Some of us just don’t like Mario-style platformers. Is there something wrong with being a gamer who has preferences for other types of games? I think not.
I will most likely not be participating in this Living Story, because I have a strong dislike of platformers and minigames, but I’m happy for my friends who enjoy the SAB. It won’t last for long, so I’m not complaining…much.
Yes many of my friends enjoy and are very good at JP’s. I wouldn’t expect to spoil their fun at all. I just think it’s a shame that certain rewards are made unavailable for those that don’t enjoy JP’s.
I have done infantile mode, think l failed even that at the end, then couldn’t be bothered repeating it. Had a friend who portaled me through a couple of the others, though what’s the point really. It’s a hassle for them.
Actually l have done some JP’s on my own, and sure, since beta, l have improved. I just don’t enjoy them, in fact it’s painful. If anyone has vertigo in RL, then you’ll know in a virtual environment, it doesn’t improve much.
Avoided Fotm for a long time because of it too and near quit then because of exclusive rewards through relics only available there. I’ve read threads about ‘oh if you don’t like it, dont play it’, and I agree to a point. I could join the majority of my Gw1 friends who’ve already quit, however not all Gw2 sucks and there’s aspects of the game l still enjoy, and people l enjoy playing with too.
In fact see this thread, it’s really enheartening to see so many people respond with encouraging posts. Thanks to you all.
The cat looks like the korean model straight from Aion….but honestly, why all these useless repeat Queen Jennahs….just got another today on ranger.
Have to wonder whose great idea that was…..honestly…… -.-
It would be nice if we could transmute them in the Mystic Forge for the better ones…
When the game first came out, there were massive chain zergs in Orr. Since Anet nerfed the T6 mat drops, it’s a graveyard for bots on Kaineng.
Best l can suggest is try guesting to a busy server during prime US hours.
Good luck with that, it’s a bucket of money in Anet’s pocket. It would be a concession if they’d allow some kind of exchange with all those useless basic transmutation stones though.
Yeah seriously lol…I’ve been opening mine *facepalm
Daily reward again on level 80…another basic transmutation stone. >.<
With 8 lvl 80’s l have close to two stacks of them. I’ve kept hoping Anet might decide to allow some kind of trade or ability to transmute/exchange for lvl 80 transmutation stones. It would be nice….
At least stop giving the useless things to lvl 80’s…please??
Really? Four account bound Queen Jennahs so far…….
All l want is my Gw1 rabbit and Kunnavang! Can l swap?
Although l’d often get double ups of minis for birthday presents in Gw1, at least they were tradeable….. >.<
While it should provide rewards and much fun for those with vertical prowess, some of us just simply fail dismally at JP’s. Now Anet wants to rub salt in the wound and bring in round two of SAB for more frustration and impossible rewards. Yaay…not.
The wallet was a well overdue addition however the placement of the wallet + button at bottom right of Inventory was not. Graphically the positioning looks correct, however it is too close to the expansion hotspot for inventory panel.
As such, it’s often activated accidentally.
It’s a small issue yet annoying. Perhaps at some stage it could be moved to left of gem or gold count.
I have been waiting all day for MT Maelstrom what is up with it not showing up a whole day. I looked at the link for zones and it has not showed up for a long time.!/history
Thanks for posting the link mjasa. There’s 3 days at least where Fireheart Rise has not appeared in list and other times would be at unsuitable times AEST.
Anyway, 9/13 still (not 12/13) after Mt Malstrom failed and didn’t update. Was there with 29 min remaining so plenty of time.
The event has to be bugged at least for some. The drops are good, otherwise, just so frustrating and insanely boring….zzzzzzz
Enough mindless hours of grinding!
As others have said, I also have a RL and GW does not rule it.
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Kaineng, 12/13 for almost a week. On most days AEST, not seen Fireheart Rise pop once. The time it takes to complete the meta event is too long as it is.
Correction: 9/13
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
On Kaineng, l’ve been waiting almost a week for Fireheart Rise to complete ‘Friend of Fire and Frost’. It’s odd as l’ve seen other maps here repeatedly. Even repeats on the same day, or days of repeats.
Correction: Fireheart Rise was on a few days back according to a friend, however he couldn’t get in there as it was full.
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
It’s difficult to believe anyone would have a disposable income that wouldn’t be better used elsewhere, to buy gathering tools for multiple characters.
With lvl80’s of all profs that l play regularly it has not been reasonable to buy sets for all of them, yet l would haveconsidered one set, should in some distant far flung fantasy Anet decided to change them to account bound. Yet if this thread is any indication then it seems like it’s back to merch picks…..
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Perhaps l’m a little confused, does each daily achievement count towards ‘Gnash all the Blades’ or does it have to be 5/5 to count for one point toward GatB?
I’ve just completed 2/5 daily achievements and still 0/1.
I have used the ‘rep button’ and Gnashblade symbol is active.
Khisanth, thanks for taking the time to SS the ‘manual bump override’.
It seems l wasn’t very clear in post, most likely due to being delayed by hours running around trying to complete Bazaar of Four Winds achievements for home instance crystal node.
Tried posting in this thread:
An Error Prevented Saving:
Bump Warning: You are bumping a topic whose last post was seven days ago. Please select the manual override below if you still wish to post this.
I have no idea where the ‘manual over-ride’ is, nore have time to spend looking for it as l have to go away on an important career trip. I have work l should be finalising instead of messing around with this frustrating game as l’m not sure if it will still be available when l return.
I’m on 15/16 achievements for Bazaar of the Four Winds.
The rock patterns are still bugged.
No pattern on left of face.
Tried a few configurations of right pattern for an hour then ran out of time.
Between the dungeon bugging and the website bugging out, l’ve wasted two hours, enough time to have done my dailies and finalise work to take on trip.
So freaking annoying.
Already missed last achievement for Southsun tentacle backpack because of another interstate trip…….
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Yup, confirmed. Botting is rife in Cursed and Malchors.
When selling items on Trading Post, please consider making
a] A ‘confirm sale’ dialogue for default selection of: ‘Meet highest bidder’
b] Change default selection to: ‘Match lowest seller’ instead of ‘Meet highest bidder’.
c] An option to ‘Repurchase item’
Perhaps there is some way already, if so l’d love to know. While in areas where one is likely to be attacked by respawns it can happen easily enough. I just accidentally sold another gold item this way for half the listing price….. -.-
Thanks for the info Regina and fixing that so we can complete our storyline.
Without going through 34 pages in this thread I fully second most of these suggestions. Where are our GUILD halls!
As for Point.2: On another character today in Wayfarer Hills before going into MF.
Right click on armour/weaps in inventory – No ‘Sell at Trading Post’ option again.
After MF in Hoelbrak, right click option working. Perhaps an intermittent bug.
They’re account bound just like the regular ones.
It’s been explained by a dev somewhere on this forum, they are simply different from ones obtained through Daily Quests, hence they don’t stack with them: the ammount of karma provided in this case is scaled according to your character’s level, instead of being fixed at 4.500.
Ok so it’s not a bug, though they should still stack and have a different icon than the regular jugs.
It seems Anet needs to do something to stop the Guild server poaching. It happened to SBI when transfers were still free, now Guilds from T1 have poached the best of Kaineng and what remains is in tatters aside from a handful of brave commanders.
It’s unlikely they will do anything about the imbalance though as it’s money in their coffers.
What l noticed recently is that while prior to ‘Paid Transfers’, many servers had population listings as ‘High’, now all servers are ‘Very High’. Since server transfer costs are based on ‘Server population’ it seemed odd. ‘Curiouser and curiouser’ cried Alice!
Anyway, nice post Chipsy!
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
I was told that one of the problems with this is that the cap is not calculated evenly between servers. It is a definite problem.
Also, as l’ve posted before, it’s not only the number of players, it’s all the weapon/skill animations. Anet needs to provide an option to reduce this as they have with armours. However that won’t please many with their shiny legendaries….
1. Unable to stack Jugs of Liquid Karma in bank.
2. Unable to right click ‘Sell on Trading Post’ armour and weapons.
Have to place items in bank, change characters then can sell.
Food and ore seem to work.
Shame Anet doesn’t bother to READ this thread, or the previous ones that have been posted about the same issue for months now.
Shame Anet doesn’t READ support tickets about it either until the third reply.
- deleted expletives
Best advise is to look up the ‘Lost and Found’ Guide on
Finally managed to finish mine last night while doing ‘Secret Contact’.
Be prepared to spend a couple of hours checking every location on the maps.
There’s close up pictures too.
Also, just fyi, every new build/patch, resets the positions of the dirt/snow covered objects.
Like many quests/SP etc, it works off and on. They fix it, apply a new patch to fix something else and it breaks again.
It seems a simple thing yet has caused so much angst for people unable to complete mapping. I have 8 lvl80’s so l know how many times it’s been bugged. I was just in forums to make a ‘Bugged since last patch’ thread when l saw this one.
While Gw2 has so many beautiful elements both storywise and graphically, that l so love, it just seems that the game was rushed to release with the programming suffering and as such there have been these kind of problems all along. I don’t envy the programmers jobs at Anet. It must be very stressful attempting to work with base code that keeps breaking while being pushed to develop new content.
And yes, l was running another char through Diessa last night and discovered it broken again along with another player. So yes, once again, Diessa map completion stuck on the same SP.
It was a cute idea, flying cows, but it hasn’t worked. Why doesn’t Anet change it till they have time to fix it properly.
And still, on every server l’ve guested.
I have the same problem stuck on 5/6. Even with Dulfy’s guide l’ve spent hours running around Diessa & Wayfarer looking for that one piece. All l’ve found ‘have been returned to owner’. It seems the one l’m missing is at tower at Butcher’s Block yet it’s the one piece I never see spawned….
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Anchorage still bugged after patch today.
The baroness can be killed if you have about 10 players….otherwise it’s impossible and most people can’t be bothered helping. Taken months to get that SP on a couple of chars. Eventually got it guesting on SOS.
Heard you can ninja it, didn’t work for me though as there’s a mob right on it. Did manage to ninja Eye SP today on mesmer though while uncontested.
+1 too. I’ve already put 3 points into Mercenary’s bane assuming it was any enemy…. Is it too much to expect some descriptions please Anet.
Ok, after further digging through Gw2 wiki and then finally an answer on Reddit:
On further investigation, on the wiki link at top of Reddit page, if you scroll down far enough there is another link ‘mercenaries’ which leads to another page with explanation…Seems very convoluted….
It’s all fine and dandy if you play Wvw on ONE char everyday. I play Wvw on at least 4 characters………I’ll post this now before l say repeat what the person on Reddit said….. >:|
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
They fix some things and others are broken in the process. Been the same since release.
The March 26th patch changes to Wvw with the removal of culling and options for character rendering have had some interesting side effects, some positive, some not yet they have not done much to reduce lag especially in big battles.
While requested before, it is surprising that a similar option was not added for reduction of skill animation effects for Wvw and Pve large events.
On numerous occasions in Wvw over the past few days people are still unable to activate skills or have long delays making the battles a joke.
During certain battles in close confines such as EB SM or Hills it is at times actually impossible to see what is going on and all one can do is follow cmdr icon in map.
Aion had similar issues with skill animations and added a number of options to reduce their display because of the same problems in large Abyss battles. Anet would be well served to look into such options which would also help to reduce server lag.
Even in Cursed Shores today people were complaining about lag during normal events and dying because of it.
-Temple of Melandru
TC – Legendary killed, no acolytes appeared, no boss spider, no chest
Update: SOS – Event chain completed.
Perhaps an intermittent bug if not consistent across servers.
- Anchorage Waypoint event chain bugged for months. Guested and talked to Guildies on numerous servers.
- Champion Risen Baroness impossible to kill for SP. Tried numerous servers on two characters to get that SP. Done it before on other characters.
- Buffed Grenth event now near impossible without a complete zerg and wont take light armor class there. Most people are not even bothering with Temple events during Oceanic hours even on supposed Oceanic servers in Cursed, Malchors or Straits.
- Promenade of the Gods is also always contested.
So sick of thick leather sections from heavy bags and hard straps l don’t even waste salvage kits on them anymore. They’re worthless merch materials and end up with literally near 100’s of them per day. Usually use basic salvage kits, yet sometimes fine even journeyman’s salvage kits yet makes no difference.
Gossamer salvage rates are also terrible. Silk scraps are near as worthless as thick leather sections.
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Dialogue boxes for © choices such as open/activate/etc overlap with portal entre choices.
Still wonder why IU is not customisable as in Gw1.
Agreed, must be an oversight.
I recently used my replacement kit after it was supposed to be fixed. The body glow seems to work, but the hair end glow that was in beta still seems not to be fixed. Also the eye colour that l selected on makeover does not appear the same as the preview window.
In this thread Anet has asked people to put in support tickets and l guess l will be resubmitting another too.
Yes same, just finished Cof Path1, accepted reward and chest (only blue junk as usual). Pressed ‘exit’ dungeon and crash. Five minutes later when l could log back in no reward from Dungeon and in fact a Potent Potion of Flame Legion Slaying which l used a good 15min before end of dungeon is still in inventory. It is reasonable to expect some compensation to players.
I’ve submitted a support request yet that will just go to NcSoft support so no joy to be expected there for wasted time. Happy Good Friday from Anet huh….
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Haha yeah off for a week too.
Actually l find the choice for dailies has made it a little more interesting and generally they can be done very fast. It’s about all l logon for now along with a little wvw and occasional Fotm when l get dragged in the hated place. I do wish that there were other ways to gain ascended pieces as although l’m totally against gear progression there seems to be no avoiding it now…….Actually while Guildies get excited about the ascended and legendary grinds and gold sinks, it personally has the opposite effect. That’s ok too, for me RL comes first and that is much more exciting, challenging, creative and productive.
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
With all professions at 80, I tend to agree with Syphen, my ranger has insane dps and reasonable survivability. Guardian needs a heal set before l’ll take her in and axe war is not geared yet as it was my last to 80 when l realised wammo is the way to go. At least until Anet balance professions. Shame about engi, l made mine after the class was nerfed yet there’s so much potential and still great in certain situations for Aoe dmg.
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
I have two characters parked in Orr for close to a month. Every night and some days AEST l logon to them in Cursed to see if anything has changed. On weekends l’ve tried during US hours too, same, constantly contested.
Last week a friend and I went to IoJ, tonight in frustration l went to SoS, both supposedly an Oceanic servers. Everything contested. Talking with Guild members on other servers confirmed the same on their servers also.
In LA just before l logged out, someone was asking for help in Straits for Balthazar, so l took one of my chars there. No one around, all temples and most WP contested there too.
There used to be enough people even on SBI running the chain events, now compared to early days, it’s dead.
Anchorage WP still broken so no WP to get to the south end of Cursed or to Grenth in time for events even IF there were enough players to complete them.
After the patch that was ‘supposed’ to ‘fix’ Orr, Lyssa was uncontested for about 3 days in Malchor, since then when l’ve been in the zone, it is also contested.
Really tired of it. I just logon to do dailies, some Wvw, farm some ore in Cursed however now am taking a break. It’s become too frustrating to bother.
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Appreciate reading the useful comments in this thread. Yes, perhaps a shorter cooldown would have been a better solution.
It would be interesting to know what criteria Anet does use for dungeon testing.
- Are testers all level 80 in exotics?
- Or are they say, for AC all lvl 30 in greens/blues since it IS a lvl30 dungeon.
- Are they all employees of Anet.
- Do they have prior knowledge of the dungeon mechanics?
- How long does it take them to complete.
I’d be very curious to know more about those statistics.
As for the one line trolls, thanks for the laugh, no need to say more….
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Kaineng again today at Fire Elemental. No chest. That will be the THIRD time this week.
Suggestions would be:
1. Limit world event chests per character across all servers to avoid the guest exploiting for world events that is currently happening. Seems sensible, perhaps this exploit was an oversight?
2. Limit chest drops to characters from home servers. This would also minimise the recent lag issues at world events.
(edited by Siliconmana.3816)
Thanks for your reply
-Elementals only pop when their respective temple is captured
Oh ok, didn’t realise that. They’ve always been up before.
-You’re an AUS player transfering to a US server, so more than likely you are playing when all the NA players are sleeping
All oceanic servers were/are full. Guilds, inc. Aus guild were on Stormbluff Isle till recent transfer of Wvw guild to Kaineng. Even so, Orr events were still often running AEST times with enough players to complete them.
-Anchorage WP is almost always contested on all servers due to bugged damage of some mobs that keeps failing the pre-event
Ah yes, noticed that was bugged just yesterday. Tried 2 manning it a couple of days ago and failed though we are both experienced players.
Guesting to oceanic servers seems the only available option now.
There has been some rather odd mob thinning for eg: Malchor’s Pyrite Peninsula now has no stone elementals. They were never that hard to kill anyway.
Yet as an Australian player recently moved to Kaineng attempting to map Orr on a number of characters AEST evenings, the waypoints are continually contested.
Last night I guested to SoS to try find a group to do Grenth, another event with insane changes. Yet it was over an hour and one failed run before there were enough people to complete it without going into problems of increased difficulty of the event and certain other mobs particularly in Cursed.
Right now at 1.20am AEST again, all waypoints are contested except for one in Straits, oddly enough 3 (tho Lyss is never contested) in Malchors, all but top two in Cursed. In fact now it seems Anchorage WP is always contested making getting enough people together to do Grenth even more difficult. So over it…
Yes l made a post about this too including screenshot yet now cannot find it due to it being moved.
After Jourmag a few days ago people were dying everywhere from the change. The AOE is insane. I didn’t read anything about changes to event in patch notes though may have missed it.
Did it again though yesterday and didn’t seem as bad though it’s worth considering that at certain times of night it is impossible to complete many events as there are not enough players online particularly in Orr.
After Anet said in last patch they’d fixed dragon chest spawn bug, twice in the last week on my home server l’ve missed chests yet have participated in the whole main event.