Showing Posts For Natronix.9827:

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Thing is, almost all servers are very imbalanced population wise on every tier. I want to see how IoJ/YB/KN plays out. Maybe that could be a closer and nicer match up

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Still complaining on pugs using siege on open field. I havent seen IoJ do it in our past 3-4 match ups.

Heck, my i remember sbi using sieges while outnumbering my guild group in NE tower right after we breach. You dont see us QQ about it, we were able to work together and wipe the siege plus some defenders. Then sbi reinforcements came from behind while we were still fighting off the remaining defenders at lords room and we got wiped.

Point is, siege if part of WvW and its really obvious when its getting placed plus requires time. If you dont know how to counter this in open field well, you might want to rethink who’s the baddie

Commander Nachonix

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Bump. Cant wait for silver league to start. We sure have to work for that #1 against YB

Hope we get paired up often with the highest in this league

Commander Nachonix

April Rhain[AR] is looking for WvWers for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Bump. Just added guild lotto to our list of guild events

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


To the [SE] engi I just killed outside the eb hylek: Why were you running in circles for so long before engaging? Were you trying to wait until the krait put me at a disadvantage or something?

I don’t mean this as a point-and-laugh post or anything, i’m just genuinely confused :S

He was doing cardio, and you rude sir, interrupted him.

Commander Nachonix

[CNB]kaineng WvW guild LF a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yep heard great things about SoS. Best pf luck to tou guys there

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yay weekend is over. Hope the numbers cool off so me and my guildies can have some more equal fights

Sidenote. We’re missing our regular trolls. Need to keep up the forum PPH our the T1 thread will catch up.


Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Those gifs are great rofl

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


How I feel when trying to defend a tower in SBI BL

I lol’d.

This is pretty much how i feel when roaming with guild.

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827



At your bay

Silly SBI kept letting us flip Sunny this morning :c and we almost flipped Crag as well. Good fights to [Bags]. [DDLG] this morning at those two towers

Crag was ours darn it. Oh well

Good fights today. Cant complain

Except for EB. Stay away from that zergfest

Commander Nachonix

(edited by Natronix.9827)

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Here’s the previous thread made by the same guy on the same topic.

10 defenders could beat his 30 man when the gate was at 10%. He also claims to be sitting under AC fire for 10 seconds. Yeah, the arrow carts are definetly the problem

Commander Nachonix

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Lol this guy is hilarious!

Why would a topic like this have ANYTHING to do with my server? I mean its siege, part of wvw you know, like, everybody from all servers use it.

Quality > quantity buddy.

10 smart defenders can and have all the right to defeat 50 not so bright attackers

Commander Nachonix

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Oh its you again with the same topic again.

Theres trebs, catas, ballistas, counter ac, and many other ways to counter the AC’s.

You simply dont want the defenders to have any chance at winning when out numbered. You’re previus thread proves my point

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Why thank you.

Oh wait

That wasn’t for me was it.


Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Our guild was offered 12k,10k and 5k gold to go to various servers during our process to find a new home. (We took no gold from anyone) I sold a legendary weapon and payed for my guilds transfer instead

Just this week we had another guild offer to pay our complete transfers to another server in this same match-up.

PPT kitten.s are crazy

I gotta say. 12k gold was a nice offer. I was just going to take it and buy my guild legendary weapons

Only 10k for an entire guild.

Please. I cost that alone.

Yep just wait abit Rob.

Banzie and I are on the way. 9,824g so far.

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827



I STILL prefer the forum wars between Dr/Ioj.

I’ve read T1 match up threads, second category stuff there.


Commander Nachonix

9/20 DH/GoM/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


The NSP/IoJ/SBI thread has like double the posts of the 2nd highest thread xD.

So i just peak here to see how’s it going on other match ups and i see this lol.

Happens every time IOJ and DR.. eh i mean SBI* get matched up together.

Nsp doesn’t stay behind either.

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Hey guys, in terms of replies to thread we are T1. Excitment always follows SBI.

Pfft other match up threads havent even passed the 100 mark. And here we are over 200.

Weak I say.

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Our guild was offered 12k,10k and 5k gold to go to various servers during our process to find a new home. (We took no gold from anyone) I sold a legendary weapon and payed for my guilds transfer instead

Just this week we had another guild offer to pay our complete transfers to another server in this same match-up.

PPT kitten.s are crazy

I gotta say. 12k gold was a nice offer. I was just going to take it and buy my guild legendary weapons


12k gold. Imagine how easy it would be to scam like that.

I shoudn’t be giving these kind of ideas on public should I

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


So it is SE. My original post still stands then.

I didn’t read your original post.
But your signature says Ehmry bay.
Go away bay.

Make me.


Everyone report this guy because hes being racist.
My feels are so hurt. I fink I need therapy.

You would know how getting banned for being “racist” feels like amiright rob?



I say something stereotypical irish. And these mods are like BAAAAAN THE NON-BELIEVER

So yes. Thank you for your love <3
I cry myself to sleep at night.
Knowing that the moderation team hates me.


So funny story.

Today I logged in to forums and I got this PM from an EU guy and he is like:

“Piken Square balblahblah high tier need more off peak EU presence for leagues blahblah your guild would have a lot of competition in vs X servers coverage.”

I didnt reply. I find it amusing how competitive people get to the point of trying to recruit a small wvw guild.

Just wondering if anyone else got something similiar.

Commander Nachonix

April Rhain[AR] is looking for WvWers for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Thanks for the kind words ballymun.

After months of being one of the few militia commanders playing throughtout late oceanic, most of euro and sometimes abit of NA to help IoJ out I could only dream of an organized WvW guild. But now that theres a lot more active wvwers taking over, I can work on my guild knowing IoJ is in good hands.

Also, bump. Recruiting more WvWers looking for great fun and competition.

List of classes that we need from most to least:

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


So it is SE. My original post still stands then.

I didn’t read your original post.
But your signature says Ehmry bay.
Go away bay.

Make me.


Everyone report this guy because hes being racist.
My feels are so hurt. I fink I need therapy.

You would know how getting banned for being “racist” feels like amiright rob?



Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Hi, sorry for dropping in kind of randomly like this, but since [SE] is now on IoJ, has anyone come up with a clever zoomhack name like the old Zoomhaven? A match up between us seems to come closer and closer and I would want to know what to name the forum thread.


Can’t tell if trolling or?

Isle of The Zoomthanirs

Hack Of Janthir

Janthir Be Zoomin’


Not sure what server where you talking about, and [SE] was not the guild from DH i heard that had the zoomhackers in it. Its name one of the most expensives dyes…

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Wow Tots.

What happened to your trolling level? You went down from elaborate bashing to correcting grammatical errors.

Please, do try harder.

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


well we tried…

on side note: OS, you guys should xfer to IOJ…<_<

The day that happens is the day i dye my hair pink.

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Eh, whatever. This thread is already a thousand times more interesting than last weeks.

Agreed, people actually post

What was NSP’s last match up?

Crystal Desert and DeadHaven

Lel… well then.

I thought CD talked more, being a decent sized server and all.

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Eh, whatever. This thread is already a thousand times more interesting than last weeks.

Agreed, people actually post

What was NSP’s last match up?

Commander Nachonix

[CNB]kaineng WvW guild LF a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


SBI isn’t and wont be in the silver league.

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Hope I can find some small scale fights today c:

Commander Nachonix

Who would you like to face next week?

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827



Silver league championship preview?

Yep. We got SBI instead. Oh joy

Commander Nachonix

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Lets give em all we got IoJ! Looking foward for a good week filled of battles.

Also shoutout to [RISE], you guys gave my guild a really hard time haha, we definetly got to improve on our team play more.

And that small team from Spca splt? Holy kitten you guys are tough.

Had fun today overall, keep it up!

Commander Nachonix

Necro looking for guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Thanks Lilli ^.^

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


[SIC] had some great times this week.

Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.

Little question here…

Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?

You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.

You can have organized guilds and still be complete crap (sry for sounding harsh, but that’s reality). Seeing his history with RET, I know a few folks who moved there and they are good.

I’m in TEST…. so yes I know what’s going on.

So I take it you DONT wvw here. YB instead.

Looking at all the sugar coated kitten you talked about IoJs wvw in some threads on the wvw recruitment forum, you’re basically using assumptions from other people and what you read/see on forums to talk about us. Which I’ve just ignored, until I see you keep going at it.

So how about you stop caring about our transferz or what happens over here and go back to the server you wvw with.

Actually, this started when I saw Banzie in the SBI/YB/BP thread so I thought I’d pop back and look what you guys have been doing so far. I wouldn’t call what I’ve been saying sugar coated as some of the stuff has been told to me by folks who do WvW on IoJ (I’m not going to say who they are). Since I’ve been seeing more pugs trash talking about CD, YB, BP, Kain in LA map chat and about how the new and improved IoJ wvw scene is, I’m not just gonna ignore this kind of stuff because that’s not the IoJ I knew when we were the underdogs. I really don’t care for the transfers other than the quality of the fights we will be facing soon. SIC has demonstrated that they are going to be giving good fights.

And yes, Banzie is right, a few of us commanders starting out or not known as well because we played at times where people weren’t on got trolled by map chat to the point where we got fed up. Basically, people didn’t know who we were (because we didn’t play primetime), told us to tag down, and called us noobs. Calling us traitors (and some continue to do so) when we left didn’t help either. Aleman got the short end of the stick, he got a lot more crap over it than I ever did.

I’m not a person who holds a grudge, but I still care for you guys. I’ve talked to a few people about what has happened on IoJ recently and believe me, not everyone is happy about it deep down.

Now that I see you’re posting with a friendlier tone, so will I.

Most of the people i’ve met on this server have been really cool and friendly guys, sure theres bound to be trolls around but its not the image this server has shown to me. Not sure about what goea on i n LA, but its surely doesn’t represent us as a whole.

Its sad to hear you and aleman left because of trolls. I did meet aleman, he was a cool guy and a great follower, but he lacked reaction time and other aspects thats needed to lead, like patience to command pugs. No offense or anything bad intendeed, its just from what I saw when he tagged up. I constantly tried to cheer him up, saddens me to hear that he left.

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


[SIC] had some great times this week.

Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.

Little question here…

Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?

You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.

You can have organized guilds and still be complete crap (sry for sounding harsh, but that’s reality). Seeing his history with RET, I know a few folks who moved there and they are good.

I’m in TEST…. so yes I know what’s going on.

So I take it you DONT wvw here. YB instead.

Looking at all the sugar coated kitten you talked about IoJs wvw in some threads on the wvw recruitment forum, you’re basically using assumptions from other people and what you read/see on forums to talk about us. Which I’ve just ignored, until I see you keep going at it.

So how about you stop caring about our transferz or what happens over here and go back to the server you wvw with.

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


[SIC] had some great times this week.

Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.

Little question here…

Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?

You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.

Commander Nachonix

Who would you like to face next week?

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827



Commander Nachonix

Necro looking for guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


April Rhain [AR] in Isle of janthir

PvX guild, EST/NA players. We’ve been focusing more on the WvW aspect of the game, using teamspeak is required but mic is not mandatory. We do weekly raids on wednesdays, reset nights and during the weekend. Daily wvw small group play/training.

Other activities we do that make us a PvX guild are:
-Weekly guild missions
-daily dungeon runs
- Champ trains, Orr runs, etc

We can also help with the transfering fee but we wont be able to cover a lot of it due to recent guild expenses.

You can pm me here, buddy me in game if you’re interested in more info. You’re also welcome to join us on teamspeak to chat.

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I gotta say i Lol’d at that…. XD

Thats not my toon! Lol but nice randomly made siggy rofl.

Im the one targetted on the video, the one that female guard is desperately trying to follow but keeps falling behind. Lols

Warrior, grenth armor, red/abyss dye. Highly doubt you can spot me in all that madness, maybe after the fight ended.

maybe later >.>

Fine >:L

Yeah. You dont really have to. Lel

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Thanks for showing up [IoM] and friends in ETBL. Was some real fun fights.

Our ts3 when we rushed bay:

Okay lets just push these guys, no fear. WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH IM DOWN AC’S!

We won’t yolo one of your keeps while you are in it again.

The NW tower was tons of fun as well

Hope to see you guys again sometime. Don’t take it the wrong way but im praying for SBI + YB next

Still not impressed with IOJ. Your bored Yet we are out-manned in HOD and ETBL’s. Our guild of 11 people was fighting far more in ET. All night. take your guild. leave the tag at home, show up to 1 of these enemy BL’s and you will NOT be bored

Good to see you’re having fun, so are my guild mates

Ioj Forum posters =/= ioj in general.

Commander Nachonix

(edited by Natronix.9827)

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I gotta say i Lol’d at that…. XD

Thats not my toon! Lol but nice randomly made siggy rofl.

Im the one targetted on the video, the one that female guard is desperately trying to follow but keeps falling behind. Lols

Warrior, grenth armor, red/abyss dye. Highly doubt you can spot me in all that madness, maybe after the fight ended.

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I gotta say i Lol’d at that…. XD

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Hehe no worries , me posting the video here for everyone to see is his “punishment”

Nah but really, that fight right there got me all pumped up. I’m finally rolling with an organized group after months of commanding puggies.

Not that i wont command militia when needed though! IoJ for life

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Heres a quick video of yesterdays clash with some ET militia :P

Serves them right for daring to take down out guild house! (Aka Briar).

PS: Bad quality video I know, notice the persons PM’s for some lulz…

Her friend sounds bangable….

Dear everyone on IoJ, please learn how to use logos on the game chat box for your videos. It’s respectful to others and saves on embarrassment of yourself or other people.

Lol the guy was laughing when he saw it, he was talking about someone he heard on the background when someone afk’d and didnt mute the mic.

We all found it pretty funny considering he uploaded the video and he’s too lazy to edit it. XD

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Heres a quick video of yesterdays clash with some ET militia :P

Serves them right for daring to take down out guild house! (Aka Briar).

PS: Bad quality video I know, notice the persons PM’s for some lulz…

Commander Nachonix

April Rhain[AR] is looking for WvWers for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Today is a good day. We just helped two players transfer servers to IoJ and join us. We got a lot of members contributing to help out

Still got lots of spots open for more WvWers. Even more once we take care of inactives and such.

Commander Nachonix

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Hmm. I wonder what happened here.

Great defensive play vs a not so well executed push? Idk, just taking a good guess from that screenshot.

Gg regardless

Commander Nachonix

Difference between EU vs NA recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Dont underestimate YB and BP, i would like to see how we would do matched up with those two servers. We’re definetly not ready for gold league and i hope we will never. Best case scenario is that every server in the silver legue get a bump in coverage, so everybody couls compete against each other. Keeping things fun

Commander Nachonix

Difference between EU vs NA recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I gotta say, I would not like to go against servers in T3 and up, Im enjoying the small scale battles and not having to deal with skill lag

Commander Nachonix

Difference between EU vs NA recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


As a player that WvWs in NA lower tier servers, I love recruiting people. Im not lying when I say there are no queues other than reseg night or a number of guilds working together on the same map, that draws numbers and attention.

I love lower tiers because theres no skill lag for me, makes playing in guild groups so much fun.

i tried T1 once and i hated the massiveness of the zergs on every map. I got to admit though servers there require a lot more organization between everybody to be succesful.

Commander Nachonix

April Rhain[AR] is looking for WvWers for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Buuuuuuuuump. Will throw our guilds youtube channel soon!

Commander Nachonix