Showing Posts For Pink Ninja Man.4375:

Pets have too little HP in PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Since the smoke scale change today, I have swapped out the Smokescale (22k hp) for the Tiger. (15k hp) What I have noticed is that my tiger dies extremely fast to random AoE. SS wasn’t great, but that extra HP made a difference.

15k hp for dogs and cats was fine pre HoT, but the new elite specializations combined with the condi changes make for an extreme amount of AoE damage in the current meta. 15k hp literally disappears in a couple of seconds without the pet ever being targeted by anything.

IMO all pets should have their base HP buffed by 20 or 30% in PvP. This would put their survivability on par with pre HoT.

It’s actually currently a bug, all pets have their hp reduced in PvP modes (including WvW) but the new ones dont’ so right now they are ‘stronger’ in the aspect they live longer than they should. Just look at bear hp compared to bristleback, and look at their stats (on pet pannel) they bristleback should not have more hp than the bear and it does.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Explanation of Precursor Crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

The new ‘scavenger hunt’ style precursors are for the new precursors not the existing ones, they didn’t have the time to make them as unique or theme driven.

This is incorrect. It was stated that the style is the same for all of the precursors – existing Gen 1s and all pre’s going forward. They even used a gen 1 as their example when they were talking about this on the twitch stream.

By same style, I though they meant you can craft in though a multi-tier collection, and given how it looks on live this seems accurate. On any of the new ones do they seem to have a main theme, such as getting a raven and raising it? Learning the ancient art of astronomy and becoming a star-charter? Not that I have seen, and the three new ones that are going to be released soon are supposed to be like that, according to a later stream showing off the new legendarys.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Explanation of Precursor Crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

So I have seen a lot of posts from people talking about the new precursor crafting option and how it wasn’t what they expected. However, I have noticed they are always crafting an existing precursor not one of the new ones (not out yet I believe). I think people are getting confused and thinking the old precursors are like the new ones where you get a theme and do more of a ‘scavenger hunt’ then just acquire x amount of materials. The old precursors have such a ‘boring’ ‘gold required’ style because they just wanted to have the same option as the new ones, they didn’t have the time to make each one it’s own unique theme and the ‘scavenger hunt’ to accompany it. This is also why there are only 3 new legendary weapons so far (announced not even in game)

The new ‘scavenger hunt’ style precursors are for the new precursors not the existing ones, they didn’t have the time to make them as unique or theme driven.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

[Suggestion] Map Rewards Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I like the idea of map wide rewards (like the new pve maps). I think it could be simple give participation for WXP that is already the measure of if players are ‘actively’ participating in WvW. Make the rewards based on the PPT of the map, more PPT better rewards, outmanned buff can also increase these rewards.

In general though, how is destroying siege still not considered participation for a defend event don’t know how many times I have driven off 5 players from an objective not because I killed them but forced them away by destroying siege and showing resistance.

Also I believe the nodes in the objectives was a partial reward defenders move (not the best, but it’s a start)

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Stuck in separate worlds

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I would say your best bet would be to maybe ask if you could get a server transfer ‘undo’ I highly doubt they can help you friend to move ‘up’ but might be willing to move you back ‘down’. Good luck either way, hope you guys can get back on the same server.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

adventures are idiotic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

They should have been instanced. Always accessible.

Problem solved.

I agree, they are fun but it’s annoying they are almost never open. I get the whole, help the ‘world’ out idea but it’s just a bit too much. Glad they noticed and toned it back a bit. I’m sure if they open them all the way people will complain about people not participating in the map ‘meta’ events and them failing.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Laser Event Reward

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I’m just happy it gives any reward, remember the old runes? You got nothing for them unless it was the daily reward chest. Be glad they give rewards and don’t just say, the siege damage is reward enuf.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Too much PvE in the new BL map

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Every objective in the game is basicly PvE, the whole game mode kinda is based on these objectives. WvW is and was never supposed to be just PvP on a large scale, they reconize players want this and are making guild arenas and os for those players. They have always had WvW be more focused on objectives with controling them related to fighting players, however the players like to avoid each other making the game mode feel very PvE. If you are more descriptive than just ‘less PvE’ maybe they can understand what you are talking about. If you just mean less mobs on the side of the road, I feel there are less or the same as the old maps and now you can’t rally of them so they aren’t a problem. If you mean the event in the middle of the map, that is designed to promote PvP activity in the area (although how it works isn’t the most ideal, if you lose 100% to 0% is just as bad as losing 100% to 99%). Be more constructive in your feedback, I honestly think that 80% of complaints are just people complaining to complain and say stuff they see other players saying. Most of they time when people propose real complains they get looked in to and sometimes handled.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

WvW has been my life for 3 Years. HoT Review

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I know of not a SINGLE person who considers WvW they’re primary interest who would ever – EVER – ask for more PvE in their WvW. Not one.

It’s time to meet me I guess, I actually like that they added more ‘PvE’ events as everyone is calling them. Maybe this is because I enjoy playing WvW more along the style of Open World PvP (came from a WoW PvP server and had fun ganking people all the time). These new ‘PvE’ events draw players together and encourage fights, the larger distance between objectives means players can’t just run and hide in the nearest tower. I love the idea of an even that is ‘super strong’ like the oasis event (not sure I like the gate/wall damage though) that is designed to draw in large open field fights, what everyone has been asking for (for the larger groups). Way back when they added siegrazor I loved the idea and ever wondered if more ‘PvE’ events like this would appear. It’s nice the map is so open and allowed players to go where they want and take what they want. What WvW really needs if people want to see more fights, is some sort of ‘event’ or objective that players want to fight for or around. If there was no ‘PvE’ (no objectives, no events, no goals) and static maps you would get just flat open space with not much activity on it. The ‘PvE’ is what brings two servers together and brings the fights. I’m sorry that you don’t enjoy the new maps, I personally am looking forward when more people start to play them and embrace that they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Already had a few good small 5v5 fights and larger 20v20 fights on the map, just as fun as the last one.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

can we see all trait lines at once again?

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Use the tabs to the left, and pick the specialization one (in hero panel). You can preview them all their and minimize anyone you want to ‘rule out’ of your build.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Why not make a new gear "option" for Esport

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I honestly miss the ability to have different stats per weapon. Nothing like having a weapon that you can safely deal damage with (ranged weapon) set to bezerker and some more defensive weapons (mele and sheild or something) have more defensive stats when you are in the thick of the fray.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

It isn't the total size, it is the spacing

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

The maps standard. Just look at EB, how towers and keeps are placed, you will see that everything is in fact connected. Its not everything that WvW is when it comes to gameplay, but its the way WvW maps are designed.

Actually they are not all connected. For example Mendons Tower can treb exactly 0 other towers/keeps. Also Red Keep in Eternal Can treb SM and the other two can’t. If this was a core map design don’t you think they would have balanced it out a bit?

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

I was a bunker for 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

My Guardian, tankiest build you can have in GW2, with its pathetic 13K HP pool dies to one stunlock in 1s to 2 zerkers.

Um, anyone else notice he said 13K hp was the tankiest build he could make? Not 100% sure but I think when you intend to bunker you want to get some vitality up no? I have more hp than that playing zerker ranger. I think you did something wrong. Maybe post your build so people can help you adjust it, I have seen plenty of builds that last a good while vs a few opponents.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Official Suggestion Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Would be nice to see boons on our traps when they trigger, and a stun-breaker trap. Similar to how Dragonhunter traps are. Would be super synergistic if we had a daze on trap trigger (instead of weak cripple) like the Dragonhunter as well, we have a trait that goes well with it (increase daze duration and Druid’s entangle).

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Can we make mentor harder to get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

If you join a squad, you will only see the tag for the squad you are in. Not sure if this applies to the mentor tags as well.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

It isn't the total size, it is the spacing

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I actually like that you can’t just have one player safely behind a wall besieging another objective with a trebuchet. I think people need to explore the new maps a bit, there are some super strategic spots to put down a trebuchet and defend it with a few arrow carts and some players. I have already tested one that works well, a trebuchet at 50% power can hit the gate on the ‘wind’ keep from the plateau just next to the spawn tower. This plateau has only a few ways on to it, one guarded by the tower (and the ‘weak’ walls), another is a staircase up to the plateau from below, and the third is a narrow bridge with a sure death if you fall. It’s still a easy to defend location but you don’t have the leisure of leaving a player to use the trebuchet while you do other things, you have to actively defend your siege equipment. Given how the map is set up I’m sure there are other locations similar to this one that allow for a group to set up and truly besiege an objective.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

stronghold needs a lil something

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Currently defensive NPCs are completly meaningless and die too fast, how they can be “less meaningful”?

One of the big differences between success and failure is getting the doorbreaker past the first inner set of guards. If you can stealth the DBs or keep that set of guards CCed until they die, you get your first set of DBs to the inner gate and have a commanding lead.

The necessity of killing the guards above anything else (including players) in order to progress makes the PvE aspect too strong. If the guards were a danger, but not enough to make them the priority, it wouldn’t be so bad. They should stop players from being careless and help defenders. But they shouldn’t be the dominant defense; that should be players.

I think the point of those first two guards is to prevent ‘snowballing’. How it is snowballing, basically one good push and you can get all the way to the lord. I don’t think it is intended that your door-breakers that kill outer make it to inner. However I do like how critical those moments are right after the door busts open, their PvP need to have more critical moments like this. It will be intresting to see where the ‘meta’ of this game mode goes. I wonder if it will become like AB in WoW where it’s just a PvE rush to the other lord and see who can DPS the quickest (for pug games at least). Or if the dominant stratigie is going to be to play 5 defensive with a good team comp and win on points (because nobody is getting a gate down with 5 players AoE around the NPC’s). I think the best is to let it settle down into a Meta and only change things if they are to gimmicky untill we have a clear ‘meta’ and tweaks can be made.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Trapping mechanics break stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

The on spot damage that a lot of traps put out allow classes like DragonHunter to burst down the lord way to hard. The lord can not avoid these traps the way players can, condi trapper rangers have similar capabilities.

Can we tone down traps or improve the AI so that the lord does stand in these traps for their full duration stacking TONS of burning or taking tons of unavoidable damage?

So, any spell that is an AoE should get nerfed? Because that is what you are suggesting, most AoE abilities deal good DPS over their duration if targets stay in them, and AI doesn’t evade out of AoE’s.. Improving AI in general would be nice, something as simple as evading out of ‘red circles’ and having interrupts for ‘long channel’ abilities. Good news is the lord has a good health pool so it’s not like the other map with the lords that can be burst down by one player before you can react.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Traps traps traps

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Traps need a tell. Period.

They should also need to be triggered before they can begin to recharge, and not as soon as they’re laid. You know… like how every other skill works.

Necro Marks work this way…

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Finishing animation broken

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

It use to happen for me very infrequently before HoT, now it seems more common. This is not good because this is a critical part of PvP and can turn a fight in your favor.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

No guild rep = WvW strategic advantage?

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Interesting idea, I wonder how long till it catches on. I’m surprised guilds are still requiring rep when it’s basically useless other than for ‘glory’.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Capture Message

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I like it, but as someone has already mentioned there should be an option in the options menu to disable it. Players who like it can keep it others can remove it. Doesn’t have to be an all or nothing.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Getting all Items [Names not just IDs]

in API Development

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Hi all,

I was wondering what the best way to get a list of all the items in the game. I’m not just looking for their IDs as I am aware of the API endpoint of items with no IDs passed in. In unfortunately only gives a list of IDs and not the in game name. I was hoping to make an input field auto-complete for items and I wanted to be able to get an active list of items. So, I figured I have two options: Either send 2 requests to the API server each item each time I load up my site (one to get IDs and one to get names for each ID), or I just have to update my site every now and then and hard-code in the names of all the items in the game (will likely make some script to do this that will use method 1). Are their any other options? Which option is better?

Thanks for your suggestions,


Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Our borderlands always empty can't play..

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

People like to use the excuse that hey, new expansion just launched, give it time. But don’t you think something’s wrong with the way things are designed if people aren’t utilizing new expansion content? And these new desert borderland maps are a part of that new expansion content?

This is the truth though, and it’s not about the ‘new’ content just talking maps because yes WvW got new maps too. It’s more on people trying to get their elite specialization up. Just after the patch on Tuesday that made it cost significantly less to fill up your specialization I have seen an increase in numbers in WvW (T1). We had 2 maps with a ~5 man que around NA prime time. Despite many ‘WvWers’ on the form stating they only play WvW many WvWers play PvE and are enjoying the new PvE while WvW is not as populated. I would wait another week or two before you call doomsday, I think T1 will be ‘up and running’ by the reset this weekend.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Do Rangers Feels Robbed of DH?

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Happy with druid although it’s kinda weird that DH is a better ‘base ranger’ than ranger is. By that I mean, DH is a bit better at fighting at range (mostly because they block any ranged attacks coming in and do as much damage as ranger). Wouldn’t compare druid to DH though kinda different playstyle, Core Ranger to DH is an interesting topic though and I could see how Rangers feel ‘robbed’.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Our borderlands always empty can't play..

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

@OP if you want higher population matchups transfer servers, there are many players and guilds in the lower tiers that like the less populated maps. Also ArenaNet don’t and won’t combine servers as they have stated before they want to keep server communities (mostly WvW anymore) together and not force two together.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

[Feedback] Guild Claiming & War Room Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Honestly I miss the good old days where 10 supply was the max and there was no way to change that. I do agree it feels weird that everything that was accessible to guilds before the expansions is gone now but it gives our guild something to work towards. I don’t think the +5 only helps small groups either, it helps large zergs too giving them way more supply then they will need (as long as they don’t get it drained by treb). Good luck with the upgrades.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Guild Hall Arena only for 2v3 fights

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

The Halls are currently bugged, can’t get more than 5 players in one instance of the map. They are aware and are working on this.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Guild Halls for Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

My guild [Saad] completed the lost precipice with only 3 members. It took us about 10 tires and a bit of luck but once you learn some strategies about it it’s not to bad. Recommend you bring your zerker builds xD. Also get ready to farm mats after you get it, the upgrades once you get the hall a geared towards larger guilds for sure. Needing to craft 50 kegs on the first upgrade needing ~600 of the new flax plant is just the tip of the iceberg. Anyhow good luck and have fun anything above 5 players should be fairly reasonable to complete with.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Play Your Way

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

If you want to earn Managua mastery you have to go to Managua to earn it, no other options.

Maguuma Mastery can only be used in Maguuma, so this does seem rather logical. However if Maguuma Mastery starts becoming useful outside of Maguuma then I’d agree adding more ways of getting it would make sense.

As someone who spends a lot of time playing PvP and WvW and just a little bit of PvE (mostly just story and living world don’t care for the gold grinding) I’m use to being able to go into PvE at any time to play Living World, now I have to make sure to go into PvE (which I don’t mind too much) to get mastery to make sure I’m able to access the living world content. The only old requirement for living world was maybe the idea of getting to a higher level which was obtainable in all areas of the game. Same thing with raids, which they already mentions would require certain mastery. I can participate in dungeons and fractals of the mist after leveling and getting gear in PvP or WvW, raids though? Not unless you play the new PvE maps and get mastery. I suppose if the only mastery you need is just a few of the lower level ones that are easy to earn I don’t see this as a problem but if you need higher ones it can start to become more of an annoyance. Basically in old GW no content was ‘Gated’ behind anything that made you play in a specific area of the game, in the expansion this is quite the opposite.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Play Your Way

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

So I’m really enjoying the content and I’m glad it takes some time to unlock thing, I don’t want to have the expansion finished by the end of the first week. I do however not like how they “Play Your Way” idea got lost in the expansion.

In the core game you can get to ‘end-game’ by playing whatever you liked. PvE worked as any regular MMORPG, PvP you get reward tracks (not out initially but loved the change) that give levels and crafting supplys so you can craft ascended gear if necessary. WvW you get ExP and look like in normal PvE ‘quests’ or events are just based on objectives to promote fighting.

In the expansion they moved away form this. If you want to earn Managua mastery you have to go to Managua to earn it, no other options. Same with the main maps, you have to earn it there. Why did we move to this? WvW and PvP get left in the dust, yes they can’t use mastery but you can say the same about PVP players needing character levels or gear. ArenaNet did do a good job allowing WvW to unlock Hero Points out in WvW but what about the rest of the game. I use to be able to play WvW and get materials and craft gear so when living world came out I could go participate. Same went for PvPers. Now if you don’t go out and get your Managua Masteries you may be left out on living world and you have to earn them in the jungle not where you prefere to play Gw2. Is it that hard to allow us to pick and level up mastries anywhere in the game (only major change possibly making tome somehow grant mastery points, without the stockpiled ones being able to use)?

tl;dr New Mastries are only earned in specific areas of the game unlike how the core game worked hard to allow people to ‘progress’ in the game mode and area they liked moving away form the “Play your way”.

Note: I still like the content and I’m more than pleased with the expansion and have no regret in buying it. Part of what makes this game better that others similar to it (for me at least) is how laid-back and ‘flexible’ progressing is in the game. If I feel like sPvP one day and PvE the next I’m still progressing towards ‘end-game’ and don’t feel like I’m falling behind playing what I like.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Anet: WvW New Harvesting Nodes [Synthesizers]

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

It also rewards the players on dominating servers more, as they have access to more nodes and it might promote karmatraining.

I think that is the point of WvW as a whole, come together as a server to dominate others. Currently there is limited reward for actually ‘winning’ in WvW. That said it would be nice if the servers were ‘even’ in population and coverage so that true skill was what came out on top rather than just coverage.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

[Suggestion] Add repeatable Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I like this idea, have suggested it before launch and maybe a Dev saw it maybe not. I like what they did with the map completion rewards where you can choose what you want to earn. Would be nice to do the same with exp (to and extent).

These would have to not cost a mastery point or there would have to be some way to get ‘unlimited’ mastery points.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Concerned for DH future because of QQ

in Guardian

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I think overall Dragonhunter is good, just need to tone the damage on traps down a bit (not into the ground just not able to take people out by themselves).

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Guard traps and Ranger traps

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

The utility in ranger traps is the recharge. The shortest ranger trap recharge is 12 seconds. The shortest DH trap recharge is 24 seconds.

Combined with this:

And rangers have all the utility they need.

… and Dragonhunters can use those runes too. The trap cooldowns between the classes are close, but I would agree Rangers are lower however Dragonhunter gets an elite to fill in the gap and doesn’t have to slot a different utility for a stun-breaker or for stability.

Edit: Messed up the quote >_<

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Why doesn't Regan work with Druid traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

May want to edit your title to regen also this thread is already discussing this.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Will we ever see Masteries in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Isn’t the reward track a sort of ‘mastery’. You can’t give anything that gives or takes away power because this is sPvP where everyone is on an equal playing field (other than stronghold champions, still surprised those are locked for HoT players). As for something new for HoT there are the new rank finishers.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Giving Traps More Utility

in Ranger

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Hi all, I made this post to talk about the ranger traps and what they provide for the ranger. Below is a list of what traps currently provide for the ranger and later will be a list of thing that I believe will bring the traps up just a little to make them right in line. At the end I’ll discuss why the changes and compare them to the Dragonhunter traps which I feel are in a good place apart from the damage being a bit too high.

Traps Currently Provide

  • All traps are good on condition damage
  • Spike Trap has good hard CC
  • Frost Trap good soft CC
  • All traps have ok soft CC (when traited with cripple)
  • Cooldowns are in a decent spot

Tweaks To Traps

  • Buff the cripple on all traps from the trait (or change effect to be a bit more effective)
  • Add small AoE heal to healing spring when triggered
  • Add might on trigger of flame trap
  • Add stability on trigger to the spike trap
  • Add swiftness on trigger to the frost trap
  • Add regeneration on trigger to the vipers nest
  • Make spike trap instant cast and a stun-breaker
  • Create an elite trap
  • Fury on elite trap trigger

Traps should be rewarding to the ranger for getting someone to step on one (boons on trigger) and should be punishing for foes (more control on trigger). In their current state they are mostly just small condition damage AoE’s. The small AoE heal is so that if a ranger puts down a healing spring other players or the Ranger get instantly healed by activating it, you have people run over it when they need a heal and not have to blast it or wait for regen. All of their traps have their own unique ‘theme’: fire is for damage, spike control (and anti-control), frost mobility, vipers sustain prevention (and help for ranger). The elite trap would ideally be the current survival elite (that to get a new one) entangle it just seems like it’s more of a trap thematically. The biggest changes here are the addition of an elite trap and a little more access to boons mostly stability and a stun-break.

The reason I believe the Dragonhunter traps are in a good place (other than damage) is because they provide utility to the Dragonhunter and control over your foe. The Ranger traps could use a bit more control and a fair amount of utility. The reason it is important that traps give boons is so that one utility doesn’t counter the traps too easily, such as taking to damage against Dragonhunter and resistance/condition cleanse vs ranger.

Thanks for reading my suggestions, numbers and stack (for boons) can be balanced accordingly but I think something similar to this is just the buff Ranger traps need.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Regeneration and the Druid (The perfect buff)

in Ranger

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I’m assuming for them to do that regeneration would have to be a ‘heal’ in the way the game sees it. If it becomes a heal it can have some other effects that might not be wanted. For example the grand master trait that activates every time you heal an ally, giving them heath and a blind on their next hit. I suppose they can tweak the cooldown to compensate but then other situations that were granting it that often and were suppose to will lose some strength. As a trapper ranger, I would love if regeneration would help build astral force.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Dolyak bug in new bl

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Same thing happens for ranger pets, may be related or different. If you haven’t posted this in the bug forums I suggest you do so they normally fix things faster over there, and it’s where you are supposed to post bugs :P.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

"Objective Captured" Pop-up Blocking View

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I like it and can’t wait till guilds start getting anthems and they play when they select to claim an objective. Makes it feel more epic, however I do understand the complain and I feel like an option to toggle is a simple solution, neither side of the argument can complain about that.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Gimme a Glider

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Would be cool if they found a way to make this work. Mostly because gliding is fun!

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Please make Proofs of Heroics Account Bound

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

You can but Superior siege blueprints with extra ones. Seems weird the chest is Account bound and the item is Soul bound.

In before they changed the chest to Soul bound :P

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Guard traps and Ranger traps

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I don’t think the problem is the damage.

I know it’s my fault for being zerker on PvP, but I was walking very calmly to mid in order to capture it “literally no foes or allies on the point” then to my surprise I triggered one of those traps (not sure if there were more stacked) and got insta-downed lol

I would say that served the purpose of the trap, but god kitten even on zerker getting insta-downed with a trap is ridiculous, I would had expected two hits to at least have chance to evade lol

I mean the problem with ranger traps, my bad for not being clear. Ranger trap damage (as conditions) is fine, they could just use some utility. Dragonhunter traps may need a little damage reduction. As in all cases numbers can be tuned to balance I was trying to focus more on what traps bring for Dragonhunter vs Ranger (I think Thiefs are in a similar boat to rangers not 100% sure though I haven’t played much Thief).

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Anet: WvW New Harvesting Nodes [Synthesizers]

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

You get more ore/lumber/other stuff when u waypoint directly between the keeps and run to nearest towers. If u are really lazy u just farm the ones with waypoint on them.

Got to hold them to be able to farm them :P

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

The new auto loot doesen't work in WvW. [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

You already grinded that much exp to get full mastery to auto-loot! Dang I’m impressed, though it was going to take lots of time farming for that. Sorry it was for nothing

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

does it run on AMD. once bitten, twice shy.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I would say try the free to play portion of the game and if it is running smoothly then you should be fine. You might see a slight drop in HoT but I wouldn’t imagine that much.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Nerf everything

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

dragonhunter is broken
rev/herald is broken
elementalist is broken
engie/scrapper is broken
chronomancer is broken

RIP Theif(daredevil) and Ranger(druid)

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Guard traps and Ranger traps

in PvP

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Ranger traps are condition based, DH traps are damage based. You can’t compare apples and oranges.

I don’t think the problem is the damage. Is the utility you get from them. Dragonhunter has a stun-breaker, most of their traps give boons on trigger. Dragonhunter has 2 instant cast traps rangers are all .5 seconds like the remaining Dragonhunter traps. The only trap that rangers have the provides some utility is the spike trap with the knockdown. When Dragonhunter traits into traps they get the same 20% cooldown but Dragonhunter gets a daze where rangers get a cripple (man if rangers got a daze the synergy with the daze train would be 10/10). Also as mentioned no elite trap for rangers.

Healing spring and spike trap a in good spots, give the other traps a bit more utility. Maybe make the cripple on trigger a bit stronger in some way (add another effect or change it to daze). Give boons on trigger of ranger traps: might for flame, protection for frost, resistance for poison, stability for spike. Add an elite ranger trap (or make new survival and use entangling roots as a trap, it kinda fits well as a trap and is also good for conditions like traps). Make one of the traps a stun-breaker.

It’s nice to see that traps for Dragonhuters feel more like traps, if you can ‘bait’ someone to run over them they are going to get punished for it and they will be rewarded. Would be nice to see some love for the existing traps (ranger and theif) to feel this way as well.

Note traps might need some sort of on point balance in the future because it’s easy to force someone on your traps when they have to run on them to capture a point. However if they make them balanced on point they will be relatively useless elsewhere in the game. Then again you can say the same about regular AoE abilities and capture points.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Anet: WvW New Harvesting Nodes [Synthesizers]

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

They were coming back every 20 seconds, so I think the 20 min is intended because they removed them for a short time to ‘fix’ them. I think it might even be every tick they reset, kinda cool concept for giving scouts/defenders rewards for holding an objective for a tick.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]