Showing Posts For Project Shrine Maiden.9623:
yes tough, by grinding to 50 in a game that had basically no quests, and then owning people in a mid level battleground with a twink. the point of a twink is that you have an unfair advantage over nontwinks. the fact that my inf was 2L4 and had access to high level gear (although scaled to my level) and they were all less than that didn’t help them either.
on topic, stop being such a doomsayer about a game that has a ton of potential. honestly, i think the sooner anet stops YOU from posting, the better. everything you’ve posted recently has been ‘gw2 is doomed to fail’ related….
i played daoc…. had a thidranki twink infiltrator that used a level 50 trident mainhand and one shot people on a daily basis with perforate artery. gg to camping hibs all day.
stop dreaming, that won’t happen, they’ve go a big mouth and give you empty promises on their teasers, that’s all Anet is good at
basically every post you’ve been making has been negative and/or anti anet. just stop posting if you have nothing positive or constructive to say.
i play a shouts (heal) gs/rifle war. i wouldn’t say the dps is superb, but short of hard bunkers, i don’t find myself not being able to kill people. that said, im running permanent fury and basically permanent 11 stacks of might. i saw a hammer/longbow build the other day that was wrecking my sword/dagger thief, but on anything other than my thief, i wouldn’t see it being a problem. outside of having to use frenzy or going all glass cannon axe/axe or glass cannon rifle (which wouldn’t win a 1v1), i do agree with you that warriors aren’t that overwhelming. However, though I wouldn’t say they’re weak, I don’t have anyone openly crying about my warrior being op either.
I guess you could say warriors are right where other classes need to be, balance-wise.
their illusions intercept your arrows, granted you can spec for arrow piercing, it still hits the illusions. in other words if they (the mesmers) make it a point to keep an illusion between them and you, you’re going to be hitting something that retals your attacks even if they don’t have vengeful images and you keep them out of chaos storm.
that said, i don’t understand this thread in the first place. the weakest class vs the strongest all around class…. the fact that you lasted for 5 minutes says something in itself. you spec’d to live and he spec’d to bunker. you lost. no surprise there. rangers need buffs.
i play shouts gs/rifle on my war and i don’t have a problem with thieves either. at all. only class i play that has trouble with thieves is my ele. even my ranger is decent against the typical dagdag glass cannon thief. just pull out sword/warhorn, pop quickening zephyr/sic my pet on them and suddenly im bursting the burster, so to speak. ;p
the patch is coming the 15th, this has been said several times. why are you complaining instead of just patiently waiting for the patch??
honestly im glad it took them two months to remove orbs from wvw entirely. imo that just means they took that long trying to figure out a solution, rather than remove a feature of the game that could possibly be fixable. If they said, “oh orbs are being hacked!” and removed them on the spot, I would have been annoyed to say the least. acknowledging that your creation is flawed is one thing, giving up on it without putting in the effort to fix it is quite another. i think Anet has been on the right track since launch. this game is awesome.
in a 1v1 scenario, the engi has to dedicate a slot to an ability they can only use to its fullest when they’re about to die, while their opponent can (most likely) use all of their slot skills throughout the fight.
in no way is elixir r op. 85 second cd (before traiting lower) for something to res them once. meanwhile their opponent can counter it, heal up, drop fields to immediately combo finisher, etc.
the few times in my experience where this has actually won the fight for an engi i faced off against were times where his skill was higher than mine, or i made enough mistakes for it to be that close/to allow him to actually res from it. i have more than 1200 games logged. i can count on one hand the number of times its mattered in a 1v1. however, its use in a team situation (2v2’s come to mind) is at least A tier (S tier in some regards). don’t complain about 1v1 usage when team scenarios are where elixir r really shines.
and for the record, i haven’t played engi for 5+ weeks, i deleted mine for a ranger cuz i found it boring.
downed mode still need a lot of balancing.
and i can agree with OP on the whole tag and forget thing. when you’re downed its more a game at times of how many people can you target and hit with your limited camera than anything else.
i dont see how people are not enjoying playing against thieves…… out of all the classes in the game, you know what their build is 95% of the time. it’s the same thing over and over again. seriously just how many repetitions are required to outfox the same strategy used across the board.
you’re complaining about how many thieves are in the game at the same time… by this time you could say you have the most experience playing with/against thieves out of any other class. really, if you haven’t figured out how to counter them yet (or are too stubborn to take a more tanky build), perhaps competing against other humans is just not for you.
great post Pray. you said whats been on my mind for awhile now and your suggestions concerning matchmaking/ladder are awesome.
Am I the only one who has seen numerous bunker builds running around with no armor just to rub it in everyones face?
no. you see this in hotjoin all the time. people who play tournies join up, know they’re proface compared to all these low rank fodders, and play entire games with no armor and just weapons. course, they could be wearing helm/shoulders but still – their point is being made lol.
why aren’t you posting YOUR credentials. anyone can say what you’ve said, but it sounds as if you already have three or more players on the team. this guild/team seems serious – so how about you do what you can to prove that so wannabe members know they aren’t joining a “crew of flunkies,” as they say in the streets.
good luck on the recruitment though. hope to see more posts like this in the future.
haha nice job on teh maths breh. glad i wasn’t the only one doin them.
one thing to keep in mind, to anet, who has an ‘unlimited’ supply of gems, they only ‘rake in’ actual dollars spent on gems. converting tourny tickets to dollars is only correct in the event they are purchased with dollars – as opposed to found/won.
cheers tho.
Something people probably overlook is that paid tournaments have to be a ticket sink to counter the ticket influx from free. If it was a zero sum or positive game, there would be no point to playing free. If you can queue with 39 friends and come out ahead, you can bet people would be doing exactly that.
unless the rewards system is fundamentally flawed. which is what some people are arguing. using a “rare” resource to pay to play as opposed to just playing. wtb a ladder. change to ranked games and free games. tourny tickets are used to access a high end tournament that happens every month (or week, but lower ticket req then). 50 tickets per team to enter. big rewards, but nothing for the losers. can only get tickets from playing ranked games.
I don’t want a glory boost. I don’t want noobs getting easy ranks. And I definitely don’t want to hit max rank any time soon. Max rank needs to be something attained through serious time and effort, not handed to you like most MMO’s are doing these days.
Let them collect more data…. Patches are an ongoing process, wanting to get it all over with in one patch leads to more crying later. Slow and steady wins the race here.
I love this game, but there a couple little things that have been getting annoying that I feel like a player shouldn’t really have to deal with.
To start, glory boosters, flag finishers, and tournament tickets should all be deposit-able to the PvP locker. Having to run to the Lion’s Arch bank (on each char) to deposit glory boosters to transfer to a different character on my account is getting silly. Same deal with tournament tickets.
Also, I have a ton of arcane dust, and when I hit a new tier, I go through a lot of it crafting the gear that I want to wear on each character (which i currently have 6 of – all of them get played). Having the maximum at 250 leads to having random stacks of arcane dust on each character… granted I have a ridiculous amount of inventory space, it’s still annoying.
To sum things up, allow all PvP consumables (glory boosters, finishers, and tournament tickets to be deposited to PvP Locker. Along with that, increase the maximum storage amounts for items created through salvaging PvP gear. I filled up the 250 when I was ~ rank 30.. I’m now 36 and it’s getting bothersome. Thinking of how much I’ll have when I’m in the 50’s and 60’s….. 250 just isn’t enough.
As a side note, a PvP Salvage Kit with 150 charges that costs 2000 glory wouldn’t be a bad idea either.
this helps a ton. I play all classes but mesmer and engi so having this list is awesome. great work.
short fight……. this game shouldn’t be having several minute long fights. its one thing to be able to stay alive forever while someone is trying to kill you. its quite another to stay alive forever AND kill the person trying to kill you. being able to do both at once requires some kind of trick to it. Oh wait, if you make killing the person attacking you a passive action… suddenly you can concentrate 100% on staying alive forever and let this passive take care of killing your attacker off.
look, i play (main) guardian and even i can recognize that this boon is being severely abused. guardian vs guardian it becomes glaringly obvious.
Just wondering if you guys at Anet would consider removing a current elementalist elite skill and replacing it with a new, more effective one. Frankly, I find ele elite skills to be just about useless – the only viable one is golem imo… Like its cool to be invis when the animation for whirlwind doesn’t register, but really.
Perhaps a haste skill or a focus skill. Like casting the elite skill to a certain element gives you further bonuses for using that element rather than simple attunement (stronger skills etc) – could be perma (until changed) or for a duration. if you want an image… I guess it’d be something like Super Saiyan (teehee) that allows you to be leet in one element but suffer longer cooldowns or something. kind of like arcane power in dragon age or dunno.
not saying this is a good skill idea or anything but just something different than what’s currently available. feels like no matter what you do, simply improving them isn’t enough. I mean, golem elite is already simply an improvement of the lesser golem glyph…. like cmon.
and I know eles have a ton of skill choices, that with 5 skills for each element but that doesn’t mean their elites should be ‘less than elite’.
Just feels like elementalist has a severe lack of viable pvp options for elites. Any ideas?
elite skill golem is best elite skill hands down. i just let thieves blow their load then go toe to toe with them and laugh in their face when they drop. wells and holds and scepter if they manage to run. golem is also a knockdown on command that does 1400+ damage too… TOO GOOD. necro powaaaaaa
yeah it is a lot like wow arena.
just trust in Anet they won’t fail.
look at it like this, the game you’re playing now is only the foundation for the rest of the game. what we’re playing with right now are just the initial building blocks Anet used to build their game. learn some patience and get excited for the future.
i dont even use well of darkness or marks and i still roll thieves 1v1 without breakin a sweat. my necros imba dunno bout you guys but yeah. gg class is gg. fun as hell too.
dev just posted man chill lol its been happenin constantly to a lot of people.
Retal doesn’t need to be removed, but it needs to be more strategic in application rather than the 95% ret uptime seen on most guardians.
However, Anet already stated that they were going to be moving away from the kind of retaliation duration (basically perma) we’ve all witnessed on bunker guardians. Just give it some time, its clearly not working as originally intended so it will be fixed.
I’d rather have them apply an effective, more permanent, fix than just rushing to a retal on cd or a ‘cannot be applied more than once every 20 seconds’ or something.
And for those who think using a sigil slot with a 60% chance on crit (some builds have ~5% crit chance…) to remove a boon is a good idea, you should probably rethink things. One of the biggest problems is that ret can be reapplied so easily – and having to sigil just for a single build on a single class you might not even run into is so ridiculous that it actually cripples gameplay.
this perma loading screen thing just got me twice in like 20 minutes of playing…. getting kind of silly.
because they’re pulled out of the dudes rear. “95% of all statistics are made up on the spot” so to speak. frankly, you mention guardians in tPvP but i still haven’t met a guardian i can’t trounce without even flinching. sure there are the ones that outlive everything but what good are they really? if someone thinks that kind of playstyle is fun then ill just go to a different point and massacre the rest of their team as recompense.
also, if you don’t play necro then you’re missing out on a serious fun time. probably most imba class in game. playing against any build that sacrifices toughness you can’t lose. straight soldier guardians are the only thing that give you a run for your money.
also, stealth res? this topic is seriously about stealth res? go back to your hot joins and learn to play before complaining. :\
Hilarious. I play guardian and necro. i can’t even remember the last time i died to a class using quickness. hb pistolwhip or otherwise.
frenzy hb is one of those abilities that should only work once – once you know that’s their build the remainder of the match is easy.
haste pistol whip is the same – stealth or no, you can treat this and hs spammers the same, if your build is losing to these types of playstyles at this point in the game, it’s no longer the game’s fault, its yours.
the best part is exploiting the 50% damage vulnerability during frenzy and the lack of an evade during haste. either you do 1.5x damage for 4 seconds or all of your moves are an almost guaranteed hit (respectively).
quickness adds a nice option to these classes and is an interesting move for those who choose to use it. personally i avoid all forms of these ‘bursty’ builds but to each his own. i think that without these types of surprise “-oh shi” builds the game would be that much more boring.
this person is deciding for an extreme case. most people would just ignore that and play whatever they want. of course, most people don’t play games with 200 ms latency…..
wow dude play pve for a bit and go kill krait/bloodwitch lol. guardian trident underwater owns pretty hard, you just gotta know how to use it. ive always thought of it as one of the stronger sets of underwater skills.
Anet has always come through in great ways. if they’re not talking it just means they’re working so they can eventually tell us about it. should try to enjoy the game as it is now because eventually its going to be a whole lot more competitive.
instead of playing mesmers just glance at their skills. know they can blow up their images, and know that their images dont move like real people. really don’t understand why all these people cry mesmer op – i don’t believe they’re the easiest class to play either. ah, for the record i’ve never played a mesmer but my brother does and ive watched him play once or twice
at least op is trying to learn though, so one step ahead of the rest.
yeah that’s great but with a coordinated team (voip) you’ll say oh that thief blew his load on me and your teammate will say k rezzing popping stability, k ressed continue. meanwhile that thief still has 15 seconds ish before he can do anything remotely useful besides die really, really fast.
my necro is dagger/warhorn scepter/focus and i rip face. i use wells in combination with immobilizes in a similar fashion to how wars use br/bola to frenzy/hb. frankly i think weapon switching (more than any other class, period.) is absolutely necessary on necros. if you don’t know how to weapon switch effectively, you’re going to be at a serious disadvantage. i basically weapon switch on skill cooldown (~12-15 seconds).
for the record, i main guardian. i don’t lose to anything and guardian is my strongest class. yet i don’t see my necro really doing any worse in tpvp (or hotjoin i spose). if someone is kicking your necromancer and can’t even spell the word ‘sacrifices’ properly… not to mention he’s fine with someone playing a 100% new build in his tourny team……. lol just be happy you got kicked cuz it saved you the two clicks it woulda taken to leave.
edit: ah, weapon switching explains why the noobs think necro is weak. a lot of them just use a staff, spam marks and use a shaman ammy and wonder why every class seems so cold blooded when they rip them up. :\
(edited by Project Shrine Maiden.9623)
Fear mark on CD. Worm on CD. This is the result of a 5 second fight:
in PvP
Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623
Sorry but… you get downed by a noob glass cannon thief mashing heartseeker and are confused.
Let’s see, you’re wearing light armor, went +healing main ammy (no defense, but instead superior regen), and you’re against someone who went max damage – who you still managed to down despite having inferior power, armor, and health.
Again, where is the problem? You look pretty glass to me, though you’re missing the cannon. He has instant damage and you do not. Seems pretty equal to me.
it’s silly that you can get skirmisher on every other map but capricorn… i can only think it’s related to ruins being underwater and thus there is no distance away from a cap point for you to get it.
i just don’t like to feel like i’m being shorted while enjoying myself.
more like…. lack of skirmisher rewards leads to there being ridiculously low glory gain.
I added up glory and averaged it over two different hours of play, one with playing capricorn and one with just leaving on capricorn and joining another game on a diff map. I average ~500 glory per hour higher without capricorn than with it. lol.
punishment for swearing?
actually, recently I’ve been seeing people leave from the other team at like 460ish, so right before they lose, just to get someone from the winning team auto’d to the losing side.
As such, I think autobalance should be disabled after a certain point in the match…. say after 400 points or something.
these things aren’t intuitive for new players :\