I’ll start
“Wow necros are OP”
A back stab thief is the easiest of them all to counter and beat.If you have problems against them you don’t stand a chance against the others.
If it’s such a bad spec then why is there such an outpour of anguish over it being nerfed?
Seriously one of the most gorgeous areas I’ve ever seen in a MMO. The whistling of the wind at the top is an amazing touch.
Bow is bugged on my friend’s Charr Ranger. One particle effect freaks the kitten out at night.
Glad to see the conversation is staying civil and constructive. Getting some very interesting feedback from both sides.
Yikes, didnt mean to upset anyone just wanted to see if I could get some real insight instead of the typical rantings I see in map chat.
I swear every other player I see is a female human. I also know this game has an overwhelming majority of its playerbase being male. I’ve tried to ask in map chat a few times why so many gentlemen play female characters but I always seem to get really defensive replies or outright attacks calling me “gay” for looking at a male character’s butt all day (what?). Maybe I just have my priorities wrong but I dont think I could actually effectively play this game by staring at the posterior of my character.
But I digress. What is the allure of female humans characters and why are there so many males playing them?
The damage of backstab is fine.I usualy hit 5k-6k on most targets.Thats OP to you? Take a look at warriors then.
I agree on flanking strike tho.The skill is nice but only for evade and boon removal and thats not worth the initiative.
5-6k noncrit vs. a bunker guardian with 3500 armor maybe
They’re turning on each other O___O
Give it up, BS is way too strong and easy compared to other classes. Big support for nerfbat on this one.
If you see a thief in the distance…..chances are 99.8% he’s going to do his combo.
Adjust gameplay accordingly.
So what sort of recourse is there when a class is approchaing that can blink across the map, stealth for ages, burn you from 100-0 within 2 seconds of exiting stealth and then disappear again without fear of reprisal? Logout before he reaches you?
Or maybe you should stop being blinded by your desire for a crutch class and come to the conclusion that the devs did. BS is BS.
“Nerfing anything else would kill my build.”
Pretty sure that’s the point.
So you preface this by saying that its ridiculous damage will be justified by lacking mobility yet it could stealth you and drop a clone. Thieves will never have low mobility so long as they can press tilde to get the shortbow and an d teleport across the map in5 seconds.
If thieves can stealth
then so should every other profession in the game.
“Unacceptable! Thief is the ultimate underdog class! You hardly ever see a thief in sPvP. It’s constantly swamped with OP necromancers and elementalists that one shot you with bleeds and fireballs. I cant believe they would nerf thief which is easily the least powerful class in the game. This is an OUTRAGE.” said noone ever.
Believe me, I know all about countering a thief. You guys are sure to spout the same thing any time someone tries to criticize your facerolling. The response is always:
-Bring 2 stunbreaks
-Bring condition removal
-Be a bunker guardian
-Dodge every single attack
-Cluster bomb has a high arc so hitting for 5k AoE is fine
-backstab is super hard to land and we are sittign ducks if it misses, seriously we ahve no other abilities!
-Stealth is fine, we have low health\our burst is fine we have low health\we shouldnt have to sacrifice anything by being a glass cannon because we have stealth and its intended
And so on ^__^
Why dont we have a weapon that cleaves targets? This is an incredible disadvantage in dungeons and team fights.
Your puzzle was the most fun I’ve had in this game for a long time Josh. Seriously, I must have completed it 3 dozen times just for fun.
Yeah, the responses are lukewarm at best, “shutup already, we dont care” at worst
Nope. I think it PERFECTLY personifies just how absolutely INSANE he is. Look at Caligula for example, an actual roman ruler. He was one of the more beloved emperors until he became sick and went completely insane, and I mean COMPLETELY. The mad king gives off this air of jovial lunacy in person but the story serves to exemplify the undercurrent of murderous glee that bubbles just below the surface of a very scarred psyche.
(edited by Shredicus.8706)
Buff thieves, too weak, need permastealth
Well, seeya I guess. Waypoint costs really arent an issue.
Charr Necro, no boost, 15 times and counting
Yeah I’ve looted them a few times. Just ToT baggies, normally around 2-5.
This puzzle is very fun. The difficulty is the appeal.
If you dont like lemons dont eat lemons.
Well that’s a let down… Why does it feel like Nexon is creeping into this game? =\
Go ahead and attempt to explain your reasoning here please:
Please stop using the phrase "Pay 2 Win" if you have no idea what it means.
Posted by: Shredicus.8706
Seeing as the end game goal of this game is nothing but cosmetics… Technically they do win the game. Sorta.
Aesthetics are purely subjective though. I find the Halloween skins entirely bland and underwhelming.
Please stop using the phrase "Pay 2 Win" if you have no idea what it means.
Posted by: Shredicus.8706
I cant believe the furor that some folks have worked themselves into over a few skins being rare (like this is a bad thing?). I can tolerate the incessant prattling and whining about nothing of particular import that’s standard fare with MMORPGs but the one thing that seems to be grating against my nerves is the insistence for so many players to attempt and personify this system as being “p2w”.
I will pose my rebuttal in the most succinct way I can think to do so:
How is a weapon skin going to help you win the game?
dragon tooth. 4 sec cast time, big red tooth falls out of the sky on your head that you can avoid.
the largest crit i have ever had on this ability was 3k
you would think an ability THAT SLOW , would have a risk vs rewardthe problem is backstab can be done twice in a fight and hit upwards of 14k. AND THEN you can disappear after doing it.
i cant think of any game thats had stealth that let you normally remove yourself from combat with stealth and let you redo your backstab attacks.
can you imagine if you were allowed to do this nonsense in D&D?…and the amount of options and skills a thief has at its disposal to escape from a zerg or a failed attempt as opposed to an ele is……???
Yes, let’s also ignore the fact that there’s numerous number of aoe skills at an ele’s disposal too.
Just for you:
Seriously…people need to get better. That will fix the thief issue. Whining and kittening, asking for nerfs, simply because one cannot play a class to its potential and gets wrecked by another class, is not the solution.
Spend less time qqing on forums about dying to a thief, and perhaps people can improve on their skills.
You are telling people that they are bad and need to learn to play while simultaneously championing a class that can devastatingly effective using only 1 attack skill repeatedly. I’m not saying you’re trying to be ironic intentionally but at the very least your bias is laughable.
The problem is that after any other glass cannon class unloads burst like that they are dead in the water. Not so with stealth.
Funny that the weakest defensive classes (light armor) 30-60 second longer CDs than the others.
Well they were paired in the previous matchup so they probably have an affinity for teaming up on the newcomer subconsciously. Can’t really fault them for it, it’s just human nature.
Probably won’t be quite as good of a match as the last time we fought YB. Lost a lot of our decent WvW guilds and gained a lot of credit card commanders. But I digress, good luck and have fun!
edit: Referring to GoM here not SoR
Go ahead buddy. Try it. Go on.
Name Rank Delta Rating Delta Deviation Volatility
Henge of Denravi 1 0 2143.024 5.851 198.446 0.97
Stormbluff Isle 2 0 2047.433 18.399 195.343 0.969
Jade Quarry 3 1 2044.008 58.468 205.496 0.973zzzZZzZzz
“3rd place and lovin it” -JQQ
Hey bro, those scores are from 1 week ago lol. We’re 217,460 and SBI got 155,781. We’re second, you’re mad.
“2nd place is first loser but we’re cool with that” -JQQ
Lol, you’re the one QQing. We may be first loser, but we are aiming for 1st place, not like some others servers that are comfortable with 2nd -cough-, and with TA disbanding, it’s something we can achieve.
“Sweet if first place quits then we’re 1st place by default!” -JQQ
Name Rank Delta Rating Delta Deviation Volatility
Henge of Denravi 1 0 2143.024 5.851 198.446 0.97
Stormbluff Isle 2 0 2047.433 18.399 195.343 0.969
Jade Quarry 3 1 2044.008 58.468 205.496 0.973zzzZZzZzz
“3rd place and lovin it” -JQQ
Hey bro, those scores are from 1 week ago lol. We’re 217,460 and SBI got 155,781. We’re second, you’re mad.
“2nd place is first loser but we’re cool with that” -JQQ
There wasn’t a single post in this thread about cluster bomb and you come out of left field talking about how it is the god of AoE spells (which is untrue).
I was correcting a fallacy that another thief was attempting to perpetuate in relation to the original post. If you cannot see the value in my posts then I invite you to ignore them and the content contained therein.
Name Rank Delta Rating Delta Deviation Volatility
Henge of Denravi 1 0 2143.024 5.851 198.446 0.97
Stormbluff Isle 2 0 2047.433 18.399 195.343 0.969
Jade Quarry 3 1 2044.008 58.468 205.496 0.973
“3rd place and lovin it” -JQQ
Grats on 3rd place. You earned it!
If you can’t understand all the aspects of an ability and still blindly cry about it on the forums, you should take a look in the mirror and read you last post at the same time.
I’m just getting sick and tired of people not using the tools at their disposal and dismissing them as being “too hard” or “impractical” because you’re too impatient to actually learn your class. You should be thankful you have the tools you do at your disposal. If you really want inspiration take a look at the disabled gamer Aieron. He plays using his face ALONE because he took the time to really learn his class and understand what tools he had at his disposal.
Isn’t this only useful against other Mesmer’s?
And thieves. Have you ever downed a thief?
Poor JQQ got handled by HoD every round and are still mad even after they quit. Poor little fellas.
Good vid. I believe guardians can do this w/ instant meditations/sword 2 as well.
Look if you thieves really cant hit a group of people standing on/below a wall with a 715 unit radius AoE …. I’m sorry but this game isn’t made for people like you.
because any class can do that and thief is the only class lacking a 1200 range DPS weapon, so we are always in close range (technically) if we are hitting you.
Convenient how thieves always seem to forget they have the best spammable AoE 1200 range skill in the game for WvW…. oh AND it’s a blast finisher…. oh AND it bleeds…. oh and did I mention the SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN UNIT RADIUS?
AS a well necro I drop a well of corruption on them turning their stability into fear, and that’s that.
Needs a reliable gap closer. Dark path needs to boost range to 1200 and projectile travel speed increase or put a gap closer on Dark Pact and leave dark path broken. Autoattack chain is dull beyond words. Eles/thieves have it right. If you are going to make it so the whole chain doesnt cleave at least make the finisher cleave and do something interesting.
I’ve never seen a third tier server gloat as much as blackgate. They have all these “glory days” delusions when this game has only been out like a month and they were never top tier… strange folks over there.
I didn’t move any goalposts. I was ALWAYS talking about overall server population, and GoM’s being unwilling to queue for WvWvW once they started losing. That’s not a problem with game mechanics, that’s a problem with the people on your server being, for lack of a better word and to be quite blunt about it, quitters.
Personally, I believe after a decade or so of online video games that have absolutely zero penalties for people simply quitting a game as soon as they start losing, there’s a generation of gamers out there who approach everything that way. Not winning? Quit. Can’t seem to get ahead? Quit. Looks like you’re going to have to actually put effort into gaining ground? Quit.
Quit and blame the system, rather than yourselves.
What GoM does — heck, what every server seems to do as soon as they get surpassed by a 30,000-50,000 point lead (TC is as guilty of this as anyone), is simply give up. It’s as though the Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy, found the Germans dug in, started getting shot at, and turned around and got back into the boats and went home.
If your server is behind, you should have enough personal pride and integrity to get in there and fight harder, not give up. You should redouble your efforts to get people into WvWvW that week, to take back what you’ve lost and regain lost ground and try to close the score gap. So what if you don’t win? At least you put up a good fight! Perhaps you’ll lose by 10,000 points rather than 200,000.
The psychology is quite different though. There are no stakes. There are no consequences for losing or winning other than a click of a button to transfer to the winning server. There is no SERVER PRIDE for a losing server, just bandwagoning to a winning server.