A moose. It was a moose.
Hey everyone, I have an engineer and in tPvP I’m trying to learn how to play kit bunker build with him. But after meeting more and more guardians with bunker builds it seems they are really way better, especialy on clock tower with wall etc.
Do you think that bunker engineer can be as useful for team as bunker guardian?
Clones are annoying, but if you have damage you kill clone in one or two shots, I always try to find the one who runs around – mesmer. Also buffs and stuff like that helps, for example if he has glory boost, clones are not getting it.
I played mesmer but now I have engineer. As some said, Thief and Mesmer can go full dps unlike others in sPvP. I went with my engineer full dps with gadgets. Thiefs cant almost touch me, unless I dont notice or they are really good – knockback is my friend. And mesmer, if I see him, he goes down fast.
I think there is the same problem for some as was for me in one moba (dota like) game. I thought many characters are overpowered, they were, some more some less, but in random play with random people you are going to see it most. While e-sport players who train pvp a lot had usualy no problem and can adapt etc. Thief is cool with glass cannon build but imagine that same build in tPvP, one stun, focus, thief down. Same with mesmer. Unless he’d take 2 stun breakers.
But yes, I got your point. I think mesmer is incredible in survability. As full dps I used to take mirror images I think it is, two clones and stun breaker and teleport – stun breaker too. Third skill was optional. So with greatsword (pushback), sword + pistol (daze, imobilize, cripple and invulnerability while 2nd spell on sword) it was pretty cool. I could just catch someone in the middle of his “friends” and I had almost no problems killing him. My other build was conditions / tanky – staff, scepter + torch. It has 3 invis (if you take decoy and mass invis), also mirror images for clones. That build was even crazier, 3 times invis does a lot, clones make your enemy go crazy while they kill all of em and still they dont see you (because that invis), distorion thx to clones which I could make without any problem – staff and scepter = 2 clones, mirror images = 2 clones, decoy = 1. Also stacking confusion on my enemy was easy.
Both these builds seems strong. But still, first build dies fast, second kills slow.
P.S. On my engi I don’t have so much trouble with mesmer, probably also because I played him, but I hate necros as hell, condition spread as … and they just don’t die at all. Warriors the same. Seems to me all classes are a bit OP so you really need to learn how to dodge and use your skills properly. Its like Street Fighter kinda, you need to be fast and precise, but you are fighting in 3D enviroment.
And I thought there is not so many healing engis.
I have exlixir gun / bomb kit / elixir which gives you back endurance and can ress teammates (not sure what its called now). Stats I try to go condition / toughness / healing power and I use pistol / shield. This way I can get conditions down, heal, do some CC. I like it, not sure if its so useful as I like to think.
Traits are 10/20/30/0/10, kit refinement and elixir gun cool downs traits, of course I have healing bombs and cool down traits also for shield and pistol. That allows me to use a lot of slow / swiftness (elixir gun), getting conditions down and blind (pistol), also daze and push back with shield.
Gaming backround
Started with UGH, Prehistoric, Wolfenstein 3D, Simpsons and march bashing enemies with vacuum cleaner and other old games on PC, also there was some Gameboy Mario and stuff, Nintendo 64 Bomberman, James Bond, football and so on.
On PC it was mostly singleplayer games at the beggining but with Counter Strike I started to go into multiplayer world. First MMO – Ragnarok online for couple years, after that Lineage 2 for couple years, Guild Wars 1 for a long time, Age of Conan for a while, WoW (till max level when I did quit), EvE online (shame it is so much time consuming), Swtor for a while and tried couple others.
What is my playstyle? I don’t usualy care about money in game so I buy whatever I feel I want in that time and I don’t search much for cheapest way, its a game I’m supposed to have fun not do business or somethin like that. I level usualy slowly, I’m not rushing anywhere I just enjoy the game, dungeons, world, towns, other people.
My thoughts on GW 2
I said that I usualy don’t rush anywhere. It was always the truth until I started my engineer, I leveled him on max level as fast as I never did in any other MMO. Crafting (I crafted every armor I’ve had since probably lvl 20 or so) and exploration of maps I didnt go throught with my mesmer was my motivation, also going dungeons which I like a lot in this game. Some dungeons are more boring, mostly bosses, like end boss in TA but I get it he fits there and whole dungeon is a pain to those who don’t know flowers well. You know what I’m talking about. I love most of the things this game has to offer.
What I dislike? Fractals, not the dungeon itself but so many levels and people can go together if they are different level, not many people wants to go lower level, especialy 10 lower or so. Exotic crafting – you have to grind a lot of items to get it. But yes, I kinda dislike it because I’m not that hardcore farmer so I did spend around 7 gold for crafting some exo stuff – just helmet and coat, like I said, I don’t care much about money in games. But I also don’t dislike it so much because I get that exotic is supposed to be something special, more than rare, yet in CoF or dungeons you can farm way faster for equipment rather than farming items for crafted exotic. That probably should be looked at (imo).
Yes I hate poison in PvP and thiefs as well, also necros, but thats my subjetive thing and I know that balance here is kitten good. So keep up the good work Anet I’m loving this game so far. Just price of gems is what I hate.
For those who say in GW 1 was this and that and this is not like GW 1. I know there are ppl like that. This is not GW 1, would be pointless to make the same game twice and they know it, you know it. GW wasnt perfect at the beggining either. I thought there could be a bit more skills a had to get used to the idea noone at the map that its just for me, and henchman? You remember that stupid healing henchman who had AoE heal and was always healing the enemy you were trying to kill? Yea, I know..
There is one MMO I’d rather play than GW 2 but I’m not doing so. It just has some thing which doesn’t suit me, so am I crying on theirs forums? Nope, I went to this game which I think is kitten good and has a loads of potential. Golden rule of gaming – you don’t like it, find something else.
P.S. I hope Anet could bring back ritualist or paragon or a class with a pole, I’d love that. Thanks Anet for this great game, it has flaws, as we do, as everything has, so don’t worry, there are ppl like me who get that MMO can’t be perfect because of its compexity.
Imo its simple.
1) Today its not about fun but about farming and being the best. Therefore most people don’t care about mates in group, only about equip. And solo was always faster in (I think) every MMO. Because as some said, if you are in a group someone is going take a dog for a walk, having phone call etc.
2) WoW players trying every new MMO. And WoW PvE is strong solo focused (in my opinion) so they don’t really care about other people till they are 80. As in WoW, everyone was leveling as fast as possible (NOT that powerleveling is not in other MMOs too). Except EvE, where it doesn’t work that way. These players usualy played wow for a long time and they are used to certain things. Like yesterday we had in our guild chat a discusion where one former wow guy was sayin that stealth here is broken. What we found out later was, its not the same as in WoW so he finds it broken, but its not. Maybe some bugs, don’t know, but it seems fine to me – his concerns were not breaking combat after stealth on.
3) I don’t think its that truth that much about ppl not being social. Of course there are some who don’t care about other people, its not as social as some other games I’ve played, but hey, I was hunting karkas and people always group kinda around when they see someone else hunting. And not like in other MMOs, you don’t mind, because you get drop and experience, they do also. Same with dungeons. I did fractals lvl “whatever” and these people wanted to do another level. People are social, but sometimes they don’t want because they are so focused on farming. Maybe try to be more social yourself, usualy if you are, you find other social people.
I’m a bit annoyed by all the topics which are just like “why you play less”, “I hate this or that” or “this is not how I want it, mum, do somethin” so I’d like to see what people like and why, also if you could tell us what playstyle you like – farmer, casual etc.
So far I liked almost everything I’ve seen. Except a mesmer, played him in GW 1 but his playstyle in GW 2 just doesnt suit me. So I picked an engineer and leveling in GW 2 is for me fun as probably never before. I leveled my engineer really fast, I like exploring maps even tho I’ve seen them already. What helped me level my engi so fast?
Well for first it was exploration. I just wanted to see other maps I didnt go through with my mesmer, I also wanted to play out another race story, tho sylvari story is not as good as asura story imo.
For second, crafting, I started leatherworker around level 20 I guess, items from craft are useful and it made me go forward very fast because I really wanted to get some armor which has all stats I wanted and looks cool, so I was crafting, crafting and crafting while I noticed I have armor for higher level than I am so I leveld to get that armor and guess what, I already made some which was for higher levels. Btw I really like the system of inventing items for crafting.
For third, dungeons. I do like dungeons in this game. True, boss has usualy a lot of HP and we probably wouldn’t mind them having less HP, but it is what it is, also theirs stability buff when no CC is workin is bad since I play engineer and he has a lot of CC, but I can live with that too. But a story for dungeons and couple paths for every single one, I just don’t remember all of them yet. Yes I wasn’t all of them couple times as some people so that might be it, but I like getting lost in dungeon or not knowing exactly what to do and finding myself. And fractals? Yep, like em too.
4th, sPvP is nicely ballanced imo even tho people still cry its not. Haven’t tried tPvP yet but going to so I can’t comment that but sPvP maps are fun, except trebuchet, I hate that… you know what I mean.
So thats me, how about you?
P.S. I’m not a big farmer so I don’t have full exotic I haven’t run everything 100 times over and over etc. I’m usualy for every kind of fun whatever it is, PvE or PvP.
Realy? I’m a fan boy, I played GW 1, yes, we now got some items between exotic and legendary, I hope it wont go further, I think they got it, if not I won’t cry on forums how horrible it is (as I said manytimes, its realy stupid idea to cry on forums) and I leave the game if I won’t like it for a game I do like.
Listening to those who think something is wrong? You mean mostly WoW fans who are angry that GW 2 is not like WoW? Or you mean listening to people who say PvP is unbalanced while I heard many PvPers said that GW 2 has one of the best PvP balance in MMOs? No thanks. Anet should have some goal where they want to go with theirs game. Thats it, I hope they’ll make changes with balance, with skills, buggs etc. but I also hope they wont listen to whiners and will go where they intend to go. It will be good game or not, we don’t know, but unless they try and unless we give them a chance, they can’t show us, if its gona be a good or a bad game.
Its just few months after release, just sit down, play a game (if you like, if not don’t play – yea, simple as that), enjoy and wait what is going to happen.
Aleth it takes only a little while till error is occured, yes, sometimes I need to w8 4 times, so? I w8. I’ve never made an MMO but I’ve played a lot, even on free servers. Free servers, less people workin on it – MANY buggs etc. on oficial server – more people workin on it, less buggs etc. But buggs and bad things are still going to happen. We are all just people and we are allowed to make mistakes.
Having almost 80 engineer, also done some PvP I think, as some already said here, you picked wrong class for role you want to play now. Engineer can burst damage with rifle in PvP, if they get close you blow them away etc. I use gadgets for survability, mine and ram, works fine. Ofc I die if dps warrior or thief comes at me, I’m low survability build focused on dmg.
In PvE I dont find this build so cool, on ranged characters you can’t use rifle skills much unless you jump at him and go close range for a bit which sometimes means, you taunt other mobs. Engineer is worse sniper than warrior, I agree but I think it should be like that. You can do much more at the same time. Engineer is that unique class for me I like in every MMO, its just different. Most classes in here can do one/two roles realy well. With engineer? You can do cc, heal and conditions, or dmg, aoe and conditions + buffs etc. Engineer is almost never master of one style at any given time.
But I wouldn’t mind to see maybe one more kit for engineers pure ranged dmg. Its not cool to jump on boss with rifle in dungeon while having dps build, even that couple seconds till you “rifle” yourself away from him could mean dead.
You know what I hate when I go to dungeon? If someone says “do you have equipment you need for this dungeon?”, and you know what I don’t mind to be asked? “do you have skill for this dungeon and have you been here before?”
I’m thinkin about Mursaats when I hear infused armor so I’m still looking forward to new content, but I’m a bit afraid that it might destroy what Guild Wars used to be. If someone says to me, you are noob you can’t go with us, it makes me try harder, train and get better so I can, if I want to go that certain thing, usualy dung. But if its only about equipment it makes me think “ok now I have to grind something I might even hate because I have to get some stuff to get stuff I need to get somewhere I want to go”. – If I’d want that, I go play WoW. I noticed that most (maybe only) people who are complaining about “not enough progression in items” are WoW players. Why? Figure it out.
Yes to content, maybe for gear.
First I thought, gear progression sux, I still think so, skill is what matters and fun in dungeons etc. But if I’m right, this gear is supposed to be infused, we had that in GW 1 too, does it mean Mursaats? But most importantly, lets see how different that equip is.
P.S. I think that making a decision (if they do it I hope not) based on forums is bad as hell. I’m happy with the game and I’m not comin on forums sayin, I like the game as it is. I’M happy therefore I play. Hopefuly they won’t listen much to all WoW fans here who are sayin, make it more WoW. Lets stay Guild Wars, shall we?
Thank god there are still people who are able to play PvP and not only cry about it. True PvPer is not crying but is always looking how to be better, what to do with his class so he has better chance.
I mean, yes, some classes are stronger than others or more “bunkery” but that has always been like that. If anyone could show me MMO where is nothing like OP or “stronger” characters, I’ll be glad to hear about it. At first, I was dying with my mesmer (who some people consider OP) as much as you possibly can. Yes, I wasn’t able to counter anything, I wasn’t able to dodge properly etc. but after some training I got better and better, as you are supposed to. Same with my engineer.
I’m wondering if people who say its so unbalanced are always dying solo. Because this is a team game, not solo game. So if you die 1v1 it realy means nothing. I don’t play tPvP yet, just sPvP but I think we should let Anet first (as was said many times) fix BUGS which are there and after that we can say, this is op or not. But honestly, I haven’t met a class which would kill me 24/7. Its just some people are better, some not.
P.S. Complete agree with Yiyojin on his point with guardians, they are supposed to be tanky as hell, same as thief is supposed to be a deadly assasin.
Btw (for OP thinkers), those who know only enemy and not yourself, win some and lose some, those who don’t know yourself, neither enemy, they lose, those who know enemy and themself, they usualy win. Are you sure that you know that class which killed you well enough, so you know you can’t beat it – therefore it is so OP as you say?
GW2 is like any other game, infact it’s even worse.
Here you have to grind insane to gain a chance to aquire the materials and pre-legendary in the game. With my calculations it will take another month to gain all the materials for the legendary. In this game you only need $$$ to buy yourself your pre-legendary.It’s a shame, I hoped GW2 would bring more innovation and would make an end to this grind! You only need real money, this has nothing to do with skills anymore!
To give you an example I bought around 50 keys to open the black lion chest, had not one weapon skin. Don’t fall for this marketing tactics..
You could easily spend more then any other MMO’s where you have to pay monthly..
Bag, really dissapointed, this game is just dominated by gold farmers!Perhaps I should return to Diablo 3, wich isn’t that better though…
Funny how people are being dissapointed with every new MMO with same stuff. Maybe MMOs not for you? I don’t have that need to open every black lion chest and I have many in my bank, if I’ll get enough gold maybe I’ll buy gems to open them. They need to get money somehow, or you are going to do best MMO ever for free for all players? Oh god, we are gona love you. Oh w8, you are not gona do it because you can’t, without money it doesn’t work. kitten
P.S. Every new MMO is dominated by gold farmers, those MMOs played a lot are dominated even today, even if these games are way older than GW 2. Accept these facts or you’ll be dissapointed 24/7, that means stress and thats not good for your health.
WRT to the DR dungeon farm thing: I think I got it down. While I think Anet wants us to farm, I think they want us to do multiple different activities throughout a day, instead of a single monotonous activity. kinda makes sense, and while it may not be the most efficient, you mask the boring and tediousness of the farming event by having variety.
It makes complete sense, of course.
They make a game with so much content – obviously they want you to try everything.
But punishing you for doing things you want to do simply isn’t the way to go. You – and Anet – are assuming farming is boring for everyone. Well it isn’t, as long as the reward is worth it.Is the reward worth it in GW2? without DR, it is.
With DR, it isn’t. And in case you haven’t notice, DR is everything really. You get DR for dungeons, you get DR for zone farming and you get DR for salvaging. These are punishments.What are the rewards? Skins.
Every MMO has grind, only thing which differs is, what you grind. Life has grind, everything is about grind, its part of life.
Except grind in life usually come with satisfactory reward, unless you live in China and gets paid 50 cent for a hours worth of hardwork. That’s when I would consider getting a new job.
Does GW2 has satisfactory reward? no.
Reward in a game? WOW. Players are just not who they are used to be. Nice friendly people who love to have fun. I once met a guy in another MMO who told me that there is no reward for PvP so why he should do any PvP… O M G. So simple – because its fun. If you don’t like it, don’t do it, its a game, you can choose from many games, choose the one you have fun with. Do people have any reward from playing football with friends? A better body, maybe, but most of all, they do it cause its fun for them. And today, almost noone cares about fun, just about farming a better gear etc. go to work if you want to farm something so you can buy something. I hope these days when fun was most important in a game will come back one day.
Every MMO has grind, only thing which differs is, what you grind. Life has grind, everything is about grind, its part of life.
Seems that thiefs are a bit bugged, similar to mesmers etc. So I think that those people who “whine” about OP should w8 till things get fixed. Yes, I hate thiefs on my alt engineer but on mesmer (which some people think is op) I can kill them and sometimes they kill me. But what I’ve find out is that most people play glass cannons or high dps builds and they wonder, why thief – class which is supposed to kill low defense characters fast is killing theirs low defense characters fast.
For those who cry about OP, try different approach or go in team – and no, I don’t play thief and don’t intend to.
P.S. I think you are right, people who can’t play well enough, don’t train enough etc. cry its too hard so they need to nerf everything so they are happy. And as we know from other MMOs, there is always OP class, if you have to win for the most time and otherwise you cry like a baby, pick the OP class and be quiet, we (good players I hopefuly am or will be) kill you anyway.
I use for my condition mesmer scepter + torch. You can give condition with phantasm and scepter + torch invis and burn is always nice. If you pick decoy and mass invis you are pretty hard to catch.
If you complain against some class in this game, imo you didn’t learn yet how to counter it well. Yes, thief killed me from stealth in a second or two tops. So? I’m mesmer, light armor class, I should die by thiefs hands this fast if I’m not payin attention. Didn’t see him coming, wasn’t ready, had no teammates around me. My fault entirely.
I couldn’t kill guardian a long time I started with GW 2, I met mostly goodones, sometimes I can kill em pretty easy. Also depends if someone plays tanky or dps build. If you play dps, yes, you have tons of dmg, but you die fast. Some builds are more nasty than others. For example I realy dont like necros. But if I want I can take build which is gona take down thief easily, but its gona be harder against other profesions.
This game has a lot of crowd control so I take two stun breakers on my mesmer mostly. Or a staff. You need to dodge right skills, recognize em and use your defensive abilities properly. I learned that a bit but I’m still far away from mastering it. And I love it about this game. Its more complicated than just “click” and win.
P.S. Those thiefs who can kill me in a second almost usualy die while I’m in downed state if they don’t go invis. – meaning? They have so low healht that if you catch em they die. Same as you, if you go glass cannon.
Everything is OP I hear in PvP. Someone hates this and someone hates that. I think PvP in GW 2 is quite ballanced because everyone is whining about it. But! I play only sPvP so far so cant speak for tPvP which is usualy quite different.
Yet in sPvP I met warrior who was able to take me down as nothing (yes, I play mesmer), thief who was able to kill me by one or two hits from stealth – I hate it, but hey its thief and I think as thief he is supposed to be doing it to light armor classes. I met guardian who let me kill myself thx to his retaliation – yea, my bad, etc. etc. Every class here is good if you can realy play it I think. There are bugs etc. so as Ayanavi sad, first bug fixes, after that lets talk nerfs.
P.S. Everything is OP if you can play it better than the other man. I was dying pretty fast and a lot at start. Now? Almost rank 20 and hey, I’m making cry even some guardians who I hated before and I also can survive most thiefs, at least for a while, but good players, no matter what profession, get me down whenever they want to.
I go illusion, chaos and inspiration, tanky annoying build with staff, scepter + torch. 3x invis (decoy, ulti and torch skill), its a lot defensive build but you can kill those who try to kill you, confusion does a lot, traits help too for conditions.
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