Showing Posts For Sars.8792:

Lord Helseth: Opinion on the "Ready up"

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


I thought the sigils change ment that you could use something like fire on one set and energy on another without the icds interfering with eachother. which is okay i guess.

If you can use 2 procs on one set and 2 swaps on another…. things like a thief with fire/air on d/p and geo/hydro on short bow would be kittened….instead of 1 weapon proc on top of burst you would get 4. ROFL

Also engi/ele with battle AND energy would be really strong too… etc

Even if that isn’t the case a set up like geo/fire + hydro/fire would still be really strong with out re balancing…. they could lower the damage on geo and hydro to compensate however…

For ele’s revert the icd on cleansing water for pvp only…..
and please remove diamond skin so you do not have problems with signet of restoration …. right now diamond skin isn’t a big deal but if you buff sustain enough….. …… ….. …..

Finally a good meta!

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


should have dodged

[merged] The Skyhammer Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


for the love of god take this map out of the game

Sensotix' Thoughts On The Dezember Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


I agree with you about eles, I miss 0 20 0 20 30 type specs reasonable support and damage before the condi patch. The reason i don’t like diamond skin and to a lesser extent Fresh Air. is they will balance around it . IE moving all water traits that are worth taking to master tree which is a nerf to eles active condi clear. This patch is nerf to eles imo!

I’d be happy if they cancel’d or at least held off on diamond skin and left cleansing wave OR water cdr in adept. maybe even remove 5s icd on cleansing waters as it can mess up stuff with water fields. I can’t imagine getting 2 extra cleanses from popping 3 cantrips at the same time (super long cd and is a waste anyway) is a big deal anymore.

Also, things that make eles good now are all kinda(very) cheesy; double or tipple arcane burst , frostbow 4 , fresh air, invulnerably from focus, diamond skin? soon.

Chat suppress for map pings?

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


ya its a bug , I pinged the map once to let people know what point needed help, and it never stopped . I pinged the map a few more times to try and cancel it out, then there for 3 or 4 pings going the whole match. Only happened once so far.

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


I predict a lot of new bunker eles coming up ! Hehe

I dont care about new trait for now, lets just see how it’s gonna be… Eles really need some love

That’s not a good idea if it goes threw once they add it they probably wont take it out even if its bad (this happens 99% of the time in games). They will nerf other things to balance it instead.

They are already moving cleansing wave and aquamancer to master tier at the same time they are adding this trait. why? because it might be op with diamond skin ?

Also imagine diamond skin vs something like a condi warrior the relies on immobilize to start stacking up conditions…. avoid / heal threw arcing arrow and they wont be able to do much as you kite them around . necros might have the same issues.

also there are times where you might want to use fear or snare for cc to prevent a decap, res or stomp whatever…… jk immune. op?

Please rethink your diamond skin change

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


Even if diamond skin is not going to be good its going to be bad for the game.
Also moving Aquamancer’s Alacrity and Cleansing wave both to master tier is bad losing active cleansing. (nerfs Fresh air, old valk s/d if you take water 1, and staff)

But you pick up more passive cleansing with fire II auto procing cleansing fire on 3 conditions.

….. wrong direction…..

Poll: Should a Normal Queue be added?

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


idk about your idea …but it would be nice to have a option to blacklist one or two servers…. cough skyhammer.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sars.8792


About Rangers in wvw….. one thing I hate about ranger is pet always dies you can use bear in passive standing right next to you once aoes start flying it will be dead in 5s.

If there was a talent somewhere that reduced the amount of damage you pet takes by say 50%? while in passive/ not attacking (loses the buff once it attacks something). Then you can have your pet live reasonably long enough so you can make use of traits and utilities……protect me, fern hound, bear cleanse, some signets etc.

Also longbow would be an amazing tool in WvW if you could move while barraging to help snare a zerg while not being left behind your self -.-

also Mesmer clones that are already “shattered” could go off where they are killed by AoE from ac/whatever.

Pretty much wvw changes that would be really nice (using f1-f4 yes plz !) with out effecting spvp 1v1 etc.

(edited by Sars.8792)

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sars.8792


As other people have said, big nerfs imo to current staff (water traits) and DD (arcane traits)…. then adding a gimmicky earth trait that doesn’t seem fun to play (as or against) regardless if it becomes OP or not.

Ele does NOT need major buffs or nerfs atm, but if anything consider undoing the 40s rtl if it misses and possibly lower icd in spvp of cleansing water from 5 to 2 (for water field at least?) , but definitely do not want some new over the top trait.

I think internal testing (of DS) is only looking at 1v1 fighting on a point diamond skin may be balanced then???
But in a team fight if ele is not being focused an ele will be able to just walk threw all condi based aoes ( traps / fire / smoke / fear walls / marks) as if they are not even there, it will also make it hard to catch for classes that rely on chill/snares. That’s not good game play.

Why not make it something like 33% chance to proc torment if hit while in earth…. then you could have a …… condi ele! GASP! that would be interesting and add build diversity IMO.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sars.8792


Water I – Aquamancer’s Alacrity. Moved to Master tier.
Water V – Cleansing Wave. Moved to Master tier.

I liked having both of these always for staff and sometimes s/d ….. intentional nerf ? if not could it please be one or the other

Legacy of the Foefire

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


yes its that way for everyone

Elementalist PvP Solution

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


RTL back to 20s/1200 range or maybe back to even 15s and 900 range instead……15s @ 1550 range or what ever was op but 40s cd is a joke.

Just this and nerf healing signet, stun duration sigils , and condi spam instead …. don’t need more over buffs to classes.

GW2 PvP too hard for MMORPG folks

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


I think its quite the opposite, if you can master a class in less then a day , run around and be just as effective as someone who mains the class what is the point of logging in and trying to improve. Its the reason all the people I knew from other games quit this game…

I love the dodge mechanic moving away from trinity , combo fields etc…. but IMO being too simple/ lack of “twitch” game play is a bigger problem than balance , rewards, game types , bad meta etc

Cant tell if you are trolling or….. but whatever

“in tournaments or soloQ you get a few players who have mastered these skills dominating the 75% who are not all that skilled.” <- this is how it should be.

Block WvW until bug is fixed.

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


think he means bugging the buff so you can run around with it on …. but ya that too….

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


Just make it 2 points for a stomp per orb , the buff lasts for 5 mins for only the people that actually caped the point. BAM

8/2 SoR/TC/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sars.8792


8/2 SoR/TC/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sars.8792


The RE thief with the hoody you are an animal! good stuff:)


in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


Bad idea imo.. you’ll have the ragers who want to give up every time they die, don’t get a rez, lose a point etc. not fun when that’s popping up constantly…. (think LOL)

Anyone got 52 crystals? Edit: All found!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Sars.8792


ahhh thanks! didn’t seem like there was place to go down. been trying to jump up from trees, trying to find footing in the rocks etc . . .

Anyone got 52 crystals? Edit: All found!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Sars.8792


how do you get to the one that is west of the first way point on the opposite side of the giant rock pillar where the skale spawn?( in the crack/ledge ) I can’t seem to find the spot to jump its driving me nuts!

Should Skyhammer Be A Tourny Map?

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


sweet! pvp map designed to minimize pvp. shouldn’t even be in hot join rotation imo

Sactum of Rall against two servers combined?

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


BG troll imo, I give 7/10. Lacks creativity.

06/20 Patch Notes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sars.8792


Has too be troll, if you look at other class changes it makes even less sense.
But i guess its possible Anet said kitten it and went down a list and randomly buffed /nerfed stuff.

For example, the 900 range ranger short bow change. . . . … .. … sounds like someones mad.

What's the intended play style for ele D/D?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sars.8792


To me it this feels like a huge dps s/d nerf , staff goes from almost viable to lol (spvp):(
Face rolling bunker dd will still be perfectly fine? nerfs working as intended…..

I felt problem was more bunker builds dealt too much damage while being hard to kill. 0.o but what do i know……….

Best and worst classes for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


Every class is good in wvw.

In a big open field fight everything is good if played right……….except ranger IMO

1) The pet will die even spec’d BM to aoe ,a lot of your condi removal/control/dps is tied to pet.(reduce aoe damage to pet talent would do wonders for ranger viability)

2) Barrage would be sick aoe damage…… but it counts as 60 hits…… drop it on a melee train take 60*350 (21k) potential retal damage…. gg

3) Brings good combo fields to the table but an ele/engi can do that with out having to spec 30 points into a semi useless tree for a decent oh kitten button.


Ranger is really really good 1v1 ,small fights or just herpa durping in front of keeps skirmishing. Sadly anet doesn’t really look at balance around large organized wvw battles and ranger is really good in spvp right now so I wouldn’t hold your breath for changes.

ya QQ i know…. :P

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


I don’t get it if you don’t want to hear about guilds/fights/drama etc why don’t people just scroll down to the pictures?

next people gonna start complaining about these ugly kitten asura pics ….

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


1 hour with no1 to protect the map is alot of time, but now I undertand why u guys lose everyweek if u can’t understand that.

Didn’t you lose all 3 of your keeps on that map to sor anyway, then bg took 2 of them after we left the map….. good plan

That stealth nurf you've all been calling for

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


The stealth changes you’ve been culling for.

Solution to night capping AND double teaming!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sars.8792


Throwing out some ideas to help with night capping AND double teaming!

1) Bring back orbs but have them count for ppt. (make them not attack able or whatever while keep door is up)

2) Have ppt totals tallied up every 3-6 hours (for example time is not super important) you would get a 3 for first , 2 for second and 1 for third. Add those points for ranking at end of the week.

3)Possibly even have each zones ppt count on its own ex: you could get 3 in eb ,2 in red , 1 and blue in green for the given period of time.

Some servers just have more people in off times for example in NA servers the winning server is determined by SEA/EU most of the time.

The problem is if the heavy overnight server is ticking at 600+ and the other servers near 0 ppt it makes that time period much more valuable than if you are fighting in NA and doing good you can only hope for 350-400 ppt …. you will never catch the overnight stacked server. Often times it then becomes a lame fight for 2nd after this happens.

This way would prevent servers from running away with the match in one night, and make the team with the orb /sm a more likely focus than whoever is weakest at the time.
tl;dr :

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


SoR way to give the win to JQ (most likely). You guys are some of the poorest losers i have ever witnessed. SoR this is your server "The Sanctum of Rall server is home to many of the largest and most well known public community event based guilds in Guild Wars 2. The server community is devoted to building a fun and friendly environment for all walks of life and playstyle preferences.
Even before its launch the server was born by friendship and unity. Through the course of our time here on Sanctum of Rall we hope to give a platform for creating friendships, memories, and a community like no other.

HAHAthe only thing i see from SoR is tight buttholes and hatred. You guys are a complete digrace to WvWvW. It’s always either JQ vs Bg then oh look SoR wants to join in! Or its SoR vs BG then oh look JQ wants to join in. It might as well be JQ + SoR vs BG.
It’s funny though because you will all be whatever this guys a #%#%# and know nothing about WvW which is fine. This is the perspective of a casual player on BG.

And ill be that’s fine. You all will mostly likely disregard this post because, "Oh look this dude is making excuses when BG is losing, and it’s the truth and SoR is just tired of BG kicking the kitten out of SoR. Yea you guys have a great NA butt hats it you guys do nothing but give PPT to JQ.

A Yak Protector.

Actually most people on SoR wanted blackgate to beat jqq at least once. I don’t think anyone went out of their way, its just sometimes easier to take stuff from whomever is weakest at the time. …. ….. …. Or maybe JQ made us a better offer, get mad!

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


Actually when I left BG your server actually hated you more than you think SoR hates BG. When I say you, I mean Icoa.


3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


Your GM personally attacking EMP’s GM with whispers… .

I don’t think you are doing your guild and server any good by keep inflaming this thread.
I am sure both parties can represent themselves and you are not helping.

I am pretty sure he is still bitter with SoR when he got called out for repeatedly exploiting.(not saying they did) I don’t get icoa tbh are they trolls or just bad , I really can’t figure it out. Anyone from blackgate care to clear this up?

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


This guys so right. I have to admit I’m surprised seeing this come from someone from blackgate :/


3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


props to icoa for actually using rams to get into a keep!

we whiped you in your own keep twice -_-

rofl in your dreams….

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


props to icoa for actually using rams to get into a keep!

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


lol keep the score updates coming JQ! You are making SoS/SoR’s doors very angry right now!

We don’t have any more doors! ….. get outplayed JQ

2/26 Patch Notes Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


Mesmer Portals can no longer be interacted with when there is an obstruction between them and the player.

0.0 ^ stole my glory

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


I hate it when I get so many bags I end up with culling issues for my bags

When I see SF coming I know its time to Spam F


I can see how the need to rez so many downed could potentially break your F key. If you break your keyboard, my apologies

Gotta get that daily done

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


I hate it when I get so many bags I end up with culling issues for my bags

When I see SF coming I know its time to Spam F


2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


I think SoR gonna win this week!

I think SoR is going to complain about being out manned this week.

After someone from JQ brings it up.

culling update issues

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


Ravens abusing culling at the super bowl …….. NFL brought down super dome for a patch 5 mins later.

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


The fight has been great so far. but after seeing hat Little asura mesmer at 12:30 pst wearing flame legion armor from icoa Guild trying to jump glitch in to our keep. that kinda makes me hope that doesn’t keep going on. BG you guys should Probably do something about that bad apple i would hate to see it ruin your reputation

I would like to use this post to introduce myself. I am the new Relations Officer of ICoa. While I neither deny or legitimize this post, I assure you I will personally look into this matter. Thank you for bringing it to light or attempting to troll us yet again. Good day.

Just wanted to let you know. we found it happen a second time a Black haired human Mesmer same guild Wearing the Low Tier looking armor “kittenty skirt” and we killed them before they had a chance to port people in. If you guys care or not its fine but just putting it out there for you all

Give me a break with these accusations… We have proof of SoR doing it waaay more than once. The difference is that we report the issue instead of crying about it in forums. Please do the same and don’t single out any guild or slander its reputation. Thanks!

Ive already taped it and SS’ed it sending it in To A-net but that also “slanders” your guild quite well. But not like i can message you in game to explain the situation so you can Kick them out before they Smear the rep of your guild all across the Game

lol sorry we forgot to warn TC….. dont bother with the ICoa “leaders”

Triforge pendant and it's future fate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sars.8792


yup i got mine and a week later………….JK tier gear we said wasnt comeing is now comeing……. sigh

Sanctum of Rall I Blackgate I Isle of Janthir

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


Can someone PM me a link to the hack youtube? I lost track of it, and the forum traces have been deleted :/

ya it was deleted from here, reddit and guru, pretty annoying.

(edited by Sars.8792)


in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


good fight at bay in bg bl!!

I feel that Guild Wars 2 has some fundamental flaws

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sars.8792


I don’t know i really like the game overall. However the ascended gear is freaking huge let down, for me at least. 2 biggest reasons I bought the game was 3 realm wvw and not having to grind gear every few months.

Two and half months later BAM. I spent a good amount of time getting my gear the way i wanted runes of divinity tri forge pendant everything…… now that’s all going to be replaced???

All players got disconnected/ main event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sars.8792


haha 2 hours of grinding … finaly ,last phase of boss …. down to 50%

booted everyone from game……………………………………. nice

Most annoying class to deal with in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Sars.8792


1. mesmers…. fkn broken class