oh the nostalgia
Just remember maguuma > all of you ty
Match fixing lol. More like “ok mag now we wont really push, ok mag now we push a lil” much cross-server coordination going on w0w
Then we’re not doing it right
kek :^)
I will mass move my following base to SoS and flood them with up lvl maguumies :^)
The general response in this thread seriously brings joy. Appreciate all the responses from even those that main other game modes or are against gvg type of play in this thread
I’m sure this will/has been read by ANet, we just got to keep being patient and continue showing support
Fellas of ARENA NET, listen to your community! This is Guild wars, and guilds just want to fight on even terms. Good clean, honarable death battle in mass
Arius man stop talking like you recently fought mag. DH is a joke, had enough coverage to stay alive but you are all too scared because deep inside you love that PPT. You dont want to fight the up hill battle like SBI is.
I call out any DH guilds or groups to face any pug group that I lead on equal numbers, I gurrantee none will come out on top.
PvF aside though;
Tier 3 is stabilizing as DB loses rating. We only need guilds, individuals and leaders to step up and move to the servers in need ( Not maguuma). Come cheerish a less ppt, siege centric tier with a lot of potential.
Dh fought mag 3 weeks ago… We have fought Mag recently lol.
Also, stop with your silly posturing. Trying to deflect from legitimate criticisms with mindless insulting PvF just makes it look like you can’t actually respond to the criticisms. Your best Mag guilds couldn’t take a round off DOLO, whereas every guild on Dh that GvG’d DOLO (afaik, hart/mean/tag did) took round(s) from them. Not a single guild on Mag could take TAG in even numbers, or a militia zerg for that matter.
Also your TIER is DB/SBI atm, stop pretending it’s less siege centric or ppt centric. DB can’t fight for it’s life, SBI only fights in an 80 man blob and they will tell you that SAME thing. At BEST, if we grant that Mag is fun to fight, then that’s 1 fights server in t3… but there’s 2 others that really aren’t in any shape to be fun fights. Why go to t3 for fights, when t2 servers have more fights, better fights, and round the clock fights?
Edit: Also worth noting, why should we push up when t4 is a better fights tier than t3? You act like we’re running from t3 because we want to ppt, we’re running from t3 because we want to fight. No gvgs in t3, no skill in t3, IoJ is currently the best server to fight for us in the game. NSP also for open field fights, though they don’t gvg like IoJ does.
Lets clarify some things and let this be the end of this argument since it has proven to be pointless as your biased and lack of experience in said tiers leaves you with little knowledge to back up your claims.
First, as far as I’m concerned DOLO only scrimmed ( very odd number gvg) with PYRO. Which isn’t the top group there is to face on mag.
Secondly, you speak of T2 as if you have been there, you have no clue what coverage wars are and your basement tier knowledge cuts real short to spit all this non sense.
Last but not least the fact that you feel IoJ/NSP guilds are giving you a tought fight ( and coverage wise too) is absolutely laughable. If DH was half as good as you make them sound to be you should not have any problem, being that only DOLO/CORE are the only fun dudes there and they are no where near a hardcore fight focused guilds.
There has been even more returning players into mag since we’ve arrived in T3, the fights across time zones are shaping up for the better but surely you wont take a participant of T3’s word for it.
Now please, leave the T3 thread to T3, DH has nothing to do or prove here since you can barely sustain T4
Arius man stop talking like you recently fought mag. DH is a joke, had enough coverage to stay alive but you are all too scared because deep inside you love that PPT. You dont want to fight the up hill battle like SBI is.
I call out any DH guilds or groups to face any pug group that I lead on equal numbers, I gurrantee none will come out on top.
PvF aside though;
Tier 3 is stabilizing as DB loses rating. We only need guilds, individuals and leaders to step up and move to the servers in need ( Not maguuma). Come cheerish a less ppt, siege centric tier with a lot of potential.
Like I said ing, amazing job hamster
After getting recruited to the amazingly warm community of SoS my 500 man EU guild and I are excited to make the push to T1 and claim the seat of #1 server NA we so rightfully deserve.
We still have 2 maps we aren’t able to queue during OCX/SEA so guilds come before its spots are full!
b u m p
Very decent and fun group. The few times i’ve led a group and bump to them you can sense how fight hungry they are, and i love that attitude.
Having my 20 man group on an enemy bl, north side of north west tower running away from a TC 40+ man blob, we lead them towards a clift, we jump off and faceplant taking 90% dmg but insta regening because of out of combat, shortly after the tc blob decides to do the same thing and they all died to us cleaving at the landing point.
Imagine 40 ppl on downstate at the same spot wondering wtf happened
Actually SoS lacks EU and could use more for that time zone, note this doesnt mean 4-5 guilds at the same time lol…
while mag has some Sea guilds we’re still outmanned by quite a margin by sos, and OCX is a joke…
Not after that hostile “hello” he had on his thread on his “home server”
Still need some OCX/SEA that like fighting outmanned and popping ktrainers.
I demand free transfers to my server in compensation.
Get these guys some more EU/NA pls ty
From my opinion playing on mag. All three servers have small scale. You just need to define out what small scale you want to do. Not to push mag too much but there are a bunch of guilds that do small scale on here.
oh god i forgot bout CTH the gods of ninjaing, pls forgive
Sea of Sorrows:
- Current dominant T2 server scorewise. Variety of mentalities on one server, from casual pvers to hardcore wvwers. Great OCX /SEA coverage with moderate everything else.
There’s plenty of guilds to apply to, but for small scale and during EU I would take a look at [Lion]
- Moderate T2 server. Very fight centric mentality wise, this includes the numerous wvw guilds and militia, but we have some guys that take care of our land (Ask Belle ;P) too. Very decent EU-NA coverage, very low on everything else.
As for small scale guilds there is a few but i am not sure what is their recruitment status. I’d take a look at [CT]
- Smallest out of all T2 servers, but not far away from Mag’s coverage. Diversity of mentalities on the server, great SEA coverage and good reset/weekend performance. Low EU coverage and moderate everything else
For small scale I’d take a look at [EA], theres also a few others that play havoc around too.
Note: This is my personal PoV as I play on T2 and is a very summarized and general view
Aka purged all your PvErs
but think a little bit if we as a community have done any good to fix pop balances ( Remember T1 pre SoR implosion on constant guild buying from lower tiers)
Um…. not every player is on Blackgate. And not every server buys guilds like Blackgate (read no one else does). Don’t try throw the blame onto players and servers that had no part is one servers sad antics.
You really eat up all the kitten on the forums if you think BG is the only server that has “bough guilds” , and its not just about buying coverage, is when already dominant servers keep recruiting or masses of players keep bandwagoning. That is the cause of imbalance, not Anet, that was my whole point.
I know how kittened a lot of you are at anet and hate that im being the devils advocate but im pointing out the truth
Don’t get me wrong, we’re definitely not getting enough attention for such a good game mode that is WvW but read all the BS threads and non sense around this section and how split WvWers can get.
Blame ANet all you like, you will most of the time be right about it but think a little bit if we as a community have done any good to fix pop balances ( Remember T1 pre SoR implosion on constant guild buying from lower tiers) OR to express ourselves more respectfully. Its literally no counsidence match up threads were closed because of our general attitude, some people just cannot enjoy a game without constant massive improments that dont benefit the game but them as individuals
But hey its easy, #BlameAnet
What does it matter what they add to WvW if we’ll just give anet kitten about it no matter what they implement
95% of player made ideas and suggestions do not get supported or merely do by the “WvW community”
Admit it, we’re the hardest to please
big +1
I loved the season simply because the score was never an issue, we could play how we wanted to with little punishment and having tons of fun fighting bigger teams
I went from (Bit long ago by now, not sure if S2 was announced) SBI to Mag due to the game feeling like a chore/job.
I’ve been very content with the type of people on the server and wont be transferring anytime soon.
I’m more concerned on the amount of up lvls there…
This was in the first month of the game so no surprise the majority of the people playing were up levels (including myself) and had about zero WvW experience at the time.
EDIT To add to that, I looked at the date I took the screenshot and it was August 27, 2012, so technically still during early access lol.
Ohh i see :P
I’m more concerned on the amount of up lvls there…
Great guild, talented commander, if u play SEA stop PvDooring/dying and join Olaf = get bags
I do not have a favorite one, but i’ve met a lot of great ones… These are from my personal experience
Best open-field commander – Star Player, ex TE guild leader
Aggresive and creative- O Olaf O [Olaf]
Best strategist – Kalkz
Most charismatic ( ability to rally tons) – Xushin
so wait
youre complaining that glass builds got nerfed and you can no longer rely on 5 glass peripherals to do all the damage while your soldier/sentinel geared wrecking ball wanders around like a headless chicken spamming cc and blasting water?
maybe you should regear your melees in knights. and have only the commander playing a pure sentinel build.
You didn’t get my point.
Sure we can all adapt and roll bunker/condi/melee/cc spam and have slow paced fights that require minimum skill clicking and positioning but my point was this is boring and slow
Yes, let’s push people into the top servers even more. This is exactly what is needed. /sarcasm
what this guy said lol
Why? The do guild functions on my server in WvW, that hinders the servers WvW effectiveness. Not only that, but they mention that in their recruitment post. All while being aware it is not designed for GvG, while adding to actual WvW players queues.
If you take issue with the fact that I speak out against there selfish degradation of the rest of the servers experience, feel free to report me. otherwise all your doing is trolling my post.
Players have different type of play styles, not everyone from your server likes to ppt, and not everyone likes to play for fights. People play how they want to, maybe one day you will realise how flawed the game mode is and understand why these type of players you are complaining about exist
apologies to the OP for the msg but I coudn’t help myself, good luck on recruiting
It has made WvW more stale for me a lot of server mates. One of the attractive things about Gw2s combat is the fast-pace and reaction time. Now with this patch it has made it quite slow paced and therefore boring to me. Few notes and reasons:
- I’ve noticed how hammer trains, PVT gear have significantly benefit from this. Before patch an organized hammer train was ready good hut what happens when you make them even bunkier?
- Outmanned fights are even more difficult to overcome. Even if your team coordinates and syncronizes a well executed “bomb” its effect is minimum. Giving more advantage to larger teams.
-Range bombs ( meteor showers+tornado+power wells) are way less effective than they use to, giving even more advantage to the common melee meta.
To summarize, WvW combat was better before the patch. It was more fast pace and it relied more on team coordination ( it still does, but not as much).
I’d like to see this dmg nerf be PVE ONLY and not affect WvW. Before anyone assumes anything, I am not bringing up this issue because it directly affects me, I play a frontline driver which relies on bunker/support build I am bringing this up because it has made the game less attractive to me and others, to the point I am considering in just quitting
This obvious troll thread actually worked omg ppl…
There was like 2 balanced weeks were T2 was more balanced because they were pressuring TC.
Then shifted focus on SoS when they won one week in T2 and SoS got a lot of transfers that drained EBay.
TC still had more coverage and as soon as the 2v1 stopped they steamrolled like they used to. SoR implodes and TC gets more xfers, we all know the rest yeah.
Miss ya guys too, is beth and iLL still around?
I was never in Bags, I was in BEAST and when they decided to merge with Bags which didn’t last long.
Heck, I’m not even an NA prime player I just did reset with them, so whats your point ? Lol
Did the lord had skill lag? Lol :P
Alright enough flaterring yourself dude, YB and EBay didn’t just make a truce. If it was just that the match would be way more closer and EBay would have zero chances at second place.
Here’s the truth: Since reset, EBay and YB had all their teams focused on SBI. Which is still fine, then as week progresses YB used spies, siege griefers, mesmer portaled zergs into citadel to destroy omegas and even worst manipulated the match uos scores. How? By giving EBay their own BL towers, keeps for free and throwing YB zergs into EBays so EBay could stomp for PPT. This is the scummy moves I was reffering to the other threads, so like I said, dont flatter yourself.
Its no counsidence both of your servers lost a vast amount of players after leagues, karma is a kitten isn’t it
Thats a long topic and its all past now so it doesn’t really matter anymore. It wasn’t just a 2v1, was way more than that. Note that YB was not the only ones playing dirty in that match, but were the dirtiest during it
Lol at the T1 tears.
Do you guys think you’re a speacial snowflake because you optimaze your PPT play? We know what you guys do, and its extremely boring.
You dont just blob with baddies, you:
- Have mutiple 5 man ganking squads around bloodlust to cap and secure it, because this will get you loads of score from the constant fighting
-Have players willing to sit on towers/keep to scout, siege up and shoot anything that passes by
-Escort yaks en masse, play like a turttle most of the time
- If an open field fight is too difficult, set up siege
- “Map politics” lolRinse an repeat on all maps, ta da. Oh and when it gets “competitive” you know its time to:
-Siege grief
-Spy other teams voice comms or send alt acct
-Buy guilds for x time zone.
-Set up truces with another server that at the end you’ll the one taking more advantageInstead of all that kitten you could be having fun just forgetting about the scoreboard and focus more on getting better at using your own character, syncronizing with your team. But nah winning matches is top leet skill amirite
If you want to increase your skill go spvp, not running around in a group of 25 players with 3k+ armor and 17k HP. There is almost equally no skill in running around hitting 111111111 and the occasional 2-5 to blobbing in a group of 50. If you really want to test your skill in wvw, solo roam around the ruins and take on superior numbers.
I have seen this attitude before from SoR. A bunch of arrogant twits who think only what they do is skillful and look at their state now.
Ever heard of RIOT? I’m sure they can kick your kitten all the way to mars. Don’t think you are great because of beating SoS because they are one of, if not the least skillful server on average in the first 4 tiers.
The PVT meta in groups is way more used in T1 than in T2, you’re talking without actually knowing, a 15-25 man team vs 2:1 or 3:1 odds requires a lot of more focus and specific roles to pull it off, but then again you’re just talking without actual facts here in a sad attempt to defend your former server/tier
Also at Reslinal and the bloodlust havoc squads argument, you’re right, the small scale fights does require more skill and props for that. But the fact that your main purpose is standing in a circle doing laps to secure your servers PPT than whatever fighting/ganking you do on the way speaks for itself.
This thread is an amazing example of the difference in mentality T2 and T1 servers have. Its pointless to argue about it at this point since its clear we’re two different worlds here
(edited by Natronix.9827)
Im sure you guys dont do this anymore, but you used every scummy move to win that SBI/EBay week. The dirty play is what i hated the most, not the constant siege hugging