HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SigmaOfApeiron.8397
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SigmaOfApeiron.8397
that would all be cool.
but if you link the expansion to an existing account You Lose the Core Game Copy. that’s it. no alt account, no passing on to a friend. you lose it. you lose it for being an existing customer. and that’s shady as kitten.
That’s what I was, somewhat, hoping for. But that only further strengthens the fact that the base game’s price, for us who paid full price at launch for the base game, is currently at 0.. Zero. This is both shady and downright SAD.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SigmaOfApeiron.8397
I’e defended ANet for years, I’ve been with the Guild Wars franchise for a decade now, and with the uprising of the XPack pre-purchase “problems” I also noticed something..
If this is true, you can either view this as the best marketing strategy ever, or the biggest backstab… ever.
I’ll just mention the standard edition:
You get the HoT XPack and a free copy of the base game. I won’t discuss if it’s overpriced or not, but from what I understand from this, and the video ANet put out promoting the pre-pruchase, once you buy the Standard Edition, you’ll get to choose to link HoT to your existing account, or the new “free” base copy of the game.
Now let’s see, most existing players will, again, most likely, link it to their existing accounts, creating the possiblity of a free base game to give away? To a friend maybe?
Only this friend, will at some point, want the XPack as well, getting him yet anotehr free copy of the base game, and so on.
Again, if this is true, this is an excellent self-propelled butterfly effect, at a global level.
Some clarification on this would be welcome, because I don’t know whether to laugh or cry right now, not because of what’s been stated above(only), but because of this whole situation.
[Vein] is a competitive sPvP Team with a side-focus on WvW zerg disruption as a 5-8 man team. Our main server is Aurora Glade[AG]
Currently, we’re looking for an Elementalist!(Celestial for sPvP)
- sPvP Rank 50+
- Fast thinker and decision maker
- Knowledgable of the in’s and out’s of their class/build and good knowledge of other classes/builds
- Clear Communication through TS
- Committed and a straight-forward attitude.
- Willing to join our 5-8 man WvW Squad(Server transfer MAY be partially paid)
- 17/18+(due to ESL age restrictions)
Currently our Team composition is as follows:
- Warrior
- Mesmer
- Engineer
- Thief
Contact via the comments below, in-game through the following contacts:
Or through our website
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
I’ve tried many ways with many keybindings, but the way I can achieve a 100% accuracy in doing it is binding my left Alt to dodge, and using my thumb sideways pressing in between Alt and Space.
It’s fairly comfortable and easy to get used to for me
Hey enzo! I’d advise you to check out AG’s website
AuroraGlade Website
Here you’ll find a roster of AG’s main guilds, and you’ll find a forum with just about anything you might want, including recruitment threads
If you need anything else, message me in-game and I’ll gladly help you further if needed!
Thanks Nemonix, you’ll be contacted in game via mail
All candidates will be contacted via in-game mail(only. Whispers only after everything is settled with trial period dates).
Given the candidates we have so far, this search will end on the 31st of December.
Looking for that awesome Elementalist to make it as our 5th member Join us for glory!
At this point, they say they have tested this with new players and it works. Let’s see. That’s all we can do. The downed state to you was engaging, to a new MMO player it might have been confusing the first time, frustrating the second time, and ‘flip table’ stupid the third time. At which point this sucks, walk away, uninstall.
We do not know. The company is not sharing, nor should they. They have made a change. Let’s see how it goes. If it fails, won’t it be great to say ‘We told you so!’
I understand each person is a case on their own, however, there are certain things that were simply unnecessary, especially the things killing immersion or throwing away the “Play how you want” Philosophy – It has taken a turn, making GW2 more like any otehr MMO, something I wouldn’t have classed it as before.
“The downed state to you was engaging, to a new MMO player it might have been confusing the first time, frustrating the second time, and ‘flip table’ stupid the third time. At which point this sucks, walk away, uninstall.” – People aren’t stupid, people like challenges and strive to overcome them, call it resilience of Humankind if you will. A person may die in downed state 2 or 3 times, but any common.sensed person would TRY to understand it.
Game’s aren’t supposed to be easy, even for casual players. They’re supposed to give us a challenge, give us feedback when we achieve something, and then the desire to continue comes from there. But anyway, moving the downed state to level 5 isn’t the worst problem anyway, I’d say that’s not even a problem, as you said, some people may find it confusing(although I still disagree). The actual problem is level-gating content, and options.
I guess all we can do really, is wait.. and hope.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
I hadn’t thought about it but my systems performance when running the game actually improved slightly.
Mine improved as well, although it took me sometime to notice. Much better in cities and in WvW I got a boost of about +10fps, getting 40-50 in a crowded LA and 30-40 in WvW with zergs.
Hope it gets sorted out for those of you having problems though!
I just hope ANet realizes the actual bigger picture here, and what’s going on.. :/
Now I’d like to give quick examples on how this new leveling-system fails to deliver those things.
Playing how you want: The majority of things that make GW2 UNIQUE, have been Level-Gated. ANet, you are hiding GW2 behind a dark curtain for new players. It was great to go into the downed system right from the start, and experience something I hadn’t experienced in other games. It was NOT confusing, it was ENGAGING. The first time I went down I laid back thinking I was going to have to revive at a waypoint and suddenly I get back to the edge of my chair thinking “What????”. After a bit, I got up. And I felt achieved. I did not feel confused. It was not overwhelming. It was DIFFERENT. I know people who have bought GW2 specifically for WvW and the competitive side of GW2 – Now they are forced to play PvE until a certain level.
Feeling Immersed: I have a lot of examples for this, but I’ll just give a couple. As a player who has always felt intrigued by the nature of the Sylvari, I only find myself playing Sylvari characters. It felt immersive to enter Tyria, out of the pod, without any clothing on. It felt natural, and it showed me right from the very start a little about how the Sylvari are as a race. With the new System I know longer have to talk to an NPC to get some clothes, I exit the pod “fully” clothed. This just doesn’t work.
Also, waking up from the dream and immediately starting my Personal Story gave me a sense of Urgency towards Tyria’s safety. Now you are forced to wait 10 Levels to continue after whichever chapter you left off. It’s the same as saying “Don’t worry, Tyria can wait 10 levels, it’s not important, the Elder Dragon’s aren’t that big of a threat”.
GW2 showed me how it was different from the get go, and I, as a player that has played from launch feel LUCKY to have started playing before this new System, otherwise I probably would have left GW2, as how it currently stands, itstarts off as any other traditional sort of MMO.
Even new players could understand that to feed a cow, they’d have to pick up the food first. Or to water plants they’d have to pick up a bucket, go to the well and fill it with water. These small things made it immersive, it made it engaging, it made it a great gaming experience.
To finish off, I’d like to say that what I most liked about GW2 was the fact that it didn’t hold your hand. It let you free. To explore, play, live in Tyria the way you wanted.
My suggestion
Considering how GW2 is so different from other MMO’s I could discuss how it may seem more confusing to players who HAVE played MMO’s before than people who have never played them, but I’m not going to go there.
What was it again, on ANet’s GW2 Manifesto?? “If you Like MMO’s you’ll wanna check GW2 out. If you don’t like MMO’s you’ll REALLY want to check out GW2” – Something along those lines.
Anyway, my suggestion: In the beginning of the game, Ask Players if they prefer to be guided or not. Just like sometimes in other games we are asked if we’ve played a game of that type to choose the Controls Layout. It would appeal to people who feel they need to be guided, and it would appeal to people who feel they’ll be fine, and prefer a FREE experience. Both these experiences would be quite different from eachother, true(this just shows how different the experience is pre-update compared to post-update, but unfortunately not for the best), but it would give CHOICE right form the start, something GW2 did so well.
I really hope this is changed, because I’d much rather fight a few enemies learning a skill at a time, feeling a evolved, than having to spam keys 1 and 2 for a certain amount of levels until the game decided that it was time for me to move on, by holding my hand(both scenarios have the game choose or you of course, but one is more immersive and less present than the other).
TL;DR What made me stick to GW2 after 10 years of not being able to fully get to “the fun part” of MMO’s, is gone. If I started playing now, it would remind me of the early-game formula of all the traditional MMO’s – something I can’t play.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
ANet, I love you guys, I’ve always supported you non-stop, and been with you since the start, but please hear me out!
To start off I’d like to say that the new Leveling System is great for someone who has never played an MMO before. Period.
However, now I’m going to talk about my personal experience as an MMO player, and how this System may “scare off” new players.
I’ve been playing MMO’s for the past 10 years. However, until GW1 I was never able to really get into one, as in, reach end-game. As interesting and unique and entertaining “end-game” may be considered, what actually made me decide between sticking to a game or not was the early game.
As someone who aspires to become a Game Dev someday, I feel the early game needs to reach out to people and pull them in, it needs to be friendly, but it needs to be interesting and show right off the bat what the game is about!
Before this new Leveling-System, GW2 was about “Playing how you want”. It was about “Feeling immersed”. It was about having a great Gaming Experience right from the start. And in my opinion, although throughout the leveling some things should’ve been adjusted, GW2 did that quite well. It gave me an incredible gaming experience from the start, it let me play how I want, and it made me feel immersed.
Continues Below
Seems interesting and I’ve also been thinking about a trap-oriented build, and when I heard of the new Trapper rune it seemed even better/more likely..
I like your idea of going Hybrid for some on-hit damage. I guess survivability is good too?
The coming of this rune may actually make a trap Thief very viable(especially in WvW)
Anet said they don’t want to go into expansions with GW2 like they did in GW1, one of the reasons being they feel they are “culturally insensitive” (Cantha=Asia Elona=African)
It’s all Kitten
You’re mixing things up. By direct decision of NCSoft, ANet cannot make expansions TO DO with past continents, because it is culturally insensitive, yes. It is kitten, but the reason why they’re not wanting to go into expansions has to do with their Game Design Philosophy. For GW2 to live to it’s manifesto it cannot focus solely on the traditional expansions. Content every 6 months or so will not bring a “Living, Breathing World” which is what ANet is working hard to achieve. As they get the hang of the LS/LW content delivery model, I guess we’ll start seeing better and meatier content along with the LS. During these 2 years they’ve improved a lot, and it’s great to see them improve on it too.
That said, they can still do expansions if they wish to, just not to do with past continents that had very specific cultural themes. They want GW2 to be culturally universal(All main races in alliance).
To note: It has been confirmed by Colin Johanson in the Eurogamer interview back in January that ANet besides having a team of around 20 people working in rotations for the LS/LW, they have otehr teams working on “two big background projects”, so we’ll see.
The LS actually started out as a monthly thing, however, after 3 months ANet decided to go for the fortnightly basis for a variety of reasons. A couple of those reasons were that releasing content each month would end up defeating the point of a “Living, Breathing World”, and by that time they started getting the hang of things internally(team structure wise), so they started doing things in rotations, and each sub-team would have around 3-4 months to develop a certain LS chapter. It would be nice for the current fortnightly content patches to be bigger, but I’m hopeful that as they get the hang of the way the Dynamic Events System works, and as they better understand the limitations the engine has etc they’ll also begin to produce content faster, and thus making the fortnightly patches be somewhat “Meatier” or longer.. Either way, I’m quite happy with the current system
Conan the Barbarian was a proper thief. No two ways about it.
I’ve nothing against thief greatswords but the graphics on some of the greatswords are massive, wouldn’t suit a thief. Offhand torch would be good but rangers and mesmers already have the offhand torch skills we want.
How many thieves would like the chance to have zephyrite aspects as an ‘off hand’ choice with the moves and leaps as part of attacks?
That is an amazing idea you just had there! The Aspects as off-hand weapons/skills for thieves. Maybe a bit modified though, but really good idea!
Oh and crossbows
Off hands swords then cross bows before anything else
i know i’ll be disappointed, but i hope a thief crossbow will be like a mix between ranger shortbow and engi pistol. on-point AoE, spread shots, etc.
Or…they can allow Thieves to throw spears, just like what Paragons have…or, give us the Scythe as our 2-handed weapon…ooooo
Oh kitten , don’t get me started on that Scythe >_>
Thieves + Scythes=Awesome
Thieves + GS=Awesome
I’ll be happy with either x)
Okay Okay Okay Okay.. Okay don’t rage or anything ! Read all i have to say and then make a valid opinion and not a “omfg thiefs and gses Lol such a noob go l2p or play a war”
First thing first thiefs are the only class in the game that cant use a dual wep (short bow is a range wep). Why not try to implement it in to the game ? I mean eles and d/d Guardians and staffs. This is all outside the box. Most mmos make Mages ranged only wars only guards support ony etc. So form this point of view GS and Thief aren’t uncombineable sure it wont be easy figuring out the skills implementing them in to the traits, but come on wont it be sweet ?
YES! I’ve been thinking about this for the past year or so!
I’ve been maining a thief since launch, I have alts but dont play them much. But having a thief with a GS is the dream! If they opened a CDI about this I’d have some cool skill ideas too! And just like you said, outside the box.
ANet, I love you, make it happen!
This whining for an “expansion” is getting on my nerves. There is absolutely no reason for a one-time “expansion” because the content is augmented continously.
If you cannot live without an “expansion” like in all those generic mmos out there (which would certainly cost something), then play one of those, but dont keep complaining about a game that has a new and better concept.
I second that.
Also, the LS is an experiment. ANet have been trying to work it out. Do you even know how hard it is to play around with a new, upgraded engine, doing new things? Are you aware of the amount of extra code used to get Dynamic Events instead of the traditional Questing system?
ANet are going for something different, something they’ve showed to get better at. And 2 years is nothing for such a project like this. LS/LW is the dream, and to make such a dream possible you need time, patience, and experience. They couldn’t do it internally, so they let it out to the players, to make it better through feedback. The first year was the perfect experiment, Tyria was the laboratory. Heck, I’ll even say we’re the lab rats, and I’m loving it. It’s been a hell of a ride, and one I don’t want to stop anytime soon. It’ll only get better.
If you’re a traditional gamer that can’t play MMO’s without proper full sized all-in-one-go expansions, maybe GW2 just isn’t for you(heh, that rhymed).
On a more serious note though, not all games are for everyone, abd even though GW2 tries to cater to most player bases it also has something petty unique – a vision. About MMO gaming in the future, about a content delivery model, and about a “living, breathing world”. If you don’t want to be a part of the journey, maybe you should wait 5-10 years until the product is perfected. I’ve been saying this for a long time, and in past posts, and I’ll say it again.
The 2011 Manifesto Video, showed a glympse of what ANet wants to do with GW2. Just because it didn’t go there right from launch, or one or two years in, doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten about it or scrapped it entirely. It just means they have the tools, they’re perfecting them, and they’re learning them. Season 1 to Season 2 was huge leap. Can you imagine Season 3, 4, 5? I can. The ride, the journey, will be awesome. The players were developers in that sense. And it’ll be quite amazing.
I don’t mind paying content, but paid content doesn’t exactly mean quality. If they packed a whole Season of LS into a boxed expansion, they’d still have spent them same time developing it, they’d still do the same things, the things learnt would be on a SLOWER BASE, because with the Ls they can just scrap a concept on the go and quickly change it before the update hits(Peter Fries confirmed this on the last episode of PoI), and in the end it wouldn’t be such a living breathing world after all. it would be a generic mmo, that doesn’t live, but expands every 6 months or so. I’ve had it with that. I’ve had it with generic. I’ve had it with “the formula works, so use it”, no, change it.
And after playing GW1, because I was tired of the generic mmo over and over again, I’ve come to learn that if anyone can do it, it’s ANet.
tldr; Read up, for the last time.
This has been happening to me too for the last week, and today it just got worse.
I close my game normally every time, ESC—> Exit to Desktop.
For the last week or so, every time I start the launcher it says the game didn’t shut down normally and needs to verify the game files. So I let it run, and the game starts up afterwards, great. But this happens every time, and I’ve tried running the -repair function(it repairs, and plays, but when I try to start the game next time, it comes up with the same error.
Today, it didn’t ask me to repair or verify the game data. It started redownliading the whole game. I went to check the .DAT file. Yesterday it was around 14-15gb, today it was at 749MB.
Besides running the -repair function, I’ve also tried to locate the local.dat file. And I did, but it wasn’t in the GW2 folder(I think it should be, or at least it used to be. It was in a hidden Appdata folder for my windows 8.1 account. I found the local.dat folder, and with it, a bunch of corrupted.dat files. I’ve cleared the whole folder, ran a registry and cache repair, and I’m now redownloading GW2 entirely.
This is really annoying
Yeah, I had gathered as much. I think the really interesting thing to see will not be the WHY but rather the HOW and what happens after that. How will it impact Tyria, and especially Ascalon. The Charr have been in war for more than 250 years with the ghosts, how will it affect everything else..?
Well firstly you’d have the largest army in Tyria sitting around with not all that much to do. Oh sure they’ll still need to fight the Branded, the seperatists (who I never really though of as a massive threat) and the flame legion (who seems to have lost most of their leadership) but a pretty big chunk of them is going to be freed up. A bunch of battle hardened warmongers with nothing to do? Sure that will end just fine.
That’s not what I meant exactly, I was thinking more along the lines of impact on present/future lore, how it would affect the races, and Ascalon, not in a gameplay way. But if you really wanna go there, The starting area + Diessa Plateau “could” get a revamp, all ghosts would dissapear, the hearts and events would also be revamped, and instead we’d have Mordrem to face. There’s lots of things that can happen to replace others in a “Living, Breathing World” – The Manifesto ANet(and us) is shaping up GW2 to become, the one from 2011.
Yes! I suffer with this so much..
I put down Shadow Refuge for certain quick runs AFTER telling them to not run off before the SR dome dissapears, and what do they do? Just that……….
What will this have to do with Mordremoth?
I’m curious!
Well, in Episode 2, if you pay attention you find a book in one of the instances, stating that the Ghosts are Magical Constructs, a very powerful source of Magic. And what is Mordremoth(and other Elder Dragons) trying to do? CONSUME MAGIC. Releasing the Ghosts of theircurse might be a strategic BUT somewhat desperate move from the Charr.
Yeah, I had gathered as much. I think the really interesting thing to see will not be the WHY but rather the HOW and what happens after that. How will it impact Tyria, and especially Ascalon. The Charr have been in war for more than 250 years with the ghosts, how will it affect everything else..?
You must be kidding, right?
Each update seems to add new events(especially in Season 2 so far).
Maps are being changed, dialogue is changed around Tyria to do with the current releases. They even added 3 new books in the Durmand Priory’s library to do with recent discoveries in the LS!
Tyria’s “Living, breathing World” seems more alive than ever. And it changes, every 2 weeks. Which is great! Plus they seem to sneak some smaller stuff inside AFTER the patch days.
Reading through everything in Episode 2 to really appreciate the story, took em and my gf about 2 hours.
Episode 1 took us around 1 hour, maybe 45 minutes.
Personally, I think anywhere between 1:30h or 2:00h of content every 2 weeks is GREAT. Much better than waiting for 6 months for 2 weeks worth of content.
IF each season from here on has an average of 10 episodes(That’d be the average of a TV show, right?), and in between each season we get a Feature Pack(Which would be the traditional 6 month cycle Update, but mainly for features, it really wouldn’t be bad, on the contrary, that would be very good.
Personally, I’m just a bit worried AFTER this season, how long we’ll have to wait until a new season. Of course development takes times, but before starting Season 2, I went 2 months feeling a little bored. Hopefully ANet is starting to pick up in terms of pacing
Really great job ANet, I knew GW2 would start to shape up to its manifesto(That’s right, I said it!). I never expected it to be Manifesto-Perfect from launch, but I knew that if ANet had avision, they’d build up towards it, and that’s what I’ve been seeing(and others!)
Agreed Knowing they’ve separated Story Instanced from Open World Content, still keeping them tied, I believe they can focus on giving each area more focus and really bring more quality to the updates, instead of mixing it all up like in S1. Having Updates being replayable kind of worried me, since we’d lose the sense of a “Living, breathing world”, but the approach they’ve taken to this, by separating what affects Tyria as a world into one affair and Story instanced content into another, I think it’ll really work out nicely
To this day, what some people seem to have failed to understand was that Season 1 was an experiment. It had never been done at such scale and continuity, things had to be TRIED. Some came out worse than others, but that’s the beauty of it. I’d call it progress. Season 3 will be way better than Season 2, but that’s the thing, don’t try to kill something on it’s first, or even second try. It can only get better It’ll have mishaps in-between, but just be glad we’re a part of it, and we help make it better.
in Living World
Posted by: SigmaOfApeiron.8397
Hmm, so if LS is going to be using the green star like the PS, what happens to those of us who haven’t completed the PS? Do we just select that in the story panel and it basically hides the PS one/step?
Going from what Colin described, that seems to be the case.
Colin JohansonTo go along with this change, we’re modifying the story Journal in your character’s Hero Panel so it will track all of your character’s story steps. From that panel, characters who are level 80 will be able to select between playing their personal story and the Living World story. For the Living World story, you’ll be able to select which unlocked episode you’d like to play. Characters under level 80 will be able to see the available episodes, but will not be able to play them until they reach level 80. Think of the Living World story as the constantly expanding continuation of your character’s storyline once they reach level 80.
Once you hit level 80 you can switch between your Personal Story and your unlocked episodes of Season 2.
The question I have is, will be able to replay all content from a living story step or just select instanced small group story stuff?
Most notably, if a large world event like the Scarlett invasion or marionette is part of a story step, will those events be replayable alongside the other stuff or are there technical/gameplay issues making that unrealistic?
I see value in the system regardless, but am very curious/interested about this one aspect.
No. As mentioned above, they’ve separated Story content from Openworld Content(although they’re tied to each other). You’ll get the Dungeons+Conversation Instances we could do with a party, but not the Open World content like the Battle of Lions Arch or ToN. However, withtin ToN, we had the mini-dungeon with the Toxic Krait Prophet, or the one with the puzzles before it blew up. I believe the latter instances will be available.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
in Living World
Posted by: SigmaOfApeiron.8397
Sadly it does indeed sound like we will have no more world-progressing big battles, since the open world stuff does seem to be completely permanent.
Ah well, got to lose some to gain some I suppose ^^ Like the change to the system overall.
lordkrall, worry not!
I think some people didn’t read it right
As I mentioned above, they’ll be splitting the Story-driven steps and the Open-World content, instead of mixing it up like in S1.
Open-World content will probably be more akin to Dynamic Events, with some context to them and a common goal for all players, while the Story aspect will be turned in Story-Steps, an expansion of your Personal Story(PS+S1).
in Living World
Posted by: SigmaOfApeiron.8397
And heres the actual Anet released article:
Hopefully this is the correct forum (only other one I could think was general discussion)
Found this tweeted by Dragonseasoncom.
Dragon Season ?@DragonSeasonCom 35m
Does that mean that we replay living story whenever we want? ~Tilion
Dragon Season ?@DragonSeasonCom 30m
Guild Wars 2 will see a Journal feature that will be enabled starting Season 2. ~Tilion
Dragon Season ?@DragonSeasonCom 29m
Apparently, you’ll be able to unlock each episode of the living story by simply logging in at the time it’s active. ~Tilion
Dragon Season ?@DragonSeasonCom 28m
When you have unlocked an episode you’ll be able to replay it whenever you like. ~Tilion
Dragon Season ?@DragonSeasonCom 28m
If you missed unlocking an episode you’ll be able to pay a small fee in game in order to do so. ~Tilion
Dragon Season ?@DragonSeasonCom 12m
Lots of stuff is currently undetermined. Perhaps we’ll get to know more when the embargo is lifted in half an hour. ~Tilion
If this is true, I wonder how it will work with the open world stuff, like the different LA stuff. Unless this is only for instances/dungeon thing like the Molten Facility/Aetherblade fortress/place.
Edit: More article(s): (though its only referencing the first article)
Basically, in each episode there will be story content that is tied to the whole broader aspect of the Tyria Living World, and open-world content which will be used to affect the general world.
This means, If we were to put it into S1 terms, the ToN(Tower of Nightmares) “open world”(although instanced) content where we’d go up the three levels with tons of players, wouldn’t be available, but the mini-dungeon where you kill the Toxic Krait Prophet wannabe is
If it impacts Tyria = Open-world Content(not available in the Journal
If it’s story content like certain conversations and possibly dungeons(Instances) = It’ll be available in the Journal.
With this said, I imagine the Instances will be much more Story-driven and intense than the actual Open-World content at the time of each release. The latter will probably simply have some context to it and a general purpose that’ll drive all players to fulfill a common Goal. If Destiny’s Edge were to speak, it would probably be instanced, but if there was a Dragon Minion attack event, it’d be Open-World content.
Episode 3 of Tyria’s Wyld Hunt, Season 3. The conclusion of Verillian’s story arc.
Krait Assault Teaser
If you like stories, context, adventure, then this is for you! Help us make Tyria a “Living, breathing world”
EU Servers only
a) Those who joined the events side-guild [HUNT] will be notified.
b) Those who would like an invite or have exceeded the maximum amount of guilds, but still want to participate contact one of the following members at least 2 days prior to the event:
The Living Episode concept/Webpage has everything needed to get up to date and see what is going on in real-time, Living Episode Page
Date/Time: 25th May, 5PM GMT
If approached and asked for, we will have a gathering prior to the event in order to tell the story so far, in a casual manner(Non-RP, simply getting together to tell the story, exchange opinions and even exchange ideas for what’s coming in the second half of the 3rd Season).
At the present moment the Dev Guild [WYLD] is not recruiting, but may begin to do so soon.
However, we are looking for a few volunteers to act as scout members. They will merely miss the initial gathering, but will join on the final fight and there onwards!
We hope to see you there!
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
If you guys are in EU servers, and looking for someRP, you’re welcome to participate or even join our project for a parallel Living Story – Tyria’s Wyld Hunt – Hoping to revive RP at mass with this.
It’s really sad that it’s gotten to this point, considering the RP community is probably even the majority of the community in GW2, it used to be so important for GW1 and ANet took us into account, but now… I dunno.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Exactly what in the real world is permanent? Nothing! Holidays, businesses, and so on; everything in the real world is temporary. It’s about time an MMO actually reflected this!
are you serious?^^
just lol
I wasn’t the one to write it, but I totally agree. If the concept of a Living World is going to be taken seriously, Temporary Content is a must, but permanent and meaningfull consequences must be embraced. ANet only did that at the end of LS S1, with Lions Arch, but as Colin Johanson has stated, we’ll see much more of it in S2. If you want a game whose only way of expanding content is through expansions, with an actual “still” world, GW2 isn’kitten as with time it’ll ramp up to not only live to it’s manifesto, but also bring to players a truly “Living, breathing world”.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Funny that you come up with this
My guild has actually been doing this, and we just launched our first cross-server-wide(EU) Season. It seems we’re the first to do this too. We’d really like to see more players show up as well, and even though we don’t have actual content creating tools, we’ve been doing great with intertwining our story with Tyria and the Dynamic Event System.
(Here’s our link:
Would certainly be great for that to happen, as it’s not just ANet that makes a Living World(Which is one of their concepts, along with the Living Story), but actual Players also make a difference. It would be truly fascinating to see all these different stories from different Guilds happen across Tyria, and maybe even bring them together in an official LS update!
UPDATE 2: New side-concept added to the Living Episode Page, the Alert Panel! Shows certain events happening out of the Episode times and in Tyria’s Living World!
UPDATE: Due to the Megaserver System, to guarantee everyone has a spot in future events, we require participants to join [HUNT], a. Guild created with the sole purpose of making sure players stay in the same version of a map. Request an invite by any WYLD member!
Especially in Europe, where he virtually 6 different languages??. This is a mess!
I believe that’s not how the Megaserver System works.. Language is one of the variables the algorithms take into account, along with all the others, but it is indeed one of them, and I’ll say it’s probably one of the primary ones too. I don’t think you’ll have problems with languages overflowing.
Plus, if you want to find people of your specific language to do certain content, you can always use the newly added language filter in the lfg tool, it’s not just for dungeons.
Your welcome
seems like a really good event I would like to see lots there
And thanks for choosing me
I just hope everyone understands the scope of this event and the great things it can become
This sounds interesting. Going to Piken to see if I notice anything different. Are there any codes or behaviors to adhere to?
You should check this RP event coming up, if you’re in an EU server, on the 27th
You’ll get a good idea of what RP is, and the power it has.
That’ll just be one episode of an ongoing series that will change Tyria
Hi Ella,
I would be happy to rp as an NPC for this event. Where would I be and what would I do (if i was picked)?Squishy
Thanks Squishy! You’ll be getting an in-game mail from Ella soon, with details!
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
“To all Tyrians, your time has come. Times have not been easy for Tyria, and no sign of change concerning that is in sight. Zhaitan has fallen, but the Elder Dragons are still very much a threat. This last year we saw Scarlet bring together five different races of Tyria, along with other forces of her own making. During that year Tyria changed, yet certain events happened in the shadows and were left unspoken of, dealt with in the best manners possible, and these also left their share of marks on Tyria.
Recently, we have come to know of certain events that may very well change the course of Tyria, and to ensure we take grasp of it’s future, for us, for all Tyrians, we must unite!
The Elder Dragons may be the greatest threat at hand, however, we cannot disregard or overlook what else happens, and what has happened in the past year.
All shall be briefed on the unspoken events of 1326, and even some counting back to 1320.
You will live cold nights and difficult decisions will be made. But know that you will not be alone, you will have Tyria beside you. Protectors of Tyria, to the brave and the honorable, stand your ground against what is to come, and honor your calling.
The time for Tyria’s Wyld Hunt has come.
Almorra Soulkeeper, of the Vigil.
Master of Whispers, of the Order of Whispers.
Steward Gixx, of the Durmond Priory."
Tyria’s Wyld Hunt
Season 3 – Episode 1
Hosted by: [WYLD] & Aurora Glade
World: Aurora Glade (Cross-Server, anyone from any server can guest and join)
Location: Vigilant Hills, Gendarren Fields. Just Southwest of the Vigil Keep. Overflows NOT supported.
Date: 27th April, Sunday, 5PM GMT
Prizes: Prizes will be given out to one winner of each order specific challenge(3 winners total).
Counting with the participation of Mad Queen Malafide and Daniel Frozenwind!
Tyria’s Wyld Hunt, is a concept project looking to further expand(while remaining faithful) on Arenanet’s Living World Concept, a parallel Living Story in the Living World of Tyria.
You can expect a story that branches, with choices to be made, and consequences to face, every player will have the opportunity to speak, whether it may be through in-game events, or online polls, and the story presented will change accordingly.
A main framework of the story for Season 3 has been made, however, that’s just what it is, a framework. How exactly we reach certain destinations, and IF certain events even happen, will be up to the player.
This project will happen alongside ANet’s official Living Story, in the same Living World, as a parallel. Our aim is to bring even more life to Tyria, and even CHANGE it! Be a part of Tyria!
A list of guidelines to better enjoy the events is available: click here
We encourage freeplay roleplay, meaning, this is your story in the world of Tyria. Your character can become a villain, or a respected hero, the choice is yours, and so are your actions, although the main goal of this story is to unite Tyria.
Important pages to check are:
We strongly suggest that you read up on the Season Overviews in order to better enjoy all that will be happening.
All that happens, happens according to the GW2 timeline chronology:
Seasons 1 & 2: 1326 A.E, Season of the Collossus, aligned with Earth.
To participate in these events, no affiliation to WYLD is necessary. However, if you’d like to go even deeper in this project’s development(story or other), check out the Join Us Page.
Join Us Page
We hope you’ll help us grow, as this project will no longer be just ours, but yours too
We’d like to thank:
- All the WYLD members who have shown constant passion and dedication for this project!
- Mad Queen Malafide and Daniel Frozenwind for their participation!
- The AG Fun Sig community for their cooperation!
- ArenaNet for giving players the possibility to not only experience a Living World, but bring it to life as well!
UPDATE: Check below in bold
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
I see many people here complaining about the Living Story and Living World Concepts, how they work(and how they don’t), knowing two things:
- It is a revolutionary concept, period. It is trying to achieve something different, trying to give us something no other game does, envisioning a “living, breathing world”, and taking steps towards living up to it’s own manifesto.
- It is a CONCEPT. It is an IDEA. It needs WORK, and it is GROWING.
Such a great concept, and only 1 year old. Did you expect for a new idea that has never been implemented before to suddenly be at its final phase? to be entirely perfect? One of the biggest questions when the ANet Dev’s approached such a masterpiece of a vision, wasn’t whether it would work or not. IT WORKS. It does because, when you think about it, a living breathing world in an mmo, that’s the dream, and certainly attainable. No, one of the biggest questions was HOW a player-base of, anywhere between 1 and 2 decades , into mmo’s, traditional mmo’s, would receive such a different thing.
Us, the player-base, have been asking for something like this for a long time now. We didn’t just ask, as a gamer I can say that I’ve thought of it myself, and I’m proud that ANet took the risk to try it out.
The player-base shouldn’t be saying it doesn’t work.
They should be giving feedback on HOW to make it work. Because these two concepts(LS/LW) are new, they’re young, they need to grow up.
Temporary and permanent content should be placed where they have a meaning. In the first season of the LS, things could have gotten better, but tbh, I’m glad they didn’t. With this, the Dev’s learnt, and these concepts grew a bit more. If we look back on this last year, Tyria has changed, it has gone through a lot. That is proof that the idea works. If we analyze each update technically, that’s where we’ll find the flaws. I don’t call that a failure. I call that progress. And sure it may just be me, but I’m pretty sure many more think the same way I do, and as players, are interested in helping and seeing such concepts grow.
GW2 won’t change for anything, they set out to be different and that’s what ANet is going to do with it. And players such as myself will back them up. If these concepts aren’t your thing, if they aren’t “mature” enough for you to experience them, then there are two observations I can make. You were naive to think you’d get a good experience, even after 1 year of it. You should try to find another game that pleases you through its own content delivery system, since it seems as if you don’t want to be a part of this journey that is a “living breathing world”.
It’s understandable that the current status of the LS/LW concepts aren’t for everyone’s taste. Personally I’m loving it, and I can only see it get better from here on. But to say it’s a failure just after one year?
Revolutionary things were never perfected in one year. Electricity wasn’t created in one year, neither was the Internet. Games aren’t created in one year, so I’d say these two concepts are in it’s Alpha stages, and it’s great that ANet has let us be it’s testers. We didn’t pay for the LS/LW, for all I know they’re free content. We paid for a game, with a Personal Storyline, and an evolving world(theoretically) through it’s Dynamic events System, and that’s it. The rest is a bonus, that’s how I feel, and I’m happy to be given a chance to be a part of it.
So stop it with the negative feedback stating how much of a failure it is.
Don’t like it? Leave it. Simple.
Like it? Not exactly how you’d like? Think these concepts could evolve in certain areas? In all areas? Give feedback, stating your reason and your ideas.
Our new Recruit message for those who’d like to contact us in-game:
Join one of GW2’s biggest community projects yet! Server-Wide Story Events!|Dev Teams|Cross-Server|Facebook|TS|Youtube|Immersion|regular PvE & WvW|Great Concept|Shape Tyria:
What would your suggestion be though?
Instanced content instead of these open world raids where you end up NOT playing with your friends due to overflows…
You do know instanced content would kill the whole Living World concept right? NO to this. I haven’t had many issues with overflows. If a friend is in an overflow different than mine, I’ll just right click on his character portrait and choose to join, or vice-versa. If it’s still full, then we wp to another map, and back to the original, and fixed. When an overflow is created there are constant overflows being created, you just need to get in the same one. And it is much better than not doing the event at all or instanced content, if you want instanced content play an SP RPG not an MMORPG.
You should pay more attention to News instead of just hating.
And in case you don’t know, the LS platform for content delivery and teh LW concept are very unique things, and with great potential, and these things need TIME to GROW. Stop hating, and wait, watch it become better, these things can take YEARS to improve, and tbh, personally(as well as many that I know), I can see that ANet has improvement so much in the past year, and it’ll only improve from here on. LS will NEVER be a type of finished product with everything perfect, boxed, and set for delivery. If you play it expecting that, you’ll be dissapointed. It’s about watching the world change and being a part of something bigger. The kind of thing where in 2 years you can tell a new player about stuff he may not have lived, but you did, and show him the consequences of such things.
Scarlet may not be the best villain, but it is a great character to EXPERIMENT on and make sure they IMPROVE such a concept and make things better.
Note: I felt the need to capitalize certain words and make them bold due to the fact that for the past year many have done nothing more than whine and hate without even paying attention to the bigger picture, when ANet are tackling something NEW and UNIQUE, and need our constructive feedback as well as support, instead of hating without anything to base an argument on, and no Scarlet isn’t a good enough argument taking into account she, and the whole Season 1 of the LS are a mere experience.
Imagine a game, that changes every 2 weeks, just like the real world changes, with new quality content and little details that totally set it apart from any other game. That’s what ANet is trying to do. If you want to be a part of such a journey, great, if not, don’t play and WAIT until they get there.
You know, I think I could have liked the Scarlet character, if she was an Asura.
- A sylvari being capable of these things seem ludicrous to me.My whole deal with Scarlet seems to be that I am not of the belief that a Sylvari could pull this off. The asura being the intellectually superior race, and it’s unheard of that any of them have ever been to all the three colleges…
- It just doesn’t sound plausible that a sylvari would be capable of that, especially when the asurans would look upon her as a piece of lettuce with legs.So, a note to the writers, I guess… before implementing “Does it seem plausible?”.
- Just as the poor, little Braham with his hurt feelings about Rox soon joining a warband… He’s a norn, and they’re not known for having armies or being emotional about these things!- Just my morning rant.
Not all Sylvari are of the Dream, look at the Nightmare Court, but better than that, Malyck(I think that’s his name).
A “Pale Tree” without a Dream, meaning they can be just as bad, or worse, as Scarlet, and they’re still Sylvari.
1- I am aware that it may not me changed any time soon. What I meant was that, if Zhaitan had DIED, the corruption could possibly dissapear altogetehr and Risen would fall as well
2- This is not true. There’s far more to it than just being able to KILL Dragons, and there’s stuff that could make it much more interesting. Why not a ritual? Seal them away, there’s many possibilities here and I’m sure ANet will try to explore the best one, and it won’t be killing
3- Actually, the Bloodstones were created by the Gods because of what Abaddon did. Abaddon was sealed in his territory of teh Underworld, and then came Kormir in his place. The Bloodstones were created to seal the “excessive” magic running around thanks to Abaddon. If my memory serves me right, it was because of this the Guild Wars started
4- That’s what I said, so we agree, however I did state I wasn’t sure about the ritual, as I am not sure they just “hid”, although it is possible.
5- True, and this poses a question that many otehrs before have thought of. If the Seers had the power to undo Kralkatorrik’s power over Glint, maybe it could be used on Elder Dragons? Maybe at a larger scale of power of course
6- I didn’t state they failed, and I did not discredit that fact that Glint didn’t hide them, that is true after all. I stated only that, if the Elder Dragons are so crucial to Tyria’s balance in magic, then it wouldn’t even be wise to kill them, and as I said before, I am pretty sure I heard on an interview they cannot be killed, precisely because it would be a very unwise decision for Tyria’s ecosystem.
Also I think I was misinterpreted, my bad.
When I said they can’t be killed, it is because the consequences of such actions would be far more dire than just sealing them away or putting them to sleep. Sure they’ll wake up again, but races would have plenty of time to research and even pass on whatever they used to put them to sleep until they woke up again.
I do not think that the races, knowing of how essential they are to balance of life and magic in Tyria(Since in Tyria, Magic and Life are tied, without one possibly the other is not possible either) would even consider killing the Dragons.
Note: I couldn’t quote because the full message exceeded the 5001 character limit
Servers: All EU Servers(Cross-Server) – Home: Aurora Glade
Hey all! I’m the General Supervisor for the WYLD Project, Era.
First off I’ll introduce our concept.
We are not a guild, we are a Guild Wars 2 community project, looking to create server-wide ongoing story events, a sort of parallel to the Living Story Concept, and take advantage of the Living World.
We already have a deep story, mixing our own lore and tying it with GW2 official lore.
Season 3 not only represents WYLD’s members continuation in this great project and story, but also introduces and opens up the whole concept to server-wide events, letting all participants be a part of what we’re doing and shape our story, their story, your story.
We are now on Season 2, and Season 3 is scheduled for sometime in April.
We are looking for members who would like to join us in this great concept and help us build up towards April!
We have different teams and any member is free to choose what he feels is best for him, not only from a personality and skills standpoint but also from his/her time.
We do this for Fun, and with the overall goal of unifying all players in the world of Tyria, along with immersion.
If you join us now, you’ll be able to shape Season 3 and what comes forth.
We’re looking for quality over quantity. We are not a big community in numbers, but we’ve found out we don’t need as many people as we orginally thought, our present members are all close and committed. Besides growing as a community we also seem to be growing as a family and are in it for the long-term.
Whoever you are, however you are, we’ll have a spot for you!
We’re going for something far beyond usual Dungeon runs and Guild Missions(although we do a lot of those too), we want immersion and context to be an ongoing factor in online gaming every second of the amazing journey that is Guild Wars 2.
Contact us via the >>>Join Us<<< Page!
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
I’m honestly curious to where you got your information that the Elder Dragons cannot be killed. Not that I’m calling you out on it, but I’ve never read anywhere about something like that.
What you’re saying does make sense in a way, but I honestly don’t want Anet returning to Zhaitan again. Sure the fight was rushed but you’re confusing closure with having a bad final boss fight. Closure was there at the end of the Personal Story missions. We cleansed Orr with Trahearne and the land was being healed but it was stated it would take time to recover and all that was left was defeating Zhaitan to stop the corruption once and for all. After doing the Arah Story Mode dungeon we defeat Zhaitan. Sure the fight was lame but we already know the reasons for that. I don’t see any clever or rational way of them bringing back Zhaitan.
I’m not confusing things. From the view point that Elder Dragons can’t be killed(I’ll get to this after), defeating Zhaitan did not give us closure. Also, on the PS mission before Victory or Death, we helped Trehearne with the Cleansing of Ore Ritual, however, one year(in-game and out of it) after the ritual and the supposed defeat of Zhaitan, nothing has changed. This could be a matter to discuss in terms of the actual “Living Breathing World” Concept ANet is aiming for, and hopefully they’ll get there.
On to the Elder Dragons, I know I’ve seen this being said in an interview with devs, I think even before GW2 launched, I can’t remember which one exactly though, but I’ll explain why exactly and you’ll understand.
Elder Dragons have a sleeping and awakening Cycle. Their sole purpose is to maintain the balance of Magic in Tyria, magic is tied to life, and so, when an Elder Dragon awakens, he devours all life, absorbing all Magic, and goes to sleep. During this sleep Cycle, they slowly emit the gathered energy back to Tyria, thus giving birth to new ways of life.
They may seem like a threat, and they are, but they’re just keeping the balance(no opinion intended here, it just is). If the Elder Dragons were somehow killed, Tyria would suffer a great deal, and either, Magic would run wild, like what happened with Abaddon(I think it was him who gave magic to Tyrians) or Magic would simply not exist.
In the last cycle of their awakening, Giganticus Lupicus, amongst other races, were chased to extinction, and the Dwarves and other races hid underground, and I also read that they were the ones who performed a ritual to take them back to sleep, but im not sure on the latter.
" The only surviving records exist in dwarven legends and jotun stelae, and according to these records only five sentient races battled and survived the Elder Dragons’ last rise with knowledge of them: dwarves, jotun, forgotten, mursaat, and seers." – Wiki
Come onnnn Arena Net, it’s the Tuesday before patch day. Get it together! We want our preview!!!
You can watch the Friday Livestream on it on Twitch. I guess that’s as close as you’ll get to a preview now Although it only talks about EotM, no story stuff, but that’s good, leaving it a mystery!
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