be commanding all week long >:)

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Think I just made this thread and this match up way more interesting.

You’re all welcome.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Oh my what have I started. So this is why so many servers despise hod.

Lol. See ya guys tomorrow, hope ioj and hod gets a rematch soon. Cant wait to shut up all the smack talk, shoulda wvw more this week

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


NSP, IOJ post here tomorrow when the only server with a green arrow in rank and rating is HOD.

..this guy lol.

Ofc you guys are. Haven’t you figured it out, because of the new system throwing servers with a big rating difference it causes the higher rated server to loose rating unless its a complete faceroll match up. You guys merely holding onto your points hurts our rating. Which have little to mean with whats actually going up in the match up.

Oh well. If you guys are really gaining rating, expect to be put with even stronger servers next match up… rofl.

I’m sorry, but you guys continue to make excuses for why HOD is competing in this match. First it’s because were scavengers, then it’s because you and IOJ are wrapped up in this epic battle, now it’s cause of the new match ups.

Then you say our only tactic is a zerg. I’m sorry, but NSP, IOJ your no different.

When we rise in rating and get placed in tougher match ups we will still compete. Why, because thats what we do. And if your hoping to get weaker opponents just to “faceroll” so you can increase rating, then that tells me all I need to know about you.


First of all, I’m from IOJ no NSP. I respect NSP even when they brag, ninja our stuff. post scores of high PPT on our weak hours, you know why? BECAUSE THEY’VE SHOWN THEY HAVE SKILL.

I was not the one saying HoD was scavenging ( Which you guys obviously but who woudn’t when the other two servers are tearing each other apart). Believe pal, both IoJ or NSP would have beaten you guys hands down if we started hitting you from the start. Oh wait, we did. I actually remember spawn camping you guys in EB. I guess NSP was more fun to play with for the rest of the week.

Sorry, but unless you guys get a decent sized wvw guild or do some pug training you wont stand a chance against stronger servers THAT ACTUALLY FOCUSES ON YOU.

Anyways, enjoy your fair weathers. I highly doubt half of your zerg would be so active if you guys weren’t getting dem PPT out of paper stuff other servers cap.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


NSP, IOJ post here tomorrow when the only server with a green arrow in rank and rating is HOD.

..this guy lol.

Ofc you guys are. Haven’t you figured it out, because of the new system throwing servers with a big rating difference it causes the higher rated server to loose rating unless its a complete faceroll match up. You guys merely holding onto your points hurts our rating. Which have little to mean with whats actually going up in the match up.

Oh well. If you guys are really gaining rating, expect to be put with even stronger servers next match up… rofl.

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I’d like to see that when I’M commanding. Or must i remind you guys how we wiped you twice at hylek grounds WITH OUTNUMBERED BUFF because your sea of pugs charged in head first into siege fire. The third time you guys got wiped was cuz you flanked our unmanned siege and we just came back to kill you guys one more time. Then sadly i dc for for around 10 mins when klovan wall was at 10% left, THEN you guys cleared us with 3 times our size

EDIT: when in the kitten have we had more numbers and LOST to you guys on open field?
Pics or it didn’t happen. Lel

Commander Nachonix

(edited by Natronix.9827)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


bye bye nsp u tried

I love this bird.

HoD please, lets be honest with each other. The only reason you are even ahead of IoJ and got close to NSP is due to us fighting constantly this WHOLE match up while you guys collect ppt and get a TON of numbers due to the “fair weather”.

I always give respect to anybody that deserves it, this is made by impressing me. Zerging everywhere with a massive sea of pugs is not impressive at all. I’ve lost count at how many times my smaller zerg has completely wiped a bigger HoD zerg just cause they panic with a siege placement on the OPEN field.

I haven’t said anything about you guys till now because i hate being rude, but now that I see people bragging and some thinking they are going to pass NSP? LOL.

Someone from hod said there were no roamers or skills in this match up from nsp and ioj. Oh please. I went roaming your BL for over an hour soloing camps trying to draw attention but ya still stayed at Eb zerg blobbing. It got to the point of having 30 ppt out of camps. Then finally i met hod. but to my surprise i got 1v5d. -_-

If scores counted by skill instead of PPT the match up would look like this.
1st – NSP.
2nd – IoJ
3rd – HoD

Cheers. Lel

Commander Nachonix

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


My respects to the current NSP team in IOJ BL holding our briar and other areas like they mean it. You guys are the best mid size team I’ve seen in this match up and the most organized, it is expected as they were [XOXO] and some other good guilds from NSP.

All the mesmers, thieves plus some good bunker and heavy dps warr and guardian class made the team almost unbeatable. I was the IOJ legend ranger commander trying to use every way to retake our briar back, and we failed to do so every time. Although it was very frustrating for me since I’m running with pugs vs a really organized team, i have to admit how well the executed camp flipping, wp contesting and so on.

With all the friendly peeps I’ve met in NSP and all their great guilds while still being a low populated server ( which is what I enjoy, not tier 3 and up lagfest) makes it really tempting for me to transfer. Almost…

Now well… I need to chill out for the rest of the day. Or match up, idk. :P


Commander Nachonix

(edited by Natronix.9827)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Sorry Natronix :c
You weren’t online this time.

Sleep less play moar!
Good fights in IoJ bl.
Very nice Anet staff turn out, had em in the golems and in the foot.

… man.

That would have been another epic keep fight. Darn. I literally dc’d due to this storm near Puerto Rico and 20 mins later apparently this happens. :c

Don’t know if ill be able to play for some days. meh, gonna miss out on all the fun fights, its actually fun when the enemy commander actually uses unique strategies. Not just zerg-push, ram this, AC that.

Good job though. Hope we’re more prepared for future BL assaults, because with you around, I’m sure it’ll keep happening.

Commander Nachonix

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Wow, i think IoJ just lost all their fairweathers. lol.

Commander Nachonix

Blocking and World vs World

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


YES! This needs to be implemented, I’m from the same server and this person has openly admitted he IS a spy. Every time he is on the other server magically knows every move I’m doing, waiting with siege and all their zerg at the spot I’m about to move. It’s very frustrating, and those suggestions mentioned above will fix this issue with no problem.

Believe me, we have tried everything so the spy gets confused or doesn’t know what we are up to. But it just doesn’t work, even more with a low tier server filled up with pugs, they already have trouble following tag imagine how they would do seeing 2 tags up and someone giving false orders on team/map chat. lol

So yes, if we could have these blocking features we could easily combat the spying problem or any other person botheringyou in any way.

Commander Nachonix

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Karnie you keep missing my nachozerg wxp trains ._.

Commander Nachonix

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Lol the lost of ratings doesn’t mean much to me. Heck, if we gain more I’m affraid we’ll get put with DH again and their darn spy is still around.

Last match up we beat DR by a lot more because we really wanted to. In my case, I’m playing to have fun and try and keep the match up more interesting not completely destroying a server with a 100k lead.

Oh and Stewie, I was leading that zerg when we were hitting garri… We had nothing else to do lol EB was completely ours and i believe i saw some colors around ET BL so i took peeps there, nice defense at garri and hills btw DR

Commander Nachonix

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I’ m sorry if i wasn’t specific, but please read my posts. I wasn’t directing myself specifically to DDLG. I know they are a good guild with good players and leaders, i was just referring at the DR team during that time when they retook their EB keep.

Anyways, tomorrow is another day. I’m amazed at how many numbers show up for IOJ when we are winning. Usually we have max around 30-40 at our prime time all over 4 maps lol. Had fun running aroung with the nachozerg again(only IoJ knows what this is xD) , ppl kept asking me to take keeps in eb but it just takes too long to be worth it. Unless we reaaaally need the PPT but is not the case, just having fun

I like WVW for it’s massive pvp content, hoping DR and ET can put up more numbers during the time I’m on so it doesn’t get so easy for us when facing zerg vs zerg. Except for that particular ET team trying to take Klovan today ( Before it got capped, it had some upgrades going) most of our zerg were north and it was 10 ioj vs 20 ish ET, pushed em back to golanta and somehow we wiped them there… Then again when I look around me I had most of my pro wvw’rs by my side and not a sea of pugs

Cheers, lets keep the match up interesting!

Espiritu De Noche

Commander Nachonix

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I know how mesmers work, I’ve got an 80 myself. Explain all you want to, my guys SAW the mesmer going in through the gate and portaling zerg to lords in seconds. Yeah, their MIGHT have been one hiding around but their were still people glitching in constantly.

Commander Nachonix

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


It wasn’t stark that took garri and OL, it was me. And we killed the mesmes in inner, even if you portal if you die u cant put the 2nd one up so yeah… I’m done with this topic, those that did it they knew what they were doing.

Other than that, has been a fun day for me. Hopefully you guys can put up more numbers during these time and lets see if we can get IoJ to give some attention to ET too…. they’re very sneaky.

Commander Nachonix