Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Picollo outfit only usable in wvw. “Bags please”.
Uhm activate the triumphant reward track for said skins?
Don’t wait for a fix. This hack has been around since launch.
You are still completely missing my point RyuDragnier. Ahwell comprehensive reading doesn;t exist on forums…
Like i stated before in other topics; No class should be able to damage while remaining stealthed. Effective or not – it shouldnt be a thing at all.
People who defend this must like to play cheese builds.
Or know how stealth actually works. If YOU step into a field that just adds a condition, it’s not going to reveal them, because YOU stepped into a red field you should have known never to step in. The trap thing, no thief worth their salt even runs traps, they’re useless when you could have moves that either increase your survivability or help you kill faster. Traps do neither.
A good fix for this is that all traps deal a minimum direct damage.
That way – the source of damage (i.e. Thief/Mes/DH,Ranger) will get revealed.That’s exactly what they did with Shortbow and for similar reasons.
Which effectively killed group support on thief in WvW. SB was the group support weapon. If we can’t stay safe and keep the poison on, then we’re no use to the zerg.
I know how it all works and i know it isnt the best build. But like i said no class/build should be able to do damage and REMAIN stealthed. Do people read this or just blindly defend this kittenty build……
Like i stated before in other topics; No class should be able to damage while remaining stealthed. Effective or not – it shouldnt be a thing at all.
People who defend this must like to play cheese builds.
I am pretty sure it is the same for all other siege. I was hitting 4 superior rams on watergate garrison with a treb and it took twice as many hits to bring down. Gate was at 10% by the time I got them down. Not great when you have 2-3 defenders vs a 30-40 man zerg…
The downside of this update.
“balance” patch.
Stealth is always way too powerful. In every game. Ever.
It shouldn’t be a thing.
Sadly the devs dont share this and kept on adding stealth through the years.
You want factions; go to EOTM. Every single week you come up with this silly idea and every single week the same people tell you why its a bad idea.
I admire your persistance but please, theres a time you have to stop.
It might be a reference to Devon Arrowcarter, the guy who fleed from the office.
Simply click the big round circles. Works same as linking pois.
(edited by Offair.2563)
Ahh its been written by their chinese staff and translated with google.
I’d like to see this rune being removed from the game. Doesn’t add anything but cancer to the game.
Also happens when i port into Hills. Looks like a dust cloud blows around there on the bridge.
Finally, years and years has passed while this was heavily demanded by the majority of wvw players.
Speaking about wasting dev resource…
As for lag, it is always something we are trying to improve. There are some changes coming in early August specific to WvW that should help with lag, but we are constantly working on improving lag for WvW.
Means more lag?
It’s HoT garbage, probably will be nerfed as soon the next expac is roughly a year old.
Lucky they didn’t gave omegas a 100% health boost /phew.
Yeah somehow the update removed all the structures upgrades.
The cannon and possibly mortar blueprints will add something positive to this. /cough
If ya see a camp being flipped (which is easy now with the INYOFACE message ) try to predict where the flippers hit next, and intercept.
Watchballoons for camps? Whats next, tower upgrade to sent an npc zerg to a camp to have it defend for you lazy kittenstuffers?
I give up. If ANet ever folds to these buffing camp demands, among the many other solo player hating requests, I think I’ll just become a full time zergling until the game becomes too stale to play any longer.
I like doing things by myself despite how difficult it is. There are blobs and gankers everywhere , “marked” buff on sentries and towers making it all the more easy for people to outnumber you and bunker builds left and right that are just designed to kite you until they get back up. Even with all that crap that makes it feel like you’re always going against the odds, I still like to think for myself and to attempt to contribute to my server on a more personal level. But people are so obsessed with forcing the blob mentality that I can’t see this passion for solo play lasting a whole lot longer, assuming ANet caves to the cries of their many sobbing children.
I may not have been around since the very beginning but I have been around long enough to know that roaming and solo play is but a shadow of it’s former self. Taking camps, killing dolyaks and attempting to kill other players before you’re swarmed by a flock of them is all we have left. And even yaks can be extremely hard to kill if a player is nearby thanks to the aura it gets (which, although a nice addition, it still contributes to the problem). Before we know it sentries are going to be Champion status and camps will be full of elite NPC’s and “marked” buff and the only thing you’ll be able to do by yourself is to die.
This pretty much.
How about a portable, magical Wheel of Fortune into which you can toss any unwanted account and soul bound stuff for random prizes and surprises?
I’m up for this. Getting too many junk every day i throw out my bags.
About confusion; Revert it to the original state, only damage on skill usage. Or simply remove perplexity runes as confusion is like bleed 2.0 atm.
Wish they claimed a keep or tower on the server i oppose. Hunting for anet tags all day would be come the new national sport.
Yea it is a joke and yea it is a kittenty build to kill but cmon that’s not the point. The point is ….. being INVISIBLE THE ENTIRE FIGHT WHILE DISHING OUT DAMAGE.
No class/build should ever be allowed to do that.
Sorry to break it to you man, but both you and OP seem to be overfrustrated.
1) thief is supposed to be deadly. It’s an assassin. I died many times to them, yer, but what I’m more concerned about is their teleport, not their condi/fast kills.
2) OP, sorry to say but you don’t know how to counter a thief. I play one, I play against all sorts of characters, even condi thieves, I simply know what to do to survive and you obviously do not.Both of you and everyone else complaining about something that is in absolute order – learn from your mistakes. It is very possible to survive a thief that drops condis on you. An Engi can do it with area reveal. A ranger has Sick’Em. Ele’s, Guards and others have condi cleanse.
What is your problem again?
My problem is people like you not getting the point. No class should be able to do damage while staying in stealth, is that SO hard to understand?? I know how to counter em and will remain doing that, thats not the problem.
Lets go back to people hacking under maps killing you while being invisible, maybe you get the point then.
So an Engie can’t stack burns then use stealth Gyro then, or a mes can’t shatter bomb and abuse stealth while waiting on CD…
Other classes can do what you’re asking thief not to do. Other classes can do it better too.
If you know how to counter them, you wouldn’t be roid raging on the forum about it.
“So an Engie can’t stack burns THEN use stealth Gyro” -
You already said it yourself, to stack the burns he has to be visible THEN use a stealth gyro. Unlike ghost teef who can STAY in stealth while throwing out condition damage.
Edit: Read up on what Chorazin said. And do some comprehensive reading please.
You said specifically “No class should be able to do damage while staying in stealth, is that SO hard to understand??”
Stacking burns in under a second, say 13 stacks then using stealth gyro and sitting in stealth while watching your enemy burn at 4k a tick until they die is exactly what you’re saying shouldn’t happen.
You’re complaining that a thief put a needle trap on you say 10 times just to get you down, that was a good 4 or more minutes that you must have been trying to fight the person, spamming auto attack on 5 stacks of confusion.
People have offered very simple and basic counters that a 10 year old could follow and achieve but apparently it’s still too hard.
Try stacking said burns on engi while BEING stealthed. You still dont read. Nevermind.
I feel stupid now thinking people on forums do comprehensive reading.
No, I read it fine, your English is somewhat lacking.
Now you’ve changed your statement to “stack while BEING in stealth”… No I can’t do that, I can stack off 13 burns in under a second then stealth and have the same effect.
I chase trapper thieves, all my builds have condition clears and people have offered advice to help but it’s easier to cry on the forums.
Here is one of my joke ranger pet builds in the pic, that can beat trapper thieves.
I have never changed my statement. But whatever.
as I jhave already said mapping isn’t doinging anything within a map, simply running around, you have 15 minutes to spare you spend 15 minutes running from poi to poi simply mapping. Not trying to build participation.
If memory serves at one point achievement chest were brought in which rewarded badges of honour. As such you simply had to open your chests. and you had a back log if you had enough achievement points.
If I am correct one never had to play WvW
Didnt you need rank 14 in WvW?
Yep aswell all the pois/vistas in all the wvw maps which has been removed cause of too much pve QQ.
I simply don’t understand the hate towards this track as its like 1-2% of the whole process.
Blizzard added this years ago in WoW.
Takes about 6-8hours to get them, perhaps a bit longer if you just get some participation and slack at a wp. WHere as you have to spent weeks? to get the rest. As a wvw player i find these complaint posts insulting as “we” have to go out of our way for way longer then you.
Always have to grin when i see norn male boots. So huge compared with rest of body.
I’m already picturing a line of 3-4 cannons along a wall, with ACs and/or ballis to protect them and repair hammers on standby.
It seems nightmarish.
I’m sure germans servers will show us why it’s a bad idea.
If siege disablers are really that big of a problem, which I don’t think they are, then limit the amount of siege they can hit, like one disabler can only de-activate two pieces of siege.
Zergs can easily do this. Just stop stacking all your siege in ONE spot and SPREAD em out.
Yea it is a joke and yea it is a kittenty build to kill but cmon that’s not the point. The point is ….. being INVISIBLE THE ENTIRE FIGHT WHILE DISHING OUT DAMAGE.
No class/build should ever be allowed to do that.
Sorry to break it to you man, but both you and OP seem to be overfrustrated.
1) thief is supposed to be deadly. It’s an assassin. I died many times to them, yer, but what I’m more concerned about is their teleport, not their condi/fast kills.
2) OP, sorry to say but you don’t know how to counter a thief. I play one, I play against all sorts of characters, even condi thieves, I simply know what to do to survive and you obviously do not.Both of you and everyone else complaining about something that is in absolute order – learn from your mistakes. It is very possible to survive a thief that drops condis on you. An Engi can do it with area reveal. A ranger has Sick’Em. Ele’s, Guards and others have condi cleanse.
What is your problem again?
My problem is people like you not getting the point. No class should be able to do damage while staying in stealth, is that SO hard to understand?? I know how to counter em and will remain doing that, thats not the problem.
Lets go back to people hacking under maps killing you while being invisible, maybe you get the point then.
So an Engie can’t stack burns then use stealth Gyro then, or a mes can’t shatter bomb and abuse stealth while waiting on CD…
Other classes can do what you’re asking thief not to do. Other classes can do it better too.
If you know how to counter them, you wouldn’t be roid raging on the forum about it.
“So an Engie can’t stack burns THEN use stealth Gyro” -
You already said it yourself, to stack the burns he has to be visible THEN use a stealth gyro. Unlike ghost teef who can STAY in stealth while throwing out condition damage.
Edit: Read up on what Chorazin said. And do some comprehensive reading please.
You said specifically “No class should be able to do damage while staying in stealth, is that SO hard to understand??”
Stacking burns in under a second, say 13 stacks then using stealth gyro and sitting in stealth while watching your enemy burn at 4k a tick until they die is exactly what you’re saying shouldn’t happen.
You’re complaining that a thief put a needle trap on you say 10 times just to get you down, that was a good 4 or more minutes that you must have been trying to fight the person, spamming auto attack on 5 stacks of confusion.
People have offered very simple and basic counters that a 10 year old could follow and achieve but apparently it’s still too hard.
Try stacking said burns on engi while BEING stealthed. You still dont read. Nevermind.
I feel stupid now thinking people on forums do comprehensive reading.
If people “duel” next to a keep or tower or any other high traffic location its their own dumb mistake to be interrupted. Tons of spots and even a whole map ( OS ) where you can duel freely without interruptions.
Can’t feel sorry for the kittenheads.
Personally i dont mind disablers that much. Just stop stacking your siege in one spot and keep pressure on walls to disable the disablers.
Now shield generators……
Cannon blueprints would allow players to deploy cannons anywhere that deployable siege can be placed (trebuchets, arrow carts… etc.).
So no restrictions vs regular siege.
I’m afraid wvw cant become the success anymore what it could have been. Shame though.
Edit: Especially not with these kittenty polls going on these days.
(edited by Offair.2563)
Next one will be deployable mortars. Think they had a topic on a cpl of weeks ago saying all these siege would have a “test”.
@Swagger, It’s relatively easy to play as long you know what to do.
Instead of coming with this junk you could fix your forum which is broken since launch
Open field cannon fights – When cannons getting low repair it with your hammer!
What the hell are you guys thinking at your office, ever play your own game like many of us do?
Appearantly not.
I’m too tired to read but get rid of the massive “Server took North Camp!!!!!!” messages.
I’m sure the roamers and duelers would be happy or at least make it an option. People say you can turn it off but nobody seems to know how?
This would be my nr 1 QoL feature right now. And yes some people on forum claimed to say you can turn it off, but when you ask em how ( As i cannot find the option at all ) they wont give an answer. So bullcrap i’d guess.
According to some people desolation is always outnumbered and low on population – Prepare for it!
Just wait till your repair hammer starts to lag.
Sorry to say but i cannot take tier 1 players serious with their “outnumbered” complaints from down here.
Also #PoorDeso.
Get the reward track xp buff from guild halls – Step into wvw/eotm for a cpl of hours and dont forget to complete dailies for the reward potions.
Happy grinding!
Yea it is a joke and yea it is a kittenty build to kill but cmon that’s not the point. The point is ….. being INVISIBLE THE ENTIRE FIGHT WHILE DISHING OUT DAMAGE.
No class/build should ever be allowed to do that.
Sorry to break it to you man, but both you and OP seem to be overfrustrated.
1) thief is supposed to be deadly. It’s an assassin. I died many times to them, yer, but what I’m more concerned about is their teleport, not their condi/fast kills.
2) OP, sorry to say but you don’t know how to counter a thief. I play one, I play against all sorts of characters, even condi thieves, I simply know what to do to survive and you obviously do not.Both of you and everyone else complaining about something that is in absolute order – learn from your mistakes. It is very possible to survive a thief that drops condis on you. An Engi can do it with area reveal. A ranger has Sick’Em. Ele’s, Guards and others have condi cleanse.
What is your problem again?
My problem is people like you not getting the point. No class should be able to do damage while staying in stealth, is that SO hard to understand?? I know how to counter em and will remain doing that, thats not the problem.
Lets go back to people hacking under maps killing you while being invisible, maybe you get the point then.
So an Engie can’t stack burns then use stealth Gyro then, or a mes can’t shatter bomb and abuse stealth while waiting on CD…
Other classes can do what you’re asking thief not to do. Other classes can do it better too.
If you know how to counter them, you wouldn’t be roid raging on the forum about it.
“So an Engie can’t stack burns THEN use stealth Gyro” -
You already said it yourself, to stack the burns he has to be visible THEN use a stealth gyro. Unlike ghost teef who can STAY in stealth while throwing out condition damage.
Edit: Read up on what Chorazin said. And do some comprehensive reading please.
Can some dev clarify what siege is going to be affected by these hammers? Like only oil/cannon/mortars – Or the whole bunch?
The whole bunch.
ANet’s answers:
Thanks. Guess im totally blind missing that out but pfff please no to this kitten.
/Sees burn stacks from a field /Moves 2 steps aside /Sees no burn stacks anymore.
If you get 40 stacks of a mortar on you without moving away idk anymore.
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