The LS UI was visually tweaked, and has bit more interactivity to it, so I guess ANet thought the Heralds wouldn’t be needed anymore, and honestly neither do I. It’s true they contributed to help keeping the world “alive”, but the UI was adjusted in a way that they aren’t really needed. Plus, there is a story instance in LA that refers to past LS events and many of the main characters are present, helping all players know exactly what’s been going on and where to go(and some hints on what’s to come).
I would, however, like to see this Sylvari Herald you speak of, I can’t remember him. Was he maybe wearing any tier Cultural Armor? Or a mix of many?
After this I told him that’s all there was to show in terms of living story. He was bummed, as he has no understanding of what any of the alliances are, what Scarlet has been doing and what we as players have been doing to stay busy.
There is actually a Story Instance in LA with nearly all main characters from the LS so far, and the discussions between them refer to many past LS updates, giving the new player something to understand the past of the LS. Check your UI next time
If ANet comes up with the bored-to-hell Risen and Zhaitan again… uhh. With they won’t ever do any undead related LW update. Like, litereally more than half of the game is about undead and I hate it.
Actually there is an Edit button :P Bottom right corner of your post.
Also, I wouldn’t agree half of the game is about undead, unless you count the Icebrood as undead.. There are other high level areas without undead. However, yes, a little more variety would be nice.
It’s inevitable though, Zhaitan is NOT finished, so they will implement a Zhaitan LS arc, hopefully not as dull as the last battle
Your view is so narrow. You point right, but you are fixed … so many things happened that I even forgot what I did, but I know a lot and will take a new position in this world at the time I know who is the right for me. I touched the nightmare and it is everywhere, I didn’t see it, but now I see it everywhere. The nightmare is everywhere. I hope Scarlet forgives me what I did.
Let me clarify. This isn’t what I wish happens, nor what I even think will happen, its just a possibility that ran through my head considering how Scarlet seems to be messing with life etc, and the sudden uprising of Tequatl. I guess it’s just me feeling the lack of closure towards Zhaitan and how after 1 year of LS and GW2 time, no news has been heard on Zhaitan, considering how Elder Dragons can’t be killed. I think I may have tied up Zhiatan to Scarlet a bit too much :p
What you said, is it some sort of quote? I don’t recognize it, but seemed interesting.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Uh, I just went through all of that in my PS, I don’t need to go through that again. I hope they leave Zhaitan dead instead of making all that effort over the span of 80 levels mean nothing.
Also, I’m really tired of undead zombies. Time to move along and let Orr heal.
For Orr to heal there needs to be a sort of closure to it, and it wasn’t given with the Zhaitan fight in the PS. There’s much more to be explored there, I hope they do. Again, everyone knows the design of that fight was rushed, so I’m sure they’ll do better next time.
I came to a similar idea recently:
Scarlet’s looking for the dragon lich’s phylactery and the end of season boss is a zhaitan merged marionette boss battle.Probably wishful thinking.
Ah, Alice in Wonderland it is. u.u
So, just an idea/theory, probably has been said before.
1. From the past year of LS, we’ve been introduced to a new villain, Scarlet, a Sylvari. We know she’s been working up to something quite big, and if we drag in the probes around Tyria, along with what we’ve seen recently, she might very well be trying something to do with the Energy Dragons absorb and eject considering the cycle of awakening/sleeping.
2. One of the LS releases was the Tequatl update, which was said to have something to do with the LS and would help set the stage for something later on. In terms of the continuity of the whole LS after, NOTHING has been said considering Tequatl.. Or what if it has, but we haven’t seen it yet?
3. In the Twilight Arbor- Aether path Update, we saw she came up with a Watchworked Oakheart – maybe she’s been messing with the actual “gift of life”?
Don’t tell me that was their way of giving a feature update some story to it, especially considering the Aether Path certainly had quite a big deal to do with Scarlet, plus the Tequatl update being something for later on. I don’t believe ANet would string story to content, but rather content to story.
4. According to the Timeline , Personal Story started in 1325 A.E(mid- 1325 AE, maybe? considering GW2 launched in August), and ended months after. Then the LS started in 1326 A.E. By this time, according to the story, players had already defeated Zhaitan. ANet said it themselves the fight’s design was rushed because they had to release the game.
With all this said, what if Scarlet is looking to somehow bring Zhaitan back? Not that he was ever dead, considering he IS UNDEAD, but maybe help him build his strength back, a possible way to “fix” what happened in the end of the PS.
It would certainly make sense that if ANet was going to start Season 2 with an Elder Dragon, it would be Zhaitan, considering he was the first one we defeated, and the fight didn’t do him justice.
Just before the tequatl update we had Scarlet’s Clockwork Chaos, invasions all around Tyria, then came SAB, whith no connection to Scarlet, what did she do in the meantime? Right after came the Tequatl update, and after that came the TA Update, with the Watchwork Oakheart(creating life?), after that came Halloween, also with no connection to Scarlet, and after came the ToN along with the Nightmares Within update which introduced us to yet another creation of Scarlets, the Toxic Hybrid. She seems to be messing with life itself.
Now let me try to “invalidate” possibly everything I just said.
In an interview in the Fall of 2013, Angel Leigh McCoy said that in 2014 she would be doing some “really cool stuff with the Sylvari”. Many have pointed to it possibly being about Mordremoth.
Also, from what I’ve gathered and read, the Elder Dragons CANNOT be killed, considering they are what balances the Magic/Energy in Tyria through.
Scarlet seems to have a lot of history to her before the Pact even defeated Zhaitan, and her motives may have come before as well.
This could possibly show that the 2014 LS has NOTHING to do with Zhaitan, however, it doesn’t completely invalidate it either.
Having said that, I do not see why the theory above is not plausable and I find it hard to believe we’d go more than one LS year without any news of Zhaitan, considering Risen are still about, considering Orr hasn’t been cleansed of it’s corruption(And yes, you can say it has to do with not dividing the playerbase whether they’ve reached that part of the PS or not, however, when this “problem” comes to ANets hands, they’ll have to choose between turning GW2 into a PS game or a LS game,or a hybrid if possible, changing their environments accordingly if they choose to focus on the LS platform), and considering it’s pretty well known that Elder Dragons cannot be killed, but rather Sealed off or put to sleep.
Your thoughts?
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
At the end of one of the Arah paths you see Mordremoth(or another Elder Dragon) being formed in the stars..
No you don’t. You see the formation of a star, and as Varra states if you talk to her at the end of the path, the formation of the star doesn’t dictate events in Tyria but marks the passing of ages – an act that’s actually not very different from the Canthan calendar’s ages, which were determined via study of the stars. The difference between the two is that – according to Varra whom gets her stuff from jotun research, stars form once every 10,000 years and the last time a star was formed was when the Elder Dragons was last awake.
You do not see an Elder Dragon forming, nor do you see something that heralds the awakening/birth of an Elder Dragon. You see a completely unrelated-to-Elder Dragons act in the heavens occurring.
Thanks for the correction, point taken
There is difference between playing and experiencing it and watching a video. And since all rewards were cosmetic so i don’t see whats the issue. Half of the draw in playing online games is acquiring new items.
They could also add those items to gem store. But lets forget rewards… how about just giving players the option to play through all story instances, even that would be more than satisfactory and help players connect more with the world.
GW2 world will still be living and evolving. Replaying the story won’t take anything away from it.
Rewards should be an “exclusive”, a sort of “prestige” thing like the Arah Armor USED to be. You see a player with an LS themed reward, and you know he lived that. I have the Fused Gauntlets from F&F, and I’m kitten proud of it, I did however miss alot of other rewards, but love seeing otehr players running around with them, I knew they were there, did that thing, and it must’ve been great.
Having said that, I still do not agree with having those rewards in the gem store.
As for replaying the story content, I see your point, it does in fact not stop the world from “living”, as long as those players do NOT get the LS themed rewards, and play it for the story. But it DOES break the actual characters feeling. Livign and experiencing something is great, when you’re there, but in a Living World Concept, it “breaks” your character from a role-playing game point of view, in my honest opinion.
If ANet could create a sort of time travelling context to it, or even add it into the fractals, WITHOUT rotation(so it would be a linear and coherent form of “living” those times), I think it would be fine.
Come to think of it, it really depends on the context it is introduced. I’ve seen ideas of “Library systems” where one could replay the content, and although they are a great idea for the players who did the content, to relive it and remind it, for new players, it kind of “breaks” their feeling of a character, for example:
A player just started playing, he chose a Sylvari, he awoke just a month ago.. then how can he “remember” that content? He didn’t live it.. He found out about it in The Dream, possibly, but the not through remembering.
A Charr just joined one of the Legions, he didn’t experience that, that was in 1325 A.E – 1326 AE, we’re in 1327 A.E.
That brings to attention the incompatibility of the PS with the LS/LW concept. the PS needs some sort of update every year or so. Or it should just stop when you are introduced to The Pact, but that is a topic for another thread.
If I were a new player, and I had missed content, and before me, the LS at that moment were consequences of past events, I wouldn’t want to experience the past events, I’d want a way to find out what’s been happening in Tyria so far, what’s been going on, and deal with the present, prove myself in the present and future, and also get the themed rewards from there on, because I know that next year, certain players wouldn’t have the rewards I had, and the cycle repeats.
I love the feeling of Tyria’s unification, getting everyone together for a common goal, “United we stand”.
I feel the Marionette has some interesting mechanics even for zergs, but the Jungle Wurm and, say, Tequatl, become a mess.
To merge the zerg content with the epic feeling ANet seems to be looking for, would easier to achieve by having an event of say, and army of Tyria vs an army of Risen, in an open world terrain. Then again, no actual mechanics, which to a certain extent, with the appropiate context, might be very interesting(LOTR: The Two Towers).
Also from the moment that we HEAVILY depend not only on other players performances, but also the NUMBERS of players around, that can really ruin an event and that whole feeling.
Challenging content is great, but give us a fighting chance when no one wants to use TS(TeamSpeak), join a certain guild that specializes in that, and when we risk having afk players(Tequatl for example).
Besides this, something that would greatly improve these events, and even ADD motivation would be FAIL CONDITIONS/SCENARIOS, fundamental for a “Living World”, and hopefully ANet will address this.
Make it matter.
I hope I didn’t “break away” from the actual Thread’s topic, as I think they are connected.
Address one of the issues and you might address the other in the process.
There is a recap video as well as loads of ways to get in touch with what’s been going on with the story, even if not in-game. Today’s patch has a story instance with all the major character’s we’ve met throughout the LS with summary references to what’s happened so far.
As for the rewards, NO. And I don’t mean it in a harsh way, but no. First, the rewards are mostly cosmetic(if not all of them), and do not give you any advantage. Second, they are themed, and give you a certain status, which automatically makes you a player who LIVED a certain part of the living story.
It’s supposed to be a living world(Nothing to do with the fact that ANet hasn’t quite managed it), if you live something, great, you were there, you can tell the story, if you weren’t then you can see the consequences of those parts and anything that comes beyond. Again, rewards were mostly cosmetic, the rewards that are added in future LS updates will also feature similar achievements+rewards.
As for actual achievments/AP’s, what you get for AP’s is also cosmetic and permanent, you can still get them and you’re not losing out on any significant…. thing, lol.
[WYLD] is looking for new members!
We do NOT consider ourselves a guild but rather a community with a project in mind!
The Keepers of Tyria’s [WYLD] Hunt is a community project with ongoing story focused events, and looking to go server-wide.
Soon we’ll be organizing Server-wide events for all to participate in and an ongoing storyline in which ANY player can help shape(even those not of our guild).
If you’re a creative person or simply like to join projects and see such concepts grow, join our family!
We are looking for key-aspects:
*Mature players;
*Creative/Imaginative players;
*Interested in helping and watching such concepts grow;
*Committed players.
We are looking for Quality over Quantity!
We are a friendly community, very fun to play with.
Join us in this long-term project!
After Joining us you’ll be asked to apply to a team(or more if you wish).
Note: Roleplayers are considered a team, but cannot be applied for, as everyone in the community helps keep the events alive by roleplaying.
Our Home-Server is Aurora Glade, but we are CROSS-SERVER, accepting anyone!
Outgoing person?
Maybe not?
Prefer to keep your thoughts to yourself?
Looking to let your mind go WYLD?
Have great ideas but don’t know how to apply them?
Join us!
Thanks to all new recruits posting their background stories of their characters on the forums, that’ll let us give your character bigger roles in the episodes to come! Including when this project goes server-wide!
Two new members, with an incoming third, welcome guys
Keepers of Tyria’s WYLD Hunt is recruiting and on its way to it’s very own Season 2!
We tie in our Living Story with ANet’s, adding to their living breathing world concept.
[WYLD] is a new concept cross-server guild, looking to expand our living story elements to Server-wide Community Driven Story Events. Incorporating Guild Wars lore into our story, we BECOME Guild Wars lore.
Great community, friendly and active!
EU Server: Aurora Glade (NOW CROSS-SERVER)
We have an ongoing in-guild Story, soon going for map-wide events where everyone can be a part of it!
A completely new approach to mmo communities and immersion online!
We have a Dev team working on the story as well as the overall guild management, and two squads(Alpha and Beta, no hierarchical sense to it) for coordination purposes in larger events!
Our main events happen on Sunday’s 2PM GMT
We have a totally new concept, briefly explained in the About Us—> Philosophy Page, if you have any other questions check the Join Us Page or leave them below
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
The DO NOT TOUCH pillars could be forming a sort of constellation? At the end of one of the Arah paths you see Mordremoth(or another Elder Dragon) being formed in the stars..
The pillars could awaken it..?
All year, me and others, as well as ANet in their interviews etc, stated that 2013 would be/was a year of experimentation with the Living Story Platform of delivering content. If we as fans, want GW2 to one day be true to it’s manifesto, we SHOULD be happy that they made mistakes. 2013’s LS platform was, for the devs, a learning experience. They had to see what the limitations of the engine as well as the servers(and other stuff) were. What they could and couldn’t do, and finally focus on what they could and improve on that, and after watching Chris Whiteside’s recent interview on the Guild Wars 2 Hub, about the CDI’s and the little he said about the 2014 LS, I am certain 2014 will give us a much more solid and approachable LS and show how Tyria actually evolves into a living breathing world.
In november of 2012 they saw how their servers handled such stress with the Ancient Karka event, and during 2013 they learnt much more, from the storytelling, to the meta-achievments, to the whole scope of Tyria’s evolution. When the game launched it was 1325 A.E, now it is 1327 A.E, does it feel like it in Tyria’s world, taking into account Elder Dragons and many other "villains’ " interests are supposed to leave a mark on Tyria? No, not really(except for the recent Tower of Nightmares chain and a couple more), but it will, otherwise they’d have scrapped the whole LS concept by now, which is actually a really interesting concept, innovative.
If you want something as innovative, give it time to grow, otherwise GW2’s living breathing world isn’t for you. The LS, as Chris said, is at it’s infancy. Why hate on it so much and “demand” the end of such a concept when we barely gave it time and space to grow? If you don’t enjoy it, why are you around? There are other games that will give you what you are looking for right off the bat. Are you that fast on judging a child just because he/she has problematic parents?(Note: Not referring to ANet as problematic parents in no way, on the contrary really ).
I see 2014 as the first actual year of the LS, 2015 will be even better, and I trust that by mid-2014 ANet will have a good grip on the LS platform and will be able to push it even further exploring more of its potential.
Watch this interesting concept grow and evolve, live it, because we the players are also it’s “parents”, otherwise find another game/mmo that will suit your needs, because clearly GW2 seems to fail at that.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
In my opinion, things such as Ascended gear or Legendary gear(including precursors) shouldn’t be based on RNG, and shouldn’t JUST be based on crafting. I don’t like to craft, never did, and GW2 although it makes it all more of a “friendly experience” still doesn’t change that fact.
Ascended gear as well as Legendary gear, besides crafting, should be aquired through some sort of months long(or even year long) Epic Quest story-line, that would not only be difficult, but also give some actual lore to this gear. Say, one mission per month, that would give you some nice lore and story to back it up, as well as certain materials/components you would need to make it, OR just the achievement, and at the end of this Epic Stpryline you’d recieve the full Precursor/Legendary Weapon or Ascended Set/Ascended Weapon.
Forcing people to either craft it or depend on luck for a top stats, or even just cosmetic personal achievement is not the way to go. My gf has been aiming for a legendary for months, she had a lot of farming to do in the beginning, and now she’s nearly finished with it. Mid-Progress, I thought of also aiming for a legendary, but the required farming/grinding for something I’d like to achieve in less than, preferably, 2 years, whats simply too much. Legendaries were supposed to be a long term personal achievement, but people managed to turn it into something you have to grind, buy, and farm(not the full thing, but the overall process to get it). So instead, I went for an ascended, which still took me months. I feel like I achieved something, because I got to 500 even though I don’t like crafting, but lore-wise, character-wise, it certainly wasn’t fulfilling.
Basically, what I’m saying is, aiming for something as special(or supposed to be) as Ascended or Legendary without context, isn’t fulfilling at all.
UPDATE: We’re going Cross-Server now accepting people from all servers!
The problem is in your initial assumption that it’s a year since the Pact was formed. For someone who joins the game tomorrow the Pact has not yet formed since that person has not been through the personal story. That’s that. You might not think that’s important but if GW2 launches in Japan, China and Korea then there are going to be an awful lot of new players and the living story needs to be fit for them too.
I get what you say, and you are correct. However, IT HAS, in fact, been 1 year since we defeated Zhaitan, not just since the launch of GW2 but from a Lore point of view:
New players can come into the game, but that doesn’t mean we can’t feel the evolution of Tyria and the Pact after one year, wouldn’t be right really. There are workarounds for this I guess. The PS started in 1325AE(around the end of that year), and the LS is on its way to the year 1327AE after Wintersday.
I’d say the PS, now, is more of a “remembering” of what has happened(Unless a player is a Sylvari, since he awakes when a player starts the game). I’m a Sylvari, but started playing since launch so I can’t say it affects me. But again, I think the PS could become more of a historical system than a present thing. The LS is the expansion of the PS, and just because of new players that doesn’t mean we older players can’t experience a Living World, a Living Story, the consequences and repercussions of our PS. There are ways of not cutting off the immersion from older player’s stand points I’d say.
New and older players alike would be able to enjoy GW2’s PS as well as its expansion in time in form of the LS.
Taking into account the GW2 Timeline, Guild Wars 2 is supposed to be an ever-changing, “living, breathing” world, some changes to the base PS system would be in order, but all in all, it would not invalidate the OP’s suggestion.
UPDATE: We’re going Cross-Server now accepting people from all servers!
Check this link:
Here you’ll find a general summary of what’s changed/added, and below that you’ll find a See Also section with a list of new features added as well as a LS summary.
Two dungeons from past releases were cut down into two pieces(fragment+boss, and introduced as separate fractals for the FotM dungeon + boss rotations.
As someone has said, these forums aren’t the best place to ask stuff unless you have a very selective mind, some people just whine about things when they don’t go the way they expected.
Personally, I’m really happy with the direction ANet is taking. 2013 was a great year, and without a doubt a year of learning for them. I believe the actual LS and what we “hoped” for in the past will start with Season 2.
Welcome back!
2013 and the LS’s first season were a year of learning for ANet. I remember them saying they wanted 2013 to be a year of quality of life improvements(which they id) and not just new content. 2014 is here for that. I’m really optimistic for Season 2 By the end of 2013 I saw two things that they implemented and made the world a bit more alive:
1- The foreshadowing stuff in Kessex Hills, deforestation etc.
2- The change in Kessex Hills, the Hearts being updated to reflect the ToN aftermath, along with 2 waypoints being removed and the quaggan village to the north gone with Quaggan refugees around Kessex.
I’m sure they’ll start expanding on that and improving everything. GW1 had ANet’s “magic” for the atmosphere, the lore, the story, the immersion and I do not believe, and have NEVER believed that it was suddenly gone. Sure GW2 aims to be more “universal” and casual etc, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to put everything GW1 is known for aside. I gave them a year to learn, I’ll even give them a bit more if needed, but I’m sure Season 2 will be much better, and from their, it can only improve.
They had a new/heavily modified game engine, a new concept, a whole new world, and I see people whining about it(not directed at OP) just after 1 year of experimentation. I’m sure GW2 will live up to its manifesto.
In the spirit of open collaboration I think this is an important discussion to have. I know it has been brought up numerous, numerous times. However, I have not seen any topics so far evaluating the worth of the LS as an adequate replacement for any future expansions. So I’d thought I’d ask that question and hope there would be honest open feedback to maybe give the devs any new insight on to what the community thinks.
Anet has gone on record and said they are unsure if there will be expansions released in the traditional form and that LS is something they would like to explore. That has lead many of us to believe that the current iterations of LS are mini chunks of a larger expansion released to satisfy our wait time and to keep us interested in staying the game. That’s just an assumption, but a valid one in light of what has been told/released to us so far.
So, if all of this is indeed true, one has to wonder if after a year’s worth of LS content release has added up to the equivalent of an expansion (or close to it). I might be naive, because I am not a game developer, but I would have to imagine that the amount of time, money, and resources poured into this past year of LS updates and seriously detracted from any other developments ie an expansion.
So post your thoughts and keep them civil. I think it is obvious that many here on the forums and GW2guru forums and have posted their angst about Scarlett – I think that is something they are already well aware of. Which I think it would be well worth everyone’s interests to create an in game survey asking the community if they like the current LS. That would put to rest the idea that it is most of the community hating Scarlett or just a smaller more vocal group.
1. After playing through a year’s worth of LS updates, do you still feel like you want an expansion?2. Does the sum of last year’s worth of LS updates feel like the equivalent of an expansion?
3. If no. 2 is yes: What features are missing from the LS updates that would make it feel more like a proper expansion?
I’ve said this to many thinking the same, and atm I can’t find the actual interview, but I’ll say it again nonetheless.
Last year, when GW2 came out, Colin Johanson gave an interview stating that 2013 wouldn’t be a year of content. When The Lost Shores came out we all saw how badly that went for some players, but the reason why that happened was because they’re still getting the hang of GW2’s engine, its limitations, what they can do, and the whole Living Story Concept.
A bit later after a year from launch, that was the first time(correct me if I’m wrong) we saw some kind of living world/foreshadowing thing happen with the Kessex Hills deforestation on the Halloween Update. People should’ve known and understood this from the beginning of the year, knowing 2013 would be a core-gameplay quality improvement year, and not an “expansion worth of content” like they said GW2 would give, which I still thoroughly believe they will deliver on that.
I agree 2013 could’ve been better, but I prefer to view all the content that is going on(story-wise) as a very vague prologue that will have explanation/closure soon.
You can’t do Bike tricks without learning to ride a bike first.
2013 was CLEARLY a preparation year. They got all the base-content for festivals sort out, quality of life improvements, they hear feedback and have taken steps for a more developer-player collaboration focused game.
No, 2013 and 2012 did not live up to its manifesto, but I still believe it will, and may even surpass it.
WYLD is a new living story RP concept aiming for server wide community driven story events. Very welcome and friendly, we are not just a community, we are a guild, a family, and we are looking to expand it!
For more details check
Mark your characters presence in GW Lore and be a part of this growing concept!
We are beginning Season 2 of our Guild story, and possibly introducing map-wide events for all players to join.
Just stopped by for a quick update. We have a new website, are since we’re reaching the end of Season 1 and already have a good general idea on Season 2, we’ve made the on-going story episode summary AVAILABLE TO ALL.
Check out the Story page(for the episodes), About Us Page(what we’re looking to achieve), and if interested the Join Us page!
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Have you guys noticed the three colors are the same used by the Tri-colored Keys to open the Tri-Chest? Dunno if it may have anything to do with it but found it funny once I noticed it..
We know the Aether key pieces appeared from Aetherblades..
But I don’t think we know where these Tri-keys appeared from, unless I’m missing something..
@EragamerLG.2390 I believe what you’re suggesting is called phasing. I’ve never played WoW but I’ve seen forum posts here about that, and usually it was talked about with mixed or negative connotations.
A living world is fine, but its bad enough that new players can’t experience any of the previous LS. If you remove the PS too, what drive do they have to go out and explore? The current PS can always be considered “historical” (or like gw1 did it, “relive the experiences that happened before you got here”), but it shouldn’t be removed.
Personally I liked the PS, and I wish I could actually replay certain parts of it. As for “cleaning up” Orr, I think it’s fine if it’s left “as is.” And just a new zone or two are added (and possibly only being able to be accessed after the dragon is defeated).
I personally liked the PS as well, and I’m not saying it should removed. I’m saying just like the Antitoxin meter, there should be one, and as it became full, the Elder Dragon would no longer be available at the PRESENT GW lore time, but could be fought through the historical system. And the last mission where we fought the Elder Dragon, to be consistent with the Living World and the present time in GW, would then change leading players into Living World Content.
As for phasing, that was just an idea, I’ve never played WoW, but think the instanced nodes in the world work out very well and would do so in a major concept as well. I can understand the negativity towards it though. Personally, I’d prefer it to be completely changed for all characters regardless, and it’s old state accessible via the historical system as well. This reminds me of the Ancient Karka event and the Attack on Lion Arch. If I had missed it, it would be great to go to LA and see how the lighthouse hda been destroyed along with the Lion Statue. Sure, I may have missed the event, but it gave me a much better sense of a “Living, breathing World” than the fact that I’ve defeated Zhaitan, can do so whenever I want because he’s always there, waiting, in present GW2 time, along with the Risen population and the corruption still in Orr, knowing I helped Trehearne perform the cleansing ritual(ONE YEAR AGO, in GW time), to which I see no consequences/outcome. I trust ANet will look into this though.
However, it is also possible that the Personal Story takes place DURING one year(starting 1325, ending 1326), which means it should be “ending” very soon(or has already?). If this is the case, then I guess the changes we’re waiting for can wait another year to be seen(or hopefully just months).
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
I bet in the future Orr will be transformed to reflect us fighting off the Risen. The far future.
In this thread I talked about how the world isn’t living while it should be (And gave some ideas), considering the GW2 Timeline seems to be evolving(1325 AE —> 1326 AE)
And also talked about Orr. ANet needs to do something about it.. And not in the far future :P
Or they could just accept that the Personal Story is historical content. I don’t understand why this is a constant issue. I can go and play any Guild Wars campaign or expansion in any order, why should GW2 be any different? The personal story has to be historical at some point otherwise the Living World can never be anything resembling alive.
Freezing the world in time simply doesn’t make sense.
That actually makes a lot of sense. If you check the Guild Wars 2 Timeline( you’ll see that in 1325 AE our Personal Story starts, and the present day in GW2 along with the Living Story is 1326 AE. However, it doesn’t really seem like one year has gone by(or close to a year). If ANet is goingto update this timeline each year, and Zhaitan is still around in the same state, or Orr is still around in the same state(corrupted etc)… It just won’t really work.
The idea of instancing like the Pre-Searing and after the searing, seems like an option, but if I’m correct, Colin Johanson stated it would divide the player-base too much, which I completely agree with(and remember).
The idea of the Personal Storyline being historical seems like the best option so far.. or just instancing at another level? For example, each person mines his own node, its an instanced object in the same world map. Could this approach be used in Orr? Players who have completed the Story-line would start to see certain forms of life like trees and plants grow, and an overall more colorful Orr (a bit like what happens after the Cathedral of Verdance Event chain?).
There is also another option, partially mentioned in the posts before, the removal of the personal story. I do not agree with this, HOWEVER, I’d say the the last few missions could be changed every time most of the player base killed the Elder Dragon that is around at the time (and could then complete Zhaitan and others through the historical system).
Today, in 1326 AE, Zhaitan has been killed(or at least we think so). Imagine the AntiToxin Injection Meter, for the Elder Dragon. The meter would fill up in time as players killed the Elder Dragon. Once the meter is full the last few missions leading to the dragon would be removed and instead ANet could add a last mission LEADING players to the current Living Story. I Think this would work.
Ah makes sense, thanks! tbh I’m a bit dissapointed now, hehe, but oh well.
Thanks again!
A guildie asked me to check out Orr, and I’m not sure if this was here before, but tbh I don’t think it was.
It seems Orr has become alive, trees, vegetation, butterflies etc
I thought this was impossible because of its corruption? Unless player’s cleansing of Orr has been acknowledged u.u
Thanks to Sheid The Cat if this has any truth to it
Screenies below, any thoughts?
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
The teaser trailer seemed so “scarletish” to me.. But at the same time, something about the nightmare court.. the green Krait look like some sort of nightmare court+Krait transformation, one of the Kraits is holding a sort of nightmare Warhorn/Focus? Looks like the new Aether Path weapons. And then all the vines and the dark purple-ish..
We’ll see, looks good either way..
Or adding to Living World Achievements WvW achievements, for what? There is one section for this achievements so for what doing second one? I don’t like PvP and I prefer playing PvE so why Anet gives It to Living section? I know that is season etc. but not everybody like WvW, If there is weak server than It’s immpossible to get all this stuff.
Your living story achievements aren’t influenced by the fact that the Season WvW got its own LS achievement tab. The WvW season Achieves(as far as I’ve seen) have nothing to do with the rest of the LS, only reason why you have WvW achievement panel and a LS WvW Season panel is because the season WILL END, and a second one will start, it will evolve just like the PvE living story.
Some people like PvE more than WvW, and vice versa. When you like something and work towards the achievements, you are not grinding them(this can be arguable however, some PvE LS achievements have been a bit too much grind, personally, but that hasn’t happened in some time). If you don’t want WvW Season achievements, dont do them, you can play the whole game without checking on your achievements panel. They are completely optional, and you can’t expect stuff like AP’s to be gained without effort.
Also, remember the WvW season achieves were JUST an addition. Nothing was taken or replaced. You can simply ignore them, and you wont be losing out on anything(considering what you had when WvW season achieves weren’t around).
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
I’m loving this foreshadowing sort of thing! Please keep doing these! I’m having fun with the Halloween patch but I’m already thinking and speculating etc about what’s coming next! These small(or big) things are the start to actually making Tyria feel like a living world!
ANet, Maybe overlay future LS hints like these? for the next 2-3 LS chapters, considering(if I’m not mistaken) you’ve planned months in advance!
We could have something suddenly happening like this Kessex Hill thing, and then something happening around Ascalon, etc depending on where the LS would take us in the next weeks!
The tension would start to build as players, as Hero’s, wouldn’t even know where to turn to!
Well done ANet, loving this!
Offhand sword
Mainhand mace (sap)
Longbow for a long range optionThose are the only ones I’d like to see.
Focus, Scepter, Staff – we’re not magic users
Rifle, Warhorn – don’t want to announce my presence with loudness
Torch – don’t want to announce my presence by toting around a flame
Hammer, Greatsword – have a slow feel. Too bulky. We’re all about speed.
1st – In GW1 Assassins could have any second profession, so yes, thieves COULD use magic.
2nd – It depends on eachothers playstyle, no one would make you use a loud weapon.
3rd – Again, everyone may have a different playstyle, and a torch can be VERY useful in some of the mini dungeons and Jumping puzzles(Thanks ANet for the Queens Jubilee torch!)
4th – Any class can have any type of build, thieves can be healers if they want, even if they don’t really have the best skills for it. But I’m sure many would like to see Thieves with greatswords, the “agile but fragile” feel of some thieves with a huge sword is amazing, plus having all weapons for all classes(in this case for the thief), would open up so much variety, and make fights much more challenging.
Sure ANet would have to be more careful with balancing etc, but I’m sure it would be possible and fun.
Ellen Kiel wins the election, now what?
What is Scarlet’s motive for going bat kitten crazy?
You didn’t read Scarlet’s short story on the website I presume.
But yes, ANet does need a more coherent story, and needs to tie in each chapter together in a better way..
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Mounts in GW2 would take away much of the epic feeling you get when exploring the world and admiring the beautiful GW2 architecture.. Also, according to lore, there aren’t any mounts really, unless you think about the Charr machinery etc
Personally I think its fine just the way it is, although for aesthetic reasons, like the broom etc with no extra speed, that’s pretty cool.
Tyria has SO MUCH they can expand on, I’m not worried about ideas tbh, they have so much GW1 unexplored lore(or pre-GW lore), and GW2 lore they can expand on. I’m just worried about two things:
-Will they actually expand on that lore?
- NCSoft’s ANet funding..
Guild is growing, but need more players!
Main Server: Aurora Glade
Keepers of Tyria’s Wyld hunt [WYLD] is a concept guild looking for players!
We aren’t the usual guild. We want to MAKE content and not just play it.
This is a project aimed for those who are wanting something new from gw2(especially high LVL players), as well as new players! If you like coming up with ideas, Roleplaying, organizing big events, or writing scripts this may very well be the place for you!
We’ll play PvE, PvP and WvW, but our main focus will be on making our own events, our own stories, take advantage of ANet’s great dynamic event system, and hopefully expand our events to a server wide community driven storyline.
Help us grow! Be the next big thing in MMO communities!
PM Erael Raztor, Ellamay or Atzl for an invite and extra details!
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
This has probably been covered before, but I couldn’t find it. Any way we can get some sort of guild mailing system? I need to mail all my guild members to warn them about certain things. Some don’t pay attention to the guild message of the day, so I need to mail them, but get an excessive message warning with a cooldown every 2 mails..
Makes guild management harder and more time consuming than it should :/
I just had this problem. To fix this I had to check the “Disable closing windows with ESC”, and enable the feature, relog, and then disabe it again. Never happened before.