(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Having exactly the same issue. Not only the keyboard delay, but double-click doesn’t work and right click on inventory items won’t work either.
I actually have a theory on this. I have a feeling Garm may become Rytlock’s companion in the (near?) future due to their history together(Last standing contestants of the 1320 Wintersday Tournament). Would be SO cool to see this happen, and would make perfect sense.
I personally use this:
17k HP felt about right for me, though one can easily get by with less. Air+Force means easy damage from lightning strikes with Sword/Shield, and Blood Sigil on Staff adds a pinch of extra sustain on top of Assassin’s Annihilation and its own block/heal/AA..
Runes are a personal preference – Strength/Rage also work really well if you want more Might/more gain from your Fury. You can always slot in Swift Termination if you’re cleaving through trash and dont need the extra siphoning or Radiant Revival in places where you feel your allies will struggle avoiding getting downed.
Thanks for the build, i’ll do some modifications. One thing about the staff, the only skills i find useful are 5 and 3, and i always struggle when i feel the need for range. Am i supposed to keep 5 on cooldown and then spam autoattack for the sigil and orbs? I think i don’t understand the role for the staff.
Skills #2 and #4 are quite useful, it’s all about the time, especially on #2.
Renewing Wave gives an AoE heal + AoE condi-remover(removes two conditions per nearby player, including yourself).
Punishing Sweep gives the enemy Weakness(cuts down endurance regen + ~50% less damage) which can be extremely useful if used at the right time, and on top of that, gives you access to Debilitating Slam which dazes your target. Staff is an all around excellent utility weapon, just need to use the right skills at the right time.
But I think that’s the keyword, utility weapon.
It’s not supposed to be a high damage weapon, it’s more like the Thief’s shortbow, if anything.
Auto attack gives you access to some ongoing heals and swiftness, you get a weakness source + a daze, a pretty powerful block, another AoE heal with condi removal, and finally Surging Mists that, besides the decent damage, gives you an extra nice evade which you can you to reposition yourself or simply knockback and interrupt foes.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Just to be clear – PvE & WvW.
When HoT launched I fell in love with the Revenant(coming from a 3year thief), and I now cannot bring myself to play anything other than Rev. A few months later I decided to take a break due to the content drought.
I’ve recently come back, and after hearing good things about the Marauder’s set of gear, silly me, I crafted it. I did some research, but I’m starting to think what I found on Revenants and Marauders is severely outdated(No, I didn’t notice the dates, but was for sure post-HoT).
Did Marauders get some sort of nerf? Because after some in-game testing I feel I shouldn’t have crafted it, this being VS Berserkers gear. I merely get +1K HP.
I am not looking to bash anything here, I’m simply trying to understand why I remember hearing good things about Marauder gear on Revenants, and not feeling any benefits right now. My goal with this would be to sacrifice a bit of DPS for some more survivability, would Valkyrie have been a better choice?? In HoT maps I tried out both sets, and found berserkers simply had more damage, but in both gear sets my HP wouldn’t drop below 60%(against a multitude of enemies). For a 1KHP increase, this was a waste. Similar results in WvW roaming, that 1K made an unnoticeable difference(if there even was one).
With Roiling Mists and Ferocity-source traits, the precision and ferocity differences also seemed negligible.
Any advice would be welcome! If it was indeed a waste, then my bad, 75g down the drain sigh
Oh c’mon. I main Rev, the CD’s are low, energy costs are managed through one of the Revenant’s main mechanics – Energy Management. Yes, guess you forgot about that one.
I’ll admit some of the energy costs on some skills are quite high, but still, manageable. You’re talking like you don’t even know what the Revenant is about.
Just posting one sentence and expecting anyone to understand what you’re on about just shows how you know nothing.You seem like you just wanna spam your way to victory. Revs could use some changes, but they’re still very viable in large scale WvW, just L2P, and quit whining, “useless” lol.
Sad OP.
I disagree with this. I think the energy costs are becoming unmanageable. You act as if Revs start out with 100 energy on top. If that was the case, then, yes, I’d agree with you, but as is, most of the time in WvW, I rarely have more than 50 energy. In fact, most of the time when I do use Shiro, it’s my secondary and I’ve just switched over to him. If you have to use PT, there’s 35 of that energy right there.
As I said before, if there’s going to be energy management, especially with increasingly higher costs, there needs to be no cooldowns at all.
I’ll agree with you there are reiterate on what I meant. The CD + Energy idea is manageable(we’ve had it for the past 7-8 months), but I agree that lately, the energy increases are becoming too much. I also find myself quickly running out of energy. My point was that the concept of both CDs and Energy IS manageable, if balanced, and at HoT’s launch it wasn’t so bad, as the PvP seasons progressed though, that’s where things started changing.
Something I also don’t understand, and would appreciate any pointers on, is how we’re supposed to chase a warrior, for instance. Before, I could use PT twice(with the CD, which made it slow but oh well), and sometimes they still ran away, but now it just seems impossible. IO doesn’t do too much with 15 energy left(the initial cut is like 7-10 energy too, which leaves 5 energy to use on actual IO).
Oh c’mon. I main Rev, the CD’s are low, energy costs are managed through one of the Revenant’s main mechanics – Energy Management. Yes, guess you forgot about that one.
I’ll admit some of the energy costs on some skills are quite high, but still, manageable. You’re talking like you don’t even know what the Revenant is about.
Just posting one sentence and expecting anyone to understand what you’re on about just shows how you know nothing.
You seem like you just wanna spam your way to victory. Revs could use some changes, but they’re still very viable in large scale WvW, just L2P, and quit whining, “useless” lol.
Sad OP.
I main Rev as well, and have a lot of fun with it, but you seem to talk about it like the be-all end-all, making it seem OP when that’s just an illusion A very well known misunderstanding many people that don’t actually get into the Rev seem to have(Not saying you do too, just pointing it out).
The unlimited upkeep of boons, unlimited super speed, unlimited endurance, those are all conditional.
Specifically, the unlimited boons from the Herald, are very situational as you’ll have to make quick decisions on whether or not to hold those boons or use the active facet, that’s where the Herald’s skill play comes into effect, and until you properly practice it, it’ll seem very easy to keep those unlimited boons but you’ll likely be hurting yourself and your party to an extent, especially when playing a PvP game mode.
The Herald may seem like the easiest and at the same time most rewarding legend to play with(I don’t see it that way, definitely not the most rewarding), but it has some underlying skill involved. I think the rev is a lot like thief, at least personally, where it’s really easy to get into, but hard to master. Not just CD’s but energy management too, especially when it comes to other legends with less passive utilities(no facets).
Definitely enjoying Rev though, hoping ANet FIXES many of their game-breaking bugs soon (when I say game breaking, I mean they simply put me off playing gw2 at times). And looking forward to how the profession gets expanded with ES’s. Also, a better explained background story would be nice…..
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Block, blind, and I think evaded as well(although not entirely sure on that last one).
Also if you have various questions, try to keep them to ONE thread at a time instead of just dropping one whole thread per question.
We had gotten some form of foreshadowing with Season 2, as well as progressive updates to the world after the releases came.
One example for both was the waypoints, and how over days they’d flicker and then a vine would spawn next to them, then the vine would wrap around them, and some would be destroyed. Players had tracked them and plotted out their paths – which led straight to Fort Concordia and Iron Marches, and through Fort Salma, where we saw Mordremoth’s vine in fuller force. This went away with the fourth episode, when Taimi ‘fixed’ the waypoint problem.
And then there was the Vinewrath’s vines, that were progressing slowly ever since Silverwastes was first released, which foreshadowed the assault on Camp Resolve.
There were other, smaller, ones like seeing the “mysterious figure” centaur at the cliff edge before Episode 2’s release, hinting towards the centaur camp.
Truth be told, Season 1 did not have as much foreshadowing as you proclaim. If you want to stretch the term to include ‘tying one chapter into something practically fully unrelated via small commentary’ then we got one for Secret of Southsun, one for Dragon Bash, and one for Escape from LA, but the only true foreshadowing was just the Tower of Nightmares arc which you mentioned.
Season 1’s format was far from suitable due to the temporary nature – sure it was better than true one-time events like the Ancient Karka fight, but it was hardly suitable at all. Nor was it a Living World at all, because every single update focused solely on the two main plots. There was never any updates to the rest of the world. EVERYTHING in Season 1 dealt with either Scarlet’s plot (aka Mordremoth’s plot) or Kiel’s plot. Just as everything in Season 2 deals with Mordremoth’s plot or LA’s reconstruction (aka Kiel’s plot).
From the beginning, we’ve been getting a Living Story. I don’t get why ArenaNet decided to start calling it the Living World after Flame and Frost (yes, originally it was called Living Story, not Living World – Living World is the second name for it).
That said, personally? I’d love a mixture of Season 2’s format and the format used for Tower of Nightmares arc. An open world preview that’d go away – just aesthetics maybe dialogue and NPCs – followed by a forced story instance (which starts the journal) that gives access to a changed location (changed/new events, changed/new npcs, and changes to hearts on top of aesthetic changes) and new location(s) with more story instances (which will always hold this second appearance of old location and first appearance of new locations), which culminates into a closing instance and a second change to the old and new locations related.
But that’s still not a Living World. And it won’t ever be until they recontinue adding unrelated events and NPCs across the game. The only time they had close to a Living World was the first Halloween when they added the Modus Scleris and a few mini-dungeons that had no relation to Halloween.
I never proclaimed one season had more foreshadowing than the other. I stated that a Living World has more potential for foreshadowing than a Living Story. Both Seasons had this, I merely used examples from the first season.
ANet didn’t start calling it Living World after Living Story. In fact, Living World was how the world of Tyria for GW2 was marketed(Check the back of the hard cover, check the 2012 Manifesto), and the Lost Shores Special One Time Event was their first experiment at that scale. Living Story didn’t start until January 2013.
My discussion here isn’t with what ANet wanted to do and did instead, but rather how those two concepts have different potential, that if used together can go a long way. I’m not saying Season 2 didn’t have a Living World facet, which it did, but personally the fact that most of Season 2’s LS was instanced almost overshadowed the LW side of things. Battle for Lions Arch and the Tower of Nightmares were good examples of how players had to band together for Tyria, instead of going to an instance and becoming the main character.
Season 2’s LS is very different from Season 1’s LS.
In Season 1, GW2 being the MMO it is, the narrative gave a reason for all players to be together with one common goal, Season 2 is more of a Single Player focused story with no mention or even acknowledgement of other players, with the exception of the few LW events, which still didn’t solve the issue as well as Season 1 did. I understand the 1325 PS had the player character as the commander, and that was our character’s story and how players became aware of that common goal in unifying Tyria. But Season 2 and HoT brought back the idea of singleplayer-protagonism to the forefront and it stops being an MMO story and becomes a single-player story.
Case in point, A Living World has more context for an overall goal, while Season 2’s LS drastically changed this context. All players being commanders doesn’t make much sense, and Season 1 effectively reiterated on this, while Season 2 pulled back.
Edit: I didn’t include Halloween as the first Living World event as that has been a recurring annual event since GW1.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
The Living World from Season 1, seems to have been forgotten. Too many people confusing Living World with Living Story in my opinion..
How is it forgotten? It was developed as one-time content and as much as ANet might want to bring it back, it would cost a lot of resources to do so, at the likely expense of newer content. Given that the community wants everything, my guess is that ANet probably won’t bring it back unless something else they are doing makes it easier to do so.
I think Eragamer was being critical about the terminology of “living world” versus what we actually get and is one of those who believe that Season 1’s content was a ‘proper living world’ while season 2 wasn’t. Truth is neither was, as both only furthered the main story (or stories, as there were two in both – one following Kiel/LA, and one following Scarlet/biconics which is the main story).
This was my point, yes. I firmly believe Season 1 was more of a Living World Living Story, while Season 2 was merely a Living Story, an ongoing storyline to progress the narrative. I think the big difference within the terminology would be not only the sheer scale and impact of events, but the fact that in a living world we get more foreshadowing(remember when the black veil started appearing in original Kessex Hills? And we had no idea what it was.) and things change around the world to give it a more dynamic feel(Scarlet’s Ley-Line Pillars say hello, as well as her army invsasions), while Season 2 was not only instanced, but the meta’s within each map that also worked to progress the narrative were completely isolated from the rest of Tyria. One-time events with a short notice and short-stay may have created problems for some players, like the Lost Shores update, a true one-time event, but prolonging episodes and events like in Season 1 was much more suitable without sacrificing scale and impact.
I honestly wish ANet somehow find a middle-ground between both the Living Story and the Living World as it would be a shame to give up one concept for the other.
I understand the technical constraints of both formats. I’m merely saying what we’re getting with Season 2’s format isn’t a Living World, if anything, it’ll be a Living Story.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
The Herald elite spec, and Glint specifically, has much more underlying mechanics going on, and you may not understand at first. Besides the core Rev energy + CD management, you end up having big decisions to make in split seconds in conjunction with other core mechanics when it comes to Glint – Boon management. You can’t have them all at the same time, and I’ve had specific ones(such as regen and protection due to their defensive nature) save my time by making a choice to lower DPS, and focus on defense.
It may not be totally apparent at first(although this was one of the main reasons that sold me on the Herald spec), but it’s one you need to give time to come to understand the importance of.
That being said, if you see Glint as just “turn on all boons” and faceroll through content, you’re doing it wrong. It may seem like it gives you an edge but in higher difficulty content is where these common mistakes show most. The boon duration is only high if 1. You know how to manage and maximize your duration and 2. Your enemy doesn’t boon strip you. If he does boonstrip you, it may seem like it’s easy to just get the boons back, but any decent player will take that window of opportunity and take you down. Revs run two legends for a reason. Running just one, even if it seems ultra powerful wouldn’t cut it, all legends have different properties and purposes.
I understand you mainly play PvE, but if you’re caring about what is expected of you, you’re not really having fun in the first place. Raids are currently considered the highest difficulty content in the game, yet I’ve seen raid squads run these with 10 Revenants(not all running Glint), proving Revenant is pretty versatile and can fill various roles – It;s all about how you want to play.
I’ve lately been thinking(a lot) about dropping Glint, not because I don’t like the playstyle and decision making on top of the core mechanics, I really do, BUT the other legends have so much potential. I was running the molten facility fractal the other day with another revenant when, to my surprise, I saw him using one of Ventari’s shields to completely block the fire projectile AoE’s that the Dredge threw. This may seem expected, but I never really gave Ventari the time it deserved, and seeing that just made me think about the potential it has in all areas of the game. An area where it’s been more or less a pain for many classes with not enough survivability, this time we stood there, in the middle, like “bring it on!”.
Best yet, I usually like to keep to one style for the entirety of my game play, BUT with Revenant I feel each legend could be used and swapped depending on the type of content, and that just seems so much fun to me, to the point it may very well become one of my goals when theorycrafting my builds. If you feel Glint isn’t for you, then don’t run Glint, run something else – I’d have you in my party any day.
If worst comes to worst, maybe Rev just isn’t for you?
While it’s true that leveling a character manually after your first is definitely not the same experience, especially since ANet introduced the NPE and level gated everything, GW2 has many ways of making the leveling up much much shorter, almost instant. The Level 80 boost on the Gemstore would just make the experience all too empty and meaningless.
While it’s been years and many players want to enjoy the newest content, that’s why each account gets one booster. The whole end game inGW2 starts at level 1, and has always been so.
ToK’s say hi though, it’s possible to stack those up way way fast.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
I have the best armour and stats at the moment, and i’m happy with everything. But I just sat back in horror as I watched a level 15 icebrood elemental in a low-level region remove half my health in a few seconds.
If they ever decide to make a gw3 I hope they get rid of that stupid scaling system, because it really makes the game look like child’s play.
Even if my health suddenly drops from 20k to 1.5k, I would expect a low level enemy to struggle against a level 80. My suspicion is that levels are actually meaningless in this game.
I’ve posted on this topic before, and I’m posting again because this is something that is still bugging me.
ADDENDUM: some of these mobs are actually killing me quicker than level 80 mobs.
You miss the whole point of GW2. Off you go now, generic MMO is that way.
Nothing to see here folks.
I’m pretty sure they didn’t forget Revenants. If you notice, all things present on the main website(feature wise) are on the Free to Play Core Guild Wars 2 Game. To find a page on revenant, and other HoT features, one imply has to check out the HoT website, which new/free players will do if interested.
Website: https://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com
I wouldn’t say this is a Windows Vista issue per say. To start off, make sure GW2 is allowed through your Firewall on the vista computers.
(This topic should be in the Account and Technical Support forum)
It won’t skip any missions. I have a few characters at lvl 80 with lvl 10-30 Personal Story missions still to do. It works just as f you lvl up to 80 manually, without progressing you PS.
Obviously the paper bag has a deep history steeped in esoteric symbolism with the charr. If anything is sacred to them it the paper bag (and the cardboard box). To don the paper bag and bear the smilie face visage into battle is an honor and privilege that can only be bestowed by those acknowledged by the Tribunes. That they would share their stash of paper bags with the rest of the races of Tyria can only been seen as a sign of great respect.
Until you hear them beating up those bags in the dead of night at least.
Thank you for the LOL!
The reason for that recap is that they needed to put something in to bridge the narrative gap for people that weren’t around for LS1 (and tons of people begged them to do it, as a matter of fact, as a stop gap until they can reintroduce the content in playable form when it was originally designed to happen and end like RL events do).
I don’t think that recap explains things terribly well to someone that wasn’t there at the time; to me it feels more like a reminder for those who played through it. But it’s better than having no in-game indication of how things went from Zhaitan’s fall to Mordremoth’s awakening.
To be honest with you I’m trying my best to rush-play through the hot story, skipping cinematics etc (something I never do). I think at this point I’m a bit worn out after the really long plot I enjoyed with my sylvari character. It was fun, especially towards the end when things started heating up. I especially liked the whole Claw Island saga. Then we defeated the dragon.
Then came Scarlet Briar, and everything after that just seems like re-hash stuff. I mean after defeating the most evil enemy in all the land, to continue fighting and fighting again is just tiresome to me. This is not a complaint – for those who think I’m always complaining and bashing the game. I just feel like I’ve enjoyed what I was mean to enjoy.
Right now what I REALLY want is my glider mastery!
The bold part just says everything. You’re playing GW2 all wrong, soon you’ll be fully worn and burnt out from the game and will shelf it like so many others. You want to get to end-game when you’re literally rushing through it. Through the end-game. If you’re playing GW2 and are not having fun, 3-4 years in I can tell you, you’re doing it wrong, which makes most of your complaints pretty much invalid. The very fact that you’re getting burnt out and you complain about the apparent lack of a reward by the end of your level 80 Personal Story, just further reinforces how invalid your excuses against the Season 1 recap are – Your perception over it was blurred and wronged from the get-go, by none other than yourself.
I’d advise you to seriously rethink your current game style, or better yet, start from scratch(Yes, seriously). The very best advice I can give to any player, whether they have played MMO’s before or not, is to unlearn everything they thought they knew about MMO’s and online games in general.
Nothing else to see here, moving along.
They’re not Destroyers. They’re Mordrem. Usually show up during Meta heavy areas. The scorched part may be one of the Verdant Brink Meta bosses up on the top layer, the dragon-like creature that breathes fire. The one you seem to be referring to may be one of the mounts some of the Mordrem ride on.
1) “Our promise to you in 2013 is to continue to build on the world we’ve built, to make it stronger, to refine and strengthen the game based on the core vision of Guild Wars 2, and to make GW2 an experience unlike any other online game.” <— From Colin in 2013, source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/2) Source? I’m pretty sure it was stated that THIS was the year where the introduction and refinement of systems would slow down, where ANet would focus on DEPTH rather than BREADTH.
“While we balance our development, 2016 will also be a turning point in the type of development we do for Guild Wars 2. Over the last three years, ArenaNet has focused on “breadth” of development: new content types, releasing in new territories, new game systems, different release cycles, system overhauls, and experiments into what is possible with an online world. One of our goals for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ was for it to be the last time we would focus on this type of broad development and experimentation and to reach a point where we could focus more on depth.
Over the years, Guild Wars 2 has built up a wide variety of content and feature types. 2016 is the year where we’ll be focusing on the parts of Guild Wars 2 that have been most successful and giving our full attention to those areas by adding depth to them. This means a focus on new content and polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” <— Colin 2016
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/state-of-the-game-update-q1-2016/We’re nearly half way through the year and we haven’t had one meaningful content addition.
I’m pretty sure everyone is very thankful of what ANet has done so far, especially those who are not happy with the sudden change in direction. We understand that things don’t go according to planned all the time, but a change in direction so drastic to the point that it creates GW2’s second biggest content draught since launch, is an issue.
In 2013, and since, their plan was to create foundations for better stuff. This has been what they were doing all of Season 1, all of Season 2, and even in HoT. They make foundations for stuff, then move on to make more foundations rather than building upon those foundations.
In 2016, as you quoted, we’ll be seeing the building up from those foundations. And we have been. For example, they made the foundation of overhauling world bosses with Tequatl, but never continued it… until 2016. We’ve been told that from the get go 2016 will be about fixing old stuff. Or as Colin put it: “polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” as opposed to making a brand new something then never touching it again – like they did with dungeon overhauls, world boss overhauls, fractals, certain pvp maps, and so forth.
And we’re not “nearly” halfway either. We’re a quarter of the way through. That’s half of halfway.
On a point of pedantry we’re a third of the way through as April is the fourth month of twelve. However, it has been six months since hot launched (half a year) and we’re getting the second of 4 quarterly patches on Tuesday without any meaningful new content outside of a raid wing. That is the content drought bring referred to: they did say they would focus on new content as well as polishing old content.
Six months after launch and we’ve seen very little. LS3 won’t come until after the 3rd quarterly patch, some 9-10 months after launch. It seems that ArenaNet cannot deliver. That is concerning, to me anyway.
^This is my point, I should’ve been clearer, apologies. Also, we’re at what is considered the second quarter already, this Tuesday’s being the Q2 update. April, just 2 months away from half a year. And 6 months since HoT launch, and we have yet to see something new. I agree that refinement and polish are important, but those alone, in a world billed as a “living breathing world”, won’t sustain most players(And no, that doesn’t mean Living Story. LW and LS and two different concepts even if they complement each other).
This is good, I can see some interesting positive impact from such a “small” change as automating warning messages within 10 minutes after a report.
I personally don’t feel GW2 has this kind of issue though. If we’re going to compare, by personal experience, LoL’s community toxicity versus GW2’s is, well, non comparable. In the last year or so I don’t recall any need to report a player(other than gold sellers etc). Of course, just because I don’t get it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all, but GW2’s community is far more enjoyable, and perhaps not needing such a strict measure.
Out of curiosity though, what do you perceive as “disruptive players in GW2”
Try playing a couple of games of ranked PvP.
I assure you, I have. The worst it’s come to for me is lack of communication and people not listening(which really gets to me) . In which case, I immediately stop playing and call in some friends to make a team.
But as far as toxicity, yet to see a bad case.
As much as I want the paper bag, imagine how most of the playerbase will react in terms of being a social justice warrior…
Just look at what “10,000 drinks” did to the forums on “promoting alcoholism”….
Then there’s also the playerbase who seem to keep getting angry when silly things are thrown into the game because it has nothing to do with “lore”.
Recently there was also a thread on “Aloha Snackbar” which someone received a ban for really quickly, later we realised that he was actually being racist after he made a 4th thread about it but the point is that Anet or what ever would probably prefer to steer clear of these “reasons” people have to be so easily offended.
Personally, I hope they release the bag… I love it when peoples feathers get ruffled over nothing.
While I agree with you, I do think that giving these “reasons” too much attention, or none at all is pretty much the same thing.
It reminds me of the “reason” why ANet never really pushed for Canthan or Elonian elements in the game(besides NCSoft).
I think releasing the bags, and promoting them for what they are(PAPER BAGS WITH FACES ON THEM ...*gasp!*) would be much smarter and mature, than paying attention to their men-given subjective meanings(because that’s all they are). Not to mention, Tyria does not equal Earth. Same goes for characters, for instance, the love between Marjory and Kasmeer.
This is good, I can see some interesting positive impact from such a “small” change as automating warning messages within 10 minutes after a report.
I personally don’t feel GW2 has this kind of issue though. If we’re going to compare, by personal experience, LoL’s community toxicity versus GW2’s is, well, non comparable. In the last year or so I don’t recall any need to report a player(other than gold sellers etc). Of course, just because I don’t get it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all, but GW2’s community is far more enjoyable, and perhaps not needing such a strict measure.
Out of curiosity though, what do you perceive as “disruptive players in GW2”
If you consider how pro-LGBT ANET acts, adding such an item would go directly in the face of acceptance.
I’m pretty sure this was mostly due to NCSoft(The same can be applied to the reason behind no signs of Cantha or Elona). Now that ANet has moved to self-publishing after HoT, it has gained even more autonomy over GW2. Perhaps just enough to keep NCSoft away(Not 100% consider they are the parent company, but enough).
Personally, I’ve gone through so many of these. and most worked pretty well with great features(some aren’t even on the store anymore) although they nearly all consisted of the same features. Hopefully ANet will soon release the API’s that allow devs to really push mobile companion apps forward… urm...CHAT!
Having said that, I’ll definitely be testing this one out and reviewing it as it goes.
Thanks for taking your time on this!
Question: You didn’t mention WvW, is this because of the current plans to overhaul, thus you prefer to focus on other areas first and go for WvW later once the changes to the systems are in place and we actually know more about, or is there another reason? I’m an avid WvWer, but I would understand this, especially if they overhaul it this year and the core changes are deep. It would be scrapped work.
Edit: Would be nice to have this as the go-to app for all things GW2. And sure this would be a long ways away, but stuff like GW2 News, Twitter updates, Patch Notes, etc would be cool.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
The Living World from Season 1, seems to have been forgotten. Too many people confusing Living World with Living Story in my opinion..
Before getting into my concern, I think there’s a fairly big distinction to make:
LS(Living Story) and LW(Living World) and very different, if complimentary, things.
The LS is an ongoing story that unfolds in Guild Wars 2, and progresses the narrative.
The LW is a concept based on events, progressed by the narrative, that somehow changes the game world, as well as progressing the real-time GW2 timeline.
Link to the GW2 timeline: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Timeline
I know the above can be somewhat subjective due to the nature of such concepts, and even though this is NOT the MAIN topic, I’d still like to know your opinions on these.
Now, we know that the current business model is as such:
“For Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, we didn’t want the core game’s price to be a factor in a new player’s decision to begin playing Guild Wars 2. In the future, if we release further Guild Wars 2 expansions, we plan to offer all of the prior expansions, the core game, and the latest expansion for one single purchase price.”
To be honest, I would understand this. It would make sense. Especially if WE, early adopters, got to experience the content, not only first, but to have the opportunity to change the world of Tyria, this would make it worthwhile.
The big issue here is that, although the Living Story is currently ongoing(to some extent), the Living World, and it pains me to say this, is currently NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. Living World, last time we saw it was with Season 1, where things actually changed at faster pace. If you “zoom out” and check the bigger picture you can include Season 2 and HoT into it, but that’s not a true Living World, that is just a Living Story.
My main concern, is that the current business model, due to the nature of the Living World concept not being active, is simply worth less than it could/should. You can include the time-limited free access Living Story Seasons, but you need to have the latest xpack and log in at the time of release.
Perhaps it’s still too early to talk about this, but considering 2015 saw a content draught and a somewhat dead Tyria for.. 7, 8? Months, and we’re nearly half way through 2016 and the same is applicable(except a few things such as Wintersday and The Shatterer), I can’t shake this feeling that Living World was the most interesting part of GW2, and now that we only have half of it(LS), it’ll forever feel incomplete, especially considering ANet managed to tap on part of the potential of the LW, and looking back, it was amazing, it made the ongoing Timeline have a much bigger meaning.
After the reception of the expansion, I saw the expansion as a 2 year re-sub to the game, which was fair considering the amount of content AND EXPERIENCES given to us, but now, 7 months in, no LW, no LS, the second content draught, my question now isn’t whether HoT was/is worth the buck for players. It’s whether the subsequent expansions, judging by ANets sudden change of vision for GW2, are worth THE DEVELOPMENT and the sacrifice to other forms of content.
If there were true Living World Events a la Season 1, where world-changing events happened it would make the early adoption of ongoing expansions much more feasible and worth not only the buck, but the time as well.
In Season 1 warriors of Tyria came together for world-impacting events. Season 2 and expansions are much more akin to linear Single-player games, and last I heard this is supposed to be an MMO.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
It’s easy enough to jut sell those. I personally sell the minors to merchants and majors on TP. Then it just comes down to inventory-management.
looks like the archdiviner is now a rev instead of having him fight players would have been cool to have him fight pre rev worrier rytlock. even if their will be no law but rytlock did go into the mist and come out a rev and wheres fracs bassed? the mists.The fractals aren’t based in the Mists. We travel to them through the Mists, but they are fragments of time and space, which again, we travel to through the mists. EVEN then, if they were based in the Mists, it still wouldn’t properly explain how the Archdiviner got Revenant skills.
In fact, I find it rather confusing considering, if the fractals are fragments of time and space, and when we replay them we replay events that have already happened in the past, present or future, why have they been altered in this way? Also, since the Cliffside fractal is based on past events (way before GW1 Searing, with the Titans), and the Archdiviner now has Revenant skills, wouldn’t that have present-day implications?
If not, and fractals are isolated fragments of reality, it would still need some sort of narrative explanation to such an anomaly.very true i know this but i think it would have been a very cheap and easy way to make some sorta law about rev even if its not cannon and it would have at least stoked some coals for the hype train. because atm the law is rev just happened, everyone learned how to do it, the end
Also true, but if they added Rev skills to the Archdiviner just to make it seem like something new and shiny, without any lore and narrative attached to it, that is SAD. SAD SAD SAD . Lack of creativity.
Given GW2 has a very cosmetic-oriented design, applying Rev skills to a boss and calling it “new” wouldn’t be a surprise, but would be an all-time low .
Here’s hoping I’m wrong.
All the best pvp builds require HoT that makes it kinda p2w tbh.
Not quite. I’m not really into PvP, but from what I’ve heard some people made it into legendary divisions with a free account, which means no elite specializations.
Yes, in general elite specs are stronger than the base class. Anet never denied it, they always meant elite specs to be superior to regular ones (guess why they’re called elite). From what I’ve understood, future elite specs should be on par with the current ones, so there’ll be no more power creep once you’ve got at least the first GW2 expansion and one elite spec unlocked. If anything, you can call it buy to win, because after you get HoT, none of the future elite specs should overshadow your current one. Definitely not pay to win.Also, we don’t even know whether OP was talking about PvP, it’s kind of bold to just assume that. While the power creep is present in PvE just as much as in PvP, it’s not nearly as apparent and there are still ways how to play efficiently with your base class (even metabattle still lists non-HoT builds for PvE).
Although I agree with most of what you say, I have to say that ANet billed Elite Specs as on equal-grounding as core classes, simply adding a different playstyle rather than being stronger. That was one of the reasons why there was a bit of a backlash from the community until they announced the quarterly balance patches, which reassured the community they’d be balanced out. It didn’t really pan out even then though. The elite prefix was never about superiority, although in the end it did translate into it. It was about branching gameplay styles.
looks like the archdiviner is now a rev instead of having him fight players would have been cool to have him fight pre rev worrier rytlock. even if their will be no law but rytlock did go into the mist and come out a rev and wheres fracs bassed? the mists.
The fractals aren’t based in the Mists. We travel to them through the Mists, but they are fragments of time and space, which again, we travel to through the mists. EVEN then, if they were based in the Mists, it still wouldn’t properly explain how the Archdiviner got Revenant skills.
In fact, I find it rather confusing considering, if the fractals are fragments of time and space, and when we replay them we replay events that have already happened in the past, present or future, why have they been altered in this way? Also, since the Cliffside fractal is based on past events (way before GW1 Searing, with the Titans), and the Archdiviner now has Revenant skills, wouldn’t that have present-day implications?
If not, and fractals are isolated fragments of reality, it would still need some sort of narrative explanation to such an anomaly.
You can see a margoniter at 0:13. I Think, you will see him in Cliffside Fractal.
And a new Boss for Volcanic Fractal.
So there must be a Change in Fractals.
Pretty sure it’s just a Megadestroyer World Boss Revamp, like they did for Teq and Shatterer in January.
This game also has a global TP, not a server based TP. As far as I know, there isn’t another game TP that’s within an order of magnitude of scale of this one.
Hi John, just my 2 cents.
I guess the technical limitation has something to do with the database and the amount of querys some amount of players can do before the DB cache queue get fills up (AKA beginning to lose transactions.I would in your case implement a double queue system: Your TP already have in place one (i guess).
At the client side i would implement an internal queue where the items that the player want to sell are queued. Those items are listed in the TP as soon as possible if the limit is reached it tries in X seconds/minutes.
If the player close the game before those items are listed they are returned to the player to his inventory.For the player would not be any visual difference and would solve the hindrance of the limit pop up, the TP could get some breather because you could decide what are the limit of quees x second and player could be the limits of the amount of items posted per x time.
And at security level wouldn’t change much, simply would be another “hidden space” were those items could be placed while waiting to be listed in the TP. If those have to be returned because the player closed the game before they could be listed and his bags are full again, it could be given back in a way similar to a daily chest so the player can try to list them again in the TP as soon as he is able to free up the bag.
Sure it will need some coding, but the change shouldn’t be very invasive, is simply creating a queuing interface to handle the listing.
This seems like a great idea! A Visual TP Queue. And it shouldn’t be hard to implement either(coding wise). Art-wise, the TP UI would just need an extra visual tab I suppose.
Thief isn’t exactly an entry-level class I suppose. It’s easy to get into and fall in love with(as I did for the majority of 3 years), but difficult to master. It’s a very active class that requires you to be at your best and focused at all times, as there’s a lot of risk vs reward gameplay going on.
It used to be more forgiving, in a way, when there was actual diversity to builds. I remember when a thief was made into a combat medic or even some tankiness. Now, however, not much diversity, nor options there.
I feel like I just watched the morality segment at the end of a GI Joe cartoon
Not that I disagree with you of course.
Go Joe!
I feel like ultra competitive aspects of the game have had a downward impact on the community as a whole. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be there. I just don’t think that they have impacted the community in a good way. eSports and raids first come to mind.
This is true, and the fact that balance isn’t made isolated for each gamemode, further caters to this. I like the competitive side of things, I’m an avid PvPer and WvWer, but also believe PvE should be somewhat different and even personal as far as playstyle. Something people don’t exactly get when certain content is gated by certain conditions.
I like how the OP has a sense of underlying irony attached to it… Not that I disagree with it, but… heh….hehehe…..
Cliffside boss reskinned as Mallyx(Why??)
You must have missed where he has his standard appearance first, then activates Mallyx’s elite.
You also must have missed where you have the revenant hammer 2 skill’s effect showing while he’s in that Mallyx elite form (red cracks on the ground).
In other words, the Archdiviner is given revenant skills – likely as part of a boss rebalance for higher levels.
1) Wasn’t that Colin’s goal in the first 2-3 years? The implementation and refinement of core systems?
2) Fixes and refinements don’t keep interest in the game, and not me personally either, Except WvW, but not even a HINT at WvW in the teaser.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PDsORWyb501) No. This was stated to be this year’s goal. Refinement has never been a goal on ArenaNet’s part, truth be told, except for smallscale stuff of massively important systems – and even that wasn’t always guaranteed.
2) And we were told back in January that 2016 will primarily be a year of fixes and refinements.The only new content we’re getting is raids and LS3 when that comes out in June/July/August.
You’re complaining about stuff that ArenaNet went out of their way multiple times to state would be the case, and acting as if it’s a brand new thing that they were keeping hidden from you.
First off,
I’m pretty sure the question STILL stands. I did notice that, and thanks for stating the obvious, but again, the question STILL stands. If fractals are frgaments of space and time, and replay them as isolated fragments, why would the Archdiviner be given Revenant/Mist power. There must be some narrative explaining this.
1) “Our promise to you in 2013 is to continue to build on the world we’ve built, to make it stronger, to refine and strengthen the game based on the core vision of Guild Wars 2, and to make GW2 an experience unlike any other online game.” <— From Colin in 2013, source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/
2) Source? I’m pretty sure it was stated that THIS was the year where the introduction and refinement of systems would slow down, where ANet would focus on DEPTH rather than BREADTH.
“While we balance our development, 2016 will also be a turning point in the type of development we do for Guild Wars 2. Over the last three years, ArenaNet has focused on “breadth” of development: new content types, releasing in new territories, new game systems, different release cycles, system overhauls, and experiments into what is possible with an online world. One of our goals for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ was for it to be the last time we would focus on this type of broad development and experimentation and to reach a point where we could focus more on depth.
Over the years, Guild Wars 2 has built up a wide variety of content and feature types. 2016 is the year where we’ll be focusing on the parts of Guild Wars 2 that have been most successful and giving our full attention to those areas by adding depth to them. This means a focus on new content and polish for our existing, successful parts of the game.” <— Colin 2016
Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/state-of-the-game-update-q1-2016/
We’re nearly half way through the year and we haven’t had one meaningful content addition.
I’m pretty sure everyone is very thankful of what ANet has done so far, especially those who are not happy with the sudden change in direction. We understand that things don’t go according to planned all the time, but a change in direction so drastic to the point that it creates GW2’s second biggest content draught since launch, is an issue.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Alpine BLs are making a comeback. I consider that a win!
I consider this a massive fail and give in to the whiners of this community.
This is no step forward, this is like a huge degeneration of this game, going back to old crap because this community is so degenerated to give the devs not at least a chance to overwork the new desert maps – no instead they hue and cry mordio as typically usual like theres no tomorrow
They should bring back the alpine maps first, until following points are done:
1) They reworked the Reward System of WvW to make it equal with PvE/PvP
2) They made some proper changes to the Desert Map as preparation TO KEEP IT in its overworked size reduced form
3) They implemented into this game a system with that they can rotate the maps out at will freelyHowever, thats already a dead horse topic by now and to me is WvW already totally ruined beyond any chance that anything Anet will do can fix it anymore to bring it back to a healthy state, regardless on which map we play now as long theres such a degenerated community in the background that dictates Anet what they should do with WvW beyond any common sense.
And as long such a kind of vocal minority ditates for WvW the route for this game mode to go, leadign to the point that Anet just completely ignores to use their own common sense just to please the whiners, there will be no future for this game mode in my honest opinion, if they make for every step forward due to whiners like three steps backwards…
I see your point, but I think you’re missing some vital information.
First off, prior to HoT’s release, the plan was to introduce the DBL’s, and remove the ABL’s to rework some of their content(read systems and general working) in line with the current version of the game(The ABl’s had in the game for over 2 years without a significant core update, and since then the direction and vision of GW2 had changed in many areas, something ANet wanted to reflect).
Later, they’d re-introduce the reworked ABL’s, and put them on a rotation with the DBL’s.
Now, the rotation-system wasn’t possible from the get-go due to technical limitations with GW2’s engine(and network related frameworks), but from what I heard they’ve found a workaround, and plan to have that rotation system in place some way once the DBL’s make a comeback, which is leads to the next point, which is one of the few points that isn’t going according to ANet’s initial plans.
The DBL’s will be kept for a while longer to gather feedback with the new changes they plan starting with next week’s patch. But they will then be removed and reworked further, just as the ABL’s were.
They’ve also confirmed that instead of releasing WvW 2.0 in one huge batch, they’ll release it incrementally as soon as they have something ready.
This means:
1) The reworked rewards system will come, possibly even before or WITH the newly reworked ABL’s.
2) The changes you ask for in the DBL’s, I agree BUT we have to be honest here. The changes needed are at a hands-on, front-end level, not back-end programming level. Due to this, and the limitations of the server technology, they need to PULL the maps from LIVE in order to rework and update them, especially when it comes to major changes.
3) Been discussed above.
Alpine BLs are making a comeback. I consider that a win!
But, not for some time…
Yep, they said after the Spring Update.. hopefully this update will have some relevant changes that begin to lay the groundwork of WvW 2.0 and the return of ABL’s..
There was no promise or indication of content in this patch though from what I recall?
I agree we need less core systems and more content, but I wasn’t expecting anything until the summer. If we get even a boss overhaul next week, that is more than was previously indicated in terms of pve content additions.
I’ll agree with that, however, in the 7 months leading up to HoT they pulled all resources into it, which lead to a serious content draught. Now, it’s been another 6-7 months since HoT without any new content aside from raids… Like I said, I don’t foresee fixes and refinements keeping people playing for long, and that not only saddens me but worries me too. Been playing since launch, and to see the amount of content issued since launch until 2015, and how the resource management for HoT drastically changed the game, it’s worrying.
From the looks of it we’re getting Megadestroyer world boss revamp(I foresee JUMP PADS)…
Legendary shortbow…
Cliffside boss reskinned as Mallyx(Why??)
Ad Inifinium as a Glider…
Not entirely sure what to think.. The content draught in the lead-up to HoT was bad enough, but now there’s supposed to be content, there’s none.
I completely understand ANet is looking to fix and refine the current game but..
1) Wasn’t that Colin’s goal in the first 2-3 years? The implementation and refinement of core systems?
2) Fixes and refinements don’t keep interest in the game, and not me personally either, Except WvW, but not even a HINT at WvW in the teaser.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
Recently I’ve been reminiscing about this place, a sort of nostalgia really, and been feeling an itch to go there.. In particular, a vibrant field of lush green in Kessex Hills, with a quest about the ghost of a father and the things he wanted to tell his daughter before moving on(Anyone remember this? Not sure if it’s still in-game), only to later realise I can’t anymore.
There is still an event where you have to follow a man named Webb who is looking for his heirlooms, and along the way encounters the spirits of his daughter and his wife. Is that the event you’re referring to?
Yes that’s probably the one!! Thanks! It’s been so long since I did events/hearts in Kessex since the ToN updates.
When GW2’s base game became F2P, F2P players were officially directed to the GW2Guru forums provided by Curse, if they wished to post anything. That’s where the F2P Forum community is.
Officially? Do you have a source that ANet is directing people to guru?
(For what it’s worth, I stopped recommending people use guru if they want an alternative to the official forums; reddit has been by far and away more responsive and useful in my opinion.)
It’s on the front page. (Right-hand side.)
Well, I feel foolish. Thanks for posting. I’ve seen that note a gazillion times (and read it a few, too) and… I just never noticed the link to Curse. (And again, the /guildwars2 subreddit is so much more useful, I’m surprised that ANet would recommend Curse forums over Reddit.)
Seems someone beat me to it hehe!
I wouldn’t disagree that Reddit would be a better choice than Guru, and it is cetainly more active and more responsive, especially when it comes to ANet. I was simply looking to state the official word on it, that’s all.
With the amount of content given to us in the first 2 years(which I wouldn’t mind paying for portions of) versus the amount of content we got from the get-go in HoT I’d say No, we don’t need expansions.
Having said that, I also believe that what ANet released with HoT was never meant to be a traditional expansion, but rather a sort of re-sub period to the live version of GW2. Instead of paying every month and getting the content, it’s more of a bi-yearly sub price to keep up and get access to updates, which I’m okay with. The way it was marketed though, that’s a whole other discussion.
For launch, I have iconic memories of the intro leading up to fighting the elemental hands. At the time, it felt spectacular. Then seeing Divinitys Reach in it’s glory. Granted there is very little to do for such a large space, but it was breathtaking. And then being wowed by Shadow Behemoth.
I also remember walking through the ruins below the Black Citadel and remembering how amazing pre-Searing Ascalon was. Walking the path with the lamposts was eery in the way it brought flashbacks to the old game.
It’s difficult to recreate such “omg” moments and the same situations are sadly gone on replays with alts. Seeing Jormag and Shatterer for the first time was immensely cool. Almost no new boss generates that now. Maybe Mouth of Mordremoth.
Post-launch I have fond memories of them blowing up LA. Simply because it felt like a truly iconic moment in the game’s life. Seeing it in ruins, battling for its citizens – that was one of the best times for the game for me. Even after, the haunted feel and music of burned out LA was still a powerful image.
And of course seeing Glints Lair..
Of the battle for LA, besides entering Scarlet’s breachmaker, one of my FAVOURITE things was actually how the game set up the Vigil Base in Gendarren Fields as the “main” point for trade etc as LA was. Sure, Divinities Reach quickly became the main contender for the position, but the amount of people in the vigil base along with how things were set up really reaffirmed the pace for the whole theme.
Recently I’ve been reminiscing about this place, a sort of nostalgia really, and been feeling an itch to go there.. In particular, a vibrant field of lush green in Kessex Hills, with a quest about the ghost of a father and the things he wanted to tell his daughter before moving on(Anyone remember this? Not sure if it’s still in-game), only to later realise I can’t anymore(Yes, at first it took me a while to realise why I couldn’t find that specific place on the map). The culprit of this beautiful area disappearing: Scarlet.
Now, I walk through the present Kessex Hills remembering all that was, that came to be and pass, and how the present clearly shows what happened.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I think this was the perfect example of a Living World(Along with LA) and it’s scope of impact, and even though I wish I could return to it, I fully understand that it is not possible. The nature of this post lies more toward the fond memories of GW2’s launch(or, launch to Q2 2013). What are some of yours?
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
When GW2’s base game became F2P, F2P players were officially directed to the GW2Guru forums provided by Curse, if they wished to post anything. That’s where the F2P Forum community is.
So due to a recent situation with GW2, where my framerate seems to be capped at around 10FPS for some reason, I decided to uninstall/reinstall all graphics drivers. That didn’t work. I checked other games, and they’re all running fine. So now I decided to do a clean install of GW2, however, when I went to uninstall it, this is what happened(refer to the attached pic.) Of course, my internet is fine, as I’m typing this right now.
GW2 is currently unplayable for me and I don’t know what else to do. I’m quite tech-savvy so I’ll be uninstalling it through other methods, but wanted to know what others think may be the issue(s).
My PC isn’t high-end but I usually played it at 40FPS, no issues, until this last patch, capping me, as I mentioned above, at 10 FPS, rarely going up to 13, and an all-time low of 5FPS.
Also, I’ve tried both the 32 and 64bit clients. Same results.
I’ll probably submit a support ticket as well.
AMD Phenom II X4 355 BE 3.20ghz
AMD Radeon HD 5700 1GB dedicated VRAM
Edit: What you see on the pic only happens when I try to uninstall. If I start the launcher normally, it launches the game fine. I’ve also tried running a repair, but to no avail.
(edited by SigmaOfApeiron.8397)
This has actually been talked about before. A little research will get you to your answer. I can’t remember the source right now, but at launch there was an in-game option for VoiP ducking, that was latr removed because ANet made a point to not focus/support any sort of in-game VoiP options, be it normal options or even software of sorts. I think a reason for this is because the various 3rd party VoiP softwares out there actually bring communities closer and do a fine job at it, giving ANet the opportunity to focus on the game itself.
It wouldn’t be that far-fetched to see VoiP introduced with a Feature Pack in the future, but I’m not really fussed about it. Nowadays there are plenty of free, fully fledged 3rd party VoiP softwares with low CPU usage that work just fine.