Wise words sioux.
Good luck to both servers on reset.
Our fall was months ago, we’re getting stronger now.
I’m sure we’re wanting this match up to end as much as you guys do too, fun fights at least regardless of the score.
Just thought some of you might be interested in reading this.
Support please? <3 One can dream right? :P
So I was talking with some players on the forums and this idea came to play.
Imagine server team ups for lower populated servers! Wvw population wise, 2 medium size servers teamed up vs 3-4 smaller ones. It would be incredibly fun and interesting to participate as the “massive” part of wvw would drastically increase for us low tier servers and encoraging more communication between players in the same team.
I understand higher servers would not be so interested in this for obvious reasons, but it would give more life and excitement throughout the whole week for our “underpopulated servers”
I know it sounds abit silly, but imho it would make the wvw experience a lot more enjoyable.
Dark Isle Of Jarthaven was the term that brough the idea… :P
Speaking of the concept of “superservers”
So, when are we going to match Dark Isle of Janthaven versus Sorrow’s Terrace of Denravi’s Crossing?Don’t mind the random Ferg. Someone had to say it
I really… REAAAALLY wish a match up like that could be created lol!
So is that 2 v 3 or 2 v 4? (can’t get http://mos.millenium.org/na to load right now)
2v4. I see Sorrows furnace, Eredon Terrace, Henge of Denvari and Fergussons crossing.
I see it like a really close match up if every team brings there A game. I wish Anet could make these types of match ups possible
Sad to see all this happen to DR. I gotta say even as much as the forum warriors kittened a lot of us off it was really fun having someone to consider a rival.
Solo’ing a keep huh…
I need to try this.
Speaking of the concept of “superservers”
So, when are we going to match Dark Isle of Janthaven versus Sorrow’s Terrace of Denravi’s Crossing?Don’t mind the random Ferg. Someone had to say it
I really… REAAAALLY wish a match up like that could be created lol!
No no, our oceanics are way too valuable to us lol :P
I actually remember [Abys] showing up during those times some days, and making it difficult for our oceanics to steal some ppt. Then DH owning throughout Euro and NA prime, even worst during week days.
But now we’ve got more organazation and a slightly bigger wvw pop which I believe it can make a big change on the outcome.
So yeah… I really shoudn’t be around this thread too much lol, hope to fight with you guys soon. Our current match up is unchallenging to say the least
Oh hey King Amadaeus has entered the house. Yay this thread might get more interesting.
Miss the old you, SF. The pre-morale-crushed SF was still my favorite server to play against. sry bout that, Dark Isle of Janthaven says hi from our honeymoon. <3
Lol @ Dark Isle Of Jarthaven… been awhile since ive read that
Bumping in to this thread to see how things are going with you guys, I really want another IoJ/Dh match up soon.. I think we’re more prepared to face you and give you guys a decent fight all week long
I also see HoD is improving, judging by the score gap for #1 spot. I would also like another go at you guys soon
Cheers, hope you guys are having fun out there!
IoJ all the way!! :P
Bumpah. Weekly guild raids and daily small team training started! :P
I remember those days… my fun factor has actually gone up as the difficulty level has climbed… true I have my moments when irritation makes me short tempered… but hey im human.
haha well… To be fair, the fun factor for picking up my dog’s droppings went up when compared to the early days of DRB. hahaha. I think our players, generally speaking, are a lot more seasoned then those days. The amount any given one-of-us players has learned, since, is pretty tremendous. Who doesn’t get mad, besides Lion. He’s a saint and should not be allowed to have that metric included.
so, anyone have a list of all the guilds that left?
Has anyone gone through all their Tabards and already taken the good ones?
What’s that you say?
My tabard is the best and it’s destroyed everyone else’s desire to even try to make something cool ever again?Jeez. I’m sorry..
Guilds that have gone:
OBS (?)More are leaving next weekish.
Did DDLG leave? Or was it just Bags?
Bags left to check out other servers. We weren’t having fun as we play mostly in DR server off hours before NA prime time. We found running around looking for fights is boring, and have had more fun on our new server in the last day than we have had in months on DR.
Bags/DDLG core was better than any IoJ guild. Going to leave that here for ya IoJ forum warriors. I expect no less than 3 pages of response.
Keep telling yourself that, kid
Glad you left, now DR’s reputation in forums will probably get better. You talk more trash than anyone else I’ve ever seen and cant back up half of it.
That is all, k.
The forum war is a joke. Anyone who gets angry or moved by anything I said on here is a victim of my trolling. Glad to know umad bro.
IoJ is not what you hype it to be, otherwise you wouldn’t be rank 16.
The forums do not represent the server, otherwise by your logic NSP would be dead last because of their attitudes. But truth is, 10% of people actually read this crap.
How entertained would anyone be if you weren’t on here raging about a video game at someone who gives absolutely no kittens? Keep up the entertainment, we’re all laughing!
Im not raging at anything I just find your ignorance very amusing.
Even if ppl dont read the forums, ppl that do share what they read here in game, thus ending on most of the server knowing how much kitten some of you talk.
The only thing silly I know I’m doing is replying to a guy with a 12 year old mentality.
I also do not talk big about Ioj being better than x server unlike you. I know our pro’s and con’s and Im not scared to openly admit our defeats, we simply learn from them after all.
Ioj hasnt rise in rankings just yet due to this random match making system and the fact that we got more coverage very recently. No offense intendeed to any server here but this match up should have not happened. Theres a lot of players on all sides not playing just because of its inbalance.
Thats pretty much all I’ll ever reply to you, another would just be me repeating myself to another “troll” post of yours
Ehhh pretty creative yeah, but i think theres a lot more important stuff to be looked at first lol
+1 to OP. Great ideas
I remember those days… my fun factor has actually gone up as the difficulty level has climbed… true I have my moments when irritation makes me short tempered… but hey im human.
haha well… To be fair, the fun factor for picking up my dog’s droppings went up when compared to the early days of DRB. hahaha. I think our players, generally speaking, are a lot more seasoned then those days. The amount any given one-of-us players has learned, since, is pretty tremendous. Who doesn’t get mad, besides Lion. He’s a saint and should not be allowed to have that metric included.
so, anyone have a list of all the guilds that left?
Has anyone gone through all their Tabards and already taken the good ones?
What’s that you say?
My tabard is the best and it’s destroyed everyone else’s desire to even try to make something cool ever again?Jeez. I’m sorry..
Guilds that have gone:
OBS (?)More are leaving next weekish.
Did DDLG leave? Or was it just Bags?
Bags left to check out other servers. We weren’t having fun as we play mostly in DR server off hours before NA prime time. We found running around looking for fights is boring, and have had more fun on our new server in the last day than we have had in months on DR.
Bags/DDLG core was better than any IoJ guild. Going to leave that here for ya IoJ forum warriors. I expect no less than 3 pages of response.
Keep telling yourself that, kid
Glad you left, now DR’s reputation in forums will probably get better. You talk more trash than anyone else I’ve ever seen and cant back up half of it.
That is all, k.
Like Banzie said above we at Isle of Janthir would love to have you, since a stronger NA presense would make a huge diference for our server. We are well known for our oceanic coverage so you dont have to feel you will carry us, but could contribute greatly in our rise.
We’ve been getting transfers recently from guilds and our old veteran players are reinforci g our original guilds, playing more organized. I believe we are ready to rise to T5 and hold our ground well, and hardcore wvwers such as you guys would surely make us a tough opponent.
We can offer a teamspeak for every guild in our server and we also have our own website. Good luck on any server you end up moving to, they will be lucky and happy to have you.
I was directing that comment to Tots rather than the guild, I’ve seen a lot of talent there so theres nothing bad to say exept for the smack talkers.
Et is indeed improving, glad to see you guys are getting stronger after all that rough time. Its sad that the posts of us giving ET credit were its due get flooded by other forum warring.
A friendly advise to you guys is once you get enough coverage to stay constant with numbers and communication, I believe ET would definetly be a tough opponent to face all week long and rise in ranks
As Banzie stated, I wish DR the best of luck on rebuilding your WvW population. I met a lot of friendly players the last couple of days, much respect to you most of you guys
My server Isle Of Janthir would love to have more NA presense. You guys would bring a lot to the table, while our response time on defense is pretty good having a guild such as yours would make a big change and aid us rise in rankings.
We’re well known for our strong oceanic presense. We can offer a server wide teamspeak every guild can use and most of us do and we also have an active server website. Theres absolutely no drama in our server, we all work together as a team and now that we recently had few guilds transfering over we are stronger than ever.
I understand if you’re looking for a higher tier server, either way i wish you the best of luck on any server you guys pick. They’ll be happy to have you
IoJ IoJ IoJ!!!
Also, bump.
This sounds familiar.
Have a fun week all, lets try and keep the thread clean.
You should follow your own advice.
Believe me, I tried. And still am.
Btw hey there knightrift/sephiroth. Had some fun fights with ya there at ogres for a little while. Think i went solo after chasing squishy peeps.
Also got some nice and fun duels from an ET thief and DR mesmer at eb near sm, boy you guys where tough, switched out gear and playstyle that almost got you guys but you quickly addapted.
Hmm dunno if I should run commander today or roam… maybe if i could get a small guild team together for some fun… :P
So Tots, the #1 forum warrior of DR and the guy that chest thumped and talked so much smack about how superior DR is over IoJ just moves servers.
You’re such a hipocrite, most of the kitten you said its all about all the roaming and the open field fights you claim to your server to be so mighty at and QQ about us zerging and needing superior numbers to win fights. Now you move to higher tiers?
What are you expecting there? Maps queue’d with mutiple 5 man teams? Rofl
The guild that had the man power and the organization to help DR grow like it or not was DDLG, and now you guys are just leaving? Whats the reason If i may know, i thought you guys didn’t care for ppt. Since you did said it a dozen times in this thread alone.
I’m not trying to forum war, but this Tots person is just hilarious.
Have fun blobbing and mashing #1 in those higher tiers, you’ll love the skill lag
(edited by Natronix.9827)
ET really put up really nice numbers and used them nicely at EB. Got wiped lots of times but we never gave up :P
+1 to Achilese.
I must admit, im kinda ashamed myself. Forum warring is off for me now, have a fun week all
IoJ should recruit IoM from ET. They got guys that laugh when they win with four times your numbers. Guys that kittenhug towers when faced with even numbers or slightly less their numbers. And they build two superior ballista and two arrowcarts in the open field to deal with 6 people when they have 20.
They’d fit right in!
Dont hate, We are a pure WvW focused guild just because we run around with numbers get yours?? we moved here 3-4 months ago from Blackgate, Just because we drop siege to troll you and then laugh dont mean nothing.. We play purely for fights and PPT.
ET in sense of fights have more skill then both IoJ and DR without having to run around with a 30+ zerg.
On the invite to IoJ we would strongly decline but would advise any DR or IoJs to come over to ET, IoJ I will say this you have a strong Oceanic Very strong, Maybe send some of that oceanic our way
ET has changed since you 2 servers last played them, Things our looking up we have communication, faster reaction times then both DR and IoJ, only thing we dont have is some timezone coverages and so that makes us a easy target, get right and leave it on the field hate bullkitten politics and tired of people talking about my guild and my server.
Enough said!
[IoM] Guardianofthecore
The guys talking kitten about you was Dr, or Oozo more like.
If you scroll up, i did giv props to you guys for the bay defense, it was most impressive.
-Something so you can back up all the smack talk
Haven’t seen a decent group outside of maybe [roam] from IoJ. I don’t need a PPT lead to back that up.
-Morale of your server and loyalty
If people feel they are better off on some other server, then why should I care if they leave? I personally will never leave DR.
-Bragging rights
Bragging about what?
-Actually enjoying the massive scale fights that WvW is designed for
How does a number on the top of my screen dictate how much I enjoy the game? I’m genuinely curious here.
Caring about it or not, doesn’t change all the things that happen when you just give up and so soon into the match up.
Score does not equal fights, and fights is where the fun is at. WvW is designed for big fights. If you dont enjoy that, i suggest spvp or maybe pve until you get a match up with 3 servers that are roam heavy such as you guys.
At least when we do face stronger servers we dont give up and let them have a 40k lead under 24 hours in a match up.
What are we giving up, exactly?
Sounds like you don’t care at all. But if you don’t care at all, what’s firing you up to the point where you need to tell everyone (or me) you don’t care? Clearly you do care, ‘cause you feel the need to tell people about it. Put that same energy into your server and watch it grow, man. We’ve been workin’ on this for months. It’s nice to finally see it recover the way it is. We really need to be in a higher tier, ‘cause this matchup right now is just…ugh. Doubt anyone’s really enjoying it at this point.
Because you feel the need to tell me that I do care?
What are you giving up?
-Something so you can back up all the smack talk
-Morale of your server and loyalty
-Bragging rights
-Actually enjoying the massive scale fights that WvW is designed for
The forum warrioring is strong with this matchup.
The reason there’s so much “lol IoJ players suck” on the forums right now is ‘cause right now, that’s all the servers that are losing have to fall back on. Said servers have smack talked their way into the position they’re in, losing guilds to both their attitudes and their playstyle that doesn’t cater to a rebuilding population as a whole.
We got put in the same position, but our server’s culture centered around the pug, and siege, and infrastructure, upgrades, siege, defense, etc etc, versus “l33t pvp roaming ownsauce open field combat” that doesn’t help rebuild a server as a whole.
We’ve recovered, we have a nice infrastructure that brings lots of new blood into the fold quickly (for you to happily own and make videos about, enjoy) while we can rebuild and grow. We’ve had another 3 commanders get new tags all publicly funded by the server’s donations in the last week. Plus the new guilds that have transferred. Meatspeak is busier than ever. Smaller guilds are taking on bigger objectives on reset nights and doing fine. ALL our commanders get server funded superior siege without having to pay for it. All that results in a higher morale and a higher PPT while you guys are struggling to even maintain the guilds you even have.
We were dissapointed when we ended up matched with you. I’m gonna be mostly PVE’ing all week until we get an opponent worth fighting. Enjoy losing guilds left and right while you beat your chest over “l33t pvp” ‘cause I could care less. We’ve put a lot of effort into rebuilding and we’re happy with the community we have, and where we’re going.
Great. But you are speaking from the perspective of a PPT zergling. I couldn’t care less if DR rebuilds to become the leetest PPT proz of all time. I couldn’t care less if we lose guilds left and right.
I’m glad to hear that IoJ zerglings are getting free siege and commander tags though. I’m sure it will help you when you face servers who roflstomp you because of coverage.
At least when we do face stronger servers we dont give up and let them have a 40k lead under 24 hours in a match up.
Wish ppl from DR posting here could back up half the kitten they talk. Its 5:20 pm est and we are still constantly ticking over 500.
Yet another person commenting about the score as if it somehow means they are better players. Thankfully this will be the last time I ever have to see it from IoJ.
I didn’t just post about the score, my post was more directed at the fight my guildie post the screenahot about.
Score doesnt matter when you’re loosing and keep telling yourself your server is way better.
Wish ppl from DR posting here could back up half the kitten they talk. Its 5:20 pm est and we are still constantly ticking over 500.
Also the screenshot that banzie posted, all the dr zerg was capping the supply camp, at that momeng iI had 7 ppl on me and rest where still at bay taking outer down, when you guys cap the camp you barely chased me or my small team, by the time you decided to do my 25 got to me as I asked. We mass up on hill while u guys are all balled up and to our surprice u had an ac built while we were pushing, your 20 got wiped with the ac and the buffed supervisor.
Also huge props to ET you guys did spetaculer on that bay defense, and the small team on our bl from [BS]basic where really tough even while we outnumbered you guys just kept coming and putting up a fight.
Wow i just checked mos for ppt and score update…. guess we will have to run it likw this so our ratings dont suffer too much eh? Not that thats really important, looking foward for some more fun fights
Bumpity. Still recruiting wvwers, both guild and server are improving lots week by week
Apologies to the [RUN] guys in advance, IoJ will probably not be the exact same friendly, respectful guys you know during this week.
DR and IoJ well… they dont exactly like each other. :P
Our last match up was with dr was DH/ioJ/DR wasn’t it? Oh boy this thread will be as fun as the fights.
This sounds familiar.
Have a fun week all, lets try and keep the thread clean.
I make no promises.
Go wild.
Yeah In all honesty we were expecting tougher servers because we went up in ranks last match up. Not trying to offend anyone, had loads of fun tonigh on reset. Glad to see Ioj is improving so much on open field fights, and DRs is still as good as last time
This sounds familiar.
Have a fun week all, lets try and keep the thread clean.
I say kitten no.
If they get rid of stealth stomp, go ahead and remove: mesmer invulnerable stomp, mist form stomp, stability stomp, portal stomp, etc.
Sounds silly doesn’t it? So does what you’re asking for. Its just part of the class that killed you.
Ze bump. Hello there nomnom :-D
SF, we would like to apologize for our golem glitching into Sunnyhill (and our commander getting stuck in the gate) while we tried to attack it. We got him out as soon as able.
<3 – [RUN]
1+. <3ing the good decision. Hate ppl that exploit and ppl talking trash about us
My server isle of janthir would love to have more true WVW players, from you’re statements above I can see that you’re more than capable. Most of us are very friendly so you guys could fill in in no time
We’re a lower tier server, so any small group can do a big difference. We are also very organized on our server teamspeak so we know what group is doing, coordinating multiple hits at the same time with the big zerg and small groups.
We have our own teamspeak server and server website, i cannot link here though because im on my phone.
Cheers, hopw whichever server you go you do feel like home
Lol nom xD dont be too mean to em, unless they’re being mean to the south camp :c lol
The lameness in this topic makes me want to puke..
IOJ you are a server of the worst individual players I have ever been against.
RUN – very proper guild name, represents what you do well.
Oh and MoW – LOL don’t get so mad over losing, wow.
Look guys, he wants attention.
Bumpy bump bump. :P
This probably falls out to the suggestion part but I figured here would get more attention.
Besides of the commander system lacking a lot on abilities, I’m not here to discuss that because devon has already answered that matter.
But what really bugs me is that the commander tag can only be used on ONE toon. It’s very difficult to even save up 100g to even adquire it. There should be another way to make it account bound pr at least move the tag to another toon if the player wishes to. Most of the people that buy the tag is to help out their server and/or guild.
In my case, I use to have my ranger as my main, I loved the class, enough to make it my commander toon. Until they made some changes to it, making it less effective in wvw ( for group fights anyway, as a commander you’re in these most of the time). Then i felt it was time tp test out new classes, search for something more enjoyable. And i found warriors to be incredibly fun for me. This made me regret and wish I used my hard earned 100g on this character rather than on my ranger.
I’m sure theres people out there with similiar issues. ANet wont be hurting anyone if they changed the commander tag to be used account wide rather than one character. On the opposite, they’d be helping the player AND the server, as not all servers are able to have a leader/commander online all the time.
Welcome everyone to IoJ, I’m very glad to see you guys again and even better on our team now
Can’t wait to play, heard lots of good things about you commanding Sororita
Speaking of which. I havent seen you in during the morning this week.
Yes I have been, I wont be on during mornings as I use to… ever. Going to miss our oceanic crew :/.
Also, Espiritu De Noche is retired. Going to QQ to anet and see if they can make commander tag account bound. If not well, gl me on getting gold for my warrior’s tag.
Yawn……. More transfers…….. One thing is consistent, NSPers definitely the most loyal and we hardly ever get transfers, unless its the singles looking to better themselves….
You dun get transfers cause you guys tell ppl to not transfer >.>
We do? who the heck told you that?
The people from NSP in world recruiting telling people not to transfer when people have them on their consideration list.
I must have missed that post….
I don’t get it. Telling ’em not to transfer to NSP?
Me either… I checked back to the “Come to NSP” post Rob did a while back and saw nothing of the sort. I remember another post at one time that we were getting trolled by other servers but that was a while back.
I’m pretty sure i saw your account name saying what Banzie stated. I dont believe he had a signature on though