Pick one: walk animation or underwater animation, cuz they can only do one at a time apparently.
Seems like they’ve done none at a time
Bumping for visibility. Lets see some more guilds in here
Looking at [PWN], [Beer], [NZST], etc.
Your friend is kinda dumb.
Nearly an entire Heartseeker worth of damage in a single 5 second channel? I am reporting this to Anet IMMEDIATELY. This NPC is CLEARLY abusing the overpowered “Death Shroud” mechanic.
Level 78 exotics can be had on the TP for a fraction of their 80 counterparts and the state you lose over the entire set is infinitesimal.
I doubt any of the less organized WvW servers will really make much headway with server transfers to bandwagon servers still being open. I’m hoping the massive queues deter the transfers but I think people hate losing more than waiting.
Good idea. Would be great if this forum had server forums as this thread will probably get lost in the shuffle. Have spoken to a few WvW-centric guilds about the prospect of forming an alliance for the sake of coordination, [totn] and [SANC] in particular. [totn] has a massive TS3 server that they have offered use of to any guilds/players that feel like such a thing would be an asset to their guild/group. Would love to see some of the regulars post in here and get some serious talks underway.
“Master DS”
4 skills, all mediocre. Second health bar.
Maybe we could “master” this abomination is it didnt block out our entire UI when we used it.
Hunter pet fear is AoE and 2 seconds
Warrior Fear is AoE and 3 seconds
Mug crits for like 7k damage
Our fear damage trait crits for 44
We are OP like Master Yi.
Not much interest in doing something like this I guess?
Just recently rerolled a guardian, and I don’t know if I just have “grass is greener” syndrome but it is so much easier and enjoyable to do things.
Seriously this would be great way for the community to connect. Additionally it would be an excellent avenue for guilds to organize WvW a bit better without having to resort to external forums.
Now that we have a very organized bug list thread that has been viewed favorably by Jon Peters it seems like it would be a good idea to start unifying our balance issues into once place so that once that bugs have been corrected they can erasily view some of the potential things that will still need looking at that don’t fall under the category of “bugged”. Please do not make this a whine thread or call for ridiculous buffs that would imbalance the class. The more reasonable and organized this thread remains, the more likely it is that it will actually be reviewed and considered by the dev team.
I’ll start:
*We have pitiful combo finishers: 1 Projectile, 3 Blast 2 of which require pets and kill them in the process, the other being a ground target spell that must be activated by a foe, 0 leap, 1 Whirl (underwater)
*Dagger mobility is a serious issue. Having a cloth class without any inherent survivability or maneuverability seems like a glaring bug to me. A leap and CD reduction on dark pact would go a long way towards correcting this bug. Another problem I see is that for the risk we invest the dagger should have a small cleave mechanic like warrior sword.
*Axe damage gutted for no discernible reason. I remember in BWE axe damage was right where it should be for the 600 range. It also had a very small range cleave and ghastly claws would actually force an opponent to dodge or at least react somehow instead of just laying into us as they east the measly 2-4k damage over the channel duration.
*Life steals in general need to be looked at very closely. I believe the coefficients are bugged because in their current state the level 80 life steal numbers would be unimpressive and barely sufficient on a level 15-20 character. No scaling is afforded whatsoever and I doubt Anet has intended this.
*Wells really need to be GTAoE baseline. Having to invest TWENTY points into a tree that affords almost no other benefits to a well-centric spec seems like a major oversight.
*Pet AI. Pet AI. Pet AI. I was thrilled to see the section in the recent notes about Ranger pets getting AI improvements but was utterly baffled when I couldn’t find a Necromancer section with similar(or any) fixes. Pet AI is still patently horrible. The Flesh Golem has maybe a 20-60% uptime on a target depending on how long combat with them lasts. He either stands next to you watching or runs away and attacks something that you havent even engaged. This is especially problematic when you take into account that these pets, even our elite golem are going to die within sconds of any given pull/boss in dungeons from AoE. I hate to say it, but it would be a good idea to draw some influence from Blizzard and create a trait/passive (maybe to replace the HORRIBLE jagged horror minor) that would reduce AoE damage your pets take by a high percentage (70-90%)
*More of a Quality of Life issue but the current Lich Form elite is simply very cumbersome. It’s nice that it’s imposing and all but the massive character model makes it almost unusable in close quarters combat, puts up a huge “KILL ME” flag in PvP, and is generally just a very strange model in general due to the excessive muscle tone of a supposed necrotic zombie creature. I would love love LOVE to see the possibility added to use the alternate Lich model obtained fro mthe “Ghastly Tonics” in Arah. Much more manageable size and a nicer aesthetic in my opinion.
Power build mine is still hitting for 44.
Moved to a separate thread:
(edited by Shredicus.8706)
Would be nice to know I didnt get all this sparkly gear only to end up rerolling a viable class
Hahahaha. Go play a necro and see how much you regret THAT decision.