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Flamethrower is still not worth the slot

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652



Well I said from my point of view, therefore you might see more usefulness in bomb kit, I agree. Just since I changed bomb kit for FT in my build, I’m more effective.


Yes, pulsing blind which you can’t use in stun like FT AoE blind and AoE knockback is useful only in two occasions imo – big fights where noone knows what AoE is what or against people who don’t know how to dodge it. I played same 4 kit just with bombs instead of FT and a bit different traits, tho I started to notice most people dodge Big Ol’ Bomb so it has no use for me while I’m trying to neutralize / cap point 1v1, but with Flamethrower? People dodge it by luck or if you equip FT, than some people tend to dodge because they expect you to knock them back. But again, its about how you want to use it, why you want to use it and how you can actualy use it. For me FT is just awesome thing, also cause I get 1 condition down with Kit refinement.

EDIT: Btw, I should say that I play mostly PvP arenas therefore I take it from that perspective.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

(edited by Omnio.3652)

Flamethrower is still not worth the slot

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652



The thing is, I go 4 kit build, so elixirs are really not my concern with it, I was talking about bomb kit vs flamethrower from my point of view, and there, FT wins.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Flamethrower is still not worth the slot

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


For me is FT one of the best things for engi. Way better than bomb kit. Tho depends why you use it. I wanted some crowd control spells and something to help me in stun, FT wins.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

List of my TPvP engi builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Oh, interesting flamethrower build, gonna try that out. I wanted to make some of my own but this seems really nice, I like the runes especialy. Just one thing, in your link you have granade kit there.

Your bunker is almost the same as mine, I just use 4 kit (never got used to Elixir R) and 30 in alchemy to be immune to conditions under 25% HP. Good luck with that, show them that engineer doesn’t give up his point easily.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

To Despairing Engineers over Kit Refinement.

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Its not as bad as it looks. This change affect only 4 kits not all. Imo now you just must choose first kit swap more wisely instead mindlesly slide on kit buttons. Its simply again increase engi learning curve witch is good because I dont want see every 2 button noob play engi:-)

I just found out that we have kinda only one viable anti condition thing now, elixir. Before kit refiniment nerf it was also this trait, flamethrower and elixir gun gave us cool condition removal, now? I have problem with that. So my build is basicaly dead against heavy conditions again. No wonder everyone tends to spam conditions in this game, its like take skill on it or you die. I tried my ranger on conditions, amazing stuff.

EDIT: I mean, it probably still could work, just with more focus on fight, more focus on precise use of skills etc. I don’t think I have seen anything like that on other classes. With my mesmer I had to focus, but not crazy like this.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

(edited by Omnio.3652)

Kit refinement skill....revised and tested

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Anet I get it, engineer is high skill cap class, but come on, could any of your devs play this class so he knows actualy what the hell are you changing and why? Having single and global cooldowns in the same time seems even more horrible than bureacracy which people tend to meet in office.

EDIT: Its a bit unfair to crush engis builds which need to push tons of buttons to be effective while there is still no real nerf to thiefs heartseeker, obvious press 2 for win button. I even tried thief, leveld to lvl 7, went PvP and just wondered how easy is to kill people with it.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

(edited by Omnio.3652)

So let me get this straight.

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Kit refiniment nerf is only thing they are nerfing on engi, otherwise its “buffs”. I use 4 kit build so it might do a little harm to that. Like.. a big one It will just need more timing.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Best builds at the moment?

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


There is only one way to best builds – pick a class you like the most, thing about what you want to do with that class, make a build, improve and practice. In time you’ll have a build which works perfectly for you.

I was once like you, so optimistic.

Not optimistic. I use it in every game, sure, my builds might not be the best ones, but hey, I’m having fun with them and because of trying and trying I find sometimes different builds which can surprise a lot and work kitten well. And you learn a lot about your class by trying all different kind of stuff.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Seeking Bunker Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


I use support / survivor build, copy and paste link:;TkAg2UGZMSYk1InRSjGiMXA

Its 4 kit build with pistol / shield. A bit hard to play but 2v1 (if there is not heavy stuner and heavy dps) is kinda ok, you can 1v1 get a point at least neutralized cause of crowd control.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

So what now ? :S

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


I’d recommend most of all finding a tolerant guild which has a lot of people online and who are willing to help. I use support / healing build with 800 condition dmg for dungeons so far and noone complains, had no problem going dungeon. Tho I’m heading towards power, crit build for grenades and later I want to get condition dmg equip for dual pistols so I can swap between them.

Good build for me means anything you can use to help your group, whatever it is, dps, healing, condition removal, condition damage etc. If you know you are doing your part you don’t have to worry. Only about people who don’t understand other classes.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Looking for a team.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Omnio.3652


<Player looking for a team>

Ingame name: Higgins Azz (my Engineer on Desolation)

Main Class / Potential Classes (Incase team requires): main is Engi, potential Mesmer or Ranger (in case team requires I could try thief or ele but with my Engi I feel its a class for me)

Region: Central European Time (GMT +1 I think it is)

Practice Times: depends where I’m at home and if my girlfriend is at home, usualy at evenings or afternoons

Experience: rank 27, almost 28. I have 46% played with Mesmer but after I picked my Engi I played only him so other 46% is with Engineer and rest with Ranger trying stuff. At start I wasnt playing much tournaments but lately I play mostly them. 128 tournaments played, 56 wins.

Also a lot of experience from other games, I was mostly PvP focused player since I started with games.

Other (Anything else that you would like to add): I’m not conflict kind of guy tho I don’t like stupidity, egoism and rage. If its expressed too much otherwise we are all stupid sometimes, same with our ego and rage.

With Engi I play mostly 4 kit bunker / support build with med kit, flamethrower, elixir gun and tool kit. Works great so far for me.

P.S. Great topic!

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

So... What else?

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


You forgot about bunker builds. Whatever it is pistol / shield or with rifle, those builds usualy use bomb kit, elixir R and something. I myself am using 4 kit bunker / support (thats what I call it) with flamethrower, tool kit and elixir gun + pistol / shield. Not sure why you said nevermind elixir gun, its an amazing weapon. You can apply slow on enemies and quickness on allies with one skill, weakness and bleed with another, poison and vulnerability and in the same time you take conditions of your allies. With kit refininment two light fields which can heal you and your allies and take conditions down also + 4th skill is amazing for holding graveyard or runing away. Btw keeping poison on enemy by pistol and elixir gun is great stuff how to slowly make him die.

Survability is very ok with it, good players with dps builds can bring me down rather quickly (2v1 or 3v1) if I fail to use right skills, but thats just an engineer, fail to press the right button, you know it. Maybe I’ll find out its not viable much, so far it worked just fine for me. And I’m having tons of fun having 2 or 3 people on me while holding point and trying to blow them away, cap the point and stay alive.

I think engineer has many possibilites people just need to know to find a way how to use them with team or how it works for them. For ex. I’ve seen one very decent turret bunker, but it was only once.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Best builds at the moment?

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


There is only one way to best builds – pick a class you like the most, thing about what you want to do with that class, make a build, improve and practice. In time you’ll have a build which works perfectly for you.

Btw, don’t listen to that guy about engineer, its a great class, just not as easy to play as others.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

What is the best part of playing an engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Thes best part is that feeling of downing 2-3 noobies

Little fix.

Guess you don’t play engineer.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

What is the best part of playing an engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Best part for me is that I can withstand almost anything but the price for it is 100% focus and perfection. With my 4 kit build I can tank two people on spot for a long time, sometimes even 3 if they are not that good (not sure how it would go in high ranked games). Of course, I can be bursted down if I get stun and a lot of dps goes on me, 4 kit build has a big disadvantage, no stun breaker. Only thing I use when I’m stuned is blind from flamethrower. Engineer is about compromise probably more than other classes. But for me, the feeling when I’m tanking a thief, warrior and a ranger who are just trying to kill me and I’m shrinked cause of my trait elixir, after that I block stuff with my shield on tool kit and after that I pull everyone back with shield 4 or flamethrower 3 while trying to dodge every high dps skill or stun it goes on me and getting all conditions off etc. Its a huge challenge to me and always I die I know almost exactly what went wrong. That I made a mistake.

So my most favourite thing as an engineer is the challenge you get from this class. They might say our dps sux, yet I was able to kill people with my tanky build by spaming conditions, keeping poison on an enemy, also confusion, burning and cripple. Yea, enjoy that one, slow death against a guy who just doesn’t want to die.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Why do ppl hate the Engineer?!

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


How come my engi has cool damage, awesome skills and builds play very different?

Rose Tinted Goggles

Being able to hold 2v1 (sure they might be just bad) for almost forever (if you don’t miss your skills) or holding 3v1 for long time I think is ok. Boucing enemy forward and backwards is also fun, while he is interupted almost in everything and dies not knowing whats going on. Pistol condition or 100nade build have some damage too, don’t you think. Make a mistake, you die, do it at least almost perfect and your engineer can live long and prosper.

But sure, I’m not rank 40+ or any in any “pro” pvp team. Tho holding point or capturing it if enemy is there, sometimes even two enemies, doesn’t make my class weak imo.

EDIT: And I almost forgot, all that + I’m having tons of fun. Yes, fun is all that matters.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Why do ppl hate the Engineer?!

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


People hate the Engineer for the following. Im now included in this hate for the engineer.

No damage.

Useless skills.

No versatility.

How come my engi has cool damage, awesome skills and builds play very different?

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Remove rangers, necros, and engies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652



You are troll or you can’t play. Your choice.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.


in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Well to be honest, I think that making all classes do everything would mean make them with similar spells just with different name. I don’t want that. You can go DPS with engineer, check out forums for some builds. Yes, it doesn’t do same damage as other classes, because it is not other classes. Tho 100nade build does pretty good dps, condi dual pistols / elixirs also does a great damage. You can wait for class to be changed, which is going to take a lot probably, since Anet does small changes (which I like) or you can try to overcome the obstacles what you have with your class by looking at traits, skills etc. or you reroll to another class. For ex. I played mesmer, wasn’t my piece of cake yet I’m not saying, change da mesmer, I picked engi and I’m happy as sylvari can be.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Played them all, Eng is lacking..

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Well about low survability, I was using support build for PvP which is able to survive whole match without dying if I do mistake on rare ocasion, Engineer is just class were you notice your mistakes more. Eng might by lacking some things, but its not lacking fun, thats why no topic in here can persuade me to change.

I feel ya there, Eng IMO have the highest skill cap, however I made a tank-y Eng and they are tuff that’s for sure, my problem is when I do the same with all my other classes I can at least kill people, with the Eng tank my damage is to low , “Like really low” I can’t even take off any health from a target.

I’ll use my guardian for example, he is all tank but I can still kill people because at least my crits hits for over 2k, my Eng as a tank I am lucky to get a 500 crit from a bomb lol, forget about our simple shot, that hits for like 120 lol, our damage is out healed by rejuvenation spells dear lord lol.

I really do feel that Anet overlooked the simple shot damage due to our tools and turrets and that’s fine but the problem is our turrets get one shoted, I mean they are weaker then mesmer clones and at least those guys chase you down and do some damage before they are back up again in less then 5 seconds, we on the other hand have to wait at least 30 seconds to use our useless turrets, they just need to make simple shot instant like the rangers short bow attack and maybe bump up the dot damage so we are less reliant on our tools and turrets, no other class has to rely solely on there utility skills to do damage why should the Eng?

Well might be true, my survivor build on Engi has around 800 condition dmg and healing power. But haven’t been trying 1v1 much, its support / cc build. So I’ll try some 1v1 and let you know. And turrets, I just think they are bad idea at all, can’t move in a game where movement is the most important, and as you say, get one shoted. I just don’t use them at all.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Played them all, Eng is lacking..

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Well about low survability, I was using support build for PvP which is able to survive whole match without dying if I do mistake on rare ocasion, Engineer is just class were you notice your mistakes more. Eng might by lacking some things, but its not lacking fun, thats why no topic in here can persuade me to change.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

tPvP Bunker Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


If I go bunker I go almost the same build to Reux, just instead of rifle I use pistol and shield. Also flamethrower instead of bombs is not bad sometimes.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

engineers and extinction

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


You have to look at it from different perspective. We are higly specialized group of people playing very skilled profession and we don’t want anyone to reveal our secrets to outsiders, therefore we don’t let much people to get in. We are secret society, we are Engineers!

I always liked playing less played professions, people don’t know them so much so if you sux, they say whole profession sux, but you eventualy learn your stuff and after that, they usualy go like, oh, I didn’t know.. And thats the best part

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

LF sPvP guild on Desolation-Engineer 26 rank

in Guilds

Posted by: Omnio.3652


First I have to say I already have a “main” guild full of great people but it is a casual guild where almost noone likes sPvP and it is a lot PvE oriented. I myself was always more of PvP player, so there I am looking for some group which would take me in as a “secondary” guild if you want to call it that way.

What can I offer?

As usual in PvP groups I have microphone and I’ve been using Ventrilo, Teamspeak and for a few times even Mumble so I’m versatile in means of mic comunication. My first character was a mesmer tho I like engineer a lot more (its now my new main character), in PvP I’ve tried ranger also but wasn’t my piece of cake. I also intend to level up my new character, thief, as I hate them in PvP and the best way how to know your enemy is to play his class.

I’m 26 years old, from Czech Republic but can speak English, even tho I think my czenglish could be sometimes harder to understand.

I’ve tried bunker, support and dps role as an engineer in free tournaments. I’ve played free tournaments mostly with random groups and have only 88 matches played with my engi with 40 wins.

So if you don’t mind to accept among your members someone who is kinda new to tPvP contact me on forums or in game.

P.S. I’m ready to die!

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

how it actually should be.

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Things are going to get fixed very slowly in this game (if ever) so at least we need to be competitive with the other classes.

yeah definetly agree to this one. its almost half a year since release, more than hat since beta, and what we got so long were some really-nice-to-have but unnecessary major events, a couple of bugfixes in dungeons and events and the fractals. any major balancing? nope.

i’m losing faith.

There is always huge difference how balance see skilled people and non-skilled people. Anet said more than once they do smaller balance fixes and watch what it does. I agree with them. Making big changes in PvP makes game more unbalanced in short period of time. So they could nerf something a lot but than the class could be almost useless because of it or some buff could make class too much overpowered.

You say its ALMOST half a year, I think in MMO industry, thats ONLY half a year old. This is a long run, no fix right now and it works thing works here.

i’m reading this forum for a very long time, and seriously, there is so much that needs to be fixed and overhauled, that not even an anet-coworker which would read this,, would dare to say that things work how they should. apart from that, BALANCING is called like that, because it’s the method to EQUALIZE things. making changes to the game that results to more fairness. this is not an easy process, so i agree that there need to be small changes. BUT there is is no iteration without changes!

and: we still have 100% broken traits – a blatantly obvious proof that anet does not look into the classes, or only with extremely low effort.

Well I’m not saying they could do a better job. But I think we should have on our minds that no MMO is without bugs, not even after many years after realease because MMO are made to be upgraded, with every upgrade comes other bugs, as I’m sure you are aware of. I think they have full hands of making new content, probably preparing an expansion and in the same time making the game it already is a better game. I can’t even imagine how hard that could be.

Yes things are broken here, some more some less, balance is not optimal, as it never will be in MMO game, yet we all should ask ourselfs one question, are we having fun? I am, therefore I play.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

how it actually should be.

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Things are going to get fixed very slowly in this game (if ever) so at least we need to be competitive with the other classes.

yeah definetly agree to this one. its almost half a year since release, more than hat since beta, and what we got so long were some really-nice-to-have but unnecessary major events, a couple of bugfixes in dungeons and events and the fractals. any major balancing? nope.

i’m losing faith.

There is always huge difference how balance see skilled people and non-skilled people. Anet said more than once they do smaller balance fixes and watch what it does. I agree with them. Making big changes in PvP makes game more unbalanced in short period of time. So they could nerf something a lot but than the class could be almost useless because of it or some buff could make class too much overpowered.

You say its ALMOST half a year, I think in MMO industry, thats ONLY half a year old. This is a long run, no fix right now and it works thing works here.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Engineer burst

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Hi ppl!

No other class has been able to take me down that fast before, it’s like they unload a bunch of skills all within the exact same moment.

Just take a look at the screenshot, lol!

I’m filing a bug report on this, since if this is an intended game mechanic, they may as well bury this game. I though thieves had insane burst, but they don’t even compare to this.

Just LOL. How about thief? Warrior? Mesmer? Engineers start to use some burst build and people start to freak out. Hey, wait a minute, this class is not supposed to have cool damage. Its easy to avoid I think if you are in 1v1, a lot of people dodged my pull or barrage, tho I’m not so good with it yet. Man up! And try to dodge.

I think no burst in this game is so sick, just quickness is.

Apparently you don’t read – like I said, I’ve never been “oneshot” like what happened here, simple as that. I didn’t even have time to react because (s)he landed the attack and I was dead – no time to dodge or anything, it happened exactly at the moment I was in the air jumping down from a small ledge behind the point. Need I explain it more?

Well, yes. He got lucky or he has skill. You say you have a lot of armor, tho only 15-16K hp, with is low but you try to compensate with armor. This burst might be “OP” or whatever but other classes can do similar thing. And to hit this you need to really know what you are doing. I play this build only for like two days so I suck with it but people who suck in PvP more than I do, die to this. Those who know this build and what Engi can do, avoid it, dodge the pull, dodge the barrage (probably because I’m slow with it) or even if I go inside them they survive.

But I guess I should see this coming. There are posts about thief all along, same with warrior or mesmer, now we have build which can kill fast, so whine topics are gona go for engineer also.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Post Your Build Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


I use mostly three builds now, 100nade who most of you probably already know and two kinda mine builds, mentioned here.

Engineer ftw!

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Engineer burst

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Hi ppl!

No other class has been able to take me down that fast before, it’s like they unload a bunch of skills all within the exact same moment.

Just take a look at the screenshot, lol!

I’m filing a bug report on this, since if this is an intended game mechanic, they may as well bury this game. I though thieves had insane burst, but they don’t even compare to this.

Just LOL. How about thief? Warrior? Mesmer? Engineers start to use some burst build and people start to freak out. Hey, wait a minute, this class is not supposed to have cool damage. Its easy to avoid I think if you are in 1v1, a lot of people dodged my pull or barrage, tho I’m not so good with it yet. Man up! And try to dodge.

I think no burst in this game is so sick, just quickness is.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

The Engineer and its gameplay - Your Feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Some people say that Engi is weak, some say we are just harder to play a have to play with no mistake. I don’t think Engi is weak, yes, I have trouble to fight guardian, I have trouble to fight elementalist etc. But I think most people started to play Engineer as second profession. My first 80 level was a Mesmer and I had some PvP with him too. At start I was dying of course and kitten off. Than I realized, stupid me, its always like this when you start in PvP with more experienced people.

There is few who say Engi is fine and you just have to get to it, find your way. Thats what I did in PvE, some people ask what build to use for PvE, don’t ask, experiment. Yes, sometimes you might die a lot, but hey, every death is an experience and the best one to know what you might use to defend yourself. You need blind against multiple mobs? Well you could ask yourself, do I take flamethrower or bomb kit? Or might be a pistol? Pistol is fine for blind, hits 4 targets, tho it jumps on them so sotimes you find yourself in a position where you aggro mobs you didn’t intended too. Flamethrower I liked more, you can send out your fire ball, set up a wall and burn foes how they come to you (if they are melee ofc), after that you can blind them and if they are still alive you can push them back – great for killing melee elite mobs alone. Bombs are cool on rangers, since pushing them back doesnt mean much difference for them, they can still shoot you.

You probably know where I’m getting with this.

In PvP it was the same, I had some known builds like dual pistols with elixirs, was nice but wasn’t it. After that I tried granades, now I’m trying 100nade build, that guy who made it find a great build for our class. Tool kit and Grenade kit + static discharge on pull and your grenade barrage from F skill? Just awesome. But my most favorite build is the one I almost never die with. It might not be so useful 1v1 sometimes, its a tanky kit build with tool kit, med kit, flamethrower and elixir gun + pistol and shield, but I always liked support classes and this fit fits me probably the most so far. So try a lot and find your way.

Btw since noone considers our class overpowered, we can really try a lot. If a class has some op build(s), most people hop on it, because hey, who doesn’t want to win. I like the challenge of not being an overpowered class because thats also a lot of versatility right there. Not that other classes wouldn’t have that, but I feel like those classes who have some op builds they are using them almost 24/7. I think people should try more different builds and learn what suits best for them. I’d love to see a warrior with dual mace for example, haven’t seen one yet I think. And same goes for other classes, I tried all on lower levels with weapons, its just like, what to try next? And than I log in my Engineer again.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

No auto grenades, Why?

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Not sure if anyone mention it already but I just found out there is “Fast-cast ground targeting” in options. It makes your AoE effects cast where your cursor is, kinda “autoattack”.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

How to pwn

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Seems like you are using 100nade build. Nice vid.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Combat / Movement options

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Hello everyone,

I’m playing sPvP a lot, sometimes free tournamets and I just started to look a lot at forums and try builds etc. on my engineer. Tho I noticed that some of them are more useful with certain options turned off, like 100nade build should have turned off “assist melee range” or how its called. Also I’m going to try turn on automatic AoE spell cast on mouse cursor, lets see if I wont fail much with it.

But since I count myself still as not much experienced PvP player since I have only 26 rank I want to ask people who do play sPvP a lot few question:

What combat / movement options you use?
What class you are?
Why you use these options?

Thanks everyone who will take his / her time to answer.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

how it actually should be.

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


I agree mostly. Tho I have few comments on it if you dont mind.

Tool kit (1) is really weird, low damage and just one stack of vulnerability. It should do at least more stacks.

Grenade kit I’m not sure about range, tho I don’t use nades much now so I can’t really comment much on that, tho one granade instead of multiple nades and auto throw is just common sense

Elixir gun I actualy like it as it is since I like being a support class. Don’t mind bleeding instead of raw damage on (1) and if you mean making (4) to give bleeding instead of jump, than no, if you mean instead of damage give bleeding around when you jump, I say yes. And vulnerability on (3) I think is ok if you are in fight and you cleanse your teammates in the same time you put vulnerability on oponents who are harrasing them, that I like a lot.

And turrets seemed like cool concept when I tried my engi, tho I’m not using them at all.

EDIT: Btw, give us sniper kit (or something else really) instead of Mortar elite skill. Even tho I like it a lot as an idea, its useless in a game where movement is most essential thing, to have elite skill which is stationary.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

(edited by Omnio.3652)

Is there a dmg tax on engi weapons?

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


The Engineer is a highly versatile class. While it doesn’t have the long range capabilities of the Ranger, or the melee capabilities of the Warrior or Guardian, they are comfortable at medium ranges in most fights. They have a lot of control, and use their boons to keep themselves (and allies) alive in a fight. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.


Is this guy for real? Has he played this class, like, ever? Ele is a highly versatile class, engineer is not. In fact if there’s one class that does everything engineer does but better, it would be an ele.

What are these boons he is talking about? 90% of engineer builds have next to no boons (swiftness only mostly), the only builds with boons are elixir ones. And even there uptime is kittenty for most boons (Elixir B has 10 sec duration 40 sec recharge).
“They have a lot of control, and use their boons to keep themselves (and allies) alive in a fight”…. is he talking about ele again? Dagger/dagger eles have 5-6 boons on constantly and bounce me around like a beach ball. Engineer has elixir B with its crappy duration/recharge and doesn’t even get any good protection or stability source.

I also dream of the day when I’ll be able to choose whatever 3 utilities I please.

Well, Shapr is speaking almost what really is happening. But! We’d need to have all traits active to do as he says. We are able to have a lot of boons on almost constantly but thats with P/P condi build with elixirs, tho I’m not sure how we make our allies alive while doing that, since its DPS build.

And kits.. I love them, I use them, again.. BUT! I have no stunbreaker with them, so..

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Engineer Gadget Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Well, I play gadget engi now and then and I think that ram and mine are awesome skills. Nothing better than stand on keep etc. have mine under your kitten and thief in stealth? Yea, you know where he is going. And I think ram does blow up more than one enemy doesn’t it?

They buffed goggles?

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.


in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Btw, since you think that having a certain gear doesn’t make you noob, you might be a noob. Because as all PvPers know, gear doesn’t mean you are skilled.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Gadget and support / survivor PvP builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Gadget / KD

Its damage / cc build since you have 48% crit chance and 3 knockbacks, net and AoE stun (elite skill) + cripple from tool belt. I use it mostly as ranged class defender. If you see a thief there is nothing easier than ram him out of your sight. Also well placed mine can do a pretty good job. With right traits you can do 14.5, 12 and 36 sec on knockbacks and 8s on net. That means a real pain for any close range character or someone who is trying to finish your teammate. Works also well as interupt build too. I love watching warriors just sitting on the ground wondering how the hell I got here. Unless of course they turn on stability.

Yes, you can die easily if you get focused by two thiefs etc. but hey, thats just part of PvP. One stun breaker is not best but it gives you fury and blind imunity too, I just love it. Especialy if you get quickness by sigil of rage while you have it turned on.

Support / survivor

I have to admin I like this build more because I always liked support classes. I’ve been using some time similar build with healing bombs as a bunker build, tho most people were able to dodge my big bomb. Thats why I picked flamethrower kit instead and it works just fine. Altought I haven’t been using it as bunker build yet, going to try. It will mean changing runes of course but those I have in this build are kinda test, works so far but I think there is a better choice.

What it offers?


- Cripple x4
- Poison x2
- Burning x3
- Blind x2
- Bleeding x3
- Confusion x2
- Vulnerability x2
- Weakness x1

Crowd control

- Stun 2 sec / Daze 1 sec (5th shield skill)
- 300 knockback (4th shield skill)
- 400 knockback (3rd flamethrower)
- 1200 pull (tool kit)


- light combo field x2 (both from elixir gun if traited on kit refiniment)
- fire combo field (flamethrower wall – 4th skill)
- two condition removals (one AoE one from Medkit + one condition removal when you equip flamethrower – if traited kit refiniment)
- fury and swiftness (Medkit 5th skill and swifness also by second skill on Elixir Gun)
- 5 heals (3 med kits + light combo fields mentioned above) + one self heal
- regeneration (Elixir Gun on your tool belt)

Also gives you 4 physical projectile combo finishers (Elixir Gun, wrench on tool belt and pistol + 5th shield skill if thrown) + two blast finishers, elite skill and as Sagramor pointed out, 4th skill on shield with double tap. Thanks Sagramor.

Any advice or suggestions or questions about my builds appreciated since I think there are people using similar builds way better than I am.


Yes it is a shame but I have no screenshots or videos with this yet.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

(edited by Omnio.3652)

Med Kit Refinement = BOOM!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Btw, does it count as a blast finisher? Haven’t thought about that before.

No. Otherwise it would be stupendously overpowered due to retaliation from EG light fields.

Ok so its oficial, no use whatsoever.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Med Kit Refinement = BOOM!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Kit Refinement
“Equipping a kit creates an attack or a spell.”

With this trait active, equipping Med Kit with Kit Refinement results in a small PBAoE similar to bomb (but apparently only dealing ~28% damage compared to Bomb).

Am I the only one that finds the behaviour of Med Kit Refinement very odd?

All the other kits provide an effect that makes sense, yet the Med Kit effect seems very out of place. Did we soak our bandages in nitroglycerine or something??

To me it would be better if Med Kit Refinement would provide either:

  • bandage heal effect similar to ‘Drop Bandage’ (12s cd)
  • remove a condition (15s cd)

Either choice doesn’t seem overpowered and much more befitting the Med Kit in terms of function when used with Kit Refinement.

What do you guys think?

I think that every engi is going to agree with the fact that bomb with Medkit makes as much sense as kid commercials for fast food.

If it would give ANYTHING else I’d be happy. Even heal for 200 or 2 sec retaliation, I don’t care, even 1 sec blind to myself I’d rather take than this bomb crap. It seems to me as useful as turrets.

Btw, does it count as a blast finisher? Haven’t thought about that before.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Will we see GVG soon ?

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Have to agree with OP. Also there was more than just one size group PvP. Its a huge let down in PvP in GW 2. Guild vs Guild was one of the most awesome things, not only because it was 8v8 which I find very nice number for PvP but also because it was in guild halls. I’m not sure what Anet (as much as I like em) was thinking, lets make Guild Wars 2 without everything that made Guild Wars 1 so fun. Its like making Counter Strike 2D strategy.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Just a quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652


If you don’t like the game and you don’t play anymore or just now and then, what profession you play and what 3 things you’d like to see in this game?

Just wondering what others feel, try to keep it informative.


Engineer – tho I still kinda like him.

Mostly I get equip by tokens from dungeons or trading post. I wouldn’t mind more mob drop cool equip – from bosses ofc, tho I might be just unlucky so far.

I’d like to see bigger group PvE content, 8, 10, whatever.

I’d like to see Guild vs Guild PvP

P.S. Secretly hoping for making mesmer more GW 1 style, I miss my energy burn Tho confusion I do like.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Just a quick question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652


If you don’t like the game and you don’t play anymore or just now and then, what profession you play and what 3 things you’d like to see in this game?

Just wondering what others feel, try to keep it informative.


Engineer – tho I still kinda like him.

Mostly I get equip by tokens from dungeons or trading post. I wouldn’t mind more mob drop cool equip – from bosses ofc, tho I might be just unlucky so far.

I’d like to see bigger group PvE content, 8, 10, whatever.

I’d like to see Guild vs Guild PvP

P.S. Secretly hoping for making mesmer more GW 1 style, I miss my energy burn Tho confusion I do like.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Our guilds experience of GW2 so far.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652


I agree with points #1 and #2, and part of #3 but the gear grind doesn’t fit into GW2. You can have Raids with out a gear grind, in fact, it would be genius.

I also want to point out that Dynamic Events do not even hold a candle to Raids. In fact, neither do Dungeons / Fractals. Not because of their 5 man design, but because of Anet’s idea of “difficult” isn’t actually difficult. For Example : When you reach higher level Fractals, they do NOT add more boss mechanics. Instead, they just add more trash mobs and make the Agony hit harder. So basically, you fight the same fights from #10 to #30, except with more trash and harder agony. Not new mechanics.

Basically, DE’s/Dungeons will never fit in the place of Raids. Not even the large Dragons fights. This is a very PVE Casual friendly game, which leaves “hardcore” people (& guilds such as mine) bored and unchallenged. I would love it if they added real, hard and team work oriented group content (without the gear grind), rather than zerg fests, but I highly doubt they ever will. :[

Well in GW 1 was hard mode on missions, so I think it is actualy possible to see it in GW 2 some day, but they might do it just like you say about Fractals, more trash and maybe a special debuff for every dungeon or whatever. I wouldn’t mind going “deeper” in some dungeons for ex. Like do way 1 and after it there is another special hidden part, some crazy even after a jump puzzle? Whatever. GW 2 has (in my opinion ofc) a lot of potential to satisfy a lot of players, lets see if Anet is having those ideas which can make it true, or not. Hope they do.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Our guilds experience of GW2 so far.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652


I completely disagree with the OP’s stance, not because I think his points aren’t valid or because I think that he’s wrong. I just disagree because I’m looking for exactly the opposite of what he is.

And thats why most MMOs sux imho. Not ofc because of your opinion, but because there is so many different views on “good MMO”, yet most developers try to please as much people as possible (at least usualy) and thats why its not working. Games which target certain audience have maybe less players at start etc., but they might survive way longer, because these games actualy target someone, not just anyone.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Our guilds experience of GW2 so far.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652


I agree with a lot of things you said man. BUT! I have to say I really hate gear progress which is in WoW, farming some kind of tokens to get gear and than farm another tokens to get another gear etc. I must say I like more drop based gear progression, where you go on epic bosses etc., something like Lineage 2.

Anet new GW 1 had basicaly no gear progession, it had always lvl 20 etc. It was an amazing game, one of its kind. They wanted to do more mainstream game, therefore they did GW 2. I like the world, I don’t mind to level unlike in a lot other MMOs. But as you say, its kinda solo game and no need for team. I just don’t feel this world is really living. I might be overhyped and they just made me expectancy to big and they failed to reach it.

All that being said, that I hate WoW gear progression and GW 1 had no gear progession which was just epic. I must say I feel that GW 2 is made in a kitten bad way for GW 1 fans, GW 2 seems that it NEEDS gear progression. Because honestly, I don’t know where else they could go. Maybe they have something in mind and they are really creative and I underestimate Anet a lot, but I don’t think so, we’ll see anyway.

Btw, why every new MMO is doing a traditional world usualy? Meaning mountains, plains, forrests etc. Its fantasy for gods sake so I want something epic and fantastic. Yes, I’m a fan of L2 and I’ve never played Aion or Tera but these games have amazingly looking worlds, they just look epic. I kinda feel that Anet tried to do GW 2 as basic as they could, couple cool things but not too fancy, so we would buy an expansion which brings something cool and different. After that I’ve heard they want to make GW 2 a lot by adding content every now and then, which made me think, my expansion theory is probably wrong.

And Karkas. I felt it will be something special, nice and amazing, its just a nothing island somewhere there and it gave us one dungeon, with mini dungeons and most people now go there so they made theirs world empy and one place super crowded.

P.S. Just a bit info for Anet ppl. If I remember that correctly, Seinfeld show was based a lot about statistics from marketing data at start, it was going to fail. What they thought after that? Well, we are going to fail probably, what the hell, lets try it our way – and there you have it, famous TV show. Try it your way. You might fail or not, but statistics are just helpful, hope you don’t make them the most important part of GW 2 future.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652


@ Mirta…the key is in the word MIGHT. We don’t know how much easier if at all and because of that you feel you need to prepare on time….just in case.

That’s the trouble for a number of people. I’m sure not everybody worries about this but there you go.

Well they might or might not, either way it’s not the end of the world, it’s just gear in an MMO with a very shallow gear progression, meaning that while it’s good it’s not necessary.

“It’s just gear in an MMO with a very shallow gear progression..” so far. Lets hope it’ll stay that way.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Imo grind / farm is everywhere, but I feel your pain. In some games I really didn’t feel like grinding. PvP is grinding everywhere too but every man you meet is fighting a little bit different, so you dont mind that much or at all (if you like PvP).

Grind for me – legendary weapons, 1400+ tokens from dungeon on whole armor, fractals and I’m sure we could find more, like, orrichalcum ore etc. Legendary weapons I get, its a special item you are not supposed to get so easy, I get it, thats fine. 1400+ tokens from dungeon, well, ok, I like dungeons here so even if its grind I can take it even tho I wouldn’t mind it done another way, but not sure which, its always drop from boss or grind some kind of a token. And now, fractals? Fracatals are one thing which kinda annoy me. Why?

Fractals mean one thing, they NEED to make item progression in GW 2. NEED, yes, I think they NEED to do it, because what is new player going to do in two years without item progression? He is going to LA and ask LFG Fractals lvl 1, who the hell will be doing lvl 1? Who would want to go lvl 1 when almost everyone will be at least lvl 20+? Or even more. I mean, yes, there will be new players and they can play that, but.. will that work? Maybe, I don’t believe that. And item progression its just somethin which is not too Guild Warsy if you know what I mean.

I love GW 2, really I do like this game its features everything, but I’m starting to feel a bit like when I finished 80 in WoW – you need to go to farm / grind here for a while (couple weeks / months) to get somethin so you can go farm something else elsewhere. I really hate that system to be honest.

It was in L2 also but I didn’t mind grind there. I know, L2 I said? Where you had to grind to max level and grind to get recepies for stuff etc.? Yea, because it was drop based and just didn’t feel there like grinding / farming. Here you get a token, which is USELESS unless you have a lot of em so you can buy sh.. I mean.. stuff. I’m not sayin to you change the game radicaly and make it drop based, NO. But if there is going to be item progression, I just hope it wont all be get tokens from CoF, done, go Fractals and get tokens there, done, go to farm for legendary weapon, done, go to farm for new thingy we just added this patch, done, now this patch thingy, done etc.

I know, maybe I’m starting to realize this is not a game for me, when I’ll be 100% sure of that, I’ll leave, dont worry I won’t come cry here.

I could do everything in GW 1 with my Ritualist even tho I didn’t have any super cool armor, just a mummy one. Now I kinda have to because yes, there are already ppl who want only 80s to fractals (yes I’m 80 but I don’t like that attitude did these ppl forget how it is to be newb in a game? My god.. grow up and lets help ppl and welcome them here like Lotro community does it), other groups want only full exotic to some dungeons (especialy Arah, but I get that one) and it could get even worse with time. I just hope you won’t make this a game where people can’t play together because they need to farm equipment after equipment first. Nuff said.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Engineer needs a total rework.

in Engineer

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Someone said that engineer was last class they made so thats why its not “perfect”. But it maybe not true, take it as a rumor. I think its an amazing class, maybe 30 points in traits to get 50% better endurance while ranger has it for 5 is a bit dull (I hope I can use that word in this context) and I really don’t like turrets because they are just not my thing, at least so far. Otherwise I love this class. Original, you can have a lot of builds, experiment with it, its just so fun. Way more than I had with my mesmer, which is also lvl 80 but I dont play him anymore since I got my engi. <3

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

Bunker class, engineer vs. guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


Thanks all for sharing your thoughts on this. I’m not sure if I should make a guardian, I really love my engineer so I probably won’t, I just need to train more or change my build. Those who play engineer, could you share your build, if its not a secret?

This is what I use:

Sigils I haven’t figure out yet so I’m not tellin you which I use, its in progress.
Runes are dolyak. All six of em.

Its a kit bunker build with a lot of swiftness and vigor every 5 sec which does help a lot. Also cooldowns on shield and tool kit make two block skills ready when you need them (most of the time). What I’ve been having problem with is conditions, I really hate those so heavy condition necro is pain in my … kit. Was thinking to change elixir gun for elixir against conditions but still, I love elixir gun, you gotta love it, with pistol you can hold poison on your enemy a lot and get conditions down from your team. Cripple etc as bonus.

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.