Showing Posts For Shredicus.8706:

Over a month in, Lets see your character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


My Charr Necro :]


Charr "bracer" corruption

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Just dawned on me that the strange texture appearing underneath the bracers is actually the same as the aqua breather.

Artillery Barrage - Range doesn't make sense

in Charr

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


It was pretty OP in BWE1 when it knocked down, had a huge range AND did good damage, but for whatever reason they decided that every single one of those things had to be annihilated and it’s probably the worst elite in the game now.

In my opinion: All Charr Armor is Terrible

in Charr

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Light Armor looks dumb on Charr eh?

My necro begs to differ ;o


What has happend to Necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


everytime I read “necro UP” I have to laugh. if you know how then you can stack a 20 stack of bleed in no time and removing it via condition removal is non issues as all the skills have decent cooldowns… necro is boss in spvp. just because some things dont work does not mean the class is up.

Show a vid of you stacking 20 bleeds in “no time”.

Still waiting for this^


What has happend to Necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706



Trying to berate me for degrading a “polite discussion” by prefacing your rebuttal with “Would you kindly shut the kitten up about this?”.

You are not making a convincing argument here.

That’s not a rebuttal. I just want you to shut the kitten up with the, “Jon Peters said!” bullkitten.

>ruining a polite discussion


Blood is Power change your feelings?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


A nerf for condition necros and a buff for power necros.

Might gives boosts to both.

What has happend to Necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706



Trying to berate me for degrading a “polite discussion” by prefacing your rebuttal with “Would you kindly shut the kitten up about this?”.

You are not making a convincing argument here.

MAJOR inconsistency with dagger mainhand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


The following profession skills now hit 3 targets instead of 1:

Elementalist Dagger: Lightning Whip, Lightning Touch


What has happend to Necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


And then Jon Peters tells us that the problem with our class is we are not using Death Shroud optimally.

In response to SBI fighting for second

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


JQ is a pretty unlikeable server so it would make sense that SBI eschewed an alliance with you in favor of seeing your demotion to 4th seed.

The more I WvW as a thief, the less I like it.

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


OP is just not very good at thief I suppose.

Players exploiting / destroying the essence of sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Plus. Freaking. One.

I haven’t done sPvP since a few weeks ago when I ran into this same situation and got yelled at by a bunch of barbie dress up “pvpers” that just wanted to trade caps for glory. Ridiculous game design error.

[January] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


That thing is too ridiculous. Needs to be scaled down a bit to deal with that fact that like 1/4 of it clips the ground when sheathed.

In my opinion, the armor is ugly in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Hah! Armor in this game is great!


Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


MAJOR inconsistency with dagger mainhand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Now that I think about it I cant’ say I’ve ever used another dagger class. Hmm. Just seems odd that every other martial weapon would cleave except for the most high-risk ones that casters have access to whereas a mesmer with a sword cleaves and goes invulnerable 1/4 of the times he’s in melee range.

10 & 11 Fallen Heroes Glory Vendors

in PvP

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


So you’re like rank 100 already?

Will a $3000 Graphics Card lag in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


LOL that is NOT a gaming GPU.

Charr "bracer" corruption

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


And how they should look:


Charr "bracer" corruption

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


I have had this happen to me since level 10 with various types of handgear so its not specific to these gloves. I have never seen it happen on another race. I’m not sure what causes it, possibly tabbing out of the game. Pictures attached:


MAJOR inconsistency with dagger mainhand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Dagger mainhand melee attacks do not cleave nearby enemies unlikes every single other melee weapon in the game. This helps account for why our class hardly ever gets loot/credit in events and makes our multi target DPS suffer in a huge way. Would love to get some dev feedback on whether this is intentionally (poorly) designed this way or if it’s another bug.

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


CoF armor was getting pretty tired so I whipped this set up. Looks nothing like you’d think a light armor set would but then again you dont see many light armor Charr around either:


Gates of Madness

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Same person has been doing it every time. Some female human theif from Sanctified Wrath guild.

Gates of Madness Hacking WvW Please Send a GM Immediately

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Unbelievable…this crap again… as a GoM player we are really getting sick of this crap happening every match up causing us to get slandered and focused by both enemies…

!!How to Promance Tournaments!!

in PvP

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Good one. Butthurt amirite? huehuehuehue


yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Too bad you just believe the hype. I know for a fact that we didn’t fly-hack the Yak’s Bend and GoM orbs. But keep telling yourself that. It was a propaganda machine to pit Yak’s against GoM and you fell for it.

That’s not even close to the truth. I was STANDING in the keep it was stolen out of defending the gates. Inner gates were never breached. Kitten, the outer gates were never breeched. We had the orb, then we didn’t. I was there the whole time.

Was never in your keep. It spawns at the north altar where a group of 30 of us took it from legitimately within minutes of the match starting. I was in the group that took it so make up all the excuses you like. If you have some evidence indicating otherwise go ahead and present it.

(edited by Shredicus.8706)

Why does every modern MMO seem to make this mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


if stealth is for survivability then why are they spamming the hardest hitting abilities in the game while still being invisible?

Exactly my question.


Why does every modern MMO seem to make this mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Well, obviously you’re supposed to use the utility skills that reveal thieves from stealth!

I know you were being sarcastic but this brings me to another point; thieves trying to defend their OP class by saying other classes need to bring “X” to counter them.

I don’t feel it was the intention of Anet to have every single PvPer be forced to use two utility slots on an immobilize breaker and stun breaker just to counter being instantly gibbed by a pistolwhip thief.


Why does every modern MMO seem to make this mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Why is it that the highest survivability classes, the ones with stealth moves, always seem to be given the highest burst damage moves? You can try to make an argument based on low base health/armor but it falls to shambles when you factor the ridiculous mobility and survivability from stealth into the equation. At the same time you have classes like the necromancer with damage beat into the ground because of their supposed “passive survivability”.

So why is it exactly that this class is getting 14k backstab crits and then disappearing into the shadow with no fear of retribution?


(edited by Shredicus.8706)

So if Plague Signet is broken....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


There’s a lengthy cooldown between ticks (10 seconds I think) so this wouldnt really work

Necro anti-bot batman.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Thief using daggerstorm could have done that in 1/10 the time

Should they make HoM rewards available in Black lion trading company?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


But if they want to make extra $$$ would they not do it for that?

Maybe you missed the memo about when they stopped selling copies of the game because introducing more players would degrade the experience of the current customers? Anet isn’t going to shaft their players for a couple bucks.

other class causes fear for 5 seconds?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


I like how our reactive fear trait has a NINETY SECOND COOLDOWN lol

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


If only Ruin would xfer to JQQ so we could have all the obnoxious players on one server…

my sub acct was in SBI for a day and in their wvw chat

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


In bed with Ruin and SBI is gonna get an STI.

Siege Equipment Despawning

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


This game really wants to deter people from actually helping by purchasing, placing and building siege as if it wasn’t a big enough issue already.

PvP combat log.... Necro vs Thief in WvWvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Heartseeker is 450 range gap closer with no CD and 3 initiative cost. If anyone thinks they’ll actually escape a thief L O L

Heartseeker is...STILL...missing

in Thief

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Stop Heartseekering into walls.

PvP combat log.... Necro vs Thief in WvWvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


This isn’t even that bad as far as thieves go. A backstab build will do that damage in 2 attacks right out of stealth and you’ll have no chance for recourse.

That class is ridiculously overbalanced. Look at their traits if you want to cry.

Death shroud broken since latest patch?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Yeah, I guess that explains why I’ve never seen the mist thing proc correctly. That was money well-spent.

Thanks for the heads up guys

Death shroud broken since latest patch?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


As of the last patch my death shroud has been locking me in and making the skills unusable for around 5 seconds. It even bugs out whe n Igo lich and traps me in “lich shroud” form. See screenshot.

Anyone else getting this?


Orbs giving the winning team too much of an advantage.

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Orbs are like those stupid CoD killstreak things

Gate of Madness steals orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Been in Yaks borderlands where we too kthe orb legitimately. The last time this happened it was by a person in the guild “Sanctified Wrath”. has Anet looked into this yet? Tired of the entire server getting slandered because of the actions of a couple hackers.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Crossposting thread from guru which seems to be getting a lot of interest:


in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


If DS is OP like Master Yi, can you make us a tutorial video on how to dunk on nooblords?


Pistol Whip + Frenzy = ???

in Thief

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


If the stun is so worthless why not just take it off Anet? See how many of your explode into tears.

8k damage?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Yeah I’ve been hit by these for 14k so I’d say you got lucky.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Good post Myrkur. One of the concepts I touched on briefly in my talks with [TOTN] and [SANC] was that it’s very difficult to motivate people to conform to an Alliance when we’re in a position of crushing defeat and weakness. You would think that it would have a unifying effect on the human psyche but since there are no tangible stakes here in an online world its far easier to fall into a state of apathy than one of furious productivity. Once our next pairing begins I think we should gather our thoughts start a much harder recruitment and unification drive when people are refreshed instead of beat down and pathetic.

I’m idling in the IRC if you want to talk it over.

50% of US servers are involved in a total domination

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


This really needs to be looked into and quickly because this was one of the prominent things that killed Warhammer Online. Tout WvW as the true “endgame” then leave it crushingly imbalanced.