Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
build some trebs to hit the depots whenever someone has mastery or hit walls and hope they have some nabs trying to fix it while under fire, ive seen keeps supply count being drained over 1k just because of this
Ofcourse WvW should not be balacned but what is the point of letting rank 27 world play against rank 18 and rank 19.
Doesn’t make sense.
If rank 27 was playing only against rank 26 and 25, you would be bored the same way you are now. No real solution to the problem.
being matched up by servers 1-2 ranks higher/lower is incredibly less boring then matched up with 8+, that way u can have some equal fights instead of being over runned by their x3-4 zerg EVERYtime u try to capture anything
Yeah I love how all these people from blob servers come on here and talk about how easy defense is. Lol, they just like superior rams because they’re the one’s running around in 60 person zergs throwing down 3 and 4 superior rams and melting gates in mere seconds.
3 superior acs cannot stop 3 superior rams when a 40 person blob is at the gate. With Ele’s throwing down waterfields it just negates the ac damage. And the ac’s can’t destroy the rams before they’re through the gate.
People saying otherwise don’t know what they’re talking about.
3 superior arrow carts are enough to kill 10 golems before they breach trough the gate.
This topic is about superior rams, not about golems
3 superior rams are enough to kill 10 superior rams before they breach trough the gate. Fixed that for your comprehension skills too.Defense is already over the top in this game you just need like 10 competent defenders .It is already unnaceptable that 5 people can defend against 100 for hours if they have enough suply stacked inside with the use of overpowered siege.
Use scouts,prebuild your siege and refresh it.If you don’t want to do that you should lose your keep.
As i said, try that on realms that struggle with population AND coverage, i guess you probably play on a realm that hasnt this issues so yea its “easy” to put down scouts in keep that stay there 24/7 incase of an attack, if u dont have those people, esp in offpeak times u lose a tier3 keep easily, think about that.
Yeah I love how all these people from blob servers come on here and talk about how easy defense is. Lol, they just like superior rams because they’re the one’s running around in 60 person zergs throwing down 3 and 4 superior rams and melting gates in mere seconds.
3 superior acs cannot stop 3 superior rams when a 40 person blob is at the gate. With Ele’s throwing down waterfields it just negates the ac damage. And the ac’s can’t destroy the rams before they’re through the gate.
People saying otherwise don’t know what they’re talking about.
3 superior arrow carts are enough to kill 10 golems before they breach trough the gate.
This topic is about superior rams, not about golems
I’d call this topic “revamp WvW” since the map design, esp borders, encourage zerg groups. It all happens in the middle and south middle of map and easy to run around clockwise capping everything in sight while a quite huge size of the map is not even used ( think the skritt and centaur place ), although anet thinks its an idea to pull people there with their living story crap on those places, but thats another story/topic
Its due to the servers that cannot handle the calculations, causing skill lag, and this is nr14456373754345 topic about this
Defending competently is also an option.
This ^^. If you are losing a fully upgraded keep to 3 superiors, the problem is defenders who do not know what they are doing.
Try this on realms that struggle with coverage, this means you need 4-5 defenders on superior arrowcarts to have some chance to counter superior rams, imo they should be nerfed or gates needs to have a health buff, its simply too much.
Think the colours u play are POOR during leagues, most servers stay same colour 80% of the time, RNG hello??
/runs back into enemy zerg: Sorry forgot my bags!
Just make sure u spam the F or the mapped key every once in a while fighting other ppl, that way u get the most, if not all drops
After last patch all structures that had upgrades going on are bugged, they show up as “ordered” on the quartermaster window but the workers arent moving.
the skillpoint is in a cave just north north/east from your marker on the screenshot
Theres a NPC at Grand Plaza at Lions Arch that will put you in one of the mini games around, talk to him and get into one, you only have to participate in one to get the achievement done
I do agree it could be frustrating with looting being prior over helping other people back up, especially in pvp/wvw encounters
i would say get a ranger with a longbow, may not be the highest damage output but still lots of fun and shiny crits
im a ranger, i exist, i play alot of wvw, yet i fail to cap a keep in under a min though
Why complain about acheivements u almost get for free when ur doing ur daily WvW runs with guilds etc, to me these are just fine and almost way to easy to get.
We all paid the same amount to get in the zones we wish to be in, you simply cannot give people a special treatment just because they play XX mode more often then other people, would be unfair and completely stupid to do as a game host/developer.
Saw this happen once, standing at hills inner gate and looked above me to see a bunch of omega golems flying to Garrison, made me laugh
Since a couple of days my whisper channel seems to be bugged, cant whisper anyone but my friendslist unless i fully restart the client, anyone else have similar issues?
Seriously the most sad type of players you can encounter, id rather have a bot on /follow then these guys
A crazy idea. i prefer a day buff instead…..
Seems u know what ur doing, unlike them ( perhaps no skills or kittenty builds )
Simply remove it, with rams vulnerable stacks its even worse, cant dmg a wall so why a gate?
Agree, RIP Underworld wvw community, already lost quite few big wvw guilds due to this crap.
I dream of a WvW without individual rewards, no loot, no event rewards, no xp.
I dream of a WvW where every player is level 80 with the same free gear, just like SPvP.
A WvW where people fight for the honor of their realm and themselves, not for meaningless “progression”.
A WvW where people think about the best way to win the war, not the best way to tag the most red names in the mess of red and green names that covers the entire screen, just to get the most lootbags.
A WvW that is isn’t ruled by 3 megazergs running cricles around each other, flipping the entire map over and over 24/7.
I dream of a WvW without easy revives for and by everyone, a WvW where there’s a reason to fight back when outnumbered, because the enemies you kill won’t just be revived in a matter of seconds.
In my dreams ArenaNet actually wants to create the best game possible, not just give the hopelessly addicted more and more ACHIEVEMENTS and PROGRESSION to keep em running in circles and “capturing” undefended castles forever and ever.
But most people are so selfish that they dont want to agree with it just because they want everything wxp/loot/gears/power creeps etc
And what about the gears, when i bought this game i was told we wouldnt have to have the best gears to be good, now it is especially with the ascended crap
Taking down a wall still gives 120wxp, its one way or the other.
Not hard to get if u spent all ur time in wvw, if not i suggest u keep all the liquid wxp flasks that drop from players or the one from laurels/badges, or simply leave it as its just 1 achiev point and ppl in wvw are screwed anyway when it comes to acheiv points vs pve 15k+ acheivers
Who cares if they decide to log in again and perhaps have to requeue, i always laugh hard when it happen and i certainly dont give a kitten about those cap nodes etc, pewpew em to death!
yey so Underworld going to intend and drop tiers to get the easy fights.
Greetings a fellow disappointed Underworlder
You sound like an Anet employee as they like to break down wvw each patch.
Disable sent/recieve mail for trials.
Disable siege placing by trials.
This way trials get the idea and feeling about WvW and griefers can not do this sad thing anymore.
And yeah you can say itsa war, but were playing a game afterall and this is not the way it should be imho
I read it and yea… they deserve credit for being organized. Think of these ways of assaulting a tower
1. Run a pug zerg that instantly hits the door before you drop siege, starting the 30 second white sword timer instantly before the group can even properly dps the gate.
2. Run a well organized zerg that will first build siege, then wont even start ramming until all rams are built and then even have the will to hold back pvdooring, so oranges wont pop. – If they build enough rams/omegas they can literally have a reinforced gate down before the white swords pop. Your lucky you scouted it at 50 percent, usually the gate is down before swords pop. This is why you run with guildies.
Not intended with any disrespect, trying to give you a t1 servers perspective to help you all.
TLDR: Have permanent scouts at your keeps/north towers if you want to make sure there is enough response time. Roaming scouting doesn’t work.
This method should work on a heavy wvw populated world but not in lower tiers, im playing on Underworld and it seems we almost have given up trying to upgrade structures as it seems pointless with the new ram mastery, enemies able to rush through the wooden gates with ease and were to late to try to defend most of the tims.
imo anet destroyed the fun of scouting/defending a keep
OP says there is WvW section and ask about ur toughts and look at the comments.
There is not a special wvw section
-Living story
-Personal Story
But anyway useless untill they fixed the party options
I totally agree on the boom box kitten, who cares! and really up to 25k wxp from player kills? now the wxp zombie train will only get bigger and those few people trying to defend/upgrade will get kittened over more and more, GG anet breaking your game each patch
We’re aware of the issue and are currently investigating.
Stay tuned!
Whilst on it, fix some bugs that has been around since release like PARTY OPTIONS IN WVW.
Why keep on adding stuff instead of fixing first, if i had a car thats totally broke it doesnt make sense to add spoilers/sidebars too it, or does it?
Cant say much about leagues yet as it has to kick in ( though it wont get my vote )
The ruins is actually nice since it provides more playing ground but the bloodlust buff should be gone cause of the people who wants to do duels/gvg/small group fights etc
am not surprised at all, they dont bother to fix the party options in wvw anyway so why give it an own section lol
Instead of fixing this and other silly things ( like party options ), they do have time to implement bloodlust capture points, leagues systems, siege masteries and what so ever.
Fix stuff first before coming with new content should be PRIORITY in a game ANET
Im playing ranger a lot in WvW but since a couple of days i get to see Obstructed messages as if theres a wall inbetween me and the target, it occurs even when i hug the target, tested this with other weapons like shortbow / axe / torch / sword but they seem to be fine
Because golems are already OP.
Or, better said, the current prices makes golem rushes of 10+ golems too frequent for boosting them further w/o making defense completely meaningless.
Simply look what they have done with ram mastery, put 2 sup rams on wooden gate and you burn it down in 20seconds, so im afraid the golem mastery will come and be OP.
Its really sad to see a game of this caliber without such a function, same counts for this insane manual clicking on bags/karma jugs in order to open them, give an “open all” / “craft all” function already
Saw it a couple of times on Longview tower, made me laugh bumping into a stealthed gate
We just attacked the wurm by the wurm gate in the Borderlands, and it was level 84!! I don’t know what the devs are thinking but that is way too OP. He could be stacking food buffs and have full ascended and possibly even have that bloodlustbuff that gives him +1000 stats.
I’m not going to play until this is fixed!!!!
Suggestion: leave the wurm alone as its useless and go help to defend or cap something usefull for your world.
I respect anyone even when they act like jerks or “elitist”, but that doesnt stop me for sitting on peoples faces when they simply refuse to take their body out of our tower/keep after we wipe em inside!
Its a bit to much imo so i agree with OP.
Now lets sit back and watch what Anet will do to golems as theyre the last one left to get a mastery line
easy to avoid, dont leave golems on the WP but simply hide em so majority of people dont even notice them, whenever i see a bunch of them i start to hide them and refresh the decay timer myself if its needed
Yes to the new land, more places to fight
No to the buff, its kittened and way better to replace with the Outnumbered buff ( yes we need more magic find when they have 3x more people..)
GIving us more space to fight = a good idea, since no one fights in the water
Giving strong realms a buff that eventually gives 150 to stats = redicilous, better replace it with the sucky meaningless outnumbered buff
GG Anet creating more imbalance to world vs world
Well said! dont have anything to add!
why defend when you can attack and get t7 mats
This is just the most recent push to zerg. A WvW player simply can’t get this stuff any other way but to join the zerg on the keeps, or hope to ninja camps in an ever running circle.
I doubt we’ll ever know why this absolutely has to be, and Anet have said they don’t like the zerg mechanism, but they keep building the WvW to encourage it.
Well yeah i cannot see how they decide to come with Wxp and even increase it for every cap and then saying they dont like the zerg mechanism, even Stevie Wonder could see that coming people would simply care about flipping and kittenwhat about defending, very sad to see as i love to defend the stuff we cap, unlike those wxp zombies running in zergs.
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